Health & Wellness Magazine Edition 15

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Reimagine And Live The Digital Future Of Healthcare #Personalization

Fundamentals For Good Health A Chat With Sadhguru


CONTENT Reimagine And Live The Digital Future Of Healthcare


Big Data Analytics & Evolution Of Public Healthcare


Fundamentals For Good Health


Work Your Way Around Those Sugars


Social Media Influence On Health & Lifestyle


Leveraging Technology For Corporate Health Insurance


Data-driven Methodologies Are Reshaping Healthcare


Personalized Healthcare With Blockchain


Fitness Questions For Over Thirties Answered


Data Insights


Reimagine and live the digital future of healthcare Data analytics is the sign of the times that world has made its advances in digital ways. Predictive analytics in healthcare is not an entirely new revolution of the digital era. It’s simply a mere application of statistics and mathematics to the tremendous and heaps of data available to doctors, patients, or any other veteran in the healthcare sector. According to last year’s E&Y digital survey, healthcare and life science sectors are apportioning high budgets to digital technologies. This would only mean that healthcare is altering the conventional mindset and pivoting the new change with a sole objective to predict the novice and unravel the unknown possibilities. There has always been a debate on the dichotomy between digital disruption for good and digital disruption for breach of patient’s privacy. World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations (UN) have already foreseen that of the people diagnosed of illness, 70% of them will be chronic 03

conditions. The increasing need to predict these ailments and be able to discover medications and drugs has been one of the focus point for healthcare industry, leveraging data science and analytics. Based on the rife usage of EHRs, prescriptive analytics is already being utilized to predict the duration of the patient and the medical staff can visit the patients in time regularly as per the need. AI embedded cognitive analytics uses machine learning, deep learning and logic reasoning, provides automated decision that are very human like. Fitness trackers and applications are now being integrated as a layer with the formerly mentioned approach. Few other technological advancements that have already seen the light of the day and laid their foundation in the healthcare industry are wider usage of EMRs, increased usage of wearable devices, smart medical assistant like chatbots and digital driven genetic profiling.

An Era Of Smart Healthcare Advanced analytics might play indispensable role in helming clinical trials and operational performance. Medtronic has collaborated with IBM to devise mobile personal assistant application, that will provide actionable glucose insights for diabetic patients. In the future, data science and analytics can progress furthermore, such that the medical devices on which the patient is monitored may alarm the staff of patient’s health risk for a based on a pattern of medical device readings. The autodidactic capability to garner, analyse and amalgamate data from multiple locations may facilitate biomedical equipment’s experts with insights that cannot otherwise be attained through single-device data analysis alone. This could play a major role in recreating smarter devices that makes a doctor’s life easy and breezy. The king player of the healthcare sector, pharmaceutical industry will probably gain the most prolific advantage from analytics and data. They will be not only be able to identify the drugs that are consumable without any side effects but also gauge and demarcate the approach applied in drug research, trend shifts and drug supply methods in comparison with their competitors. More and more nutraceuticals will be a chemical revolution as a goal towards achieving a healthier lifestyle. While marketing and sales plays a fulcrum in this sector, new strategies can be coined and adopted in marketing and sales channels to gain the competitive edge for pharma.


However, many simmering debates among the thought leaders have been emerging on whether analytics will work in favor for both treaties and treaters or render breach of privacy for many businesses and patients. With increased public anticipation on wellness and healthy lifestyle, healthcare will see a scalable paradigm shift to a digital in the gene kind of industry. Medical providers will be seen digitally front ending the organization in the quest of customers. Although the resistance and refutability is still prevalent with most medical experts, organizations and leaders, digital health tools will have a lot to offer in terms of time savings and cost optimization.

Predictive analytics will prove as the most powerful weapon to explore the untapped possibilities of future. The operational margins can be redeemed by incorporating analytical driven business models at every level for any healthcare company. Few esoteric health analytics models can be built to keep the patient data as secure as possible. An addition of analytics business models will only lead to change in the conventional work set up models. Cognitive computing and bot nurses and medical assistants at the hospitals are going to be the immediate health revolution in the near future. These analytics models must be so seamlessly amalgamated that it proves effective for medical veterans, patients, doctors, supply chain and medical distributors. These will also enable you to maximize the usage of the existing data management systems or legacy BI tools and products.


Big Data Analytics & Evolution of Public Healthcare In the technology-enabled healthcare space, data is the most vital component tying up the disparate elements of the healthcare delivery chain. In this post-digital world, Big Data has come to re-define the manner in which we look at and leverage data – irrespective of the industry. And thus, it is hardly any surprising that the healthcare industry has also evolved over the years to better analyze, manage and use data for lowering costs as well as improving healthcare delivery.


What Really Has Aided The Expansion And Adoption Of Data And Its Subsequent Use In The Healthcare Sector? 1. Ever-increasing Healthcare Costs Firstly, and foremost of all. The ever-increasing healthcare costs have hit both consumers and healthcare companies alike. According to a report by McKinsey costs have been constantly increasing over the last two decades and it is now that the ship has steadied itself, with the largescale adoption of technology & Big Data analytics. In the book Freakonomics, the authors present a cogent & relatable argument for financial incentives being the key drivers of adoption of any technological boom. Surely therefore, technological advances like Big Data, which greatly reduce implementation costs for healthcare providers and consumption costs for patients have found many takers.

2. Lack Of Proper Data Management With Public Healthcare Providers Public health systems of many countries suffer from huge lacunae of reliable data. The complexity of systems, platforms, formats and so on – especially in the developing world – make it near impossible for any meaningful derivation of large public health data for the formulation of guidelines, policies and other instruments of public health coverage. The dexterity and compatibility of data in our present times, helps key policy makers overcome this struggle and implement far reaching healthcare practices benefiting a larger pie of the population pie.

So, this brings us to the big question, how has big data & data analytics currently shaping our healthcare paradigm: 1. Improved forecasting & preparation 2. Digital health records for easier access 3. Real-time alerts & notifications 4. Improved patient engagement 5. Personalized healthcare measures 6. Improved security to restrict malpractices 7. Public record creation & policy measures The scope of Big Data in healthcare & healthcare system is yet to fully evolve into perfection. There are various aspects currently at less-than-full throttle and yet some of the fruits have come to realization. And thus, it makes everyone more hopeful that in the days ahead we will see a full scale adoption of Big Data and improved accrual of patient benefits.


Fundamentals for Good Health Sadhguru is a yogi, mystic, visionary and bestselling author. Ranked amongst the fifty most influential people in India, his insights are known to be utilitarian. Continue to watch out for this space for a column from this very learned man in every issue of Healthcare India Q. It is commonly believed that diets and workouts are enough for a good health, are they? Is there anything else that we need to be mindful about? Sadhguru: As a matter of fact, yes they are. A good life means a good lifestyle and that doesn’t mean only eating right and working out. It means making habitual changes along with doing everything the right way. Let’s discuss them:


Eating Right! When it comes to food, one of the most important aspects that you must be conscious of is how quickly a certain type of food digests and becomes a part of you. If you eat something and it does not digest within three hours, it means you have eaten food that should either be avoided or reduced in quantity. If the food moves out of your stomach within three hours, it means that even if it is not the best food, it is still something your system is able to handle. If you maintain a clear gap of five to six hours between one meal and the other without having anything in between, cleansing will happen on the cellular level. This cleansing on the cellular level is most important for a healthful life. If you are over 30 years of age, two good meals a day will suffice – one in the morning and one in the evening. There must be three hours after the evening meal, before you go to bed. If this includes at least 20 to 30 minutes of light physical activity – such as simple walking–your system will largely be healthy. If you go to bed with food still inside the stomach, it generates a certain level of inertia in the system. Physiologically, this inertia is like acceleration towards death. Death is ultimate inertia. Another dimension is that if you go to bed with a full stomach, it puts pressure on other organs in the abdomen. This will also lead to various kinds of health issues. For that reason too, it is very important that before you go to bed, the food you have eaten has moved out of the stomach. As you sleep in different postures, the stomach should not put pressure on other organs at any point. 10

Use Your Body When it comes to activity, one simple thing that we need to ensure is that our body is capable of bending forward, bending backward, and twisting to both sides. This much activity must happen in some kind or form. Classical Hatha Yoga is the best way to do it, and has scientific backing to it. If classical hatha yoga is not yet part of your life, you must somehow make sure that every day, you bend forward, backward, twist to both sides, and squat so that the spinal column is stretched. This is a must for everybody on a daily basis if you want to keep the entire system healthy –particularly the neurological system, which will otherwise be an issue as one ages.


Get Enough Rest‌but Not Too Much! The volume of rest that an individual need is determined by various factors. One important factor is the type and the volume of food that you consume. You must experiment with different types of foods and see which ones make you feel heavy, and which ones leave you light and agile. If you make sure that at least 40% of your diet consists of fresh vegetables and fruits, there will be lightness in the body. What the body needs is restfulness, not necessarily sleep. It is a misunderstanding to think that sleep is the only way to rest. Even as you sit or stand, you can either be in a state of restfulness, in a state of agitation, or in a state of inertia. If you are in a lively state of restfulness, every moment of your life, the volume of sleep you require will decrease.


The Five Sheaths Of The Body In yoga, we look at the human system as five sheaths or layers. Every aspect of the human system, including the mind, is seen as a body, and yoga is a technology to transform it. These five layers of the body are called Annamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, Pranamaya Kosha, Vignanamaya Kosha, and Anandamaya Kosha. Anna means food. Your physical body or Annamaya Kosha is basically the food that you have eaten – small or big is your choice, but it is a heap of food nonetheless. There is a physical body that you have gathered from outside and then there is a mental body. The mind is not in one particular part of the body – every cell in the body has its own memory and intelligence. This mental body is known as Manomaya Kosha. The physical body is the hardware – the mental body is the software. Hardware and software cannot do much unless you plug them into quality power.


The third layer of the body is called Pranamaya Kosha or energy body. Physical body, mental body, and energy body are all in the realm of physicality, but on different levels of subtlety. To use an analogy – you can clearly see that a light bulb is physical, and the light it diffuses is also physical, and the electricity behind it is physical as well. Light bulb, light, and electricity: all are physical but differ in subtlety. Similarly, the physical body, the mental body, and the energy body are all physical but differ in subtlety.

The next layer of the body is a transitory body, that is known as Vignanamaya Kosha. It facilitates the transition from the physical to the non-physical. It does not ascribe to any of the physical qualities, but at the same time, it is not yet completely non-physical either. The fifth layer is called Anandamaya Kosha, which in English translates as “bliss body”. This does not mean there is a bubble of bliss in you. We call it bliss body because in our experience, whenever we touch it, we become blissful. Bliss is not its nature; bliss is what causes it for us. Anandamaya Kosha is a nonphysical dimension which is the source of everything that is physical. 14

If you bring the physical body, the mental body, and the energy body into proper alignment and balance, you will not have any physical or psychological ailments. I could show you hundreds and thousands of people who have come out of their health issues –particularly chronic ailments and psychological problems – simply by creating the necessary alignment within themselves. It is misalignment that causes all kinds of problems. When the body is at ease, there is no disease. Only if you bring the first three layers of the body into alignment, there will be a passage and a possibility of touching Anandamaya Kosha, where blissfulness becomes a natural state of being. Not blissful about something in particular – simply blissful because that is the nature of life. Reference:


Work your way around those sugars Diabetes comes with its stigma and is largely surrounded by myths. Gayatri Balivada helps you understand diabetes and how it can be treated, better. Read on… Diabetes once diagnosed could worry the patient and it can be disappointing to realize that one has to ‘cut out’ everything sweet from one’s diet, and it may be hard to resist the food you love. Before we go further, let’s first discuss the two types of diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes 16

Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin dependent diabetes is a chronic condition where pancreas produces little or no insulin. Insulin is the hormone that lets the cells absorb the glucose from the food you eat. This in turn produces energy your body needs. Genetics and sometimes virus cause this kind of diabetes. This is mostly in children and adolescents but sometimes, it is also observed in adults. Unfortunately, there is no cure to type – 1 diabetes and the blood glucose levels should be managed through diet, insulin and lifestyle. Dietitian Neha Tanvani, from Ahmedabad, says, “In such cases, carb counting is important. Based on the dose of insulin you take, the amount of carbohydrates should be consumed for better absorption without increasing glucose levels in the blood.�

Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes. In this case, the pancreas produces sufficient amounts of insulin but the cells are unable to utilize it for glucose absorption. As a result, the pancreas releases more insulin in an attempt to boost glucose absorption and yet it fails. Thus, both insulin and glucose remain in the blood. But what causes type 2 diabetes, Neha Tanvani answers, “Poor lifestyle and eating habits, genes, overweight, metabolic syndrome, etc. The best way to manage type 2 diabetes is through diet and proper exercise.�


Expert Guidelines Dietitian Neha Tanvani Gives Us A Few Important Guidelines To Be Followed.

1. Small and frequent balanced meals should be taken. 2. Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes, even walking works fine. 3. Fluids like regular water, milk, buttermilk, coconut water, lemon water, green tea, etc. should be taken regularly and to keep yourself hydrated. 4. Eat a whole fruit every day and juices must be completely avoided. 5. At least two servings of vegetables a day must be consumed. 6. Whole grains, millets and pulses should be consumed every day. Include wheat, jowar, ragi, rajma, bengal gram, etc. 7. Limit or avoid taking processed foods, fast foods, fried foods, refined foods etc. 8. Go for regular check-ups and keep an eye for Vitamin D deficiency. 9. Avoid late night dinners and give at least a 2 hour gap between dinner and your bed time. 10. If you are overweight or obese, consult a qualified dietitian and lose weight in a healthy way.


Eat Less: Avoid trans fats which are found in hydrogenated or deepfried foods. Limit such foods as much as possible. Limit packaged foods, baked foods, sweets, desserts, white bread, refined cereals, etc. Also avoid processed meat, low fat products, etc.

Eat More: Healthy fats from nuts and seeds, olive oil, fish oils, avocados or flax seeds are healthy versions and can be taken in more quantities. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits instead of juices. Prefer whole cereals and breads. Get organic foods and prefer fish, shellfish, chicken, etc. High quality proteins from eggs, beans, low-fat dairy and unsweetened yogurt should be taken.

Choose Carbs Wisely We all know that carbohydrates release glucose to release energy and this glucose spikes blood glucose levels, and it may not be ideal for diabetic patients. Thus, managing carbs wisely is imperative. It’s important to understand what Glycemic Index (GI) is and consider foods that are low in GI, because high GI foods spike blood glucose levels while low GI foods take time to digest and so, maintain blood glucose levels. 1. Consider brown or parboiled rice instead of white rice 2. Consider yam or sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes 3. Consider whole wheat pasta instead of regular pasta 4. Consider whole wheat or whole grain bread instead of white bread 5. Consider fiber rich, low sugar breakfast instead of sugary breakfast 6. Consider rolled oats instead of oatmeal 7. Consider low sugar bran flakes instead of cornflakes 8. Consider greenpeas and leafy greens instead of corn


Handling Sweet Cravings 1. We all know that cutting down sugar completely, is a challenge. Methodically reduce your sugar intake and slowly let yourself adjust to it. 2. If you want to eat dessert with your meal, make sure you cut on your carb intake in that meal, to balance it out. 3. Adding some healthy fat to your dessert will slow down the digestion process. This way, it will prevent spike in blood glucose. 4. Eating a sweet as a standalone snack can be harmful. Taking it with a meal will slow down the digestion while maintaining blood glucose levels.

5. Enjoy each and every small bite of your dessert and control the portion you eat. This is the best way to prevent yourself from eating too much of it. 6. Reduce sugary beverages, juices and sodas. 7. Saturated fats are healthier than sugar. Never replace these fats with sugar. 8. Never buy sweetened products. Get unsweetened foods like unsweetened yogurt, iced tea, etc. and sweeten them yourself. You will add less sugar than the manufacturer. 9. Find healthy alternatives. For instance, instead of ice cream, you can prepare a dessert with frozen banana, dark chocolate instead of a milk chocolate bar. You could come up with many such satiating yet healthy options. Neha Tanvani says, “A diet balanced with the right kind of nutrients and consumed in controlled quantities along with regular and appropriate exercise is the key to manage a healthy life.� Reference:


Social Media Influence on Health & Lifestyle With a worldwide user base of over 3.2 billion users, the social media space is far greater & larger than any other social group anywhere in the world. Giants such as Facebook & WhatsApp, alone account for well over a billion with others such as Instagram & Twitter not too far behind – while certainly there is a crossover & duplication of userbase, still at about 45% of the earth’s population – the social media sphere is a behemoth of influencers.


Up to 90% of the millennials are known to use social media on a daily basis and the average time-spent on these networks is well over a couple of hours a day. The advent of social media has thus, irrevocably altered our social consciousness and lifestyle choices which has directly caused both positive & negative impact on our health.

A Recipe For Disorders A CNN report recently linked depression & mental health issues amongst young teenage girls, as a direct co-relation of increased social media usage. According to the Journal - Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, who interviewed well over 10,000 children between the ages of 13 and 16 in England found that social media may harm girls' mental health by increasing their exposure to bullying and reducing their sleep and physical exercise. Co-Author of the paper Russell Viner stated, "Our results suggest that social media itself doesn't cause harm, but that frequent use may disrupt activities that have a positive impact on mental health such as sleeping and exercising, while increasing exposure of young people to harmful content, particularly the negative experience of cyber-bullying."

Aspirational values, perceptional thoughts and peer pressure have largely been defined by what is seen on social media leading to increased anxiety attacks, personality disorders and excessive levels of mental stress. A major health challenge across the age spectrum has been the alteration to sleep patterns and decreased levels of intimacy. While one has made people unhealthier on the physical side, the other has strained personal relationships and led to increased emotional distress. A combination of the two is just the recipe for disorder.


The Antidote Experts say the improved regulation of social media both on a macro as well as an individual level can reduce stress on a personal level. Responsible usage and responsible access to social media is the only way to keep this paradigm from completely disrupting our health patterns.’ "If the displacement of healthy lifestyles and cyberbullying can be attenuated, the positive effects of social media use, such as encouraging social interactions, can be more endorsed," said Ann DeSmet, a professor at Ghent University in Belgium, involved in the study conducted by the journal Lancet Child & Adolescent Health

Leveraging Technology for Corporate Health Insurance Technological advances also re-shape the world that we inhabit, right from the stone age to the present information age. As new technologies emerge, the begin to subsume existing paradigms and unleash newer – improved & efficient methods of accomplishing tasks that were earlier either cumbersome, or impossible or involved great cost of time and resources.

The information age that we currently live-in has seen an explosion of technological innovation in the information and knowledge space. In the worlds of Jeffrey Bauer, a world-renowned medical economist, “technology is providing [the world] with an unprecedented opportunity to develop good healthcare systems.” Universal Healthcare – A Myth In the civilized world, there ought to be no place for the lack of medical access for anyone because he/she does not have the resources to afford them. And this is exactly where universal healthcare debate rages on. While the proponents & opponents both agree on the philosophical idea behind universal healthcare, there are no real common grounds on how to fund it.


This largely because of the ballooning healthcare costs and escalating expenditure on healthcare from public finances. And this is exactly where technological nous steps up and makes process efficient, and costs affordable. So how exactly can technology improve healthcare coverage for a large populace without making it inaccessible for those in the need. Firstly, there is a gradual but definite movement from the traditional model of health coverage, wherein each of the healthcare providers acted on its own without a centralized repository. With improved healthcare systems and centralized monitoring there is greater cohesion, lack of duplication and accurate deliver of the benefits intended. This means that now the hospital is responsible for cost and quality for the entire patient outcome, rather than just the surgery itself. This allows for improving performance and thereby reducing variability in how care is coordinated and delivered.

The four key pillars of this surge in technology-enabled healthcare coverage is currently being fueled by – accurate data collection & improved analytical interpretation, uniformity of clinical protocols that are consistent with the best in the world, hassle-free work workflow management with improved user-interfaces, and finally implementation of information integrity protocols that regulate access & improve security for the data.


Data-driven methodologies are reshaping healthcare Undoubtedly, healthcare sector needs to catch up to entrench the data driven business processes to meet the future needs. Although healthcare needs impel anyone and everyone to shell out any amount of money, it has still not paced up to be on par with the rest of the world to leverage technology to stay ahead of the game. Digital transformation is the best way to bridge the gap among doctors, patients, medical equipment manufacturers and drug makers. As much as “data-driven� has become the new bandwagon, it reiterates the fact that the myriads of data now available from clinical research, medical research, patents, new research reports etc. can be fully leverage to its infinite capabilities. The drastic change in lifestyle of everybody has reinforced the importance of healthcare wellness. Reaping The Fruits Of Data-Driven Methodologies The primary advantage is that the convoluted data can be segmented into a more structured format so that it can be used by global medical leaders all over the world. Considering government medical policies, licenses, data privacy and data governance policies is a monumental task before healthcare desires to become data-driven.


Data-driven approaches also prove highly profitable for health insurance companies and employees by facilitating with tools that can provide personalized healthcare. Pre-emptive employee wellness management can be implemented, leading to increased employee productivity. Wellness plans empower employees to become more engaged with their clients as they focus more at work and bring sense of responsibility to work. Integrating health data records of employees along with technology and proactive strategies can help insurance companies gauge the healthcare costs and the organizations will be able to plan of using these effectively so it is both frugal for the company and employees.


Enormous Data Driven Benefits For Healthcare • Redemption in the operational and production expenditure for the medical service industry.

• Forecast diagnoses with data based therapeutic decision-making for doctors and researchers.

• Improved patient care. • A unique smart and cognitive data driven models that enables doctors and hospitals to take care of patients retroactively through insights drawn. This helps in prevention that indulging in healthcare expenses during cure.

• Sales and marketing teams will now be able to build explicit and productive roadmaps and strategies in the quest for potential customers.


• Time saving in rushing to the nearest medical center’s. Devices and applications that are implanted in patient’s organs will notify doctors about the heart rate, sugar levels, blood pressure levels etc.

• Diagnostic companies allocate more funds in buying smarter equipment to detect a physical ailment in the process of avoiding epidemic breakouts.

• 24x7 medical care. • Meeting the demands of consumers to cater high quality service and proffer personalized experience through mhealth based business approaches.

• Pharmaceutical and medical device companies will be able to create breakthrough innovation by devising high grade ingenious devices and drugs. Deciphering complex medical data is not an uphill battle as long as organizations appropriately translate or convert them into a daily usage armory that can be mounted on top the business models to accelerate productivity. Data driven medical leaders can be appertained for clinical analytics to derive actionable insights so that changes can be easily translated to real time implementation.


Personalized Healthcare with Blockchain Blockchain is the latest buzz word in the annals of technology and soon enough it is set to completely revolutionize the healthcare sector, especially the field of personalized medicine. As the costs of genome sequencing continue to plummet, from well over $1000 per pop to well below it that figure and soon expected to breach the $100 figure. This is where the advent of blockchain and artificial intelligence is expected to kick in and fuel the growth of personalized medicine, also known as precision medicine.

The cost-effective methods of genetic sequencing allow for a greater pie of the population to see and receive healthcare in a far more personalized manner than previously possible. The personalized medicine is consistent with the genetic make-up of the patient, while adding to the repository of information that can be used for future referencing. It is imperative for the true potential of personalized medicine to be fulfilled, we have a paradigm for where data is easily shared without concerns of privacy and is usable across multiple technologies in different geographic locations and jurisdictional boundaries without losing any functionality and/or integrity. And this is precisely where others believe, that blockchain could play the most significant role yet. Using blockchain will also ease consumer hesitation about the safety & privacy of personal data.


Blockchain allows complete ownership of data by the consumers and offers total security. As clinical implementation of precision medicine needs reliable data sharing, and blockchain offers the technology for centralized management & ownership, the patient can easily participate in managing their own data. The use of a digital ledger technology ensures that there is no tampering with the data. Combined with artificial intelligence, blockchain thus forms a potent technological combination to implement cost-effective, safe and a fully transformative paradigm of precision medicine today. The answer to this conundrum is to have an open and collaborative platform, wherein a critical mass can be struck with precision medicine. Having considered the implications of ethical and geographical compulsions we will need a wider participation of both private and public enterprises, regulatory bodies and private individuals to bring about the necessary changes in the existing paradigm.

Fitness questions for over thirties answered! Don’t know your way around the gym? Confused between diet fads and advice? Fitness enthusiast and director of F45 Training India, Pradeep Palli comes with a monthly fitness column to give you insightful tips and strategies specifically designed to help you build strength, gain muscle mass, lose fat, and enhance your endurance‌


Why Is Being Fit Harder As We Get Older? There is no escape from aging, and when it comes to fitness, you are bound to need more recovery time, your metabolism slows down, bone density reduces and you will find yourself deficient in required hormones. How Do We Counter This? Answer lies in nutrition and active lifestyle. Optimum protein is required. Roughly around 1.5 grams of protein to every pound of body weight is the industry standard and making sure the protein source is from natural sources like, eggs, fish, yoghurt, lean red meats and so forth. Making sure a good balance of physical training and mobility is the key.


If I Am Vegetarian Or Vegan, How Do I Go About Getting Optimum Protein? We live in fantastic times now, so much that we have vegan meals for even pets, getting good vegan protein powder is just one click away for you and there are lot of vegan food recipes you can follow online or on YouTube too.

Being A Woman, If I Lift Weights Will I Bulk Up? This is the most asked question by all women who lift weights. Women do not have testosterone like men and it is really hard to put on muscle mass. However, all women post 30 do need to strength train so they can retain enough muscle mass and not fear about looking big or bulking up.


What Is The Best Kind Of Training For Fat Loss? Science has proven that fat loss can occur both in a steady state of cardio or high intensity and if programmed right it can occur in strength training too. Talk to your trainer about what you like and which option you can adopt as a lifestyle. How Many Calories Should I Eat In A Day? There is no right answer for this question, as this comes down to every individual’s BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) and what fitness goals they have, for example: if someone wants to put on more muscle, he needs to have a calorie surplus diet and someone who wants to lose fat, he needs to have a calorie deficit diet. Reference:

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