Legacy Giving For the future of our Church
First Presbyterian Church of Elk Rapids
Our Mission Statement Introduce Jesus Christ to those who do not know Him; Deepen the faith and commitment of those who already know Him; Demonstrate Christ’s way of love in service to the world.
First Presbyterian Church of Elk Rapids is dedicated to proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ through our thoughts, words, and deeds. One of the most powerful ways we can help ensure that FPC will continue to live out its mission and God’s calling is through a legacy gift. By making a gift to one of the three Endowment Funds, either during our lifetime or in an estate plan, we express our faith in God and hope for the future.
Youth Trip to Puerto Rico 2018 Youth Trip to Puerto Rico A gift to one of FPC’s three Endowment Funds can take many forms.
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Some of the simplest forms of legacy giving include:
A check or transfer of funds or stock from a brokerage account A designation of FPC as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or individual retirement account A bequest in your will or trust
Legacy gifts can also include more sophisticated estate planning strategies that provide benefits to both the donor and FPC. An estate attorney or financial advisor can help structure a gift agreement that meets your income or tax needs while also providing long-lasting support to FPC.
The information contained in this brochure is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.
YOUR GIFT ~ YOUR PLAN ~ YOUR CHOICE MISSION ENDOWMENT The purpose of this fund is to support mission and outreach programs that spread the good news of the Gospel. Grants from this fund include:
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Local, national and international missionary work Scholarships that allow members and friends of FPC to attend seminary or pursue an education in Christian work Training for pastors, staff and members in ministries that extend God’s work to the congregation and larger community
PROGRAM ENDOWMENT Good church programming transforms God’s words into actions. Gifts to this fund provide support for new and expanded programming that demonstrate God’s love in the world. Examples include: Enhancement to existing Christian education and youth programs Seed money for new ministries during the initial start-up phase Non-recurring Christian education and youth ventures that provide opportunities for faith formation and growth Short-term budget support to cover regular staff and program costs in time of need
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CAPITAL FACILITIES ENDOWMENT This fund was established to encourage good stewardship of a church building dating back to 1878. Renovation and expansion of all church facilities is both costly and necessary if we are to faithfully provide for worship, fellowship, and community outreach needs. Projects supported by this fund include:
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Significant improvements to, or renovation of, church facilities Acquisition of land related to church operations Purchase of major equipment that exceeds church budget capacity
The information contained in this brochure is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.
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Endowment giving is just one way that you can help support the HOW WE FUND OUR CHURCH ministries and mission of First Presbyterian Church. FPC’s regular operating budget is supported by annual stewardship gifts from members and friends. Earnings on the Endowment Funds allow us to expand programming, support mission and seminary work, and address major capital needs beyond what our regular budget allows.
It is in the act of giving that we live.
MANAGING YOUR LEGACY GIFT You can be assured that your legacy gift will be secure and prudently managed. Three teams oversee Endowment Fund investment, management, and grant requests.
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The Investment Committee manages fund investment risk while generating earnings to allow for life-changing grants.
The Endowment Ministry Team has three primary roles: to review grant requests, ensure compliance with guidelines, and encourage giving to the Endowment Funds. The Session is ultimately responsible for all grant decisions.
To learn more about how you can leave a legacy of faith for future generations, please contact the First Presbyterian Church Treasurer at 231-264-8167. or visit www.erfpc.org. All information will be held in confidence.