Electric Press - literary insights magazine. May 2019 edition.

Page 32

I finished listening to a wonderful novel, written by a fellow Tell It to The World author, on Audible.

The Bright Side of Darkness

is written in first person and told by Richard (AKA) Rick

Myers. He loses his parents in a bad car accident six months before the story takes place. He’s hanging out with his friends (the crew) at a baseball game, when Daisy and her guide dog Captain appear. Rick and Daisy become fast friends. He invites her to stay at his apartment, since she has run away from her foster parents and her deadbeat dad. Rick and the crew live in a run-down income-based housing project they affectionately call 'the barn'. An odd-looking jeep keeps appearing in places where Rick and Daisy hang out. One night while the crew is riding around town together, Rick spots the vehicle not far from where he’s parked. Who is the mysterious man behind the wheel? None other than Daisy’s abusive father. A fight breaks out and then as Rick peels off in Tim’s Step dad’s old car, the truck pulls out in front of him, causing a terrible accident. I won’t tell you the end result of the accident, because I don’t want to give any spoilers away. However, Rick tries to throw the rest of his life away, when Judge Walter Mills and his wife Alice take him in and help him turn his life around. I’ll be honest with you, I couldn’t get this book out of my head. Now that I’ve set the scene for you, let me give you my feedback on this book. J.E. Pinto is a talented author, who hooks you into a story and keeps you hanging on to the end. At the beginning of the book, I picked a bit of the vibe from the book entitled The Outsiders. These guys hung out on the poor side of town, whereas the rich kids stayed in their swanky

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