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PhotographyBB Online Magazine


PANORAMAS MADE EASY WITH PHOTOMERGE : By Jennifer Farley Since version CS, Photoshop has included a superb automated command called Photomerge. Photomerge has improved with every version since and is unbelievably speedy at piecing together two or more photographs to produce a panorama. So, if you’re out and about and have a beautiful vista in front of you that you know won’t fit into one shot, just go for it, take several shots, and easily stitch them together in Photoshop. Before getting anywhere near Photoshop though, you need to take the photographs in a way that will make it easy(ish) to merge them. Ideally your camera should be on a tripod to keep shake out of the image and also to ensure that the images are around the same angle. You also need to make sure that each image has a large overlap between them. Pick out a landmark such as a pole or a house and make sure that if it’s on the far left of your first picture, that it then appears on the far right of your next picture. Once you’ve taken your photographs, here are the steps required to merge them in Photoshop.

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Step 1: Open all of your images (to be stitched) in Photoshop. In this example, I have 3 photos taken from the top of the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin. It has 360 degree views of Dublin and is quite lovely on a sunny day with a pint of Guinness. These images are all pretty large – about 3600 pixels wide and high-res.

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