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a chat with the head IAIN ROBERTSON BUCKHOLME TOWERS No Tricks, But Lots Of Treats At Buckholme! Another half term full of something for everyone! The new Buckholme Towers website is now up and running to keep you in touch with all that we are doing. Please feel free to browse and check out our adventures in education! Go to Minstead The Outdoor Eco Centre in the New Forest is now an exciting regular feature of our upper school programme. For some children, apart from the CHALLENGES of the activities - from digging clay from the river to model making - it is their first time staying away from home. A very mature group always returns damp and dirty, but ready for the challenges of school life. We’ll keep you posted!

The shoe box appeal or ‘operation Christmas child This is also a regular slot on the calendar and a key part of our link with Parkstone United Reform Church. Pupils are encouraged to donate giftfilled shoe boxes, which are then packed off to disadvantaged children around the world. This year, pupils are also heading round to the local Day Care Centre to help pack boxes for the old folk. Progress reports! Oh No! - I can hear the tiny groans! Yes, parents are kept up-to-date with all aspects of pupil development on a termly basis, although we like to send the message that the doors are always open - communication is the key! To close, your 11+ Teaser: Underline the two words, one from each group, closest in meaning: (part, top, attach) (resume, split, pierce) And the solution to our last Teaser: If the code for HOLD is IPME, what is the code for LOSE? Answer: MPTF

For more information visit or call us on 01202 742871 Got a question to ask? Simply send it to


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