Nasty Gal UK Launch Event Proposal

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Event proposal

By Emma Louise Nelson

UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD School of Art, Design and Architecture Department of Design Nasty Gal UK Event Proposal Emma Louise Nelson A Major Project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for BA (Hons) Fashion, Communication and Promotion Module THD1101 Fashion Communication and Promotion Major Project The candidate confirms that the work submitted is their own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. The University of Huddersfield School of Art and Design Department of Design Huddersfield West Yorkshire England

(16th May 2014)

contents introduction 4 1.0 introduction 5 1.1 Rationale 5 1.2 Aims & Objectives 5 1.3 Event Messages 5 1.4 Expected Outcome 6 event arrangements 7 2.0 Event Details 2.1 Date, Venue, Location

8 8

3.0 invitations


4.0 Entertainmemt 4.1 Activities 4.2 Talks 4.3 Music 4.4 Product

11 11 11 11 13

5.0 Food & Drink


6.0 Gift Bags


event logistics 17 7.0 Event Staff 7.1 Security 7.2 Staffing

18 18 18

8.0 Event Scedule


9.0 Guestlist


10.0 Post Event 10.1 Press Release 10.2 Evaluation & Measuring Success

19 19 19

11.0 Budget


conclusion 21 12.0 Conclusion 22 references 23 appendices 25

Introduction & Background.

1.0 introduction This report outlines the proposed plan for an event to celebrate the opening of the UK Nasty Gal distribution centre prior to UK specific ecommerce site going live. The event will herald the arrival of Nasty Gal in the UK and showcase the brand’s personality in tangible form allowing the brand to introduce itself to the UK media personally and fully, with founder Sophia Amoruso set to give an exclusive talk on the brand’s impressive journey to global expansion. The event will give the brand the opportunity to establish connections with the UK media and meet its UK consumers, gaining email addresses and social media account information to utilise throughout the campaign for direct targeting. Media and consumers alike will be immersed in the Nasty Gal world in an attempt to recreate the community feel the brand thrives off in the US; showcasing the brand as more than just an e-tailer but a lifestyle. 1.1 Rationale The event will drive multichannel promotion across a breadth of media establishing a relationship with the right publications and potential consumers adding an offline, physical element to a widely online campaign. The event will reinforce the Nasty Gal identity in a concrete way, which online promotions may fail to portray. 1.2 Aims & Objectives Aim: To host a successful branded event prior to the UK specific site going live that will stimulate coverage in suitable publications to introduce the brand to the UK and generate excitement, discussion and online activity. Objectives: 1. Promote the brand’s arrival in the UK by generating awareness, excitement and discussion. 2. Gain contact information of target consumers that can be used in in the future for direct marketing. 3. Provide both the media and consumers with a history of the brand and taste of its values and identity whilst showcasing the in-house collection ahead of its online sale on the UK site. 4. Secure press coverage in 15 publications and gain a social media following of 5000 consumers across each UK specific social platform during the week following the event. 1.3 Event Message The event will be fun and playful with activities for guests to get involved in as well as informative. The theme of the event is centred round the brand’s roots. With a talk from Amoruso setting the scene of Nasty Gal’s humble beginnings, the entire evening will be a tribute to the brand’s journey and founder. The venue – an American style diner and bowling alley - will offer an ideal environment to understand what Nasty Gal is all about and provides an interesting angle for the media. The theme will reflect the youthful, playful attitude of the brand with all elements of the night carrying a story of the brand for example: burgers and milkshakes - the food and drink for the evening is what Amoruso paid her school friends with for modelling for her when Nasty Gal was a small eBay page manned from a teenage bedroom. These elements add substance; offering an emotive, personal angle which the media welcome when writing an article.

1.4 Expected outcome The event aims to introduce itself to the UK in true Nasty Gal style illustrating physically what sets the brand aside from its competitors by hosting an event that features much more than the products for sale; by crafting a environment for guests to feel part of the Nasty Gal brand, learning about its history and inviting them into a community. The expected outcome of the event is to gain coverage both on and offline from media and consumers. Social media channels are expected to gain a substantial following and used to facilitate discussion surrounding the event and the promotional products given away. The site should see sales of its in-house collection - which is to be previewed at the event and site traffic to homepage (even if not followed through with a purchase). A list of email, Facebook and Instagram addresses from potential consumers should be obtained at entry to the venue for use in future marketing and Images with relevant and influential consumers using branded promotional material which can shared across the brand’s social media channels. The event will also give the brand the opportunity to network with relevant media and to establish a good foundation for a supporting relationship.


event arrangements

2.0 event details Date, Venue, Location All Star Lanes, 95 Brick Lane, London, E1 6QL. The event will be held at ‘All Star Lanes’ an American style diner and bowling alley on Brick Lane in the Shoreditch area of London in ‘The Penthouse’ private hire space on Thursday 22nd May 2014. “Situated in the heart of East London’s creative district and a stone’s throw from the city. The private room at Brick Lane is our largest and most luxurious. Take the private staircase up to the room which resembles a penthouse suite and comes with three bowling lanes. Enjoy one of our award winning cocktails at the private bar as you watch the main hall lanes below you”. (All Star Lanes) The venue has been selected not only for its American theme but for its East London location which is the ideal environment for the brand to be associated with. Shoreditch has long be known for its quirky inhabitants, eccentric styles and offbeat bars and cafes. Brick lane especially is home to head offices and stores of many brand’s that target a similar consumer to Nasty Gal, for example; Religion, Public Beware and Bitching and Junk Food. The anything-goes, good-time feel to the area is the most suitable place to house the event and attract the right crowd of young, confident, creatives. The music scene around the East London area is in line with that of the European events the brand is set to sponsor over the summer such as Sonar Off, Exit and Hideout (see Communications Plan for more details) which ensures the event is relevant and integrated into the larger strategy. All Star Lanes is available for private hire for up to 150 guests with 3 full sized bowling lanes, presentation screen, dining area and cocktail bar. “Known as The Penthouse - set on a mezzanine floor above our main hall, our private room at Brick Lane is exclusive from the rest of the venue, with a slick stylish feel. It has been recently refurbished with brand new carpets throughout and a 12 metre Manhattan skyline wall. Features include: 3 bowling lanes with unlimited bowling and a tournament organised for you Your own fully stocked cocktail bar Your own shoe exchange Private kitchen area from where canapés will be circulated Private washrooms Staff on hand to look after you, serving food and drink and running a bowling tournament for you.” (All Star Lanes) Figure 1 is a floor plan provided by the venue outlining how the space is used in the Penthouse Private hire room.


(Figure 1: All Star Lanes floor plan)


3.0 invitations The invitations will visually match the advertisements around the London Underground and in print publications (please refer to separate document titled Promotional Strategy for more information on advertising) continuing with the tag line ‘R U Nasty?’ The minimalist approach together with the rhetorical question gives a sense of mystery to the event enticing guests to attend to find out more. The tone of voice is fun and friendly reflecting the youthful playful values of the brand.


Exclusive DJ set from Radio 1 DJ, HEIDI

r u nasty?

FREE bowling, pool, photobooths and Nasty Gal goodie bags

we want YOU to come party with us to celebrate our UK launch! Come thirsty, hungry and in your nastiest dancing shoes!

Meet our very own Nasty Queen Sophia Amoruso and get the lowdown on being the ultimate GIRL BOSS

22. 05. 14 // 8.30 - 11.30pm // All Star Lanes //Brick Lane, Shoreditch // E1 6QL

(Figures 2 & 3: Invite fromt and back at 300 x 200mm to be sent to press)


4.0 entertainment 4.1 Activities

Three bowling lanes will be available for free use throughout the evening as well as pool tables. A ‘Social Photo Kiosk’ will be hired for the venue that works similarly to traditional photo booths however images are uploaded to social media sites instead of the printed out option. This will encourage guests to share images of the event on their own social media platforms reaching a wider audience and driving discussion of Nasty Gal’s UK launch. Another photo station called ‘Hash Tag Pics’ is also to be hired for the event. This device links up to the venues WiFi and guests are invited to tag any Tweets, Status updates or photographs to Nasty Gal’s social media and these will all automatically be played out on the screens around the venue. These elements will help integrate the social media element of the wider campaign while utilising user generated content to keep all social platforms active and up to date. 4.2 Talks Founder of Nasty Gal Sophia Amoruso will give an exclusive talk about the history of Nasty Gal and its journey from her bedroom to global expansion. She will share her experiences of being her own boss and the hurdles and rewards she has faced in her 8 years as the ultimate Nasty Gal. Amoruso will discuss what a ‘Nasty Gal’ is and the values and beliefs of the brand. She will also discuss the release of her first book ‘Girl Boss’ which talks about women as independent business people. Putting a face and a story to the brand encourages an emotional involvement with the brand whilst giving the media varying angles to write their story. Christina Ferrucci, Buying Director at Nasty Gal will also give a small talk about the creative appeal of the brand and clothing. Ferrucci will introduce the Nasty Gal in house collection and invite guests to shop the line in the dedicated space. Ferrucci was the first to be employed by Amoruso and has been with Nasty Gal since its infancy, this will reinforce the message of the event, about the journey of the brand – creating a sense of community through the partnership and now friendship between Ferrucci and Amoruso. 4.3 Music A DJ set from up and coming female DJ, Heidi (The Jackathon/Phonica Records) will be one of the main attractions of the night. Growing up in Canada in a household full of folk, rock and blues music coupled with teenage years travelling to Detroit and Chicago, Heidi has acquired quite the eclectic record collection. Her move to London was what really put her on the music map, she spent years in the underground haunts of the east end which is responsible for adding a techno vibe to her fusion of US and UK experiences that have helped shape her distinctive sound. Her ties with America and the UK, coupled with her talent and her quirky image make Heidi the perfect figure to be involved with the Nasty Gal brand. Heidi will also be playing sets at the European events Nasty Gal are set to sponsor which again helps integrate this event with the wider promotional strategy. A competition will run for the best image taken by guests who made a purchase at the event to win a trip to Heidi’s set at 1 of 4 of the European locations. See document titled Promotional Strategy for further information. Heidi will play a 1 hour set at the event, wearing pieces from the Nasty Gal in house collection. The remainder of the night’s music will be an assorted mix of minimal techno infused with disco sounds from the US.

(Figures 4, 5, 6: From top; Sophia Amoruso, Christina Ferrucci, Heidi)


4.4 product A separate smaller room will house the Nasty Gal in house collection which guests can exclusively shop prior to the online launch. Guests will be allowed in in groups of 10 to browse the collection. Every guest who makes a purchase will be offered an iPhone (4 or 5) case free with their transaction and encouraged to photograph themselves displaying both their purchase and the branded case using the hashtag ‘#imnasty’ on social media platforms for a chance to win tickets to see Heidi DJ at a 1 of 4 European events. This will help promote the event, the collection and the hashtag to a large audience whilst also providing a way of measuring the success of the event through the hashtag interaction.

(Figure 7: Phone case to be given with every transaction with the hash-tag ‘#imnasty’)


5.0 food and drink The food and drink selected maintains the American identity of the brand, whilst referring to the theme of the night about Amoruso’s journey to global expansion – Amoruso used to pay her friends to model for her eBay star with burgers from local diners. The chosen food and drink is fun and youthful whilst strongly themed and in keeping with the nostalgic feel of the night. With the food and drink all being provided in one package from the hired location – payment and organisation is a lot simpler and a consistency in theme is more achievable. The Penthouse private hire room at All Star Lanes provides a canapé menu of classic American bar food such as mini burgers, tacos and pancakes all of which can be eaten easily on the move and are served by the venues own waiting on staff. Please refer to Appendix A for a detailed menu of all canapés available. The onsite cocktail bar is stocked with a vast range of bourbons and American whiskeys as well as classic cocktails or the option to create your own concoction. A complimentary glass of ‘Nasty Juice’ will be given on arrival with a non-alcoholic alternative and samples of American whiskeys and liquors will be passed around by the staff throughout the night. (Please refer to Appendix B for a detailed drinks menu.)

(Figures 8 & 9: Food and Drink from All Star Lanes)


6.0 Gift Bags All guests will be given a gift bag when exiting the event to thank them for their attendance and provide them with items that will remind them of the event, encourage them to shop the brand or discuss the items with other potential customers and overall building a positive relationship with influential media figures. The gift bag will a canvas bag with the campaign tag line ‘I’m a Nasty Gal’ printed in large bold copy on either side alongside the campaign hash tag ‘#imnasty’ to promote a consistent hash tag across all social media platforms. The gift bag will include: • A voucher for £10 off any Nasty Gal purchase over £50 before September 2014 to encourage guests to make a purchase on the Nasty Gal site • A branded hand held fan with the campaign tagline ‘I’m a Nasty Gal’ printed in bold text. The same promotional fans will be given out at the summer events (refer to Communications Plan for more information). Hand held fans are used widely at targeted events such as Sonar and Hideout festival and in many clubs around the world that target a similar demographic to Nasty Gal. • June issue of ‘Mixmag’ (House and Dance music magazine) This links the event and the music by DJ Heidi with the summer events the wider campaign targets giving a consistent message whilst associating Nasty Gal with a brand that shares a similar demographic. • 25% off food bill at All Star Lanes, Brick Lane. • Novelty gifts including a lollipop and comb-in hair colour chalks will add a youthful, fun and playful feel to the gift bag.


I’m a nasty gal #imnasty

I’m a nasty gal #imnasty


£10 OFF ORDERS OVER £50 ‘party10’ *terms & conditions apply (Figures10, 11, 12: Promotional Material)

Event logistics

7.0 Event staff 7.1 Security Armstrong Security will be hired to provide trained door security to control entry into the event. Armstrong security operate in the London area at competitive prices of £12.95 per hour. Two security professionals will be hired to arrive at 7.45 until 9.30 when entry to the event will close. 7.2 staffing The chosen venue, All Star Lanes is providing a complete package of venue hire, food and drink and with this comes waiting on staff who will take care of catering the event as well as housekeeping at the close of the event. Two members of the Nasty Gal team will be chosen to ensure smooth running of the area dedicated to shopping the collection. A further two Nasty Gal employees will be chosen to hand out the gift bags at the close of the night. An event photographer will be hired to photograph the different elements of the event.

8.0 event schedule Figure 13 below outlines the proposed timings for the event and its main elements. The opening times for guests is 20:00 – 23:30 on Thursday 22nd May 2014.

Time to begin 19:30 19.45 20:00 20:15 20:30 21:15 21:30 23:00 23.30


Staff arrive Door Security arrive Doors open and guests arrive Drinks and Canapés begin in 20 minute intervals Welcome speech by Sophia Amoruso and brand history talk Talk by Christina Ferrucci about the collection DJ set by Heidi begins (1hr). Bowling lanes open. Collection available to shop. Closing speech and gift bags given out. Event ends. Guests are escorted out and the space is cleared up for close at 00:00

Time to end n/a 21.00 20.55 23:00 21:00 21:30 23.30 23:30 00:00

(Figure 13: Event Schedule)


9.0 guest list

A combination of media such as journalists and editors, bloggers, stylists and socialites will be invited to the event including winners of the competition promoted via social media platforms prior to the event (for further information please refer to the Communications Plan). 150 guests will be invited, taking into consideration that if around 30 guests are absent there are still 120 guests to fill the 130 capacity venue. Examples of publications targeted include: • Look • Company • Vogue • Grazia • Mixmag • Elle • i-D • Stylist • Dazed & Confused • Vice • Wonderland • Drapers

This will encourage a wide range of publicity about the brand’s launch in the UK whilst offering an angle for articles and driving social media content both prior to and after the event. For a detailed guest list please refer to Appendix C. 10.0 post event 10.1 Press Release A press release will be created after the event and will be sent to attendees and non-attendees the following morning before 12:00, (23rd May). The release will include imagery from the night, quotes from guests and key quotes from Amoruso and Ferrucci talks. The DJ set from Heidi will also be featured in the release to appeal to a wider media such as Mixmag magazine, using her name in the music industry as a way to further Nasty Gal’s promotion in the UK. The press release will provide the media with all the information on the night whilst also offering various angles on the event to be tailored to each publication. For example, the DJ for Mixmag and quotes from the talk with Amoruso about her entrepreneurial skills for publications such as Drapers. (For an example press release please refer to the Press Pack). 10.2 Evaluation and Measuring Success To evaluate the success of the event, media coverage will be tracked for three weeks following the event as well as site traffic and sales. A further effective way of measuring the success is through the branded hash tag ‘#imnasty’ that is to be promoted at the event and the images that feature the free phone case under this tagline. 19

11.0 Budget

Event Venue, Staff, Bowling DJ Goodie Bags Food & Drink Security Photographer Social Photo Kiosk Hash Tag Photo Station


Cost £1,700 £2000 £500 £3000 £29.78 £300 £399 £399




12.0 CONCLUSION The event aims to celebrate Nasty Gal’s arrival in the UK whilst introducing the brand to the media in a style that fully reflects the brand’s values and personality. The event should create positive press around the brand and secure coverage in several major fashion publications whilst establishing valuable media contacts. The event is an invaluable opportunity to share the story of the brand in a cohesive way that online tactics may have difficulty communicating. The press can learn about Nasty Gal from the brand itself reliving the story with Amoruso, crafting an emotional connection between the press and the brand. The core values of the brand are presented in various ways from the choice of food to the style of music to the social media elements and in turn integrates all the aspects of the larger campaign. The event is likely to attract guests through securing an exclusive set from Radio 1 DJ Heidi ahead of her summer of festival appearances. The free promotional gift bags add another attractive incentive to attend. Competition winners can be assumed to be potential fans of the brand and showcasing the brand in a positive light to them is essential to drive word of mouth ahead of the launch. Encouraging social media activity at the event will create user generated content for the brand’s social media platforms which will begin to form a community of consumers. Conclusively, the event is essential to build media relations and provide the press with substantial and emotive material to secure coverage in influential publications.



List of figures Figure 1: Venue Floor Plan All Star Lanes Private Hire (2014) Downloadable Brochure. Retrieved from: http://www.allstarlanes. Figure 2 & 3: Event Invite Figure 4: Sophia Amoruso The Business of Fashion (2014) Image online. Retrieved from: sophia-amoruso Figure 5: Christina Ferrucci Elle (2014) Insider Tips for Holiday Shopping. Image Online. Retrieved from: fashion/spotlight/online-holiday-shopping-tips-tricks-7#slide-7 Figure 6: Heidi Elle (2014) Elle in Ibiza. Image online. Retrieved from: Figure 7: Mock up phone case for event Figure 8: Burger CanapĂŠs All Star Lanes Private Hire (2014) Downloadable Brochure. Retrieved from: http://www.allstarlanes. Figure 9: Cocktails All Star Lanes Private Hire (2014) Downloadable Brochure. Retrieved from: http://www.allstarlanes. Figure 10: Mock up promotional fan Figure 11: Mock up promotional bag Figure 12: Mock up promotional voucher Figure 13: Table illustrating event schedule


APPENDIX A - CANAPE MENU Chimichurri Marinated Chicken Wrap Sweet Chilli Chorizo Chipolatas Pork, Leek and Apple Filo Strudel All Star Lanes Mini Burgers Southern Fried Chicken Lollipops Pulled Pork & Apple Slider Artisan Mini Hot Dogs Beef Carpaccio with Shaved Parmesan & Rocket Pulled Salt Beef on Brioche -with pickle and mustard Seattle Fishcakes -with tartare sauce Crab and Spring Onion Crisp Taco Cajun Shrimp Lollipop Goats Cheese and Caramelized Onion Tart - V Mac and Cheese Croquettes - V - -with marinara dip All Star Lanes Mini Veggie Burger - V Buttermilk Sweetcorn Pancakes - V - -with feta and tomato chutney

APPENDIX B - DRINKS MENU SHOTS Baby Bison Davna Bizon vodka, peach liqueur, passion fruit and apple juice. Baby Buffalo A mini mint julep shot. Pickle Back A shot of bourbon followed by a shot of pickle juice. COCKTAILS Mint Julep Woodford Reserve bourbon churned with mint, sugar and crushed ice. The official drink of the Kentucky Derby, where thousands of them are consumed every race day. Barrel Aged Vieux Carré We take H By Hine cognac, rye whiskey, Benedictine and vermouth and age it for a minimum of four weeks to marry the flavours. Created in 1938 at the Hotel Monteleone New Orleans. Burnt Inheritance Woodford Reserve bourbon, Aperol, walnut liqueur, Pimento Dram and Angostura bitters. Smoked with oak wood chips and served with hand-cut ice. Based on the Old Money cocktail from Chicago. Sazerac Sazerac rye whiskey, stirred with Peychuad’s bitters and an absinthe rinse. From the Sazerac House, New Orleans. Boulevardier Woodford Reserve bourbon, Campari and sweet vermouth. A cousin of the gin-based Negroni. Old Fashionedfrom Your choice of whiskey, sugar and bitters stirred with ice and an orange twist. We will use Woodford Reserve unless you prefer something else from our selection. Bloody Mary Finlandia vodka, tomato and lemon juice with our house made spice mix. There are many claims to where this drink came from, but it has been saving people from hangovers since the 1930s at least. Manhattanfrom Rittenhouse Rye whiskey is stirred with vermouth and bitters. Popular history tells that this drink originated at the Manhattan Club NY in the early 1870’s. Why not upgrade to the All Star Manhattan? See below... The All Star Manhattan A premium mix of Woodford Reserve masters collection, seasoned oak and Antica Formula vermouth.

APPENDIX C - GUEST LIST Guest Joseph Enrico – Fashion Director Marvin Scott Jarrett – Editor James Fallon – Editor Edward Nandoza - Editor Justine Picardie – Editor Sasha Slater – Deputy Editor Jayne Wynyard – head of PR Kay Barron – Fashion Features Editor Emer Dewar – Fashion Editor Jo Elvin – Editor Julia Yule – Fashion & beauty Editor Charlotte Fidler – Creative Director Jo Holley – Retail Editor Louise Court – Editor Pat McNulty – Online Editor Suzy Cox – Deputy Editor Elizabeth Fraser Bell – Fashion Editor Tim Noakes – Editor Cathy Edwards – Executive Fashion Editor Karen Langley – Fashion Director Daniella Agrelli – Fashion Director David Hayes – Deputy Fashion Editor Jess Cartner Morley – Fashion Editor Rosie Swash – Online Fashion Editor Hadley Freeman – Fashion and Features Writer Imogen Fox – Deputy Fashion Editor Bel Jacobs – Style Editor Emily Sheffield – Deputy Editor Alexandra Shulman – Editor Francesca Burns – Fashion Editor Harriet Quick – Fashion Features Director Lorraine Candy – Editor Anne Marie Curtis – Fashion Director Alice Wignall – Features Director Adam Welch – Editor Giulia Oddi – Fashion Coordinator Julia Sarr Jamois – Senior Fashion Editor Jo Jones – Fashion Editor Elizabeth Day – Features Writer Lucy Rock – News Editor Terry Jones – Creative Director Holly Shackleton – Editor Caroline Newell – Fashion Editor Charlotte Stockdale – Fashion Director



WWD Harper’s Bazaar



Dazed and Confused

Telegraph Magazine Financial Times Guardian

Metro Vogue

Elle Wonderland Observer Magazine i-D

Jane Burton – Editor Catherine Nieto – Fashion Editor Amy Molloy – Features Writer Louise Pritchard – News Features Editor Lisa Smosarski – Editor Alexandra Fullerton – Fashion Director Collette Lyons – Features Editor Alex Miller – Editor Angie Gola Ebue – Head of Fashion Bruno Bayley - Editor Sophia Lopez – Editor Victoria White - Editor Ali Hall – Editor Lucy Wood – Fashion Director Hannah Hughes – Fashion Director Jessica Brown – Editor Caroline Nodder – News Editor Ian Wright – Fashion Director Kate Salter – Features Editor Charlie Harrington – Fashion Director Cara Dolman – Features Editor Karen Dacra – Fashion Editor Roasmund Urwin – Features Writer Harriet Walker – Fashion Features Writer Nicole Phelps – Executive Editor Tim Banks - Editor Katie Grand - Editor Ellidh MacAskill – Editor Emily Dean – Deputy Editor Sinead O’Donoghue – Online Deputy Editor Suzie Bubble Audrey Leighton India Rose Pages by Megan Alexalamode She Wears Fashion The Business of Fashion


Stylist Vice Mix Mag Company Look Drapers Stella London Evening Standard Independent Style Love InStyle Style Bubble Be Frassy India Rose Style Megan Ellaby Alexandra Blythin Kavita Donkersley Imran Amed

By Emma Louise Nelson

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