Prospect Burma brochure

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In the summer of 1988, student-led demonstrations erupted across Burma in protest against the one-party system. Within days, Aung San Suu Kyi became the focus of Burmese people’s hopes, speaking out for human rights and multi-party elections. The demonstrations were harshly put down with large numbers of people killed, martial law was imposed and universities closed. A whole generation has been deprived of education and the effect on Burma’s future is incalculable.

Education has always been one of my chief concerns as it is, together with health care, the most important need for the future of Burma. I am very proud to learn that Prospect Burma has grown so much since its foundation. Unfortunately an enormous amount still remains to be done to help young people in Burma acquire education of a standard that would enable them to take their country forward in this global age.

I therefore appeal to our friends and supporters all over the world to help Burma towards a sound future by giving generously to Prospect Burma. Every penny given can make a difference to the prospects of our young people and hence of our country.


Prospect Burma was set up in 1989 to help fill the educational vacuum. Sadly, there is no sign of demand for our help diminishing. We have grown from awarding a solitary scholarship in 1992 to giving over a hundred a year now, and our need for funds is as urgent today as it was at the outset. We are convinced that the best way to bring about positive change in Burma is to invest in the education of her young people.

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©Htein Lin

charity which does its best to fill the gap. It funds scholarships for young Burmost of whom have forced to for their cation abroad. It ranges


Prospect Burma Porters’ Lodge Rivermead Court Ranelagh Gardens London SW6 3SF Tel 020 7371 0887 Fax 020 7371 0547 E-mail

“I warmly commend Prospect Burma’s work to you” Aung San Suu Kyi


PROSPECT BURMA Prospect Burma invests in the democratic future of Burma through its young people. Our programme of scholarships helps to give them the education that is unavailable in their own country. They are drawn from every ethnic group and they study subjects vital to the redevelopment of Burma, including public health, education and economics. They are all committed to returning home when possible in order to apply their new skills and knowledge in rebuilding the country.


“It means so much that people so far away care enough to help us.

Prospect Burma has several educational schemes to help young people realise their dream of a free Burmese society. Our long-standing Partners of Prospect Burma provide us with essential long term core funding for our work. Joining this key group at a minimum of £25 a month on an ongoing basis gives us the secure support so vital to our work. The Adopt-AScholarship Scheme costs £800 per part scholarship per year and lets benefactors support scholarships in specific areas of study. We also have an Institutional Partner’s Scheme costing £2,000 per year for organisations wishing to support us.

You have given us hope where before we had none.” “Prospect Burma’s scholarship changed my whole life. Without it, I would not

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi regards our work as vital for the future of her country, and demonstrates her belief by donating funds from her Nobel Peace Prize and other award to Prospect Burma activities.

have been able to graduate. I dedicate my knowledge, skills

Whatever you can send now will make a real difference to the individual lives of Burmese students, and to the future of Burma. Your contribution at whatever level is vital to us in our goal of supporting Burmese students.

and the rest of my life to work for the restoration of democracy,


justice and prosperity in Burma.”* *To protect their security we do not

Please join her in supporting our aim of keeping the flame of education alive.

You can make donations by phoning, writing, or on our website. So PLEASE if you are going to climb a mountain, or Give As You Earn, please do it in aid of the students that we have had to turn away this year, and pledge it to Prospect Burma.

publish the names of our students

©Goto Osami/

Since our foundation in 1989 we have supported over 1,500 Burmese students in this way. In addition to awarding scholarships, we fund English language tuition inside Burma, an English language and computer study school for desperately poor Burmese refugees in Delhi, and teacher training programmes in Burma and Thailand.

£25,000 £4,500 £800 £300 £100

pays for our school in Delhi for English teaching in Kachin State to cover a scholarship in Rangoon to join our Partners’ Scheme towards training a teacher

If you are a UK taxpayer, signing a Gift Aid form with your donation, increases the value of your gift at no extra cost to you. IBAN number GB07RBOS 161725 10019933

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