Dérive App Workshop Abu Dhabi

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Hello, we are very excited to have you taking part in the Dérive app workshop at New York University Abu Dhabi. The workshop will take two days and includes walks in the urban space of Abu Dhabi. Walks will be conducted in small groups, which will allow each of you time to take photographs, make notes, and be more aware of your surroundings. While a smartphone is suggested for the class, not having one will in no way diminish your experience of the walks and the workshop itself. You are also invited to bring along your cameras, a sketch-book and shoes that are comfortable to walk in. For the workshop, you will be provided with materials to draw on and make collages with. We will also be able to print out photos that you select from your walk, that you can use to create collages etc. If you're more comfortable using software like Photoshop and such, feel free to bring your laptop or tablet. The Dérive app team Venue: DTC Room N-202

9am -10:30am Introduction to dérives and Dérive app 15min - Concept [Situationists, history of dérive, contemporary examples, possibilities] 15min - Concept Development / Technical [rethinking the derive for interaction, developing an application] 15min - Where is it going? The future of Dérive app 15min - A short history of Abu Dhabi's urban development by Pascal Menoret 30min - Dérive prep [setting up app, making groups, readying cameras] 10:30am-12:30pm Abu Dhabi dérive in groups 12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch 1:30pm-5pm 15min - Introduction to making cards, the concepts behind them, the possibilities 1.5hrs - Download photos, allow time for drawing/collaging etc 15min - Technical instructions for 'how to get cards on the system' 1.5hr - Scanning in drawings, formatting, uploading to derive [continues the next morning] Venue: DTC Room N-202

10am-11am 1hr - Completing Abu Dhabi dérive deck 11am-1pm 2hrs - Second Abu Dhabi derive, photographed, noted and tracked 1pm-2pm Lunch

2pm-3pm 1hr - Processing of walk data 3pm - 4pm 30min - Group discussion about perception changes, di"erences between #rst and second derives and if they see any changes being necessary for their cards and group presentation. 30min - Make changes to the presentations etc 4pm-4:30pm 30min - Group presentations - groups present their decks and the walks created with them 4:30pm-5pm 15min - Run-over time for presentations 15min - Observations and wrap-up

More info: www.deriveapp.com @urbanderive http://www.facebook.com/deriveapp

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