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37 . J . A . RANSOIIOFF and I . SPIEWAI, in Development of Hydrogen-Oxygen Recombiners, USAEC Report ORNL-1583, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oct . 22, 1953 . (p . 40) 38 . P . H . HARLEY, High-pressure Recombination Loop Progress Report, USAEC Report CF-57-1-90, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Jan . 4, 1957 . 39 . J . A . RANS0LI0FF and I . SPIEWAK, in Development of Hydrogen-Oxygen Recombiners, 1 1,TS Report ORNL-1583, Oct . 22, 1953 . (pp . 48-56) 40 . 1 . K . N AMBA, Natural Circulation Recombiner Report, USAEC Report CF-56-9-27, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sept . 10, 1956 . 41 . P . H . HARLEY, High-pressure Recombination Loop Progress Report, USAEC Report CF-57-1-90, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Jan . 4, 1957 . 42 . T . W . LELAND, Design of Charcoal rl dsorbers for the HRT, USAEC Report CF-55-9-12, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sept . 6, 1955 . 43 . L . B . ANDERSON, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1955 . Unpublished . 44 . 3 . S . CuLVi :R and C . B . GRAHAM, High-pressure Diaphragm Pumps for Reactors, in Safety Features of Nuclear Reactors ; Selected Papers from the 1st Nuclear Engineering Science Congress, December 12-16, 1955, Cleveland, Ohio .

New York : Pergamon Press, 1957 . (pp . 225-230) 45 . C . H . GABBARD, Diaphragm Feed Pumps for Homogeneous Reactors, 4th Engineering and Science Conference, Held in Chicago, Illinois, March 17-21, 1958 . (Preprint 74) 46 . R . BLUMBERG et al ., Diaphragm Feed Pump Development Program Progress Report, USAEC Report CF-56-10-114, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oct . 29, 1956 . 47 . Ohio State University, Union Carbide Nuclear Company, Contract No . 81X-44934 . 48 . A . M . BILLINGS, Control Valves for the Homogeneous Reactor Test, 4th Nuclear Engineering and Science Conference, Held in Chicago, Illinois, March 17-21, 1958 . (Preprint 149) 49 . A . M . BILLINGS, Life Tests of Stem-sealing Bellows for HRT Valves, USAEC Report CF-58-3-39, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Mar . 17, 1958 . 50 . 1) . S . TOOMB et al., in Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report for the Period Ending Jan . 31, 1957, USAEC Report ORNL-2272, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Apr . 22, 1957 . (p . 34) 51 . B . A . HANNAFORD, IIRT Sampler Development, USAEC Report CF-571-87, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Jan . 22, 1957 . 52 . R . VAN WVINKLI., Fuel Let-down Heat Exchanger, USAEC Report CF-549-143, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sept . 20, 1954 . 53 . C . D . ZERBY, Design of Smoothly Flowing Gas and Liquid Mixtures, L`SAEC Report CF-51-10-130, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oct . 11, 1951 . 54 . D . S . Too aB et al ., in homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending Apr . 30, 1956, USAEC Report ORNL-2096, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 10, 1956 . (p . 32) 55 . D . S . TOOMB et al ., in Homogeneous Reactor Project Quarterly Progress Report for Period Ending July 31, 1956, USAEC Report ORNL-2148(Del .), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oct . 3, 1956 . (p . 67)

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