Season's Eatings: Holiday Recipes for Maximized Living

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Acknowledgements I cannot begin to thank all of you who continually encouraged and supported me through the start of my website and this cookbook.


To my blog readers and followers. This book is for YOU, because of YOU. Thank you for your emails which spark new ideas for me every day. Without your love and support, none of this would be.


To everyone who has helped me with editing, pictures, recipe suggestions, cover design, and publishing tips. Your expertise and encouragement in completing this book not only provided the motivation I needed, but also made the process extremely rewarding. Thank you to Joel for your quick response and overwhelming will to help with my often random techie emails. You helped me along this last month and greatly assisted in getting this book finished!




And finally, a millions thank yous to my husband, Dave. Thank you for being my test subject and allowing me to try new recipes just about every day. Thank you for being honest if you didn’t like it and suggesting how to make it taste better. Thank you for everything you’ve done from then to now, always encouraging me to move forward with this cookbook. You are my rock! I am excited to be a world changer with you by my side.

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