Carroll White REMC — December 2018 Electric Consumer

Page 31

Wabash Valley Power news

Insulation Invitation:

Encourage the heat to stay in your house this holiday season

With all the planning this holiday season,

An inefficient system costs more to heat

and may even personally do the audit.

home improvement projects may be the

and maintain water temperature. A test

The audit will include a thorough review

last thing on your mind. Yet with the

to see if you need more insulation is

of your home’s energy use, identifying

arriving winter weather, one thing is

simple: Touch your water heater to see if

potential areas of concern and even

certain: Your wallet won’t just feel lighter

it is noticeably warm. If it is, you should

recommendations to resolve them.

because of presents! Heating bills for the

consider adding an insulating blanket

winter months can add even more stress

by carefully following the directions. If

Taking a few steps will help improve the

to the season. Fortunately, you can take

the water heater is not warm, there is no

comfort — and energy cost — of your

steps now to help reduce your energy

need to add more insulation.

home all year long. Your local electric cooperative may even offer POWER

bill and maintain your home’s comfort. Properly insulating your home will

Insulate your water lines.

MOVES® rebates for qualifying upgrades

encourage the heat to stay in your home

Adding insulation to your hot water pipes

to equipment in your home. Contact

— and prevent your heating system from

can help keep your water hot longer,

your local electric cooperative or visit

working harder, which costs you money.

reducing the time it can take to get hot to learn more.

Here are some steps to take:

water to your fixtures. If your water pipes are exposed to colder air, such as an

Seal up your ceiling, attic and air ducts.

unconditioned basement or crawlspace,

If you read our article in September’s

even more sense.

properly insulating the water lines makes

Electric Consumer or this month’s

Parke County REMC, then you know the

A home energy audit will help identify problems — and solutions.

importance of properly sealing your

If you want to learn more, you

home. Gaps around lighting, pipes and

should contact the energy

other cut-outs can cause heat to escape.

advisor at your local electric

Expandable foam can be used to fill the

cooperative. He/she can

cracks and prevent escaping air. You

provide details on a

also can review the air ducts to ensure

home energy audit

energy column (on page 10) by Jeremy Montgomery, the energy advisor at

they are air sealed and well-insulated. Since the ductwork carries the air you’ve paid to heat, any gaps or poor insulation can prevent that toasty warm air from reaching the rooms in your home.

Insulate your (older) water heater. If you have an older water heater, you may have an inefficient water heater.



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