CSO - November 2019

Page 27

and Chevron focused on helping

this philosophy has yielded modern

refiners produce high-quality transpor-

load transfer systems, reusable pallets

tation fuels. “The portfolio under this

and onshore modularization – an

initiative helps our customers maximise

increasingly important factor in location

every barrel of crude oil into higher-val-

selection for new plants, refineries and

ue products,” says Lowman. “That

the like. “We also have a digital twin,

means minimising waste and maximis-

GeminiXD, which enables customers

ing a limited resource.”

to reduce waste by offering a single

These efforts to mitigate the

source of truth,” Lowman says. “It has

environmental impacts of its projects

a nickname, Design Twin, and it consists

are ingrained in a sustainable design

of a software suite that provides 3D

philosophy implemented at every level,

design and modelling capabilities.

cutting emissions without negatively

It integrates inflight, outfield data from

affecting the bottom line. Internally,

different sources and it pulls all that


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