EMAS Matters

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Our infection control responsibilities... Every person in EMAS has a responsibility to ensure that we achieve and maintain high levels of infection prevention and control standards. Here is a guide to who is responsible for what across EMAS: The Chief Executive and Trust Board Accountable for ensuring that there are effective arrangements in place to minimise the risks of healthcare associated infection within the Trust and for meeting the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice. The Director of Infection Prevention and Control (DIPC) Responsible for the Trust’s infection prevention and control strategy, ensuring implementation of the infection prevention and control programme and for providing assurance to the Trust Board and general public. The DIPC is the focal point for the integration of infection prevention and control into the Trust’s clinical governance systems and for ensuring the safety of patients from infection is high on the Trust’s agenda. The DIPC will liaise with external organisations ensuring the Trust is represented and best practice implemented. This role is undertaken by the Director of Nursing and Quality, Karen Glover. The Head of Infection Control and Quality Improvement Responsible for the development of infection prevention and control policies and any associated initiatives including management of inoculation injuries. They also liaise with the Organisational Learning and Communications teams to ensure this policy is effectively communicated to all appropriate personnel. Divisional General Managers Accountable for the implementation of the infection control policy in each Division including the provision and audit of ‘make ready’, domestic and vehicle cleaning services. The responsibility will be delegated to the Clinical Quality Managers. Infection Prevention and Control Group Responsible for overseeing and developing an EMAS strategy for the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections; and for the provision of information, instruction and training, performance monitoring and the management of inoculation injuries and the development of an infection control annual report. Clinical Quality & Governance Committee Responsible for approving and monitoring adherence to the Infection Control Policy and associated procedures.

EMAS Matters

Issue 69

All EMAS Employees Are responsible for familiarising themselves and complying with infection control policies and procedures. Directors, General Managers and Line Managers Responsible for ensuring they have a comprehensive understanding of their role as described in the infection control policy and any associated procedures or guidance. Including: Leading by example, particularly in relation to good hand hygiene Completion and monitoring of audits Ensuring their staff are familiar with the Infection Control Policy and Procedures Facilitating staff to complete training Ensuring staff involved in or affected by an inoculation incident are provided with adequate support Receipt and action of vehicle cleaning and other reports. Frontline Professionals Staff belonging to professional groups such as paramedics, technicians, emergency care practitioners etc are personally accountable for their standard of practice which must include compliance with the Trust’s infection control policy and procedures. In addition, registered professional staff are expected to challenge non compliance when observed to protect patients and promote patient safety. Specialist Teams (e.g. Clinical Services, Estates and Logistics, Risk & Safety, Operations and HR). All hold responsibilities for the prevention and control of infection and provision of specialist advice as outlined in the infection control policy and any associated procedures. Occupational Health Our occupational health provider Team Prevent provide specialist advice to the Trust on infection prevention and control within the scope of their expertise. Volunteers Are expected to familiarise themselves with the infection control policy and observe good hand hygiene practice at all times. Contracted Staff All contracted staff are expected to comply with the Trust’s infection control policies and procedures.

Responsibilities at-a-glance... The Chief Executive and Trust Board Accountable for ensuring that the risk of infection prevention and control is minimised across EMAS.

The Director of Infection Prevention and Control (DIPC) Karen Glover, Director of Nursing and Quality Responsible for the Trusts infection prevention and control strategy.

The Head of Infection Control and Quality Improvement Responsible for the development of infection prevention and control policies and initiatives.

Divisional General Managers Accountable for the implementation of the infection control policy in each Division.

Infection Prevention and Control Group Responsible for overseeing and developing an EMAS strategy for infection prevention and control.

Clinical Quality & Governance Comm Approving and monitoring adherence to the policy and procedures.

All EMAS Employees To be aware of and comply with the infection prevention and control policy and procedures.

Directors, General Managers and Line Managers Comprehensive understanding of infection control and leading by example.

Frontline Professionals Personally accountable for their standard of practice.

Specialist Teams Responsible for key areas of infection control and provision of specialist advice.

Occupational Health Provision of specialist advice.

Volunteers Awareness and adherence to the policy and procedures.

Contracted Staff Awareness and adherence to the policy and procedures.

Further information… To find out more contact the Infection Prevention and Control Team on 0115 884 5000.

There’s more on page 3...


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