The Owls Are Not What They Seem

Page 30


IMAGE STYLE STAGE 04—POST-PRODUCTION Once the raw images were gathered, the image style had to be

blur, at a 6px radius. The layer effect is changed from normal

developed more to be able to carry a stronger aesthetic. In order

to screen so it blends with the image underneath. This gives the

to make the photography more unique, Adobe Photoshop was

image a higher contrast, and at the same time, a hazy or glow

used to edit the raw images through a series of steps.

to it. (4) After, images of concrete sidewalks—A and B—are then

(1) First, the untreated, original image is duplicated with the

dragged into our working file. These two images are laid on top

layer on top left invisible. This is because both these layers will

of the image of the girl and the layer is changed from normal to

be treated differently. (2) Working on the visible layer, the contrast

overlay. Depending on how dark or light the lines and textures

of the original image is altered through toggling with the levels

the concrete should be, the opacity is changed accordingly.

and changing the hue to a slightly blue or purple tone by using the color balance editor. This serves as the base for the image (3)

Next, we move on to the layer on top, or the invisible layer. This invisible layer is then turned on and burred by using the gaussian 30 / THE OWLS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM

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