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School of Art & Design


Tutorial Record Sheet 2012/13


Module: Research Project Stage 2 Ref. no: FASH30002 Date: 13.05.13 Name : Emma Waite

Tutorial / Seminar Record Sheet Work to bring / prepare for session: Work so far, visuals and creative outcomes.

Learning issues to discuss in session: The final creative outcomes, communication strategy and what is needed in the conclusion and methodology.

Feedback from session: In the methodology you need: dates, how many people, sample size, why have you chosen that person? Make sure that if it adds value to you writing it needed to be included in the body of the report and not in the appendix. Conclusion needs to be flowing text, to bring your report full circle even carry it into the future, recap the key points of project though. Test print the document for readability proofing. Make sure everything in your report is justified.

Tasks for next session: Finish completing Indesign document and appendixes, test print then actually print.

Please indicate progress to hand in (1 = Not ready / 5 = Ready and Prepared) 1 2 3 4 5 Signed (Tutor) Signed (student)





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