Rs moonchild part 3

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Crossbow Isle – Ithilhin Moonchild – Part 3

Irefenia Salgonda – Elensaår Gelindor


Crossbow Isle – Ithilhin Moonchild – Part 3

Crossbow Isle Ithilhin Moonchild


Irefenia Salgonda – Elensaár Gelindor


Crossbow Isle – Ithilhin Moonchild – Part 3

Crossbow Isle Volume I

Ithilhin – Moonchild Part 3

Irefenia Salgonda Elensaár Gelindor Editor KLJ


Irefenia Salgonda – Elensaár Gelindor

Copyright © 2011 Irefenia Salgonda & Elensaár Gelindor All rights reserved. Registered with the IP Rights Office Copyright Registration Service Ref. [253510418]

Copyright © Irefenia Salgonda & Elensaár Gelindor Published by ISEG Media® Ithilhin Moonchild – Volume 1 – Part 3 First published 2011 Edition: 2nd published 2014 Illustrations & Cover© Elensaár Gelindor ISBN-13: 978-1463707620 ISBN-10: 1463707622 Title ID: 3650100 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the authors. v

Crossbow Isle – Ithilhin Moonchild – Part 3

HiQ+ The ultimate entertainment for Intelligent People


Irefenia Salgonda – Elensaår Gelindor


Crossbow Isle – Ithilhin Moonchild – Part 3

Dedicated to Elfriede & Ursula With love Irefenia Salgonda and Elensaar Gelindor


Irefenia Salgonda – Elensaár Gelindor


Crossbow Isle – Ithilhin Moonchild – Part 3

Preface Dear Reader and Elven friend. As Crossbow Isle spans over five volumes in fifteen parts, we found it most suitable to let you know what the entire tale holds in stock. Therefore, we have ‘conjured’ a very brief introduction to the tale of Crossbow Isle.  About four-thousand-years ago, the Elven Planet Phaéthon was deliberately destroyed in a fiery inferno and a large number of its inhabitants were stranded between the times. From within this void, time did not anymore appear as a consecutive string of events but allowed their minds to access some of the many realities that are attributed to each planet. The lass Ithilhin or Moonchild was born and lived in one of those accessible realities of planet Earth on a place called Crossbow Isle. Here, Ithilhin, the Moonchild was raised by elves who had ‘somehow’ come to that island as well. As the ripples of the event that had led to the destruction of Phaéthon bounced back and struck the reality where Crossbow Isle was located, another part of the plot unfolds, coercing Ithilhin and her friends into an intriguingly planned plot, which is spiced with countless mantraps, hilarious to gutwrenching situations and deadly fights that eventually will guide them to an event that changes this universe and its realities and reverses the adverse influences of the ‘One’ who had caused the destruction of Phaéthon. However, they are not yet able to influence the effects on the planet that the ‘One’ had isolated and occupied for himself, – the people and world he had changed to his liking – Earth!

Irefenia Salgonda – Elensaår Gelindor


Crossbow Isle – Ithilhin Moonchild – Part 3

Table of Contents XL THE SCROLL



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The following pages are excerpts of Ithilhin Moonchild part 3 …Excerpt

Enyana opened her eyes, beholding the ageless monk with his knowing eyes that rested on her face. For long, she kept silent. Undisturbed was she allowed to digest what she had learned, and then she broke the silence. “Honourable Lu-Dongbin, what do I have to do? What is it that the Gŭ Lăo Róng expects from me? Why has he called for me as I am not aware how I can aid and serve him well?” “My dear child, as you are well aware now, great peril has crossed our path. Torgos the schismatic mage wants to conquer the worlds to destroy everything good if he ever finds the secrets and me. He believes that he will become a God and that he -2-

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will be able to command the times and the universes. He has to be stopped and only you Enyana - will be able to conquer him, because you are the key to take away all his unrightfully gained powers.� The deep voice had come from the dark depths of the cave. Lu-Dongbin got up and bowed very low. Enyana followed his example and did the same. As she straightened up, she beheld for the first time one of those mighty beings. Its sheer size and sight made her heart pound heavily and took her breath away. She beheld a living being as it was pictured on the coin and the shield. A living legend walked slowly out of the dark. Immensely huge and imposing it was. This being towered over the two people, dwarfing them by its sheer size but his eyes lay gently upon them. His shape was not clearly to make out in the faint light but his greenish-golden shimmering scales sparkled even in the dim light. On his mighty body sat a long neck with a great head and two large but friendly looking eyes and his pointed ears erected straight above his brow. His longish-shaped head resembled somewhat the head of a very large dog, only the prominent nostrils facing straight forward and a number of long whiskers made it look different. Behind his ears, a kind of shield with some sort of long horns surrounded his head whilst two fiercely pointed horns that stood high over that neck shield pointed backwards. Not much more of his features could be seen as they blended well with the surrounding rocks under the dim light, whilst his rear end was still hidden in darkness. -3-

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“I am Fucanglong, Guardian of the Secret Treasures, I welcome you in my humble refuge, Enyana Tinuen’ I’ nim Elenlotear’ I’ Ithil. As you have rightly guessed, I am one of the nine Luongs or ‘Dragons’ as we are called in other parts of this world. I am grateful that you have followed my call. Evil times will approach all people on Crossbow Island and this world if Torgos triumphs over the bright side of powers. In my dreams, I can hear the children cry and the women mourn for their lost ones. I cannot bear it any longer that his yearning for the treasures and power is sending the world around him into misery and turmoil. You Enyana, – you are the key to the end of his powers because you are the Guardian of the Bright Side – as we are the Guardians of the Secret Treasures – together we will have to end his search forever. We will have to face him in battle to end his reign of terror. However, as I said, – you are the KEY – as it is part of your destiny, foreseen by the Eternal Forces of the Universe. We are here to aid you in all possible ways – but you will have to face him. You will have to conquer him to end his desire for ruling – or this world as we know it will cease to exist. -4-

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And so will my son – we have to rescue my son.” The last words he had spoken quite softly, barely audible whilst his head had sunken down. For a moment, Enyana and Lu-Dongbin were silent as if listening to the echo of his voice. Then, Enyana broke the silence, “Honourable Fucanglong, you say that I am the key to end his reign forever. You say that it is my destiny to face him. Can you please explain the meaning of that and how I can be of help to change our future?”


Irefenia Salgonda – Elensaár Gelindor

XL The Scroll …Excerpt

Later that evening Morgan, Enyana, Zaron, Deirdre and Nooriaty sat in Morgan’s common room around the large round table. In front lay the big scroll, which appeared here even larger then Enyana remembered it to be from the cave. Like spellbound they looked at the red seal and the imprint of Fucanglong’s shape whilst Enyana’s fingers stroke gently but absent-mindedly over the fine lines. For a while it was quiet, because everyone pondered about the queer incident that had spilled this exotic-looking item into their midst and onto the table. The young woman was sorting her mind to give account of what she was allowed to reveal. Then she softly said, “You know, I still cannot fully comprehend what happened during the time we had spent in the belly of the mountain. – On the -6-

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long journey up to the mountain, I had known that I was supposed to meet with the Gŭ Lăo Róng, but what that actually meant – I had not comprehended at all. Meeting the two outlandish-looking monks was an experience in itself but after all what I have seen and learnt that day, it was a very queer and eerie experience to stand right in front of a real being that in the land Zhongguo lives only in tales and memories of the people and is not even known in our lands. I felt very touched and impressed to see that huge being and hearing it talking to me, – to me, – the little lass Enyana. It has taken me quite a while for my mind to accept all that and on our way home, I often pondered about that event and the days I spent in those caves”, and for a short while, Enyana sat silent at the table and one could see that her mind was recalling the events of that time ere she continued. “Well, no matter how extraordinary it lastly has been to meet a real Dragon, he has given me clear instructions how to proceed from that day onwards and since the Honourable Fucanglong has ordered me to learn everything that is written in this scroll with the help of you all, we, and especially I shall obey to his wishes. He also has mentioned that you Seanmhair would be able to tell me the date of the battle and that we all have to face him if we want this world to remain as it is now, or everything will fall prey to the dark forces. Our races will vanish from this world. Our realms will cease to exist. The animals on our farms, the animals of the wild, all plants – all people, the immortals, the healers, the druids,


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the elves, the fairies and everything that lives will be affected. Nothing will remain unchanged. We have to do everything in our powers to avoid this fate. That is one of the few reasons that every one of you has to take part in this all-deciding battle, even Cerdwin will have to attend. However, do not ask me how that little lass will be involved but the Honourable Fucanglong has told me that it is absolute necessary, because without her or without anyone of you, we certainly will not prevail. At this point in time, I do not know more about it but he also said that all our lingering questions would be answered once we open this scroll. Hence, we shall do exactly as he advised and follow the instructions, which the scroll will reveal to us. It has been told that this scroll can only be read here in our house – in Rialian Yldannan – or at AiSeler’en’ Tolea’Fuin. If it ever should fall into the wrong hands, it only would show a picture that is most desired by its beholder to ensure that he would treasure and safeguard it.  …Excerpt

The scroll opened farther and one of the smaller drawings on the parchment came to life. It began to protrude from the surface of the scroll, glowing faintly red but it stayed on top of the parchment. Once more opened the scroll a bit farther and another image appeared that became alive, once again emerging from the parchment was a small disc with a cold bluish gleam. -8-

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Zaron stood behind Enyana and wrapped his arms from below her armpits around her chest whilst Deirdre stood in front of Enyana holding her as firmly as possible by the waist. Caused by the words of the scroll, Enyana was very worried and her face gave account that she had never in her short life been more afraid of what would happen now then in this crucial moment. They felt the tremendous powers emanating from the two items. Now the first one began to glow piercingly bright red whilst the metal plate begun to radiate a powerful cold blue light as bright as the red one. They had to close their eyes because it was hurting just to look at them. Now the two sources of power hovered towards Enyana and bravely she held her hands palms upwards. The blue one selected her right hand and laid gently on it. Enyana felt immediately how its icy powers were spreading all over her body as if she had dived into an icy lake. The red stone sank to her left palm and at the very moment, she felt its heat flowing through her body as if she had fallen into the spout of a volcano. Now, and as the scroll had asked her to do, she closed her hands and held the two items firmly in her grip and although they had closed their eyes and Enyana had closed her hands, the bright lights that shone through Enyana’s hands were still unbearable. Under spasms of pain, Enyana began to shiver and moan loudly. Her body jerked uncontrollable, it trembled and quivered and even Zaron who held her firmly could feel the pain and agony flowing through her body. -9-

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Her left hand and arm felt searing hot whilst her right hand and arm felt as cold as ice. Now those two sensations began to take possession of her entire body and mind. Suddenly, the voice of her godfather appeared in her mind, “Enyana my dear child, I pity you for what you have to endure but those two powers are coming from a time before this universe was formed the way as it appears today. Those items hold the powers of pure energy at your command. You will have to learn how to control and use them and Deirdre and Zaron will help you to master them. Eventually, you will become used to their presence, especially when they have adapted to you. Once that process is complete, all will return to normal, except, you will wield powers that no one on this world has ever seen. Those powers will be at your command whenever you need their forces. However, be careful because at the beginning it will cost you much strength to control and use them until you have become aquatinted with their forces. Never go to the cliffs for practising without Deirdre and Zaron. Learn about the secrets they inherit and learn how to use and control them. They will be your strongest weapons as they inherit the powers of the stars. In the beginning, it sometimes will be painful to use them but you will need it in your confrontation with Torgos. Learn all of it – my beloved goddaughter and trust in yourself as well as in the forces that have been bestowed on you.” Zaron could just hold her limp body as she fainted and collapsed in his arms. Her hands opened and Zaron moaned as he beheld what had happened to her hands. In her left hand, the stone from the stars had found his way into her palm and emanated still a red light from under the skin whilst her right hand looked similar, only that the light was cold and blue. Even here, the metal plate had slipped under her skin. - 10 -

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Cerdwin stood directly beside Enyana as she began to speak. “Enyana, here before you and in this reality, I have been the little lass named Cerdwin but in my world, I once was born as Lín Mòniáng, which in our language means ‘Silent lass’. In some parts of this world, people named me Tianhou whilst others refer to me as Mazu. I was born as the seventh daughter of Lin Yuan on Meizhou Island. A long time ago, I was unlucky enough to meet Torgos who persuaded me to help some beings in dire need. Alas, I had fallen prey to his devilish plan and he betrayed me as he had done to so many others before and after me. With his betrayal, I had lost everything a human being can lose including my life. However, by good fortune, I was reborn as Tianhou, daughter of Fucanglong Gŭ Lăo Róng. Hence, I am the daughter of the mighty Dragon”. They watched with amazement as a small cloud appeared beneath Cerdwin’s feet. Now, the little lass grew slowly and changed her shape. The body of Cerdwin formed gradually into the slender and gracious shape of a young woman, clad into a strange-looking, tight fitting and ankle long white and shining dress with long, wide and pointed sleeves, decorated with colourful ribbons. Her hair turned shining black and grew long down to her hips, her eyes were almond shaped much like Nooriaty’s but the lids slanted upwards and closed narrower. Her tiny nose sat finely sculptured above her appealingly shaped pinkish lips and her skin colour changed from the healthy tan into the colour of ivory with a faint touch of yellow and pink. No one dared to say a word during her transformation. Way too astounded by what just happened. Zaron remembered - 11 -

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vaguely that he had heard once about such an art of magic as it was only known to godlike beings from another world but he had never witnessed a transformation himself. However, now and right before his very own eyes had the little lass transformed into a beautiful and outlandish-looking young woman with a winning smile who held her hands towards Enyana. Enyana made one-step ahead and Tianhou tugged her gently to her side. “I was reborn as ‘Lin Niang’ and my father the Dragon had bestowed eternal life on me. Enyana, I am the other half of you – of your immortal soul. I come from the land Zhongguo – so to say from the opposite side of this world. We only will win the upcoming battle with Torgos if we are united. If we all put our powers together and if we do all our parts that were foreseen for us long time ago. Do not forget, we are not allowed to harm him. That is why it makes the task so complicated. I am here to teach you an art known only to the gods of our world but only together we are able to perform it. I do know very well how to do it but I am not able to do it alone. During this fight, I will stand at your side much like Zaron, Deirdre, Nooriaty, Morgan, Cao-Guojiu and LuDongbin, but we are only there to support you on your mission. It will not be easy because during the hundreds of years of his journeys, Torgos has grown very strong and we will need all our powers to conquer him because we are not allowed to destroy him. This alternative we never shall take into consideration at all or we will fail ourselves”. - 12 -

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 …Excerpt

The five days had passed all too quickly but Enyana had gained much strength and rested well. Now that the day of the fight had come close, she was quite nervous but one of Morgan’s potions calmed her well enough and she became almost eager to meet Torgos. Rasmus had come early and stood with Snowflake harnessed to the Lennard’s coach in front of Morgan’s house. The coach was smaller and more comfortable than his tinkerer coach was. He had laid thick blankets on the seats that Enyana could preserve her strength and sleep whenever she felt like it. Although it was early morning, all Willowbee’ers stood in front of their houses or yards to wish their friends good luck and a happy return. Enyana felt an enormous amount of trust flowing from her friends, giving her the confidence and vigour she needed. Rasmus steered the coach onto the Old Wagon Way towards Crumbleton and shortly before they reached Three Oaks Crossing, he asked which way he was supposed to drive. Zaron suggested staying on the Old Wagon Way as it eventually would lead them to Caradoc Castle but as soon as they had reached the Ardara Ford, they most certainly would know where to go. Once they reached the junction, Rasmus steered to the right and Snowflake pulled the coach fast and steadily north-eastward. On the second day, they reached Cerayoburn and Rasmus still hoped against better knowledge that the fight would not take place at all. Undisturbed they reached Hazelburrow in the afternoon of the fifth day and stayed for one night near the river. Now they were close enough that they could see - 13 -

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the high mountains rising skywards. Far away to the northwest and above one area, they beheld colourful lightning flashes gracing the sky, indicating that Torgos had still not found Fucanglong’s secret. They wondered what made him believe that he would find in the last few hours what he had fruitlessly searched for hundreds of years. “He is not only angry”, Rasmus thought, “He is fuming”. “Morgan, where do you have to go anyway?” Rasmus asked and turned his head to look into Morgan’s eyes. “ “Well my friend, we cannot miss it because we have to go to the place where this spectacle in the sky is coming from”, and her head pointed towards the lights of the ‘fireworks’. “You can rest assured, once we have reached it, the firework will get even brighter and more deadly. Enyana’s presence will make him boil like a volcano”. This night they rested beneath the shelter of tall beeches but still here under the canopy of trees, the lightning and flashes up in the mountains could be seen and as all was quiet, even a faint thunder reached their ears. As they had driven towards the border of Caradoc’s realm, they had not seen any people coming from the north at all, which meant that most people had left the places that they and their families had called home for many years. The next morning, they continued the way towards the Ardara Ford, and as they had reached the junction to the Bywater Road, Rasmus steered Snowflake westwards and followed the river for about one league. The time to say good-bye had come much too fast. He promised to return instantly to Willowbee to stand at the side of their friends, - 14 -

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not realising that he had not enough time to be home ere the battle would begin. He embraced Tianhou and Enyana as if they were one person, holding them tightly to his chest he said moved, “You two have to promise me that you will return to Willowbee in good health”. The two so different women nodded and gave him a kiss on his cheeks. He boarded the coach and waved once more ere Snowflake pulled the coach swiftly onto the way they just had come as if she wanted to run away from this queer place near the north farthing of Crossbow Island as fast as possible. Hovering they crossed the river without caring to be seen by anyone. Then the group walked for some hours silently towards the lights in the sky to give Rasmus a chance to gain some distance but late afternoon Enyana took Tianhou’s hand, “Now it’s about time that we let him know that he is looking at the wrong places altogether”. The five took their hands and in elven style, they flew under a cloak of invisibility towards the fireworks, except for Enyana who was visible to anyone.

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XLII The Fight Torgos had decided to bombard every mountain peak that seemed to be suitable for hiding a cave in its belly – whether to collapse it or to reveal its opening. His onslaughts made the earth shake and tremble but none of his actions caused anything else than massive land and rockslides. With every mountain that he took under fire he hoped to come closer to the one that was bearing the secret he needed so badly. He was sure that under his powerful spells and magical bombardment, any disguise or other contraptions hiding the entry to a cave would give way and with his rage and fury, he smashed one energy burst after the other into the flanks of the wailing mountains. Suddenly, he felt a disturbing presence. Some force that he had not really expected at all to move seriously into the range - 16 -

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of his senses. The much-hated powers of white magic had dared to enter his realm openly. Immediately he ceased his bombardment to search for the source of the power and under the disguise of his black cloud, he rushed in the direction where he had sensed it. His senses could not exactly detect what it was but it seemed to be quite big and it moved swiftly towards him. ď‚œ Shortly after the group had begun to fly towards the fireworks – the bombardment and fireworks ceased. Torgos must have sensed that something had intruded his realm and that it was some sort of supernatural power that was disturbing his fanatical search. He surely was already searching for the intruders and true enough, not much later they beheld his black cloud rushing over the sky. They reckoned that he could not see them yet but he must have felt their presence and a short while later they met over a vale with steep and high walls surrounding a flat bowl. It looked somewhat like a huge cavern with a collapsed roof or some sort of crater and here Torgos halted, waiting for that being to draw closer and the group decided to go down as they figured that it would be the ideal place to confront Torgos, whilst he might have thought that it was the ideal place for a one-on-one confrontation with something that he could corner and squash easily. Enyana and Tianhou emanated a big and clumsily appearing aura to hide the descent of their friends and landed on a pinnacle near the northern end of the vale whilst the others had time enough and found places around the basin but remained hidden, except for Enyana. - 17 -

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Apparently lonely and visible she stood on a pinnacle and Torgos spotted her almost instantly. Tianhou whispered to Enyana that everyone had found their places and that the two monks had joined the party as well, occupying the last two strategic positions to encircle the basin. They all were ready and as if Torgos had just waited for that, his voice thundered out of the black cloud… “Who are you – what are your affairs of being here in my realm to disturb me?”

He obviously had not sensed the others yet as they had ceased any magical activity the moment they had taken their places under the cover of Enyana’s ‘clumsy’ attempt to land, except for shielding everything what could have hinted their presence to Torgos. Only Enyana’s inept appearance with accelerated powers overshadowed any other magical activity in her vicinity. If he had focused on to detect magical auras, he could have sensed what had happened but his mind was focused only on this little being and in his anger, fury and especially overconfidence, his senses slacked to find and detect any other possible threats. Possessing the knowledge of a master of martial arts, he should have known better that he never should underestimate his adversaries. However, he was by far too self-assured to be alarmed at any rate. On the other hand – having the knowledge does not always mean understanding and following it. He only beheld that annoying lass with her emerald green eyes and red hair, radiating clumsily some powers of white magic by hovering above the stone pinnacle. In his hate-clouded mind, he assumed that her powers were surely just good enough to fly around and disturb his allimportant search for the treasure. - 18 -

Irefenia Salgonda & Elensaar Gelindor “What do you think little witch gives you the right to invade my realm?” he thundered and Enyana thought it must be so

loud that it was audible for Rasmus on his way to Willowbee. “Well, I have come to stop you destroying our land, the people and our world”, she said with a gentle voice hardly to be heard, but Torgos must have had the ears of a bat because he had heard every word and since Enyana had spoken so casually as if it was not very important at all, it made him fume even more. “You want to Torgos. Me – of this world? play with your

stop ME? – You want to fight ME? Me – the UNCONQUERABLE Torgos. Me – the new ruler You must be out of your mind. Go home and toys you stupid little brat”, he thundered.

“Torgos, you are just a loudmouth – here stands Enyana, Tinuen’ I’ nim Elen Lotear’ I’ Ithil and I order you to give up your search and retreat from this world. Your day of doom has come”. Torgos laughed so nastily that the mountains were shaken down to their roots and he shot some lightning bolts towards Enyana, which ‘miraculously’ missed her by a hairsbreadth.  …Excerpt

Now they beheld the first time what the old lore had sung about the art of elven archery and their magical bows with their never missing arrows. Whilst Nooriaty hovered over their enemies, Deirdre’s bow began to sing. Faster than their eyes could follow she shot arrow after arrow into the heads and bodies of these creatures and they squealed in agony. Not one arrow missed its destiny sending - 19 -

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the creatures deadly wounded to the ground where they slowly burned but did not move anymore. Nooriaty was still hovering above those creatures but she begun now elegantly to spin. Faster and faster, the ribbons began to fly in waves like wings. She slowly descended between those translucent creatures and the ribbons were cutting through the bodies of their enemies like a hot knife through butter in the Sun. The two women made quick work whilst Torgos summoned more and more of these creatures. Now again, spiders and other creatures filled the vale. No matter how many enemies the two women slew – Torgos resources seemed to be endless. Even though time ran slower for him, something had to be done to stop him in his tracks or all would be lost. Zaron manipulated the forces of gravity, pulling Torgos down to earth. However, even as he hardly could stand on his legs anymore he still laughed crazily and cast spell after spell. Quickly discussed Tianhou and Enyana if a certain technique could be used to absorb that kind of energy and they agreed to use it carefully. Tianhou gave a signal to the others that they should retreat to their positions as Enyana wanted to employ a technique she had learnt from her soul sister but no one should be in her way as she had to ensure that Torgos was not hurt as much as she wished she were allowed to do so. Nooriaty stopped her rotation and with some elegant swishes and swings, she decapitated a number of their foes and - 20 -

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returned to her position whilst Enyana created a long thin arc between her hands, sending it down to the vale where it begun to stretch and spin in a wide distance around Torgos. At first, it seemed to have not much effect on the creatures filling the vale, shooting and slashing silently against their shields. Then it began to grow longer and once it had formed a huge ring of thin light, Enyana grew it in thickness. She controlled its spin and growth with her mind and fed it with her hands. Thin lances of purplish glowing energy left her hands and a short while later the thin ring had expanded to a huge donut-shaped structure of energy that filled the vale, and the creatures began to vanish into the Torus where they were trapped, because they as well resembled energy but of different polarity. Torgos had to watch helplessly as his aces vanished from the scene and once they all had been sucked into the Torus; Enyana shrunk it to a large and dense ball to hover it above Torgos. Now she sent bright blue rays from her right hand into this ball, changing its energy potential and a thousand fold scream of agony and pain filled the night, echoed cruelly back from the mountains – then it turned silent. The large ball rotated rapidly and shrunk more and more until it radiated a bright blue light and its coldness could be felt even at great distance. With one command from Enyana’s mind, it descended closely towards Torgos’s head and he felt the icy breath of death deep down in his rotten heart. 

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Once again, anger and rage welled up in his black heart. He raised his fist and shook it cursing and swearing. That, he really should not have done. Because according to Fucanglong’s opinion, this was not the way a humble man was supposed to behave and he sent one of his fiery breathes after him and Torgos began to run for his miserable life. “That punishment he had deserved as well”, Fucanglong said and turned to Enyana and the others. After she had ceased the energy flow to the cage and the energy had returned into her hands, Enyana took the seal. She looked at it and gave it to Fucanglong whose mind took it from her hands.

“No one will ever find it and no one will ever be able to do evil with those forces fused into it, that I promise you. For you Enyana, I like to thank you for your selfless help and your dear friendship from the depths of my dragon hearts. I wish you a blessed life”. Suddenly, he held a large green disk in his paw and reached it to Enyana. “This mineral comes from the depths of Mother Earth and is called Jade but it is blessed by the ancient Gods and shall always remind you of this day as you have conquered the dark forces that Torgos had possessed. If you stand it on its rim and spin it, you will be able to come to me

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wherever you or I will be at that moment and you will always be welcome. Tianhou, my beloved daughter, I know, that you want to stay for a while with your friends. Some time in the future, we will meet again. Be it in our homeland or wherever our ways will lead us. You as well my dearest of friends and devoted disciples I will see you soon again”, he said looking towards the two monks who bowed low before Fucanglong.

“Since there is no more reason to hide my son, please bring him to Queen Nooriaty on AiSeler’en’ Tolea’Fuin. My son shall be born at that place at the next summer solstice. Enyana, much I have learned about you and your destiny and I kindly ask you to go then to AiSeler’en’ Tolea’Fuin to become the teacher and mentor of my son – will you? This young dragon was bestowed with the wisdom and lore of the ancient dragons but he has to learn how to use his powers and magic wisely ere he can use them properly to protect the people of his realm. Much he has to learn, as he will be known as ‘Y Ddraig Goch’ who shall be born to become a good guardian of his realm if you agree to become his teacher and mentor. - 23 -

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It would be your task to teach him what fairness, justness, friendship and compassion for the weaknesses of mankind means. Only you will be able to teach him how to use the powers he inherits and which in some way are similar to those you hold in your hands. To use them wisely and reasonably, only to the good of mankind. Young dragons can be quite stubborn as I know”, and with these words he scratched himself with a somewhat embarrassed gesture behind his right ear and continued, “But I know, you would be the best teacher and mentor a young dragon and his father could wish for – if you agree”. Enyana sent a questioning look to Morgan, quite surprised that Fucanglong would entrust such an important task to her. Morgan looked for a moment at Fucanglong and then she nodded to Enyana who again turned her head to Fucanglong. “Honourable Fucanglong, I do not know how I deserve the honour of being entrusted with such an important task but if you deem your choice fit for your son then I will be glad to become his teacher and mentor”.

“I know that you will be a good teacher and mentor for him and I thank you for accepting this task. This was not only a very important decision for my son and me that you just have made but it - 24 -

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was perhaps even more important for yourself than you are able to imagine at this point of time. I am glad that my judgement about you has never failed me since I have known you. I wish you all a good and safe journey wherever you may go and one fine day and not very far away in time, we all shall meet again. For now, I shall retreat to the hall behind the huge door and to worlds beyond this universe”. 


She reached around her neck and took from beneath her dress something round, dangling at a braided red ribbon. “I shall hand that to you with many thanks from Fucanglong for your selfless love to the people you have rescued. He had said that this is only a small token of his appreciation and he asked Lu-Dongbin to advice you that you shall wear it always and never lay it aside. It will guard, protect and shield you from all illnesses. It comes from the old and the young dragon to hatch and he said you would see them once the little dragon is born”. Rasmus took the disk into his hand, looked at it and hung it around his neck. Quite surprised at the unexpected gift he thanked the elven queen and said goodbye. A bit clumsily he bowed in her direction as he had seen the others doing and Nooriaty reciprocated his gesture in all honesty. Now Queen - 25 -

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Nooriaty said farewell to everyone and with loads of hugs and best wishes, she vanished in a small cloud of mist. Now Rasmus had the time to have a closer look at his gift and he felt that some special powers were flowing through his body since he wore it. It was round shaped like a coin and had a square hole in its centre where the red braided ribbon run through. Tianhou sat next to him and explained that this was a priceless piece of ‘Heavenly-Jade’. “You see, it shows you the colours of the sky and the clouds and the golden veins are some of your lifelines. It protects you from illness and other perils. You really should always wear it day and night”. He looked at her and beheld in her eyes so much love for the mortal people and maybe a bit for him that he swallowed hard. Some moist welled up in his eyes and he hummed somewhat embarrassed, “I will always wear it and I never will take it off”. Tianhou smiled as she beheld his tears of emotion and knew that Fucanglong and the monks had judged him right. They had bestowed a very precious gift to him; he just did not know it – yet. As long as he would wear it, he never would fall ill nor would he age as fast as normal humans would. Immortal he would not become, but it would allow him to live for a couple of hundreds of years if he wanted it so. If he one fine day decided that he had lived now long enough and take it off for a while, then it would return to Fucanglong after his demise and the ‘Old and Honourable One’ would know that his friend Rasmus was not roaming the realm of earth anymore but had to be searched amongst the beings of the spiritual world of the Eternal Forces of the Universes. - 26 -

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Tianhou would not tell him what else this gift held in stock, but one fine day he would find out or maybe Fucanglong himself would tell Rasmus if he had not found out himself that he had ceased ageing and that other talents had come along with it. The future would show.

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XLIV Kimball Caradoc Unheeded approached Norhidayu and Zaron Kimball Caradoc’s fortress and harkened from afar the agitated sound of great turmoil and upheaval within the walls of the old fortress. Invisibly they hovered above the courtyard and watched the scene below. Many people had gathered and looked up to the rampart where a tall and lonely figure stood – Kimball Caradoc. The people were very upset and angry, shaking their fists up to Caradoc and shouted all sorts of curses and questions. The peasants and other servants were armed with flails, forks and scythes, threatening the figure on the rampart who did not understand what was going on at any rate. What did those people want from him? Why were they threatening to take his life and where were his parents? He - 28 -

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did not know those people at all and had not the faintest idea what had happened to him. Why was he suddenly a grownup? Was that a nightmare? He was at the end of his nerves and thick tears clouded his vision, running down his cheeks.  Zaron decided to land in a nearby thicket outside the fortress and to walk into the castle because if he was here to avoid a catastrophe, then he had arrived just at the right time – and he took action. He made his way behind the boiling mob, took from his pouch some small dark-grey balls and threw them high up into the air where they exploded with a droning thunder and painted colourful lights onto the sky. The first ones turned their heads upwards to watch the spectacle and as he threw a second handful of balls into the air, eyes had followed his swift movement and now he had the full attention of the crowd. Too surprised and curious what kind of distraction that was they calmed for a brief moment. However, shortly after that interlude, their anger seemed to turn against the intruder who was disturbing their attempt to get hold of their much-hated Liegelord who had shown signs of a sudden weakness without his usual outbursts of wrath. He had not punished them with his cato’-nine-tails as he would have done normally but shown an unprecedented weakness.  Kimball Caradoc took the chance to vanish hastily into his sleeping chamber, closed the door with a thick square timber and heaved a heavy cabinet in front of the door. Now he felt

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somewhat secure but was unable to understand why all of a sudden everything that he knew had changed. He could not recall anything from the days before yesterday as he woke and did not understand where and who he was. The people in the castle had been fearfully hiding from him the moment they just saw him and at the outside, the men and women he had met had vanished quickly at his appearance. He had searched for his parents but they were not here. As he had seen his image in one of the high mirrors, which stood at the landings of the immense staircase that led up to the private rooms of the castle, he had been shocked. What he had seen was a grownup man who moved exactly like him. His mind spun wildly and he hid in the wardrobe of his room. The day had worn on and he felt hungry and thirsty but he did not dare to leave his refuge. His hands had explored his face and body and had confirmed that he must be in the body of this grownup man that he had seen in the mirror. His mind was devastated and he feared to leave his hiding place. For a long time had he cried as every ten-year-old lad would do at the moment he discovered that his world had changed in the blink of an eye. Tired and out of tears had he fallen asleep to wake in the middle of the night. Carefully not to make any noises he had sneaked out of the cabinet and lit the candle at his bedside, daring to glance in the silver mirror above his washing basin and jerked back as he beheld the same face that he had seen this afternoon in the mirror at the landing. He did not dare - 30 -

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to venture out of his room and in the morning he heard voices in the courtyard below his room, hoping that his parents had returned and opened the door to the rampart. Agitated people had assembled in the courtyard below, but no sign of his parents. The moment as one of the people had spotted him on top of the wall they cried angrily his name, shouted, yelled and cursed. They demanded his life. He was devastated. All he remembered was that he had played with the newborn lambs on a lovely green pasture beneath a blue summer sky. What had happened to him? Why did he not know anything? Again, he looked into that blank polished silver mirror above the basin and beheld a handsome grownup with red eyes full of tears and an aghast and distressed expression on his face. A reddish scar was running over his right cheek and he did not remember how it came there. He guessed that this had to be him and his hands explored gingerly that face but he remembered not one day more after he had seen that tall man with the wide black coat approaching him as he had played with the newborn lambs. From there onwards, his life lay shrouded in deepest darkness. Kimball Caradoc was overwhelmed by a bottomless fear and he began to shiver and tremble. He could not stop it and broke down before his own bed. Every part of his body trembled and his heart pounded in his chest like the huge hammers of a water-smithy. Suddenly that old man in his white clothes and white staff in his hand that he had seen down in the courtyard, drawing the attention of the crowd away from him stood in his room, took his arm and led him to his bed. Kimball Caradoc was - 31 -

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shaken to his bones. How could he have entered his bedroom without moving that heavy wardrobe? Purest fear was written in his eyes – fear for his life. Zaron looked at him and said with deep and soothing voice, “Kimball Caradoc, you don’t have to fear me. The time of darkness has passed. I will show you the way to the light. I will show you the way into your future. Have trust in me and all will be good.” Kimball listened to this comforting voice and his mind and heart relaxed for the moment. Zaron asked him to lie down to calm his nerves. He waited until Kimball Caradoc had stretched as laboriously as a ten year old would do and a faint smile played around his lips. Once Kimball had found his position, Norhidayu landed on the headrest and nodded to Zaron. Once again, he spoke gently to him, “Kimball Caradoc, my name is Zaron and I am a Druid of the White Order. I am here to help you out of your situation. I will have to show you some unpleasant things but they are the truth. However, I promise you I will be here with you until you are strong and wise enough. I will be here until you know what you have to do. Now you close your eyes, relax and tell me about the last things you remember”. Kimball had rested his eyes on the old man and felt very comfortable in his presence. He radiated such an aura of security and love that he was ready to give himself into the hands of that man. He closed his eyes and said softly, “I am in that pasture down at the river where we have the newborn lambs and I play with them. Last night, some little ones were born and I love to see and caress them. They are so helpless and gentle – you have to love them”. - 32 -

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“You all are very well versed with your mouths. Continue like that and you shortly will be not much better than the one you despise. Go ahead and kill yourself, I will watch it from up here. I will wait until you have finished off yourselves.” Addle headed the people turned around and looked up to the rampart where they beheld the old man they had seen yesterday. His long white hair, beard and wide coat glinted strangely alive under the golden rays of the rising sun and that long white staff in his left hand seemed to be brightly lit like a beacon at its tip. He stood at the rampart with slightly bent body, had laid his right hand onto the elbow of his left arm and looked down as if he was waiting to watch them fighting each other. ‘Isn’t that the old chap from yesterday?’ some thought and swung their fists against Zaron. “I am Zaron. A Druid of the White Order and I am here to show you something that will be very important for you to learn”. “You don’t need to show us something. Give us Kimball Caradoc and we will show YOU what we will do with him”, a tall, fat and red-faced man yelled and behind him, one of the gangs had gathered of whom Zaron had learned last night that they have been some of the most willing servants of Torgos. Now they played the victims and instigated the others to lynch Kimball Caradoc. “Yeah, that would suite you very well as I can see”, Zaron cried. “Because then he could not tell the others what kind of role you had played – right?”

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Baffled he turned around to his companions and yelled even louder than before, “What shall we have done? We all are victims of his cruelties and you had better give him to us that we can show him our way of treating people like him”. “That, I surely will do not – and once the others have learnt what role you and your gang had played in that plot, then you might be glad if I will not hand you to the real victims. They are the ones who shall decide”, Zaron thundered but the rabbles shrug their shoulders, ‘What at all could he know?’ they thought and felt quite secure. Zaron laid the tear onto his palm and shouted that everyone in the courtyard could hear it… “Now I will show you what has turned Kimball Caradoc to the man you have known to be, and that you really have all rights to be more than angry with the being that has caused your suffering. However, before you come up with your verdict, you should consider what I will show you now – because that – that could have happened to anyone of you – or anyone of your children. But before I will begin – you young lads – yeah – you near the gate – close it – and let no one out”. He ordered a number of young lads that leaned very reserved against the rampart and had watched the actions of the mob from some distance. They understood whom the druid had meant and followed his order. They closed the huge and heavy doors as ordered and some of the sturdiest took position in front. Running away was now impossible and the fat red-face realised slowly that the gate had been closed because of them. - 34 -

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“Sit down to the ground and look hither”, Zaron called from the rampart. He held his hand out and, the scene unfolded above his palm in a large and lifelike image that showed young Kimball Caradoc on the meadows playing with the newborn lambs. …Excerpt

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XLV Bad surprises It was early afternoon. Enyana lay resting on her bed and looked at her hands. A few days had passed since the fight and she had been recovering well. Her rests and sleep had been peaceful. Her life was not overshadowed anymore by the uncertainties of that big fight which had loomed ahead for such long time. Nevertheless, for the last couple of hours, what was living in her hands was disturbing her with some tingling sensations the way these items had done only when something required the use of their forces. Enyana asked herself why it was like that because Torgos had lost all his powers. Zaron was still with Kimball Caradoc, helping him to restore and rebuild his lands in the north farthing of Crossbow Island. She had learned from Zaron that Kimball Caradoc made all efforts to keep up to his - 36 -

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promise and he did everything in his powers to provide a future for everyone. The people were as happy with their new Liegelord as they had never been before. Tianhou came into her chamber and smiled at Enyana but then she frowned. “Why are you looking so curiously at your hands?” she asked slightly worried and sat down on the corner of Enyana’s bed. The young woman told her that she had watched that tingling sensation for a while and Tianhou took her hands to look at her palms for finding out what puzzled her soul sister. “You are right – that is queer. It cannot be triggered by Torgos’s powers to pulse like that. I think it has something to do with Zaron and Kimball Caradoc. I will vanish for a while to find out what happens at Kimball’s fortress”, and gone she was, leaving only her pleasant scent of sandalwood and jasmine behind. However, since Enyana was still quite exhausted, she slipped into a light sleep.  …Excerpt

Zaron went with Enyana and Tianhou to the queer rock formations on the plateau north of Caradoc Castle and in the foothills. They arrived a short while before the Sun touched the western horizon. The rocks looked as if they had been here forever, only that they rose from an entirely flat terrain. No folds – no small ditches – no small hills. They lay on a ground as flat as an ironing board. Steep rock formations rose towards the darkening sky. Short trees and bushes had found places in fissures and cracks growing - 37 -

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around the base just as if there was no rock beneath and no tall and mature trees had grown here at all. However, as much as they searched, they found no path that led into the tangle of rocks. The three hovered up to find out how it looked from above but in the waning light of the day, the long shadows made it very difficult to make out anything at all. Tianhou took the disk from her gown and looked at the rocks from high above. It took not long and a greenish light showed something like a hole with uneven edges but it was not visible in the waning light. Zaron lit up the tip of his wand and directed the beam onto the area that corresponded with the image on Tianhou’s disk but even now, only solid rock could be seen on that spot, no hole at all. Zaron hovered deeper and probed the rocks with the lower tip of his wand and much to his surprise, his staff penetrated into the rock as if they were not here at all. He moved the staff from left to right and touched the walls of something that could well be an opening. The same he felt as he moved his staff back and forth. Now he was sure, this seemed to be an entrance perfectly hidden by a magical screen but since he did not know what he had to expect behind, he had to be very careful. Remembering the sixty-sixth step in the castle, he anticipated to find nothing less dangerous here. He turned his staff around, poked with the light through the shrouding veil and learnt that he could now look through as if it was one of those Phoenician one-way mirrors, which he had seen in long time ago a far away palace.

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They saw that no visible contraptions lay behind that screen and Zaron extended the length of his staff until it reached the ground and then he applied weight to it but nothing happened. He descended first into the hole until he stood about four yards below its hidden entrance whilst a wide and relatively high tunnel led ahead of him towards the castle. It must be a very long tunnel if it would end deep below the fortress – long enough to hold a number of vicious traps. The three counselled what the next measures should be. To examine every step ahead painstakingly would take many hours or even days. On the other hand, walking blindly into one of Torgos’s traps would most likely prove to be a fatal mistake too. Then Enyana had the most viable idea, “Why are we not using our capabilities to hover? If we all take a seat on Tianhou’s cloud and hover inside this tunnel whilst Tianhou creates a shield around us, we might not trigger any devices and if we should encounter a contraption that still triggers, it most certainly will be deflected or rendered useless by her shield. What do you think about that idea?” There was not much to think about, as it was the fastest and especially safest way to overcome the obstacle of travelling down that tunnel. Without any delay, they sat tightly huddled on Tianhou’s cloud whilst a water-clear energy shield protected the three adventurers. Zaron lit the way ahead with a bright beam of light whilst Tianhou manoeuvred her little cloud skilfully through the gently winding tunnel towards its end. That way no traps were triggered although they had the feeling that some contraptions were concealed within the walls and only an unaware intruder would fall prey to it. - 39 -

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After length, they approached the end of the tunnel and a faintly dark reddish glowing door signalled the end of their journey. “We really have found it”, Enyana said almost excited whilst Zaron probed the area in front of the door to ensure that no concealed traps had been placed here either. Once he was sure that no bad surprises were waiting, they stepped down from Tianhou’s safe cloud. Now the time had come to find out how to return Torgos’s legacy to the worlds it belonged. Enyana had closed her eyes, “I can feel it awaken – it senses my presence and that makes it angry”. Tianhou stood next to her and said with grave voice, “Enyana, as much as I would like to, I cannot go in with you. This beast inherits the opposite energy of our race and it would be able to destroy me with a single stroke of his powers but I will aid you from outside as far as my talents allow it. You are the only one who has powers far greater than his and you will have to face it all by yourself. Beware of his nostrils because they are able to throw farreaching flames, which carry his awful and deathly powers. Beware of his hoofs and his horns because his horns are equipped with extendable whips, which he can use to slash you apart with one stroke whilst his hoofs are able to produce energy balls with every kick. At no time shall you look away from him. Zaron and I will support you from here but you have to see that you can steer him with your powers to the centre of this cave. He has to fear your powers as much or even more than you have to fear his. He will especially hate your icy powers and he will retreat once he has made contact with them. - 40 -

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In the long nights as I have sat in front of the wall, I have seen how you can return him to the worlds below. Once you have manoeuvred him to the centre of the cave you have to summon all of your powers. You have to make sure that he stands in the centre of a queer-looking symbol at the ground, which is called Pentagram. You have to destroy this symbol with a tightly focused beam of all your energy. Direct your powers right into the centre of it and you must not falter until you have destroyed it. Its destruction will open the portal to the underworld where he came from. Then you will see things, which are never meant to be seen but only that way you will be able to send him back to where he belongs. The ground beneath your feet might tear away but you do not have to fear the abyss, we will hold you with all our powers. Once the bull falls, the chasm will begin to close but then you have to seal this entrance to the underworlds once and forever. After that we will bring you out of the caveâ€?. Enyana nodded with a big gulp, took a deep breath and walked with lowered head towards the door. Another deep breath, her shoulders straightened and with high held head she walked through the door to meet with one of the meanest creatures from the deepest of worlds. ď‚œ

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It was as if hell was on their heels and finally, just shortly before they had reached the entrance, a net with ghastly flesh hooks like a huge fisher net dropped down. Luckily, it slipped harmless over Tianhou’s shield and like the cork from a bottle of sparkling wine; they popped out of the hole and towards the dark night sky. The tunnel below roared and rattled and with it was the whole rock formation shaken. Loud cracking and clacking sounds gave account that the void of the tunnel was filled. Enyana was exhausted but as the dust had settled and no more rumbling noises came from the ground below, she created another energy sphere and sent it into what was left of the entrance to seal even that one forever. The heat of the glowing rocks beneath the cloud was almost unbearable but Enyana ensured her friends that this was nothing compared to the heat she had felt coming from the deepest of all worlds. Enyana’s powers were drained to the utmost and slowly they hovered towards the castle to give Enyana the well-earned chance to rest. They were not very far away from the gate of the castle as they heard loud cries and running feet within the walls of the courtyard. They decided that they would take the last few yards under their own feet ere they reached the gate. As they walked through the gate, they beheld many people with torches running around but most of them stood on the left side of the gate where a short while before the largest tower of the castle had stood.

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Much dust and an evil stench were in the air and they searched for Kimball or Tristan to get an account of what had happened. Not far had they to look because the whole group was watching the spot where once the tall west-tower had guarded the gate. Tristan, Morgan, Deirdre and even Norhidayu who sat hidden on Morgan’s shoulder and slowly they approached their friends. Here they learned that Tristan had made his evening round over the courtyard to look if all was calm and proper. He reported that he was just about to walk to the tower to see if all doors were safely locked as the earth under his feet begun to shake and quiver. He hardly could remain on his feet let alone walking somewhere. He had stood amidst the courtyard looking at the tower to behold how it seemed to become shorter and as the next wave of tremors shook the ground, he witnessed that the whole tower with all what was in it sunk slowly into the ground. An unbearable stench accompanied by an ear deafening squealing sound filled the air and a cloud of searing heat blew out of every opening in the tower. He had heard the last cries of the convicts and one moment later the earth had closed above the tower, leaving nothing than a small pile of rubble where the tower had been attached to the rampart. They had listened to Tristan’s report and Zaron, Enyana and Tianhou looked knowingly at each other, then Zaron said softly, “Well, they have been found guilty and the ‘Ruler of the worlds below’ has personally fetched what belonged to him. Our verdict was confirmed and executed by the ruler of the underworld himself. They were transferred to the cruel worlds below”. - 43 -

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If you liked what you read, click the link below

The tale continues in Crossbow Isle Y Ddraig Goch Part 1 More information about the Authors, Crossbow Isle and its volumes can be found on:

Full colour Crossbow Isle maps, size 26.5” x 39” (67.3cm x 99cm) can be ordered via our website.

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The Authors Elensaár Gelindor.

Very early had he developed a passion for music, art and technology, which guided him all his life to the most unusual places and events.

However, as restlessness might have lain in his blood, he followed the example of one of his grandfather’s, – who had migrated in the early years of his life to China, – so eventually, he took up an assignment that led him to West Africa where he worked for several years. Once he had met Irefenia, for many years they both travelled in pursuit of business around the globe and lastly settled in Malaysia. After a turbulent time that saw the introduction of new and unusual businesses, they moved to Borneo, where Irefenia developed the first draft chapters of “Ithilhin – Moonchild”. From that point onwards, they both worked out the story’s development and the central theme. Lastly, Elensaár decided to author Irefenia’s red-line-script into the version of this book. His writing style of stringent adherence to logic and sequencing had now been combined with a style of lively story telling that considerably aided and influenced the story’s flow.

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Irefenia Salgonda, born as the first of three children. Very early, she had developed a passion for writing. Her essays and short stories were circulated amongst friends, later she wrote longer stories but never considered publishing any of them. Once she had met Elensaár, she accompanied him on journeys around the world, which allowed her to explore her passion and fascination for ancient cultures, their history and mythology, on four continents.

During that time, she studied the English language and mastered it with distinction as foreign-language correspondent. Especially during the time of travelling, she extensively pursued her writing passion; therefore, it was not much of a surprise as she presented the first draft chapters of “Ithilhin – Moonchild” to Elensaár, together, they developed the idea to “Crossbow Isle”, – but this time with aim of publishing it.

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Understanding the world of real elves begins with

Crossbow Isle All Crossbow Isle instalments are published in 4 monthly intervals.

Crossbow Isle is available at AMAZON, B&N and many others online stores. They are also available as KINDLE and YUDU editions. YUDU e-books can be read on every computer like real books. Currently YUDU supports most tablet computers and Android devices but NOT yet APPLE machines, because it requires ADOBE or JAVA software to be installed, which APPLE does currently not support. 2

Irefenia Salgonda & Elensaar Gelindor


Irefenia Salgonda – Elensaår Gelindor Please take note! All 5 volumes or their 15 instalments are 1 book and 1 story only! Starting in between or skipping one part is affecting the understanding of the story! It is also not advisable to change the reading sequence because the story is quite complex and sorting things out whilst reading might not work all too well!


Irefenia Salgonda & Elensaar Gelindor


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