[House Programme] SingFest's German Baroque Concert: Meine Hoffnung, meine Freude

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MeineHoffnung, meine Freude SingFest’s German Baroque Concert 聲蜚德國巴洛克音樂會 2022.12.3 Sat 六 8PM Sanctuary, 1/F Methodist International Church 循道衞理聯合教會國際禮拜堂1樓聖堂 Wesleyan House, 271 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai 灣仔皇后大道東271號衛斯理大樓 Presented by 主辦 Venue Partner 場地伙伴 迎 光 Supported by 資助
Dear Patrons, In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and all audience members, please refrain from recording, lming or taking photographs, and also from smoking, eating or drinking in the venue. Please ensure that your mobile phones and any other sound- and light-emitting devices are switched o before the performance. Thank you for your kind co-operation. 各位觀眾: 為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,敬請各位切勿在場內攝影、錄音或錄影,亦請 勿吸煙或飲食。在節目進行前,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的裝置。多謝各位 合作。 2
MeineHoffnung, meine Freude 迎 光 SingFest’s German Baroque Concert 聲蜚德國巴洛克音樂會 I. Part One 第一部份 1. Praetorius (c. 1571-1621) | (Organ solo) 普雷托流斯 (c. 1571-1621) | 《耶穌誕生節日的讚美詩: 榮耀歸於至尊聖父》(管風琴獨奏) 2. Praetorius | 普雷托流斯 |《這何等可愛的嬰孩》 Part Two 第二部份 3. Schütz (1585-1672) | , SWV 381 舒茲 (1585-1672) |《啊,我主我神》,SWV 381 4. Schütz | , SWV 456 舒茲 |《今天基督降生》,SWV 456 5. Buxtehude (c. 1637-1707) | Toccata in F Major, BuxWV 157 (Organ solo) 布克斯特胡德 (c. 1637-1707) | F大調觸技曲,BuxWV 157(管風琴獨奏) Part Three 第三部份 6. J. S. Bach (1685-1750) | Cello Suite No.2 in D minor, BWV 1008 - I. Prelude (Cello solo) J. S. 巴赫 (1685-1750) | D小調第二號無伴奏大提琴組曲,BWV 1008 - 第一樂章:前奏曲(大提琴獨奏 ) 7. J. C. Bach (1642-1703) | J. C. 巴赫 (1642-1703) | 《人為婦人所生》 8. J. S. Bach | , BWV 610 (Organ solo) J. S. 巴赫 |《耶穌,我的喜樂》,BWV 610(管風琴獨奏) Part Four 第四部份 9. J. S. Bach | , BWV 227 J. S. 巴赫 |《耶穌,我的喜樂》,BW 227 .Concert duration is approximately 1 hour without intermission. 音樂會長約1小時,不設中場休息。 .Please kindly hold your applause until the end of each part. 請保留掌聲直至每部份完結。 II. III. IV. 3


It has been a tough year for Hong Kongers. We have experienced disappointment, struggles and hopelessness in the first stage of 2022. Now with the year closing, we are still trying hard to recover from the pandemic under lots of uncertainties, but with persistence and dignity.

2022 is the 10th anniversary of SingFest, and for sure it is an unforgettable year. The year started with the suspension of “Brahms in Black Box - ” in January due to COVID. We then overcame numerous challenges that arose with our “Germany Tour 2022 ” in April (a special shoutout to our mighty SingFest adminis trative colleagues who devoted themselves wholeheartedly during the whole tour, not to mention the time difference between Hong Kong and Germany). After a long wait of nearly a year and finally having the chance to meet Hong Kong audience again in theatre , 2 out of 3 performances of the "Buxtehude in Black Box: ” in July were rescheduled due to typhoon. All that being said, we are always grateful for the unwavering support from our audience, fueling us with positive energy to never give up.

The theme of our concert tonight, , translates as “My Hope, My Joy”. It also echoes to the title of our originally-planned choral theatre performance in Janu ary, , which translate as “My Song, My Light”. Music always brings light to our hearts, and despite all the hardships and frustration we face in life, may the light keep glowing and bring hope and joy to us all.

Many pieces and composers in our programme tonight may be unfamiliar to you (and to be honest, even to our team at first!). To explore something unfamiliar requires lots of courage, but I am truly thankful that in choral music, we could go through this process as a team. By studying these “hidden gems”together, we share our lives during the process. Tonight, we share what we have with you, and we invite you to embrace the light through music. With the Christmas season approaching, we wish you feel the warmth of Christmas with our reper toire choice tonight.

The motet, , by J. S. Bach (don’t mix up with J. C. Bach!) in tonight’s programme, is a piece that is paramount to the growth of SingFest. We have performed it various times in concert setting, and we even tried stag ing it as a performance of “choral theatre”. The discovery of new elements every time we revisit the music is a testa ment to how we experience hope and joy by witnessing our growth as a team and family.

Thank you all for coming to the concert, and let us embark upon this journey of hope and joy.

前言 — 林浩恩,聲蜚合唱節音樂總監 相信2022年對很多香港人來說都是心情複雜的一年。在年初疫情極度嚴重的時候,大 家也都經歷過失望、掙扎、無助。到了今天,大家都仍咬緊牙關,在一切未知下尋找 方法嘗試「復常」。要面對所有發生的事,心中少一點堅持也不行。 今年是聲蜚成立十周年,而一切發生的都很刻骨銘心。原定計劃於一月初在劇場上演 的布拉姆斯黑盒劇場《星落有時》,因突然閉館需要重新籌劃;到四月我們有幸前往 德國參與巴赫劇場《聖約翰受難曲》的交流演出,在充滿迴響的演出背後,其實不論 台上台下,皆有無盡因疫情而衍生的困難。在此感謝台前幕後不眠不休 (特別在時差底 下) 為藝術而犧牲。然後好不容易到七月的布克斯特胡德黑盒劇場《寂療之境》,終於 可以跟香港觀眾於劇場見面,正式演出首天竟因颱風來襲,影響演出時間有變,感激 觀眾對我們不離不棄的支持。 因此,今天的音樂會我們以《迎.光》為題,希望跟觀眾分享我們今年在眾多挑戰和 未知當中努力尋找出路、迎來光明的心境。我們在2022年1月初原本在劇場上演的合 唱劇場,德語名稱為《Meine Lieder, mein Licht》,意思是「我的歌,我的光」,我們 希望以今天的音樂會名稱作一個首尾呼應:《Meine Ho nung, meine Freude》,意思是 「我的希望,我的喜樂」。既然音樂能為我們帶來光明,願我們心中的那道光,能為 眾人帶來希望與喜樂。 今天演出的曲目,可能有大部分作品都是出自大家(包括我們的團隊)較少甚至從未 曾接觸的作曲家,我們特別希望把這些滄海遺珠跟大家分享。實不相瞞,我們離開舒 適圈探索自己較陌生的音樂,亦花了漠大的堅持和勇氣。這探索旅程,也是我們畢生 的工作吧!我們希望藉著這個階段成果,激勵大家鼓起勇氣,在未知當中,亦不放棄 「迎光」的精神。正值聖誕節期,今晚呈獻的經文歌,很多皆以耶穌為題,期盼大家 可在音樂中感受聖誕的光明。 今天的點題之作《耶穌,我的喜樂》是由大家都必定認識的巴赫 (J. S. Bach) 所寫(音樂 總監按︰是 J. S. 巴赫而不是 J. C. 巴赫,切勿混淆!),其內容剛好切合今晚音樂的重點 。而這經文歌的獨特之處,是它伴隨著聲蜚的成長!我們曾經多次演出此作品,甚至 曾為它添上「新衣裳」,加入舞台元素以劇場形式演出。每當我們再次回到這作品的 懷抱,都必定發現不少之前忽略的細節,可嘗試以不同角度,重新揣摩這真摯動人的 作品,這也是一趟充滿光明與喜樂的成長過程。 感謝大家今晚蒞臨欣賞這場音樂會,誠意邀請大家跟我們一起《迎.光》。 5

The mission of SingFest, a charitable organisation, is to provide the highest quality of perfor mances and innovative educational opportunities that connect local singers, instrumental ists, audiences and donors. Since 2012, SingFest has presented a series of choral-related programmes and projects, including the “BACH 330” project (2014-15), “Bach im Theater” (2016), the “Choral Polygon” project (2017) and the “choral:Images” project (2018-19). Sing Fest also performed Bach’s Christmas Oratorio at the Thüringer Bachwochen in Germany (2015). In 2021, SingFest launched its “Choral Black Box” series of theatre productions com bining vocal music, choral music, movement and theatrical elements. The rst production in the series was “Thunder Bay” (July 2021), and the second was “Brahms in Black Box - Meine Lieder, mein Licht” (online, January 2022). Proactive in promoting choral music with high-quality performances, SingFest strives to pursue the nest artistic standards, not only in music but also in a broader theatrical context.

滾滾長江東逝水 滾滾長江東逝水 SingFest 聲蜚合唱節
聲蜚合唱節心繫培育與承傳。 聲蜚合唱節為本港首個專業合唱管弦樂音樂節,旨在提供極高質素的演出及創新的教 育計劃,連結本地歌唱家、演奏家、觀眾及贊助人,並為註冊慈善團體。自 2012 年成 立起,聲蜚合唱節舉辦了多個合唱節目及計劃,包括「BACH 330」計劃(2014-15)、 《巴赫劇場》(2016)、「Choral Polygon」計劃(2017),以及「觀影察聲」計劃 ( 2018-19),更於 2015年遠赴德國圖林根巴赫週巡演巴赫的《聖誕神劇》。除了持續 提升音樂質素,聲蜚合唱節更希望在視覺層面豐富合唱藝術,因此近年積極於製作中 加添形體、劇場元素及現代美學,更於 2021 年起推出一系列「合唱黑盒劇場」製作, 冀為本地觀眾帶來高水準的古典合唱劇場作品和耳目一新的體驗。 www.singfest.hk SingFest Limited 聲蜚合唱節有限公司 Tel 電話 | 5514 6327 Fax 傳真 | 3011 5410 Email 電郵 | info@singfest.hk 聲蜚合唱節 SingFest hksingfest 6

▍Dominic Lam | Music Director

Dominic is an active choral musician in Hong Kong. He is currently the music director of SingFest and has led the group in various choral theatre performances that combine music and theatrical elements. With reper toire ranging from Baroque period to contemporary times, these performances aim to introduce great choral classics to audiences in an innovative approach.

Dominic is an alumnus of The Hong Kong Children’s Choir (HKCC) under the tutelage of Ms Kathy Fok. He is currently a conductor-pianist of HKCC, and has toured with the group around the globe performing in concerts and leading open rehearsals.

Dominic was a part-time lecturer in the Department of Music of the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and the conductor of the HKBU Choir in 2017-2021.

Dominic holds a Master of Music degree in Choral Conducting from Westminster Choir College, USA and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His major mentors include Dr. James Jordan, Dr. Joe Miller and Dr. Amanda Quist in conducting; Ms. Chan Yuk-bing and Dr. Mary Wu in piano; Dr. Christopher Arneson and Mr. Apollo Wong in voice; Ms. Wong Kin-yu in organ.

▍林浩恩 | 音樂總監 林浩恩積極活躍於香港合唱界。林氏現為聲蜚合唱節 (聲蜚)音樂總監,多次帶領聲蜚演出結合音樂 與劇場元素的合唱劇場,以嶄新角度讓觀眾認識由巴洛克時期至現代的多部經典合唱作品。 林氏為香港兒童合唱團(香兒)舊生,師承霍嘉敏女士。現為香兒高級組指揮及伴奏,並多次隨團前 往世界各地作交流演出及帶領公開綵排。林氏於2017-2021年為香港浸會大學(浸大)音樂系客席講 師,並擔任浸大合唱團指揮。 林氏畢業於美國西敏合唱學院 及香港中文大學,分別取得音樂碩士(合唱指揮)及文學士 (音樂)。在 學期間師承佐敦博士、米勒博士、奎斯特博士習指揮,陳玉冰女士及吳美樂博士習鋼琴,阿內森博士 及黃日珩先生習聲樂,黃健羭女士習管風琴。 7 Performers 演出

▍Law Tsz-ying | Soprano Tsz-ying earned a B.A. in Music (First Class Honours) from Hong Kong Baptist University, then went on to gain a Master’s of Music (Vocal Performance) from Royal Holloway, University of London, with distinc tion. During her time as a choral scholar with The Choir of Royal Holloway, Tsz-ying performed for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and other members of the British royal family at Buckingham Palace and the Royal Albert Hall, and in a concert marking the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta.

numerous choral
operas and contemporary
and soloist
▍女高音 | 羅芷盈 羅芷盈活躍於形體合唱劇場演出,包括《寂療之境》、《聖約翰受 難曲》、《婚岔路》、別 ―― 樹︰彼高利斯《聖母悼歌》、《聖馬 可受難曲》等。近年亦積極參演現代歌劇及其他新作,包括《兩個 女子》、《安妮與瑟夫》、《天使之骨》、《蕭紅》及《世紀.香 港》等。羅氏亦致力演繹早期音樂、巴赫清唱劇、經文曲及神劇。 羅氏皆以一級榮譽先後獲得香港浸會大學音樂系學士及英國倫敦大 學皇家霍洛威學院音樂(演唱)碩士,師承陳少君女士及伊萊恩. 庇雅絲女士。羅氏曾於英國白金漢宮及皇家亞爾伯特音樂廳等地方 演出,並於大憲章頒佈八百周年紀念慶典中,在已故英女皇伊利沙 伯二世及其他皇室成員前演唱。 ▍Soprano | Rosella Tang Rosella is a second-year student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, studying for a B.A. (Honours) in Music, majoring in Voice. Before studying at CUHK she had lessons from Ms. Chan Siu-kwan, and she is currently studying with Mr. Caleb Woo. She has sung with SingFest, Die Konzertis ten, NOĒMA, and was a member of the Hong Kong Children’s Choir, performing both locally and overseas, including in Portugal, Australia, Estonia and Finland. ▍女高音 | 鄧旭婷 現就讀於香港中文大學音樂系二年級,主修聲樂,師隨陳少君女士 及胡永正先生。曾參與不同本地團體的演出,包括聲蜚合唱節、 Die Konzertisten、NOĒMA 等。亦曾是香港兒童合唱團的團員,參與本地 及海外交流演出,包括葡萄牙、澳洲、愛沙尼亞、芬蘭等地。 8
has appeared in
theatre performances
various new chamber
works. She is also an
sacred works.

▍Lam Kwok-ho | Bass Kwok-ho has performed as a soloist in opera productions by Opera Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). His operatic credits include Sciarrone in , Somnus in , Marco and the title role of , Lindorf/ Coppélius/ Dr. Miracle/ Daperdutto in , Leporello in , Gug lielmo in , Escamillo in . As a concert soloist, he has performed Beethoven’s and Bach’s under the baton of Helmuth Rilling. He participated in the premieres of Chan Hing-yan’s chamber opera and Daniel Lo’s at Hong Kong Arts Festival.

He obtained his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. With support of Cecil Leong Scholarship, Michael Rippon Memorial Scholarship and Fung Kit Ling Scholarship, he received his Advanced Diploma and Master of Music degree from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under the tutelage of renowned soprano Prof. Nancy Yuen. He has participated in masterclasses by Nelly Miricioiu, Renée Fleming, Eric Halfvarson, Thomas Quastho , Dennis O’Neill, Rudolf Piernay, Wolfgang Brendel and Helen Donath He is currently a voice instructor at the HKAPA’s Junior Music Programme.

▍Carmen Bat | Alto Carmen
▍女低音 | 畢家敏 香港女高音,曾參與不同本地音樂團體之演出,包括聲蜚合唱節、 Die Konzertisten、NOĒMA 和不同的無伴奏合唱團體,現隨付佳華教 授學習聲樂。 ▍Jason Li ︳Tenor Jason
▍李祖舜 | 男高音 現就讀香港演藝學院聲樂系,師承女高音阮妙芬教授,並在修讀學 士學位前師隨啟蒙老師男高音譚天樂。曾參與多個合唱團體,如Die Konzertisten ,並多次獲得獨唱獎項,包括於2021年於校際音樂節 獲得費明儀女士獨唱獎。
is a Hong Kong-based soprano. She has sung with local groups including SingFest, Die Konzertisten, NOĒMA and various a cappella groups. She currently studies voice with Prof. Fu Gui-hua.
is currently undertaking a B.A. at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, with Prof. Nancy Yuen as his teacher. He studied with tenor Alex Tam before starting his degree. He has been a member of various choral groups, including Die Konzertisten, and has received several vocal solo prizes, including the Ms. Barbara Fei Vocal Solo Prize in 2021.

▍Gary Tong | Organ

As one of the most active organists in Hong Kong, Gary completed his secondary school studies at St. Paul’s Co-educational College. He com pleted his Master of Music Degree in organ performance from the University of Alberta, Canada, majoring in Organ Performance and minoring in Choral Conducting. Gary was the semi- nalist of the Royal Bank Calgary International Organ Festival and Competition in 2002, and the Second-prize Winner of the Royal Canadian College of Organists National Playing Competition in 2003.

He now serves as the Organist at the Methodist International Church, Hong Kong. He is also the organ tutor at various local churches and

▍林國浩 | 男低音 林國浩曾於香港歌劇院和香港演藝學院的多個大型歌劇製作擔任獨 唱,曾演唱的角色包括《塞墨勒》睡神、《賈尼 • 斯基基》、《托 斯卡》斯亞朗尼、《荷夫曼的故事》靈多夫 / 高佩利斯 / 密拉克 / 達貝多托、《唐.喬望尼》雷波列諾、《女人皆如此》古烈摩、《 卡門》埃斯卡米諾,並於聲蜚合唱節多部巴哈清唱劇中擔任獨唱。 林氏亦曾參與香港藝術節製作、陳慶恩的室內歌劇《蕭紅》及盧定 彰的《兩個女子》之首演。 林氏先後獲得香港科技大學財務學系學士及香港演藝學院聲樂系音 樂碩士,師承著名女高音阮妙芬教授。他亦多次獲得獎學金,包括 梁思豪獎學金、聶明康紀念聲樂獎學金等。曾參與多位國際著名歌 唱家的大師班,包括Thomas Quastho 、Renée Fleming、Rudolf Pier nay、Wolfgang Brendel 及 Helen Donath等。林氏現為香港演藝學院 青少年課程的聲樂導師。 ▍Chong Ling | Cello Chong Ling nished
how history, technical and technological innovations are interwoven in a ecting and developing the cello, he had joined courses and workshops in the Netherlands, Canada, United King dom and Taiwan, eagerly exploring on early music and period instru ments. ▍莊凌 | 大提琴 畢業於香港中文大學音樂系,在張明輝老師指導下主修大提琴,畢 業後經常參與各類樂團和室樂演奏。從習琴之始已對於大提琴發展 歷史感到興趣,曾參加於荷蘭、加拿大、英國及台灣歐洲古樂協會 的工作坊,希望探索不同的早期音樂和古樂器。
his undergraduate studies and receive his Bachelor of Arts (Music) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in cello under Mr. Cheung Ming-fai’s tuition. Since graduation he has been an active chamber and orchestral cellist performing in various concerts and occasions.
the pursuit of understanding
seminaries. He is the founding conductor of the HKUSU Christian Choir, and he has
the hosting organ education programs at the HK Cultural Centre since 2007. He enjoys playing and accompanying free lance at the organ for choirs and professional musicians in the city, such as the HK Philharmonic Orchestra, HK Sinfonietta, the Learners’ Chorus among others. ▍唐展煌 | 管風琴 唐展煌於香港聖保羅男女中學畢業後留學加拿大,亞伯特省大學音 樂碩士,主修管風琴演奏,副修合唱指揮。2002年,他於卡城國 際管風琴大賽中進入決賽週;2003年,他奪得加拿大管風琴師協 會全國管風琴大賽亞軍。 唐氏現為循道衛理聯合教會國際禮拜堂音樂總監、並於多間本地教 會及神學院任教管風琴。他是香港大學學生會基督徒詩班的創團指 揮。自2007年起,他擔任香港文化中心管風琴教育界目的示範主 持。他也與多個本地專業團隊及合唱團合作演出,當中包括香港管 弦樂團,香港小交響樂團,香港學士合唱團等。 Performers 演出 Music Director 音樂總監 Soprano 女高音 Alto 女低音 Tenor 男高音 Bass 男低音 Cello 大提琴 Organ 管風琴 Dominic Lam 林浩恩 Law Tsz-ying 羅芷盈 Rosella Tang 鄧旭婷 Carmen Bat 畢家敏 Jason Li 李祖舜 Lam Kwok-ho 林國浩 Chong Ling 莊凌 Gary Tong 唐展煌 Collaborators 合作伙伴 Founder & Director 創辦人及總監 Music Director 音樂總監 Company Manager 藝團經理 Marketing Manager 市場推廣經理 Operation O cer 營運主任 Accountant 會計 Photography Co-ordinator 攝影統籌 Publicity Photography 宣傳照攝影 Concert Photography 音樂會攝影 Audio and Video Recording 錄影及錄音 Patrick Chiu 趙伯承 Dominic Lam 林浩恩 Christy Chow 周慧禎 Elaine Ng 吳以寧 Tse Pui-yu 謝霈如 Yvonne Tsang 曾芷珊 Cheung Chi Wai 張志偉 @ Moon 9 Image Eric Hong @ Moon 9 Image Ka Lam 嘉霖 @ Moon 9 Image Kessay Chan @ Wai Sing Music Board of Directors 董事會成員 Helen Au 區曉嵐 Francis Hon 韓以亮 Mak Su-yin 麥淑賢 Felix Shuen 孫子承 Eric Yung 容志偉 Lora Chow 周曉晴 11
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