Bulletin Board | Spring 2012

Page 23

Just For Fun

Sometimes they’re funny because they make no sense at all; other times they’re funny because they make more sense than you’d expect. Whichever the case, kids’ comments often make us smile. Here’s a collection of notable quotations gathered by our teachers this year.


funniest things!

"When did you get promoted?" —a second grade student, to his teacher who had recently become engaged

“Whoever’s not here, say ‘I’.” —a fourth grader, trying to help with roll call on a field trip

"It's kind of like Communism, but worse, because it's not even supposed to work well."


—an eighth grade student, defining dictatorship

—a third grade student’s written response to the question: What did Native Americans wear on their feet?

“The only thing I don’t like about trick-ortreating is that there’s no cheeseburgers.”

"If you make up your own language, you can say any bad word you want."

—a Prep II student, on what’s lacking in Halloween hand-outs

“I don’t need a name tag. Everyone knows me!” —a sociable fourth grade student, at the fall family picnic

—a fifth grade student, finding a loophole

“Gene Autrey. And I just love that Louis Armstrong.” —a first grader, when asked about his favorite songs

“Drink a cup of warm milk mixed with a stick of butter.” —a fourth grade student, giving advice on how to soothe a sore throat

"I like having my baby teeth because they are smaller and I get to chew a lot more." —Prep II student, on the benefits of being little

“But every time I read something, you tell me it’s outstanding.” —a tearful Prep II student, inquiring to her teacher why she wasn’t on the list of children with “outstanding books” from the library

S P R I N G 2012

“Just go with it. I’m only 12.” —a seventh grade student, defending an incorrect answer to his teacher


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