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Lotus berthelotii (parrot’s beak)

Convolvulus sabatius (C. mauritanicus) and osteospermum pair well with white daisies.

Helichrysum petiolare ‘Limelight’ (centre) and the smaller variegated form are indigenous.

BUILDING TIPS To counteract the looming effect of a high retaining wall, establish different levels in front of it. This not only gives a feeling of more space, but also creates steps for easier maintenance and additional places for cascading plants. If building with hollow-core retaining blocks, ensure no cement or rubble is left in the hollow cavities. Before planting, fill these with good quality soil and compost. A drip irrigation system should be installed from the outset. As the root run is restricted, select shallow-rooted plants.

COLOURFUL Lotus berthelotii (parrot’s beak) Flowering in late spring to summer, its fine silver leaves make an interesting contrast to the brilliant scarlet or yellow flowers. It loves sun, dislikes wet feet, overwatering, frost and humid weather. Other suitable colourful plants include Cerastium tomentosum (snow-in-summer), Scaevola aemula, Convolvulus sabatius (C. mauritanicus) and indigenous Geranium incanum.

INDIGENOUS Helichrysum petiolare (silver bush) Fast growing and wide spreading with fragrant leaves, it likes full sun and welldrained soil. Cut back after flowering. ‘Limelight’, a cultivar with luminescent yellow-green leaves prefers semi-shade.

Hermannia saccifera (doll’s rose) This prostrate, sun-loving, evergreen indigenous plant forms a mat. It also looks stunning cascading over a retaining wall where its pendant flowers can be appreciated. Although it tolerates dry summers, it performs better with a little water. Eumorphia prostrata (silver cloud) This low-growing indigenous groundcover flowers from summer to autumn and has silvery foliage. It roots as it grows so it holds the soil. Established plants are drought, wind and frost tolerant. Pelargoniums Varieties like peppermint pelargonium (P. tomentosum), with its large velvety, peppermint-scented leaves will grow in some shade, while the ivyleafed pelagoniums from the Eastern

Hermannia saccifera (doll’s rose)

Cape and the nutmeg pelargonium (P. x fragrans) prefer sun. Other suitable examples are osteospermum, Asystasia gangetica, Hypoestes forskaolii and Arctotis stoechadifolia.

gardenandhome.co.za | NOVEMBER 2018


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