The Power Post: June 2021 (Issue 02)

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JUNE 2021

THE POWER POST Monthly news, views & announcements from Empower The Village

In This Issue

Black Votes Matter: Numbers Don't Lie!

From Massacre to Movement:

ETV's Black Friday Challenge

Happy Juneteenth! Celebrate our Liberation!

June ushers in many noteworthy celebrations. However, the most significant celebration for Black people is Juneteenth, our liberation from slavery throughout America. Despite increased interest in recent years, many still may not know the true historical

For the Love of Art: Meet the Artists

significance of the occasion. Texas leadership, unsurprisingly, exploited the slow spread of information about Lincoln’s edict in 1863 freeing ALL enslaved Black people in America, and shamelessly continued to enforce slavery in the state for 2 more years beyond the legal mandate to end the practice. Juneteenth

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celebrates the “official” liberation of Black Americans from slavery in Texas on June 19, 1865. Historically, we were "taught" that enslaved people were freed in all states after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. In fact, enslaved Texans weren't freed

Empower The Village @empoweretv

until Union Army General Granger delivered General Order No. 3. The first liberation celebration was held in Galveston, TX. Over 150 years later, Juneteenth is gaining traction and may finally be honored as a national holiday. That time cannot come soon enough! ETV is commemorating Juneteenth through its For the Love of Art: Juneteenth Celebration of Joy & Justice. Hope you will join us!

@empower_etv AYO SANDERSON WILSON Founder & CEO



Black Votes Matter: Numbers Don't Lie! There is power in your voice and your vote! Here's a breakdown of how Black voters have impacted recent elections.

From the start of Barack Obama’s 2008

For the first time in 20 years, Black voter

presidential campaign in 2008 to Joe Biden

turnout fell to 59.6%, dropping ~7 points from

and Kamala Harris’ 2020 electoral victory, the

the ~67% high point in 2012. Yet Clinton still

evolution of Black voter turnout was

won the popular vote with the aid of all under-

extraordinary. Over the course of four

represented groups. Here is the bottom line:

election cycles, the dominant voice of Black

Mobilizing Black voters and other non-white

people and people of color profoundly

voters nationwide and in key swing states would

impacted electoral outcomes. ETV is a data-

be critical for democracy.

driven non-profit organization and the numbers don't lie!

The 2020 presidential election between Biden/Harris and Trump/Pence, fueled one of

In 2008, young Black millennials made a

the highest voter turnout in history, even

significant impact in that election. They

amidst a pandemic. 63% of eligible Black voters

effectively erased the racial gap between white

turned out in 2020, and while not at 2008 and

and Black voters. Among voters 18-24, Black

2012 levels, the rebound from 2016 proved to

voters had the highest statistical increase in

be decisive. The increased turnout in swing

participation, an 8 point jump from 2004.

states were important to Biden's Electoral College win - which is also why ETV's Operation Ballot Box initiative was focused on them. For example, in Arizona Black voters had a record turnout of 60% which helped Biden

Black voter turnout in 2012 eclipsed Black turnout in 2008. For the first time, Black people voted at a higher rate than whites, producing another demographic milestone. The statistics are striking: Roughly ~67% of eligible Black voters participated in the 2012 presidential election, compared to ~64% of eligible white voters participating.

win the typically conservative state. Similarly, Georgia was in the spotlight for the increased racial diversity of their electorate with an increase of 130,000 more Black registered voters. Additionally, the strength of Black voter turnout in the Detroit Metro Area carried Biden to victory in Michigan, proving that the Black community can turn the tide of elections.

Interestingly, while Obama captured the least

Access to mail-in and early voting, as well as

amount of white voter support for any

convenient, official, ballot drop boxes is critical

winning Democratic candidate (only 39% of

to our democracy. Expanded voting options not

the white vote), he triumphed by winning 80%

only make voting more accessible and help

of the non-white vote. Clearly, Black voters and

reduce voter apathy, but help diverse voting

other non-white voters matter!

blocs step fully into their power! The Village

In 2016, turnout among all demographics decreased significantly as a result of two unpopular candidates and an active misinformation campaign around the integrity of our elections by Donald Trump. 02

needs to be at the forefront of advocating for voting legislation in their local communities and federal level, especially, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. THE POWER POST | ISSUE 2

Month in Review: From Massacre to Movement

ETV has great initiatives and events planned as we head into the Summer months! We've got some surprises up our sleeve, but here's a hint: get out your paint brushes and bingo cards!

We reflected on the strength and resilience of The

BFC offers numerous fun ways to compete, from

Village throughout the month of May as we

playing POWER BINGO, "Ready, Set, Shop!", and

approached the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa

other challenges patronizing restaurants, boutiques,

Massacre and destruction of "Black Wall Street." A

bookstores, and other establishments, as well as

century later, the Black community in Tulsa

engaging professional services. Nominating new

continues to rebuild what was originally lost,

Black-owned businesses for inclusion in our VBP is

rebuilt, and stolen again. The fight for restitution

another way to play.

and reparations is ongoing! And now we're going to let you join the fun!

As we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic, the

However, you decide how to compete, assemble

resilience of Black Tulsa is echoed nationwide.

team(s) within your company, organization, or

41% of Black-owned small businesses were forced

friend group and let ETV's Village Black Pages

to close due to the economic impacts of the health

directories be your guide. The real winners are the

crisis. Now, businesses are attempting to return to

Black-owned businesses that you support and

a new normal and recover from their loses.

empower! Email us at BFChallenge to get started.

ETV is proud to support Black businesses through our programs and initiatives. Last November, ETV launched its Make Every Friday, Black Friday movement, where we and celebrity champion Whoopi Goldberg invited consumers to support Black-owned businesses at least one day a week – Fridays! Then, we developed and published our ETV Village Black Pages (VBP) directories, the polished, easy-to-use tools to help consumers find thousands of Black-owned

Now that ETV has provided the tools to support

businesses in eight states with 17 more directories

Black-owned businesses and services, the rest is up

to come!

to you...Get Ready, Set, Shop! What's Next?

This May, ETV piloted its Black Friday Challenge

Watch this space next month when ETV pilots its

(BFC), a spirited, friendly competition that

academic enrichment program...

encourages participants to support as many Black-owned businesses as possible!



For the Love of Art: Meet the Artists From acrylic to graphite, sculpture and mixed media. the artists featured in our For the Love of Art fundraiser represent the breadth of Black artistic excellence! Read on to get to know some of our talented artists.

Anthony Gartmond

Gabrielle Baker

Anthony was born in Newark, NJ, raised in

A native New Yorker, Gabrielle’s interest in art

East Orange, and is a longtime resident of

began when, at age 10, she took her first still

Lawrenceville, NJ. Anthony was a talented art

life watercolor class. Her talent grew as she

student throughout his formative years in East

progressed through Music and Art High

Orange but sidelined his passion for a 30-year

School where she also studied graphic art,

career in law. He returned to art as a full-time

calligraphy, and photography. However,

endeavor in 2014 and has had a burgeoning art

inadequate support caused her interest to

ever since. His graphite pencil art pieces have

wane, eventually redirecting Gabrielle’s focus

been featured at the gallery at WBGO Jazz

away from art as a vocation and toward

88.3, October Gallery, both in Philadelphia, as

medicine instead. Her passion was reignited

well as Astah’s Fine Art Gallery in Maplewood.

30+ years later after her “dabbling” drew

Anthony has also exhibited his work at several

encouragement from art professionals. This

highly acclaimed art shows. This is his third

time, she focused on metallurgy -- the science

ETV art show appearance and we applaud his

and application of metals and their alloys --


and mineralogy after one of her early paintings sold at an art exhibit. Confidence restored, she embarked on a career as an abstract artist and realized she was still in her “element.” ETV is proud to welcome Gabrielle back for her second show!

Gabrielle Baker "Metallurgy 7 - Copper Patina" 16"x16" Acrylic on Canvas Anthony Gartman "Subway Scene"


16"x20", Graphite Pencil $500 04


For the Love of Art: Meet the Artists From acrylic to graphite, sculpture, and mixed media, the artists featured in our For the Love of Art fundraiser represent the breadth of Black artistic excellence! Read on to get to know some of our talented artists.

Jimmy James Greene

Carl "BAi" Karni-Bain

Since his childhood in Xenia, OH, Jimmy James

Carl Karni-Bain, “BAi”, hails from San

Greene has shown exceptional artistic ability.

Francisco, CA. A celebrated artist with over 25

After apprenticing with acclaimed afro-centric

years of experience, BAi left the Bay area and

muralist Jon Onye Lockard in Ann Arbor, MI,

a career as an IT consultant in 2013 for New

Greene graduated from The Rhode Island

York City, to fulfill a lifelong dream of

School of Design. Since then he has gone on to

making art a full-time pursuit. His decision

become an accomplished collagist, draftsman

has paid off, as BAi is a highly respected

and designer who also works with stained glass,

abstract-expressionist whose work is exhibited

printmaking, and mosaic tile. For the past 25+

and collected worldwide. He is recognized as

years his work has explored the communal

one of the top 10 artists in Harlem, and among

expressions of the African diaspora in general,

the top 50 in New York City. BAi has works on

and those of the African-American experience

permanent display at the University of North

in particular. As a fine artist, Greene has

Carolina in Charlotte, and Harrison Museum

executed over 31 one-person exhibitions and

of African American Culture in Roanoke, VA.

innumerable group showings. As a commercial

This audience favorite is featured in the For

artist, he has theater posters, CD covers and

The Love of Art exhibit for the third

many newspaper, magazine, and book cover

consecutive year!

illustrations to his credit. ETV could not be more pleased to welcome Jimmy James back for an encore after first appearing in our 2020 show!

Jimmy James Greene "Pandemic Survivors 1918" 22"x30" Acrylic and Pastel $2,000

Carl "BAi" Karni-Bain "Kalahara" 50"x54", *insert medium* $5,000



For the Love of Art: Meet the Artists From acrylic to graphite, sculpture, and mixed media, the artists featured in our For the Love of Art fundraiser represent the breadth of Black artistic excellence! Read on to get to know some of our talented artists.

Other Juneteenth Artists

Want to learn more about the fundraiser? View and click this year's flyer for more

Aleathia Brown Anthony Boone Curtis Grayson Danielle Scott Demarcus McGaughey Kortez Mason Archie Robert Carter Rosalind "N'Zinga" Nichols William Daniels Will Porter William Torbert

information and to purchase tickets! Watch the highlight reel from last year's event below!

and many more...

For The Love of Art Sponsors Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Sliver Sponsor

Contemporary Ladies Book Club Bronze Sponsors

Bonnie and Michael Carter 06


Get Involved! Visit our website, reach out via email or follow us on IG, FB and Twitter. Learn about how you can help ETV support the Black community! Click below! @empoweretv @empower_etv

ETV needs your financial support to achieve its mission to Restore Prosperity, Peace, & Power to the Black community in partnership with The Village.

Donate Now 07


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