zq10 (zygote quarterly)

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millennia and to people gather at ng Mountains to e, relationships and culture.

SUBTHEME 3 – A PLACE OF REFUGE: The unique physical, ecological and geographic conditions of the Spring Mountains create a refuge for specialized plants, animals and an indigenous culture, and today provide an escape from the urban environment for recreation and spiritual renewal.

tern revealed by the Patterns of romoting community, fostering back. Champion organisms of cooperation. One exceptional n which multiple species depend web includes ground squirrels hen eat and plant the seeds all the symbiont fungi, whose which inoculates the host piñon

SUBTHEME 4 – THE POWER OF PLACE: The Spring Mountains landscape inspires stewardship, exerting a profound influence on those who know it and allow it to know them.

Renewal The Spring Mountains serve as a place for human cultural and spiritual renewal and as a place to which organisms retreat seasonally. Physiological adaptations include the ability for an ephemeral wildflower to emerge once a year, going from seed to seed in a very short time. Behavioral adaptations include that of Clark’s nutcracker. This bird accomplishes cyclical renewal by returning to the same spot every year. It buries seeds from the Great Basin bristlecone pine and has an exceptional knack for remembering where it planted the seeds the prior season. This bird renews the pine population by planting its seeds in extremely rocky terrain that is not very suitable for seeding without intervention.

Zygote Quarterly: zq¹⁰ | vol 3 | 2014 | ISSN 1927-8314 | Pg 101 of 138

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