Jacksonville University Student Involvement Manual

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Student Involvement Manual 2019-2020

THE OFFICE OF STUDENT INVOLVEMENT The office of Student Involvement is responsible for fostering the foundation, and continual enrichment of holistic, co-curricular college experiences at Jacksonville University. We are committed to providing ways to build self-esteem, establish relationships, and develop leadership abilities. Our programs and services enhance the student experience at JU by focusing on cultivating communication skills, expanding global fluency, encouraging effective teamwork, and enhancing critical thinking abilities. The opportunities offered through Student Involvement create a sense of self-efficacy that allows students to gain transferable skills for life after graduation.

Staff Director of Student Involvement Emily Roth Easay@ju.edu

Coordinator of Student Involvement Dylan Myers Dmyers3@ju.edu

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02 Branches within 06 Student Involvement

The Office of Student Involvement

08 10 11 13 15 18

Being a Registered Student Organization (RSO) Starting a New RSO Advertisement Reserving Space on Campus How To: Presence How To: CheckPoint App


18 Appendix B: Purchase 19 Request Form Appendix C: 20 Reimbursement Form D: Deposit 21 Appendix Form Appendix E: Event 22 Planning Checklist Appendix F: Travel 24 Policy and Request G: Title IX 27 Appendix Reporting H: 28 Appendix Constitution Template 33 Liability Waiver Appendix A: Spot Allocation FAQ

Student Government Association


The Jacksonville university student government association (SGA), will work to address student concerns with the appropriate authorities, maintain accountability, and report salutations to the student body. SGA pledges to facilitate positive relations between the student body and the faculty and administration. SGA will be proactive in the coordination and training of student organizations, leading by example as encompassing student organization. The driving forces of SGA are the needs of the students, the welfare of the community, and the spirit of Jacksonville University.

General SGA Inquires SGA@jacksonville.edu SGA Treasurer SGAtreasurer@jacksonville.edu Director of Student Affairs SGAdirectorsa@jacksonville.edu

Fraternity and Sorority Life Fraternity and Sorority Life focuses on scholarship, philanthropy, community, and leadership through brother and sisterhood. Fraternity and Sorority Life makes up 12% of the student population at JU. We have 10 organizations within three councils.

Panhellenic Council Alpha Delta Pi

Interfraternity Council Pi Kappa Alpha

NPHC Alpha Kappa Alpha

Alpha Epsilon Phi

Sigma Chi

Alpha Phi Alpha

Delta Delta Delta

Sigma Nu

Kappa Alpha Psi

Gamme Phi Beta

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Dolphin Productions Dolphin Productions (DP) is the student-run programming board at Jacksonville University. Dolphin Productions is responsible for planning events such as Homecoming, Charter Day, campus concerts, guest speakers, comedians, and bringing novelty acts to the campus for the students’ enjoyment. For more information contact the Cooridinator of Student Involvement, Dylan Myers Email: Dmyers3@ju.edu JU ext.: 7537

Club Sports Club Sport is a recognized student organization formed by individuals motivated by a common interest and a desire to participate in a gross-motor sports activity. It exists to promote and develop an interest in that sport by providing its members' opportunities to learn new skills, refine existing skills, engage in competition, and enjoy the recreational and social fellowship of sport. While some compete with other universities and clubs throughout the country, others may participate in local demonstrations, shows, or contests. For more information about contact sports, please contact the Assistant Director of Recreations and Operations, Alex Kossoff Email: AKossof@ju.edu JU ext.: 7256 Page 6

Student Orgnizations Jacksonville University students possess the ability to engage in multiple interests while obtaining their degree. With over 100 different organizations, students will find ample ways to meet new people, improve their leadership skills, build selfesteem, face new challenges and responsibilities, and accomplish goals that will enhance their future endeavors. Becoming involved in different organizations in college is a significant way to improve your rĂŠsumĂŠ and make you noticeable when applying for a job after graduation. The student organizations found on campus enrich the social, cultural, and educational experiences, influence the larger community and enhance the overall diversity found at JU.

Organization Categories are the following: Academic Based Cultural and Identity Based Honor Society Interests and Hobbies

Media and Publication Political and Social Justice Professional Based Spiritual and Faith-Based

t u o k a ec r h o C f io . e c n t e n s e e r d P u . t s JU l l a f s o n t o i s t i l a z i n a g r o Page 6

Being a Registered Student Organization (RSO) All student organizations need to be registered through the Office of Student Involvement. By being a registered student organization, the organization receives the following benefits: Ability to reserve space on campus (25Live) Request a budget or spot allocation from SGA

Host events or meetings on campus Advertise on campus Access to Canva Pro

To remain an organization on campus, the organizational leaders are expected to: Keep attendance of all meetings and events Keep track of the organization's finances

Attend two SGA meetings a semester Keep the organization's Presence page up to date

Organization Re-Registrations Period During the first four weeks of the fall semester of every academic year, student organizations need to participate in the re-registration process. This informed the Office of Student Involvement that the organization is still active and ready to continue into that academic year. To re-register, an RSO must: Update Presence Roster must be at least seven members Contact Information

Complete the executive board transition form Attend the President and Treasurer's Meeting Reserve meeting space Page 7

How to Start a New Organization New organization requests are accepted in the first 4 weeks of each semester. Below are the steps to create a new organization on campus: Have a meeting with the Office of Student Involvement to discuss your ideas for the organization Prepare the paperwork by having a president, treasurer and advisor and creating a constitution (constitution template Appendix G) Fill out the Organization Registration application on Presence (ju.presence.io) during the first four weeks of the semester Attend the New Organization Training after your organization has been approved The organization is in a probational period until the new academic year. During this period your organization should hold interest Each RSO has a mailbox at the 3rd floor meetings, gain at least 7 members, and DSC front desk. When an organization create a plan for a budget orders something from online or receives mail, it will be delivered to the front desk. The front desk worker will email the president of the organization that they have received mail than the mail will be placed in the appropriate mailbox. If the organization receives a package, it will be kept behind the front desk. A president or another member of the organization may check their mailbox at any time and are encouraged to check at least once a week. Mail will be kept for two weeks.

Organization Mailboxes

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Advertisement on Campus The purpose of this policy is to manage the physical posting of materials on campus in a way that ensures the appropriate use of available space and prevents the defacing of campus. All postings on the Jacksonville University campus must be approved and stamped by the Office of Student Involvement before the distribution. Business and commercial advertising is not permitted. The Office of Student Involvement reserves the right to make decisions regarding the approval of what is to be posted.

Flyers/Postings/Banners Requirements

Approval Procedure

Pertain to and be sponsored by a JU student organization or campus department Include organization name, event name, location, date and time “For more information or ADA accommodations, please contact (**JU email address of contact person)” Space for the approval stamp

Drop off 20 flyers to the 3rd floor of the Davis Student Commons by noon on Monday or Thursday Requirements are checked by the desk attendants Advertisements are posted for a max of 2 weeks Posting occurs by the Office of Student Involvement on Monday and Thursday

Handouts Requirements

Approved Locations

Same as Flyers (see above) Maximum size 4in x 4in Handout permission form submitted on Presence

Handouts may be left at the front desk of the 3rd floor of DSC They may be given out outside the entrance of the Kinne Center (no reservation needed) Reservation is needed if an organization would like to table in the Kinne Center

Newsletter Requirements Submit the form on Presence The event must be approved on Presence Space must be confirmed through Mrs. Guy

Approval Procedure Requests are due by 9 AM every Monday Advertisements may be on the newsletter for a max of 2 weeks

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Other Advertisement Methods Chalking

Yard Signs

All chalking must be approved by the All yard signs approved by the Office of Office of Student Involvement. The Student Involvement must be picked organization must submit its request in up by the organization members and writing stating exactly what they wish to posted in pre-approved areas on write and where. Chalking is only campus daily permitted in areas where rain can easily Residential Life wash the chalk away. Chalk will be Posting in the residence halls must be provided for those who are approved. approved by the Office of Housing and Academic Building Residential Life. Please go to the main office at Apartment 1 for approval Please get approval from the respective Dean.

Electronic Board Requirements Submit the form on Presence Max of 100 Characters

Approval Procedure Electronic Board is updated every day around noon Advertisements may be on the board for a max of 2 weeks


All Registered Student Organizations have access to Canva Pro through Student Government. If your organization would like to utilize this, please request the username and password from SGA.

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Reserving Space on Campus All Registered Student Organizations can reserve space on campus to hold meetings, host events, and tables. RSOs must request to reserve space through 25Live and have confirmation from the University Scheduler before they may occupy any space on campus.

Meetings Meetings for the entire semester should be reserved within the first 4 weeks of the semester on 25Live.

Tabling Tabling is used as a form of gathering interest for the organization or an event. Two different tables can be used for tabling, both are in the Kinne Center between the Kinne Banquet Hall and the CafĂŠ. Below are some rules for tabling: Organizations are allotted a maximum of 2 consecutive days at the same time If used for elections, all parties involved must be allotted the same amount of time. Food is prohibited while tabling Unless explicit approval is given from Aramark, documentation is required to be submitted to the University Scheduler. Outside vendors or organizations must be sponsored by a student organization. One member of the student organization must always be present. Proof of insurance or liability waiver must be submitted to the University Scheduler. Individuals may reserve a table by requesting it through the Office of Student Involvement. The SI office will place the request on 25Live for that individual. Page 11

Food or Catering

If you plan on having food at your event or meeting it must be stated on the 25Live request. Please refer to these guidelines: Outside food is prohibited at locations that Aramark sells food (Kinne Center, Davis Student Commons, & the River House) Outside food is permitted at all other locations if the total amount spent on food is lower than $200 For anything over $200, you will need explicit permission from Aramark A student organization menu is available through Aramark catering. Please contact the Catering Office at 904-256-7529 or JUCateringServices@ju.edu

Movies Student Organizations are permitted to host movie nights if they purchase the rights to the movie though Swank Movies or show a movie the JU Library has the right to

Events Event Planning Checklist- Appendix E To host an event on campus, you must reserve space at least 1 month in advance. You will need request space on 25Live and you will need to know the following to submit the request:  How many people will be attending (estimated) Date, time, and location Set up needs Resources (tables, chairs, etc.) AV or Tech needs (laptop, projector, etc.) If an outside group or person coming If you will have food present If you plan on hosting your event in Terry Concert Hall or the River House, you will need to fill out the appropriate forms.

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How to: Presence Ju.Presence.io is the online hub for all student organizations and campus resources at JU. Students can see all the events that are happening, see the organizations JU offers, manage and track event attendance, create polls and forms, upload documents, and so much more! All the information on Presence can be edited by the organization’s president. If the president would like someone else to have permission to edit Presence, please reach out to the Office of Student Involvement. All information on Presence is expected to be kept current so that potential members can gather information.

View or Edit Your Organization 1. Login to Presence at Ju.Presence.io (top right corner)

2. Enter your JU username and password 3. Click the Admin Dashboard button on the dropdown menu

4. Hover over to the manage button on the left side of the screen and click on Organizations

5. The organizations you are listed as an admin for will show here a. If your organization is not listed, please contact the Office of Student Involvement 6. Click on the three vertical dots next to the organization you wish to edit and select edit

7. From here you can edit your page by selecting the different tabs or the pencil icon Page 13

Roster- Inviting Members 1. Click on the three vertical dots next to the organization and select roster

2. Either click the plus sign at the top right or scroll down until you see invite member

3. Type in the member's last name and click add to the tight of their name

Roster- Adding Officers 1. Once a member is added, scroll down to the member section 2. Find an officer's name and click on the pencil 3. Click the gray arrow for a drop-down menu of positions 4. Select their position and click save Presence only allows the "standard" positions, please use the closest position listed Page 14



1. Hover over the manage tab, click the plus sign next to Forms 2. Creating a form can be tricky, this page contains some settings and tips





Add or change the name of the form Add a category (survey or nothing) Update the status (active or draft) Hide empty fields (on or off) Success message (on or off) What the message say when someone submits a response Login (required or allow anonymous responses) Location of form Attached to an organization Attached to an event (if your event requires a form) Campus-wide Can have more than one location

Fields are what you will use to add content to your form. Below are the options you can choose from:


Text Choice Number


Email File Upload Date/time Signature


Header Field Group Content Image


Events Organizations Image Search

For each option, you can drag and drop where you want them to go. You are also able to edit the different aspects of each option. There is a lot of variety and customization options that come with the forms.

Limited Responses Here you can limit the number of responses a single person can submit or the total number of responses Date/Time Customize when the form is available Access This allows different user to have specific access to the form Approvals Here you can select people to be notified or given access to grant approvals. These can be ordered or unordered. Ordered will notify the people you select in the order listed whereas unordered will notify everyone at once

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CheckPoint App Every space that is reserved in 25Live will be automatically added to Presence Events. These events will be visible on our Jacksonville University Events App. All organizations are required to track attendance for all events and meetings. Below are the steps: 1. Check out the Student Involvement tablets or download the Presence CheckPoint app to your personal device 2. Open the app 3. Click on pin login 4. Type in the Event Code/ Pin Login a. The event code can be found on your event in Presence i. Go to manage-events-click on the event

5. There are 3 ways to add someone to the event a. Swipe: if you have the headphone jack swiper, you can just swipe an attendees ID and they will be added b. Barcode: you can take a photo of the person's barcode on their ID Only works on Apple products and can be difficult to focus c. Manual Entry: add an attendee’s email or ID number to add them Page 16

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Appendix A: Spot Allocation FAQ 1. Where can I find the spot allocation request form? a. On Presence under forms or this link: https://ju.presence.io/form/sga-spotallocation-request 2. What does the Spot Allocation process look like? a. After the Spot Allocation Request form has been filled out on Presence, the SGA treasurer will check for the following: i. Status of Organization ii. Funds currently in the account iii. Submitted as least 3 weeks before funds are needed b. If the Treasurer approves that the organization meets the requirements, it will be presented at the next SGA Executive Board Meeting to be voted on i. If the vote fails: the person who submitted the request will be notified of the denial of funds with a brief explanation of why ii. If the vote passes: it will move onto the senate c. Someone from the organization will present the request at the next Senate meeting d. The Senate will have the opportunity to ask questions to the organization and each other e. The Senate will discuss their thoughts on the request i. During this time, the senate may change the amount they vote on f. The final amount will be voted on i. If the vote fails: the Speaker of the Senate will provide the organization with a brief explanation and they will receive a follow-up email from the treasurer ii. If the vote passes: the organization will have access to the amount approved by the senate. g. The organization President, SGA Treasurer, and Speaker of the Senate will sign the appropriate paperwork notifying the Office of Student Involvement of the approved funds 3. What can I do if I am unhappy with my request being denied? a. You may ask the SGA treasurer to explain why the request was denied and if there is anything you can change to apply again b. You may ask the SGA treasurer and their Advisor to discuss with you in person 4. What can I do if I am unhappy with the amount my organization was approved for? a. You may ask the SGA treasurer for details as to why the amount was lowered or altered. Typically, requests will be altered if the items can be found cheaper or if the senate believes that some items are unnecessary to the event 5. What happens if I spend more than I am approved for? a. You will only be reimbursed for the funds that were approved. 6. How do I use the Spot Allocation funds? a. You will use them like any other funds, please refer to page 6. Page 18

Appendix B: Purchase Request From The form can be found on https://www.ju.edu/campuslife/studentactivities/organizationsclubs.php or the 3rd floor of DSC in the magazine rack. Attach all invoices or quotes to this form. Requests must be sumitted at least 3 weeks in advance. Purchase Request Name:

Organization Name:

JU Email:

JU ID: Phone Number:

Where are the items to be purchased from: When do you need the items by: Please explain the purpose of these items: Contact information for the company: (If purchasing customized items, like shirts)

The checklist must be completed before your purchase request is processed. Please attach everything to this form. Quote or invoice for the items to be purchased Links of items emailed to Student Involvement Form submitted 3 weeks in advance

Total Amount Requested:

Approval Signatures Treasurer's Name

Treasurer's Signature


President's Name

President's Signature


Advisor's Name

Advisor's Signature

Date Page 19

Appendix C: Reimbursement From The form can be found on https://www.ju.edu/campuslife/studentactivities/organizationsclubs.php or the 3rd floor of DSC in the magazine rack. Attach all original receipts this form.

Reimbursement Form Name:

Organization Name:

Who purchased the items:


JU Email:

Phone Number:

Did you pick up the items or was it shipped: Where did you purchase the items from: Please explain the purpose of the items: The checklist must be completed before your reimbursement is processed. Please attach everything to this form. Original itemized, detailed receipt(s) Attendance tracked on Presence Items shipped to JU Address Post event survey completed Reimbursement submitted within 30 days of purchase

Total Amount Requested:

Approval Signatures Treasurer's Name

Treasurer's Signature


President's Name

President's Signature


Advisor's Name

Advisor's Signature

Date Page 20

Appendix D: Deposit Form

This form can be found: https://www.ju.edu/controller/docs/DepositForm.xls

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Appendix E: Event Planning Checklist Step 1: Generate an Idea- 1 Month Before 1. What kind of event are you having (movie, comedy, dance show, panel, guest speaker, etc)? 2. Date, time, location of the event. 3. How many people do you expect? 4. Is this event feasible in the timeline you have?

Step 2: Consider the Budget- 1 Month Before

1. How much money does our organization have in our budget? 2. How much will the event cost? 3. Do you need to submit a spot allocation? a. Spot allocations can be submitted on Presence at least 2 weeks in advance.

Step 3: Reserve Space- 1 Month Before

All on-campus spaces must be reserved through 25Live. Space is not confirmed until you receive an email from Debbie Guy. 1. What kind of set up do you need? a. Original set up of the room (1 hour set up) b. 3 Seating Options provided (2 hours set up) i. If you move any of the seating, you must return it to how it was found. 2. Do you need resources? a. 25Live has a list of resources that student organizations can utilize, this includes things such as chairs, tables, etc. b. All events should select housekeeping as a resource. 3. Do you need AV or Technology support? a. Laptops, projectors, speakers, etc. b. Â Advisors are required to pick up and sign off on speakers and other moveable IT equipment. 4. Will an outside or non-JU person or group be involved with the event? a. If so, you will need either proof of insurance or a liability form filled out. Please see page 35 for the liability form. 5. Do you plan on having food? a. Yes, from Aramark: i. Please contact Catering at jucateringservices@ju.edu at least 1 month before the event. b. Yes, non-Aramark food: i. Aramark reserves the right to food on campus, therefore, no outside food is allowed where Aramark already sells food: Kinne Center, Davis Student Commons, and the River House. ii. Â In all other locations, outside food is permitted as long as the cost is less than $200.00 or with permission from Aramark.

Step 4: Purchase Items- 3 Weeks Before 1. Do you need to purchase items online (amazon, t-shirts, etc) a. If so, you will need to fill out and submit the Need to Make a Purchase form. Please see appendix B. 2. Do you need to go to the store and purchase items that you cannot order online (Walmart, Target, etc.)? a. If so, you will need to go out and purchase the items from the store and fill out the Reimbursement Form. Please see Appendix C. Page 22

Step 5: Advertising- 2/3 Weeks Before 1. The most popular ways to advertise are to print flyers, distribute handouts, the newsletter, and the electronic board. For a comprehensive list please refer to the advertising policy. a. Do you want to post flyers around campus? – three weeks before b. All advertisements must have the organization name, event name, date, time, location, and "For more information or ADA accommodations, please contact (JU email of organization member)". c. Send it to the print shop at least 1 week before the desired posting date. 2. Posting occurs every Monday and Thursday, the deadline to submit flyers for posting is noon on those days. a. Do you want to distribute handouts on campus? – three weeks before b. If so, the handout must follow the same guidelines as the flyers and fill out the Handout Request form. c. Once permission is given, handouts may be given out outside the main doors of the Kinne Center, you do not need a reservation. Handouts also may be left the front desk of the 3rd floor of DSC and in the Student Solutions Center 3. Do you want your event on the newsletter? – two weeks before a. If so, fill out the newsletter request form by 9 am on the Monday you want your event to be on it. 4. Do you want your event on the Electronic board? – two weeks before a. If so, fill out the Electronic board request form, the board will be changed daily around noon. i. Due to the limited space on the board, all requests must be less than 120 characters.

Step 6: Preparing for your Event- 1 Week Before 1. Do you have everything you need for the event? 2. Have you posted on your social media about the event? 3. Have you double-checked your request confirmation and all the resources you need?

Step 7: Day of the Event 1. Set up a. Arrive at the location at least 45 minutes before the event starts to complete set up i. Check to see if you have everything you requested 2. Tracking Attendance a. You can sign out an iPad from the Office of Student Involvement or you can download the Presence CheckPoint app on your phone. i. If the app is not working, track attendance on paper and submit it to the Office of Student Involvement the next business day 3. Clean Up/Break Down a. If you move furniture, ensure you move it back b. Throw away all trash and remove any items you brought to the event

Step 8: After the Event- Within 30 Days 1. Fill out the Post Event Survey 2. Submit Reimbursement form within 30 days

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Appendix F: Travel Policy and Request Student Involvement has implemented the following travel policies to help student organizations make safe travel arrangements for excursions off-campus. All travel must be approved through the department and proper paperwork must be submitted.


The Travel Request form is on Presence and should be filled out at least 4 weeks in advance. The form can be found: https://ju.presence.io/form/organization-travel-request-form Anyone who is driving will need to fill out an MVR form.

Driving and Drivers

Student organizations may choose to drive to their destinations as long as the destination is no longer than 10 hours away from campus. Traveling members are expected to arrive at/depart from their destination as a team. When driving, student organizations must adhere to the following guidelines: All drivers must possess a valid driver’s license and have a clean driving record All drivers are required to obey the speed limit and traffic laws Student organizations are not permitted to be on the road between 12 am and 6 am Drivers must stop at least every three hours for a minimum of 15 minutes to avoid driver's fatigue It is encouraged the organizations change drivers every three hours Limit of 2-4 hours behind the wheel for a single student Drivers should be at least 21 years old Students must sign a Jacksonville University MVR/Driver’s Consent Form Student drivers must sign a consent to obtain a state motor vehicle record form Organizations must avoid driving in inclement weather and/or hazardous road conditions Have a detailed map of the destination area, including host cites Have an emergency plan for the host site and knowledge of the hospitals/urgent care facilities in the area Have contact information for the host (university) and emergency contact information for all traveling members

Personal Vehicles

Individuals traveling in personal vehicles understand that they do so at their own risk. Drivers must be aware that by choosing to drive personal vehicles, they assume responsibility for the safety of those traveling in their vehicle. Jacksonville University is not liable for any costs as a result of an accident, including injury and property damage. Should a student organization decide to use personal vehicles for a trip, the driver must submit a completed MVR form or a driver waiver form, a travel request and a travel roster of all students traveling in the vehicle

Rental Vehicles / Air Travel

For organizations traveling further than 10 hours away from campus, please consult the SI department for alternate methods of transportation. It is a requirement to discuss these needs a minimum of four weeks before the trip.

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Accident Reporting

This procedure applies to any University Departments going on off-campus trips on University business including Academic and Athletic trips. Remember, all drivers must submit their driver's licenses to the Office of Financial Affairs for a motor vehicle records check before operating any University vehicles, owned or leased

What to Do In Case of An Accident

1. Medical Attention First: Call the nearest rescue squad and local police, or Florida Highway Patrol. The Florida Highway Patrol can be contacted by calling *FHP on your cell phone. If outside of Florida, contact State Police, Sheriff, or City Police with jurisdiction. 2. Obtain all of the information from the other driver(s) including name, complete address and phone number, vehicle information, vehicle owner’s address and phone number, insurance company name, policy number, and name of the insured as it appears on the insurance card. 3. Be sure to obtain a written copy of the police crash/accident report before you leave the scene. 4. Report the accident as soon as possible to your supervisor and Ellen Paige in Financial Affairs (epaige@ju.edu or 904-256-7028). 5. Prepare a written statement of fact concerning the accident; include statements of vehicle occupants as witness statements, and forward upon completion to Ellen Paige in Financial Affairs. Be sure to include the following information: a. The written accident report from law enforcement b. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of all parties involved c. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of witnesses d. Names of investigating police officers e. Names of rescue squad personnel f. Name(s) and policy number(s) of insurance companies of others involved. 6. If any JU driver or passenger is taken to a medical care facility, get the name, address, and phone number of the facility and the name of the examining physician. Do not make any statements of responsibility to any parties. Information (other than basic insurance and contact information) should not be given to others except for investigating police officers or troopers.

Page 25

MVR- Consent to Obtain State Motor Vehicle Records I,

understand that the Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994 (18 (name of driver as it appears on license)

U.S.C.A. ยง 2721) prohibits the release and use of certain personal information from State motor vehicle records; however, pursuant to 18 U.S.C.A. ยง 2721 (13), I hereby consent to permit Jacksonville University to obtain motor vehicle records from any State's records annually. My date of birth is: My current driver's license was issued in the State of: My current driver's license number is: My address as it appears on my driver's license is:

My employee/student ID number is: Classification (employee/student/volunteer): My department/organization is:

ATTACH COPY OF DRIVER'S LICENSE Signature of person giving consent

Printed name of witness/person responsible for submission


Signature of witness/person responsible for submission

Page 26

Appendix G: Title IX Reporting Reporting Options Jacksonville University encourages individuals affected by sexual misconduct to report the incident as soon as possible. Jacksonville University is committed to protecting the privacy of all individuals involved in a report of sexual misconduct or harassment. However, Jacksonville University’s ability to maintain complete confidentiality may be affected by its responsibility to protect the safety of its campus and its obligation to maintain an environment free from discrimination and harassment. According to University standards, faculty and staff advisors are classified as responsible employees and have certain guidelines that they must follow. Outlined below are the reporting options for your classification.

Responsible Employee Reporting Options A responsible employee is a Jacksonville University employee who has the authority to redress sexual misconduct, who has the duty to report incidents of sexual misconduct, or who a student could reasonably believe has this authority or duty. A responsible employee must report to the Title IX Coordinator all relevant details about the alleged sexual misconduct shared by the victim, including the names of the victim and alleged perpetrator(s), any witnesses and any other relevant facts, such as the date, time, and location of the alleged incident. To the extent possible, information reported to a responsible employee will be shared only with people responsible for handling the University’s response to the report. Please be aware that all JU employees, including professional staff, faculty, coaches and certain student staff, such as Resident Advisors, are considered responsible employees and must report casas of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator.

Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators Jacksonville University has a designated Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators to oversee its response to all reports of sexual misconduct and harassment, conduct training, and coordinate compliance with the mandates of Title IX. Any questions about Jacksonville University’s Title IX policies and any reports of sexual misconduct or harassment should be directed to the Title IX Coordinators or Deputy Title IX Coordinators.

Title IX Coordinator: Kristie Gover, Ed.D VP, Student Affairs & Dean of Students 904-256-7067 or Kgover1@ju.edu

Deputy Title IX Coordinators: James Williams, Director of Human Resources 904-256-7025 or Jwillia@ju.edu

Kevin Bennett, Director of Campus Security 904-256-7585 or Kbennet1@ju.edu

DaVina Hamilton , Associate Dean of Students 904-256-7067 or Dhamilt3@ju.edu

Jamie Burket, Assistant Dean of Students 904-256-7067 or Jburket@ju.edu

Lauren Cevis, Associate Athletic Director *Designee specifically for Athletic Compliance 904-256-7794 or Lcevis@ju.edu Page 27

Appendix H: Constitution Requirements and Template Requirements To register and maintain active status as a student organization at the Jacksonville University, the organization must submit the constitution and update as required its constitution in printed form for review and approval to Student Involvement and Leadership. To be considered for approval, the student organization constitution must comply with the following guidelines, including the sequence of the articles. The purpose of the student organization constitution is to demonstrate that requirements for registered student organizations are met and to define identifying characteristics of the organization, governance structure, and general operating parameters, processes, and guidelines. The following outline and samples are designed to summarize requirements, as well as to assist with the construction of a constitution for a registered student organization. Below are the required aspects of a constitution: Article I- Name of organization Article II- Purpose Statement Article III- Compliance Statement (verbatim) Article IV- Non-Discrimination Statement (verbatim) Article V- Membership (verbatim) Article VI- Officers Article VII- Elections Article VIII- Impeachment Article IX- Faculty and Staff Advisor Article X- Finance Article XI- Dissolution of Organization Article XII- Amendments to the Constitution

Constitution Template Instructions Read the italicized portion of the article for an explanation of that article. After that, edit the text between the [brackets] of the constitution to reflect your organization. The final constitution that is turned in on Presence should be free of the italicized and highlighted text. Page 28

Constitution Template Article I Name of Organization

The name of the organization must be uniquely different from any other currently registered student organization and may reflect the nature and activities of the organization. Also, any organization abbreviations or acronyms must be formally referenced in this article. Use of "Jacksonville University" or "JU" as part of the organization name is prohibited. If the organization is affiliated with a parent organization, that information must be stated in this article of the constitution.

The name of this organization is [Name of Organization]. This organization will utilize the acronym BLDS in all publicity materials and correspondence. [Name of Organization] is affiliated with [affiliate organization (if applicable)] operating in [city, state]. The website of [affiliate organization] is [www.affiliate organization]. Article II Purpose Statement The purpose of the organization must be clearly stated.

[Name of Organization] is established to [develop leadership skills and to encourage JU students to participate in community service projects such as voter registration]. Article III Compliance Statement Upon approval by Student Involvement and Leadership, [Name of Organization] shall be a registered student organization at Jacksonville University. [Name of Organization] shall comply with all local, state and federal laws, as well as all Jacksonville University regulations, policies, and procedures. Article IV Non-Discrimination Student organizations that wish to register with the Office of Student Involvement must agree that they will not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, or veteran status as protected under the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act. Article V Membership Membership in this organization is open to enrolled students at Jacksonville University. Nonstudents, spouses, faculty, and staff may be associate members; however, they may not vote or hold office. All members and associate members are free to leave and disassociate without fear of retribution, retaliation, or harassment. Article VI Executive Board

Registered student organizations are required to have a minimum of a President and Treasurer as elected officers. The titles of organization officers, term of office, specification as to which officers are elected or appointed and by whom, the general duties of each position must be clearly specified, and the procedures to cover special circumstances. The information below is a guideline to the position requirements. (e.g., resignations, officer ineligibility, impeachments, or similar occurrences).

Composition: The Executive Board shall be elected by the [Name of Organization] members by 2/3 majority. The officers shall consist of the following positions: President, Treasurer, [all other positions]. Page 29

Section 1:Â To be eligible to run for and hold an elected position, a student must meet the following requirements: 1. Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher 2. Must be an enrolled student of Jacksonville University 3. Officers shall assume their official duties at the end of the last general meeting of the academic year and shall serve for one academic year or until their successors are elected Section 2: President 1. The president shall preside at all meetings of the organization 2. Maintain communication with organization advisors, alumni, and affiliated departments or community partner 3. Represent the organization to the university 4. Serve as the liaison between the Office of Student Involvement and the rest of the Executive Board Section 3: Vice President 1. Assume the duties of the president in their absence 2. Direct constitutional revisions or updates 3. Facilitate officer elections 4. Oversee recruiting new members 5. Coordinate executive board officer transitions Section 4: Secretary 1. Take member attendance at all events and meetings 2. Take photos of all events 3. Notify members of meetings and events by email, social media, or flyers 4. Keep and distribute minutes of each meeting Section 5: Treasurer 1. Keep all financial records of the organization, including being aware of the budget 2. Fill out Purchase Requests and Reimbursement forms 3. Prepare and submit an annual budget 4. Be familiar with all Student Involvement and Student Government financial policies 5. Fill out any Spot Allocation request forms Article VII Elections

Election rules and procedures, appointment and ratification procedures, and other procedures and guidelines including eligibility for officers, the nomination process, balloting procedures, and similar guidelines must be specified. The month of elections must be specified.

Section 1: Nominations 1. The nomination period will open the last meeting in January and go until the last meeting in February 2. [Nominations will be self-nominations and they will be accepted in written or email format to the President] 3. All voting members of [Name of Organization] may run for a position 4. A candidate may be on the ballot for up [two] positions

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Section 2:Â Election Process Elections shall take place no later than the last meeting in March Candidates must prepare a statement of intent not to exceed [three minutes] and must answer questions posed to them by members Elections shall be held using a secret ballot Winners shall be determined using a simple majority vote In the case of a tie, if more than two people are running, the vote will be done with just the tied candidates, if only two people were running, the vote will be tabled until the next meeting Article VIII Impeachment Any officer of [Name of Organization] may be removed from office through the following process: 1. A written request by at least two voting members of the organization submitted to the President or Vice President if the President is the one in question. Written notification shall be sent to the Officer from the President or Vice President asking that that officer be present at the next general meeting and be prepared to respond to the removal of the request. 2. At the general meeting, the President will state that there has been a request for impeaching and will outline who is in question and the violations against them 3. The officer in question will have the opportunity to respond to the request 4. The members present will vote on the removal of that officer 5. In the event of the removal of an officer, special provisions may be granted to the remaining officers to appoint an interim replacement until an election is held at the next general meeting Article IX Faculty or Staff Advisor

Each registered student organization must have at least one faculty or staff advisor. The faculty/staff advisor shall serve as a resource person and provide advisory support for the officers and members of the organization. The faculty/staff advisor should attend executive and general meetings of the organization. At least one faculty/staff advisor must be a faculty or staff member employed at Jacksonville University. The selection method, term, duties, responsibilities, and process of replacement of the advisor must be clearly stated.

The faculty advisor shall serve as a resource person and provide advisory support for the officers and members of the organization. The faculty advisor should attend executive and general meetings; hover, the faculty advisor may not vote in any [Name of Organization] matters. The faculty advisory shall be nominated by the officers and confirmed by a majority vote of the members. Article X Finance

If an organization requires a membership fee, the maximum fee and/or financial obligations of members must be clearly stated. If an organization does not require membership fees or other financial obligations, a statement to that effect should be included in this article. NOTE: Registered student organizations who do not collect dues, may submit a Budget Request from Student Government in the Spring Semester.

If collecting dues: [Name of Organization] requires each member to pay $100 during the month of September for annual dues. [This fee covers the cost of t-shirts, travel to leadership conferences, and the purchase of books on leadership]. If not collecting dues: [Name of Organization] will not require membership dues; however, it will raise funds through car washes and similar activities, for t-shirts, travel to leadership conferences, and the purchase of books on leadership. Members are expected to participate in these fundraising activities. [Name of Organization] will also apply for SGA funding. Page 31

Article XI Dissolution of Organization

Requirements and procedures for the dissolution of the student organization must be stated. Should any organization assets and/or debt exist, appropriate means for disposing of these assets and debts must be specified clearly and unequivocally.

In the event, this organization dissolves, all monies left in the treasury, after outstanding debts and claims have been paid, shall the donated to ["Name of a charitable organization."] Â Article XII Amendments to Constitution

The process for amending the organization’s constitution must be outlined as well as the necessary vote to approve the change(s). All amendments to the constitution must immediately be submitted directly to Student Involvement and Leadership in writing for review and approval.

This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of [Name of Organization] by a twothirds vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment was given as the previous meeting and that the proposed amendment shall be subject to the approval of Student Involvement and Leadership.

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Jacksonville University

General Release of Liability Assumption of Risk In consideration for my participation in a student organization event at Jacksonville University (the “Event”), on behalf of myself and my next of kin, heirs, executors, and administrators, I hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue Jacksonville University and its officers, trustees, directors, students, volunteers, agents, and employees (collectively “JU”) from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, liabilities, causes of action, or suits in equity of whatever kind or nature, including, without limitation, claims of JU’s negligence, resulting from any physical or psychological injury (including paralysis and death), illness, damages, or economic or emotional loss I may suffer because of participation in the Event, including travel to, from, and during the Event. I am voluntarily participating in the Event. I am aware of the risks associated with traveling to/from and participating in the Event, including without limitation, performing, practicing, training, team building, and social activities that relate to or arise from the Event. These risks include but are not limited to physical or psychological injury, pain, suffering, illness, disfigurement, temporary or permanent disability (including paralysis), economic or emotional loss, and/or death. I understand that these injuries or outcomes may arise from my own or others’ actions, inaction, or negligence; conditions related to travel; or the condition of the Event location(s). Nonetheless, I assume all related risks, both known and unknown to me, of my participation in the Event, including travel to, from, and during the Event. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless JU from any and all claims, loss, liability, judgment, settlement, damage, or costs, including expenses and attorneys’ fees for both the trial and appellate levels that may occur as a result of my participation in the Event. I hereby give consent for JU to provide me with medical care and treatment and emergency medical services associated with participation in the Event. I agree to assume all costs related to such treatment, including transportation costs. I further authorize the release of any medical information necessary to process a claim for accident/medical payment insurance for an injury or illness incurred while I am participating in the Event. I grant permission for JU to take and make public visual/audio images of me. I agree that JU owns the images and all rights to them. Without notification to me, the images may be used in any manner or media, including but not limited to, JU-sponsored websites, publications, promotions, advertisements, or posters. I waive any right to inspect, approve, or be compensated for the use of such images. I understand that this document will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Any legal action or proceeding relating to the Event will be brought exclusively in the state or federal court located in Jacksonville, Florida and I consent to the jurisdiction thereof. If any portion of this document is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, null, void, or against public policy, the remaining portions shall not be affected and I will continue to be bound by the remaining terms. {00362238 1 }

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I have read this two-page document in its entirety and understand all of the terms and conditions it contains. I am signing this document freely. No oral representations, statements, or inducements apart from this general release of liability and assumption of risk form have been made. I execute this document for full, adequate, and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by the same, now and in the future. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE, you must have a parent or legal guardian sign in the section BELOW, marked “For Participants under under 18 years of age.” Participant Signature: _______________________________________________ Participant Name (print): ____________________________________________ Date: _________________________ For Participants under 18 years of age: I am the parent or legal guardian of the Participant. I understand the legal consequences of signing this document, including: (a) releasing JU from all liability on my and the Participant's behalf, (b) promising not to sue on my and the Participant's behalf, and (c) assuming all risks of the Participant's participation in the Event, including travel to, from, and during the Event. I allow Participant to participate in the Event. I give my consent to JU and its medical representatives to obtain medical care from any licensed physician, hospital, clinic, or medical provider for the Participant for injury that could arise from the Event. I agree to be financially responsible for any costs incurred as a result of such medical care. I understand that I am responsible for the obligations and acts of Participant as described in this document. I agree to be bound by the terms of this document. I have read this two-page document, and I am signing it freely. No other representations concerning the legal effect of this document have been made to me. __________________________________________ Signature of Minor Participant's Parent/Guardian __________________________________________ ___________________ Name of Minor Participant's Parent/Guardian (print) Date __________________________________________ Minor Participant's Name

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