I am one Thousand - Enablis Annual report 2010

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Review of activities 2010






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expansion to Latin America

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member survey results










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This year enablis nablis celebra celebraTes iTs sevenTh year anniversary and we’re very proud ThaT ha our effor haT efforTs now reach over half a million household members across africa. our mission is To drive meaningful economic developmenT and be The leader in empowering individual enTrepreneurs in The developing world, in parTnership wiTh governmenT and The he priva privaTe secTor. our vision is To be The benchmark for susTainable T Tainable enTerprise developmenT iniTiaT ia ives. iaT



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iNcReasiNG ReveNue

empoweRiNG people

moRe iNNovatioNs

GeNeRatiNG jobs

impRoviNG kNowledGe

ecoNomic developmeNt

GRowiNG busiNesses

New paRtNeRships

Our 1,OOO MeMberS have generated Over 8,5OO jObS and aLMOSt 11O,OOO Ind rect jObS, reduc ng pOverty n aLMOSt 65O,OOO hOuSehOLdS acrOSS afr ca. IMag ne the Mpact 2,OOO Or 5,OOO Or1O,OOO MeMberS wOuLd have. Inf nIte pOSSIb LItIeS. empowering people p.04


Dear Enablis Stakeholders, This year, Enablis celebrates remarkable results in driving economic development and empowering entrepreneurs. The Enablis Entrepreneurial Network grew by 47% to 1,094 entrepreneur members in fiscal 2010, marking the seventh year of rapid and geographical growth. Our footprint in Africa now includes chapters in South Africa, mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda and Ghana. As we move into 2011, we will look to further growth in Africa and expansion into Latin America. This year’s annual independent survey of Enablis entrepreneurs confirmed that members had collectively created 4,187 full- and part-time jobs, for a total of nine new jobs, on average, for each member. Since 2005, when the survey was first commissioned, Enablis members have created 8,555 full- and part-time jobs across Africa. Using a socio-economic impact multiplier, it is estimated that another 644,736 household members benefited from both the direct and indirect jobs created.

Last year was another challenging year for our members. The world economy, and particularly Africa, was still recovering from the previous year. Nevertheless, Enablis members continued to improve their business skills and grow their businesses, many of them benefiting from the numerous networking opportunities offered throughout the year. in South Africa alone, over 80 events allowed members to learn new skills or simply exchange business cards following lively discussions and debate Since from one of our many excellent guest speakers. the launch of Enablis in 2004, there are 1,094 Enablis entrepreneurs networking and learning together from 12 network nodes located in South, East and west Africa. This past year, we welcomed our 1,000th member, mr. Ranson Lema, from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and founder of Anointed Handicraft Enterprises. mr. Lema exemplifies the quality of entrepreneurs who subscribe to Enablis values and the diversity of member During businesses that populate the Enablis network. fiscal 2010, 13 transactions totalling US$2.8 million since 2005 to Enablis members were approved in South Africa and Kenya. This brings the total approved funding since inception to US$13.4 million for For fiscal 2010, The return to investors 88 entrepreneurs. on the vintage 2004 expansion fund, Enablis Khula Loan Trust, was 3.6%, down from 9.8% last year. The Enablis Loan Fund in East Africa was awaiting its first disbursements at fiscal year-end. The combined default rate for our expansion and start-up funds in South Africa stood at 11.15%, which was in line last year with comparable financial intermediaries. A total of US$552,000 in loans were repaid in full. Enablis launched a number of new partnerships last year including Chase Bank in Kenya, National microCredit Bank in Tanzania and UT Bank in Ghana. we were also awarded large grants from our global founding and Africa partners Accenture, Telesystem and microsoft. Their support has allowed us to continue growing the network in Africa and shortly to Latin America. The Enablis Foundation also announced plans to launch an “Adopt an Entrepreneur” campaign in fiscal 2010. This will provide Enablis entrepreneurs with support from individual donors wanting to make a direct contribution to member success. Our approach to Enablis Circles is also changing. The main objective of the Enablis Centre of Excellence for fiscal 2010 was to formalise, streamline and implement the Enablis Circles programme across Africa within a framework of excellence. The major accomplishment for the programme was the development of a tool that allows the Enablis Circles facilitators of each chapter to meet on a quarterly basis to share their successes and challenges, and to improve implementation in each Enablis continues to conduct its independent annual region. surveys to measure impact throughout the network. Last year’s survey highlighted the importance of networking to our entrepreneurs and the value of member-to-member contacts, which resulted in 1,964 new business contacts over the last 12 months. This is an average of four new contacts per member. Peer referrals at Enablis events, Enablis Circle

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meetings or through the GENiE member portal are another way the Enablis network is improving the sustainability of member in Kenya, 88% of the members surveyed businesses. felt that they had improved their knowledge and business skills since joining Enablis. Similarly, in South Africa, 78% of members felt that The Enablis Enablis had improved their business skills. Entrepreneurial Network is contributing to stimulating innovation and job creation through its yearly Enablis Business LaunchPad Competition, an initiative Enablis hosts in many countries around the African continent together with international and local partners. The Enablis Business LaunchPad Competition in South Africa, Kenya and shortly in Ghana attracts a large number of business plans and is the biggest such competition in Africa. A business plan is the core of any business and one of the Enablis LaunchPad’s objectives is to promote proper business plan writing skills. in South Africa alone last year, the Enablis LaunchPad Competition reached more than 19 million individuals through its media exposure. There were 6,655 registered applicants and 2,505 business plan entries submitted. winners were awarded cash prizes, financing for their business, products and services, and most importantly national Enablis South recognition through media partnerships. Africa is proud to announce this year that it has achieved a Level 3 BEE rating AND it scored 25 out of 25 for its work in enterprise development under the South African Black Economic Empowerment codes of good practice. This is a very significant accreditation for the South African region, confirming its role and leadership in its entrepreneur in terms of Enablis’ geographic development activities. expansion last year, Enablis launched its first west Africa Enablis House last October in Accra, Ghana, thanks to the support of microsoft. At that event, we welcomed 28 founding member entrepreneurs

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into the network. membership continues to grow and stood at 52 entrepreneurs at the end of the fiscal year. in march, Enablis launched our newest chapter in Kigali, Rwanda, where six members Tony Oteng-Gyasi was elected to the were accredited. position of Chairperson of Enablis Ghana. Also joining the new board of Enablis Ghana were Prince Kofi Amoabeng, Dr. ishmael Yamson, Hennie Loubser and Shika Acolatse. Ali mufuruki was elected to the position of vice-Chairperson of Enablis East Africa. Thomas Hansen, who had served as a director of Enablis South Africa and East Africa, was elected to the Enablis Global board. New directors joining Enablis boards were Setlakalane malepo in South Africa, Les Baillie in East Africa and John Hunkin in Canada. we thank departing directors and welcome new As we closed out fiscal 2010, Paul Lamontagne was ones. appointed Chief Executive Officer of Enablis Global. Sally moodley has been appointed to the position of Chief Executive Officer, Enablis Africa Region. Charles Sirois will continue in his role of Global Chairperson and lead the Enablis Canada Foundation’s newly launched international Our staff members are tireless mentoring programme. in their support of Enablis entrepreneurs. Special thanks to all our colleagues and member leaders in Cape Town, Upington, Johannesburg, Durban, Nelspruit, Bloemfontein, maputo, Dar es Salaam, Nairobi, Kisumu, Kigali, Accra and montreal for contributing to the success of the Enablis network.

Paul Lamontagne Chief Executive Officer Enablis Entrepreneurial Network Cape Town, South Africa

Charles Sirois Global Founder and Chairperson, Enablis Entrepreneurial Network montreal, Canada

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Charles Sirois (Chair), Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, Telesystem Ltd.

Paul Lamontagne, Chief Executive Officer, Enablis Global




7 . 9 Frederick AsAre AAmoAh mwAjumA AbdAllAh edith Abong nAjmA AbrAhAms mArk Ackers shikA AcolAtse ProsPer AdAmAley delAli koFi AdAyi lemmy Adebule george Adero blAnche Adeyemi FrAnciscA Adusei AgyemAn susAn AidA irene Akoth yAwAze AnnAbellA AblA Akwetey connie Alego wAlied Allie nisAAr Ally sArAh ntiwAAh AmAnkwAAh AntheA chAntol Ambursley mohAmmed AkhtAr Ameer Felix Amenyo FAutinA Amevor Antony Amisi sherAAn Amod stePhen AnAndA cAroline AndAhi Amoyo Andibo mArk Andrew kevin Andrews vincent AngAtiA shAne Annesley wilson AnyirA kenneth APPiAh nimo dArryl AquAdro nicholAs bisjoe Arthur noAh AsAngA twAlib AssengA billy kwAdzo Assor sAlome AtubukhA Florence AumA lilliAn AumA omondi PAulo AveleirA bruno gogi Awino jAckline AworAh humPhrey AyimdArke FAizAl mAhomed Ayob mustAPhA bAboo rAFiq bAderoen kgAbo bAdimo brAdley bAiley michAel mzwAnele bAkAjAnA cArel Fritz bAllAck tebogo giFt bAloyi donAld kigAli bAnd nerinA bAnwAri michAel bArnes robert bArrowmAn midiki mArtinA bAth Peter bAziwe crAig beAumont lumkA bebulA nAnA yAw berchie victor bergmAn timothy beukes ntokozo biyelA briAn blAck debrA blAke wAlther blersch FrAnk boAmPongdAnso gAbriel boAtengAPPiAh shArron boccorh edwin bogoPA isAAc bohulu hezekiAh bosire tom stuArt bothA cAtherine bowen denis brAndjes sonjA breet wendy burridge thAbAng butelezi FeliciA buthelezi chArles butiko yAndAni buwA wAlter cAss sAlim cAssim lindA cele douglAs chAchA sAlly-Ann chAlmers hermino chAngule wendy chAtterton mAry chege jimmy chen ednA chePngeno kiPkirui cheruiyot AdriAn chetty tineyi chigunduru kAgisho choAne sthembiso chonco clinton christiAns lesibA chuene mArius coetzee PhiliP coetzer bArry cohen gerry comninos shukri cornelius PAtriciA leA costA AlistAir crouch Andrew cuPido tony dA silvA zuzette dA silvA hAji dAchi hAssinA hAssim dAdA zAmir dAdA hArshArAn dAdiAhlA sAmAnthA dAn Abednego dArko mirAndA dAyArAm genevieve de FreitAs ivor de kock devin de vries jAco de wet sAviour deikumAh roeloF delPort dsg develoPer kgAti khutjo diAz milton diemo eFuA dimAdo zAmAni diniso keAbetswe dire

Since 2006, Enablis members surveyed have created an average of 7.9 jobs per member. These 7.9 jobs have in turn generated 112,289 more jobs.

shAmsA diwAni suleimAn diwAni chArles dlAmini joshuA dlAmini thembA dlAmini PriscillA dlilAngA hlengiwe dludlu elsAbe donovAn

ettiene du Plessis burger (christiAAn) du toit dArryl du toit johAnnes dubA thAndo dube jennet lilly-girl dukAdA Pinky dumA velile mitchell dyubeni christoPher edeh eric edelstein bArbrA essie egbunA desiree elhers crAig ellis elize ellis

gloudine els FArid essAck rAshAAd essoP ivAn FAught FernAndA elizAbete mAtos FAzendA michAel Feldner idA Fibi mArgArethe Fikkert denzil Fillis jAmes FreemAntle AidAh gAchAnjA dorcAs muthoni gAchAri wAnjA w. gAchogu ziPPorAh gAchuche simon gAchui godFrey gAchungA rAvi gAjjAr leenie gAkwA john gAlAne sulAimAn gAlAnt mzAmo PAul gAmA AboobAker gArdA sAmwel gAthoni mAcjohn gerAldo lyndA gibson ruguru gichuki sijenyi sAmmy gikAndi kAgwAnjA ceciliA gitAhi king'ori gitAhi clement gitongA mirriAm goeiemAn riAnA goeiemAn Amoroso gombe mohini goPAul zAk gordon clive govender seelAn govender sugen govender thilomi govender crAig grAdidge grAnt grAy lucille greeFF AlAn green njAbu griFFiths zAndrA gruinow john guAntAi duncAn edwArd omondi gumbA siPhAmAndlA gumbi emmAnuel kwAtiAh gyAmPoh, jnr killiAn hAgemAn steven hAll greg hAll-jones jAmii hAmlin thomAs hAnsen mArk williAm hAnson zimezonke hArdy (hlAtshwAyo) dAvid hArley josePh trevor hArPer iAin hArris morris hArris stePh hArtung john hAule jAcqui heersink Arnold hendricks jessicA henrich louis-PhiliPPe hentcho simon hePburn robert herbert jed hewson jennet higgins stAnley hlAtshwAyo muhle hlongwAne jAke hoddinott crAig holmes zAinAb hoti Andy howArd kelly howcroFt chArles hsuAn clArA ibihyA buibwA ibrAhim enAblis inFo micheAl ingutA ringo iringo AvenA jAcklin brendAn jAcklin rinA jAckson lucy sAibo jAcob lydiA jAcob kAthleen jAcobs zAnoxolo jAcobs Peter jAcoPs FAiroz jAFFer tim jAmes kAgisho jAnsen mthobeli jAnuAry dAvid jArvis lesley jones PAul dAvid jules ernest jurA soPhie k chege wAngAri kAbiru Ann kAbue tAusi kAijAge lucy kAiru xoliswA kAkAnA nomFundo kAkAzA chArles kAlAmA dennis gichunge kAluAi john kennedy kAmAliki cAtherine kAmAu jennie kAmAu emmAnuel kAnAgisA sAnette kAPP Andrew kArAnjA jAcqueline kArAnjA sAmuelowen kArAu jAne kAriithi jAmes kAriuki wAshington kAriuki joe kAriuki ngigi eddie kArtun Anne kArugutu roy kAruthiru glAdys kAthungu jAne kAtugA AlidA keet mlindi kgAmedi moretlo kgothule lehlohonolo johnie

kgwAdi mumtAz khAn mduduzi khAnye nkosinAthi khozA thAndAnAni mduduzi khozA winnie khozA winnie nthAbiseng

khozA goodness dudu khumAlo sAneliso lucky khumAlo tiro khumAlo willus midAs khumAlo zwelibAnzi mkhululi khumAlo dAvid kiAniA AngelA kibebe lisA kibutu zosh kihl dAvid kimAni joe kimAni lizA kimbo

hAwA kimolo stePhen kimotho Amos kingori wAmAthAi teresiA kinoru cAroline kinross Angelo kinyuA reuben kiPruto

bryAn mAiden jAne mAiguA Peter mAiguA bilhA mAinA esther mAinA ivy wAmbui mAinA PAtrick mAinA rox-Anne mAistry

mArthA mAkyAo ntsie mAlAo Peter mAlAtsi thAbo mAlebAdi mAboku jAcob mAlekA tebogo mAlekutu AdAm mAlete myburgh mAlherbe cAroline mAlindA muiA mAlindA zeruliA mAneno Abel mAngAnyi sebego mAngoenyAne Alex mAnn george mAmAFA dishon kirimA mAnthAtA kAAri kitAwi chumisA gAvin kleinsmith mAnyAmAlAlA henk kleynhAns kArAbo mAnye christoPher koAtAle AlAn mAnyezA mercy koech lindA mAnyezA dirk koekemoer mishAck mAxwell mAnzini Percy kokong bonFAse mAore nAomi-elise konditikivuvAni tobiAs mAPesi cArole muregA kenny mArclA koome mAPheto dAniel korir musA chArlton mAPhongwAne irene nAAmele korsAh olgA mAPhuthA dominic kosen glendA mArk henry kosgey eric christoPher mAseko AgricolA kossey job mAsekoA mArthinus kotze lebogAng mAsenyA Frieder kruPs sindy mAseti zAndile kubekA timothy mAshego mFAnholi Petros (jAbulAni) kubhekA lethAbo mAshike cordeliA kunAkA khomotso mAshilAne milton kunAkA cAroline mAsikA lAwrence kunene moses mooketsi "bruno" mAsike thulAni kunene john mAthenge judy w. kungu kAgiri george kusilA tsiu mAthibedi hildA kwAmbokA PAul njoroge mAthu gisembA nkePile sinA nicholAs kwAshie mAthulwe vordzogbe struben mAthumbu tAriq lAbhAdur kgwerAno isAAc kAmAlchAnd lAldAs mAtibhe zukiswA lAli AnnA mAtinde lesley lAmbie ngwAnA mAtloA crAig lAmont gizelle mAtolA wAyne lAmont ellen mAtshelisho nomAtAmsAnqA lAngA luntu mAtsilizA Peter lAnyA mArc mAtthews stePhen lArkin ruby mAubert sAlim lAtib regomoditswe mulAbA lAureAn mAvimbelA gilliAn lAwrence velAPhi cAiPhAs herbert lAzArus mAvuso monique le riche wendy hlAmAlAni mAyimele AllA le roux ncebA mAzAmisA sehlAbAkA lebinA jAmes mAzhAndu diPuo lebusho jimmy mAzibuko michAel lee mAndisA mbAthA venessA lees mAndlA mbAthA gordon lekAkeny zuzA mbAthA thoPe lekAu mAwelA mbelengwA ntAndoyenkosi s.P. lekhuleni Peter mbiyu lebAuss lemA sylvAnce mbohA rAnson lemA robert mbuguA tsAkAne leseA Peter mbuli rAymond lesei joshuA mburu lerAto letebele moses mburu govern lethAe Peter mburu moeketsi letsoso steve mbuthiA ying liAng PAul mbuvi Alice limo mArk mbwAyo Andre linde nontwenhle mchunu leon livesey thobekile mchunu dAvid nigel ntAndoyenkosi lockwood mdluli jAnnie le roux louw welcome mdluli trevor loxton grAce mdoe ben sAmson lubelo oscAr mdunge elizAbeth luhoyo christoPher meAgher leon lukAs gilliAn meiring sAnjeev lutchmAn jAmes melliAr bAFAnA lwAndle zwelAkhe mePhA helen lyAruu mAuro mercuri PerPetuA lyochi yolAndA methvin diAnA m.gitibA john robert molemo mAbAPA mgwAmbe PAtrick mAbAso Andrew mhlAngA gugulethu mAbele jAcquAline mhlAngA humberto mAbote sithembiso mhlungu tsePo mAbusA jAneth mhondo mAxi-lee mAchAdo dickson mhoro jAcqueline mAchAkA victoriA micheni hAnnington mAgdAlene michon mAchAnule yosi kwigAyA mitto lAilA mAchAriA thAndo mjebezA trAcie mAckie(huismAn) dumisAni mjojo michAel Andile khAnyisA mkAzA mAdAngAtyA lelethu mkeFA siyAbongA mAdolo stAn mkhAbele joyce mAdonselA mdelwA dAniel sAlum mAdowekA mkhAtshwA mAc mAdulA vusumuzi mkhonzA bongAni mAdumAne mlungisi mkhungo sAmkele mAdunA mAmothebA mlAlAzi Felicity kuki zAmA mlomo mAFokosho thAbo mncube njumbAne rob mPho mnguni mAgAgulA sAndile mnisi jAbulile moAgi tebogo modisAne mosidi modise rogret mogAne itumeleng mogorosi lebogAng mogotsi AbdulkAdir Felix mAgAnjilA kgoAle mAjA mohAmmed nicodemus mAgere lwAndisA mAjAli judAs mohAtlA lynn mAggott dAle mAkenA mAmsy mokAte unAthi mAgubeni Phindile cindy dorothy mokhAnoi rAjesh mAhAbAl mAkhAnyA monAPule sAmuel Avesh mAhAbeer nhlAnhlA Peron mokhutswAne mAkhAye kekeletso mAhAPA sAmuel mokoAne lAwrence mAkheyA AkileshwAr (Akil) dunston mokwAleni mAhArAj sAmuel mAkhongele mokoenA rAvin mAhArAj minAh mAkhoro thAPelo mokoenA kiiru mAhiAini joel morAre mAkitlA moses mokone mbongeni george desmond mAkondo PhAswA mokone mAhlAngu lerAto mAkume reFiloe mokonyAne thulisile mAhlAngu Agnes mAkumi rodney bAhenyi steve mAhoPo mokoto moky mAkurA niclAs mAhumAne noko mokwele lindi mAkwAkwA busisiwe mAhuzA motselisi "tshidi"

moleFe shAdrAck moleFe mArks moleme sello moloAntoA shAdrAck moloi boitumelo kwenA che moloko mAsedi molosiwA

mArtyn moseki lebonA moshAnyAnA jAck mosheou mAtshidiso moshodi mAnAledi cynthiA moshoeshoe kAgiso mosoAng lerAng mosweu

victor mzimelA jAnet nAidoo loshni nAidoo rAvindren nAidoo selvAnAthAn (jeFFrey ) nAidoo shevon nAir cAssim nAkkoodA

Ayoob motA Freddy motAu sello josiAh motAu jAne mothA thAbo edwArd motloung stePhen motseki Phemelo motshumi mAndlAkAzi motsoAledi leAnyA jAcob mPhAtswe lucky mPilA eric mPoFu mAth mPoFu sAid hussein mPondomoko elihAikA mremA hAmisi mrutA resPicius mshAngAki juel nyembezi msimAngo Alex mthimkulu gciniwe gcinAni mtobA miziyonke mtshAli sAndile bArnArd mtshiki xolAni mtshizAnA bedA mtuku susAn mtwAnguo sizwe mtwetwe joe muburi hArun muchichu joy muchinA theuri muchiri Anne mudAnyA siAgilA josePh muemA cAtherine mugAi dAniel muguko remmy muhAngo Florence muikebe doreen muiruri mbirA mukomA dAvies mulAni victor mulAni hermien mulder AbrAhAm mulindA FArAh-nAAz muller briAn mulligAn riAn mulligAn cArA mullin stePhen mulombA sherley mulongo hAnnAh mumbi irene kAlondu mumo duncAn mungAi mAgesA munnA AlAn munro FrAncescA munyi shAlom munyiri mutuku munywoki evA murAyA muthAmA musAu louisA mushi FAusiA mussAgy isAAc musuyA cArol musyokA julius musyoki dereck mutAgwAbA diAnA muthee gitibA wilFred muthigA FAith wAnjiru muthito dennis muthokA lAi muthokA shillA muthoni thuo hAnitA muthrAy PAul muthui moses muthuki mwAngi hellen mutigA AthAnAs mutiso mAthekA PAul mutuku shiidA mutuku siyAbongA mvulA jAmes mwAi simon mwAijAnde gAbriel mwAiPoPo edwArd mwAkio ellen thAndekA mwAle michAel mwAndA john mwAngAkAlA cAtherine mwAngi cecilliA mwAngi chArles mwAngi edwArd mwAngi ePhrAim mwAngi eric mwAngi

lucAs moloto thAbo molwele Fikile monene hArry monks thAbiso monyAtsi AndrinA moodley AnushA moodley rAymond moodley sheilA moodley thivAsh moodley sydwell moono jeshurun moonsAmy dAvid morAles leigh morum douglAs moruri jAne mosebi

michAel mwAngi njeri mwAngi Peter mwAngi richArd mwAngi jomo mwAnjokolo rehemA mwAtebA cArol mwAurA cynthiA mwei josePh mwemA wAnjohi timothy mwendA sAmwel mwenesi dennis mweu FrAncis mwimAzi jorAm mwinAmo hoPe mwinzi jAnet mwobobiA

PAuline nAku diliPkumAr nArAn PAul nAthAn Ashley nAude lizl nAude Adil nchAbeleng vusumsi ndAbeni mAureen ndedA sAmmy ndegwA josePh w nderitu moses nderitu stellA ndiho bAnele ndinisA sylvester gAthu ndirAngo jAmes mwAngi ndiritu

AyAndA ndlovu nqobile richArd ndlovu siFiso ndlovu siPho ndlovu lungile ndokweni stePhen kimAni ndongA robert ndungu bAndile ndzishe jAnine nel muvhAngo netshitAngAni tetteh nettey muiruri ngAngA grishon ng'An'gA zolAni ngAnge cleoPhAce ng'AtigwA buyAni ngcobo eugene sihle ngcobo lindo ngcobo tAmArA ngcukA tulekA ngcukAnA mercy ngeno segeni ngethe judith ngonellA guy williAm ngosi PAtrick ngotho joel sihle ngubAne mburu ngugi christine nguku onesimo ngumbelA lindiwe ngwenyA mAPhindi ngwenyA nikiwe ngwenyA nomsA ngwenyA victoriA nomsA ngwenyA hotAi nhlAPo motshwAnetse nhlAPo sAmuel nikoi vAnessA nixon dAniel njAgA jAmes kAriuki njAgi jAmes njeri jAmes njinju esther njoroge mAthew njugunA njoroge njugunA nyokAbi njugunA williAm njugunA stePhen njuki ngAri PAul njung'e dumisAni nkAlA mArtin nkAri victor nkomo Andrew didi nkosi christoPher nkosi connie nkosi muzikAyise nkosi sAbelo nkosi thAbiso nkosi vusi nkosi wAlter nkunA richArd nkuthA hAwA nnekA kArAbo noinyAne jAson nolAn chArmAine nolte shurooh noordien buyisile mAureen nqubAne nAndiPhA ntekele lichAbA nthethe mPhAgA ntlAtleng michAel ntomo busisiwe ntuli nyAmburA nugikinuthiA sydney nxumAlo dAniel nyAgA muchiri nyAgA lAmeck tAbu nyAgudi jAbu mAriA nyAmbi hlubikAzi nyAmende PhilliP nyAmwAyA mArgAreth nyAndA micheAl nyArkoAmPem PAul nyAthore mongAmeli nyembe stePhen nyumbA emmAnuel kombe nzAi ntombizodwA elizAbeth nzAmA gustAv oberholzer Phelix obuyA gervAs ochieng odongo collins noel ochieng olAng geoFFrey o'connell robert odero kAserA miriAm odhiAmbo shem odhiAmbo ochieng lemmy odongo duncAn oduor george oFunjA jude ogullA mArtin ohAny kAnyi ohAwA john okAdo edwArd okelo owino betty okero FrAnkline okiiry diAnA okine PAul okongo jAmes okong'o isAiAh okoth AwurAbenA okrAh dAniel oduor okumu kArynA okwAro millicent olAl muchilwA nAthAniel olAmiju Angelique oliveirA george oliver sAmAnthA olivier thAbo olivier cAroline oloo Ambrose olwA chArles onyAngo omollo gilbert omondi kennedy omondi Fred omollo ondiAlo mAry onyAngo ezekiel ooko cAtherine oosterwyk

vernon oPenshAw PAul oPon tutu stellA oPondo john oroko emmAnuel otieno mAureen otieno victor owele victor owino Awino

Peter owiti elizAbeth PAdmore Piet PAPier jose PArdo nAlAndren PAtchiAPPen selvAn PAther roy PAtterson esther Pelele dAvid Pender kAPiA Pierre Petersen sAlwA Petersen tshediso PhAhlAne mohAu Pheko nkAnyiso PhilliP

dorcAs Phosisi vincent Anthony Pietersen nondumiso PikAshe devAgren PillAy mAx junior Pimemtel chArlotte Pitout chArlotte Poku-

ceciliA sithole mArtin sithole mzwAndile sithole PAtrick sithole mAtthew slAven FrAncois smit minette smit AlFred smith

stuArt stoddArt PAul storry vAldemiro jAmAl sultAne octAviAn sumbA trevor sumner gregory sutu AdriAAn swAnePoel Anton swAnevelder kAmillA swArt ivy syovAtA AttilA szAbo Pussen tAbengwA michAel tAggArt tebogo dAniel AkubiA tAlAne nicolette PomboPeneloPe tAlbotvAn zyl kelly doctor Poto guy tAsker bryAn christoPher AngelA tAylor Poulter kevin teddy jAnine Pretorius AikA teri robin Prieschl rene testA vuyisA qAbAkA moses mAyenzAnA josePh selorm qAlA tettey PiliswA qAmAtA beAtrice thAiru gAnto qAngule PriyA thAkoor stePhen quAye PAlmer thAmbu richArd quoto PAPi-PAPi thetele rAPelAng rAbAnA zAmokwAkhe chere rAbotAPi thethwAyo mPilo rAdebe jAmes thrush nomAlizwe rAdebe mngenelwA Amos lAureen rAFtoPlus thubAne yusuF rAjAh virginiA thuku botshelo rAkAte sAmmy thuo rAchel rAkosA symon thuo reAtile rAlePedi desmond thwAlA Andrew rAmokoPeloA AdisA tinorgAh tumelo rAmutloA Phethile tlou lonwAbo rAni thozAmA tongo luvuyo rAni Peter townshend Andrew rAnjA Frederik jAcobus vincent rAPAndo johAnnes truter Aswindine modystAr chArles kwAme rAsivhetshele tsAkPo tAkAlAni rAthiyAyA mmushi tsebe mArk louis rAy nyosi tshAbAlAlA mulweli rebelo bAdAmile mArgAret tAku reck tshAbAngu Peter redilinghuys kAbelo tsimAtsimA cedric rigney nthuseng tsoeu josePh mungAi kAtleho tsoku robert beA tsolA iAn roberts cAroline tuju bruce robinson hugh robinson mPhuthumi tuntulwAnA iAn rogAly hellen tusiime christine roos gugulethu twAlA elizAbeth (liezel) roux njAbulo twAlA rory roux vincent urbAin rebeccA nAmetso wAldo vAn der linde ruiters Amiene vAn der consolAtA rwegAsirA merwe christoPher glodinA corneliA rwezAulA vAn der merwe glory sAilA rAlene vAn der yusuF sAlejee merwe sibongile sAmbo neliA vAn deventer sosthenes sAmbuA johAn vAn niekerk lAngA sAngoni mArius vAn niekerk good-lAck sAunders morne vAn oordt mArinA scheFFers nicole vAn rooyen rolAnd schilder rostAngue vAn lubA schotter rooyen wessel A. schumyn Arend vAn wielligh nAthAniel sebolAi vernon venter ernest sello AgAthA verdAdero sedingwe rose vervenne wAlindAh seemA luís vicente unA seery zAwAdi visrAm briAn segAl chris visser APollo segAwA estelle visser PertuniA sehlAko wendy vivienne oyier mPo sehoto vernon viviers AlexAnder sekAbe moses seleke venetiA volkwyn molAtelo selePe xolile vundlA jenny sellArs eunice w kiruti mAry semPAmbo chege wAchirA nilkAlmAl shehAn etienne wAgener senevirAtne lui wAgude virginiA serAkwAne FAith muthoni rosAline serem wAgurA mAtildA serwodo evelyne wAhome bonginkosi rosemAry wAirimu shAbAngu mbogo sthe shAbAngu mAurice wAkA sunnyboy shAbAngu tony gAthecA Feroz shAh wAmbugu sunjAy shAh wAmbui wAmburu grAnt shAkoAne PriscA wAndui veronicA kojAng josePhine wAngeci shAle Alice wAngombe cAtherine shArdlow immAculAte wAnjAlA Freddie shAvA dennis kibuthu innocent shAyo wAnjAu chArlotte shellAr nyAmburA wAnyeki nolundi shezi Anne wAnyoike mervyn shinners sAm wAnyoike xolAni shologu dAvid wAtAko seAn shomAng conrAd wAtolA mAndlA cedric cAtherine wAweru shongwe AntheA webber siPho shongwe colin weinstein moritz wellensiek Peter were AchAr rose weru PAul wetukhA AndrinA wildemAn Pierre willemse bAsil williAms kAi snyders thAbo iAn shongwe elAnA-mArie snymAn ericA wilson juliA shungube susAn wokAbi clAire shuttlewoth joAnne soAP robert wylde joe soAPs Anne siAgilA mAndlenkosi mudAnyA kevin sommerville muzwAndile nthAbi sibAndA mAxwell colin xAbA sotondoshe Fikile sibiyA nomvuyo xAliPhi reinhArdt siegruhn chArles southwood PrAisegod xhAkAzA yiorgos sPAnoudis Primrose siFundzA lAwrence yAwA kAthleen leAnne dAvid o. sijenyi ridwAnA yusuFsPencer richArd sillo joomA susAn stAnField siPho simelAni mPumelelo ziyAne Peter stAnsby hellen sinyAngwe gregory zuccArini gAry steckoll chArles sirois ceciliA zungu PAtriciA sterling mAriFlow siso eric mAlungisA Adri stockton hernendez zwAne

Africa has a huge store of unearthed entrepreneurs who, when provided with the opportunity to grow their businesses, become a motivated force for empowering themselves and their economies. Moreover, 60% of Sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is derived from SMEs. Entrepreneurs are the backbone of developing economies. Despite the global recession, 61% of Enablis members reported an increase in revenue turnover in 2009. In addition, 88% of the entrepreneurs surveyed felt that they had improved their knowledge and business skills as a result of their engagement in the Enablis network. Overall satisfaction with Enablis was rated 3.5 out of 5 by respondents, with 93% giving Enablis a 3 or higher score out of 5. P










Review of activities / Scorecard P. 14-15 a l l data i s f r o m 2 0 1 0






Number of chapters






% of members who are women


287 7 40%






As defined by South Africa BEE charter as individuals who did not have equal opportunities in the past, including black people, women and disabled people.

% of members who are previously disadvantaged individuals









(excluding Enablis Circles group meetings)

Number of networking events throughout the year



32,437 4,368

99.7M 14,681










Number of Enablis Circles groups

1,453 480



268 8.3M


540K 2005










Review of activities

Enablis Financial Corporation’s (EFC) fifth full year of operations featured moderate growth, given the downturn in the economy. The investment team reviewed 32 investment opportunities coming from both the pipeline of entrepreneurs registered in the Enablis network in South Africa, as well as the pipeline created Last by the successful FNB Enablis Business LaunchPad Competition. year, 14 transactions totalling ZAR 20.1 million in financing to Enablis members were approved by our two investment committees in South Africa. This brings the total approved transactions since inception in late 2004 to ZAR 99.6 million The trustees of the Enablis Khula Loan Fund for 86 entrepreneurs. approved three transactions last year, totalling ZAR 4.9 million. This has resulted in 44 financings to date. Eight financings have been fully repaid. There were three loan defaults last year, totalling ZAR 976,000. The return to investors for fiscal 2010 The trustees of the Khula Enablis SME Accelafter all costs was 3.56%. eration Fund approved 11 transactions last year, totalling ZAR 15.2 million. Since inception in December 2006, 49 applications from Enablis members have been approved. Provisions were made against five investments totalling ZAR 7.1 million last year, and there were two exits totalling ZAR 2.8 million. The combined default rate of both funds stood at 11.2% for the year, up from 3.9% the previous one.

Monthly post-investment sessions were held with all entrepreneurs to ensure the appropriate monitoring and follow-up assistance were provided. Entrepreneurs are required to provide updated management accounts and revised revenue forecasts, and be able to discuss significant changes to the business. Where significant variations are discovered, remedial plans are put in place to bring things back on course. EFC has the possibility of accessing the Enablis network programmes to do so. EFC is licensed in South Africa by the Financial Services Board (FSB) to provide the financing requirements to the Enablis Entrepreneurial EFC is committed Network.

to filling the critical financing gap for entrepreneurs who are unable to find risk capital between the micro-credit and venture capital thresholds. By applying a similar approach to community-based microfinance institutions and linking locally and globally with Enablis’ varied partnerships, EFC is able to better

understand the unique requirements of entrepreneurs in developing countries and to successfully provide them with creative financing solutions. in East Africa, Enablis East Africa (Enablis) and Chase Bank (K) Ltd. (Chase Bank) launched their unique loan programme under which Enablis entrepreneurs will be able to access loans from Chase Bank with Enablis providing a guarantee that will allow the bank to consider the entrepreneurs’ funding applications favourably. The loan programme extends up to a KES 200 million loan facility to Kenyan entrepreneurs. Our first two loans to Enablis entrepreneur members in Kenya were approved during the year, totalling KES 7.2 million. We are in the process of structuring the Enablis SME Africa fund. This new fund will invest in new Enablis country funds. This will allow us to substantially shorten the time required to launch a fund in a new country going forward. We expect an initial closing in 2011.

Review of activities


99.6 fOR million

86 entrepreneurs.*

* t o ta l a p p r o v e d t r a n s a c t i o n s i n s o u t h a f r i c a s i n c e 2 0 0 5

E n a b l i s

F i n a n c i a l

P .

c o r p o r a t i o n

1 6

E n a b l i s

F i n a n c i a l

P .

c o r p o r a t i o n

1 7







contributions from the Government of canada




contributions from Microsoft



contributions from Accenture foundation



Sponsorship Income





4 , 599 , 909

4 , 510, 378

Other donors and contribution of rendered services

Expenses Staffing and travel



corporate and professional services



Office and other expenses



Services and marketing



contributions for the Enablis Khula Loan fund



contribution to the Enablis East Africa Trust



4 , 500 , 875

4 , 494 , 791

99 , 034


15 , 587 *All figures are in Canadian dollars

Financial inFormation HigHligHts


enablis wishes to acknowledge the contribution of KpMG in south africa, Kenya, Ghana and canada as the organisation’s external auditors.

consolidated statement of operations for enablis entrepreneurial network, enablis foundation canada, enablis entrepreneurial network south africa, enablis entrepreneurial network east africa, and enablis entrepreneurial network Ghana.











20 million people reached with marketing material and messages

869,293 web hits

6,655 registered

“thEsE PARTICIPANTS can bEcomE thE nEw lEading commErcial and social ENTREPRENEuRS oF thE FuturE.” In fiscal 2010, Enablis continued the growth of its Business Launchpad, a yearly business plan competition hosted by Enablis 2,505 business plans and its international and local partners. were submitted

The goal of the Business Launchpad is to promote entrepreneur­ ship by creating opportunities for entrepreneurs to develop and implement quality business plans. The aim is to develop an African platform to seek entrepreneurs with the best potential and with the most innovative ideas; these entrepreneurs can become the new and leading commercial and social entrepreneurs of the future. In fiscal 2010, the South African competition reached more than 19.5 million people through its media exposure, provid­ ing sponsors with media coverage independently valued at ZAR 5.3 million. There were 6,655 registered applicants and at the close of the competition, 2,505 business plan entries submitted. Nineteen winners were selected from this, represen­ ting businesses in 10 different categories. The competition winners are being considered for potential funding and have been inducted as members of the Enablis Entrepreneurial Network.


East Africa presented the choraBizna Enablis Launchpad in partnership with the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Youth Enterprise Development fund, Safaricom, Business Daily, Hewlett Packard, Trafford Trading company, PostBank and Microsoft East Africa. There were 869,293 hits on the Launchpad website. Media coverage included eight editorial articles, 16 advertisements, 53 radio classifieds and 60,000 brochures and handbooks distributed. The Enablis team held business plan workshops in 16 towns with 1,950 entrepreneurs attending. A total of 884 business plans were submitted from nine provinces for judging, of which 300 were shortlisted in round 1. In round 2, 100 finalists presented live to judging panels; 78% of finalists were male and 22% female, with 76% of businesses new and 24% existing businesses. Twenty participants were declared winners in the following categories and they received cash and in-kind prizes, as well as an Enablis membership.

60,000 brochures

(1) Green / Ecological (2) Tourism and Ecotourism (3) Sport, Leisure and Recreation (4) fine Arts and Performing Arts (5) Agri-business and Agri-processing (6) Business and Professional Services (7) Manufacturing and construction (8) Media, Marketing and communication (9) Transport and Logistics (10) IcT (11) Youth Employment creation (12) Breaking New Ground.




total market exposure for this competition

radio classifieds


bs jo e bs im jo -t pa rt me 2 a i t p 35 obs te j 2, 352 par m i , t s ca 2 52 rtjob ri ca 2,3 2 pa ime 5 Af fri ca 3 t-t , r a 2 i p h A r bs a 52 e jo utth Af ric 2,3 -tim part SSoouuthh Af rica 2 5 3 SSooutth Af rica 2, ime jobs Soouuth Af ca 2,352 part-t S uth Afri So South Africa 2,352 part-time jobs So h Af Souut rica 2,35 S 2 part-t ou t h A f ime jobs SSooutth Af rica 2, S 352 h r u ica Soou th A part -tim 2,3 utth A fric e jo 52 h A fri a 2 bs par ,35 t-t Af fri ca 2 p ime ri ca 2, a j 3 o r ca 2 52 bs t-t , ime 2, 352 par tj 35 o pa bs ti 2 me rt pa -t jo rt im bs e -t jo im bs e jo bs







ti s job 0 arte 9 p m 7 0 t-ti 79 0 par jobs a y ime en ya 79 part-t K en 90 s lilsis K enya 7 time job b K aabblis enya 790 partn na K E Ennnaablis Kenya 790 part-time jobs Enablis E b EEE n li s a n K naabblis enya 79 0 part-ti blilis KKeny me jobs s K e a 79 n 0 part en ya 7 -tim ya 90 e job pa s rtt ime pa rtjob tim s ej ob s



j me ti





me j


e jo

t-ti m

Enablis Kenya 790 part-time jobs E na EEE nnnaabbllis Keny i a s a b 7 9 b lilsis KKenya 0 part-time jo bs K eny 790 p e a a r n t time ya 790 jobs pa r

bs jo e m -ti bs o ll ej fu im 9 l -t 18 ul bs a 9f e jo ny 18 l -tim Ke nya ful lis Ke 189 e jobs abblis Kenya full -tim EEnnaablis a 189 n s Keny E Enabli Kenya 189 full -time jobs Enablis

bs jo e m -ti bs o ll ej fu im 9 l -t 18 ul bs a 9f e jo ny 18 l -tim Ke nya ful lis Ke 189 e jobs abblis Kenya full -tim EEnnaablis a 189 n s Keny E Enabli Kenya 189 full-time jobs Enablis EEnnablis K EEnnaablis enya 189 fu ll -time abblis Keny jobs a 18 lis Ke 9 n f K u ll -ti en ya 1 me 89 ya job fu s 18 ll t 9 im fu ej l ob s


l -t im

jo bs





ar t



im e



s ob ej s tim job 1 s rt- me 14 41 pa rt-ti e job 1 1 a m obs 14 p t-ti ia 141 par -time j t s r an ia 41 b nzzannia 1 41 pa -time jo Taannza nia 1 1 part bs liiss TTaannzzaania 11441 part-time jo abbbllliiss T Ta zania b a b blliiss Tannzania 141 part-time jobs Ennnnabl a Ta is E En E EE Ta nzania 141 part-time job nnnnaabbliiss T T l a b a s a aannzania 14 bbbllililisisissT T s TT aannzzaannia 1411 part-time jobs a z i p a nnzzaanniaa1141 p art-time jobs ar a i 4 a 1 n 1 i pa t-time 4 a 1 jobs pa rt-ti p rt- me a rt- time jobs ti jo m e j bs ob s

Enablis Tanzania 141 part-time jobs E EEE blis T nnnnanna ni Taan aaababbbbbllliliisss T nzza a a 141 part-time jobs l 1 4 ilsiissTTTaaannzzanniia 1 T n a a 1 part-time jo a 4 n z 1 a bs nznzaaniaia 141 part-ti me a n 1 p i n ia a 41 pa art-tim jobs e jo p rtt pa art-t ime j bs obs rt- im ti e j m e j obs ob s

Enablis Kenya 189 full-time jobs EEnnablis K EEnnaablis enya 189 fu ll -time abblis Keny jobs a 18 lis Ke 9 fu Ke nya ll -ti 18 ny m e jo 9f a bs ul 18 l -t 9 im fu e job ll -ti s m e jo bs

e tim



s job 0 arte 9 p m 7 0 t-ti 79 0 par jobs a y ime en ya 79 part-t K en 90 s lilsis K enya 7 time job b K aabblis enya 790 partn na K E Ennablis Kenya 790 part-time jobs Enablis

bs jo 7 bs 18 o , j 4 7 s d ,18 e t ob 4 j a 7 e cr eated 4,18 s d cr job d e 7 e t y 8 ve eyed crea ed 4,1 r jobs u rv yed eat 7 s 8 1 rs su ve d cr d 4, bbeerss surrveye d create 7 jobs 8 1 , m r u 4 e s eem be rs rvey created M beers su rveyed eem M s m bbers su M d 4,187 job te M a eem e r c d e m M y e Members surv M Members created 4,187 jobs Members ssurveyed M u e r v m M e y e b d created 4,18 Meemb ers sur M 7 jobs MM emmbeerrs su veyed cr e eated emmbber s su rvey 4,187 be ers s su rvey ed crea jobs rs su rv ed t e su rv eyed crea d 4,187 rv eye cr ted jobs ey d 4,18 eat c ed re ed 7 jo 4,1 bs cr ate 87 ea d ted 4,1 job s 8 7j 4, ob 18 s 7 jo bs

bs jo 7 s 18 ob j 4, 87 s ted 4,1 job 7 ea cr ated 4,18 s job d ed re ey d c ate ,187 rv ye cre d 4 jobs su rve yed eate 187 rs su ve d cr d 4, beers sur veye create 7 jobs emmb ers sur eyed d 4,18 M e mbbers surv d create M Meem beerrss surveye created 4,187 jobs m M e d M mb Meem bers surveye M Members M ember surveyed created 4,187 jobs M m M b erss surveyed created 4,18 M eem M 7 jobs MM eem bers survey eemmbbers surv ed crea t e e e m d 4 ,187 jo bbe rs surv yed c e bs rsrs susurv eyed reated cr 4, s r ey 1 e 8 u a 7 t r ve ed jobs e v ey yed creat d 4,1 8 e c e 7 r d d j obs 4 cr eate ,18 e d a 7 t 4 job e , d 1 s 87 4 j , ob 18 s 7 jo bs

8 =6 bs jo 8 e =6 m bs ti jo lle u im 68 af l-t ni bs = ul za e jo af tim an zani l l t n fu 68 lis ta nia e jobs= abblis tanza ll-tim EEnnaablis tanzania fu n s E Enabli tanzania full-time jobs=68 Enablis EEnabli EEnnnaabliss tanzania fu ll-tim abblis tanz e jobs ani lis ta =68 a fu ta nza ll-t n ime nz ia f an job ul l-t s= 6 ia im 8 fu e lljo ti bs m = 68 e jo bs =6 8

South Africa

South africa full-time jobs = 647 So uth africa fu S ou ll-time jobs africa SSoouutth = 647 ha full S f o S u o So u tthh afrriica ful -time jobs S l -tim Soouutth afr ca f = 647 e jo ut thh aafr ica f ull-t bs = h a fri ica ull ime 647 af fri ca fu -tim job l s = ri ca fu l-t e ca fu ll- im job 64 7 s = fu ll- tim e j 64 ll- ti e ob 7 ti me jo s = b m 64 e job s = 7 jo 64 s b = 7 s 6 4 = 7 6 4 7

7 4 6 7 = 4 6 bs = 7 jo s 64 e ob = j s 47 m b e ti o = 6 j 7 ll- tim e bs 64 fu ll- tim e jo s = ca fu lb ri ca ful l-tim e jo 647 l s = m af ri a job h af fric a fu ll-ti 7 4 ut th a fric a fu -time s = 6 SSooouutthh aafricca full time job 7 i u S SSoouutthh affrrica full ime jobs = 64 Soouth a ica full-t fr S a th s = 647 u job o S South africa full-time Sou th africa full-time job s = 647 SSouth a fr o ic u SSooutth afri a full-time job s = 647 SSo uthh afr ca ful SSooouuutth aafriica ful l-time jo bs = ut thh a fri ca fu l-tim 647 c f e l h a a l r j obs af fri ica full -tim = 6 e r c f j i 47 o ca a fuull- tim b fu ll- tim e jo s = 6 47 l l- tim e j bs = ob ti 64 m e s 7 e job = 64 s jo = 7 b s 6 4 7

Enablis tanzania full-time jobs=68 EEnabli EEnnnaabliss tanzania fu ll-tim abblis tanz e jobs ani lis ta =68 a fu ta nza ll-t ime nz nia fu an job lls ia =6 tim fu 8 e lljo ti bs m = 68 e jo bs =6 8




s job i tr -t ime obs 1 pa t-t e j 14 41 par t-tim jobs r 1 e ia 141 pa -tim s an niaa 1411 part time job z a ni 14 artn z s Taaannzzaaniaia 141 p art-time job aannzannia 141 p llilisiss TT T bs b jo s anza 141 part-time nnaaaabbbbbllliiiisss T T Tanzania 141 part-time jobs Ena n bl Tanzania E Enablis


7 4 6 7 = 4 6 s 7 b = jo bs 64 = 7 e o m e j bs 64 o = ti j 7 ll- tim e obs 64 fu ll- tim e j s = 7 ob ca fu ll- im 64 e j ri ca fu l-t s = af fri ca ul tim 7 job h a fri ca f ull- me = 64 ut thh a fri ca f ll-ti e jobs 47 im Soouut h a fri a fu t S o s = 6 u b h a ric ull-t S Sooutth aaffrica f ull-time jo S SSoou uth frica f bs = 647 full-time jo outh a S South africa




South Africa 2,352 part-time jobs Sout h Af SSoouuth Af rica 2,352 part-t ime jobs SSou th A rica 2, 3 5 2 SSooouutthh A frica part -tim 2,3 utth A fric e jo 52 a h A fr bs pa r t Af fri ica 2,35 -ti 2 p me ri ca 2, art job ca 2 352 s , t i me 2, 352 par tjob 3 p t s

s job 2 352 pa me i , t ca 2 52 rtobs ri ca 2,3 2 pa e j tim 5 Af fri ca 3 t h A ri a 2, 52 par jobs utth Af ric ime 2,3 rt-t a p SSoouuthh Af rica 52 SSooutth Af rica 2,3 ime jobs Soouuth Af ca 2,352 part-t S uth Afri So ,3







e im

8 =6 bs jo e 68 = m bs ti jo lle fu 8 im -t ia =6 l s ul an job f ia nz me l-ti ta nzan ful 68 lis ta nia e jobs= abblis tanza ll-tim EEnnaablis tanzania fu n s E Enabli tanzania full-time jobs=68 Enablis

j me


t ar






bs jo 7 s 18 ob j 4, 87 s ted 4,1 job 7 ea cr ated 4,18 s job d ed re ey d c ate ,187 rv ye cre d 4 jobs su rve yed eate 187 rs su ve d cr d 4, beers sur veye create 7 jobs emmb ers sur eyed d 4,18 M e mbbers surv d create M Meem beerrss surveye created 4,187 jobs m M e d M mb Meem bers surveye M Members M ember surveyed created 4,187 jobs M m M b erss surveyed created 4,18 M eem M 7 jobs MM eem bers survey eemmbbers surv ed creat e e e m d 4 , 187 jo bbe rs surv yed c e bs rsrs susurv eyed reated cr 4,1 s r ey e 8 u a 7 te r ve ed jobs v ey yed creat d 4,1 8 e c e 7 r d d j obs 4 cr eate ,18 e d a 7 t 4 job e , d 1 s 87 4 j , ob 18 s 7





e im

jo bs






page 27

member surveys results

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member surveys results


Enablis’ independent annual member survey is one of the most important tools for the organisation to reflect on its achievements and to develop and improve the model in the best interests of its members and its donors. This year’s survey was conducted for the second time in Kenya, for the first time in Tanzania, and for the fifth year running in South Africa. It once again demonstrated that Enablis is delivering its mandate to provide good quality programming and support for entrepreneurs. The fiscal year 2010 survey was completed in November 2009. There were 127 members surveyed in East Africa and 326 in South Africa, representing a sample of 453 out of a total membership of 844 at the time the interviews were conducted. Overall, the members surveyed created 4,187 jobs over the year, which is nine jobs, on average, per member. Members in South Africa created 647 full-time jobs and 2,352 part-time jobs, while in Kenya, members created 189 full-time jobs and 790 part-time jobs. In Tanzania, with only 31 members surveyed, they collectively created 68 full-time jobs and 141 part-time jobs, an average of 5 jobs per member. The numbers reflected are for one year only.

member surveys results

A. Particularly noteworthy is that in Kenya, members under 35 years of age created an average of 12 jobs per member. This demonstrates the power of young people to build economies and create much needed jobs for the future. Entrepreneurs with newer businesses created more jobs, which points to the importance of stimulating new business development — in Kenya alone, 609 jobs were created by members in business less than 36 months, versus 181 for those in business over 36 months. B. In East Africa, the study also found that 48% of members were introducing new products or services. There was also an improvement in the percentage of members creating a new business, with 54% creating one in the last year. Again, respondents under 35 were more likely to have created a new business. In East Africa, 83% of the members gave Enablis a score of 3 or better out of 5, to the extent that Enablis had helped C. Networking also had a big impact in them grow their businesses. East Africa: 891 business contacts were made with other members in the last 12 months. This is an average of nine contacts per member. By contrast, members under the age of 35 gained a higher number of business contacts, with an average of 11 per member. Outside the network, members on average made three D. The number of opportunities created for members contacts. by other Enablis members in the last year was, on average, four per member. Again, members under age 35 had a higher average number of new opportunities created (5.5). E. Overall satisfaction with Enablis was rated 3.5 out of 5 by respondents, with 93% giving Enablis a score of 3 or higher out of 5. f. In South Africa, Enablis members surveyed collectively employ an impressive 2,698 people. Members surveyed there created 647 fulltime jobs and 2,352 part-time jobs, which is approximately 10 jobs, on average, per member. G. This equates to 5,700 jobs, if the total membership is taken into account. Again, younger members created more jobs than older members, with the former creating 12 jobs, on average, versus eight among the latter. H. More members than in previous years felt that Enablis had helped them grow their businesses, with 66% giving Enablis a score of 3 or higher out of 5. Not surprisingly, members attending more activities felt Enablis had helped them more. I. More Enablis members than in previous years also felt that Enablis had improved their business skills, with 78% rating this a score of 3 or higher out of 5. Again, members attending more activities improved their skills more. J. Members also felt that Enablis had provided them more opportunities for networking than in previous years, with 75% giving this a score of 3 out of 5 or higher. K. The number of business contacts that members have made with other members has also improved, with six member contacts per member, up from four and three in previous years. Men were particularly successful, having made seven contacts from networking, compared to women having made three. L. Younger members also seem to be better at networking than older members, having made eight contacts per member versus four for members over 35. This is great information for Enablis to digest. M. focusing on event attendance and networking events are areas we see great growth, especially for women. / pages 28-29

Enablis’ Job Creation and Socio-economic impact on Africa 2005-2009

Socio-Economic Improvement

Actual Number of Jobs Created

(by members surveyed in the independent annual surveys – 2005-2009 in South Africa and 2008-2009 in East Africa)


Enablis is dedicated to delivering to its member entrepreneurs relevant programmes, including networking, training, mentoring and coaching, all of which will contribute to their sustainability, at a grass-roots level. By providing unique networking opportunities, business tools and financing, Enablis takes entrepreneurs on the road to success.

while still maintaining the required confidentiality. The outcome was that 76 selfmanaged Enablis Circles groups were self-evaluated and 392 members completed and submitted evaluations, rating their monthly meetings at a satisfaction level of 95%. Also notable was that 99% of these members indicated that they benefited from their selfmanaged monthly meetings.

During fiscal 2010, the Enablis Centre of Excellence was established to be the hub where all Enablis programmes will be created, piloted and streamlined to meet world-class standards. As this was the year of its inception, the Centre of Excellence concentrated on the Enablis Circles programme, which is the Enablis’ flagship programme. Participation is mandatory for Enablis members to retain their membership. This requires that members be trained on the programme and actively attend their scheduled monthly Enablis Circle meetings. Enablis Circles is a peer-to-peer support programme where members have an opportunity to enhance their business and personal lives through the sharing of experiences.

During fiscal 2010, approximately 60 Enablis Circles training sessions were held across Africa where 441 Enablis members were trained. Members rated these training sessions at a satisfaction level of 94%. In addition to the training sessions, 202 members had an opportunity to attend Enablis Circles meetings that were facilitated by a non-Enablis member. The members rated their satisfaction level of these facilitated sessions at 98%.

During the third quarter of fiscal 2010 a platform was launched across Africa where the facilitators of Enablis Circles’ self-managed groups could meet and share successes and challenges. Numerous meaningful meetings were held with various facilitators across Africa. These meetings were rated at a 98% satisfaction level, demonstrating that these meetings are considered to be of great value.


During the fourth quarter of fiscal 2010, a tool to ascertain the health of the self-managed Enablis Circles monthly group meetings was launched. This indeed was a milestone in the history of Enablis because of the confidential nature of Enablis Circles meetings, yet groups were prepared to assess their meetings

Based on the above, it is clearly evident that the Enablis Circles programme provides a strong platform and vehicle for effective positive results as one of Enablis ’ support programmes across Africa. The results of the survey undertaken with members during fiscal 2010 revealed that there was a great interest in increased opportunities for networking. These networking events generally provided members with the opportunity to interact with and learn from renowned and knowledgeable business people from all walks of life across Africa. As such, during fiscal 2010, programmes took the members’ requests to heart and held approximately 55 networking events, which exposed members to popular speakers like Michael Mol, Sportron CEO and TV presenter in South Africa, as well as Dr. Sunny Bindra, who is a leading strategist and writer in East Africa. In general, members expressed an overall satisfaction with these events at 85% or higher.

Exposés, which is another important Enablis programme, continue to be very popular and are well attended across Africa. This event provides members opportunities to meet and interact with the majority of the Enablis members registered in their region. Members can also present their products and services to delegates attending the event. A selected number of members get the opportunity to undertake formal presentations at these events. Over 110 workshops covering various businessrelated subjects were held across Africa. Sales and marketing, financial management and human resources are examples of a few of the topics that were covered during these workshops. In South Africa, it was found that there was an increase of 67% in members’ attendance at these skills development type workshops. Members also indicated an increase in their turnover as a result of being a member of Enablis, despite the past challenging year. This result could be indicative that members are enhancing their business management skills by being members and attending the various support programmes offered by Enablis. Enablis members have access to this series of customised business support services, as well as the exclusive right to use Enablis’ Global Entrepreneurial Network Information Exchange (GENIE) portal, which is a virtual information sharing and networking platform. This platform includes business linkages, peer-to-peer forums, virtual coaching and strategic information. As a membershipbased organisation, each Enablis entrepreneur member derives value from the network and creates value for the other members by sharing their own experience and knowledge.

member surveys results E n a b l i s c i r c l E s p r o g r a m m E - pag E s 3 0 | 3 1 -

CHRONOLOGiCALLY 2004 / Accenture / Telesystem Ltd. / Canadian Fund for Africa / 2005 / HP / Khula / FNB / KPmG / identica / Quebecor world / 2007 / microsoft / mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency / 2008 / Canadian international Agency / EABS bank / Transcontinental Lithoacme / 2009 / Safaricom / 2010 / Chase bank / NmB Bank / UT Bank FOUNDERS, PARTNERS AND SPONSORS Global Founding Partners / Telesystem Ltd. / Accenture Global / Global Partners / CiDA - Canadian international Development Agency / African Region Partners / microsoft / KPmG / South African Partners / Khula Enterprise Finance Ltd. / FNB / East African Partners / Safaricom Foundation / Chase Bank / NmB Bank / west Africa Partners / microsoft /AGi / UT Bank

T E A M A N D B OA R D M E M B E R S p . 3 2

tha nks to all our part ners AGI Association of G h a n a Industires


THE BOARD mEmBERS Global / Charles Sirois (Chair), Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, Telesystem Ltd. / Bill morris, managing Director, Accenture Canada / James Gachui, Chairperson, Transcentury Ltd., Jimana Ltd. / John Hunkin, Board of Trustees, Li Ka Shing (Canada) Foundation South Africa / Bheki Sibiya (Chair), Chief Executive Designate, Chamber of mines / Lynette Chen* (vice-Chair), Chief Executive Officer, NEPAD Business Foundation / Connie Nkosi, Executive Chairperson, Lidonga Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd. / martin Feinstein, Chief Executive Officer, Traction Enterprise Development Consultants / william Blair, Chief Executive Officer, Dumela Diamond Fire / Paul Lamontagne (Canada), Chief Executive Officer, Enablis Global / Donovan muller,* Director, Accenture South Africa / Hugh myres* (Britain), Executive Coach and Chief Executive Officer, Resonance Coaching and mentoring / David milligan, Head of Strategy, FNB Commercial / Xola Sithole,* Chief Executive Officer, Oteo Capital / Setlakalane molepo, managing Director, Khula Enterprise Finance Limited / mteto Nyati, managing Director, microsoft South Africa / victor mzimela, Country manager / *denotes chair of a board sub committee East Africa / James Gachui* (Chair), Chairperson, Transcentury Ltd., Jimana Ltd. / Carol musyoka,* Director, Bungani Limited / Paul Lamontagne (Canada), Chief Executive Officer, Enablis Global / Louis Otieno, General manager, microsoft East and Central Africa / maheboob Alibhai,* Chairperson, Phoenix Assurance Group / moses mwaura, Regional Director, Enablis East Africa / Rozett Phillips (South Africa), Senior Executive: Products Operating Group South Africa, Accenture / Rosemary mutunkei, Director, works of Faith Ltd. and member, Seri Yetu Ltd. / Les Baillie (Britain), Chief investor Relations Officer, Safaricom / Ali mufuruki (Tanzania), Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, infotech investment Group Ltd. / *denotes chair of a board sub committee west Africa / Tony Oteng-Gyasi (Chair), President, AGi / ishmael E Yamson, Chief Executive Officer, Yamson & Associates / Prince Kofi Amoabeng, Chief Executive Officer, UT Financial Services Limited / Shika Acolatse, Country Director, Enablis Ghana / Hennie Loubser, Regional General manager, microsoft west, East & Central Africa iNvESTmENT COmmiTTEES Enablis Khula Loan Fund (South Africa) / Richard Parker (Chair), managing Director, Pleiad Capital / marc Balkin, managing Partner, Hasso Plattner ventures Africa / Bheki Sibiya, Chief Executive Designate, Chamber of mines / Bettina mokete, Account Executive: Corporate Channel, Khula Enterprise Finance Limited / ishaq Lakhi, Enterprise Development manager, FNB Commercial Khula Enablis SmE Acceleration Fund (South Africa) / Richard Parker (Chair), managing Director, Pleiad Capital / Denvor Phokaners, Country manager, Enablis South Africa / marc Balkin, managing Partner, Hasso Plattner ventures Africa / modula mofolo, Corporate Advisor, Khula Enterprise Finance Limited / Errol Gardner, Regional manager, Khula Enterprise Finance Limited Enablis Loan Fund (East Africa) / Paul Lamontagne, Chief Executive Officer, Enablis Global / moses mwaura, Regional Director, Enablis East Africa / Anju Paunrana (interim Chair), (independent) (Rhino Special Products) / Fenwick mbaka, Relationship manager, Chase Bank TRUSTEES Enablis Khula Loan Fund (South Africa) / martin Feinstein, Chief Executive, Traction Enterprise Development Consultants / Paul Lamontagne (Canada), Chief Executive Officer, Enablis Global / Setlakalane molepo, managing Director, Khula Enterprise Finance Limited / Ashley mathura, Commercial Banking, First National Bank Khula Enablis SmE Acceleration Fund (South Africa) / Paul Lamontagne (Canada), Chief Executive Officer, Enablis Global / marc Balkin, managing Partner, Hasso Plattner ventures Africa / Setlakalane molepo, managing Director, Khula Enterprise Finance Limited Enablis Trust (East Africa) / Charles Sirois (Canada), Chairperson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Telesystem Ltd. / Paul Lamontagne (Canada), Chief Executive Officer, Enablis Global / James Gachui, Chairperson, Transcentury Ltd., Jimana Ltd. Enablis Loan Fund (Limited Partnership) / Enablis Financial Corporation Ltd. (General Partner) / Enablis East Africa Trust (Limited THE TEAm / Global Team / Charles Sirois, Chairperson / michel Cordeau, Corporate Partner Secretary / Daniel Cyr, Chief Financial Officer / Paul Lamontagne, President, Enablis Financial Corporation, Global CEO / Francine Lefebvre, Communications Director / Liz Padmore, Director, UK, multilateral Relations / Gina Piccolo, Financial Controller / Richard Dupuis, Finance Africa Team / Sally moodley, Chief Executive Officer, Africa / Jaco Kuhn, Chief Financial Officer / Nadine Sheffield, Financial Administrator / Emelia Lemmetjies, Financial Accountant / Grant Glanvill, Chief Technology Officer / Avesh mahabeer, iT manager / Liezel Keyser, Executive Assistant / Charlotte marais, Legal and Corporate Affairs manager / Rose vervenne, Head of Development / Aimee-Noel Hartley, Head of Partnerships / Penelope Talbot Kelly, Executive Assistant to the Global CEO / Darryl Rose, Senior investment Officer South Africa Team / Brenda Twala, Chapter Associate, Gauteng / Busisiwe mahuza, Office Assistant, Cape Town / Faghmieda King, Chapter Co-ordinator, Cape Town / Sibongile mltoshwa, Office Assistant, Gauteng / Noelle Ngobeni, Project manager: member Events, Gauteng / Darryl Rose, investment Officer / Nishol Partab, Chapter Administrator, Durban / Karen mcKee, Project manager: Business LaunchPad Competition / Ntshembo Ngobeni, Assistant member Support, Gauteng / Don Reddy, Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer / Glory Saila, Chapter Administrator, Bloemfontein East Africa Team / moses mwaura, Regional Director / Edna Chepngeno, Office Co-ordinator / Lillian marenya, Entrepreneur Development Associate / Joan wekesa, Business Plan Competition Co-ordinator / Betty Kariuki, Entrepreneur Development Associate / Dorothy mutisya, Office Assistant, Kenya, Nairobi / Palmer Thambu, Banker / Tabu Kiteti, Chapter Co-ordinator, Tanzania / Linda Lifiga, Chapter manager, Tanzania / Fred Oduori, Office Assistant, Nairobi / Terry Adembesa, Chapter Associate, Nairobi / Fredrick Kaati, Chapter manager, Kigali west Africa Team / marc-Andre Ledoux, implementation Consultant, Senegal / Shika ENABLiS HOUSE Acolatse, Country manager / matilda Serwodo, Network Co-ordinator, Ghana Global Head Office / 1250 Rene-Levesque Boulevard west / Suite 3800 / montreal / Quebec /Canada, H3B 4w8 SOUTH AFRiCA OFFiCES Cape Town Chapter / 302 manhattan Place / 130 Bree Street / Cape Town, 8001 / South Africa / Bloemfontein / No office / Gauteng Chapter / 7 mellis Road / 2nd Floor / North Tower / Bradenham Hall / Rivonia, 2192 / South Africa / KwaZulu Natal Chapter / 116 Florida Road / Suite 4 / morningside / Durban, 4001 / South Africa EAST AFRiCA mEmBER OFFiCE Nairobi member Office / 1st Floor / Cedar Suite / Riverside Green / Nairobi / Kenya / Tanzania member Office / mayfair Plaza / Centre Court / Shop CC103 / mikocheni / Dar es Salaam / Tanzania / Kisumu member Office / mega City mall / Kisumu /Nairobi Road / Shop No. 87 / P. O. box 14635 – 40123 / Kisumu / Kenya / Rwanda member Office / Center for Business Solutions / Soras Building / Third Floor / P.O. box 2780 / Kigali / Rwanda / Ghana member Office / House No. F17/6 / Orphan Crescent Hall / North Labone Estates / Accra / Ghana

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