91_Ellopia Press Magazine USA

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New York Press

by Maria Papapetros Get in touch with Maria Papapetros at www.mpapapetros.com Facebook: MARIA PAPAPETROS PSYCHIC WORKS email: maria@papapetros.com Tel: 212 935 4441

Here we are again my friends, another Christmas, another New Year, I am feeling happy and excited to be back home this time of year, jetlag and all. As l was sorting out Christmas decorations last night, I found my holiday journal, sat in the middle of the floor and started reading, I was in an awe seeing how many of my last year’s wishes had been granted. I went down memory lane of earlier wish lists, and realized that some things I had asked for, had materialized years later after the asking, but they had. Wow what a significant realization, it reinstated my faith in prayer and in Santa. I took to my journal again and started writing my heart felt thanks to God for the gifts I had received. After a while the gratitude I was offering and the joy of receiving empowered me so much that I felt cherished, loved and very special. I was a child again, full of wonder and awe, faith and confidence. My joy was so great I wanted to share it with loved ones; I felt the blessing of generosity so I started making my gift-giving list for them. It was so much fun and easy to share; I chose books for many, writing pads for others, Tarot cards for a few. I opted for table games for families with children, foot massages for my favorite aunts, and my special chicken soup recipe for my friend Linda. In my mind I was experiencing their gladness of

receiving gifts that filled my heart with joy. By the time I was finished I was so elated, and so full of happiness. What an awakening that was; the joy of giving is so powerful I wish it for you all. That is what Christmas is all about, giving joy and opening our hearts to also receive it. Giving does not always have to be material. The magic of a smile works wonders, ask the beggar in the corner; he may prefer it to the change you put in his cup. The same goes for your doorman and the deliveryman, take a minute and ask them about their families and how they are spending their Holidays; they have a life you know as important as yours. Put the grudges down and let bygones be bygones. The power of forgiveness is very healing so send season’s greetings to those you have not been speaking to. Let them feel loved, an encouraging word from you may give them a new lease in life. Make this Christmas about rebirth of our own spirit, giving, sharing, forgiving, connecting and most of all giving LOVE. It will be returned to you tenfold. Make this Holiday memorable long after the gifts have been forgotten. And now start making your own wish list; Santa knows you’ve been good!!!! My best Holiday Wishes to you and your families! Maria

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