Multilateral Legal Research Group on the Legal Status of Same-Sex Couples in the EU.

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Political parties

The Conservative party has proven to be quite reluctant as to such a legislative innovation. Members of the party have undergone severe political and social criticism for their statement “to consider the case” without revealing any specific political plan. "Contract for Equalities" issued by the party declared it would consider recognising civil partnerships as marriage if elected.941 As far as the Labour party is concerned, it worked as the driving force in the launching and adoption of a resolution committing the party to support LGBT equality rights passed for the first time due to block voting support from the National Union of Mineworkers. Gordon Brown had stated back in April 2010 that the issue was a "developing area" requiring lots of elbow grease in fostering marriage rights for same-sex couples, as same-sex marriage was inextricably interwoven with dilemmas of religious freedom. During the 2010 Labour leadership election campaign, each of the Labour candidates expressed their support for reform to lead to the recognition of same-sex marriage.942 The words of the British Liberal Democrats party leader depicted great reluctance over this sensitive issue. He had declared that the society was not mature enough so as to extent the institution of marriage to same-sex couples, as well.943 When it comes to Scotland, the respective party had already passed a 2010 motion inviting the Scottish Parliament to allow for same-sex marriages. The Green Party clearly deplores the ban on same-sex civil marriage and is committed to its repeal. Furthermore, it is a fervent supporter of civil marriage equality, based on the perception that a same sex couple should enjoy exactly the same right to marry at a registry office as an heterosexual one.944 They concede that both civil marriage and civil partnerships should be accessible to all couples, which should never undergo discriminatory treatment. For a large part of people that feel spiritually connected to a particular denomination, marriage is closely interrelated to religion. The largest Christian denominations have been entirely opposed to the same-sex marriage legalisation. he Catholic Church in England and Wales has been a fervent rival vis-à-vis governmental suggestions as to the shift in marriage policies.945 Alike is the situation in Scotland946; the Church of England endorses that people sign petitions impeding the governmental plans. Although the Methodist Church of Great Britain had affirmed the participation of gays and lesbians in a union in the past, it underlines the inappropriateness in the usage of the word "marriage" with regards to same-sex unions. As far as the Muslim Church of 941 “George Osborne says Tories will consider gay marriage”, BBC News, 11 April 2010; Beckford M., “Gay couples could be allowed to marry under Tory election plans”, The Telegraph, London, 4 May 2010. 942The Labour Party, “The Government should go further than they currently plan on same-sex marriage cooperation”, 15 March 2012. 943 Taylor J. & Grice A., “Clegg lays down to Cameron on gay rights”, The Independent, London, 23 October 2011. 944 “Green Party calls for EU-wide gay marriage”, Pink News, 22 May 2009. 945 “Church of England Warning on Gay marriage”, BBC News, 12 June 2012. 946 “Scotland: Catholic Church declares war on gay marriage, available at, 8 July 2012.

Multilateral Legal Research Group


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