Kosciusko REMC — October 2018 Electric Consumer

Page 6

co-op news

Watch out for vampire loads


his month, keep your

• Use power strips. Power strips

eye out as ghosts and

allow you to toggle the power

goblins emerge from

flow on and off. This will allow

their dark hiding places to roam

you to control the power use of

your neighborhood. They seek

several devices so they are not

sustenance (mostly in the form of

consuming electricity when you’re

fun-sized candy bars). But beware,

not around.

while you’re not watching, an actual terror may already be in your home, leeching off your energy supply!

• Curb idle time in devices, such as computers and video game consoles. Simply set

Unlike the creatures commonly

your computer to sleep mode or

associated with Halloween, these

save a game and power down,

“energy vampires” are all too real,

instead of leaving it paused.

and they are all around you. They

These practices can lead to

are running up your energy bill

considerable savings.

when you’re not even home. These vampires are wasteful, and they are costing the U.S. household an average of $100 per year — the horror! Here’s the good news: You don’t have to succumb to these wicked little energy suckers. Here are a few simple and inexpensive tips that will help you rid your home of these vampires for good. • Unplug devices you don’t use



• Phone charger (phone connected and charged): 2.24 watts • Desktop computer (off): 2.84 watts • Microwave (ready to use): 3.08 watts • Furnace: 4.21 watts

plugged in): 8.9 watts

replacing it with a new ENERGY

• Desktop computer (sleep

STAR appliance. Though none of these strategies will eliminate your electric bill entirely, together these tricks can help you slay energy vampires while saving money. And that’s a treat you can

has passed.

you use them.

• Clock radio: 2.01 watts

appliance to the grave, consider

you only use from time to time?

Unplug them until the next time

• DVD player (off): 1.55 watts

• Laptop (off, fully charged,

after Halloween

(there’s always next year)?

• Inkjet printer (off): 1.2 watts

it comes time to send your old

television, computer or stereo

now serves as a drying rack

• Game console (off): 1.01 watts

• CD player (off): 5.04 watts

appreciate long

for yourself last Christmas that

• Air conditioner: 0.9 watts

• Make smart upgrades. When

often. Do you have an extra

Perhaps that treadmill you bought

Average power consumption

mode): 21.13 watts • DVR (off): 36.68 watts

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