August 2012 "HOME ISSUE"

Page 86


Home Exercises to Drive Your Golf Game

This is the home issue, but it is also summer time and there is beautiful weather to enjoy. In this month’s issue, we look at some ways you can effectively exercise to help boost your summer golf game while at home. Golf demands proper full body mobility to allow optimal mechanics and form. One of golf’s most common injuries includes the low back. It is essential to continue to work on conditioning even when not spending time on the course practicing your swing or short game. Here are some of the best exercises I have discovered, and Head PGA Golf Pro, Todd Burrell, agrees. However, there are plenty more out there, so consult a golf pro, trainer or health professional for further assistance. With any of these exercises, do not forget to breathe, ensure proper form (if uncertain ask for help), and do not overstretch or excessively prolong duration.

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