EMBLetc. Autumn 2015

Page 16


Jin Wang PhD Student, EMBL Heidelberg

Photo: EMBL Photolab/Marietta Schupp



fter about 4 months into my PhD my supervisor wrote to me and another PhD student an email saying “Okinawa?” and my colleague wrote back saying “don’t you mean Chicago?”, whereby my supervisor answered “both?!” When I came for the interview here I knew I would be doing a lot of travelling and teaching during my PhD but that was the start of it all. Now I have been to Chicago three times, Japan twice, Uruguay and the UK – I love it. It’s such a great chance to get see so many different cultures and people. And it’s not only teaching, I’ve been able to see several major synchrotrons for example. Usually I am teaching people who are older than me, and often they think I am also a student when I join them in the bar! I was worried in the beginning that they wouldn’t respect me because of my age, but when I stand up to teach, they do. I really love being able to explain to others something I love. Wherever I go in the world I have to get a sticker for my suitcase. Quite often at airports people will look at me, then the suitcase, then back at me and say – ‘have you really been to all those places?’ and I will nod, and they will reply ‘wow!’

Joana Pereira PhD Student, EMBL Hamburg

EMBLetc. autumn 2015

Photo: EMBL/Rosemary Wilson

his summer, along with six other EMBLers, I took part in Roche Continents, a festival of music and drama that brings together students of arts and science to explore common grounds of creativity. I realised there are many parallels between the approaches of the two worlds: for instance, to be successful artists and scientists need to be self-critical, embrace collaboration, and give 110%. There is so much we can learn from one another as well, particularly in areas such as creative approach and communication. I also gained many other valuable insights, such as the importance of being aware of unconscious bias in our daily interactions, of adopting an open-minded approach to problems, and the benefits of taking time to have conversations and reflect on thoughts and feelings. One of the highlights was a percussion show put on by all participants, using everyday objects. I felt nervous at first, and we could not speak to each other during the performance, but I realised the importance of listening and respecting others and ourselves: when it came together, it was a beautiful moment.

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