Eli bulletin board spring 15

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News from ELI to you!







Hello ELI Students,



Advising Week 1 ELI Spotlight


Emailing Your Instructor


Are you Career 3 Plans in FOCUS

We hope everyone is having a wonderful Spring semester! We encourage you to take a look through this issue of our newsletter to learn more information about student success while taking classes at

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Advising week is offered every as a time for students to reflect career development in evaluating their schedule for next semester. Advising week for the Fall 2015 semester will be held from April 6 – April 10. Get the most out of advising week by following the steps below:

WRITERS WANTED The ELI Bulletin Board is published by the Extended Learning Institute of Northern Virginia Community College to keep the ELI community informed and connected.

to view your report.

fall and spring semester at NOVA

preparation for planning and


ELI. With summer and fall semester right around the corner, we encourage you to look at the 2015 registration dates and contact your advisor as soon as possible for advising assistance. Please visit our website for more information regarding our resources and

services. Best wishes for the rest of your courses and we look forward to seeing you next semester!

NOVA Advising Week

upon their academic goals and

ELI Student Life 6 Get Involved




Online Test Taking Resources


1) Attend a Getting Ready for Your Next Semester webinar. Learn more about the webinar and register for an upcoming session. 2) Use the Student Success

We welcome comments Planner to build your academic and contributions from students, faculty, and staff. plan and compare your plan to Contact elistulife@nvcc.edu program requirements. for details.

3) Review your Advisement Report. Access NOVAConnect

4) Take a moment to reflect upon your career planning. If you need more information about career options or would like to learn about a resource to help you build a career plan consider attending a Focus on Your Career Planning webinar. Learn more about the webinar and register for an upcoming session. 5. Communicate with your advisor about your academic and career goals. Be sure to take a moment to review your plans for both the summer term (registration is occurring now) and the fall semester. Plan to have your academic plan, advisement report, and/or career plan handy when communicating with your advisor. If you have not declared program of study or are not pursuing a specific program at

NOVA connect with an ELI Counselor for assistance. Priority registration for the fall semester will begin on April 14. All current students will be assigned a priority registration date. During advising week access NOVAConnect to identify your priority registration date. Open registration begins on May 5. Success Tip: Figure out a calendar system that works for you! Are you using a paper calendar or electronic calendar? Do you set alerts on your phone or computer? Try out a few different ways to see what works best for you! You have a lot to keep track of as you get registered for your classes, and then once classes start! Get organized. Let us know what works best for you!



ELI Spotlight: #1 Tip for Students in Online Classes

FOLLOW US! Like NOVA ELIfe on Facebook Follow us on twitter! @NOVAELIfe Read our Student Blog! ELIfe

PLAN HEAD! Spring/Summer 2014 Semester

May 10 - Spring class and exam end date. May 18 - (12-8-6 week) 1st summer semester start date. May 24 - (1st 6-week) Refund date May 26– (1st 8-week) Refund date. May 30- (1st 12-week) Refund date June 1- (2nd 8-week) Summer semester start date Jun 3 - (1st 8- week) Inactive student drop date June 11- (1st 12-week) Inactive student drop date June 15- (3rd 8-week) Summer semester start date June 18- (2nd 8-week) Inactive student drop date

Check out the below entry from one of our ELI student bloggers, Rebecca! She has been taking ELI classes for two semesters and has some tips for ELI students.

course deadlines and your professor’s policy on deadlines.

It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m scrambling to finish a paper by the 5pm deadline. I am just about to submit my paper at 4:55pm but I decide to proofread it one more time. By the time I finish, it is a couple minutes after 5pm. Okay, I’ll go submit it now. It’s only two minutes, right? WRONG! As I click on the assignment I am startled to discover that the submission page has disappeared off of blackboard!

1) What day of the week and time are assignments due?

Yes, this did actually happened to me last semester. Luckily I emailed the professor and was able to turn in my assignment, although I did lose a lot of points. Don’t let this happen to you! Online classes are great because they let you have flexibility in your schedule. However without a physical class everyday to remind you what is due, it’s easy to get behind if you don’t pace yourself. My #1 tip for students new to online classes is keep track of your

Here are five things to look for on your syllabus:

The day and time of deadlines may vary for different courses. In my experience most classes have Sunday deadlines but the times may vary. For example, last semester one of my courses had a Sunday 5pm deadline, another had a Sunday 11:59pm deadline and another had a Monday 6am deadline. It’s helpful to write deadlines on a calendar (especially if you are taking multiple courses, so you don’t get caught off guard by a busy week) 2) Are there any midweek deadlines? Once in awhile there may be a group project or discussion board posting with a midweek deadline, leaving time later in the

week for comments from classmates. 3) Are there any strict deadlines? Some professors have strict weekly deadlines while others will accept all work right up until the course end date. 4) Do exams have to be taken during a certain window? Are exams only available for a limited time? Can you take them early or late? 5) Does your instructor accept late work? Some Instructors will let you turn in work a day or two late if you email them and explain the situation. Other instructors will accept late work but take points off. Others are very strict about deadlines and will not accept work even a minute late. We’ve all been there: You have a busy week and struggle to find the time. You have last minute computer problems. These things can and will happen. Avoid a stressful situation by learning about your course deadlines and professor’s policy before they do!

Do you enjoy writing? Do you want to get more experience writing in a blogging format? Become one of our ELI Student Bloggers and have your post highlighted in our ELI Newsletter! Email elistulife@nvcc.edu for more information! ELI









Ten Quick Steps To Emailing Your Instructor Need to email your instructor and not sure where to start? These ten easy to follow steps will help you get that email written and the send button hit in no time! 1. Use your NOVA student email account to send your email. All correspondence relating to your courses should come from and go to your NOVA email address. Email messages originating from other email addresses may go directly to your instructors SPAM folder and go unnoticed. 2. Make your subject line meaningful. Your instructor likely teaches multiple courses and may even teach on other campuses. Include the course and section number along with a quick description of why you are writing your instructor. An example might look like this: Subject: PSY 200-E05W, Question about grade calculations 3. Briefly and politely state the reason you are writing. Be sure to include all of the relevant information pertaining to your question and leave out anything that does not relate directly to the situation.

4. If you are writing your instructor because you have a problem, include a proposed solution in your email. The instructor may or may not agree with your suggestion. Regardless, it does demonstrate to your instructor you are taking the initiative to actively work towards resolving the situation.

5. Sign your email with your complete first and last name along with your student ID number. 6. Read through your email to check for spelling and punctuation errors. Make sure all of your sentences are complete and do not contain any abbreviations or other modified text that is used in text messaging. 7. If your email is lengthy, have a second set of eyes proofread your email for clarity. This will be an opportunity to make sure you have clearly articulated what it is you wanted to say. 8. Send your email.

9. Allow adequate time for a response from your instructor. Many ELI instructors also teach campus based courses so they are not always sitting at their computer in their office. Often you will find information in the syllabus relating to how soon you should expect a response from your instructor. 10. Once you have received a response from your instructor, acknowledge it. A simple “Thank you” may be all that is needed. If your instructor asks you questions in their response to your email, be sure to answer all of them thoroughly. This post was adapted from www.wikihow.com/Email-a-professor by the ELI Success Coaches to help you develop skills to effectively communicate through email to your instructor ELI Success Coaches can be reached at elisuccess@nvcc.edu or 703.764.5076.

Are Your Career Plans In FOCUS As you plan your summer and/or fall schedules, prepare to transfer or get ready to begin a new job, take a moment to focus on your career development. Are you attending NOVA to pursue a certificate or degree, but unsure about what career options might be available to you? Have you decided on a major, but have difficulty answering the question – “What can I do with a major in _____? Do you need to fine tune your skills or add to your skill set in preparation for a career change? Learn more about career options by utilizing FOCUS 2, an online interactive self-guided career and

education planning system that can help you: - Select a major based on your interests and aspirations - Discover occupations matching your personal preferences and attributes - Map out your career plans, present and future - Make informed career decisions

FOCUS 2 is free for NOVA students. Access the system at NOVA’s Career Services website.

Simply click on the “FOCUS 2” button, create your free account, and begin your exploration. Also check ELI’s webinar schedule for offerings of the Exploring Career Options webinar. This 45 minute webinar will focus on using various online resources to research career options. The relationship between programs of study at NOVA, college majors, and career options will be discussed. Resources presented will provide information on nature of work, educational requirements, job outlook, and wages. -Written by: Christy Jensen, ELI Career Counselor







Plan For Success on Your Next Test: A Compilation of ELI Testing Resources Does your heart start pounding when a test is placed in front of you? Do you know the material but your mind goes blank? These are just a few of the common challenges students face when taking a test. With final exams approaching, ELI offers a wide variety of resources that will empower you and promote your testing success.

If you prefer to be actively involved and busy as you learn (kinesthetic learner) you may enjoy the following study methods: Quizlet or Study Stack Apps: Take your practice tests and review your flash cards on the go using these apps which will enable you to create flash cards along with practice tests and quizzes.

facilitated by ELI’s PED instructor, Dr. Gamal Aboshadi. It will provide a better understanding of stress and empower you with valuable techniques to promote relaxation as you study and prepare to go to the testing center.

No matter what your learning style, as you plan for success on your next test, be sure to take time to Take a moment now and explore the put these resources following resources to promote your way into action! If you have to an ‘A’. If you prefer, questions or would consider the tried benefit from additional If you learn best hearing or speaking and true flash cards strategies, reach out to (auditory learner), you will welcome the made from index an ELI Success Coach workshops offered through Student Lingo. cards. This allows today by calling These free workshops are presented kinesthetic learners 703.764.0120 or online by a facilitator in an engaging format. to flip around the elisuccess@nvcc.edu. Each workshop is about 30 minutes and cards, write notes From test taking include the following topics: and review at any strategies to time location, walking, management, we are - How to Reduce Text Anxiety standing or sitting (as with an app). Just here to answer your questions and help flip the cards while you are studying and - Taking Tests Online: Success Strategies you access resources that will walk around as you review. Write cues empower you to navigate the semester on the cards to help you remember. and pave your way to a successful If you prefer to read (visual learner) the You can even be creative and develop a academic journey. short ELife Blog posts referenced below are game using your flashcards. just for you! These Blog posts offer timely If memory/recall is a challenge when For additional opportunities to tips to help you organize and prepare for studying for your tests, consider promote your success, take advantage your next test: exploring the ELife Blog posts highlighted of our Tacking Math Anxiety Webinar: below which are focused on strategies Math can be a difficult subject no Mid Semester Testing Tips to trigger memory: matter how smart you are. Learn how Test Taking Skills to Promote Your to study more efficiently for Success mathematics and apply relaxing How to Get the Most from Your Test Taking Strategies to Bolster Your techniques to reduce your anxieties. Memory Confidence Review a recorded session. Tips for Remembering Studying for Finals: Consider this 4-Day Trick Your Memory Into Remembering Written by Adrienne, ELI Student Study Plan Success Coach Stress and anxiety is another common Test Taking Strategy Tips challenge many students experience Working Through Test Anxiety when testing. To combat your stress, click to view a short video on stress,







ELI Student Life ELIfe hosted many events for students both virtually and in-person to help online students develop stronger connections to ELI, to NOVA, and to each other. Some of these student life events included ELI’s Leadership Common Experience, March Madness Tournament, Women in Leadership webinar series and many more! Don’t miss these upcoming events : ELI 40th Birthday Celebration – The Extended Learning Institute is turning 40! ELI will be visiting all six campuses and invite students to join us in celebrating 40 years of online learning at NOVA! Festivities will include birthday treats, party games, and learn more about options with online learning at NOVA! ELI Spring Fling- Join us at the Manassas campus for our ELI/ Manassas Spring Fling! Food games and activities will be provided. Learn more about options with online learning at NOVA! Preparing for Finals Webinars – Are you ready for Finals Week? ELI can help you prepare! The How to Prepare for Finals webinar will focus on topics and strategies to help ease anxiety and help you study smart such as Visit our ELI webinar page for upcoming sessions.

Get Involved: Join an ELI Club or Interest Group Have you heard about our ELI clubs and interest groups? Connect with other online students outside of the classroom around common interests while taking online classes. Are you interested in how to start a club or interest group with ELI? Email elistulife@nvcc.edu for more info! Health And Wellness Group- Discusses topics related to aspects of holistic health and wellness. Also be eligible to Participate the ELI Pedometer Challenge! Compete and share experiences with other students by tracking your average daily steps as well as create personal health and wellness goals. Visit their Google Community . ELI Student Bloggers- This group will be geared toward students who enjoy to write or blog and are interested in pursuing a career in media and/or journalism. Members of this group will directly contribute to the ELIfe student blog. Develop your overall virtual portfolio by further improving your writing skills within a blogging format! Become a member for the summer 2015 semester! Email elistulife@nvcc.edu for more information. ELI Book Club- Need a Break from course-related reading? Join in with the ELI BookClub and give your brain a much-needed rest from citations and footnotes! How I Live Now, by Meg Rosoff, is an imagined, but wholly realistic, story of war in the 21stcentury of near-modern-day London, told from the perspectives of a visiting American teenager and her British cousins. Though the book is set in the near future, can we relate to what happens? Read the book, watch the film (released in 2013) and then join us for an online chat session #ELIbookclub. Please contact ELI’s library at ELI-Library@nvcc.edu.

T H A N K Y O U T O A L L W H O C O N T R I B U T E D T O T H E E L I B U L L E T I N B O A R D ! C O N T A C T E L I S T U L I F E @ N V C C . E D U F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N O N H O W T O S U B M I T A N

A R T I C L E .


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