Standard basque progressive grammar part4of4

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Subject Index

elative in, 509 eman in, 404 emphatics in, 730 expressive palatalization in, 14 focus in, 174 -gailu in, 906 gibel in, 73 gogo in, 329 impendency predicates in, 537–538 instrumental in, 738 -kotz, 430 -kun from, 31 -larik in, 540 multiple question in, 441 nahi in, 325 ohi in, 335 omen in, 162 ordu in, 518 oren in, 81, 82 oro in, 106 participial relatives in, 491 participle/auxiliary order in, 169 past tense forms in, 214 permissive causatives in, 381 postnominal relatives in, 490 potential mood in, 646 quarter hours in, 82 relative clauses in, 474 -rik in, 53 surprise interjection in, 576 tenore in, 81 -(tzai)le in, 282–285 utzi in, 381 Northern High Navarrese, 2 Northern Provinces (Iparralde), 1, 2 expressive palatalization in, 15 nortu, 270 nortzuk, 782 Noun(s). See also Noun phrase aldi with, 540, 542–544 basa- with, 894–895 collective, 30 comparative forms of, 712–713 compound. See Compound noun erdi- with, 895 expressive palatalization of, 14–15 ez- with, 893–894 incorporated, 870–873 location. See Location nouns proper, 38 reduplication of, 880–881 sasi- with, 896 stative su‰x -(r)ik with, 686 tasun with, 436 Noun phrase, 17–20 -dun with, 504–505 adjective in, 18–19. See also Adjectives article in, 17–18, 44


cardinals in, 27–28, 39, 42 case endings of, 31–35, 49–68. See also specific cases fronting of, 172, 459–460 indefinite (bare) form of, 37–43, 154–155 indefinite pronouns in, 40–41 indefinite quantifier expressions in, 41–42 instrumental adverbs in, 38–39 interrogative pronouns in, 40 kinship terms in, 38 locative paradigm for, 60–62 names in, 38 nounless, 18 object complement, 43 ordinals in, 28–29 -(r)enean with, 125–126 subject complement, 43 Number agreement, 189–190, 204, 214–216, 343– 344, 679–681 perfect participles and, 679–681 Numerals, 25–31 beste with, 252 bezala with, 702 cardinal, 25–28. See also Cardinal numerals in coordination, 849–850 fractional, 45–46 -ka with, 916 ordinal, 28–30. See also Ordinal numerals reduplication of, 880 -tsu with, 726 ohargarri, 453 ohartu, 264, 769 ohi, 334–335 ohitu, 335 gerundive with, 396–397 Oiartzun, 376 -ok, 501–502 relative clause with, 482–483 Old Castilian, vez ellipsis in, 526 omen, 161–162 ondo, 77–78, 233 temporal use of, 83, 514, 531–532 onenean, 249 opa, 553 opatu, 553 Opportunity conditionals, 428 Optatives, 561–563 ahal, 163 with ez gero clause, 612 vs. jussives, 588–589 orain, 511, 517–518 oraindik, 150 oraintsu, 511 Ordinal numerals, 28–30 adjunctive forms of, 29 beste with, 252 -(r)ik with, 686


ordu, 81, 518–525 -bete with, 515 adnominal form of, 518, 524–525 as count noun, 81–84 deictic force of, 518 ellipsis of, 518, 521, 522 nontemporal use of, 518 orduan eta, 719 Organic -a, 58–59 oro, 106, 223, 799–802 constructions with, 800–801 as indefinite pronoun, 801–802 oroitu, 767 oso, 225, 242, 321 oso maite, 318 osotoro, 233 oste, 73 ostean, 206 temporal use of, 532 ote, 164–165, 443, 557, 848 otoi, 579, 580 Palatalization automatic, 13–14 expressive, 14–15 Papuan languages, 197 Parallel Case criterion, 477 Paraprefixes, 893–896 basa-, 894–895 erdi-, 895–896 ez-, 893–894 sasi-, 896 Parasu‰xes, 882–890 aldi, 540–544 aro, 882–883 bide, 883–887 era, 731–733 gabe, 312–314 gai, 255–256 gaitz, 667–668 tasun, 435–436 zale, 228–230 pare, 30, 79–80 comparative, 699, 703 Participial relatives, 529, 681 with -(r)ikako, 492 with -(r)iko, 492–493 with -tako, 493–494 Participle auxiliary order with, 169–171 future, 142, 320, 321, 657–659 imperfect, 142, 321, 656–658. See also Gerundive perfect, 139. See also Perfect participle Partitive (-[r]ik), 289–291, 789–790 adverbial pattern, 289–290 a‰rmative, 294 batere with, 294, 308 with behar, 333

Subject Index

beste with, 294 with conditionals, 425 vs. instrumental, 747 quantification, 290–291 relative clause with, 484–485 superlative and, 290, 721–722 with syntactic potential, 662 with wh-complement, 447–448 Partitive complementizer, 456–457 Partitive determiner, 292–295 egin idioms and, 305 Passive bibliographical note on, 674 resultative, 673–674 Past future perfect tense, 149 Past future tense, 143, 148–149 in conditional, 149, 425 Past imperfect tense, 143, 145–146 Past perfect tense, 143, 144, 145–146, 147–148 Past tense base, 117 Past tense marker (ze-), 117 -pe, 74, 887–890 -pean, 888 peko, 889 -pen, 591–594 Perception, verbs of, 402–404 Perfect participle, 139, 147–148 ahal with, 654–655, 657 attributive use of, 681 berri modification of, 681–682 in corelative, 499 ezin compound with, 666–667 ezin potential with, 655–656, 658 ezin relative with, 659 gabe with, 309, 312, 773 -gatik with, 624 with gero, 511 hurran/hurren with, 249 -(r)ik with, 688–690 -(r)ikako with, 492 -(r)ikakon with, 521–522 -(r)iko with, 492–493 imperative with, 576–578 instrumental, 752–753, 772–773 instrumental clause with, 771–772 izan with, 671–673 -keria with, 467 -ki with, 237 nahiz with, 626 negated, 296–297 number agreement and, 679–681 preterito-present verb, 321 relative clause with, 491–494 -ta with, 692–693 -tako with, 493–494 -takoan with, 521–522 transitive predication with, 677–681 for verb topicalization, 460–461

Subject Index

-xe with, 246–247, 711 zahar modification of, 682 zer with, 775, 785 Period of life, 56 of time, 126–127, 225, 290, 362, 917 Periodicals, 106, 917 Personal pronouns, 111–116 bera, 114–115, 794–795 bera with, 794–795 berori, 115 dative, 113, 346, 356 declension of, 113–114 emphatic, 796–798 English glosses for, 111, 189 ergative, 113 genitive, 113, 114, 125 instrumental, 113, 114 inventory of, 111 with past tense, 119 pragmatics of, 111–113 with present tense, 119 pro-drop rule for, 205, 346 reflexive, 113, 114, 228, 783–784, 795–798 sociative, 113 solidarity and, 112 tasun with, 436 third-person, 111, 115, 209, 794–795 Personification, 62 Phone numbers, 27 Phrasal compounds, 876 pixka bat, 247 Place names, 15 adnominal form of, 95 Allomorphy Rule with, 128–130 article -a with, 58 of Basque Country, 129–130 copulative compounds with, 863 declension of, 57–59 definite plural of, 59 -izen deletion with, 95 -keta with, 567 organic -a with, 58–59 -pe with, 890 -tar with, 127–130 Plosives, 5–6 Pluperfect tense, 147–148, 149 Pluralizer intransitive verb, 118–119 transitive verb, 188, 190, 194, 214–216 Politeness conditionals, 427–428 Position noun. See Location nouns Possessive dative, 356–357 Possessive phrases, 100–103. See also Adnominal phrase; Genitive (-[r]en) Possessive pronouns strongly reflexive nominals with, 364–368 -tu with, 268


Posteriority, 83 comparatives for, 715 with eta, 536–537 with ondo, 83, 514, 531–532 with ostean, 532 Postnominal relatives, 489–490 Postposition, 35 adina, 706–707 aginean, 538 alde, 77 at, 76 baino, 709–715 beharrean, 334 behera, 51 bestalde, 762 beste, 708–709, 762 bezain, 703–705 bezainbat, 708 bidez, 748–479 bitartez, 748–479 ezkero, 511–512 gabe, 311–312 gero, 511, 523–524, 610–612, 762 goiti-beheiti, 624 gora, 51 gorabehera, 623–624 hainbat, 707–708 kontra, 81, 761 medioz, 748–479 pare, 80 -tzat, 431 zorian, 538 Postposition Deletion, 91–97 allative, 93–94 bibliographical note on, 103–105 elative, 93 inessive, 91–93, 97 instrumental, 96–97 number indicators and, 97 sociative, 94–95 Potential, 635–652. See also Potentiality for ability, 643, 663–665 allocutive forms in, 821–822 conditional, 638–640, 644–646, 650 *edun, 637–638, 639–640, 641–643, 649 izan, 636–637, 638–639, 640–641, 648–649 lexical, 653–659 negative, 647–648 for opportunity, 643, 662 past, 640–643, 646 for permissibility, 644, 662 for possibility, 643, 651, 662 present, 636–638, 644 present protasis forms of, 650–651 protasis forms for, 650–652 remote protasis forms of, 652 semantics of, 643–646 syntactic, 661–663


Potential (cont.) synthetic, 648–650 truncation process for, 635 verb radical in, 140, 635 Potentiality. See also Potential with ahal, 652, 653–655, 656–658 with ezin, 647–648, 655–656, 658–659 lexical, 653–659 superlatives and, 723–724 syntactic, 661–663 Preclitic relatives, 483–487, 488, 495 Predeterminer, beste, 254 Predicate adjectives, 37, 43, 453–454 Predicative adjectives. See Predicatives Predicatives, 682–690 circumstantial, 690 definition of, 682–684 -(r)ik su‰x of, 684–686 instrumental, 753–756 participial, 688–690, 692–693 syntax of, 686–688 with -ta, 692–693 Prefixes, 891–893 bait-, 496–498 birr-, 891–892 des-, 892–893 e-, 117 ra-, 375–377 separable to inseparable shift in, 319–320 ze-, 117 Prepositions, 31, 34–35, 69, 89, 101 Present future perfect tense, 149 Present imperfect tense, 143–144 Present perfect tense, 143, 145 Present tense base, 117 Present tense marker, 117 Presentatives, 124–125 with wh-complement, 446–447 Preterito-present verbs modal, 321, 322–328 nonmodal, 321–322 Pro-drop, 205, 346 probatu, 262 Proclitics ahal, 163 al, 163–164 bibliographical note on, 165 bide, 162–163 ohi, 335 omen, 161–162 ote, 164–165 Prolative (-tzat), 430–435 adnominal -ko with, 434–435 evaluative, 432–434 resultative, 431–432 Pronouns demonstrative. See Demonstrative pronouns indefinite. See Indefinite pronoun(s)

Subject Index

personal. See Personal pronouns resumptive, 479 Pronunciation, 4–16 consonant, 5–16 vowel, 4–5 Proportional sentences, 719 Proverbs corelative in, 499 generic relatives in, 484 Proximate future tense, 397–398 Pseudoincentives, 339–340 Psychological state, predicates of, 393 Purpose clauses adnominal nominalized clause as, 141, 395 beste with, 709 excessive predicates with, 726 vs. gerundive, 395 gerundive and, 395, 405 hypothetical tense in, 563 negative, 558 nonfinite, 558, 599 subjunctive in, 557–558 Pyrenees, 162, 443 Quantifier(s) adjectival, 225–227 ahala, 660–661 as degree adverbs, 241, 244, 246–247 dena, 223–225 diminutive form of, 247 existential, 291 guzti, 225–227 indefinite, 41–42, 82–83, 290–291 modal, 660–661 number agreement and, 204 oro, 799–802 partitive with, 290–291 substantival, 223–225 Quantifier float, 41 Quantities, 39 Quarter hours, 82 Quasi focus, 179–181 causal clause, 602–603 subordinate clause, 452 wh-complement, 445 Quasi pronoun, bera, 114–116 Quasi reciprocals, 371 Quechua, 89 Questions with al, 163–164 ala in, 830–831, 848 bada in, 621 bait- clause with, 609 with conditionals, 416 constituent, 439–450, 481, 604 coordination in, 845–847 direct, 439–441 embedded, 165, 441–446

Subject Index

expletives with, 440 with ez gero clause, 612 focus and, 172–176 indirect, 441–446, 448, 450 multiple-interrogative, 440–441, 446 negative, 170 with ote, 164–165 partitive complementizer with, 456 partitive determiner with, 293–294 rhetorical, 164, 170, 456, 846 wh-, 165, 174–175, 293–294, 331–332 yes-or-no, 163–164, 293, 448, 449, 622, 848 zeinen in, 245 -r, 537–538 ra-, 375–377 -rakoan, 522–523 Reciprocals, 368–372 analytic, 370–372 elkar, 368–370 middle-voice, 281–282 vs. strong reflexive, 368 Reduplication, 877–881 adjective, 877–879 adverb, 879–880 ber, 794 dena, 223 distributive, 881–882 egin and, 295–296 noun, 880–881 numeral, 880 operator, 248 for precision, 84 stative-word, 879 Reflexive middle voice, 281 Reflexive nominal vs. reciprocal, 368 strong, 364–368 weak, 365–366, 368 Reflexive pronouns, 113, 114, 795–798 -koi with, 228 nor with, 783–784 zein with, 783–784 -(r)ekiko, 95 Relative clause(s), 142, 471–507 with -a, 483–486 absolutive gap in, 491, 492 acceptability tests of, 474–475 adjoined, 496–498 adnominal form of, 478 with aldi, 529 allative gaps in, 178, 476–477 appositive, 487–489 with bait-, 496–498 bare participial, 491 bibliographical note on, 500–501 complex, 479–480 complex noun phrase constraint on, 481


constituent question in, 481 coordinate structure constraint on, 480–481 corelative, 498–499 dative gap in, 478, 493 definition of, 471 elative gap in, 178, 476, 491 ergative gap in, 478, 493 with ezin, 659 finite, 471–490 free, 483 fronted interrogative, 499–500 Functional Predestination criterion for, 477–478 generic, 484 genitival gap in, 475 with -(r)ikako, 492 with -(r)iko, 492–493 inessive gap in, 178, 476, 491, 494 infinitival, 494–495, 522 instrumental, 486–487, 701 instrumental gap in, 475, 478 multiple embeddings of, 480 negative, 473 non-relativizable case function and, 477 nonfinite, 490–495, 659 orduko with, 521 Parallel Case criterion for, 477 participial, 491–494, 529, 681 partitive with, 484–485 postnominal, 489–490 preclitic, 483–487, 488, 495 with pronominal head, 481–483 pseudohead with, 485 reduplication of, 878–879 resumptive pronoun with, 479 sentential, 498 stacked, 481 structural constraints on, 480–481 subjunctive in, 560 subordinate, 472 syntactic gap in, 472–473, 474–478 with -tako, 493–494 time clause and, 520–521 with zein, 499–500 Religious orders, 131 -(r)en. See Genitive (-[r]en) -(r)en (future participle su‰x), 142 -(r)enean, 125–126 -(r)entzat, 94 Reportative particle, 161–162 Represented speech, tense sequence in, 145 Requests, 579–581. See also Imperative Resultative passive, 673–674 Resultative prolative, 431–432 Resumptive pronouns, 479 Rhetorical questions, 164, 170, 456, 846 -(r)ik (partitive su‰x). See Partitive (-[r]ik) -(r)ik (stative su‰x), 233, 311–312, 684–686 -(r)ikako, perfect participle with, 492


-(r)iko, perfect participle with, 492–493 -(r)ikoan, 521–522 -ro, 233–234 -roki, 235 Romance languages, 1. See also Be´arnese; Castilian; French; Latin; Spanish accentuation in, 12 -ada from, 920 adjectives from, 339 comparatives in, 720 conative predicates in, 554 ethical dative in, 810 gender in, 18 imperfect in, 146 intensifiers in, 241 la in, 860 loanwords from, 855, 892 modes of address in, 112 negation in, 788 pare, 30 prefixes from, 893 prepositions in, 89 preterito-present verbs from, 321 relativization in, 499–500 subjunctive in, 569 Roncal, 13 Roncalese, 2, 860 /h/ and, 11 allocutive in, 823 expressive palatalization in, 15 Russian, 13 saihets, 77 Salazarese, 2 /h/ and, 11 expressive palatalization in, 15 Saltarelli’s constraint, 244, 245, 246 samar, 246–247 Sandhi rules, 16 with -el, 282–283 with -ko, 90 with -tar, 127–128 with -ts-, 354 with -tze, 140 in compounds, 857–859 with ez, 168 with modal particles, 161 Sanskrit, 860 sarri, 513 sasi-, 896 Scottish, 11 Seasons, 36, 107 segitu, 389 sekula, 513 Semi-intransitive verbs, 137–139 of appearance or disappearance, 138 aspectual, 138 of emotion, 138

Subject Index

of motion or state, 137 transitive use of, 138, 278 Semitic languages, prepositions in, 89 Sibilants, 8–10 palatalization of, 14 Slavic langauges, 570 sobera, 725, 726 Sociative (-[r]ekin), 32–33 deletion of, 94–95 emphatic, 728 vs. instrumental, 738, 740 personal pronouns, 113 soilik, 685 Solidarity, 112, 809. See also Allocutive verb forms Soule (Zuberoa), 1 eroan in, 202 palatalization in, 13 Souletin, 2 /h/ and, 11 a¤ricates in, 10 allocutive in, 823 arra- in, 891 arren in, 618 ber in, 793 causatives in, 380 comparative in, 718 compounds in, 860 demonstrative pronouns in, 207 ehizlari in, 901 a-elision rule in, 17 erantzun in, 376 etzan and, 122 expressive palatalization in, 15 inessive in, 91 interrogative -a in, 163 interrogative pronouns in, 34 -kari in, 905 -ko in, 103 nasalization in, 5 nominalizer -tze/-te in, 140 number agreement in, 204 oro in, 106, 223, 799 place names and, 127 -rik in, 59 sibilants in, 8 synthetic future in, 805–806 -tzat in, 45 Southern Batua auskalo in, 449 bera in, 795 demonstrative pronouns in, 209 *edun in, 222 egon in, 674 gerundives in, 397 hobeto in, 233 intensifiers in, 242 jo in, 433 joan in, 772–773

Subject Index

laga in, 382–383 ondo in, 233 predicative adjectives in, 454 -ro in, 234 sobera in, 725 Southern dialects/usage -ak in, 198 ala in, 660 -arren in, 625–626 compound verb in, 324 concessive clauses in, 625–627 conditional in, 416, 423 coordination in, 841–844 direct object in, 680–681 duration adverbials in, 514–515, 516 eduki in, 200 eman in, 404 gogo in, 329 h in, 26 impendency predicates in, 537 kinetic gerundives in, 402 -NIK complementizer in, 456 omen in, 162 participle/auxiliary order in, 169 past tense forms in, 214 permissive causatives in, 381 subjunctive in, 559 superlative in, 723 time depth expression in, 517 -(tzai)le in, 282–285 utzi in, 381 Southern Guipuzcoan, past tense forms in, 118 Southern High Navarrese, 2 Spain, 1, 104 Spanish, 1 Adelante!, 72 a buscarlo, 449 campo, 75 con, 738 demasiado, 725 dislocar, 893 doble, 31 el cual, 500 estar, 388, 674 expletory negation in, 443 fricatives in, 11 haber, 200 hours in, 81 imperfect in, 146 intensifier forms and, 247 liquids in, 7–8 medio-reciprocals and, 282 orthographic conventions of, 127 otro, 251 para, 510 participial construction in, 490 piso, 29 porquerı´a, 464


pro-drop in, 205 sequence-to-tenses rule in, 145 subjunctive in, 547, 559 tener, 194, 200 vivir, 156 Spelling, 4–16 consonant, 5–16 vowel, 4–5 St. Jean de Luz, /h/ and, 11 Stage directions, 140, 589 Standard language, 3 Stative participle, 492–493, 688–690 Stative su‰x (-[r]ik), 233, 311–312, 684–686 Stative words, reduplication of, 879 Style indirect libre, 145 Subdefinite object, 681 Subject-bound justification, 606–608 Subject complement, 43 Subjunctive, 547–568 in adverbial clauses, 557–559 complements with, 552–557 conative predicates with, 554–555 in delimitative clauses, 558–559 desiderative predicates with, 553 emotive predicates with, 556–557 hortative, 560–561 intransitive auxiliary, 548–549 morphology of, 547–552 necessity predicates with, 555–556 ordering predicates with, 553–554 permission predicates with, 556 prohibition predicates with, 556 in prospective action clauses, 559 in purpose clauses, 557–558 in relative clauses, 560 requesting predicates with, 553–554 suitability predicates with, 555–556 transitive auxiliary, 549–552 verb radical in, 140 volitive predicates with, 552–553 Substantival quantifier, 223–225 Su‰x. See Derivational su‰xes; Parasu‰xes Superlatives, 720–724 morphology of, 720–721 partitive for, 290, 721–722 potentiality and, 723–724 syntax of, 721–723 Syntactic intransitivity, 135 -ta- (indefinite marker), 53–54 -ta (eta), 26 participial relatives with, 493–494 perfect participle with, 692–693 postposition deletion and, 97 -tako, 493–494 -takoan, 521–522 -tar (-ar/-iar), 127–132 figurative use of, 131–132


tasun, 435–436 -te (period su‰x), 126–127 -tegi, 63–65, 409 Tendential (-rantz), 49 definite plural, 52–53 definite singular, 50–52 demonstrative adverbs, 123–124 indefinite, 53–57 for place names, 57–59 Tense C-Command Condition, 167 Terminal (-raino), 49 definite plural, 52–53 definite singular, 50–52 emphatic, 729 indefinite, 53–57 for place names, 57–59 Terminative, 391 -ti, 209–210 -tiar, 132 Tibetan, 197 Time. See also Time adverb(s); Time adverbials bertan with, 799 berton with, 799 dates of month, 108 days of week, 108 depth of, 517–518 duplicated expressions of, 881–882 with eman, 362 with geroago, 715 hours, 81–84 with inoizko, 790 with instrumental, 748, 760 -ka expressions of, 917 locative forms for, 62 months, 107–108 noun-based adverbials for, 513–516 period of, 126–127, 225, 290, 362, 917 recurrent period of, 105–106 reduplicated expressions of, 881 relative clause with, 488–489 seasons, 107 years, 29 Time adverb(s), 92, 150, 509–518 adnominal forms of, 92–93 allative form of, 510 compounds with, 863 declension of, 509–510 of duration, 513. See also Manner adverbs elative forms of, 509–510 of frequency, 513 of location in time, 510–513 nominal use of, 511 of nonexistence, 150 of period in life, 509 of persistence, 150 tense with, 144–145 -tsu with, 727

Subject Index

Time adverbials with aldi, 525–529, 760 of duration, 514–516, 527 with eta, 536–537 of frequency, 513, 517, 527, 760 of how long ago, 517–518 with ino, 535–536 with location nouns, 529–535 noun-based, 513–516 with ordu, 518–525 Time clause, 519–521 conjunctions for, 519–521 gero in, 523–524 -koan in, 522 nonfinite, 524–525 ordu for, 518 participle su‰xes for, 521–522 -rakoan in, 522–523 Titles, definite article in, 36 to, 576 -to, 233 Tonemes, 12–13 Topic, 167, 171–172 cross-clause fronting of, 172, 444, 459–460 emphatic, 460–461, 730–731 Topic Fronting, 172, 444, 459–460 Topicalization, verb, 460–461 tori/torizue, 575–576 tough-like adjectives, 384 modal use of, 385 tough-movement, 384 Transitive predication, 675–681 participial, 677–679 simple, 675–677 Transitive verbs, 259–265 allocutive forms of, 814–819 anticausative alternation and, 274–278 of change of state, 259, 275–277 of cogitation (verba cogitandi), 263 of cognition (verba sapiendi), 263 of communication (verba dicendi), 262–263 complex, 273–274 of consumption, 261 dative forms of, 346, 351–356 deadjectival, 267–268 deadverbal, 268–269 deallatival, 272–273, 274 denominal, 269–272 of destruction, 261, 275–277 direct object of, 188, 193–194, 215–216 *edun as, 675–677 of e¤ective action, 259–260 of emission, 271, 299 emotive, 264–265 of forgetting and remembering, 263 indefinite object deletion with, 266–267 logically intransitive, 265–266, 271, 379–380 of motion and rest, 260, 275, 277–278

Subject Index

number agreement of, 189–190, 204 of obtaining or transfer, 260 of ordering, requesting, and advising (verba petendi), 262 partitive determiner and, 292 of perception (verba sentiendi), 264 periphrastic conjugation of, 221–223 pluralizers of, 188, 190, 194, 214–216 of production (verba creandi), 260–261, 275– 277 subject of, 188–189, 196–199 subject person su‰xes of, 189–190 syntax of, 220–221, 265–267 synthetic past of, 213–220 synthetic present of, 187–196 of throwing, 277 Transitivity, 265–267 morphological, 265 trufatu, 767–768 Truncation, verb, 417, 635 -tsu abundance, 183–185 approximation, 726–727 -tto, 15 -tu, 139 intransitives with, 150–153 -pe with, 888–889, 890 -pera with, 889, 890 transitives with, 267–274 Turkish, 89 txit, 241, 242, 320–321 -txo, 15, 485–486, 787 txori, 15 -tza collective, 696 profession, 409, 695–696 -tza (object pluralizer), 190, 216–217 -tzaile, 282–285 -tzako, 434–435 -tzapen, 594–595 -tzar, 85–86 -tzat (prolative), 430–431 -tzat (purpose clause su‰x), 557 -tze, 140–141 -tzeko, 731 ulertu, wh-complement with, 445 Urrugne, /h/ and, 11 urte, 29 -bete with, 515 uste, 321, 457 as bridge verb, 459 usu, 513 utzi, 380–381 v, 5 Velars, 6 palatalization of, 15


Verb(s) canonical, 117 citation form of, 116–117, 139 intransitive. See Intransitive verbs proclitics to, 161–165 stems of, 117 strong, 116–119 topicalization of, 460–461 transitive. See Transitive verbs Verb of saying. See also *ion gainean with, 74, 764 instrumental phrase with, 764–765 -LA (-la/-ela) clause with, 454, 606–607 vs. modal particles, 161–162 Verb radical, 139–140 aldi with, 540, 541–542 bide with, 885–887 era with, 731–733 erraz with, 668 ezin with, 665–666 gaitz with, 667–668 imperative use of, 578–579 kide with, 774 nominalization of, 140–141, 282–285 Verba petendi, 553–554 Verbal noun, 140–141 aldi with, 540, 542 -arren with, 599–600 -dun with, 504 eduki with, 661–663 *edun with, 661–663 inessive of, 540 instrumental clauses with, 770–771 -ke with, 312, 773 -koan with, 522 -r with, 537–538 vez, ellipsis of, 526–527 Vibrants, 7–8 palatalization of, 15 Vowel(s), 4–5 compound-related changes in, 854–857, 858– 859 contraction of, 859 epenthetic, 33, 50, 54, 57, 75, 125–126, 198, 206– 207, 509, 811, 914 nasalization of, 7 Vowel Dissimilation Rule, 17 Warnings, 581–582 Weather, 266, 298, 386 Week, days of, 36, 108 Western dialects ahal in, 654–655 arte in, 533 attention-getting address in, 575 aurre in, 530 bait- clauses in, 609–610 causatives in, 379


Western dialects (cont.) corelatives in, 498 eduki in, 307 ezin in, 655–656 gauza in, 663 gerundives in, 397, 401 intensifiers in, 710 izan in, 138 -lako in, 600 lexical potential in, 654–656 -N in, 500 negative imperative in, 577 nonfinite imperatives in, 577–578 oso in, 710 past tense forms in, 118 permissive causatives in, 381 potential mood in, 645 synthetic potential forms in, 650 verb topicalization in, 461 zeren in, 616–618 Western Guipuzcoa, beharra eduki in, 333 Western Low Navarrese, 2 /h/ and, 11 Wh-complement Auxiliary Attraction, 445–446 ea with, 448–449 exclamative, 447 finite, 442–446 indirect questions with, 441–446 nonfinite, 441–442 partitive, 447–448 presentatives with, 446–447 verb radical and, 140 Wh-questions, 165, 441–446 behar in, 331–332 focus and, 174–175 Wishing formulas, 38 xamar, 247 -xe (‘somewhat’) comparatives with, 711 excessives with, 725 perfect participle with, 246–247 -xe (su‰x of precision) bera with, 794, 798 deictics with. See Emphatic(s) -xka, 65–66 -xko, 156–157 xuxurlatu, 263 Years, 29 months of, 107–108 seasons of, 107 -za(-z) (pluralizer), 190, 192, 218 zahar, perfect participle modification by, 682 zale, 228–230 -zale, 230

Subject Index

zaletu, 769 ze, 614 ze- (past tense marker), 117 zehar, 75 zein, 40, 54, 781, 782–784 correlative construction with, 832, 835, 850 exclamatory, 245 with reflexive, 783–784 relatives with, 499–500 zein baino zein, comparative with, 720 zeinen, 245 ze(r) modu(z), 731 zenbait, 42, 54, 781, 790 zenbanahi, 792 zenbat, 28, 40, 54, 781 zenbat eta, 719 zenbat-nahi, 792 zenbatez, 759 zenbatgarren, 29–30 zer, 40, 775, 781, 784–785 zerbait, 41 -txo with, 787 zerbaitengatik, 790 zeren, as causal conjunction, 614–618 zergatik, 34, 781 as causal conjunction, 613–614 zertako, 34 zertara, 153 zertu, 270 -zki (object pluralizer), 190, 191, 217 zor, 318 zori, 15 zorian, 538 zorioneko, 97 zu, 111–113, 823–824 zuek, 111

Current Studies in Linguistics Samuel Jay Keyser, general editor 1. A Reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians, J. F. Staal, editor 2. Semantic Interpretation in Generative Grammar, Ray Jackendo¤ 3. The Structure of the Japanese Language, Susumu Kuno 4. Speech Sounds and Features, Gunnar Fant 5. On Raising: One Rule of English Grammar and Its Theoretical Implications, Paul M. Postal 6. French Syntax: The Transformational Cycle, Richard S. Kayne 7. Panini as a Variationist, Paul Kiparsky, S. D. Joshi, editor 8. Semantics and Cognition, Ray Jackendo¤ 9. Modularity in Syntax: A Study of Japanese and English, Ann Kathleen Farmer 10. Phonology and Syntax: The Relation between Sound and Structure, Elisabeth O. Selkirk 11. The Grammatical Basis of Linguistic Performance: Language Use and Acquisition, Robert C. Berwick and Amy S. Weinberg 12. Introduction to the Theory of Grammar, Henk van Riemsdijk and Edwin Williams 13. Word and Sentence Prosody in Serbocroatian, Ilse Lehiste and Pavle Ivic 14. The Representation of (In)definiteness, Eric J. Reuland and Alice G. B. ter Meulen, editors 15. An Essay on Stress, Morris Halle and Jean-Roger Vergnaud 16. Language and Problems of Knowledge: The Managua Lectures, Noam Chomsky 17. A Course in GB Syntax: Lectures on Binding and Empty Categories, Howard Lasnik and Juan Uriagereka 18. Semantic Structures, Ray Jackendo¤ 19. Events in the Semantics of English: A Study in Subatomic Semantics, Terence Parsons 20. Principles and Parameters in Comparative Grammar, Robert Freidin, editor 21. Foundations of Generative Syntax, Robert Freidin 22. Move a: Conditions on Its Application and Output, Howard Lasnik and Mamoru Saito 23. Plurals and Events, Barry Schein 24. The View from Building 20: Essays in Linguistics in Honor of Sylvain Bromberger, Kenneth Hale and Samuel Jay Keyser, editors 25. Grounded Phonology, Diana Archangeli and Douglas Pulleyblank 26. The Magic of a Common Language: Jakobson, Mathesius, Trubetzkoy, and the Prague Linguistic Circle, Jindrich Toman 27. Zero Syntax: Experiencers and Cascades, David Pesetsky 28. The Minimalist Program, Noam Chomsky 29. Three Investigations of Extraction, Paul M. Postal 30. Acoustic Phonetics, Kenneth N. Stevens 31. Principle B, VP Ellipsis, and Interpretation in Child Grammar, Rosalind Thornton and Kenneth Wexler 32. Working Minimalism, Samuel Epstein and Norbert Hornstein, editors 33. Syntactic Structures Revisited: Contemporary Lectures on Classic Transformational Theory, Howard Lasnik with Marcela Depiante and Arthur Stepanov 34. Verbal Complexes, Hilda Koopman and Anna Szabolcsi 35. Parasitic Gaps, Peter W. Culicover and Paul M. Postal 36. Ken Hale: A Life in Language, Michael Kenstowicz, editor 37. Flexibility Principles in Boolean Semantics: The Interpretation of Coordination, Plurality, and Scope in Natural Language, Yoad Winter

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