Elysium Literary and Arts Magazine 2015

Page 61

Release Jake Pivnik

The impression of loneliness washes over me like the sea, closing my eyes and opening my heart my mind drifts backwards to my first trip to the ocean. I hold my breath Unbearably hot sand forces my feet to the water which clings to my toes tighter than my grandmother’s hugs. Jellyfish stingers smashed in the surf, sting longingly. How perfect, to drown oneself in the winter. I exhale Moonlight illuminates the far away dock, a lone fisherman at its shoddy end pulling on a tangled line he should have cut years ago. I shake my head, but he can’t see. I hold my breath Icy waves crash against my timid chest and I step forward. Foamy sea risen to my neck, soapy bubble baths filled to the top never smelled as sweet. Three steps forward Life offers me a final breath, I begrudgingly accept. A welcoming abyss, with a depth I can’t fathom. Inching forward I lose my footing, a happy mistake. From the ocean we began, and in its depths I’ll remain. I exhale


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