Physiotherapy for tennis elbow | Eezalign

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Elbow support for laptop users

We are all aware and familiar with Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), a painful condition that occurs when tendons in your elbow are overloaded, usually by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm.

You may notice that these are issues that you face when are working for extended periods, mostly on computers. And in these times of working from home, this problem is more prevalent even if you don’t know exactly what it is.

But athletes are not the only ones who face elbow pain, laptop or computer are usually the ones that suffer from elbow pain. Typically, a sign of computer-related RSI. When you hold your arm in a fixed posture for extended periods, often even subconsciously, actions such as the gripping and squeezing a mouse and typing on a keyboard, cause muscle pain or tendon pain in your elbow.

Using a chair with lumbar support and adjustable height to ensure that the computer screen is level with the eyes is an example of an ergonomic modification that can be beneficial. When working at a desktop for longer durations, it's essential to take frequent breaks to improve your posture and alleviate any tension on your neck, shoulders, and lower back.

It's worth consulting a doctor or physiotherapist if your symptoms are severe and haven't improved after six weeks. To rule out other possible reasons for elbow pain, they will ask questions and check the elbow. An X-ray or scan may be used to confirm the diagnosis in rare circumstances.

At EEZ Align we have a dedicated team that can advise you on exercises and other selfmanagement techniques. If necessary, regular sessions can be arranged as well.

physiotherapy for tennis elbow


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