Mediterrània Professional Meeting - ENG

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BUSSINES AREA (1.000 m2, 44 estands) From Thursday 3 to Sunday 6th. 10 a 19 h/ Plaça Porxada rd

INTERNATIONAL NETWORKING MEETING Coffee reception PREMIS ZIRKÒLIKA 2011: Thursday 3rd, 17:00h Presentation of the second edition of the Catalan Circus Awards - Premis Zirkòlika 2011, and an invitation to the award ceremony/performance to be held in Barcelona in December Welcome dinner reception RECEPTION FOR PROFESSIONALS ATTENDING THE FAIR Thursday 3rd, 22:45h Vermut reception FETEN 2012: Friday 4th, 13:30h FETEN, the European Theatre Fair for Children, of Gijón, Asturias, is promoting the meeting between various theatre creation and distribution sectors. Set-up in 1991, it wants to be a sound board and open communication and information channels of everything within the framework of performing arts for children throughout Spain and abroad. In this sense, it is a specialised centre of reference developing all these tasks and encouraging the growth and research into this area of creation. 1

Vermut reception CONSEJERÍA DE CULTURA. JUNTA DE ANDALUCÍA: Friday 4th, 13:45h Víctor Garcia, coordinator of the theatre department of the Andalucian Agency of Cultural Institutions of the Council for Culture of the Andalucian Government, presents the Andalucian companies participating in the Fair this year. At the same time, we can sample some tapas made with products brought especially for the occasion.

Coffee reception MEETING WITH THE ART MANAGEMENT Friday 4th, 17:30h Meeting of Catalan companies participating in the Fira Mediterrània 2011 with foreign professionals interested in the proposals. Access restricted to authorized professionals. Vermut reception ZOOTROUPE: Saturday 5th, 13h Miquel Crespi, founder and leader of the Zootroupe company, presents the concept ‘Magic of the character', while giving us an idea of what it is, he is interrupted by various characters camouflaged among the audience.

Vermut reception PUGLIA SOUNDS & MEDIMEX Saturday 5th, 13:30h Puglia Sounds is the label which this territory in the south of Italy with Bari as its capital, takes to project its own artistic and musical productions. La Publia comes this year to Manresa with action that includes artistic, professional and gourmet participation.


Coffee reception CIA. CIRQUET CONFETTI: Saturday 5th, 17:30h For 25 years, the Cirquet Confetti has been creating laughter through their performances. Today, through Gaac, a company involved in managing cultural performances and events, they want to celebrate and share laughter with everyone wishing to join in.

Vermut reception LEGENDS GAME Sunday 6th, 13h A presentation of an assembly of games with different traditional and magic beings from legends and with other similar characteristics using elements of wood. A new proposal of the Associació Cultural Joan Amades sponsored by the Barcelona County Council. All the games are conceived to explain the characteristics which Joan Amades or other folklorists have gathered from traditional imagery. Vermut reception NUMBER 1OF THE NEW CARAMELLA BOOKS COLLECTION: UNA PERSONA AMB UN SAC PENJAT DE L'ASSOCIACIÓ MAPASONOR Diumenge 6th, 13:30h The magazine Caramella, specialising in folk music and culture of Catalonia has reached its 25th issue and to celebrate this, it is presenting a new collection of CD/DVD books. Number 1 of this collection is Una persona amb un sac penjant. Viatge musical per les illes de la Mediterrània (Creta, Sicília, Balears) – a musical journey through the Mediterranean Islands (Crete, Sicily and the Balearics. By the Associació Mapasonor (Mediterranean Sound Project). The book is accompanied by three documentaries: 'D'Es Castell a Sa Pobla. Construint la cultura popular', 'Piazza-Isole-Montagna. Música i vida a Sicília' and 'València, Istambul, Tessalònica, Kabul. Oïdes Mediterrànies'.


Friday 4th, 14:30h/ Sala de columnes de l’Ajuntament, plaça Major Meeting of Catalan companies participating in the Fira Mediterrània 2011 with foreign professionals interested in the proposals. Access restricted to authorized professionals. 3

PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES Seminar: Culture and the new economic cycle. Good practice Auditori Fundació Caixa Manresa/ plana de l’Om. Regristration: o All attendants will receive a certificate of attendance. When the going gets rough, the rough get going. In view of the new economic cycle we are experiencing, the Fira Mediterrània presents a seminar for professionals of culture, to teach them good practice and to promote new ideas to overcome these complicated times. Some people and companies have started initiatives to counter decreasing resources. Participants will find out about these experiences which are to reflect on, and are especially useful for improving everyday work. We will discover new ways and methods to decrease management structures. We will learn about new communication tools and we shall try management resources such as economic impact surveys and current trends of selling tickets and cultural products. THURSDAY, 3rd NOVEMBER 3 9.30 am Reception and handout of material 10.00 – 10.45 h The battle against cultural disaffection The Kursaal of Manresa is a theatre created and founded by popular demand, with a long background. After its refurbishment four years ago, its popularity has not gone up in smoke, and it is still one of the most widely used theatres in Catalonia. However, this has not been achieved by chance, but through the tireless work of the programme management entity: El Galliner. Joan Morros. Coordinator of El Galliner of the Kursaal theatre of Manresa and teacher of Socio-Cultural Animation of the Guillem Catà School of Manresa, professor of Socio-Cultural Animation of the Guilem Catà Institute of Manresa.


10.45 - 11.45 am Methods to reduce administration in culture management This year 2011, the Festes Decennals have been celebrated in Valls. This is a festival of extraordinary magnitude dedicated to the Virgin Mother of Candela, marked with gold letters in the Valls calendar and even in the Catalan festival calendar. The 2001 festival was organised within a period of economic recession, but the organisation was based on the degree of efficiency of a foundation. Mònica Bernal. Head of Legal Services of the Valls Town Council The management of the Kursaal theatre of Manresa has some peculiarities compared to other methods. Programming and communication are carried out by an amateur, civic entity, El Galliner, which coexists with a fully professional management structure through a municipal company. The first six months of this year, the theatre received 50,000 spectators, a clear demonstration of the good results achieved by the management method. Valentí Oviedo. Manager of Manresana d’Equipaments Escènics (MEES) 11.45 am - 12.15 pm Coffee break 12.15 - 1.15 pm Sustainable methods in the current economic cycle Explaining and listening to stories, adventures, anecdotes or sayings are communicative, inherited and pleasant actions. This has been achieved by the Festival En Veu Alta (EVA), a cycle of narrations with a format adaptable to spaces, towns or varied programmes. It can be seen at the small village of Pradell de la Teixeta, in Priorat, in important places such as Vilafranca del Penedès or in the gardens of the Parc de la Ciutadella in Barcelona. Jordina Biosca. Director of the Festival En Veu Alta (EVA) The distribution of music has experienced a radical change in a very short time. New computer formats have left classic formats such as the CD obsolete from one day to another, boosting the value of a song as a unit and devaluating longterm formats. All this has also changed the business opportunities of the music industry. Labels have to adapt fast. Xavier Riembau. Management head of Bankrobber


The construction of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao has meant a before and after for the city. El efecto Guggenheim: del espacio basura al ornamento (The Guggenheim effect: from a garbage space to an ornament) is the book by the Bilbao journalist and philosopher, Iñaki Esteban. A sufficiently suggestive title to understand the positive significance that culture and cultural equipment can contribute to our everyday lives. 4.00 - 4.45 pm The paradigmatic example of the Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao Iñaki Esteban. Author of the book El efecto Guggenheim: del espacio basura al ornamento (The Guggenheim effect: from a garbage space to an ornament) It is becoming increasingly necessary to have tools to enable us to analyse and understand our immediate surroundings. Knowing and specifying data or trends can be essential for making decisions, as margins of error are becoming minimum. This leads to the importance of carrying impact surveys in the culture sector. 4.45 - 5.30 pm, Economic impact surveys to view the results of a current programme. The case of the Fira Mediterrània of Manresa The University of Deusto has carried out a survey on the induced impact in the culture sector, analysing different performing arts fairs in Spain. Marián Osácar will present the results, which have become an essential working tool for the analysed markets, including the Fira Mediterrània of Manresa. Marián Osácar. Director of the European Fair of Performing Arts for Children (FETEN) For the past two years, the Delegation of Tourism of the Barcelona County Council, through the Laboratory of Tourism, has been developing surveys on the description of tourists visiting destinations of the province. Initially, surveys had been carried out in the most touristic resorts on the coast. However, thanks to events such as the Fira Mediterrània, it has also been able to carry out surveys in inland destinations. The main purpose of the survey has been to know the profile of visitors coming to Manresa during the Fair, compared to the results of a weekend when no events are held. The work also describes the origin of the visitor, the score the visitor gives to the city and services, the hotel occupancy rate and the influence on the area, the method of transport used, the role of the Fair in the decision of the visit and the expenses incurred by the visitor. Damià Serrano. Coordinator of the survey on the touristic impact of the Fira Mediterrània of Manresa carried out by the Barcelona County Council 6

A survey drawn up by the University of Bages Foundation has made it possible to see that the Fira Mediterrània of Manresa generates a significant economic impact on Manresa and the region of Bages. Data confirmation is an essential work tool to know which opportunities to take and which actions could be improved. Marc Bernadich. Coordinator of the Economic Impact Survey of the Fira Mediterrània of Manresa carried out by the Bages University Foundation (FUB)

FRIDAY, 4th NOVEMBER 9.30 am Reception and handout of material 10.00 - 11.15 am Paper versus 2.0 tools Generally speaking, is the role of 2.0 tools being turned into a myth in society? And in our sector in particular? Is paper still the main promotion tool of our programmes? Can we do away with it? We want to know and assess two positive experiences where 2.0 tools have played a predominant and key role, such as the success of the tour of groups such as Els Amics de les Arts or La Pegatina. Albert Puig Coordinator of the 2010-11 tour of Els Amics de les Arts. German Quimasó. Director of Sonde3 Producciones. Community Manager. 11.15 - 11.45 am Coffee break 11.45 am - 1 pm New resources in a cultural programme. From entrance tickets to season tickets Today’s economic cycle has forced institutions and public and private companies to work more than ever in attracting new audiences for performing arts. The sale of entrance tickets is of utmost importance to sustain the business, and it is becoming more frequent for theatres and other venues to invent new ways of selling, methods which are the result of intense reflections such as those explained by the Auditorium Theatres of Sant Cugat and Granollers. Josep Tugues. Director of the Auditorium Theatre of Sant Cugat Carles Ribell. Director of the Auditorium Theatre of Granollers 7

1.00pm - 1.30 pm Networks as a form of complicity Adding synergies and complicities, sharing experiences, having more strength, opening looks: these are phrases or expressions that are recently often heard in view of the economic situation we are experiencing. A way of achieving these objectives is through networking, such as the case of the Coordinator of Performing Arts Fairs of Spain (COFAE). Pau Llacuna. President of the Coordinator of Performing Arts Fairs in Spain COFAE. Coordinadora de Fires d’Arts Escèniques de l’Estat espanyol.

SEMINAR BEARERS, WORDS-SCALE AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT THE WEIGHT OF IMAGES. PEREJAUME. Saturday 5th, 11h/ Auditori Fundació Caixa Manresa, plana de l’Om. Registration: or

Perejaume decided to go hiking with a statue of the Virgin from the 18th century. He set off from MNAC in Barcelona on 27th June and returned on 5th July. If there is an image in our culture that has flaunted its weight, if there is an image that has praised the geographic area, this is none other than those statues of Virgins found and which weigh a hundred times their real weight, to show that they do not want to be moved from their place. Now, in Manresa, the author invites you to take a seat and listen. Dance with a statue of a Virgin. The person who has danced with her. Images of the statue of the Virgin during the pilgrimage. Jordi Camps Lines and fields of strength. Josep Perelló Images of the journey. Carles Guerra The sung territory. Jaume Ayats


INFORMATIVE SESSION INFORMATIVE SESSION FOR MUNICIPAL TECHNICIANS IN FESTIVALS USING FIREWORKS AND OTHER ASPECTS RELATED TO SAFETY AT FESTIVALS. Friday 4th, 10 - 12 h/ Cambra de Comerç Session on the basic aspects of Law 11/2009 regarding administrative regulations of public events and recreational activities, and Decree 82/2010 passing the index of activities and centres obliged to adopt self-protection measures, and setting the contents of these measures, together with the safety regulations applicable to 'correfocs' (Catalan firework festival). Information and registration period: Organised by: Centre de Promoció de la Cultura Popular i Tradicional Catalana

TRAINING DAY TRAINING SESSION FOR GROUP LEADERS HANDLING FIRE AND ACKNOWLEDGED AS EXPERTS (RGCRE) Saturday 5th, 9.30 - 14h and 16 - 19h/ FUB During the first six months of 2011, eleven training sessions have been held which have authorized 1,392 Group Leaders of Consumers Acknowledged as Experts. This authorization is necessary to preserve festivals using fireworks, in accordance with the European Guideline regarding pyrotechnical articles, as a result of the Act 563/2010 passing Regulations for handling pyrotechnical and cartridge articles. Here is a new opportunity to receive training. Registration: through and Organised by: Centre de Promoció de la Cultura popular i Tradicional Catalana; Delegació del Govern a Catalunya - Àrea d'Indústria i Energia; Federació de Diables i Dimonis de Catalunya; Agrupació del Bestiari Festiu i Popular de Catalunya; Direcció General de Protecció Civil Collaborator: Associació de Tècnics de Protecció Civil de Catalunya


COURSE COURSE ON HEARING IMPAIRMENT PREVENTION TOOLS FOR ARTISTS, TECHNICIANS AND ENTERTAINMENT PROFESSIONALS Saturday 5th, 10 - 13:30h/ Casino Manresa Registration: or 'What is my hearing telling me?' Prevent possible hearing impairments caused by the constant exposure to sound produced in concerts, performances or rehearsals, which is much simpler that you imagine. We are not always sufficiently aware of protection habits. Organised by: Prevint i MĂştua Intercomarcal.

PROFESSIONAL CLUB Club/Late night programme Thursday 3rd, 01:30 h, Friday 4th and Saturday 5th from 02:30 h to 04h/ El Vermell Professionals accredited to the Fair will share their informal evening meetings with the off section of the Fair, in Vermell. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, this space will be the nerve centre where, once the performances are over, the doors will be opened to the club of professionals. The cultural impact survey carried out by the University of Deusto, discovered that these informal meetings also become business catalysts.


OTHER ACTIVITIES TRAINING SESSION: ESMUC – THE COLLEGE OF MUSIC OF CATALONIA (ESMUC) Friday 4th, 19h/ Auditori Mestre Blanch (Conservatori de Música) The College of Music of Catalonia (ESMUC) based in Barcelona, presents training work performed with traditional music. Josep Moliner, head of the traditional music department of Esmuc, will introduce all educational concepts accompanied by instruments played by students of the college. DANCE MEETING KUKAI DANTZA KONPAINIA (Euskadi - France) and ESBART MARBOLENY (Catalonia) Saturday 5th, 11h/ Kursaal - Sala Polivalent 1 The meeting between the dancer Jon Maya and the Esbart Marboleny emerges with the aim of becoming a laboratory of mutual knowledge. Maya, an expert in Basque dance, has recently started with the Basque dance company Kukai, a project of contemporary creation, which takes traditional roots as a starting point. The demonstration of this work is one of the main objectives of a workshop which will experiment with choreography presented by the Catalan dance company.

MEETING 2ND MEETING OF TRADITIONAL MUSIC FESTIVALS OF CENTRAL CATALONIA Saturday 5th, 16h/ Casino Twenty professionals are meeting within the framework of the Fira Mediterrània to discuss different spheres linked to these events. 11

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