Miza Galeri 2012 - 2016

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simply as a nothing and for which we don’t even care, become a thing with an essence – that they actually have. With this work Jonuzi tries to draw our attention and remind us to of a thing that, as many other things, is at best just a common thing, while at worst we erase it from our memory; meanwhile the truth – that is related to us – is not at all so (as proved by the data at the top of this article), moreover when it comes to living things around us, with each of them constituting an indispensable link in the chain of beings that form and shape (because it has a role) what we call Nature. The artist therefore doesn’t hesitate to deal with the fly, even though this could be surprising to many that would ironically ask: What? Is there any art in the fly? All this is due to many of us having an increasingly deteriorating relation with Nature, or with the Whole – obviously because we have worsened the report with our self. We live in an era of discovering the finest details about certain animals or natural phenomena (that to our ancestors were totally inconceivable), but in exchange of loss of (exactly) visualization and meditation, which would allow us marveling what surrounds us as a Whole in harmony, not fragmented, as we have learned from the experts and supporters of fragmentation, among whom the most important ones are the Isaac Newton and Adam Smith. To the question of what art can give to man, in the case of installation of Rafet Jonuzi, we have the answer: It remembers to man what he has forgotten - because man is a being that (especially) forgets; and when forgetfulness goes to the point that ostracizes his relationship with the chain of beings, which we are part of and above all we have a role to play in, then art is displayed as a sign on the path – thus, not the path itself. Edison Çeraj September, 2013

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