emPOWER Magazine Feb/Mar 2009

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(of course, in your mind’s eye) and out into the future, to 15 minutes after the successful completion of the event you thought you were anxious about (emphasis on ‘successful’). When you turn around and look towards ‘now’, you’ll notice the anxiety disappeared. Why? Because, you are ‘after’ the event (so, no need for negative anticipation!) and the event was successful! This, among other techniques, proves that your thinking creates your reality – all over time. While this all might seem simple, it’s important not to try this on your own, and you should seek a trained time line therapist for assistance. Christine de Waart** from Perth experienced the benefits of time line therapy first hand. She is a vivacious, intelligent, cheerful and hard working woman. Before she learned time line therapy she was involved in two abusive relationships. Both relationships made her feel powerless and bad about herself. She had very low self-esteem as a result of these relationships, and she was quite overweight. She had no self-worth or clarity

her own company where she’s now earning five times what she was before and it’s growing rapidly. She became extremely empowered by using time line therapy. Life is truly fabulous for her now. She could have been devastated for the rest of her life, but pulled herself together and made it through successfully. Being able to let go of unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviours and create the future you want is extremely valuable in every person’s life because everyone has something they want to get rid of. Look at celebrities such as Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan – do you think they really want to keep going into rehab over and over again? Or actors like Mel Gibson, Russell Crowe or Alec Baldwin... Imagine how embarrassing it was for Alec Baldwin to run his anger so out of control at his daughter for the whole world to hear? Do you think these actors who have repeated stories about their tempers really want to behave that way? No-one is exempt from thoughts, emotions or behaviours that they want to get rid of no matter how famous they are. It’s just a fact

Time line therapy techniques are based on your ‘time line’ with your entire history – your joys and fears, your happiness and sorrow, your loves and hates... of life. The good news is that using time line therapy techniques, people can really eliminate these things from their lives and create what they truly want instead. Stop and think about it for a moment – what would be the impact on you if you could release all of the anger/sadness/fear/guilt in your past memories while preserving the learnings from those events? What if you could go back and re-do any old decision that you made in the past, and decide in a new way that supports who you want to be now? With time line therapy, we also have the ability to reevaluate our past, and change any decision that limits us. To a certain extent our behaviour is guided by the decisions that we’ve made in the past. Whether conscious or unconscious, these decisions affect our behavior in the present. Finally, what if you had a reliable way to create your future the way you wanted it, and actually have that happen? * Time Line Therapy is a registered trademark of Dr Tad James and The Time Line Therapy Association ** Name changed for privacy

Dr. Adriana James is a certified master trainer of NLP and a leading authority figure in the field of NLP and time line therapy. Dr. Tad James personally conducts trainings in Sydney where he teaches time line therapy. To access time line therapy practitioners in your area please contact The Tad James Co. on (02) 9221 9221 or visit www.timelinetherapy.com

February/March 2009



about the direction in her life and if you talk to anyone who has ever been in an abusive relationship, this is how most people end up feeling. Plus, she was supporting her two small children and was holding very low-income jobs. Christine was very capable, however the way she felt about herself prevented her from even trying to apply for higher income jobs. She felt like she had no way out, no way to be able to provide a future for her children, let alone herself. Christine knew she had to change a major pattern in her life but she didn’t know how. Time line therapy gave her the easy, clear and concise steps to release and let go of, forever, all her past traumatic emotions and beliefs about herself, which were the source of her unwanted thoughts and behaviours. She had a major breakthrough right away that broke this cycle of abuse with herself and others. As a result, she ended her abusive relationship and has not had another one since. She lost all the excess weight, which amounted to three dress sizes, regained her self-worth, and she began for the first time to feel like she had direction in her life. Christine developed

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