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Description : Find your favorite Peruvian restaurant in thirty-two cities in the United States. There you can find Peruvian cuisine and various Peruvian products, such as ceviche, lomo saltado, aj&#237 de gallina, grilled chicken, green noodles, corn with cheese, rice with chicken, salchipapas, anticuchos, ocopa, papa a la huanca&#237na, arroz chaufa, parihuela, chupe de camarones, jalea peruana, dried meat with beans, sweaty fish, causa lime&#241a, sweets the purple mazamorra, pantheons for the Christmas holidays. And the classic drinks Cristal beer, Pilsen beer, Cuzco beer, Inca cola, chicha morada, pisco sour among which stand out. These Peruvian dishes, desserts and

drinks represent the gastronomy of different cities in Peru such as Lima, Huancayo, Piura, Arequipa (Rocoto Relleno), Trujillo (Seco de Cabrito), Chiclayo and Cuzco. Peruvian restaurants have flourished around the world and most notably in the United States more than 1,200 restaurants in 32 cities, where Peruvians have established their place of residence. Peruvian cuisines have become the new gastronomic boom of the XXI century, thanks to the Peruvian chefs, Gast&#243n Acurio, Javier Wong, Teresa Izquierdo, Virgilio Mart&#237nez, Pedro Miguel Schiaffino, Toshiro Konishi, Franco Noriega who have spread our cuisine to the world. Highlights include the book Quinoa Cinco Continentes and its creators, the chef, Irina C Herrera D&#237az, the gastronomic journalist, Alejandra Feldman, and the ingenious work of Alfonso Vel&#225squez Tuesta and the office of Commercial Affairs of Peru, and Sierra Exportadora, also highlighting the work of the Consulates of Miami, New York, and New Jersey and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru, Peruvian institutions, gastronomic fairs, Peruvian Chambers of Commerce (PERUSA) among the institutions that have spread Peruvian gastronomy to the world. In Miami, we can highlight the passion of Peruvian chefs, Juan Chipoco, Christian Encalada, Alonso Jordan, Javier Flores, German Gonzales, Danny Kou, Fabricio Parejas, Gerardo Landa, Victor Bergamino, Luis Robles, Diego Oca, Carlos Brescia, Miguel Cuadros among those who stand out in the city of the sun. It is also worth mentioning the outstanding chefs who have marked the route of Peruvian gastronomy in the United States, Miguel Garc&#237a, Antonio Rosell, Yuki Nakandakari, Ezequiel Valencia, Harold Zegarra, Emmanuel Piqueras, Flavio Solarzano, Antonio Poggi, Jean Paul Poggi, Michael Ciuffardi, M&#243nica Prada, Rosa Rojas, Arnaldo Espino, Guillermo Wong, Maurico Arias, Roger Arakaki, Rosa Polo, Patty Angermuller Piscoya, Marilene Villa, Judy Zegarra, Nitza Mendoza, Irina Concepcion Herrera Diaz, and Carlos Brescia.

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