Gift Cards – Why They’re the Best Gift For Your Loved Ones?

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Gift Cards – Why They’re the Best Gif

Let’s just say it: Gift cards are the best present for almost everyone on your list. “Gift cards?!” you yell, monocle falling into your tea. “Who, other than your distant relations, would be so tacky? So gauche?” The answer? Most people. According to BankRate, 84% of Americans have received a gift card and 72% have given one.

The case against gift cards is weak. (Though my colleague, Kara Brandeisky, begs to differ.) A recent Wall Street Journal article revealed that “only” 37% of consumers want a gift card this season, yet spun this news as a negative: “The novelty of gift cards has worn off,” Alison Paul, Deloitte’s vice chairman and retail sector leader, told the paper. Really? Does more than a third of America wanting your product mean the “novelty has worn off?” If only we could all be that unsuccessful.

Faced with those statistics, the case against gift cards boils down to human insecurity. How will your friends know you really care about them if you don’t give them something special? It’s this fear that drives people to spend an average of 14 hours shopping for gifts. That’s more than half a day of your life spent stressing out, and for what?

Gift cards, therefore, aren’t just the right gift for your friends, they’re t They cast aside our anxieties and pretensions to declare, “I’m so confident in our relationship that I have nothing to prove.” That’s therapeutic for everyone. In contrast, the stress of trying to accurately translate our feelings into an object—something that’s neither possible nor desirable—can actually be dangerous.

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