Nutrition almanac 5th edition

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Motherwort—for palpitations and anxiety. Ginkgo biloba—40 mg extract, increases blood flow, helpful for cold hands and feet that often accompanies menopause. Homeopathy

Take remedy according to symptoms: Belladonna Calcarea carbonica Glonoinum Graphites Ignatia amara Lachesis Lilium tigrinum Natrum muriaticum Pulsatilla Sepia Staphysagria Sulfur Aromatherapy

Clary sage—has estrogenlike components, eases symptoms. Rose—stabilizes nervous system, helps irritability and mood swings. Ylang Ylang—a relaxant. Ayurvedic medicine

Menopause is a vata imbalance and a natural transition that should not be a cause for disease if doshas are in balance. Cinnamon—especially effective during menopause. Calamus root Celery seeds Aloe vera—taken internally helps hot flashes, nightsweats, and swelling. Coriander—acts as a diuretic, has a cooling effect. Chinese medicine

Herbal preparations prescribed are effective in relieving symptoms.


Shan Zhu Yu, ginseng—for hot flashes and sweating. Chinese senega—for insomnia, depression, and irritability. Angelica, peony root, thorowax root—relieve symptoms. Acupuncture Bodywork

Acupressure Qigong—exercises are relaxing and relieve tension. T’ai chi Reflexology Mindbody therapy

Meditation—relieves tension. Yoga

Menstrual Problems Dysmenorrhea is a condition of painful menstruation and there are two classifications: primary, which occurs soon after menstruation begins and declines with age and after childbirth; and secondary, which develops later in life and is the result of endometriosis or other pelvic diseases. The development of cramps, when the uterus goes into spasm, is caused by high levels of hormonelike fatty acids called prostaglandins. Endometriosis develops when cells from the lining of the uterus migrate outside the uterus. These cells still respond to the monthly hormonal cycles and release blood during menses. However, the blood has nowhere to go and so the area becomes inflamed and painful. Uterine fibroids are benign muscle tumors produced when estrogen activity is high as they depend on estrogen for growth. They appear in premenopausal women and shrink at menopause and in the absence of estrogen replacement therapy. They do not turn malignant. Birth control pills add to estrogen levels in the body. Symptoms of uterine fibroids include a feeling of fullness, frequent urination, and heavy and cramping menstruation.

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