Addiction Treatment: How holistic drug addiction treatment programs work

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The holistic approach to drug addiction treatment programs emphasizes looking at the person facing addiction as a whole, instead of only seeing them for their addiction. Holistic drug rehab treatment centers take into consideration the physical, emotional, spiritual, and nutritional needs of those entering recovery. A holistic drug addiction treatment program’s goal is to help the patient achieve their best level of health without maintaining a dependence on any medications that could potentially mask symptoms of addiction that haven’t been dealt with. WHAT DO HOLISTIC DRUG ADDICTION TREATMENTS OFFER?

There are a number of different services that drug addiction treatment programs provide, including: ● ​Massage therapy: ​During the early stages of a recovery program, it’s common for those seeking help to feel a disconnect between their body and their mind. Massage therapy can help connect the things happening in a patient’s mind to the things happening to their body. ● Yoga: By practicing yoga regularly, those recovering from addiction learn to create a balance between their mind, their body, and their spirit. Yoga also helps the mind to

diminish impulsive thoughts while strengthening discipline and allowing patients to connect with themselves on a deeper level. ●

Meditation: Many holistic drug rehab treatment centers teach meditation through breathing exercises. Breathing patterns can be used to decrease stress or to increase energy. Practicing various breathing patterns can help foster control over one’s emotions, relaxation levels, and internal optimism. Meditation also helps reduce drug or alcohol cravings.

​ indfulness: During the time spent in a drug addiction treatment center, it’s important M for those faced with addiction to remember to live in the moment. Working regularly on mindfulness can help accomplish this goal.

Aromatherapy: Smelling essential oils can help with anything from mitigating withdrawal symptoms to sleeping better and feeling relaxed.

​ ody Rejuvenation: ​This type of therapy uses vitamins and natural supplements to help B restore the body’s health and help the patient feel better while in the drug rehab center.

Exercise and Nutrition: ​Eating healthily and staying active while in drug rehab treatment centers helps patients throughout their recovery. Lack of motivation and lethargy have the potential to cause problems in recovery and should be avoided by working out and eating foods that will nourish your body through the rehabilitation process.

Art and music therapy: Being open and honest when entering a drug addiction treatment center can be difficult. Art and music therapy can be particularly useful for people dealing with addiction who have trouble being open with both therapists and themselves. This is because these types of therapy allow patients to express themselves and bring up issues that may be hard to talk about.

FINAL THOUGHTS ABOUT HOLISTIC DRUG ADDICTION PROGRAMS Holistic drug addiction treatment programs are designed not only to promote recovery from addiction but also to heal the body as a whole. In these programs, clients work to balance their physical, mental and emotional, and spiritual selves. Overcoming any underlying causes of addiction through detox and rehabilitation is the main focus of holistic programs. The hope is to become completely responsible for your health and wellbeing while maintaining your recovery.

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