ELLA Inspires (August 2020)

Page 12


Flower of the

Feature by Veronica Verdaguer I grew up in Ecuador in a picturesque and very busy

possible to visit these diverse regions within a matter of

port city called Guayaquil. Guayaquil is the largest city in

a few hours.

Ecuador, and while it is not the capital of the country, it is the most important industrial and commercial hub. When

When I think of my country I often think of the delicious

people think of Ecuador, they think of the very small

food. Despite very little international recognition for

country in South America off the Pacific Ocean. What

Ecuador’s food, if you have visited Ecuador you can attest

many do not realize is that, while it is a small country, it

to a variety of food packed with so much flavor; simply

is also one of the most bio-diverse countries in the world.

talking about it makes my mouth water! Just as diverse

Ecuador is also very diverse when it comes to geography

as its landscape are Ecuadorian people and culture. And

and climate. The coastal region is hot and humid (perfect

while the political and socioeconomic situation of the

beach weather). The central region is graced with the

country is not ideal, most people you meet in Ecuador are

majestic Andes mountain range, snow-capped mountain

happy, generous, and extremely friendly. It is definitely a

peaks, volcanoes, and a colder climate. The Amazon

country worth visiting.

region, with its spectacular sights, includes cloud forests,


amazing wildlife, huge rivers, and a warm, hot and rainy

As far as my personal experience growing up in Ecuador, I

climate all year round. And finally, the insular region

can tell you there were many times we complained about

known as Galapagos Islands, is a ‘bucket list’ destination

the circumstances that surrounded us. Little did I realize

with beautiful beaches and lots of friendly wildlife ranging

what a blessing it was to grow up in such a beautiful

from sealions to giant tortoises. And the best part is that

country, surrounded by a large family, and great friends

all this diversity is packed into a small country, making it

whom I hold so close to my heart.

ELLA Inspires Magazine

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