Energy savings up to 70% Even compared to high efficiency gas & air conditioning.
Environmentally friendly Recognized by the EPA and the Department of Energy.
Longer lifespan
25 year average for units and up to 100 years for loops.
Added resale value
Energy efficiency is a selling advantage for your home.
Delphi Blue Fox Htg & Clg
(765) 822-2200
Heady Htg & Clg
(812) 696-2396
Flora Camflo Htg & Clg
(574) 967-4200
Fort Wayne Masters Htg & Clg, Inc.
(866) 824-4328
Greensburg Wallpe Htg & Clg
(812) 663-7252
Indianapolis Masters Htg & Clg by Van Valer, Inc. (317) 881-9074
Jasper Hulsman Refrigeration, Inc.
(812) 634-1492
Laotto T&T Plbg, Htg, A/C & Geothermal (260) 200-4003
Lebanon Blue Fox Htg & Clg 765-859-0880 bluefoxhvac.com
North Vernon Air One Htg & Clg, Inc. (888) 346-1790 aironehvac.com
Ossian Collier’s Comfort Services (260) 622-6622 collierscomfort.com
Schererville AAA Services, Inc. (219) 472-8645 aaaserviceshvac.com
Waterloo Gibson’s Htg & Plbg, Inc. (888) 754-1668
West Lafayette Blue Fox Htg & Clg (765) 252-0051
Westfield Precision Comfort Systems, Inc. (800) 377-5667
Warsaw Colliers Htg & Air Conditioning (574) 269-3393
Amber Knight is the creative manager of Indiana Electric Cooperatives and is a crucial component of the Indiana Connection team. She oversees the entire design of the magazine, including the cover, and has an unmatched eye for detail. Here’s more about her:
As creative manager, I ensure brand consistency and design excellence at IEC and Indiana Connection. I also lead our Creative Services Program, where our team assists co-ops throughout the state with their design needs, from graphic design and logos to photography and more. I love working with the IEC team and co-op communicators to deliver beautiful work. My job never feels like work!
Three facts about Amber:
• My creative passion began in high school as a member of the newspaper staff. I earned my bachelor’s degree in communication studies from Ball State University and have been doing creative work in marketing and communication ever since.
• Since becoming a homeowner, I’ve done a ton of home improvement projects. I have painted kitchen cabinets, installed flooring, built shelving for a bookcase and even constructed a large media cabinet. I’ve learned that you can do a lot with power tools and patience.
• I always have a book nearby. I enjoy getting lost in a good thriller or romantic comedy, and I love supporting indie authors. I read 58 books in 2022 and am on track to read even more this year!
Amber is brilliant, funny, diligent and all-around amazing. She brings terrific ideas, enthusiasm and inspiration to the team on a daily basis, and the magazine would not be the same without her.
Stephanie Groves Editor sgroves@indianaec.orgWin Amber’s favorite DIY tool: a BLACK+DECKER® cordless screwdriver!
On the menu: December: Recipes using candy, deadline October 1. If we publish your recipe on our food pages, we’ll send you a $10 gift card.
Giveaway: Win a BLACK+DECKER cordless screwdriver with pivoting handle! Visit indianaconnection.org/talk-to-us/contests or send your contact information to the address below. The deadline to enter is August 31.
Three ways to contact us: To send us recipes, photos, event listings, letters and entries for gift drawings, please use the forms on our website indianaconnection.org; email info@indianaconnection.org; or send to Indiana Connection, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600, Indianapolis, IN 46240-4606.
ISSN 0745-4651 • USPS 262-340
Published monthly by Indiana Electric Cooperatives
Indiana Connection is for and about members of Indiana’s locally-owned, not-for-profit electric cooperatives. It helps consumers use electricity safely and efficiently; understand energy issues; connect with their co-op; and celebrate life in Indiana. Over 311,000 residents and businesses receive the magazine as part of their electric co-op membership. Member’s cost per issue is approximately 32 cents, plus postage.
8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600 Indianapolis, IN 46240-4606 317-487-2220
Randy Kleaving President
Steve McMichael Vice President
Dr. Richard Leeper Secretary/Treasurer
John Cassady CEO
Stephanie Groves Editor
Richard George Biever Senior Editor
Holly Huffman Communication Support Specialist
Lauren Carman Communication Manager
Kiley Lipps Graphic Designer
Ashley Curry Production and Design Coordinator
Amber Knight Creative Manager
Mandy Barth Vice President of Communication
American MainStreet Publications
Cheryl Solomon, local ad representative; 512-441-5200; amp.coop
Crosshair Media 502-216-8537; crosshairmedia.net
Paid advertisements are not endorsements by any electric cooperative or this publication.
Indiana Connection does not use unsolicited freelance manuscripts or photographs and assumes no responsibility for the safekeeping or return of unsolicited material.
$12 for individuals not subscribing through participating REMCs/RECs.
If you receive Indiana Connection through your electric co-op membership, report address changes to your local co-op.
Periodicals postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana, and at additional mailing offices.
Send change of address to: Indiana Connection, 8888 Keystone Crossing, Suite 1600, Indianapolis, IN 46240-4606. Include key number.
No portion of Indiana Connection may be reproduced without permission of the editor.
Shane Smith of Utilities District of Western Indiana REMC (NOT IN ALL
Indiana’s Jaykob Troutwine from Hagerstown touches home plate before the tag for the Great Lakes during Little League Baseball’s World Series last August in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Which state will represent the Great Lakes Region at the World Series this year will be determined at the regional tournament in Whitestown, Aug. 5-9.
Local: 574-267-6331
Toll-Free: 800-790-REMC
EMAIL mail@kremc.com
7:30 a.m.–4 p.m., Monday–Friday
370 S. 250 E., Warsaw, IN 46582
To report a service interruption after hours, please call 574-267-6331 or 800-790-REMC.
Tony Fleming, Chairman
Dan Tucker, Vice Chairman
John Hand, Secretary/Treasurer
Terry Bouse
Pam Messmore
Steve Miner
Rick Parker
Loretta Schafer
Todd Smith
Did you know ceiling fans can make a room feel 4 degrees cooler? To save energy through ceiling fan use, remember to raise your thermostat a few degrees while fans are turned on. Ceiling fans can help improve comfort year-round. In the summer, operate ceiling fans in a counterclockwise direction. Remember, ceiling fans cool people, not spaces. Be sure to turn them off when you leave the room.
— Energy.gov
Main Channel Marina
720 S. Lakeside Drive, Syracuse mainchannel.com
August has arrived and it’s an important time of year for many families in our community. August often means wrapping up summer vacation, heading back to school and a fresh start with new opportunities. It is always important to reflect upon the past and plan for the future, and this month lends itself well to that notion.
This month, Kosciusko REMC is looking forward to some special events. On Aug. 3, some of our linemen will be taking a high-voltage demonstration trailer (provided by Kankakee Valley REMC) to the Kosciusko Sheriff Department’s Camp H.E.R.O. Camp H.E.R.O. provides local youth an opportunity to learn more about law enforcement and emergency services. The kids participate in team-building exercises and witness K9 demonstrations, vehicle extrication and SWAT and bomb squad exhibitions. This year, organizers were able to make this camp free to registrants, which is outstanding. We’re looking forward to providing a fun and important demonstration for the kids at Camp H.E.R.O.
Speaking of appreciation, August is member appreciation month at KREMC. We always look forward to engaging with our members and letting them know how much we value them. Our Member Services team has planned something special for our cooperative members on Fridays. You can read more about it in this issue of Indiana Connection.
I hope you enjoy the month of August to the fullest, whether that means attending local events, beginning a new educational pursuit or simply continuing to work hard for yourself and your family. Thank you for contributing to our community.
KURT CARVER President and CEOResidential and farm service
Service charge $29.50 per month
Kilowatt-hour (kWh) charge @$.0922 per kWh
Tracker charge @$.006544 per kWh
Outdoor lights*
40w LED $8.75 per month
70w LED $12.25 per month
Electric water heaters 50 gallons or larger:
• Gas to electric replacement — $125
• New construction water heater — $125
• Geothermal desuperheater — $50
• Geothermal system installation — $250
• Air-source heat pump system — $150
• Programmable thermostat — up to $25
Visit www.kremc.com for complete guidelines and restrictions. Additional rebates can be found at powermoves.com.
Saturday, Sept. 16, 2023
11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Central Park, Warsaw, Indiana
Kosciusko REMC is looking forward to participating in Warsaw-Wayne Fire Territory’s Family Safety Day on Sept. 16! This event is free for the community. Hands-on activities and demonstrations to look forward to include:
• Junior firefighter challenge
• Save-A-Life trailer
• Red Cross Bloodmobile
• Francine's Friends mobile mammography
• JAWS demonstrations
• Dive team boat rides, gear demonstrations and water safety talk
• Bicycle rodeo
• KREMC high-voltage demonstrations
• Lutheran Health Network gummy worm surgery and hand washing station
• K-9 LAW dog demonstrations
• Parkview Samaritan and Lutheran Air helicopter landings
• Kasey Program — Jeff Owens and his black labs will teach kids about fire education
• Kosciusko County 4-H Shooting Sports air rifle shooting trailer and gun safety education
• National Weather Service hydrology/flood model interactive display
• Fire Department — display of fire gear, dive gear, JAWS tools, Zoll monitor and other medical equipment; fire extinguisher display; smoke detector display; technical rescue equipment; confined space and trench rescue equipment; car seat information; and public education information
• C.A.R.E.S. community resources tent
• Lilly Center for Lakes & Streams — Center Lake ecotours and water testing
• Emergency vehicles
• Bicycle and car seat giveaways
Every year Kosciusko REMC gives away ten $1,000 John H. Anglin scholarships to members who are pursuing higher education. This Q&A is part of a series highlighting some of the John H. Anglin Scholarship recipients.
Q: Please tell me a little bit about yourself and your background.
A: I am from Sidney and am a 2023 graduate of Whitko Jr./Sr. High School. I am very involved in sports. I was a three-sport athlete that played tennis, basketball and baseball. I was very busy year-round but was still able to get involved with my community. One way I was involved was as a youth basketball coach for the youth league at my school.
What inspired you to pursue higher education, and how do you envision it contributing to your future goals?
I want to pursue higher education because I want to continue what I love, which is sports. I want to keep playing baseball, but I know at some point that is going to come to an end. The best thing I can do to continue is to get a degree that involves sports.
Can you share some details about the field of study you've chosen and why it resonates with you?
I chose a sports management degree because I want to be involved in all aspects of sports. Sports are my passion. With my love of sports, I want to be able to contribute to the game, even if it is not in a player role.
Were there any specific challenges or obstacles you faced during your educational journey, and how did you overcome them?
I believe that COVID-19 put a little obstacle in front of me. Going online for almost half of the school year had some negative effects. I knew when we went back to inperson school that I would have to work hard to regain the knowledge and skills needed.
Have you been involved in any notable extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or leadership roles that have shaped your character and skills?
I was involved in National Honor Society, tennis, basketball and baseball. There were a lot of volunteer hours that were completed in these programs. I was a team captain in all three sports, so I had to learn how to be a leader and a good communicator.
How do you plan to give back to your community or make a positive difference in society once you've completed your higher education?
Growing up, I was very lucky to be able to play multiple sports. With all the opportunities I have had to play with many different sports organizations, I always think about and appreciate all the people that have helped put this into place. I want to create events for kids to have fun and get out and exercise. Developing activities and running programs takes long hours. I am willing to do this because I want to give back to the community and the sports I love.
Are there any specific research projects, internships, or study abroad opportunities you're looking forward to pursuing during your academic journey?
I am looking forward to the internships that will allow me to work with others in the sports management field. My ideal internship would be with a professional baseball team.
Can you share a significant academic achievement or project that you're particularly proud of and the skills it helped you develop?
While playing year-round sports, I also worked hard on my academics. I graduated in the top 10% of my class with an honors diploma and my Indiana College Core. The most important skill I learned was time management.
Finally, what does receiving this scholarship mean to you, and how will it support your educational endeavors?
Receiving this scholarship will help relieve some of the financial burdens of attending a private college. It allows me to focus on my classes and sport instead of worrying about working as many hours at a part-time job.
Hallie Bledsoe was one of this year’s winners of the Kosciusko REMC 4-H Scholarship. When you meet Bledsoe, you can’t help but notice her vibrant energy and sense of purpose. She seemed excited to talk about her involvement in 4-H and winning one of this year’s coveted scholarships.
“Honestly, it was kind of a delayed reaction because I was at 4-H camp, being a counselor,” Bledsoe said. “I didn't really have my phone. When I turned it on, my phone had twenty messages from different people. I have a group chat with my family members, and they were like, ‘Congrats!’ and I was like, ‘On what?’”
Bledsoe explained that her sister sent her a screenshot of a Kosciusko REMC social media post announcing the winners of the scholarship. “I was really happy,” Bledsoe said.
The irony of receiving the news late because she was busy at 4-H camp was not lost on her. This was Bledsoe’s first time being a 4-H camp counselor and she said she was excited to have that opportunity. “When I was a camper, counselors were the best! It was always great going to camp for three days.”
4-H has been part of Bledsoe’s family legacy. “I got involved early on because my sister was in 4-H and my parents were in 4-H. I have a lot of family and friends who were also involved in 4-H,” she said. Though, according to Bledsoe, her 4-H journey has been different in many ways. “I started off with projects: scrapbooking, foods and eventually photography. Photography really caught my eye.”
Bledsoe explained that her most impactful and memorable 4-H moment was when she received a champion ribbon on a photography project. Bledsoe said that when she was younger, she assumed she might one day receive that award with a cow or a pig and that she would be proud of that moment, but earning that level of achievement
with a photography project somehow felt extra special — because photography was a passion that came into her life unexpectedly. Bledsoe said that when she received the phone call (during the COVID-19 shutdown) announcing her achievement, she yelled out, “I got champion!”
“There are different views of 4-H,” Bledsoe acknowledged. “Some people view it as a competition and some people view it as fun. I view it as fun. There is a level of competition, though.”
Bledsoe expressed that reaching the level of grand champion or champion is an enormously proud moment. “Because putting all the work and effort into the thing you’re doing … that ribbon says: You did good, and you can rest now,” she said.
It is clear that Bledsoe is no stranger to hard work. She has not been afraid to take on leadership roles, both in school and 4-H. “I help with the annual fish fry every year. I collected ideas for the silent auction. I recently became VP of the Leesburg Mighty Farmers 4-H Club.” Bledsoe said as a Junior Leader, she also helps run the food stand by Beaver Dam. “I recommend it. We have the best personal pan pizzas!”
Bledsoe just graduated from Warsaw Community High School with a technical honors diploma.
“I was very involved in high school. I was in the student council all four years and held various leadership roles, including being president of the junior class.” That role, she said, was especially involved, because the junior class always organizes the prom for that school year.
Bledsoe plans to attend Ivy Tech this fall, and the scholarship funds she received from Kosciusko REMC will go toward her college expenses.
When asked about her future plans, Bledsoe took a notably more serious tone. “I want to be a therapist. There was a time in middle school when I felt lonely, and I needed someone to lean on. I’m OK now,” Bledsoe said, adding, “So, I think becoming a therapist can help people feel comfortable about their mental health. We need better support for mental health.”
The 4-H website states: “In 4 H, we believe in the power of young people. We see that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around us.” A conversation with Hallie Bledsoe reaffirms this sentiment. There is no doubt Bledsoe is one 4-H’er who is on her way to improving not only her community, but the world.
While electric vehicles are collectively trying to find a foothold with individual consumers, there’s at least one EV market that seems to be firing on all cylinders. That would be electric school buses, which are expected to have a growth rate of nearly 34% over the next five years, according to industry experts. That figure is nearly 11% higher than the electric vehicle market at large.
There are several factors driving this surge, including significant federal funding via the Clean School Bus Program.
Once schools can clear the hurdle of the higher cost of purchasing an electric school bus, there are several benefits. Electric school buses offer fuel efficiency and more reliable performance for school districts in search of costeffective transportation options. According to the National School Boards Association, each electric school bus will save an average of $6,000 per year in operational expenditures compared to a traditional bus.
Electric school buses can be used as battery storage for energy that can be transferred back into the grid, and the buses could also operate as alternative power sources during disasters or extended outages — talk to your co-op before you do this.
There’s also an added safety bonus: Electric buses operate quietly, allowing drivers to be more aware of what’s going on inside and outside of the vehicle.
In an effort to accelerate the transition to zero-emission vehicles and produce cleaner air in and around schools, the 2022 Clean School Bus Program awarded $5.315 million to six Indiana school districts to purchase a total of 19 buses. Thirteen of those buses were electric, and the other six were propane powered.
The recipients were Michigan City Area Schools (six buses), Northeastern Wayne Schools (six), Western Boone County Community School District (four), East Washington School Corporation,
Caston School Corporation and North Central Parke Community School Corporation.
There could be more buses in store soon for Indiana schools. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that the 2023 Clean School Bus Grant Program will offer another approximately $400 million in competitive grant funding to eligible applicants for zeroemission school buses, clean school buses and charging infrastructure, and the application deadline is Aug. 22.
Throughout the ages, there have been many important advances in mobility. Canes, walkers, rollators, and scooters were created to help people with mobility issues get around and retain their independence. Lately, however, there haven’t been any new improvements to these existing products or developments in this field. Until now. Recently, an innovative design engineer who’s developed one of the world’s most popular products created a completely new breakthrough . . . a personal electric vehicle. It’s called the Zinger, and there is nothing out there quite like it.
“What my wife especially loves is it gives her back feelings of safety and independence which has given a real boost to her confidence and happiness!
Thank You!”
The first thing you’ll notice about the Zinger is its unique look. It doesn’t look like a scooter. Its sleek, lightweight yet durable frame is made with aircraft grade aluminum so it weighs only 47.2 lbs. It features one-touch folding and unfolding – when folded it can be wheeled around like a suitcase and fits easily into a backseat or trunk. Then, there are the steering levers. They enable the Zinger to move forward, backward, turn on a dime and even pull right up to a table or desk. With its compact yet powerful
motor it can go up to 6 miles an hour and its rechargeable battery can go up to 8 miles on a single charge. With its low center of gravity and inflatable tires it can handle rugged terrain and is virtually tip-proof. Think about it, you can take your Zinger almost anywhere, so you don’t have to let mobility issues rule your life.
Why take our word for it? Call now, and find out how you can get a Zinger of your very own.
Call now and receive a utility basket absolutely FREE with your order.
Please mention code 120073 when ordering.
Once in a lifetime, a product comes along that truly moves people. Introducing the future of battery-powered personal transportation . . . The Zinger.
In 1835, Pulaski County was one of two newly created northern Indiana counties that the state General Assembly named for Polish heroes of the American Revolution. The other was Kosciusko.
Count Casimir Pulaski was a Polish nobleman, soldier and military commander who has been called the “father of the American cavalry.” Though Pulaski deserved such an honor, one would have been hard-pressed to find a person of Polish descent in the area at the time of the county’s founding.
People of Polish descent may have been rare in northwestern Indiana at the time Pulaski County was named, but the county seat is named after a Native American word.
New settlers to the area in 1839 dubbed the county seat “Winamac,” which is a Potawatomi term for “catfish.” It should be noted that the Tippecanoe River flows through the heart of Winamac, which meant catfish would have been plentiful.
The Winamac Town Park is home to a large suspension bridge over the Tippecanoe River. The Veterans Memorial Swinging Bridge was dedicated July 4, 1923, and has since been a popular local attraction.
In 2020, the “Light Up Our Legacy Project” began to raise money to install LED lights on the bridge. The goal was reached, and the bridge underwent renovations through the early spring of 2023. The lights were unveiled July 3 in celebration of the bridge’s 100th anniversary.
Pulaski County is also home to multiple areas to view wildlife and enjoy nature, including the Winamac Fish & Wildlife Area, Tippecanoe River State Park and the JasperPulaski Fish & Wildlife Area. Located on more than 8,000 acres, the Jasper-Pulaski Fish & Wildlife Area is a notable stop for more than 10,000 sandhill cranes during their fall migration pattern.
NAMED FOR: Count Casimir Pulaski
Indiana Connection and Indiana’s electric cooperatives are proud to sponsor the Youth Power and Hope Awards program. Since 2009, the program has annually honored Indiana youth in grades 5-8 for their community service. Past winners’ community projects have included raising money for Riley Hospital for Children and donating toys for its patients, collecting coats for the less fortunate and providing police officers with stuffed animals to comfort children in crisis situations. Could a community-minded young person you know be one of our next winners? Encourage him/her to apply!
Up to five qualified candidates will receive $500 and be featured in an upcoming issue of Indiana Connection, among other recognition.
For more information and to complete an application, visit indianaconnection.org/ youthpowerandhope Deadline to apply is Monday, Oct. 2.
We know how to find all water leaks underground. Call us!
Serving IN, OH, IL, KY & TN
Our Marketplace offers maximum exposure for your business or organization at a minimal cost. Please contact Cheryl Solomon, 847-749-4875 or cheryl@amp.coop, for other small business advertising opportunities in Indiana Connection.
When planning home improvement projects — especially those that involve electrical work — do you know when to DIY and when to hire a professional?
Homeowners wanting to do it themselves can tackle many types of projects, but when safety becomes an issue, seek a professional with appropriate training, equipment and insurance. “Painting a bedroom may be an easy weekend project, for example, but climbing a tall ladder for an exterior paint job can be a safety risk,” noted Jon Elkins, vice president of safety, training and compliance at Indiana Electric Cooperatives.
To avoid electrocution and fires, most electrical work should be left to professional licensed electricians. Home rewiring, breaker box replacement and adding a large number of electrical outlets are among tasks you should consider leaving for the pros. Faulty electrical installations can lead to large additional expenses and even injuries or death.
If you’re doing work yourself with power tools, be careful. Annually, 8% of electrocutions in the U.S. are attributed to improper use of power tools. The Electrical Safety Foundation International offers the following safety tips:
• Use ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) with every power tool to protect against electrical shock.
• Never use power tools near live electrical wires or water pipes.
• Use extreme caution when cutting or drilling into walls where electrical wires or water pipes could be accidentally touched or penetrated.
• Do not use power tools without the proper guards.
If your home improvement includes additional living space and/or added outlets, make sure your home electrical panel and service can handle the added load. In addition, verify that all electrical work is done by a certified, licensed electrician and that local permits, if needed, are secured.
Call 811 several days in advance if any digging is part of the project so the appropriate utilities serving your area can determine if they have buried lines of service in the scope of your project and mark where those are located.
Whether your home improvement is being done by yourself or a contractor, contact your electric utility ahead of time if your meter must be removed or relocated to accommodate additions or renovations (such as home additions, fences, decks or patios) to your property. In almost all areas it is illegal for a homeowner to break the seal on a utility meter or pull or set a meter. Aside from being dangerous without protective gear, there could be fines involved if you don’t call the utility first to explain the situation.
Remember, you should only tackle DIY home projects within your skill and comfort level. “For projects that require extensive electrical work, we strongly recommend you hire a licensed, qualified electrician for assistance,” said Elkins.
Remember when…
Think about the things you loved to do that are dif cult today — going for a walk or just sitting comfortably while reading a book. And remember the last time you got a great night’s sleep?
As we get older, health issues or even everyday aches, pains and stress can prevent us from enjoying life. So what’s keeping you from having a better quality of life?
Check all the conditions that apply to you.
Arthritis Dry Skin
Insomnia Anxiety
Diabetes Mobility Issues
Lower Back Poor Pain
Then read on to learn how a Safe Step Walk-In Tub can help. Feel better, sleep better, live better
A Safe Step Walk-In Tub lets you indulge in a warm, relaxing bath that can help relieve life’s aches, pains and worries.
A Safe Step Tub can help increase mobility, boost energy and improve sleep.
It’s got everything you should look for in a walk-in tub:
• Heated Seat – Providing soothing warmth from start to nish.
• MicroSoothe ® Air Therapy System – helps oxygenate and soften skin while offering therapeutic bene ts.
• Pain-relieving therapy – Hydro massage jets target sore muscles and joints.
• Safety features – Low step-in, grab bars and more can help you bathe safely and maintain your independence.
• Free Shower Package – shower while seated or standing.
Keltie Sullivan is a culinary professional with decades of restaurant experience, including a ten-year run at her eponymous bistro Keltie’s in Westfield until 2012. Keltie said that she didn’t plan on opening another restaurant after closing Keltie’s, but when she saw the existing Angry Donkey storefront on Main Street in Michigantown en route to visit her mother in Delphi, she eventually had a change of heart. Keltie purchased the Angry Donkey in 2018 and has since made it into her own flourishing restaurant endeavor.
So, how exactly did the space get its equine-inspired moniker?
Keltie explained that “the restaurant used to be called the Michigantown House, where the locals would come in and mostly drink. It was nicknamed the ‘mule barn’ years and years ago, so the previous owners before me were trying to come up with a name and kept going back to ‘The Mule.’ Eventually, the name ‘donkey’ came up, and they loved the ‘Angry Donkey.’”
Keltie investigated how much it would cost to change the signage, and after she found out that the price would be “upwards of $30,000,” she decided to stick with the existing name and never look back.
Angry Donkey’s website describes the eatery as “a fullservice, family-friendly restaurant offering a wide variety of Hoosier-inspired cuisine.” Once inside, you’ll find a casual but well-thought-out atmosphere. There is a large, beautiful wooden bar flanked by big-screen TVs, and the dining rooms are spacious.
The real reason you’re here, though, is the scrumptious food. Almost everything is made from scratch, including
Keltie’s signature “beggar’s purse,” described as chicken salad with blue and cheddar cheeses baked in puff pastry and served on a bed of cranberry compote. There is also the “Triple PIG,” featuring a pork burger loaded with pulled pork and bacon jam, topped with pepper jack cheese and slaw on Texas toast. Keltie’s smoked chicken wings, splashed with hot sauce, are also crowd-pleasers. In addition, the weekly specials are worth investigating, including the dessert offerings.
The bar is stocked, and yes, there is a mule on the current cocktail menu — made with vodka, ginger beer and lime juice. You’ll also find “The Keltini,” a blend of Grey Goose vodka, crème de cassis and a splash of pineapple juice with a “lemony” rim.
Word-of-mouth is consistently positive regarding Keltie’s delicious food and welcoming hospitality, so if you’d like to try Angry Donkey for yourself, you may want to make a reservation, especially on weekend nights. The restaurant is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, but you can visit Angrydonkeymtown.com for up-to-date hours and to reserve a table.
“The renown of Italy’s jewelry, with its sensual beauty and extraordinary craftsmanship, is founded on the goldsmithing skills passed down through generations.” – The New York Times
Iguess I was a little bored. For the past hour, I’d been on the phone with Daniele, the head of my office in Italy, reviewing our latest purchases of Italian gold, Murano glass and Italian-made shoes and handbags.
“Daniele,” I said, “What is the hottest jewelry in Italy right now?”
His reply? Woven gold bracelets studded with gems. He texted me some photos and I knew immediately that this was jewelry that Raffinato just had to have.
The best part about these bracelets? The price. Because of our longstanding connections in Arezzo, the mecca of Italian goldsmithing, we can offer both bracelets together for just $99, a fraction of the price you’ll pay anywhere else for similar jewelry.
Order today. These bracelets are one of our hottest sellers this year, and with disruptions in the supply chain, we can only guarantee that we have 1,273 861 of these bracelets on hand for this ad.
Make the next gift you give your loved one a trip to Italy with the Italiano Fantasia Bracelets, stunning accessories that are sure to turn heads.
Jewelry Specifications:
Presenting the Italiano Fantasia Bracelets, two designs that are prime examples of Italy’s finest artisanship. Each of these bracelets includes more than 20 brilliant cut gems of DiamondAura®, our Ultimate Diamond Alternative®, in a setting finished with 18 karat Italian gold.
What is DiamondAura®? Why, it’s a sparkling marvel that rivals even the finest diamonds (D Flawless) with its transparent color and clarity: The book “Jewelry and Gems: The Buying Guide,” praised the technique used in our diamond alternative: “The best diamond simulation to date, and even some jewelers have mistaken these stones for mined diamonds,” it raved.
• Made in Arezzo, Italy. 18k gold finish
• DiamondAura®, the Ultimate Diamond Alternative®
• Fit wrists up to 7 ¼"
Italiano Fantasia Bracelet Collection
A. X Bracelet (¼ ctw) $399 $59* + S&P Save $340
B. Woven Bracelet (⅓ ctw) $299 $59* + S&P Save $240 Set of Both $698 $99* + S&P Save $599
*Special price only for customers using the offer code.
Alicia Unger, North Manchester, Indiana
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, finely chopped
2-4 minced garlic cloves, to taste
1 (24-ounce) jar pasta sauce
1 (14½-ounce) can diced tomatoes
2½ cups chicken broth
16 ounces uncooked spaghetti, broken in half Parmesan cheese, to taste
Heat a deep, wide skillet or a stock pot over low/medium heat. Add olive oil, onion and garlic and cook until onion is softened, about 3-4 minutes. Add pasta sauce, diced tomatoes and chicken broth, stirring to combine. Increase the heat to medium-high and bring mixture to a boil. Stir in spaghetti, then reduce heat to a simmer. Cover and cook for 11-12 minutes, stirring every 2-3 minutes to prevent pasta from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Serve topped with Parmesan cheese, if desired.
Patricia Piekarski, Harvey, Illinois
1 pound ground beef
1 small onion, chopped
1 (28-ounce) can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 (14½-ounce) can beef broth
1 cup frozen mixed vegetables
2 cups instant rice, uncooked
¾ cup grated Parmesan cheese
In a large skillet, brown ground beef and onion; drain. Add tomatoes, broth and vegetables; stir and bring mixture to a boil. Stir in rice and cheese, cover, then remove skillet from heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with additional Parmesan cheese if desired and serve.
Glenda Ferguson, Paoli, Indiana
1 pound Italian sausage links
10 ounces frozen pepper and onion blend
3 medium tomatoes, chopped
Garlic salt (or salt substitute) and pepper, to taste
4 sandwich buns/rolls
Cook sausages in a large skillet over medium heat until no longer pink, about 10 minutes. Drain. Remove the sausages and slice them into halfinch pieces, then return to the pan. Add the frozen vegetables. Cover for 10 minutes until vegetables are tender. Add tomatoes and seasonings and cook for 2 minutes. Hollow out the bottom of the buns/rolls. Fill with the cooked sausage mixture and serve.
There’s no denying that people — mostly women — are on a mission to discover the best way to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles permanently. The $14 billion dollars spent on aesthetic procedures in 2021 alone is a clear indication of that fact.
But now science appears to be offering a simpler solution. It’s a special delivery technology adapted for skincare that gets superior results.
Known as advanced liposome technology, this powerful distribution system ensures that vital nutrients are delivered exactly where your skin needs them the most, providing your skin with maximum anti-aging benefits.
Al Sears, MD, of Palm Beach, Florida, recently released an anti-aging cream that adapts this breakthrough medical technology into the realm of skincare, and he’s struggling to keep up with consumer demand.
Dr. Sears is South Florida’s leading anti-aging pioneer. He has authored over 500 reports, scientific papers, and books on anti-aging. A frequent lecturer at global anti-aging conferences, Dr. Sears spoke at the WPBF 25 Health & Wellness Festival featuring Dr. Oz, along with special guest, Suzanne Somers. Thousands of people were in attendance as Dr. Sears discussed his latest anti-aging breakthroughs.
This powerful cream, known as Restore, keeps selling out faster than it’s produced — and people are raving about the effect it’s having on their skin.
“Within a few minutes of applying the cream, it visibly plumps out the under-eye area and my cheeks as well as those annoying lines that deepen as we age between the nose
and lips. It also felt like it was tightening and smoothing my skin at the same time. I definitely feel I look younger whenever I use it,” said Amy B., of Montville, New Jersey.
“The lines around my mouth and eyes are filled in and my skin is tightened. I love having younger-looking skin, so I will continue using Restore” raves Cathy C., of Florida.
The best part is that this cream has no adverse side effects, doesn’t require a doctor’s visit or prescription, and is 100% natural.
When you apply liposome cream to your face, the liposomes in the skin cream work their way inside your skin, fuse with the skin cell membranes and then release their contents directly to the cells. Regular skin creams don’t have this capability.
The dermis is the underlying layer of skin that supplies nourishment and oxygen, and removes waste. In other words, it’s responsible for keeping your outer layer of skin healthy. Liposome technology is designed to support and nourish this deeper layer of skin by delivering nutrients directly to it.
“All of Restore’s powerful ingredients are encapsulated in a liposome shell — an organic container that carries the beautifying agents deep into the skin cells,” explained Dr. Sears.
“Restore’s liposome shell is composed of phosphatidylcholine or PC for short. While cell membranes repel water, they absorb PC because they’re actually made of it. As a result, Restore is delivered deep into the cell for maximum firming and
Once it’s penetrated the deeper layer of skin, Restore releases a unique blend of botanicals, vitamins and essential oils that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, gives skin a more even tone, and moisturizes the interior layers of your dermal cells, firming and plumping your skin.
Restore’s first skin-enhancing agent is Madonna lily leaf stem cell extract. It helps produce an even-toned complexion. In a clinical study reported in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, participants treated with this extract for 28 days showed improvements in skin luminance and tone around the eyes.
Restore is also loaded with vitamin C, which British researchers have found reduces both wrinkles and dryness. “In Restore we use magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, a more stable form of vitamin C that
doesn’t break down in liquid as does ordinary C,” explains Dr. Sears. “That means the antioxidant molecules stay intact within your skin cells where they can prevent damage from dangerous free radicals.”
This powerful formula also features guarana seed extract, coenzyme Q10, and avocado oil. Japanese researchers have also found that coenzyme Q10 supports production of the thin membrane that separates layers of your skin, and French studies have shown that avocado oil improves skin cell metabolism and enhances skin thickness.
To secure the hot, new Restore formula, buyers should contact the Sears Health Hotline at 1-800-6820708 TODAY. “It’s not available in retail stores yet,” says Dr. Sears. “The Hotline allows us to ship directly to the customer.” Dr. Sears feels so strongly about Restore, all orders are backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. “Just send me back the bottle and any unused product within 90 days from purchase date, and I’ll send you all your money back.”
Call NOW at 1-800-682-0708 to secure your supply of Restore. Use Promo Code INRS823 when you call. Lines are frequently busy, but all calls will be answered!
“Advanced liposome technology ensures that vital nutrients are delivered exactly where your skin needs them the most.”
ittle Leaguers from Hagerstown won the hearts of Hoosiers all over the state last August when they advanced to the Little League Baseball World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. They were Indiana’s first representatives at the World Series since their next-door neighbors from New Castle in 2012.
Indiana may not have a Major League Baseball team, but true to the state’s reputation as an amateur sports capital, Hoosiers embrace and foster the love of sports at all basic levels. That’s why the 3-year-old Little League Baseball Central Region Headquarters Complex in Whitestown is a fitting and welcomed addition to the Indiana sporting landscape.
“One of the things that makes Little League unique is that this is the purest you’ll ever see sport. It’s just the purest emotion,” said Stu Hartenstein, Little League’s Central Region director. “Why it’s on TV, and why people are so drawn to it, is they want the innocence of youth sports. And it doesn’t matter what division it is. That’s what makes it so magical.”
Hagerstown punched its ticket to the World Series last year by winning the Great Lakes Region Tournament at the Central Region’s field. During the first two weeks of August, the complex on the northwestern outskirts of Indianapolis will once again host the best Little League Baseball teams from 13 states in two regional tournaments. The winners of the two regions, the Great Lakes and Midwest, will then advance to the Little League World Series in Williamsport.
“It’s just awesome to be able to afford youth the opportunities here to make some lifelong memories,” Hartenstein said. “You ask a lot of our volunteers who have been with the organization 50, 60, 70 years, why they keep coming back, and a lot of it is just continuing to help create for today’s youth the same memories and relationships that have endured throughout their lives.”
At 36, Hartenstein has been involved with Little League ever since he was a tot, beginning with T-ball, continuing with Little League, then volunteering as an umpire for many years, until finally taking one of the few paid positions with the organization. “That connectivity to community, to people, is something that is challenged in today’s society,” he said, “and we are one of the staples in our country that still try to allow that to be the heartbeat.”
As with all Little League events, there’s no admission charge to the ballpark at Whitestown or even Williamsport. Seating, though limited, is generally open in the grandstand. Lawn chairs are welcomed along the fence lines, and concessions are moderately priced.
The notion for a baseball league for kids, with their own uniforms and
proportionately sized equipment and field, originated in 1938 in Williamsport. Carl Stotz, a lumberyard clerk, told of watching his nephews playing a game of catch when the idea came to him. The next spring, Stotz gathered local sponsors and organized a league of three teams — Lundy Lumber, Lycoming Dairy and Jumbo Pretzel — and drew up a field essentially two-thirds the dimensions of the big leagues. Instead of 90 feet between the bases, his “little league” had 60; instead of 60 feet from the pitcher’s mound to home, his was 46 feet. On June 6, 1939, Stotz’s creation, Little League Baseball, played ball for the first time, with Lundy Lumber winning 23-8 over Lycoming Dairy.
Within just a decade, and despite the nation being focused on winning World War II in the middle of it, Little League had spread out from central Pennsylvania across the United States. Within another 10 years, it
had gone international. In 1957, the first team from outside the U.S. — Monterey, Mexico — won the Little League World Series.
Today, Little League is played in some 6,500 communities by some 2 million players with 1 million adult volunteers. Little League is in every U.S. state and more than 80 countries. It is more than just baseball for boys and girls ages 10-12. Today, it includes programs and divisions of baseball and softball for all youth ages 4 to 16, including youth with special needs.
While Williamsport remains the headquarters, Little League has divided into five administrative regions in the U.S.: East — located in Bristol, Connecticut; Central — in Whitestown; Southeast — in Warner Robins, Georgia; Southwest — in Waco, Texas; and West — in San Bernardino, California. International regions are in Puerto Rico, Canada, South Korea and Poland.
The Whitestown facility serves as the administrative hub for Little League Baseball and Softball activities for the five states in the Great Lakes Region (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and Michigan), and eight in the Midwest Region (Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota). How states land in their respective regions for competition depends on geography and participation numbers; Little League strives to maintain equal representation and a competitive balance for each region, Hartenstein said.
Before reaching the region tournament, the teams, composed of all-stars from each community’s local league, will have already won their local district and respective state tournaments held in July. (Because of this issue’s printing deadline, Indiana Connection is unable to include this year’s Indiana representative in this article). They then compete in the region tournament representing their state. The two regional champs decided in Whitestown will go on to the Little League World Series later this month in Williamsport. There, they will compete against eight other regional champions from within the U.S. and 10 international regional champs.
When Little League established its regional headquarters in 1989, the Central Region was located in Lawrence on the east side of Indianapolis. By the mid-2010s, however, the original location was seeing some problems.
The complex was too large, noted Hartenstein, which made it harder to maintain for the volunteer organization. Hartenstein and one other staff member are currently the only two full-time employees for the Central Region. In addition, the region director at the time, Nina Johnson-Pitt, cited high crime and deterioration of the area as another reason Little League began seeking a new location.
While the Central Region administration moved to a small office
Little League Baseball’s Central Region complex will host the champions representing 13 states in two regional tournaments early this month. Both the Great Lakes Region Tournament and Midwest Region Tournament will be held concurrently at the Whitestown complex to determine the two to move on to the Little League World Series later this month in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
Game 1: Michigan vs. Ohio
Aug. 5 • 10 a.m.
Game 2: Illinois vs. Indiana
Aug. 5 • 7 p.m.
Game 3: Winner 1 vs. Kentucky
Aug. 6 • 4 p.m.
Remaining games: Aug. 6-9
Game 1: Kansas vs. North Dakota
Aug. 4 • 10 a.m.
Game 2: Wisconsin vs. Missouri
Aug. 4 • 1 p.m.
Game 3: Minnesota vs. Nebraska
Aug. 4 • 4 p.m.
Games 4: Iowa vs. South Dakota
Aug. 4 • 7 p.m.
Remaining games: Aug. 6-11
Winners of both regions advance to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, Aug. 16-27
The Central Region complex is at 7185 S. Indianapolis Road, Whitestown, IN 46075. For full schedules and details, visit: littleleague.org/central
in Carmel, the regional tournament games were held in the interim at the new Grand Park Sports Campus in Westfield, Fishers High School and Zionsville High School. Little League, with its special field dimensions, required tweaking to fields not made for Little League. In addition, the field required more spectator room for families and fans and areas for television cameras since ESPN had begun televising even the regional tournament games. Not only were there the field aspects, but the region facility also needed room to host training events for league officials, coaches and umpires throughout the year.
A search for a new facility location included sites near Indianapolis and out of state.
In 2020, Little League and the Whitestown Redevelopment Commission came to an agreement on a 15-acre site on a fast-growing corridor road parallel to Interstate 65. The complex, served electrically by Boone REMC, includes an administration building, gift shop,
concession stand, restrooms, batting cages and a regulation-size, lighted Little League field with stadium seating, bleachers and a press box.
In addition to the Town of Whitestown, the Boone County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau also stepped up to bat for the facility. “The Boone County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau made a commitment to attracting Little League to Boone County,” said Allyson Gutwein, the executive director of the Boone County CVB.
“Little League is so important because it really fulfills multiple needs of tourism and placemaking. It’s great for the community. It’s great for attracting people who want to come and see the tournaments. Little League is a great example of what we really want to see in those tourist attractions, and we want to make sure that they know they’re supported,” Gutwein said.
The facility opened in July of 2021, during the pandemic, which brought strict protocols and limited attendance to the softball and
baseball tournaments. Last year, the first full-scale tournaments for the new complex were held. “We were very pleased with our attendance,” Hartenstein said, adding, “So we anticipate probably having a record year with attendance.”
Since there are no tickets, he said, attendance is not tracked closely. “Sometimes that’s dependent upon how many volunteers we have available to help us. Attendance fluctuates day by day. Certainly, the Great Lakes games are more well attended simply because they’re closer. If we had a local team, like Hagerstown, there were nights where we had 5,000 people here.”
Whatever the attendance, the folks at the Boone County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau are ready to wave the fans in.
“We’re excited to welcome guests from all over the Midwest, the United States and all over the world in order to see this,” said Gutwein, “because not only are people able to see this locally, but it’s being broadcast
Hagerstown, wearing the Great Lakes Region uniforms, gathers for a team prayer at last year’s Little League World Series in Williamsport.
globally on multiple networks. And that really is exciting because we know that people are seeing our community. That’s fantastic for the local economy, our businesses and all of those that are involved in Little League.”
Hartenstein, a native of Ohio, wasn’t involved in the decisions that kept Little League Baseball in central Indiana when it was looking for a new facility. But he appreciates what Indiana has had to offer Little Leaguers and their families who come for the tournaments.
“A lot of our communities across the nation really embrace Little League baseball — its values, what it tries to instill in local communities and what it really means to develop young athletes. And Indiana is certainly one of the states in the country that very much caters to the hospitality industry, as well as youth sports. So, there’s kind of a perfect storm here in
Carl Stotz creates the idea for Little League baseball in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
June 6, 1939:
First Little League game is played in Williamsport.
The first Little League World Series is played.
Little League spreads to 307 leagues across the United States; the first team from Indiana (Lafayette) plays in the Little League World Series.
First permanent league outside the U.S. is established in British Columbia, Canada.
Indiana. There is a huge buy-in and interest here.”
He also credits county and local governments and the county CVB, especially the Town of Whitestown, for welcoming Little League. “They have gone above and beyond to not only welcome us but continue to work with us. We have an awesome partnership with them. Indiana is a special place for Little League because we get the town embracing the values of Little League, what it stands for and what it can bring.”
We’ll all find out in a couple of weeks after the Great Lakes Region Tournament whether an Indiana team plays in Williamsport again this year. But win or lose at the local community ballpark, Whitestown or Williamsport, Little Leaguers can take heart knowing that Hoosiers welcome them and root for them — and all that they play for.
Richard G. Biever is senior editor of Indiana Connection.
Little League expands to all 48 U.S. states.
A team from Monterey, Mexico becomes the first team from outside the U.S. to win the Little League World Series.
Little League changes rules to allow girls to play alongside boys.
Little League divides into administrative regions. The Central Region is headquarted in Indianapolis.
June 26, 2021:
The Central Region opens its new 15-acre complex in Whitestown.
August 2022:
Representing Indiana, Hagerstown wins the Great Lakes Region and becomes the 16th team from Indiana to advance to Williamsport.
Aug. 4-11, 2023:
Central Region facility to host Great Lakes and Midwest tournaments.
One of the things that makes Little League unique is that this is the purest you’ll ever see sport.
STU HARTENSTEIN, Central Region directorPhoto by Richard G. Biever
A re-discovery from the 1600s is causing a frenzy within the medical system. A weird herb has been shown in six clinical studies (and by thousands of users) to be very effective for leg and feet pain, burning and numbness – with no side effects – at low cost – and with no doctor visit or prescription needed.
This weird herb comes from a 12-foot tall tree that grows in Greece and other countries in Europe. In the old days, people noticed that when their horses who had leg and feet problems ate this herb – it was almost like magic how quickly their problems got much better. They called it the “horse herb”. Then somehow with Europe’s ongoing wars, this herbal secret got lost in time.
“It works for people who’ve tried many other treatments before with little or no success. Other doctors and I are shocked at how effective it is. It has created a lot of excitement” says Dr. Ryan Shelton, M.D.
Its active ingredient has been put into pill form and improved. It is being offered in the United States under the brand name Neuro�lo.
Researchers have found an herb originally from Greece that has been shown in six placebo-controlled medical studies (543 participants) to be effective and safe. This natural compound strengthens blood vessel walls and reduces swelling to stop the pain and suffering.
Says Dove Medical Press & Development and Therapy
... meaning, discomfort, water retention, leg swelling, tiredness and circulation improved in 95% of test subjects
Poor blood �low in the legs and feet is one of the common problems that develops as we age. Millions of Americans suffer from neuropathy and chronic venous insuf�iciency (CVI), edema, and other leg/ feet problems – millions have these but are undiagnosed.
Today’s treatments don’t work for a high percentage of people – and they have side effects that make them hard to tolerate or that people do not want to risk. This includes prescription drugs, over the counter pain pills, surgery and compression.
Here’s why you have pain now: Your arteries have weakened. Your arteries can’t carry enough blood, nutrients and oxygen down to your legs and feet. This damages your nerves and causes your burning, tingling and numbness.
The herbs in the pill Neuro�lo strengthen your arteries that carry blood, nutrients and oxygen to your feet and legs. It improves your circulation so oxygenated blood goes to the nerves and repairs them. This makes your nerves grow stronger so your pain fades away and your legs and feet feel much younger again.
Katerina King from Murrieta, California says, “I had hands and feet tingling and snapping and burning feeling. It made my life very uncomfortable. I had a hard time walking, my legs felt like they each weighed 50 pounds. Once I got in my car and my feet felt so heavy I couldn’t even drive the car. With Neuro�lo I have no more tingling, cold or burning painful legs and feet. It went away.”
“Now I �inally have a natural solution I can recommend to my patients who suffer from leg and feet problems and pain. I’m delighted because previous treatments were not effective, but Neuro�lo has worked for every one of my patients with no side effects” says Dr. Eric Wood, N.D.
WORKS IN AMAZING WAY: A prickly plant was used in Europe in the 1600s to revitalize ailing legs. Lost over the centuries, it is now making a comeback as US doctors rediscover its impressive results – sending relief to thousands of users with:
• Burning, Tingling, Numbness
• Swollen, Achy Feet
• Painful Legs & Feet
• Varicose Veins
for safe and fast relief,” said Dr. Wood, a Harvard trained doctor who has appeared on award winning TV shows.
Now you can get a good night’s sleep - peaceful, restful sleep – with no pain, tingling, zinging, itching or zapping. Improve your balance and coordination. No side effects – safe to take with other medications. Enjoy your favorite activities and hobbies again. Be more active, have more fun, enjoy life more. Don’t risk irreversible damage to your feet and hands. Don’t get worse and wind up in the hospital or a nursing home. Neuro�lo is GUARANTEED to work for you – or you will get full refund with a 90-day unconditional money-back guarantee. It is NOT sold in stores or online. No prescription or doctor visit is required.
This is the of�icial release of NeuroFlo for readers of Indiana Connection. Therefore, everyone who calls within the next 10 days will receive 50% OFF their �irst order. A toll-free hotline number has been set up for local readers to call for this 50% OFF savings. The number will be open starting at 7:00 am today and only for the next 10 days.
Swollen legs are a warning sign. They mean blood and fluid is forced out of the blood vessels into the surrounding tissue. This causes non-stop pain. This is where Neuroflo’s active ingredient is such a big help.
Dr. Ryan Shelton, M.D. says “This is new and different. It works for people who’ve tried many other things before. It is natural with no side effects. Don’t give up hope for your leg and feet pain, burning, tingling and numbing. This pill is working for countless people after other treatments have failed them. I highly recommend it.”
“Neuro�lo is a terri�ic choice for people with leg and feet issues. The clinical trials in support of this herb show it is very effective
All you have to do is CALL TOLL FREE 1-855-707-8427 and provide the operator with the special 50% OFF discount approval code: NEF158.
Important: Due to Neuro�lo’s popularity and recent media exposure on ABC, CBS and FOX NEWS, phone lines are often busy. If you call and do not get through immediately, please be patient and call back. Those who miss the 10 day deadline for 50% OFF will have to pay more for Neuro�lo.
If your tired, achy legs and feet are preventing you from moving easily... Now, a prickly herb has been discovered to….
Inthe blockbuster film, when a strapping Australian crocodile hunter and a lovely American journalist were getting robbed at knife point by a couple of young thugs in New York, the tough Aussie pulls out his dagger and says “That’s not a knife, THIS is a knife!” Of course, the thugs scattered and he continued on to win the reporter’s heart.
Our Aussie friend would approve of our rendition of his “knife.” Forged of high grade 420 surgical stainless steel, this knife is an impressive 16" from pommel to point. And, the blade is full tang, meaning it runs the entirety of the knife, even though part of it is under wraps in the natural bone and wood handle.
Secured in a tooled leather sheath, this is one impressive knife, with an equally impressive price.
This fusion of substance and style can garner a high price tag out in the marketplace. In fact, we found full tang, stainless steel blades with bone handles in excess of $2,000. Well, that won’t cut it around here. We have mastered the hunt for the best deal, and in turn pass the spoils on to our customers.
But we don’t stop there. While supplies last, we’ll include a pair of $99, 8x21 power compact binoculars, and a genuine leather sheath when you purchase the Down Under Bowie Knife
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Many people welcome summer days not with smiles, but with sneezes, sniffles and sensitivity to seasonal allergies that leave them sprinting indoors.
Yet their home might not be the allergen safe haven they consider it to be. Some of those very allergens making people ill can easily come indoors — and may be residing alongside them. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that people spend up to 90 percent of their time indoors, which means a building’s air quality is vital to ensure proper health. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to improve your home’s air quality.
Properly seal air leaks throughout your home. The first step to controlling airflow in any building is to get air leaks sealed. Many
homeowners are surprised by the vast number of places that air can seep into their home! Gaps, cracks and holes can be found anywhere in a house. Closing those air leaks can not only minimize allergens from entering your home, but they can also prevent your heating and cooling systems from working harder than needed, saving you energy and money. An energy audit can offer greater insight. If you are interested in improving your home’s air quality, consider an energy audit. An auditor can provide an in-depth analysis of your home and should do a blower door test to determine how your home is naturally ventilating. The audit will also include actionable steps you can take to improve control of your home’s ventilation if there is too much air leakage.
Regularly check and replace your air filter. Your house’s air conditioner likely has been working hard all summer to catch dust and other allergens from the air flowing in the home’s ducts. Over time, the dust and allergens get caught in the air filter and can overload it. Regularly checking and replacing filters when needed can help prevent a system from working harder than necessary. It also will ensure that your filter can continue to work as intended to minimize allergens in your home.
Improving your home’s airflow may help you feel better all year round. You can contact your local electric cooperative’s energy advisor for advice on your home’s energy use, and you can visit PowerMoves.com for energysaving tips and advice.
Controlling your home’s airflow can leave allergies in the dust
At Kosciusko REMC, we are always looking for ways to assist our members. Saving you money is one way we can help. Are you tired of big numbers on your electric bill? Let’s do something about it together. Visit our website at kremc.com/home-energy-advisor to check out KREMC’s online Home Energy Advisor. You can create your home energy profile today! Just tell us a little about yourself and enter a few details about your home, and you will receive a home energy report with personalized savings tips. KREMC’s Home Energy Advisor is just another way we give our members the power to live!
Kosciusko REMC is excited to show our cooperative members our appreciation. During the month of August, stop in to see us on Fridays between noon and 3 p.m. We’ll be giving out free treats, awesome gifts and a few surprises! Keep an eye on our social media for more info. We can’t wait to see you!
Although Shane Smith grew up on electric cooperative power lines 15 minutes from the Utilities District of Western Indiana REMC’s office in Bloomfield, he had no concept of what a cooperative was when he interviewed for an internship during his first year of college in 1994.
Smith knew he wanted to be an engineer of some sort and had a knack for that kind of work. And, after graduating, he knew he wanted to stay close to home.
After graduating in 1997, he came back to UDWI REMC’s office and was hired on as its first on-staff engineer.
“It was really a great position,” he said, especially for someone coming right out of college. “The opportunities it provided, the variety of work and the people you worked with — you couldn’t ask for better.”
Smith is now the chief operating officer for the cooperative and looks back on a career that he found rewarding.
“The biggest thing is the mission and the people: serving the
membership, serving the area where I grew up. I find that part of the role very fulfilling. Not being profit-focused really speaks to me,” he said. “Now that I’m in a little bit different role, I’m also helping the people who are coming up in the organization, mentoring them.”
In the mid-2000s, Smith admits he did get kind of a “seven-year itch.” A friend recruited Smith to join his consulting firm, and Smith left the REMC. But a year later, he was back. “I missed the co-op, I missed working for the members and I missed seeing things to completion.”
Coming back, Smith picked up where he left off and was given even more responsibility as UDWI grew in size. Returning to the coop allowed him to benefit from the many opportunities co-ops offer employees. He was able to expand his education and completed his MBA in the chief operating officer’s position he’s had since 2020. “Having those
opportunities, for somebody who loves to learn, is really rewarding.”
And coming back was like coming home to family. “The biggest things are the people that you work with — getting so close to them, they’re like family. That’s part of the job that you don’t really find at a lot of different places. We come together as a family in the hard times — for example, we just had a storm that caused widespread power outages. They’re hard on the employees, and they’re hard on the members. But when you have clarity of purpose and everybody’s coming together to get the job done, it’s a good feeling.”