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statement and distinct organisational culture can help employees to feel part of something (Macleod 2008). 5.2 Evaluating the results against the research objectives ; In this section the research findings will be evaluated against four key objectives as defined in Chapter 1 to evaluate whether or not the intended objectives were met. Objective 1 - Critically review relevant academic literature to identify the key theories and models used to develop Induction programmes and measure employee engagement. A literature review was undertaken and a number of books and journals identified and analysed. When undertaking the literature review it became apparent that there is a lot of material on both topics, and that possibly one topic area would have been more appropriate as the report has a word limit of 10,000 words. Engagement was in danger of eclipsing the induction section and the literature review is more robust on this topic. If this report was to be started again it may have focused solely on engagement, however on the whole this objective was met. Objective 2 - Identify suitable methods of data collection to evaluate the employee experience of the current Induction programme and measure employee engagement. The rationale and process for collection of data are covered in detail in Chapter 3. Although there were several iterations of the questionnaire it became apparent when analysing the data that some of the questions could have been phrased differently to give more useful outcomes. Some concepts were grouped together to make the questionnaire shorter and simpler to answer. However in retrospect it would have been better to split some of the questions down further to increase the usefulness of the data gathered. For example the questions around the effectiveness of induction could have been split to make clear the difference between task specific training, which was generally delivered quite well, and social integration, onboarding and organisational integration. As this was not made clear the respondents assumed that the question referred to task-specific training and it was only when questioned more carefully in the interviews did it become apparent that there was a lot of room for improvement. The responses to questions about quality of management would have been more useful if they had been split into local and senior management. Overall the questionnaire approach gives a broad overview and a much larger sample size; it is not as useful as the interviews, which yielded a great deal of interesting and useful information. However the interviews were very time consuming to conduct and transcribe, so it would not have been practical to conduct multiple interviews. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the methodology selected met the objectives but if this approach was used again more iterations and more specific questions would be employed in the design of the questionnaire, and as many interviews as practical in the timescale available would be conducted. Objective 3 - Evaluate employee engagement in the call centre generally, and identify areas for improvement.


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