How Can You Use Customer Reviews in Your Social Media Marketing?

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USE Customer Reviews in Your Social Media Marketing

Have you included testimonials and customer reviews in your social media marketing? If you did not think deeply about it, then now is the to start adding them into your strategy at the earliest. You might wonder why, and the reason is the people are buying from the people and reviews from the happy customers matter a lot. As reported by the GlobalWebIndex 2020 Social Media Trends Report, 43% of people globally are researching the products on social media before they are buying. The report has even stated 24% of people globally have discovered brands thanks to the recommendations on social.

ADVERTISING RULES FOR USING THE CUSTOMER REVIEWS Federal Trade Commission in the US and the Committees of Advertising Practice or CAP in the UK regulate the testimonials, endorsements and reviews. In both jurisdictions, the general rules state that you must Disclose the relationship you are having with the person endorsing you, who could be your employee, or else you did pay them for endorsing you. Ensure the honesty of the endorsements, and reflect the endorsers’ true experience. Refrain from using any deceptive or misleading endorsements. Never twist the endorsements’ words that will distort their message. Use the endorsements only from the bonafide users of products and services Ensure you are getting adequate substantiation, which includes reliable scientific evidence in a few cases, for supporting any endorsement-made claims Ensure the endorsements are the representatives of typical user experience Ensure the experts endorsing your products, are even having the necessary qualifications for backing up their expertise You will never get it if you do not ask. So, always request your clients to provide you with a review. They will be glad of being reminded, and will not mind by any means. Try building this in your sales process as well. For instance, ask them automatically when you are sending out a receipt or an invoice. Make it all easy for the clients for putting up their reviews on LinkedIn and Facebook by sending the direct link to the review page. Use your reviews right when you have them. Using the quotes from the reviews, create the social media posts in WordSwag or Canva. For Facebook Stories and Instagram, do the same. Turn the longer testimonials into an Instagram carousel post, or use on Stories by reading it out. You might even relate your experience of working with the particular client, what you have earned out of it, and why did you enjoy it a lot/ Do not forget to use the reviews and testimonials even on the website, and get them linked from your social media bios.

It is your business, and you have to shout about it. As you have worked hard, and so you deserve every positive feedback, that you could use to your advantage. By following these four ways you can indeed make the most of customer ratings and reviews by integrating them with your social media marketing strategies.

I. BE ATTENTIVE TO WHAT YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE REVIEWING The users always do not review the products and services they are purchasing from your site right on the site itself. Rather, they even post on third party sites like Yelp and Angie's List. You need to check out the sites where your reviews could appear. Or else, you could be blindsided by the never-existing negative review.

II. BE PROMPT TO RESPOND TO THE NEGATIVE REVIEWS It is a fact of business life that the bad reviews will be coming. While the first thought will be ignoring the negative review, but keep in mind it will be detrimental to your company. Respond to the unhappy customers' reviews as they had dissatisfied experience. So, to set things right, that could be with a refund, an apology, or a credit for future buying, and promise of doing better the next time.

III. POST EVERYTHING – THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY Customers are eager to come across what are their fellow shoppers saying. When you post all your reviews on social media, then you are engaging all your followers and showing them that most people have used your business products and services. No one is ever interested in being alone in the queue, hence encourage the potential customer for pulling the trigger by sharing the experiences and the other shoppers had – whether the reviews are positive or negative. Keep the old PR adage in mind, "There's no such thing as bad press".

IV. TRACKING THE SOCIAL MEDIA RESPONSE Save the sharing from being wasted by measuring it for future marketing campaigns. Each response you receive from sharing the reviews by tagging each through URL, product types, location and keyword. With more information being recorded, it will be better to see the scopes working or not workings, and utilize them effectively for future campaigns.

Utilizing the recommendations and testimonials from the customers need not be a complicated process, but it should be ensured you are totally aware of the relevant advertising rules and regulations. Keep in mind, the testimonials must not be used for misleading potential customers. At the same time, make sure you are getting permission to use the endorsement of a customer of your product.

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