Supply Chain Management

Page 18


From Stovepipes to Exchanges

it possible to re-engineer the processes, taking away unnecessary

ground handlers, trucking companies and so on. We simply can not

steps, putting activities in parallel instead of sequential, and making all

keep on connecting in a peer-to-peer fashion because the number of

participants much more pro-active.

needed connections is growing exponentially and we are already behind. We need a new technology that integrates and collaborates around

Improvements for all parties

data and we believe the suitable technology is the internet. In the SCM

The impact of digitization goes far beyond the logistics departments

information flow of the future, integration will be a similar experience as

and the logistics service providers. In all the companies we visit, we find

browsing on the internet where URL’s give access to data, systems or

small and large examples of value that can be created with digitized

people. A kind of internet for logistics. Using internet based technology

supply chains. The factory manager does not have to stop production,

will allow us to connect to an infinite number of partners and data sour-

because wrong deliveries were prioritized, the freight handler can be

ces instantly at low costs.

ready with a special crane, when a truck arrives etc. If you ship with an integrator you get door-to-door much faster than

The new SCM can be implemented stepwise

traditional forwarding services (mainly when using air-cargo). So the

In a well-functioning SCM information flow, information does not need

question is why does it take double the time with a freight forwarder?

to be re-entered into computer systems and built-in logic checks will

The answer is quite simple. The parcel service providers or integrators

support getting input right the first time. In a first phase companies

own or control the assets used, and the forwarders generally does not.

tend to digitize the existing (paper based) internal processes. Often

The integrators have a better control over the information end to end. It

already a good business case, a road to quick wins. Then processes are

is a more expensive solution that is sold as a premium, generally using

being re-engineered across the organization and maybe also across the

air cargo and used for small parcels. With a better information flow, end

full supply chain with partners. Logical steps with increasing complexity

to end through the supply chain, the forwarding industry could drasti-

and increasing benefits to be gained. In a digitized integrated SCM

cally narrow down the service gap to the integrators while maintaining a

world there is no need to wait for a document to be completely ready

more diversified offering.

to exchange some of its information. A forwarder can start the planning process, having a destination address and a rough idea about what

From EDI connections to the Internet

will be transported, making the planning process more pro-active and

We believe that the SCM information flow in the future will be open,


distributed, easy to integrate with, and providing information in near

we noticed that many documents existed in many shapes and forms

economically viable already today. In a way very similar to Ericsson’s

but most of the information was repeated across the documents. We

core business market, mobile telecom and Internet. Thanks to global

also saw that the differences between the modes of transport were

standards and cooperation it is possible to use (mobile) devices all over

much less than most had anticipated. When the information is available

the world and exchange information with anyone in the world without

digitally, documents can be created and printed on demand, and when

integration efforts or the need to have a prior established relation with

adapting to a digital world, you rather display the information where

each other.

needed than print it on paper.

The information flow of the future should be open to all players in


Looking through the documentation, used in our own supply chain,

real-time. We see such an information flow is technically possible and

At Ericsson, working with telecommunication, we see technologies

supply chains like internet is accessible for anyone today. Information

such as Bluetooth, Narrowband, Low Power Radio and future 5G com-

will flow instantaneously to relevant partners and IT systems in a

bined with IoT enabling totally new ways of working in many industries.

controlled way. Internet based technologies will be used for information

People and many vehicles in the supply chains are already today con-

exchange rather than EDI connections. Today Ericsson maintains around

nected to the internet, as well as some of the freight also. This is only

500 EDI connections and data integrations with partners. To effectively

the beginning of a trend towards every item shipped being directly or

exchange information with all our supply chain partners we calculated

indirectly connected

that we would need at least 10,000 connections. We also realized that

In a digitized SCM, information from different sources will be corre-

most current connections have a limited scope and that we would like

lated and made available for relevant parties. Information on the journey

to hook on new partners faster, than we are technically capable to

of a box can be enriched for example with temperature information

build EDI connections. In addition we see a need to connect new data

from the truck’s, GPS information from an IoT device on the pallet and

sources, such as Internet of Things (IoT), 3rd party fleet and work force

scanning events from any of the handlers on its journey. Information will

management systems. This situation is not unique for Ericsson. To be

be exchanged between parties who have no contractual relation with

able to communicate and to improve our supply chains the key word is

each-other and who even does not know each other. Current vertical

collaboration with at least two modes of transport involved each time.

information stovepipes will be migrated to horizontal information ex-

We also need to collaborate with many more players once you add in

changes across all players in the supply chain. EFFEKTIVITET NR. 3 2017

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