Willard North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28478

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Willard North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28478 Willard North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28478 Related

Any of you know about a maternity Insurance? I live in Las Vegas Nevada, I just found out I'm pregnant and I need Insurance to cover all my doctor's visit and labor. Would like to know if any of you know about an affordable insurance I make about 4,000.00 a month . thanks so much for your help. Araceli" What exactly do they do for the exam for life insurance? What exactly do they do for the exam for life insurance? Insurance complaint question? When the insurance company receives a complaint from the insurance commissioner, what is the process? Are there any instances where the insurance company will reverse their decision to deny a claim? Thanks!" How long do I have once I cancel my auto insurance in Florida? Okay so I just got a quote from Geico that is half of what I'm paying my current insurance company. My insurance payment is due the 23rd though. Now they told me that the whole process of signing up would take from a few days to 30. I wont be driving my car these holidays so would it be possible for me to cancel my coverage with the other company and sign up with Geico. If I cancel will my license get suspended? I just don't wanna have to send the tag back because it cost me 400 dollars to take out. What car insurance company would you recommend? my car is salvage so i basically have no choice but to obtain liability only...what insurance company would you suggest has better rates? Old bmws? Insurance? Cali driving age? Hey, im 14 from California and will be 15 in september. I was wondering if anyone knew any nice older bmws, i like the e46 m3 and stuff but i was wondering if there were some other nice powerful ones i should know about. I dont want to spend more than 18k on the car itself. My next question is how much insurance usually is, i know its more expensive for a sports car but how much? The insurance doesnt factor into the 18k for the car, i was just wondering. And last, what is the absolute minimum age for driving in cali? My school is too far to walk or bike ( like 8 miles) and i cant really get a ride, i usually end up taking a city bus then walking 2 miles but the bus runs late

a lot and im tardy for school. I say that because i heard there are special permits to just go and from school. Please reply of you know the answer to any all these question thanks!" Parents of Teens Drivers insurance question? I wanted to ask parents who have teen drivers. how much extra did it cost when you added your teen to your insurance?? How much would insurance cost for an 18 year-old college student on a used 2000 honda CBR 600? How much would insurance cost for an 18 year-old college student on a used 2000 honda CBR 600? Teenage car insurance? I'm a teen, and I'm thinking about getting a car. However, I've heard that insurance for teenagers can be expensive. Since insurance is usually tied to the car instead of the driver, am I able to get away with using my parents' insurance if the car is completely under my parents' names? Am I allowed to save a large amount of money this way? I only plan on meeting the minimum insurance required by law (in California)." Insurance Part II: Is it better to purchase insurance or to insure myself??? "How can i get umbrella liability insurance,without home insurance? I only have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG Short Term Car Insurance in California? I moved from California to Japan about a year ago, and naturally, I canceled my US car insurance. Soon I will be visiting the USA for about 24 days, and I'd like to be able to drive during that time. I've made arrangements to borrow a car from my parents, so that part's fine- my question is, how do I go about getting insured for this temporary period? (In case it matters, I am 28 years old, not financially dependent on my parents and am a worker not a student)" Car insurance and my rates? Hi, I live in Adams County, PA and I have been with the same insurance company for about 20 years. I have a 1996 Chevy Suburban, high mileage. I have no accidents, violations, or points. I have a clean record. I walk to work and don't really drive far. I am paying over $1100 a year. This seems high to me. Is it?" Which is a feature of permanent insurance? Which is a feature of permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides protection for a specific period. It includes an investment component. It is relatively low cost.

When does health insurance expire when you move out of state? Suppose you have health insurance in New York, and you plan to move to California. Before the actual move, you drive a vehicle across country, get a California license, register your vehicle, and register to vote. Then you fly back to New York for four months. You go to the doctor, and your NY insurance pays up. But then you get a letter from the insurance company, sent to the CA address but forwarded to NY, saying they heard you'd moved, so your insurance will be cancelled. You write back, telling them their information is premature, and that you'll change insurance when you complete the move. After four months, you complete the move to CA, and two days after your arrival, you start feeling woozy -- feverish with occasional headaches -requiring bed rest and lots of fluids. If this doesn't clear up in a day or two, you'll want to see a doctor. Will you be covered by the NY insurance, given that you haven't had time yet to get CA insurance?" How much would insurance cost? i was looking to get a suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. i am 18 years old, and i have taken a drivers ed course and the motorcycle driving course. i was wondering about how much insurance would be. it has 249 cc" If I upgrade to full coverage insurance can I get previous car accident damages fix? I have liability and I was in a minor car accident two months ago. I need to upgrade my insurance because the bank than loaned me money for the car requires me to have comprehensive and collision coverage. If I upgrade could I fix the damages to my car? Car Insurance? How much would it cost to insure a red 2007 new beetle+hatchback? "Ear infection, No insurance?" i got an ear infection, i dont have insurance. How much would it cost me to see a doctor for that and i live in mass." How do I save on auto insurance? I want to save on auto insurance.....what factors can lower your rate? I need to know things such as an alarm, and kept in the garage, but what other factors can help me getting a low rate? Thanks everyone" What car insurance is cheapest? For a 17 year old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 miles Best offer is a ford fiesta 2003 for 1.8k .. Any cheaper?" Whats the cheapest way to haul my truck around.?

jsut got a mud truck with no titlte or insurance obviously so i need to tow the truck to the woods. whats gunna be the cheapest way? Car insurance????? what is the cheapest and the best for full coverage? Can you or spouse be denied group health insurance? I have stage 4 cancer. I have insurance through my husbands job. If my husband changes jobs and is offered insurance at the new job can I be denied insurance due to the preexisting condition? I live in Georgia. I already checked and got information on cobra. Can auto insurance carrier deny claim due to their insured simply ignoring request for signed affidavit ? Hi Have a question. My rear bumper was lightly tapped by 17 year old new driver. Damage is minor and cosmetic at $425. My car is only three years old and in perfect condition. The insured provided me all his insurance information and said to file a claim through his dad's insurance carrier. I called local police department 911 line to report minor collision. Officer responded and insured admitted to police officer that he tapped rear bumper. Police officer looked at my rear bumper and refused to make a police report as he said cannot issue a report unless damage is over $1500. I begged the officer repeatedly to please provide me even an incident report or something official like an affidavit as the teenager admitted to officer that he hit my rear bumper. Police Officer simply drove off and left me on the side of the road with a stranger. Of course now four weeks later, the insured and his father have simply ignored phone calls, emails and registered mail attempts by his insurance carrier to verify version. (not sure what version would be needed as my black paint is on his front bumper) I called the insured and his dad hung up on me twice. The insurance carrier told me they are denying and closing out the claim due to insured not responding. They said this is totally legal under Illinois State laws. (basically too bad, so sad) By the way this insurance company has unacceptable rating with state insurance board and BBB. I paid a body shop $425 in cash to fix car yesterday. Do I have recourse as I see my options would be to file a complaint with Illinois Banking and Insurance or file a small claims lawsuit against insured and insurance carrier (but that is an additional $119 court filing fee) Any ideas would be appreciated." Willard North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28478 Willard North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28478 Am I able to drive my -just bought- car without insurance? I just bought my car one day ago and i only have the contract but not the title, am i able to drive the car at all or is there a law that lets me drive the car within a certain amount of time without insurance on it in minnesota?" How much will my car insurance cost?

I know that this is a vague question, but I was just curious as to what the average amount would be? I'm 16 years old about to be a new driver. I have a used red 2000 Jeep Cherokee if that matters. I'm female and live in Rhode Island." Looking for health Insurance options in the State of Washington.? I'm self employed and researching health insurance options. I live and work in the state of Washington. Any good, affordable options?" When taking out car insurance. Is it really worth protecting no claims bonus or not? I have heard that if your no claims is protected and you have an accident (which is not your fault) your insurance still goes up. Is this true? Where can I buy non-owners liability insurance? I want to purchase non-owners liability insurance, so I can use it when I rent cars. But I can't find any company to sell it to me, at least from the sites I've visited online. I live in Arlington, Virginia. One company said they don't sell liability insurance in this area. Any idea why this is? And, more importantly, any idea where I can go to purchase it?" What would the price be like to move to central california? Just wondering as I would like to move to central california in the future. Is it very expensive to move from the UK to central california? What are the housing/apartment prices? Doctor fees? Ect.. Please help :) thankyou "What car insurance is cheapest for teenagers? And is it better to pay monthly,every 6 months or yearly? this is in the state of illinois. What will the insurance cost be for a 2008 Mustang GT? Ok, my son is about to turn 16 and his mother and I want to suprise him with a new 2008 Mustang GT premium. http://www.fordvehicles.com/cars/mustang/models/index.asp?v=html# That is the page that shows the models of all mustangs and we chose the GT premium for him. The car will go in his mothers name, so how much do you think the insurance will be?" How much is Accutane with insurance? I hear that accutane is uber expensive without insurance. I just want to know how much it is with insurance. Thanks "Car insurance, and registration in illlinois.? hey. i was wondering how much would the avg price be for car insurance for an 89 acura legend 2 door for a 17 year old boy? and how much would it be to register a

vehicle in the state of il? also are there any places near or around chicago that sell reposed vehicles. answer to either questoin will be very much appreciated. Im 16 and getting a 2010 Camaro LS how much will insurance cost? I live in fort worth, tx zip code is 76106" Cheap health insurance? How can i get very cheap health insurance? i am 18 yrs old, i go to school and i work at a place that doesnt have insurance and i really need to go to get my teeth pulled and i need to go to the doc for my stomach... how can i get free or very cheap health insurance?? cause i have no money!!" Cheapest auto insurance in PA?? for a non-standard driver. How much is goin to cost me per month if i own a peugeot 206? im 19 and a student at uni, i want to buy a but im nt really sure how much it will cost me can someone help me. i will be travellin about 5miles per day with the car road tax servicing insurance petrol etc" Are car insurance companies having a laugh? Me and a friend were taking out some car insurance quotes the other day - entering his information in he got 1700 a year on an old '95 (i think) cincequento, which frankly was hilarious. Then, all we changed was the address so that he lived at my house. It pushed the insurance up to something like 2700. Now I dont get this - he lives in a pretty rough area in my town, right near where all the boy racers live and such. I however live in a small village about 2 miles away and just outside of the town. In my area, the population is about 90% seniors and it is very quiet. I thought insurance companies were supposed to weigh the risks of location against their policy? Why has mine come out a grand more?" Is a 2000 Mustang GT expensive to insure? I'm 16 and looking for a first car. I have my heart set on a certain mustang but the only thing is insurance cost. Its a 2000 GT and im going to be insured with state farm. Im 16 getting my license in 2 weeks so I know thats a big factor. Also I was trying to get some ideas about what it might cost and found this on the state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure if its relevant but if it is than can someone explain what it means? Is there health insurance that just covers serious conditions like cancer and is affordable? I'm 55 retired & uninsured. I've given up hope of finding affordable health care. Recently I needed surgery and had to pay for it myself. When I told my MD he cut his

fee from $22,000 to $13,000) and when I needed an MRI I was able to get a cash price of $350 if I had insurance they would have charged over $2,000. At the time I was happy but doesn't this illustrate why health care in the US is so screwed up?" Can I have Illinois Insurance if I live in Florida AND Illinois? So my parents are divorced but have dual custody. I live with my mother in Florida but I frequently visit Illinois to see my father and I can whenever I want. I've been driving for 8 months now, registered and insured in Illinois because my mother also used to live in Illinois (they moved about a month ago). But I sold my car to move to Florida and buy one there. Now, I bought a car down here but I would like to register and insure the car with my father in Chicago. My license has my father's current address, so it would be a lot simpler and cheaper to have my car registered and insured in Chicago because I already have my plates, license and insurance policy set up. My question is, could I keep my car down here with Illinois plates and insurance legally? I will go back home to visit my father with it maybe twice a year" Will CT speeding ticket effect my NY insurance? I have recently received an out-of-state speeding ticket in CT, and the state's policy is that if you just pay the ticket (pleading no contest) there will not be any points added to your license. The policy for my home state, New York, is that the state does not record out of state moving violations such as this one. My question is that if I were to just pay the ticket so I wouldn't receive points, would my insurance company in NY still be able to raise my rates for this? Would they even find out? Anyone with a simalar experience between these two states would be extremely helpful" Whos got the cheapest auto rates on insurance right now? Whos got the cheapest auto rates on insurance right now? Is health insurance worth getting if you are 23? I just started working my first real adult job and have become eligible for a health insurance package. If I decided to get the benefits, about $88 dollars will be taken from my paycheck--that will be $176 a month ($2,112 over a year) that I will be loosing. That's a lot! I'm 23 (female) and I never get sick and I haven't had the need to go to the the doctor for anything serious in over 4 years. It may seem like a stupid question since Health Coverage right now is a current hot topic that many people are fighting about, but....SHOULD I GET MY BENEFITS? I just don't see the point of having all that money taken out of my paycheck and then STILL having to pay a co-pay. I might go see a Obgyn but that costs less than $250 out off pocket which is still less than $2112. I also just left college so I'm current on all my physicals, and I don't need any eye prescriptions. So is it worth the gamble?" Limited company insurance? Ive just set up my own limited company recently and i am the only emploee of this company. I dont have health insurance or insurance against loss of earnings in case anything happens to me. Who is the best company for me to go to with this problem.

How can I get discounts on auto insurance? I want to know more about auto insurance discounts. I would like to reduce costs so a discount will be nice. How did they steal my car? It a 2001 Lexus is200 . Stock immobiliZer fitted! Will insurance cover this? Whill the insurance cover this? What todo? :( Question about car insurance? I'm wondering something about car insurance. I am a 17 year old male, (turning 18 in 1 month) and have been driving a 2001 Hyundai accent since October. I am insured with esurance, and have liability only. I have a clean driving record. My monthly insurance is $197. I am on my parents policy. When I first called to get a quote, (cheapest company for me) it was around 120 a month, but then they got the VIN number and of course it went up because it knew exactly what car it was. Of course car insurance is very expensive for a male my age. My question is that I'm trying to save money to buy a jeep wrangler this summer. Will probably be a year 1997-2003. I want to know about how much it would cost to insure the jeep. I hear mixed responses about the cost to insure a wrangler, iv heard it's expensive because of the high theft rate and roll over chances. I know of course I don't know how much it will be exactly, considering I don't have a VIN number for the jeep wrangler. I get extremely expensive quotes when I search online, and the are all completely off. My parents policy has probably 4 or 5 cars on it and I am excluded off everyone's car. My sister has been in 2 wrecks and 2 speeding tickets, which I heard makes my insurance increase also. Anyone who has a general idea about cost for me to insure a jeep wrangler, thank you." Willard North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28478 Willard North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28478 Motorcycle or Scooter Insurance in London? How much would the insurance be for a motorcycle or scooter worth less than 4,000GBP in London? I'm hoping that it would be a lot less than a 50cc scooter in Dublin worth about 400GBP costing 200GBP for insurance per year." Does a Dodge Dart have sports car insurance? If i buy a dodge dart Rallye and it has the 1.4L turbo engine, will i have to pay for sports car insurance?I have statefarm.." Eye and Health Insurance ( College Student)? Just recently I was diagnosed with Uveitis in my left eye. I had previously been diagnosed with it and my left eye just flared up again this year. As a 21 year old College student I can barely make ends meet and well now my question is, what kind of Medical/Eye/RX insurance would you guys recommend. I'm not ensured and I still have to go trough treatment, see specialist, blood test, chest exams, etc. My visit to the specialist was already around $120 and $75 per eye drops. I wanted to get

glasses but seem how this slapped me in the face I would rather pay for an insurance before I'm forced to drop out because I can't pay my tuition.I'm also very unfamiliar with Insurance policies and as much research as I have done I have found little to nothing. I'm really not on a good enough financial status to pay a 100+ a month Insurance as a college student. Hopefully someone has some tips or tricks or at least some recommendations. P.S. excuse the bad spelling the brightness of the computer hurts my eye a bit and its hard to see my errors." How much will my insurance go up after a claim? i was in a crash it was my fault i went into the back of another car my van was fine but the other guys car was damaged at the back it is too damaged to pay out of my own pocket so understandably he is claiming off my insurance. i have a full licence, since i started driving 8 years ago i have no claim my insurance is fully comp and i pay 330 euro each year. after this claim does anyone no how much roughly will my insurance go up next year . any advice would be greatly appreciated as i am very worried." What happens if someone who doesn't have car insurance hits a BMW? Someone without car insurance hit my car. Luckily it won't cost much but just say they had hit an expensive car and actually wrote it off, how would they pay for that?" "NY plates & registration, but Connecticut Insurance?" My car has NY plates and was registered in NY. I moved to CT, and have CT auto insurance. Is it okay to have auto insurance in the state you live but the car is registered and plated in another?" What number do you call to file an insurance claim with Verizon? I flushed my phone down the toilet. sounds ridiculous but i managed to do it. i have insurance, what number do i call to file a claim?" Cheap NY auto insurance ? hi there, i plan on buying a car soon but im a new driver and i have no one else to help me insure a car so i have no choice but to insure it on my own. I've checked and looked around geico, state farm, all state, and they were all to expensive, anywhere from 5-6k to insure the car for a year (way to expensive). So do any of you guys know any NY auto insurance companies that are affordable? Thanks" What is a good insurance company for health insurance? in a month i will need health insurance for my wife where can i go to get good honest help do you know of any insurance companies to stat away from or recommendations Does my car insurance go up if I got a speeding ticket out-of-province? So I have an Ontario license and I got a speeding ticket (15mph over - 24km/h over) in NY near the border. Keeping in mind that this is my very first traffic ticket: 1. How

much am I likely to pay? 2. Does it affect my insurance? 3. (I don't really care cause this probably won't happen again) Do I lose any points? Car insurance vs driver insurance? In California, it is illegal to drive without proof of car insurance. Does that mean proof that the car I'm driving is insured or proof that I am insured as a driver? And what if you have one but not the other (like you're driving a friend's car)?" Car insurance for teens? Can a teenager have thier own car insurance and if so what companies let them im in delaware. And which is the best all answers welcome Thinking of getting a car on finance? im thinking of selling my car and getting a car on finance its 1,000 deposit and 125 a month gor 2 years and i will get a 10reg peugeot 107 but my only question is, is car insurance included? cheers" Where can i find cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male? Its really starting to get on my nervse that i can not find any cheap insurance anywhere! Why do insurance companies in the UK want to make life so hard for young drivers? Yeah stasticaly the majority of us crash our cars. But why should the small majority of young drivers like my self have to pay the price and live with this stereotype by paying RIDICULOUS amounts of money? Why is my car insurance so expensive? Im 17 an a guy so I understand that insurance would be expensive. I got an Acura integra all stock. It's $190 a month, ******* ridiculous. It's liability only too, and I have a 3.2 gpa which usually brings it down. I also have NO speeding tickets or anything along those lines. Can you suggest another company that doesn't cost me a ****** fortune? I got to pay it all myself" Any suggestions on first time driver insurance in the nyc area? I need suggestions on good affordable insurance, keep in mind Im a first time driver." Is mutual insurance good? One of the insurance brokers is asking for mutual insurance, I really dont know its good or not, If I ask him, he will say, its good to me. So asking you people. . Thanks" "How do i go about getting car insurance, for a 20 year old?" well i'm almost 19 now..but when I am 20 I am getting out of my house..anyway my mom is always nagging at me about how she pays for my car insurance and she says

its like 200$ a month and i wish i could pay it so she could shut up..but anyway so when i move out how do i get car insurance and how much would it cost for a 20 year old? i've never been in an accident, i would be a student, i have above a 3.0 and i took drivers ed..don't you get discounts for all that?" Car insurance cost... roughly? I am 15 and planning on getting my dads 1971 Plymouth duster as my first car when I'm 16, what would the yearly cost be?" Owning a car? car insurance? Hi, I'm 18 and im living by myself, how can I own a car? I'm in the search of buying a car but before that I need to know after I buy it what do I need to pay when I registrate it under my name. Also when I get insurance? How much do I pay?" True or False; We should let people decide weather they want health insurance or not? True or False; We should let people decide weather they want health insurance or not? What are a list of cars that are cheap to insure? and is a 1990 geo metro cheap to insure? What are a list of cars that are cheap to insure? and is a 1990 geo metro cheap to insure? Cheaper on insurance 1980 lincoln or a 1995 blazer? i have a 1980 lincoln mark VI it has a 351 (5.8 liter engine) and a 1995 chevy blazer im 16 and im trying to decide which one to drive they both get the same gas mialage about cause the blazer is an suv so im deciding which would be cheaper on insurance for a 16 year old i think the blazer but im sure hoping not cause the lincolns prettier lol Need car insurance for a nissan navara? please help hello, just wondering if anyone can give me some insurance companies for a nissan navara, im 22 have 3 years no claims yet my insurance says they cannot insure me on it? At the minute i drive a 1.9tdi vw passat and my insurance only costs 800, so why wont they insure me on 2005 nissan navara? Please help, thanks in advance x" Why do we need auto insurance? Why do we need auto insurance? Willard North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28478 Willard North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28478

Whats a cheap price for apartment insurance? Renting a fleaflat n lilmexico, houston. they require an additonal $20 for insurance can i use my own insurance company? does anybody outthere use apartment insurance? i do not have any insurance of any kind so stop bundle answers" What is the average cost for insurance on a fuel company? homework help. Bmw insurance? im almost 16, and for my birthday im getting a 10 year old bmw. any idea on what the insurance will be?" "I rear ended someone with no insurance, whats gona happen?" i was on a motorcycle and rear ended someone in a car, the car has a lil dent on the bumper and their insurance already covered it. i do not have insurance and im going to court for it. what is going to happen? is my drivers license going to be suspended eventhough it was on a motorcycle? i have insurance for my car just not my motorcycle." Got into a car wreck w/o insurance!? The other day I accidently backed into this couple that have full coverage insurance. I believed everything was okay until an investigator called and left a message saying that my brother had cancelled my insurance. Therefore, I didn't have any insurance at the time of the accident. The person I hit did not get a ticket and I did not get a ticket. What is going to happen with this? Will I loose my lisence or will I have to pay for their car damages even though they have full coverage? If I call and get car insurance today, will it be effective for the accident?" Car Insurance Comparison? Is there any website that will allow me to get quote for different insurance company at once kinda like priceline for plane tickets? I would like to be able to shop for the best insurance with the same criteria that I want. Thanks! NY car insurance question for a new driver? Okay, I've had my permit for like a year because I didn't have a car to care if I had a license or not. Now that I'm getting a car. I was wondering how about how much insurance would cost. I have to wait a couple weeks from the car insurance place so please no get a quote I just want an approximate estimate of about how much it would cost. I don't have drivers ed or anything. Just a license at 17 on my parents insurance. I would have my own car but it'd be on their insurance so that's 3 cars on 1 insurer. The car I am going to get is a 84' Volvo wagon. Please just a month average price of how much more my parents insurance would go up. ( like they pay 100 and it'd be 250/mo. So i pay 150 a month.) something like that. I just want to know if my job will cover my own difference Thankyou."

Where i can get car best insurance information ? give me a website of car insurance information . Why is my landlord requires Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance? I own a beauty salon, and not understand why my landlord required my insurance to have Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance coverage? I know this coverage would covered my car I rented for business used & my employee's liability when sometime (rarely) used for business purposes. What's is it in for the landlord?" Car rental insurance? I have auto insurance and credit card insurance.? Hi, I'm totally new to car rentals (having just turned 21 a few months ago). I'm planning on getting a car from Dollar Car Rentals. I have auto insurance via AAA and I know that if I use a major credit card, there's some coverage there as well. Am I required to purchase insurance through Dollar, or am I able to use my own? What about the credit card coverage? Thanks!" Why is the health care bill being compared to car insurance? No one is forced to drive, but we are forced to buy health insurance?" Refund for one month not using health insurance? So, my dad is enrolled in Empire through the affordable care act for the effective date of Feb. We did not receive any card until around late feb-march. They did not have any member ID for us during Feb because it did not even generate it yet at that point. My question is are we able to ask for a refund for that month? We did not receive any card or number during that month and did not even get to go to the doctor's. Thanks in advance!" Motorbike Insurance 600cc ~ 1000cc? Iam 24 years old ( will do the bike test later this year ) I would just like a rough figure on what would it cost the insurance for these bikes. CB 600 hornet HONDA CBR 1000 KAWASAKI Z1000 KAWASAKI ER 650 YAMAHA R1 YAMAHA R6 Iam asking because iam abroad and i cant do the quotes else i would not loose time asking If someone could be kind enough to help out just with a near figure iwould gladly apreciate the help. "How can i set up my own Car Insurance, that i can sell to people....?" Hi were i live there is this guy that sells day car insurance to youngsters for 40 a day. He insures anybody under any car for 40 as long as they have a driving license, and i really wanted to know how i can get into some of this action. This guys is making a hell of a lot of money, his office is rammed with people everyday wanting day insurance. I wanted to buy my own policy that could sell to people for a day, for a fee of course. Could anyone help on how i can set this up, and what kind of money i

would need to set it up. Thanks You" CAR INSURANCE FOR A 16 YEAR OLD? would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car. Do U think it's fair women's insurance is cheaper because they have an 'innie' and men have an 'outie'? I see just as many women being careless drivers as men. Why should their sex organs have anything to do with car insurance? Car insuarnce worries? Ok here's the thing I'm a 17 year old male with a '91 chrysler lebaron convertible. I'm going to go get my own insurance set up. How much am I looking at paying up front. Like how much should I bring with me. Because I'm kind of worried I might not have enough. Any help? "What is the least expensive car insurance in Thousand Oaks, California? Thanks! Car insurance price for a Civic? I am a 18 year old boy and I want to purchase a Honda Civic EX 4-door w/ a manual transmission. I am looking at a 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 model. Could anybody give me an estimate of how much insurance is monthly? Thanks Does anyone know where I can buy affordable motorcycle insurance online? I prefer one that will provide same day proof of coverage. My hubby was stopped on Friday after work and we need this as soon as possible. Thanks!! Accept $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep insurance policy? Hi, I'm wondering whether anyone can help me decide whether it is a better idea to accept a $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep health insurance. Assume the person in question is 50 years old and in good health. This is a timely question for many auto workers. Any links to more in-depth analysis would be great." Have a few questions about car insurance? I am planning on buying a car soon but I have a few questions: 1) When I go test drive the car, do I still need to have car insurance while I'm driving (e.g. Temporary car insurance)? He will be with me in the car. 2) Can I leave the car on my drive way(private land) without any car insurance? I will be getting car insurance most likely a few days after buying the car. Do I still need to SORN it? 3) The Tax expires next year, but do I still need to buy another 12 Month because of a different owner? 4)

What other infomation should I bring or record while filling out the V5C? should I then post this V5C form to DVLA or the seller? Sorry for the questions, first time buying a car." "Car insurance for new driver, help please?" I'm 18 and I have just passed my test about a week ago, and am looking for insurance etc. But the quotes I'm getting are all about 2,500, which I cannot afford at all as I'm a student. I haven't bought a car yet, as I want to find a good quote first, but the details I have been putting in so far is Vauxhall Corsa 1.0l 3dr age 1999. Surely, this is neither a powerful nor new car, so I don't understand why I'm getting quotes of 2 and a half grand?! I have tried different cars, as well (renault clios, ford fiestas and polos) but it has made little difference. :( I know that the insurance is always going to be high for new young drievrs, but this is really taking the piss, if I'm honest. I have tried about 20-30 different comparison sites and individual company sites, and this is so far the best I'm getting. I've been putting in third party cover and social + pleasure travel or whatever it is. Also, that the car will be parked on a driveway over night. I will be 19 in four months, so is there a chance that insurance will have gone down by then, because it wouldn't be that long to wait. But otherwise, any suggestions, please, are there any details I should change, about the car or the insurance etc. Please help!! :( Thanks in advance" Insurance for 1975 stingray? What would you estimate the insurance would be for a 16 year old boy with a 1975 stingray? Where can I get babysitting insurance in the UK? I have scoured the internet but keep being told they won't give me babysitting insurance unless I am a registered childminder. Help please? Willard North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28478 Willard North Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 28478

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