‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
- Romanian Legend -
Translated into English by pupils from class 6B: Teodora Capanu, Beatrice Florentina Zapciroiu, Ana-Maria Alexandrina Manea, Andreea Ariana Pădurariu, Florentin Cristian Dumitrache, Oana Alexandra Ilinca, Mihaela Predoiu, Leonard Ionuţ Mareş, Ioan Vlăduţ Roşu
Drawings by: Teodora Capanu, class 6B
Book coordinator teacher: Izabela Sităruş
Project Coordinator Teacher: Elisabeta – Luise Mihălăchioiu
February 2013 Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
Once upon a time when stories were born, there was a proud twotowered fortress on a mountain top. There had been living for a long time an emperor, his wife and their twin sons who were very much alike. Though they physically resembled very much, the two had so very different natures that they began quarrelling for nothing, fighting and struggling so hard that the ground was shaking.
Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
When the twins grew up, the emperor left the fortress with all his army to go fighting but he never came back. The empress sent riders all over the world to search for her husband but these messengers could not find their master anywhere. The emperor had died far away during a cruel battle but the empress did not know that and she kept asking herself all the time: ‘What am I going to do with my naughty sons?’ This troubled her all day long and she used to think: ‘They keep fighting from dawn till dark and though we built each of them a tower to live in, they still cannot get on well with each other. Mureș lives in the northern tower whileOlt lives in the southern tower. They are grown-ups now, old enough to get married. It’s a shame that they cannot get on with each other like brothers.’ Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
One day, Mureş, calmer and a little bit wiser, told Olt: ‘Brother Olt, our mother keeps crying after our father, the emperor of this land. Let’s do something about this!’ ‘I’m saying, brother Mureş, to give up our quarrels and the meanness and to set off to find our father. Who knows what forest he may be lying wounded in or what prison he may be lying enchained in while we have been staying here quarrelling.’
Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
And they went to their mother, the empress and they told her their decision. Hearing them talking like this, she cried with grief, but also with joy. She did the latter because her sons were brave and witty. She did the former because her sons were to leave the parental home and go out into the world and she was afraid of losing them. She told them tenderly: ‘So be it, my sons. Go searching for the emperor, but be careful –you must always keep together because if you want to succeed, you can do it only being together.’
Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
The two princes left the fortress but soon, they started quarrelling about which way to take as they were different natured by birth. ‘Let’s go north!’ said Mureş. ‘Rather not! Let’s go south!’ said Olt. After quarrelling for a long time, they finally decided: ‘I grew up in the northern tower, therefore I’m going north!’ said Mureş. ‘I grew up in the southern tower, therefore I’m going south!’ replied Olt.
Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
They split and the slow Mureş headed north while the fast Olt headed south. After a whileMureş began to miss his brother: ‘Although we used to quarrel, we still care about each other as long as we are brothers. Mother asked us to keep together. I’m going back to find my brother!’
Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
In a valley, Mureş turned south, but he could not find Olt. He got lost and headed west. He crossed such beautiful fields that he forgot about his twin brother.
Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
In the fortress, the empress received news from her messengers: ‘Even from the gate, you Mighty Empress, Olt and Mureș began to quarrel and then split, not taking your advice.’ Being very upset, the empress ran away to find and bring her sons back home but she could not reach them because they were quickly running in different directions.
Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
She began to cry and, with tears in her eyes, she prayed for her sons to be saved: ‘Please Lord, guide my sons’ steps. I lost the emperor. Dear Lord, do something for my twins not to perish!’ Lord listened to her pray and He decided on the spot to turn the two princes into immortal rivers. And so have they stayed until today, keeping their names: the Mureş and the Olt.
Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
The Mureş flows slowly towards the field, hoping that, after many windings, he will find his brother. And people sing about him this way: ‘Mureş, Mureş, slow river, Take me to foreign land And help me rest.’ While the fast and naughty Olt hits the mountain rocks, frantically turns them over, foaming and bleeding at the Red Tower. And people sing about him this way: ‘Olt, damn’ river, You became deeper and bigger And you run foaming and bleeding.’
Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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‘Tell me a story, we will be friends’
LLP, Comenius sub-programme, eTwinning action
“Tell me a story, we will be friends” registered on 4.10.2012
1. Pinelopi Vasiliou, 1o Dimotiko sholeio Obrias, Patra, Greece 2. Elisabeta – Luise Mihălăchioiu, Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab”, Târgovişte, Romania 3. Agnès Roux, École Primaire Saint André les Alpes, St. André les Alpes, France 4. Ahmet Ova, Karapinar İlköğretim Okulu, Karasu, Turkey 5. Libuše Kolínková, Záklandí škola Emila Zátopka, Zlín, Czech Republic
This publication was created within the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Şcoala gimnazială „Matei Basarab” Târgovişte, Romania
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