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She is a mother. Mothers not only carry us in their wombs for nine months, but mothers also nurture us to adulthood. A human baby even after birth is completely dependent upon the mother for food, water, protection, and love.

Out of all other mammals, human babies are the only ones who need such intensive care and extensive support for a long time.

A child’s learning of identity, social norms, trust, behaviors, and other physical and psychological development is also attributed to parents, but primarily the mother. She spends the most amount of time with the child and the child is attached to the mother, thereby cultivating its competence according to the maternal guidance a child receives. Mothers are vital to the health and well being of a family. A mother is the first teacher, parent, guide, friend, and constant nurturer throughout a child’s life, regardless of how young or old the child is. A mother’s love is unconditional and for this amazing aspect; she is respected and revered around the globe.

A mother loves her children with her whole heart and some cultures believe that a child is a literal extension of the mother till a certain age. Science too shows that certain factors such as mitochondrial DNA can be inherited from fathers, but mitochondrial DNA is almost exclusively passed from the mother to her offspring via the egg cell (Zouros, 1994). Mitochondrial DNA is responsible for energy production within the body and is inherited from the mother while nuclear DNA is inherited from both parents.

A mother’s role is eternal. The dynamic interactions that happen within the mother child bond have significant and lasting impacts on not just the child but the entire family structure. After birth, the caretaker's role begins with a mother nursing, raising and managing the child’s schedule, and all the household affairs to make the environment conducive to raising a healthy baby.

Ryan Baidya, Ph.D., MBA. Takshila Foundation, California, USA


Just as a mother is the first teacher, many female teachers are also seen as mothers by their students. Teachers too have to cultivate a sympathetic and

Teachers and Mothers

Mother as a life-long friend Mothers are terrific listeners. Regardless of the types of problems her child may be experiencing, a mother’s reaction is to ensure the well being of the child in any given situation. A mother is the child’s friend; even when a child is grown and no longer lives with the mother, she plays a role as a friend. When adults are going through a crisis, the best safety net that gives sound advice and a shoulder to cry on is the mother.

Studies show that teachers influence a child’s behavior and guide learning abilities inside and outside the classroom. Teachers can be of either gender but the role of teachers in a child’s life is important as a child learns social interactions and other skills in the classroom which they carry with them for the rest of their lives. We often hear from famous people that the person who inspired them the most is their teacher. People remember the kind and helpful teachers throughout their lives.

emotional connection with those they teach, especially in the primary grades.

Mothers are intuitive; a child of any age does not need to communicate with a mother verbally. A mother has the innate ability to figure out that her child is not okay. She does everything in her power to comfort the child and extends a helping hand as necessary. Many say that a mother is a daughter’s first best friend. Mothers and daughters share a special bond. There may be a bit of giving and take, and despite disagreements, the relationship is usually built on trust, empathy, loyalty, and immense caring. The mother might be a caretaker of the child when the child is young but as the child becomes an adult, there is a sense of equality and deep trust which is something female children by nature are not able to duplicate at times with their fathers.

A mother is a life long friend and she does her job without expecting anything in return. She is a great role model. A mother loves her children unconditionally. She spends hours ensuring that the child has more than adequate resources available. A mother spends hours thinking about and preparing meals that her children will enjoy. She stays up with her children when they are sick or feeling down and serves as an unwavering and committed companion.

The term Mother is an adjective, an accolade for the nature that supports lives on this planet. We address our country as She. Because the word is She, it is an honor and respect we show the land that gives us so much.

Mother Goddesses in ancient cultures were the personification of motherhood. The feminine concept of the divine mother exists in most ancient cultures. The Divine Mother is known as Adi Parashakti, or Prakriti in belief systems

The role of the Divine Mother in Christianity is best known by Mother Mary. She is often worshipped as the divine Mother. She is the Prakriti who gave birth to Jesus, thus bringing a special being to manifestation from the maternal womb. The role of Mary personifies the critical concepts of Shakti, the feminine energy which brings forth the creation of all beings. In ancient China, the idea of universal energy was prevalent. This was called chi, or ki. The ancients considered that the entire universe is permeated with energy, which links each of us, and that the entire universe is made up of this energy. Similar to the masculine feminine principles in Indian philosophies, the Chinese too saw the universal energy as consisting of the Yin and the Yang (Nagilla et al., 2013) two principles responsible for the harmony of the entire

originating in the Indian subcontinent. The Divine Mother is also known as the Blessed Virgin Mary in Roman Catholicism and other, Christian sects. The Divine Mother represents love, safety, and the possibility of transcendence and understanding of reality. The Divine Mother is also known as Shakti, or the powerful, active force and power of the Divine which is associated with the female principle of existence. Shakti, therefore, is the force that is manifest in all living beings. This feminine energy also serves as the link between human existence and Nature; it is responsible for all of the magnificent creations in Nature.

Theexistence.complementary interplay of Yin and Yang; or Shakti and Shiva; or Prakriti and Shiva, are opposite and equal, interdependent, interlocking parts, which make up a whole, known as Consciousness. The two opposite but interdependent principles are also known as the dark bright and negative positive and depict duality. The masculine is unable to exist without the feminine and vice versa. Yin is the feminine principle denoting receptivity and like Yoga and Hindu principles, it represents the moon, that which is concealed, hidden, and female. Yang is the male principle representing the sun, activity, and masculinity (2013). This means that we, in our role as mothers, sisters, daughters, and wives are a creation of the Mother Goddess and each of us is in part a representation of the sacred feminine.

blessing Mothers! I am your beloved offspring. O great mother, please guide me towards the realization of my righteous objectives.

Woman – the Mother May we take inspiration from them and accord all women the respect that is deserved. And, may all women inspire themselves to get rid of ignorance and rise to fulfill the great responsibility to society.

O PurifyMothers!uswith your kindness, thoughtfulness, and enlightenment. The women cleanse us all from all our wrongdoings, corruption, and shortcomings. We come out firm, wholesome and dignified from their blessed company. O pure and blessing Mothers! Purify us all from transgressions, dishonesty, and corruption. Sluice us from falsehood, hatred, jealousy, and frustrations. O pure and blessing Mothers! Pledge our mind, speech, life, eyes, ears, soul, and society with Ogoodness.pureand

O enlightening Mother! You have the potential to destroy the iniquity. You have a moral fiber as pure as gold. You have the potential to destroy the clouds of nuisances and misgiving. You are courageous and you only aim for our well-being and achievement! We are undeniably blessed!

O enlightening Mother! May you always impart your blessings in the form of peace, happiness, and triumph. May you always be pleased with us and may we never conduct any act that excludes us from your blessing regard.Source: Sacred Text

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