Exceptional People Magazine – March/April 2010 Issue Part Two

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The Lighter Side

March-April 2010


Frank Marino - A Master at Impersonating Divas


Computer Problems: Not My Cup of Tea


Getting Through April Can Be Taxing


Profile Resources


Writers and Contributors

CONTENTS Extraordinary Profiles 4


Cover Stories— Ernestine Shepherd— Determine, Dedicated and Disciplined To Be Fit Jackie Jeter - Breaking New Ground for Women in Transportation

Inspiration 14

Don’t Give Up, Victory is Ahead


Poem—The Mind

The world is in your hands. What are you doing to help make it better?

Extraordinary Profiles COVER Ernestine Shepherd


"We all have dreams. In order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, selfdiscipline and effort." Jesse Owens

members and friends, there’s no telling how far she will go.

From one champion to another -- these are t he words by w hich Ernestine Shepherd li ves her life.

She is a role model for women around the country. Running 70 plus miles every week in addition to her weightlifting regime has inspired women of all ages to get into shape.

A champion herself, Shepherd has shocked the world with her resilience and determination to become a bodybuilder. She is known as the world’s oldest female bodybuilder. At age 72, Shepherd has earned a placed in the Guinness Book of World Records. Shepherd who picked up her first barbell at the age of 56 is now helping senior women, including her church members get into shape. She is a trainer as well as a bodybuilder and has confidently competed with women half her age. With the support of her husband, family 4 | Exceptional People Magazine | March-April 2010

She clearly remembers many years ago when she and her sister Velvet exercised together almost daily. They were a team and they were going to conquer the world through exercise and bodybuilding. Shepherd had a very close relationship with her sister. “We wanted to show the world that two older sisters could be fit,” says Shepherd about herself and her sister. After complaining about headaches, unexpectedly Velvet died of an aneurysm. That moment had a profound effect on Shepherd who abandoned her workout routine for several months. She lost faith but eventually regained it through the help of her trainer.

Though her sister is no longer with her, today Shepherd is living the dream for both of them. The Editor-in-Chief had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Shepherd about her life as a bodybuilder and her influence on other women. Monica: You had a very close relationship with your sister. When she died, it changed your life in a dramatic way. Would you mind talking about that? Ernestine: I hated everyone and everything. I just could not understand how God could take my sister when she was such a good person. Before this happened I was such a happy person and everyday was a day of Thanksgiving for me. My person-


ality changed and I could no longer smile. With all that on my mind I developed high blood pressure and panic attacks. I experienced acid reflux because of an improper diet. I no longer wanted to attend church or go to the gym. How could I, because every time I went I would cry. So my life at the gym ended. Monica: Was there a defining moment in your life that caused you to use exercise as a way to cope with a particular situation? Ernestine: Raymond Day trained my sister and me at the gym. When he visited my home and saw the state I was in, he said you need to get your life together, you cannot continue like this. My husband was so happy he told me that, he said he would pick me up each day. Reluctantly, I went each day. My sister Bern suggested that I lace up my sneakers and start walking again. I started walking for two hours everyday. Strength training and walking each day, I slowly noticed a change in my mood. I realized that strength training and walking was an ideal anti-depressant because it was hard to walk and strength train and feel sorry for myself. I noticed how clear headed I became after exercising. Then I became upset because I thought it was wrong for me to be

Extraordinary Profiles

happy without my sister. One night my sister came to me in a dream. She said she was happy that I was carrying on our dream. In my sleep these three words came to me -- determined, dedicated, disciplined. I did not know what to make of those words. They stayed on my mind all day. Then it came to me, Determined, Dedicated, Disciplined to be fit. I adopted that as my mantra. All of my shirts have that on them. My high blood pressure and panic attacks are gone. I started eating properly and my acid reflux does not bother me anymore. I’m back in church and praising God. I can honestly say I love the Lord. Monica: You did not always work out the way you do now and you weren’t as fit, so what triggered your desire to become a bodybuilder? Ernestine: I was never overweight. Clothes can hide a multitude of things. Cellulite in my thighs, back of arms waving, waist a little over the skirt, and a little fat hanging in the back of my bra. No one really knew this because you could not see it but I wanted to get rid of it because there were certain clothes I wanted to wear. Raymond would take my sister and me to local bodybuilding shows. When the female bodybuilders appeared on stage, my sister said that is what we will do. Just think we will be two senior bodybuilders, won't that be something? I worked hard to tone my body. The first thing I did was present trophies at Yohnnie Shambourger’s (former Mr. Universe) show. I wore sexy clothes when I presented the trophies. I liked how people would look at me and be amazed about my body and age. In 2006 Raymond said that I was almost ready to do a

show. In 2007 I saw Yohnnie and told him I wanted to do his show. I visited him and he taught me how to pose and helped me get my body toned. I was now ready to fulfill our dream by becoming a bodybuilder. Thanks to my sister, I became a bodybuilder. Monica: Over the years you have built your foundation for life within the church. How important is the church and your faith to your ability to accomplish your goal of becoming a bodybuilder? Ernestine: There is nothing in life that can be achieved without God. When I lost my faith and left the church I was not successful in anything. When I began praying and returned to church, things started to get better for me. I prayed each day, “Restore to me the joy of my salvation, restore to me the joy of each new day, give me back the love that I once had for you and never ever let me slip away.” My pastor told me I had a gift and that I should use it to inspire people. Monica: What has working out and becoming a bodybuilder done for you physically as well as mentally and emotionally? How has it changed your life? Ernestine: It has made me a stronger more confident person. I do not con-

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cern myself with comments from other people. I am not the average 70 -year old. I like wearing sexy workout clothes (in good taste). I have changed from wearing dressy clothes to comfortable dressy exercise clothes, high heel tennis shoes, cowboy boots, cowboy hats and dressy caps. Years ago I would have been concerned about what people would say. I am now a very happy, fun loving but serious person. Monica: Who has been your support system during your journey to become a bodybuilder and during your competitions?

Ernestine: First, my husband who prepared all of my meals so that all I had to do was microwave meals every two hours. At three o’clock in the morning he would hear my devotions, running water, my noises while dressing and singing: “Oh I can't sit down; got to keep a rolling like the rolling of a song. Today I am happy and free; nothing in the world is troubling me. Oh I'm on my way, I can't sit down. Just can't sit down, just can't sit down. Happy feeling in my bones a-stealing, no concealing, that I'm on my way can't sit down, just can't sit down.” Is that not support? Second, Raymond my trainer would take me to the gym to workout. Third, Yohnnie put me on this new journey. What a happy journey! He made it fun but we worked hard. He set up a new eating plan for me and I followed it. Then came the posing, which was fun. Yohnnie also planned an online program for me. Monica: I would imagine that you have a special diet or meal plan that you follow. What does your daily meal plan consist of? Ernestine: Frozen veggies, subway roasted chicken breast, and boiled egg whites. I have liquid egg whites, a baked potato, brown rice, turkey, tuna fish, and lots and lots of water, oatmeal, Gatorade and peanut butter (when running). I do not take any supplements.

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Monica: What is your weekly exercise routine? Ernestine: I work two body parts a day: Monday, chest and legs; Tuesday, I have off; Wednesday, shoulders and triceps; Thursday, back and biceps. I run 10 miles each day, Monday through Saturday. Monica: Do you ever have days when you want to skip your exercise routine and just do nothing? Ernestine: I never want to skip because I am very happy working out and running. Though my sister has been dead for about 18 years, it keeps me close to her. As I said, I am no longer sad about her death because I have fulfilled our dream. It feels great to take care of my body and show off the results on stage. Monica: What advice can you give other women in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s about living a healthy lifestyle? Ernestine: Remember age is nothing but a number. Find an exercise that you know you will do, whether it be walking, running, riding a bike, dancing or whatever. Make certain you do it every day. Try to leave junk food alone. Use my mantra, do not think of exercise as work; make it fun. You only live once, so enjoy it. Start out slowly. Monica: You are in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest performing female bodybuilder. How has this achievement affected your life and the people around you? Ernestine: Everyone is so happy for me; people who know me know I worked hard to get there but it was fun. I am thrilled about going to Rome. When I return, I would like to


Extraordinary Profiles

reach out and help many people understand the importance of being fit.

Monica: Is there a specific age group that you target for weight training?

Monica: What does it mean to know that you have broken that record?

Ernestine: There is no specific age group, however I separate the groups by their ability. I never want to combine an advanced group with a group just starting out. I never want to lose any of my students.

Ernestine: I have not given it that much thought but I am very proud of it. Monica: You have used your enthusiasm and zest for life and fitness to serve others. You are helping your church members get into shape. How receptive have they been to the idea? Ernestine: I love my church family. On Saturdays I have class. We did a video and they were thrilled about that. I train people of all ages there. Monica: Do you consider yourself to be a role model for women of all ages? Ernestine: Everywhere I go people recognize me. I am never too busy to stop and talk to them. They say that I inspire them. I have so many younger and older people talk to me about what I do. I have been invited to speak to youth groups and seniors at various churches.

Monica: I also understand that you are not on any type of medication. There are many older men and women who take one or more medications. To what do you attribute your ability to be free of medications? Ernestine: All I can say is that it is by the grace of God. I know people who work out like I do and they are on some type of medication. Maybe it’s genetics. Monica: How long do you plan to compete? Ernestine: As long as I am healthy and look good. Monica: What kind of legacy would you like to leave your children, grandchildren and family? Ernestine: That I tried to make a difference in the fitness world and encouraged people to follow their dreams. Tragedy may come but you can always make it through. Just trust in the Lord and you will make it. Monica: What is your overall view of life? Ernestine: Life is what you make it. As Shakespeare said, “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. � u

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Jackie Jeter Breaking New Ground for Women in Transportation Setting Precedence as President of ATU Local 689, Washington, D.C.



professional career began as a metro bus driver and since that time she’s been “on the go.” As a veteran union activist, Jackie Jeter is an elected official with Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 689 since 1994. She began as a shop steward for rail operations. She was subsequently elected as Assistant Business Agent, First Vice President and Financial Secretary-Treasurer in succession. She is the first African American woman to hold those offices. She heads a union that serves thousands of commuters daily in the Washington, D.C. Metro area. As President and Business Agent of Local 689 Transit Union, Jeter has had an amazing career. When she was elected in 2006, she became the first African American woman to head the local since its founding almost 100 years ago. She has helped transform the system into one of the best public transportation systems in the country. Her dedication and service to over

Extraordinary Profiles

10,000 members is impeccable. With over 30 years of experience, Jeter runs one of the most challenging organizations in Washington, D.C. She is setting a new tone for leadership in union management. Her tenacity, commitment and dedication in preserving the rights of workers have won her the role of president for a second consecutive term.

braced things and we’ve accepted it because for a very long time this company, as far as the operators were concerned, was majority male and women played a very small role. I am very grateful that the membership that I serve has reached a point where they can embrace a woman and not only embrace a woman once, but embrace her twice because they reelected me.

With the many challenges she faced within the past year, including the devastating metro rail crash that gained national attention, Jeter has stepped up to the plate to handle those challenges head on.

Monica: What is your role as president of the union?

Her leadership role goes beyond Local 689 to include the international ATU family and regional union communities. She is currently the President of the ATU International Women’s Caucus and a member of Today’s Women Caucus of Local 689. Jeter took a few minutes out of her busy schedule to speak with the Editor-in-Chief of Exceptional People Magazine. Monica: In 2006 you were elected as the first African American woman to head the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 689. In your mind what does that say about the union in terms of hiring an African American woman and setting history? Jackie: I think that we have moved ahead and we’ve em-

Jackie: I manage the union from soup to nuts. I manage the finances; I manage the running of the union, the grievances, the appointments with management in between the executive board meetings and the membership meetings. Whatever I do on a monthly basis or whatever the officers of the union do on a monthly basis, we take it to the executive board the first Friday after the 15th of the month and get their recommendation. We then take it to the membership and get their vote on it the first Tuesday and Wednesday of the month. Monica: When representing the rights of the members, what is at the top of your list? What priorities do you focus on? Jackie: Right now I can tell you we’re focused on safety at WAMATA, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. We have been inundated with a number of safety incidents that have occurred so everyone’s focus right now is on safety, making sure that the workplace is safe for all workers, also

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looking at what has gone wrong, what has put us in a position where everybody is watching their backs. We are looking at the rules and regulations, the procedures, the policies, looking at a little bit of everything that is pertaining to safety right now. Monica: Speaking of things going wrong, of course this past June there was the devastating and deadly crash that occurred with Metrorail. What did you and the members of the union learn from that? Jackie: I think more than anything we learned that we have to take control of our safety here on this railroad. Don’t take for granted just because policies and rules and regulations are in place that that somehow protects us. It does not protect us. We are the only ones that can protect ourselves. And we can protect ourselves by doing exactly what we’re supposed to do regarding those rules, regulations and procedures. So to coin an old phrase, everybody has got to watch their own behind. Monica: What do you consider to be some of the highlights of serving the members of the union? Jackie: I think the interaction with them. For me, that’s the highlight. Getting out and talking to them and making sure that I hear firsthand what their needs are, whether or not we’re doing the right thing. Sometimes in this job you perceive that you’re doing exactly what the membership wants you to do. And it’s always to get out among the members and talk

to them and find out whether or not you’re actually on track, whether or not you’re actually doing what they want you to do versus what you want to do. Monica: As president of the union, what do you consider to be some of your best qualities? Jackie: This may sound a little strange but the ability to stand up straight and squarely look someone in the eye and tell them yes or no, what you think and what you don’t think. And I’m talking more along the lines of going into contract negotiations or just negotiating with the authority on a regular basis. You have to have a spine, you have to have a backbone and you have to be able to stand up. And even if the person sitting across the table from you is a person that you like -- you may have some kind of relationship with that person as far as it may be someone I rode with 30 years ago and we’ve always had a nice rapport and we’ve been able to get along. At that particular moment the hat that I’m wearing is manager of the union and I have to be able to swallow hard and tell that person no, this is not what we’re going to do. Monica: Are there some things that you believe you and the union can approve upon? Jackie: Sure, I think communicating with members. That’s one of those areas that even though we have -- and I say we because I don’t do this alone. I have four guys that do it with me. They ran for election with me last

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time and they were reelected with me this time. Communication with the members is key. Even though we’ve done a lot -- we’ve improved the newsletter, we’ve improved the website, we’ve made sure that we disseminate the information and we’ve given the shop stewards more information to give to the members, you still have to keep grinding at it because you’re talking about touching 10,382 people. So the goal is always to improve on communication, and do as much as you can to touch as many union members as possible. Monica: Based on your success throughout your career in the union, what would you like for other women to glean from your success in rising to the top? Jackie: That they can do it. I believe a lot in faith and I think that you come along at the right time. I moved into this position at the right time. If anything in my life had changed one way or the other, I would not have been able to be exactly where I am right now. But I also believe that you have people who believe in you but also you have to believe in yourself. You have to believe that your abilities are as good as that person that’s sitting beside you, even though they happen to be a male and that you can do this job just as well as they can. And I have never wanted my gender to matter. I have never wanted that to be the reason that someone voted for me. I wanted it to be because I’m the best person for the job who just happens to be a woman.


That’s where women have to make up their minds that if they’re not satisfied with the status quo, if they‘re not satisfied with what’s going on in the organization that they’re affiliated with, that they have to be willing to step up to the plate and put themselves out there and run for the position. And they will be surprised at what they can accomplish just by saying I’ll do it. Monica: I think sometimes even though people are not comfortable with what’s going on around them, they are not willing to step out of their comfort zone and step up to the plate, as you mentioned. Jackie: Right, we have different reasons. We’re raising kids, we’re mothers, and we’re wives. We’re all of those things and definitely that could be a deterrent as far as getting involved. I’m lucky because my husband and I actually do the same work and it makes for a very peaceful household. So if I’m out at 11 o’clock at night, he’s out at 11 o’clock at night. So there are never

Extraordinary Profiles

some of the headaches that can go along with this job because you have to give so much of yourself. But one of the things that I’m very grateful for is that my children and my husband are all very, very supportive of me. They will go to bat for me a hundred percent, they really will. Monica: As an African American woman who is filling this position as president, you have set the tone for other women to follow. What kind of legacy would you like to leave? Jackie: I’m always asking that question. I had a shop steward meeting and the newly-elected members and I asked that question. One, I was able to change the direction of the union to make it a more member oriented organization, that I was able to manage it in a way that members felt proud of the efficiency of the union, that I’ve been able to help move my membership into the 21st century when it comes down to communications and making sure that the dissemination of information is not only good but it’s fair. And that I was fair and that I did my job well. I think that more than anything I’d like people to be able to say oh yeah, Jackie Jeter, she did her job well. She was good. And it’s not so much in being the best but that I made them proud.

Monica: You began working in the Metro area as a bus driver. Jackie: Yes, I started off as a parttime bus operator in 1979. At that particular time, part-time bus operators had no benefits at all, meaning that we didn’t get paid holidays, we didn’t have vacation, we didn’t have sick leave, none of those things. And it was during a time when the authority was actually hiring full-time people at the same time they were hiring part-time. They had no intention of any part-time bus operators going full -time but working 12 hours versus 40 hours is a lot different. There were a number of women who came in parttime during that period of time. I finally went full-time in 1982. We actually formed a group of part-timers who kept going down to the Metro board meetings. We kept going and going until they finally paid attention and decided to speak with us. We got them to agree to stop hiring full-time people off the street and instead hire us full-time. They did but it took a long time. After two and a half years I went full time and I went down on the rail in 1987. I became shop steward with the union in 1995. I’ve been rolling ever since. I joined the board in 1998 and subsequently became a first vice president in 2001. Monica: Did you ever think you would be where you are today? Jackie: No. I didn’t even think that I wanted it, not wanting it in the sense that it wasn’t something that I was seeking. What I found was that each time elections were coming up there

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Extraordinary Profiles

would be a need, either the person that held the job previously had retired and there was a need for someone to step in or someone who was running for president needed another person on their ticket, another spot on their ticket. So I stepped into that position. Even when I ran for financial secretary, I never wanted to deal with the money part of it but the union needed someone to step in who knew the rules and regulations. A couple of people talked to me about it, so I said I would step up and run for the position. But I say fate, fate worked out and here I am. Monica: Do you participate in the decisions that are made for the growth of the system? Jackie: Yes, yes. We participate in one or two ways. We participate by sitting on various boards and various committees. We sit on different committees and we give our input. As a matter of fact, the recording secretary of the union just finished sitting in on a three-day session about safety at WMATA. He was debriefing me at lunch when we received the news that the current general manager, John Cato had just resigned. It’s been that kind of day. And for the most part, I can say that the membership has been quite concerned because they want to know what this means for us. I’ve been on the phone ever since we received the news but one of the things I’ve tried to tell them is that the union has been here since 1916. We’ve watched plenty of general managers come and go and we will be okay.

Monica: Mentally how do you deal with it? How do plan to deal with situations like that? Jackie: I think one, you’re grounded in the fact that the union is strong and the union is going to be here. I can tell you with all the things that have happened and I’m not only talking about the accident that happened on June 22nd but about probably five days before I was elected was the time when the two guys got hit by the train at Eisenhower station. That is the way our tenure, our three years have gone. It has been one thing after another. I learned to roll with the punches. For a minute you say why me, why during my tenure, why can’t I have some rosy days and some days that aren’t filled with so many incidents and so many situations. I look at the people who had faith in me to elect me and they had faith in my ability to be able to roll with the punches. That’s part of this job too, you just have to roll with the punches and that’s it. For a minute, and I’ll say probably 30 minutes, I thought about John Cato and what he’s probably thinking and how he’s feeling right now and why he did what he did. Then that 31st moment I thought about the 10,382 members of Local 689. What do I tell them and how do I keep them from feeling that their world is falling apart because they feel that way too. They take leadership and ownership in the transit system and some of them are very proud about the work

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that they do. It’s a very chaotic time, very chaotic right now. I’m trying to soothe them and make sure that I steer them in the right direction to let them know you’ve been trained. You know how to do your job, so you’ll keep doing your job no matter who is at the helm of this union or at WMATA. Monica: I can understand them feeling proud about what they’re doing because what they do affects thousands of people every day. Jackie: Right. The truth of the matter is that no matter who is at the head of WMATA, they will still go in, they will get their tracks, they will key up their trains or start their buses and they will go out and operate them in a manner that will move hundreds of thousands of people in the realm of a day. Monica: Do you have a message that you’d like to send to your members? Jackie: I know that right now we’re going through some very turbulent times and to hold fast. We are good employees, we’re good workers, we’re transit workers, we’re welltrained and no matter what happens at the end of the day we know how to do our jobs. They know how to move people and that is what they have to keep their minds on right now. That is the prize. u




Don’t Give Up Now, Victory is Ahead! By Catherine Galasso-Vigorito

“No, that’s impossible,” some may deem. “No, it’s not going to happen,” or “No, I’m not interested,” a person might say. But I declare, “No, doesn’t mean ‘no!’” Don’t give up. Keep your dreams alive. Persevere and stick to your goals, like a postage stamp sticks to a letter. Your time will come. For very soon, not too far from now, there’ll be a great blessing in your life. This could be the week that you receive the breakthrough that you need! We all come across stumbling blocks and have heard people tell us, “no.” Yet, the word ‘no’ does not mean it is the end. We may not see a way; however, the lyrics of an old song remind us, “God will make a way.” A couple I know wanted to purchase a new business. For years, they both worked hard and saved, dreaming of the day when they would own their own company. When they saw that an establishment was for sale, they felt in their hearts that this opportunity was for them. Needing financing, they went to their local bank and applied for a loan. But because the bank estimated that the price for the business was too high, they were told ‘no.’ So the couple tried another bank and another. Week after week went by, and again they were denied.

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The wife was consumed with frustration, and explained how she decided to completely release her anxieties to God, yielding to His will. “Our future is in your hands,” she prayed. “You know what is best, and if this venture isn’t good for us, I know you’ll have something better ahead.” Although the couple believed that this particular business was perfect, they stepped back, having confidence in God’s time frame and ultimate plan. By trusting God implicitly, they were at peace. It wasn’t long afterward that the couple received a phone call stating that the price of the business had been reduced. In the end, the couple purchased the business for almost half of the original selling price. At the time they heard the word ‘no,’ they were disheartened. But today, they are overjoyed! Life is full of detours and indirect routes. Yet, don’t be discouraged. As with this couple, have faith that God will lead you along the best path. There is a purpose for what happens. And sometimes God uses struggles to equip us for all that He desires to accomplish in and through us. Difficulties can help us grow and gain strength, for accompanying them can be lessons that we’ll carry with us for a lifetime. Years ago, when I worked in radio advertising, I called the owner of a new car dealership to see if they’d like to advertise with us. Abruptly, the owner yelled, “No!” and hung up the phone without even saying good-bye. So what did I do? The next week, I called back. Once more,

potpourri he said, “No!” and hung up. A few weeks passed, and I had an idea, “Maybe we can do a live remote broadcast at the dealership?” Thus, with the presentation in hand, I walked into the dealership and asked the owner if we could set up an appointment to discuss the possibilities of working together to increase his in-store traffic. He curtly agreed. At the meeting, he did like my concept, and signed on to do it. Moreover, my efforts were blessed, as he became one of my best clients, advertising with me for many years. That experience taught me a lasting and crucial lesson in perseverance. For God knew that I would need that valuable trait of perseverance over and over on my life’s course. And, now, when I am pursuing a God-inspired goal and come across a problem, obstacle or someone who says, “no,” that simply means I must re-evaluate, rethink and optimistically try again! One afternoon, a friend of mine and her daughter stopped by a pet store. Her daughter loves animals and the family had discussed perhaps, at some point, getting a puppy. Coincidentally, there were five puppies in the store, and her daughter immediately stepped into the closed-in area where the four-pound puppies were and started playing with them. Earnestly, the girl asked, “Mommy, can we get one of these puppies?” My friend answered, “No, honey. No.” The girl nodded, and continued petting the adorable animals.


The Mind The Mind. A masterpiece; when molded and sculptured to focus on success. The Mind. An ingenious tool; that if used constructively, can let you build ideas of gold, and lead you to endless possibilities. The Mind. A state; that brings one to his knees in depression; but allows the same one to be elated with happiness. The Mind, when refreshed, can absorb enormous amounts of information, but when fatigue sets in, it reacts to words like water to oil. The Mind. A time bomb; that when triggered by the evils of society, can lead your body and soul to total destruction. The Mind. An intangible source that lets you choose your destiny. Copyright 2010 Atela Productions, Inc.

When it was time for them to leave the store, one little puppy grabbed a hold of the edge of the girl’s dress in his teeth and wouldn’t let it go. She tried to shake him off, yet he wouldn’t release his grip! Tenaciously, the puppy held on to her dress. The mother and daughter exchanged smiles. And that day, the word ‘no,’ did not mean ‘no.’ The family bought that tenacious little puppy, carried him out of the pet store, and gave him a warm, loving home. So, hold onto the dreams of your heart. Do not let past rejections, a delay, or the word, ‘no’ prevent you from persevering. You have the creative ideas, abilities and opportunities to succeed. God is with you. Therefore, proceed with faith and determination, for He is telling you, “Yes… victory is in your future.” u March-April 2010 | Exceptional People Magazine | 15

Presented by Exceptional People Magazine Coming on DVD!

The Lighter Side

Frank Marino

A Master at Impersonating Divas


Lighter Side

You may have to look twice and even a third time to be sure. Is it Bette Midler, Cher, or Joan Rivers? Take another look. Oh, it’s Frank Marino, the world’s most famous female impersonator.

He used the opportunity to create his own show but not without experiencing a few doors being shut. As he puts it, “It was a straight uphill battle.” He jokingly says, “The ladder of success is very hard to climb when you’re wearing high heels. I always had to do more to prove myself than everyone else was doing. It’s getting the initial yes, that’s difficult.”

Underneath all the glitter and fashion is an amazingly talented and savvy business person who also happens to be an accomplished author, news commentator, columnist and spokesperson, as well as an actor.

Today, Frank Marino stars in his own show, Frank Marino’s Divas Las Vegas. ¨

This savvy entrepreneur has a keen sense of business and has turned a unique talent in to 25 years of success. Where does his keen sense of business come from? “I think it’s just determination,” explains Frank. “If I saw the finished product in my head, whether it be a show, or a dress design or a website, I had the strong determination to try to finish it and make it a reality, the way I see it.” Marino’s achievements as an actor and entrepreneur can certainly be an inspiration to other actors/actresses whose dream it is to achieve success in the entertainment industry. He’s proven that he has what it takes to stay the course and succeed as an entertainer. As a female impersonator, Frank’s style, flair and uncanny ability to impersonate many female stars has earned him several awards and a star on Las Vegas Boulevard. His act became the longest running headliner on the strip. There’s even a street named after him, Frank Marino Drive. As many of us know, the economic downturn affected everyone, including many people in show business. After 25 years of performing at the Riviera as the star of La Cage, the show ended. However, those of us who have passion, vision and determination are always ready to accept new challenges. It was no different for Marino. March-April 2010 | Exceptional People Magazine | 19


Lighter Side


When I have computer problems at work, I can call on our highly trained, wonderfully supportive computer department. But, when I have similar difficulties at home, I have just one tool at my disposal: A HAMMER! Not that I've used it—yet.

frequently get the following message on my screen: “Your computer has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.” I’m a firm believer in consequences, but I would like to know what my computer is being charged with and who is accusing it?

My most recent computer emergency involved a cup of hot tea and my computer keyboard. I’m not going to say any more about that—except that the widely documented health benefits of green tea apparently DO NOT extend to home computers.

My home computer once had a temporary issue with “Es." There were none. Another time, my shift key was stuck. Everything I typed was CAPITALIZED and all my commas and periods became cute but not very useful carets.

After the “tea party,” all my dollar signs became percent signs. My fours became fives and my nines became sixes. In a matter of seconds, I went from being 49 years old to being 56. Whenever I typed a “P” I got a “9” along with it. (For examp9le, take the word examp9le.) But maybe most annoying, my keyboard developed the peculiar habit of repeating random words. (For examp9le, take the word examp9le examp9le.) Thankfully I have a pen. How peculiar it felt in my hand! Writing an entire sentence by hand reminds me of how I used to add and subtract before I started carrying a calculator: BADLY, but I did it because I HAD TO. Maybe you’re one of those people who are afraid of computers, constantly fearing that something will go wrong and you'll lose a month’s worth of hard work. I’m here to reassure you, that almost never happens—except on Friday evenings when you’re past your deadline and you’re 99.9 percent finished with your project. Fortunately most computer problems are not that serious. In fact, I lost no data in this particular episode and it only cost me $45 and my privileges to drink tea at the computer. But there are many minor problems one can encounter even without spilling on your keyboard. For example, I 20 | Exceptional People Magazine | March-April 2010

In a move I could not repeat if I wanted to, I once managed to turn everything on my computer screen on its side. And on more than one occasion, my computer has informed me that I have a “memory problem.” No disagreement here. Still the benefits of computers far outweigh the troubles they cause. Here are just a few: A computer saves valuable time—time which you can use to play hearts with opponents who never argue about the rules. (And you never have to worry about being a few cards short of a full deck.) My computer software checks both my spelling and my grammar. This is important to me, because I type like I live my life: Very fast and with lots of errors. My favorite computer function is the “undo function.” For those of you who don’t use a computer, let me explain. The undo function allows you to undo whatever you’ve just done on your computer. Did you type something you don’t want? Undo it and it’s gone! Did you delete something you DO want? Undo it and it’s back. Wouldn’t it be grand if there were an undo button in all of life? With a couple of keystrokes, you could take back the words you just said, the dent you just made, the hair you just cut . . . and the tea you just spilled. u


Lighter Side The Lighter Side

Doctor: "I can do nothing for your sickness. It is hereditary." Patient: "Then send the bill to my father." Kay: "Did your mother promise you anything if you do the dishes?" May: "No, but she promised me something if I don’t." Daughter: "Oh, Mom, tell me if I should accept Joe’s proposal." Mom: "Ask your dad, he made a much smarter decision in marriage than I did." The Lighter Side An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings. "Well, I have good news and bad news," the owner replied. "The good news is that a gentleman noticed your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death. I told him it would, and he bought all 10 of your paintings." "That's wonderful," the artist exclaimed. "What's the bad news?" "The gentleman was your doctor."

The Pet This guy who was living by himself decided he wanted a pet, an unusual pet. He looked at all sorts of critters at the pet store and decided on a centipede, a 100-leg bug. It came in a little white box, which was his home. After they got home, the guy decided to take his new pal to the bar with him and asked, "Would you like to go to Frank's place with me for a drink?" He waited a few minutes and asked again. Then he shouted at the centipede's house, "Hey, would you like to go to Frank's and have a drink?" A little voice came from the box, "I heard you the first time! I'm putting my shoes on."

Bill: "So your uncle’s an undertaker. I thought you said he was a doctor." Will: "No, I just said he followed the medical profession." Teacher: "What does it take to make a small fortune on Wall Street?" Smart kid: "A small fortune!" Riddle: How many actors does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: One to change it, and 99 to stand around and say, "Hey, I could have done that!" Tourist on safari: "Look, George, there's a real African lion! George, he's after me! Shoot!" George: "I can't! I'm out of film!" Riddle: Why is a speech like a baby? Give up? Answer: It's easy to conceive, hard to deliver. Tea totaler: "Don't you know that stuff is slow poison?" Martini sipper: "Oh, that's all right. I'm in no hurry." Blood bank nurse: "Do you know your type?" Woman donor: "Sultry." March-April 2010 | Exceptional People Magazine | 21


Lighter Side

Getting Through April Can Be Taxing By Angie Brennan No doubt you’re one of the many Americans who view the approach of spring with a mixture of anticipation and dread. On one hand, April loosens the icy clutch of winter, ushering in the first tender blooms of spring, signaling that it’s finally safe to put the snow shovels in storage. But once bloom-ushering is over, April reaches for your checkbook, hurls it down in front of you, and demands that you write a nice, big check to the IRS. And yet, the focus of this capricious month doesn’t end with tulips and taxes. For example, did you know that April is also: Anxiety Month. That's right-- Anxiety Month is “celebrated” at the same time returns are due. Coincidence? Not a very taxing question. Foot Health Awareness Month. Sorting through piles of receipts and filling out vaguely-worded forms is no reason to ignore what's going on inside your shoe. So go ahead and file your returns and your toenails! If you plan to take a deduction for medical expenses, be sure to read IRS Publication 268419 (“Pedicure Deductions: Up to and including Bunion Removal and Pumice Treatment.”) Welding Month. Far too few of us really take the time honor the art of welding. Oh sure, we may exchange greeting cards with ditties such as: Happy, happy welding month! I’m sure you will agree that joining metals with high heat is great for you and me.

From home decor to engine valves, from grills to Ginsu knives. Welded stuff is all around, so let’s send up a cheer! Though April may be Welding Month---it ought to last all year.

Or for the more romantically-inclined: Like welded steel we’re fused together, Never shall we part! Like torches of acetylene You’ve melted, dear, my heart.

And yet each one of us should consider whether we’re simply giving in to the commercialism of Welding Month or truly honoring its meaning, which escapes me at the moment. So whether you’re outside scanning the ground for the first of signs tulips, taking a class on flux-cored arc welding, or busily inspecting bunions, enjoy the many moods of April. Meanwhile, I'll be frantically working on Form 4868, “Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Income Tax Return.” Happy Anxiety Month, everyone. u

Look around and you will see how welding fills our lives:

A dietitian was addressing a large audience in Chicago: "The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed us. Red meat is awful. Soft drinks erode your stomach lining. Chinese food has MSG. And vegetables can be disastrous. "But one thing is the most dangerous of all and we all have eaten it or will eat it. What food causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?" A 75-year-old in the front row stood up and said, "Wedding cake." 22 | Exceptional People Magazine | March-April 2010


Lighter Side

You know you're in trouble when ‌ Your accountant's letter of resignation is postmarked Zurich. You see the captain running toward the railing wearing a life jacket. Your secretary tells you the FBI is on line 1, the DA is on line 2, and CBS is on line 3. You see your stockbroker hitchhiking out of town. They pay your wages out of petty cash. The "simple instructions enclosed" aren't there. The pest control guy crawls under your house and never comes out. Your pacemaker has only a thirty-day guarantee.

March-April 2010 | Exceptional People Magazine | 23

Extraordi nary Profiles— Resources

Side One Dr. Thienna Ho, Pg. 4—An Innovator Discovers Beauty Skin Deep www.thienna.com Mark Parker, Pg. 14—Nike Inc. - Corporate Excellence www.nikebiz.com Sasha Ottey, Pg. 17—Turning a Personal Challenge into Victory www.PCOSChallenge.org, www.PCOSChallenge.net, www.PCOSChallenge.com Merletta Martin, Pg. 23—From Crayola to Masterpieces www.blacklegendseries.com Side Two Jackie Jeter, Pg.8—Breaking New Ground for Women in Transportation www.atulocal689.org Frank Marino, Pg. 18—A Master at Impersonating Divas www.frankmarino.com

24 | Exceptional People Magazine | March-April 2010

Writers and Contributors

Charles Forchu

Catherine Galasso-Vigorito

Charles Forchu is CEO of ForchuTeck Consulting Group, a Next Generation Technology Consulting firm specializing in cutting edge business solutions utilizing the latest technology. He is leading a new generation of Information Technology experts into Africa who will initiate knowledge of today’s cutting edge technologies with the business savvy needed to create and build strategic technology infrastructure and applications. ForchuTeck provides exceptional services to its clients in various areas of technology including applications development, SEO, web development, mobile applications and many others. The company also provides non-technical services such as branding, recruiting and advertising.

Catherine Galasso-Vigorito’s nationally syndicated weekly column, “A New You,” has endeared her to readers worldwide for over 15 years.

ForchuTeck is headquartered in Dallas, Texas with an office in Yaoundé, Cameroon, to serve the continent of Africa with the initiatives to end the digital divide between Africa and the rest of the world. Visit his websites at www.forchuteckconsulting.com and www.forchuteckstudio.com.

Visit her website at www.anewyouworldwide.com Searching for inspirational gifts - visit http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/app.nav/ params.class.K990/walk.yah.0101-K990.

Annemarie Cross

William R. Patterson

Annemarie Cross is a Career Management & Personal Branding Strategist, Speaker, Consultant, Radio Broadcaster, and Author of ’10 Key Steps to Ace that Interview!’ She is also the founder/ principal of Advanced Employment Concepts – Career Management and Corporate Career Development Specialists offering powerful programs for people striving for career success and fulfillment, as well as savvy companies committed to building and retaining their most important asset – their staff.

Ranked as the #1 Business Motivational Speaker by Ranking.com, William R. Patterson is a three-time award-winning lecturer and international best-selling author who uses his trademark approach, THE BARON SOLUTION™, to coach, train, and motivate business leaders, sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and investors. His breakthrough book, The Baron Son, has been translated around the world and featured in the Forbes Book Club and Black Enterprise. William is an internationally recognized wealth and business coach who has been a featured guest on over 500 television and radio programs. William's website, BaronSeries.com, is winner of four 2009 Web Awards including: Best Speaker; Best Male Author; Best Business Advice Site; and Best WealthBuilding Site. For more information, visit http://www.baronseries.com.

Widely considered a personal change agent and success catalyst, Annemarie has distinguished herself as being people-focused, caring, inspirational and life-changing in her approach. Annemarie can be contacted at www.a-e-c.com.au email: info@a-e-c.com.au.

Known for her ability to uplift and encourage, Catherine has become America’s most beloved inspirational voice. Catherine is the founder and CEO of her own company, A New You Worldwide, developing and designing inspirational products. Her mission is to instill hope in the hearts of people everywhere, inspiring them to live a better life. She makes her home on the East Coast with her husband and three daughters.

March-April 2010 | Exceptional People Magazine | 25

Writers and Contributors

Kathi Calahan

Dean G. Campbell

Prescott, Arizona business coach, Kathi Calahan, is a Syndicated Author, Certified Behavioral Therapist, Professional Psychic and CEO of two home-based businesses. Her first business, www.godseer.com, shows entrepreneurs how to start any business from home, even if they’ve never done it before. Her other business, www.AmericanLovePsychic.com helps lovers heal their relationships by identifying the underlying problem and providing workable solutions, even if they’re thinking of throwing in the towel. Sign up now for her free and helpful small business ideas newsletter, as well as her relationship advice newsletter.

Mr. Campbell advises clients throughout the country and is licensed in securities and insurances in many states.

Angie Brennan Angie Brennan is a humor writer and illustrator from the Annapolis area. She enjoys coffee, reading, and dusting avocados. Angie and her husband have three children. Visit her website at www.angiebrennan.com.

Dean G. Campbell is President of Campbell Retirement Planning Centers, Inc. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan with degrees in Finance and Economics. While attending college, he also taught business applications. Simultaneously he began attaining licenses to transact business in Securities and Insurances. Upon graduation, he worked for an independent brokerage firm then moved on to IDS Financial Services, now Ameriprise. After becoming a top producer at Ameriprise, Dean worked as a Financial Planner for Empire of America Bank in Buffalo, New York. He later became a Financial Planner for First of America Bank where he also for a period worked as the financial consultant for the bank’s customers at fourteen branches. Thirteen years ago Dean started Campbell Retirement Planning Centers, Inc. To date he has personally helped over 2,500 people with planning there financial futures. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Eastern Michigan Better Business Bureau and was recently appointed for his fourth term. Through the business and personally, Dean donates to several charities, helping those who are less fortunate.

Dorothy Rosby Dorothy Rosby is an entertaining speaker and syndicated humor columnist whose work appears regularly in 30-plus newspapers in eleven Western and Midwestern states. She is also Community Relations Director for an organization which supports people with disabilities. She lives in Rapid City, South Dakota with her husband, son, mother, and hamster. Contact her at drosby@rushmore.com or see her website at www.dorothyrosby.com. 26 | Exceptional People Magazine | March-april 2010

Visit his website at http://www.campbellretirement.com. Securities offered through Sigma Financial Corp. Member FINRA/SIPC

Writers and Contributors

Rosalind Sedacca Recognized as The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce, Rosalind Sedacca is a Certified Corporate Trainer and founder of the Child-Centered Divorce Network for parents facing, moving through or transitioning beyond divorce. She is the author of How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook™ Guide to Preparing Your Children – with Love! which offers a unique approach to breaking divorce news to your children based on her own personal experience. Rosalind is on the Board of Directors of ChildSharing, Inc. and WE Magazine for Women. She writes monthly columns for several divorce and parenting websites. She is also the 2008 National First Place Winner of the Victorious Woman Award. Rosalind shares her expertise through TV, radio and print interviews, newsletters, teleseminars and coaching. As a Certified Corporate Trainer and Business Communication Strategist she provides consulting, speaking, training and Executive Coaching services to organizations nation-wide on marketing, public relations and business communication issues. She specializes in gender-related dynamics, marketing to women and employeemanagement collaboration in the workplace. In addition, Rosalind is a partner in a new business membership site for women, Women Helping Women Mastermind, where women can network, promote their businesses, access help and advice, find resources for accelerating their careers and enjoy free weekly teleseminars, a free weekly newsletter and much more. Basic Membership is also free to women around the world at www.WomenHelpingWomenMastermind.com. To learn more about her book, free ezine, programs and other valuable resources on creating a positive ChildCentered Divorce, visit www.childcentereddivorce.com and www.howdoitellthekids.com. For more information about her customized programs, audio and videotapes, and other services, contact Rosalind at 561-742-3537 or Talk2Roz@bellsouth.net.

March-April 2010 | Exceptional People Magazine | 27

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