Educate Magazine Issue 18

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Educate - The Magazine for Parents and Pupils



The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

See In side

September – December 2012



September - December 2012

Big changes are coming...



New school building Opening September 2013

Redesigning education for the 21st century


Celebrating achievement Educate awards 2012

+ APP HAPPY Future of learning

Fashion Chunky knits

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A new platform for learning with Merseytravel Educational Resources



Each guide plays a part in the curriculum of the school as well as offering pupils useful skills and knowledge for life’s journey ahead.

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Raise your pupils’ aspirations for the future Delivering Motivational workshops to children The workshop taught me the importance of having high self esteem and how this can get you far in life and the compliments box was an awesome idea. This workshop was brilliant and really raised the bar on my self esteem. (Year 5 pupil, Knowsley Primary School)

Using Positive Psychology to improve the mindset of both staff and pupils

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Quality, opportunity and success for all Halewood Centre for Learning provides state of the art facilities, equipped with the latest technology. Students can benefit from a sophisicated and modern learning environment. Rated Good with Oustanding features by Ofsted, October 2010


Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

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Educate Contents Welcome... Welcome to the latest and very Olympic inspired issue of Educate. SPONSORED BY

With the London 2012 Olympic Games nearly a distant memory we look at the different ways our schools celebrated the games.




74-75 Features



Sporting superstars Merseyside schools Olympic fever

Educate Awards 2012 Shining the spotlight on success


24-25 Meet the headteacher Mr Hans van Mourik Broekman principal of Liverpool College

Viewpoint Should competitive school sports be compulsory?



Get knitted Knit sweaters and chunky cardigans

Return of the O-level? Educational experts discuss



Book review This season’s must reads

Meet the headteacher Kay Askew headteacher of North Liverpool Academy

We also take a look at how smartphones, through the help of apps, are able to boost brain power, instruct and entertain pupils, teachers and parents. In addition we highlight some of the most popular, pupil friendly apps available. Educate meets up with headteacher, Kay Askew, from North Liverpool Academy and finds out why she is setting up two new schools in the city. We also chat with Hans van Mourik Broekman, principal of Liverpool College on why the school will make an historic transition to become a publicly funded academy in 2013. With the onset of winter we give you a few ideas on seasonal knitwear with chunky knit sweaters and cardigans a must. Finally, we interview tennis paralympian - Jamie Burdekin about his school days in Bootle. Many thanks

112-113 Where can we go? Your guide to what’s happening

52-54 E-volution How to stay App Happy

117-137 School listings Mersey schools guide

62 A week in the life Anne Daniels headteacher at Carleton House

138 My school days Jamie Burdekin

74-75 GCSE stars Top marks for Merseyside students

Published by Mersey Mirror, 36 Henry Street, Liverpool L1 5BS. Tel: 0151 709 7567 Fax: 0151 707 1678 Email: Executive Editor Kim O’Brien Advertising Sales Manager Andy Rogers Tel: 0151 709 7567 Photography Tom Murphy Editorial Alan Birkett, Lucy Oliver, Christine Toner, Kate Hanratty Design & Production Mersey Mirror, 36 Henry Street, Liverpool L1 5BS. Tel: 0151 706 7411 Email: Distribution Barbara Troughton Tel: 0151 733 5492. Printed by PCP. Educate magazine is published by Mersey Mirror. The contents of this magazine are fully protected by copyright and nothing may be reprinted or reproduced without permission. Disclaimer The information contained within Educate we believe to be correct at the time of printing, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions. © Copyright Mersey Mirror 2009.

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils


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Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

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Shining the spotlight on success

After a tough few months for schools across the country – and with change undoubtedly on the horizon – it’s easy to paint a bleak picture of the education landscape. But while much of the press may be focusing firmly on the problems facing schools, here at Educate we think there’s never been a better time to celebrate the success stories in the region’s schools.

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************************************************ For those working in the education sector it's not been an easy ride. With the government intent on overhauling the system many teachers, pupils and parents have been left in limbo. Add to that the recent exam marking debate which has left school-leavers flumoxed and schools flabbergasted and it seems the world of education is at something of a low ebb. However, while we’re often encouraged to focus on the ‘bigger picture’, there are some occasions when doing so can mean you overlook a lot. Indeed, as most of our readers will know, while

were being encouraged to take what he

2012 has seen young people in our region creating bright futures for themselves and our economy. Indeed, as much of the country dealt with falling grades, the North West experienced one of the smallest declines in the drop of A* grades awarded at GCSE compared with other regions, and overall recorded 13% of all grades at A* - a phenomenal achievement. And it's not just results that we should be celebrating. In a year that saw the London 2012 Olympics and the Diamond Jubilee, our schools have embraced every opportunity and developed a wide range of skills while doing so.

The Educate Awards have been launch by Educate, the magazine for parents and pupils, with the specific aim of celebrating the successes and recognising the achievements taking place within Liverpool, Sefton and Knowsley schools.

deemed ‘simple’ subjects that were of no use to employers. Under Gove's plans, which he has since reiterated and outlined several times, the curriculum will become smaller, focusing on core subjects. The education secretary wants to scrap the modular aspect of GCSE’s and, it is claimed, plans to introduce tougher O-level style exams. And while educators, pupils and parents were dealing with the prospect of change there was further upheaval when it was suggested some of that change had already been implented – by exam boards. Grade boundaries were moved during the school year meaning a pupil who would have received a C grade in January came away with a D in July, causing much confusion, disappointment and uproar. With many schools threatening legal action this, it seems, is a saga that is a long way from over.

The backdrop: Education in 2011/12

The Educate Awards

Since his appointment following the creation of a coalition government in 2010, education secretary Michael Gove has championed an overhaul of the current system. Gove claimed education reform was necessary as pupils

Here at Educate, we’re as intrigued as anyone to see how the proposed reforms will pan out. But what we don't want is the outside issues to take the spotlight away from the successes of staff, pupils, parents and carers across the region.

a lot may be going on in terms of the politics of education, there's even more going on on the frontline, where it really matters – at schools across our region – and most of it is good!

The Educate Awards are your chance to share your successes Entry to the awards is open to all publicly funded and independent private schools, including primary, secondary and special schools. There are a wide variety of categories, recognising both the dedication and the commitment of teaching staff within schools and showcasing the valuable work and innovation within the region’s classrooms. Sponsors of Educate Awards 2012 include main sponsor Merseytravel and individual award sponsors: Adlib Audio, Active Adventure, Carillion, Connex-Education, Hugh Baird College, Riverside, Scientiam, and The Design Foundry.


Award Categories

While the much-debated league tables may measure schools simply on the number of A* to C passes, the Educate awards aim to celebrate the many ways schools and staff have helped young people in their education career – the inspirational stories, the community work, the commitments to extra-curricular activities and the innovations that are helping to give pupils a brighter tomorrow. Most Inspirational Primary School

Teacher of the Year

Most Inspirational Secondary School

Innovative and Creative Literacy Award

Community Partnership Award

Innovative and Creative Numeracy Award

Outstanding Commitment to Sport

Spirit of Enterprise Award

SEN Provision Award

ICT Innovation Award

Science Project of the Year

Sustainable School Project of the Year

Outstanding Arts Performance

The Communication Award

There will also be a special WOW Recognition Award, open to any school that believes it has achieved outstanding performance or success in 2011/2012. The last school year may have been marred by outside influences but the Educate Awards allow you to get your school the recognition it deserves and let 2011/12 be remembered for the positives it brought.

WOW Recognition Award

******* The closing date for entries is October 20th 2012 *******

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Call for entries


Celebrating outstanding achievement

For more information call

01517097567 or email Associate Sponsors

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Primary News

Dedicated teacher retires Letitia retires after 41 years service Letitia Wilkins, deputy head of St Matthew’s primary school, Clubmoor has retired, after 41 years as a teacher. Letitia began her career in Sefton in 1971 and has taught the children of St Matthew’s for the past sixteen years. ‘I’ve enjoyed every minute of the last forty-oneyears,’ said Letitia. ‘I’ve always viewed teaching as a vocation; although I’ve always had high expectations of the children in my care, I’ve always tried to be fair.’ Letitia has two adult sons. Friends and family joined her at a retirement mass in her honour, including grandchildren Jack and Eve. Letitia now plans to spend her retirement working for the local community.

Teacher Letitia Wilkins says goodbye to pupils

A dream of a bike Ten-year-old Bobby Turner was the talk of the school after his dream design won him a mountain bike. Bobby, who goes to Malvern primary in Huyton, took the Queen’s Jubilee as his theme in a competition to design a perfect bike. The competition was part of National Bike Week, which is aimed at encouraging more children to cycle to school. Bobby’s dream bike had a crown shaped basket on the back and took the prize of a new mountain bike, helmet, lock and lights. He was joint winner with Joley Naylor from Kirkby primary, whose dream bike was designed to look like a winged horse with rainbow mudguards. Knowsley council’s road safety and sustainable travel team ran the competition. The children were presented with their new bikes at special assemblies at their schools. Nearly all of Knowsley’s school s now has safe storage for bikes following government funding and support from Knowsley’s travel plan advisor. 10

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Primary News

Young rappers’ message Pupils get the safety message rapped up

Liverpool Lord Mayor, Cllr Sharon Sullivan with the winning St Mary’s pupils Pupils from St Mary’s CE school in West Derby have got the safety message rapped up. They have come top in a competition to compose a rap highlighting hazards in the home. The contest was run by the Healthy Homes Programme, which is run jointly by Liverpool City Council and Liverpool Primary Care Trust, and aims to prevent ill health and injury resulting from poor quality housing conditions. As part of Child Accident Prevention Week, a play – performed by local community arts company Activate Arts about safety and hazards in the home was taken into 55 primary schools. They held 95 workshops meaning nearly 2,500 children were involved in the project. Following this all the schools were invited to produce a rap using the messages they had learned. Shortlisted raps from five schools were available to be downloaded from Radio City’s website with listeners voting for their favourite. More than 91,000 votes were cast with St Mary’s topping the poll taking nearly 30% of the vote, St Sebastian’s were a very close second and the other shortlisted schools were Knotty Ash, Bishop Martin CE and Sudley. 12

The Lord Mayor, Councillor Sharon Sullivan, presented the winning team with a gold disc of their rap. They were also taken on a tour of the Radio City Tower and given free tickets for the Liverpool Wheel. Councillor Sullivan said: “I was delighted to present this award. I am told that last year more than 1500 children

and young people from Liverpool were admitted to hospital due to accidents so it is vital we get safety messages across. “Using drama and music is a great way of capturing the children’s imagination and they are able to spread the message in a very imaginative way. And it just shows what wonderfully creative young people we have in the city”.

Grand opening of new garden The rain did not stop the staff and pupils of Churchtown primary school, Southport from enjoying the grand opening of their new outdoor learning environment recently. The area was opened by the mayor of Sefton cllr Kevin Cluskey and the mayoress Linda Cluskey. Headteacher Mr Walker, said: “This fantastic addition to our school was celebrated with music, songs and dance. “Children from reception acted as tour guides to show special guests around the new area. “We would like to say a big thank The mayor and mayoress of Sefton are you for the money raised by CHSA shown around the new outdoor area by which helped fund the project”. children from the reception class

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Primary News


St Laurence torchbearers John Bennett and Amy Whiteside

THE head of one of Sefton’s biggest primary schools has been selected for a top national role supporting schools in challenging circumstances. Pat Speed is one of only 95 headteachers to be appointed to the role of National Leader of Education (NLE) in the latest recruitment round by the National College for School Leadership. NLEs are outstanding headteachers or school principals who, along with their staff, use their skills and experience to help drive improvement in struggling schools. Great Crosby primary school was recognised as outstanding in its last two Ofsted inspections in 2006 and 2009. Mrs Speed said: “This NLE role is an honour and provides Great Crosby primary school with a chance to share its success with others while also learning from other schools too. Research shows that exam results for Key Stage 2 pupils can improve by more than 7%

in supported schools. “I believe we can help in other ways too by sharing some of the innovation and good practice here at Great Crosby, much of which has been inspired by staff, parents, governors and pupils themselves. “Although the NLE role is given to headteachers it is recognition for the whole school and provides an opportunity for our school community to spread its success farther afield.” Toby Salt, deputy chief executive of the National College, said: “It’s great that heads like Mrs Speed are becoming NLEs, looking beyond their own school gates to help more and more pupils get the best start in life. “School-to-school support is having a growing impact across the education system.” Mrs Speed took over at Great Crosby in 2010 after working as headteacher at St Malachy’s Catholic primary school, Liverpool and Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic primary school, Birkdale.

Pupils light the way in competition Staff and pupils of St Laurence’s primary school, Kirkby were delighted, when it was announced that they had been selected one of the winners of the Lloyds TSB ‘Spirit of the Torch’ Olympic competition. The aim was to design and make an Olympic-style torch, which encapsulates the key principles of local community. “I think we’re all very proud and pleased with the final product,” said headteacher, Paul Cronin. “The children worked hard and really exhibited their creative talents on this fantastic torch. “Its features not only represent the school, but also how we as a community reflect the whole Olympic ethos”. Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils


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Primary News

Special visitors at St Columba’s Pupils meet the people behind the uniforms Pupils from St Columba’s, Huyton enjoyed an interactive afternoon when members of the local emergency services joined them for an event organised by Merseyside Police. The children were able to talk with police officers and fire service staff, and were given a chance to climb on board a fire engine and see protective clothing; as well as interact with police dogs. “Activities such as these are brilliant,” said headteacher, Ronan Dunne. “They confirm a range of safety messages to the children on such things as fire safety and the dangers posed by weapons and gang crime. “They also help the children see the people behind the uniforms. We’re in debt to all the officers from Merseyside Police and the wonderful Red Watch at Huyton fire station”.

Dan Stevens from Huyton fire station joins pupils for book day

Links across Europe Pupils from St Oswald’s meet some of the European teaching staff involved with The Comenius programme

St Oswald’s junior school, Liverpool has been forging links with schools across Europe, as part of a EU initiative. The Comenius programme aims to utilise the rich diversity of European culture and languages to help develop the personal skills, which young people need to excel and gain future employment: particularly in a more 14

integrated Europe. The programme boasts over 1,000 participating schools and an estimated 12,000 teachers and 180,000 pupils in the United Kingdom. St Oswald’s have already visited some of their partner schools over the past two years and worked on joint projects, and now the staff from their partner schools in Poland, Spain, Croatia and Ireland

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

have returned the favour. “This has been an extremely successful project,” said Alex Borrill from St Oswald’s. “We set out to open pupils’ minds, to prepare them for a future we know little about; with emerging issues. “These issues lead to a need for students to be able to communicate on all levels”.

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Primary News

Pienaar backs kit project Everton stars head back to school

Everton football player Steven Pienaar went back to school recently to support a project that donates football kits to underprivileged children in his native South Africa. The Blues star visited Hunts Cross primary school to meet pupils who were enjoying a football-coaching day as part of the Engage for South Africa project. The project, which was launched in 2009, visits primary schools across Merseyside to collect old football kits and

boots from the pupils to take to schools in Cape Town. Pienaar praised the youngsters for taking part in the initiative and spoke to pupils about what inspired him to take up football as a youngster in South Africa. He said: “Projects like this make such a difference to kids in South Africa and it’s fantastic that so many children in schools across Liverpool have donated their boots and football kit to help kids

Mugs for all Halewood town council funded the purchase of over 2,000 special Jubilee mugs to be handed out to all schools in the Halewood area. The idea was to provide every child attending a Halewood school of nursery, infant and junior school age, with a commemorative Jubilee Mug to record and remember the Queens’ Diamond Jubilee. Each mug has the Jubilee design on one side, and the town council’s logo and reason for issue on the other side of the mug. Cllr Gary See, the mayor of Halewood, said: “It was an honour and a privilege to be able to present this lasting memento to all the children who attend Halewood primary schools, and as a town council, we hope that they will keep safe this souvenir of a very special occasion”. Right: The mayor of Halewood, cllr See, and the deputy mayor, cllr Edna Finneran after presenting the mugs to the reception pupils at Yew Tree Community School.


Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

on the other side of the world. “Every child should have the opportunity to play football and this project is helping to make that a reality.” Over the last few months, hundreds of kits and boots have been collected from Merseyside primary schools, which were then delivered, to Cape Town. As well as distributing the kit, coaches from the Engage for South Africa project also deliver football training to hundreds of youngsters.

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Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils


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Primary News

Creative pupils go green

Lawrence Community primary school pupils en route to school

Park and walk in Picton Children from St Hugh’s and Lawrence Community primary schools, Liverpool backing a campaign for road safety for children on Lawrence Road, Picton. The pupils explored road safety in their area and identified issues such as speeding cars, dangerous parking, congestion and even cars mounting the pavement. The children also visited Liverpool Town Hall to voice their concerns to council officials, resulting in a promise of action from mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson. In the meantime, the schools have joined forces with police community support officers and social landlord, Riverside, to start a scheme to encourage children and their families to park and walk to school, in a bid to ease traffic hotspots. Children, their parents and police meet once a week at Picton Park and walk to school together. The community safety initiative means that fewer cars park around the schools, which are often heavily congested areas. Miss Bishop, from St Hugh’s Catholic primary school, said: “Working with Lawrence Community primary school has been a great initiative to strengthen links between the two schools. Children worked hard on designing stickers given to all those who take part in the walk.” Stephen Agugua from Year 6, who was one of the winners from St Hugh’s said: “It was an honour for my drawing to be chosen for the walk for health stickers”.

THRILLER OF A DAY Pupils from Springwood Heath were “Thrilled” when they were asked to put on a special performance of their dance at the Children’s University Presentation Ceremony which took place at Liverpool Hope University, Childwall campus. The children had been working very hard perfecting their dance and looked fantastic in their costumes. A wide range of activities have taken place at Springwood Heath including art, ju jitsu, swimming, photography, hockey, African drumming, football, and dance. The children who took part in the dance club spent many weeks learning a dance routine to the music of Thriller and performed this for their parents and family. 18

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

Pupils from St William of York school, Sefton have been busy creating a new school mosaic The pupils have worked with an artist over a three-week period to produce the artwork, which reflects and celebrates the different aspects of the school. Headteacher Martin Murphy, said: “The work the pupils have put in is incredible. The rainbow signifies unity and this mirrors the schools mission statement of TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More. “The mosaic is now the centre piece of the schools new reception area which has been part of an overall £500,000 investment in the schools premises over the last three years. “The school is constantly looking at ways of becoming more eco-friendly. Through work with the Year 6 and neighbouring high school, Holy Family the children came up with the idea of an eco-friendly greenhouse made from plastic bottles. “Over 2000 bottles were required to build the structure which was finished in the spring. Since completion the new facility has been used by children from the nursery up to Year 6 and across a wide variety of subjects”.

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Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils


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Primary News

Celebrations all round Pupils are in heaven over win Sudley junior school is celebrating after winning the Liverpool SACRE Celebrating RE competition 2012. Gill Lawson from Liverpool SACRE, said: “We received almost 500 entries to the competition from schools across the city – from infant and nursery schools right up to secondary schools. The standard of competition entries was extremely high and members of Liverpool SACRE had a difficult task to decide the winners”. The overall winning entry was a piece of writing on the theme ‘My idea of heaven’ by Ella McCarthy of Sudley junior school, with Childwall CE primary school the runner-up. The schools have received £100 and £50 respectively to support the development of religious education and collective worship in their schools. The pupils judged to have submitted the best entry from each school were awarded a personal prize. Gill continued: “All schools that took part in the competition have received a certificate acknowledging participation in Liverpool SACRE Celebrating RE competition 2012. Certificates were awarded for the winning and ‘highly commended’ entries”.

Pupils from Sudley junior school celebrate their success. Left to right: Hannah Greer, Ellen Devine, Laura Harris, Katie Barnes, Amy Walker, Cara Clare, Lilly Scannell, Ella McCarthy (winner) Oswald Munn, Rawan Alkanshaly, Isabella Byrne.

Cronton bloggers are a cyber hit The children in Year 4 at Cronton CE primary school started blogging last October. It was a new venture for the children and their class teacher, Mrs Lynn Edwards, but the blog has taken off and the children haven't looked back since.


Recently, the blog was entered into the Education Blog Awards 2012, which is a UK based blogging award sponsored by Child Education, Primary Blogger and Just 2 Easy. It is organised by Chris Ratcliffe, sales director at Scholastic Education based in Oxfordshire.

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

This is the second year the awards have taken place with a record 8000 votes for over 900 blogs, more than double the number in 2011. The children were so excited to find out that their blog came joint runners-up. The judges stated it was a “Very appealing class blog with lots of images and communication with children.” The blog was also one of ten short-listed in the “Teacher Blog of the Year” category. The blog highlights many aspects of the children's school day, with photographs, movies, superstars of the week and examples of work. The children comment on each others work and how they feel. Mothers Day this year found many mums with a tear in their eyes as they watched a movie of their child singing to them and sending their messages. The children have also sung to the Queen to congratulate her on her Diamond Jubilee and Year 4 teacher, Mrs Edwards has written to the Palace to share their link with Her Majesty. You can read Year 4's blog at

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Primary News

‘HAPPY DAYS’ IN HUYTON Thumbs up from The Fonz Actor and dyslexic author Henry Winkler OBE (aka The Fonz) recently visited Longview primary school in Astley Road in Huyton. Also with Henry was Nicky Cox MBE, editor of children’s newspaper First News, to reinforce the message – how children learn is just as important as what they learn. First News has joined with leading education charity Achievement for All to help schools improve progress in reading, writing and maths for children who have difficulty learning. Henry is dyslexic himself and shared his story with school children telling them: “How you learn has nothing to do with how smart you are.” Henry said: “School was unbelievably hard for me. Teachers didn’t know what dyslexia was at that time. “So I was labelled a troublemaker. I was the class clown. I got a bad grade in everything but lunch. “I was great at lunch! I was told I was stupid, lazy and not living up to my potential most of my life. And, when you’re younger and you’re told that, you believe it. It’s part of your selfimage. “Just because we learn differently, that does not mean that we are not incredibly smart human beings. That’s something I need every child to understand.” Despite Henry’s dyslexia, Henry has become a bestselling children’s author as well as a successful actor and director. He was given the OBE in the 2011 for his work with children with learning difficulties. Henry is touring British schools and introducing children to his latest book series - Ghost Buddy, about a 14-year-old baseball playing, wise-cracking ghost who’s been dead for 99 years who helps his real-life friend deal with the school bullies. He’s already a best-selling children’s author with Hank Zipzer The World’s Greatest Underachiever, about the adventures of a boy with dyslexia, which is based on Henry’s own experiences.

Pictured with Henry ‘The Fonz’ Winkler are pupils Ronni Doherty, Jack Gustofson, Olivia Howard and Reece Burns

Go for Gold at Blessed Sacrament The school council at Blessed Sacrament Catholic infant school joined the ‘Send My Friend to School’ campaign; a global campaign which is urging world leaders to keep their promise of providing education for all children by 2015. There are still 67 million children out of school and the children were very upset at this and wanted to do something to help. They asked all the children in their school to make a 'Go for Gold' medal and then contacted their local MP to support their campaign. They were very excited to receive an official reply on House of Commons paper in which their MP, Steve Rotheram, said that he would support the campaign and agreed to meet with the School Council. Mrs Jackie Peterson and the school council are shown presenting their medals to Mr Rotheram, who said he would take their medals to the government.

Steve Rotheram MP recieves the Blessed Sacrament school council medal Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils


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Education News

Campaign success City first as schools get lifesaving devices

Pupils from Great Crosby primary school receive a difibrillator from Mark King, founder of the Oliver King Trust EVERY primary school in Liverpool is to receive a defibrillator as part of a campaign in memory of a schoolboy who died of a heart condition. The £100,000 project is believed to be the first scheme of its type in the country, and will see the life saving devices fitted in 122 schools over the next academic year. Training will also be provided to school staff. It follows the death of Oliver King, a pupil at King David High School in Childwall, in March 2011. He died during a swimming lesson from Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS). It is estimated that 270 children die of a sudden cardiac arrest while at school in the UK every year. Oliver’s family believe that if a defibrillator had been available, the 12year-old’s heart could have been restarted. The Oliver King foundation, launched in his memory, aims to get the government to install defibrillators in all public buildings by 2017. It is also calling for ECG scans to be given to all 14 – 35 year olds so that they can be screened for the potentially fatal condition. Oliver’s dad Mark said: “I am delighted that primary schools in the city are having defibrillators fitted. This is fantastic news and I firmly believe that it will help save lives. We must do all we can to raise awareness of SADS and prevent as many deaths as we can. There are no warning signs and it could happen to anyone’s child. “We need to have defibrillators in all public buildings to make sure that 22

Oliver’s death was not in vain.” Mayor Anderson said: “I am really pleased that our primary schools are leading the way by installing defibrillators. The Oliver King foundation is doing great work highlighting awareness of this issue, and I am 100 percent behind them.” A first aid scheme in which 14-16 year old pupils at King David High School have been taught how to use a defibrillator and perform CPR has proved a success. Councillor Jake Morrison, patron of The Oliver King foundation, said: “This is a fantastic achievement for The Oliver King foundation, which was only set up eight months ago. “Our schools are at the heart of our communities, and this equipment will be of benefit to us all. If this scheme saves one child's life, it will have been worth all the effort." Rachel Rick, chair of Liverpool primary schools association and head of King David primary school - which Oliver used to attend, said: “Oliver’s death was a great tragedy and brought home to us all the devastating consequences of this condition. “We have already installed defibrillators at the King David campus and I am delighted that other primary schools across the city will also benefit.” An e-petition calling on government to debate the dangers of SAD in the House of Commons has received thousands of signatures, but many more are needed. It can be found by visiting

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Tall Ships trip of a lifetime Seven inspirational students from Broadgreen International School have just completed a trip of a lifetime by taking part in the International Tall Ships race. They were part of the crew aboard the TS Pelican on the first leg of the race from St Malo, France to Lisbon, Portugal in July. The project provided an exciting opportunity for students to develop their personal skills, raise aspirations and on their return help inspire other young people in other community to get involved in challenges such as this, stretching themselves outside of their comfort zone. The event was attended by 80-100 other ships competing from most countries around the world. The students had to fund a major part of the trip themselves. They worked incredibly hard in the local community and in school by doing a variety of different things such as cake sales, sponsored mast climb and bag packing. Thanks must also go to Berrybridge Housing and Merseyside Adventure Sailing Trust (MAST)who provided some financial support via their community fund. In return students have to support Berrybridge Housing in community tasks and share their experiences with local primary schools by giving presentations in assemblies. Liam Smaje head boy from Broadgreen International School and one of the participants said: “It was a truly amazing experience, one that I would do again. I have met so many amazing people and had a chance to visit some brilliant places”

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Meet the headteacher Mr Hans van Mourik Broekman, Principal of Liverpool College

When something becomes common it becomes less newsworthy. The huge number of schools, for instance, converting to academy status, whilst interesting, is hardly ground breaking. For one school in particular however such a move is exactly that.

The start of a whole new era by Christine Toner Liverpool College, in Mossley Hill, was opened on January 6 1843 by William Gladstone (who would of course go on to be four time Prime Minister). Since that day it has always been a fee-paying independent school. But in September 2013 the school will make an historic transition to become a publicly funded academy. The move means parents will no longer have to pay to send their children to the school and pupil numbers are expected to increase by several hundred. Principal, Hans van Mourik Broekman, is clearly excited about the prospect. “Some people would say it’s a national first,” says Dutch-born Hans. “We’re not actually the first but we are one of them. In my opinion this will happen more and more in the future. We’re terribly excited about it partly because it is very in keeping with the foundation of the school.” Hans says Liverpool College was founded to serve the people of Liverpool and to provide them with an extraordinary education. 24

“We think that we do provide that extraordinary education experience and now it’s going to be available to the people of Liverpool regardless of their ability to pay,” he says. Hans joined the college in 2008, after a spell as head of a school in Nashville, Tennessee. He had worked at a British school before that and his decision to return was based on his previous experience of teaching in this country. “I think British schools are great,” he says. “I think schools like Liverpool College are great and I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to lead the school.” And not only is he leading the school, but leading it into a whole new era. “The average independent school in the country has about 500 pupils in it, we have 730 pupils at the moment so we’re a relatively large independent school,” says Hans, when explaining the decision to become an academy. “We could have gone on as we’ve always had. However, we did note that the ability of parents to afford this education entirely from after tax income was an enormous strain on everybody.” Hans says if the school was to continue

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as a private school it would come at the cost of social inclusion. “When you’re in a situation like this you’re beginning to serve a smaller and smaller section of the people of Merseyside,” he says. “You can do that, there is a viable school there. But instead we thought ‘We’ve provided this great experience for the last 172 years, shouldn’t that be available to all children?’”

We’re terribly excited about it partly because it is very in keeping with the foundation of the school

Another major factor in the decision was the results of an inspection report in March this year. “The Independent Schools Inspectorate said all these wonderful things about us and that gave us a lot of confidence that we could do something bold, innovative

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and visionary and that’s what the governors decided to do,” he says. Becoming a publicly-funded academy after over a century as a private school is, of course, a big change and it would have been understandable for parents of current pupils to be concerned. Change always brings an element of fear. But Hans says while it’s difficult to know exactly what parents are thinking, there are “significant indications” that they are generally happy with the move. “Only two parents have given notice of leaving,” he says. “We’ve had over 400 applications for fee paying places in 2012. Of course people have concerns and questions and we take those very seriously but from the 22 consultation sessions we’re about to conclude, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. With the change in status will come an increase in the number of pupils, rising

from some 700 to around 1,100. “In the year 1999 we had 1,100 pupils here at school, we are going to build some new facilities and return to that number eventually,” he says. “Those 1100 pupils are spread from the age of four to the age of 19 so it actually remains a very small school.” And while there will be total continuity in staff contracts and roles, Hans anticipates there will be a need for more staff as the number of pupils in the school grows. But one thing that isn’t expected to change too much is the curriculum, with the emphasis instead on expanding what the school currently provides. “I’m a classicist myself,” says Hans. “I’m very keen on Latin and Greek. And that is being expanded and comes back in a big way into our curriculum in this model. “We had made plans before the

announcement to create a faculty of Imagineering that would bring together design, kinetic engineering, business studies and computing and those plans will be able to go ahead. There’ll be a great books programme in the middle school years and the opportunities available to students will expand.” Since the announcement regarding academy status Hans says interest in the school has greatly increased. Open events will be held on the evening of September 13 and the morning of September 15 for pupils looking to enrol in September 2013. As for Hans’ vision for the school, he knows exactly where he wants academy status to take it. “I want us to be the best school in Britain and I think the best school in Britain is the school where every child’s aptitudes – not just abilities – are discovered and developed.”

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Secondary News

Author inspires writers Pupils treated to ghoul-laden workshop Over 400 students at Enterprise South Liverpool Academy in Garston were treated to an exclusive day of workshops and interactive sessions with local teen author, Jon Mayhew.

A former English teacher for 20 years, Jon is now on his third ghoul-laden adventure novel entitled ‘The Bonehill Curse’ and worked with students across Year groups 7 - 9 on creative writing

Author Jon Mayhew signs autographs

Eleanor is a prize speaker Bellerive’s Eleanor Lloyd of Year 9 won the Liverpool Soroptomists’ ‘Public Speaking Competition’ for 13 to 15-year-olds. Eleanor gave a well balanced; amusing talk on the topic 'Is there a north-south divide in the Country?' She received a prize and a trophy that was presented by Stella Eliott, Liverpool Soroptomist president. Eleanor was delighted saying: “It feels amazing to have won and I'm really proud of myself”. Competitors from Belvedere, Liverpool College, St Edwards, Broughton Hall, Saint Francis Xavier and West Derby School also took part. Fellow pupil, Aisling Rose Barron also spoke very well. This was especially impressive, as a late replacement, she had had only three days to prepare. She enjoyed the experience and is looking forward to taking part again next year. Jeff Dunn, co-ordinator of the Liverpool Schools Parliament, Mary Andrews, a Soroptomist, and JP John Williams were judges. In their summing up they said that there were no losers as all competitors had displayed an impressive standard. Bellerive’s two competitors were prepared and supported by Mrs Samuels. 26

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Winner Eleanor Lloyd with Stella Eliott, Liverpool Soroptomist president

techniques and assisted them on developing short stories of their own. Wirral based author Jon Mayhew commented: “I was delighted with the enthusiasm and creativity ESLA students presented throughout the whole day. There were definitely some promising talents and some short stories that they should be really proud of. “I hope I encouraged the academy students to have fun with their writing and most importantly enjoy it!” Jack Pendlebury, principal at Enterprise South Liverpool Academy said: “The Libraries at both campuses are always a constant hive of activity within the Academy. Having inspiring people, like Jon, come and interact with our students gives them confidence and allows them to reap the benefits that reading brings, not only for pleasure but to support and develop their general knowledge and vocabulary. “This event is part of our ongoing commitment to encouraging the love of learning and the development of literacy and language skills.”

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Secondary News

Entrepreneurs of the future Enterprising youngsters mean business Entrepreneurs of the future showcased their business plans at an Apprentice style event at Everton football club. The event was the culmination of Big Business, a seven-week work-based training project for pupils sponsored by

housing association Riverside. Year 8 pupils from Broadgreen International school, North Liverpool Academy in Everton, St Francis of Assissi Academy in Kensington, St Wilifreds in Bootle and St Cuthbert’s Catholic community college in St Helens

STUDENT OF THE YEAR The Archbishop Blanch School Young Enterprise Team, accompanied by head of enterprise, Mrs Addy recently took part in the Young Enterprise Merseyside final held at The Eden Centre, Hope University. The standard of entries was extremely high and the Archbishop Blanch team were highly praised for their presentation and trade stand. Year 11 student, Faye McKeown, was awarded Student of the Year following indepth interviews about the Archbishop Blanch company and business in general. Faye was congratulated on her business acumen and was picked to represent Merseyside at the North West finals at Concorde Conference Centre, Manchester, where she won the title of North West Student of the Year 2012! Mrs Addy said: “There was strong competition from Cumbria, Greater Manchester and Lancashire, but Faye outshone them all and I am extremely proud Winning student Faye McKeown to acknowledge this wonderful achievement”. with her certificate

presented their ideas to an audience of over 100. Parents, teachers and peers, representatives from partner organisations; and Riverside tenants, residents and board members were wowed by the youngsters, whose projects included a youth club, an adventure farm and a bed and breakfast bus. Tom McGuire, divisional director for Riverside, presented certificates to the students and a trophy to each school. He said: “I was greatly impressed with the quality of the projects presented, which demonstrated real business acumen and flair for social-media and marketing that could teach some real organisations a thing or two.” Throughout the project, the pupils visited Tesco, where they picked up advice on marketing and elected to learn the main elements of setting up and running a business; and Merseytravel who took the students on behind the scenes tour of the Mersey tunnels and taught them about health and safety in the workplace. Riverside’s community engagement officer Lisa Shearwood-Vingoe said: “The programme gave young people experience of real working environments. It was also an opportunity for participating pupils to build their confidence and self-esteem and develop their communication skills.”

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Secondary News

Enterprising students Pupils use technology

Star pupils in Year 8 at Rainford High have been recycling ordinary rubbish to raise money for poor children who live in the dumpsite slums of Manila. The charity - Philippine Community Fund - tries to provide education and social care for children and their families. Technology teacher Mrs Wilkes Siddeley has helped the students to raise over £360, which will be used to buy essential medicines and food parcels for over 200 families. The project has involved the students manufacturing and selling a range of innovative products. The PCF school in Manila, which will benefit from Rainford High’s fundraising, has been built from recycled containers. Some of the students’ work has been displayed at the entrance of the school to improve the appearance. Sue Rothwell - PCF country manager said: “Please tell the students how touched we are, and how grateful we are for their fundraising efforts”. Students at Rainford thoroughly enjoyed the activity. Pupil, Rachel said: “I enjoyed selling and making the products because I know the money is going to a charity which will make somebody’s life better”. Fellow pupil, Emilly said: “If we work as a team we can make a difference”. Mrs Wilkes Siddeley commented that the most enjoyable part of the project was seeing the children taking control, successfully working as a team, and thoroughly enjoying the whole process. 28

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to raise funds

Kindle surprise for Knowsley pupils! Following the success of last year’s event, Huyton Arts and Sports Centre for Learning has again played host to a spelling bee event which saw pupils from local primary schools compete against each other and also against pupils from the centre’s partner school in Namibia. Pupils from Blacklow Brow, Longview, St Columba’s, St Margaret Mary’s and Sylvester primary schools took part in the event, which was broadcast live to Namibia via Skype. The Namibian children opened the event with some traditional Namibian songs. The winners, from St Margaret Mary’s junior school, were presented with Kindle e-book readers, which were donated by RM, the centre’s IT partner. Damian Kenny, the centre’s director of Elearning said: “This was a fantastic event which showcases the achievements of our primary schools in the key area of literacy. I would like to congratulate all the children who took part – they are a credit to their schools and the borough of Knowsley. “A big thank you goes to everyone who has worked so hard to make this such a great success. I would especially like to thank our friends from Namibia for helping to make this event so memorable and we hope it will help to further strengthen our relationship”.

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Educate’s roundtable

Earlier this summer education secretary Michael Gove pressed on with his plans to reform schools by announcing his intention to scrap GCSEs and bring back more traditional exams based upon the old O-levels system. We brought together three experts in education to discuss the impact this would have and what really needs to change in education.

Return of the O-level?

Attendees: Chris Toon, deputy principal, Knowsley Community College Jack Pendlebury, principal, Enterprise South Liverpool Academy Lisa Murphy, head of primary education at John Moores


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We have to start by addressing Michael Gove’s plans. Do you agree with them? CT: It’s a question about standards rather than about the qualification. There is constant change in qualifications and it’s really confusing for parents and employers. I was the first year of GCSEs and it was quite a shock because I’d worked pretty hard to get O Levels and then I’ve come out with a piece of paper which essentially might not have any value. Now of course GCSEs are embedded in our psyche. For me it’s about the standard. We’ve seen much higher pass rates with GCSEs. I think we’re looking at about 70% pass rate so the debate for me is whether the standard is the same. It’s really easy to see that the content is very different. There is much less content in GCSE maths now than there was when I sat my GCSE. If the standards have dropped then qualifications mean a lot less to employers and universities. LM: I think there’s a lot of truth in that. I was, in a previous incarnation, a secondary school English teacher and as far as the English GCSEs go, in comparison to O Levels, there’s a big difference. I used to mark English GCSEs for an exam board and over the course of the time I was horrified at the percentage of marks that was given for spelling, punctuation and grammar - for an English GCSE. It was a really low percentage. On the literature paper, the last time I marked English Literature GCSE you had to give a mark out of one to three for spelling, punctuation and grammar, which defies logic doesn’t it? So I think you’re right it’s about standards and consistency. CT: I’ve spoken with a lot of employers and what they’re telling us is that young people don’t have the maths, English and employability skills – it’s those more rounded skills that employers desire. It is possible to achieve a GCSE in English and Maths but not necessarily have the ‘three R’s’ that perhaps give individuals the grounding needed for the world of work.

That’s the problem; the qualifications aren’t doing what they say on the tin.

Have employers picked up on this? Is that where the debate is coming from? CT: What we need to do is prepare people for their life in work and society. Some employers suggest that the education system is not doing that appropriately and some of that is down to standards. JP: I think there is a lack of clarity between literacy and numeracy maths and English. There are those who understand and can quote Shakespeare and those who have excellent qualifications in literacy. You could be brilliant at algebra but that’s not entirely what’s understood by employers so it comes back to standards again. When you look at playwrights and their original manuscripts the spelling is atrocious! But I think if employers actually say what it is they want we can deliver anything. LM: That’s spot on. We get students come to us, training to be primary school teachers and they don’t know what an apostrophe is. And yet they may have passed English. CT: That’s the problem; the qualifications aren’t doing what they say on the tin. It’s the standard; it’s not about what you call it. JP: There’s a lot more one can do in educating people by putting them out into work places so they can see the expectations from the other side. They come back from work experience and they have no doubt whatsoever of the expectations of how to speak to a customer or the expectations of what it was to actually use that machine or know that programme, they come back with a different set of expectations. I do think there’s an overlap, it’s about engaging with education. Gove also plans to bring in a separate exam for “less academic students” – what do you think of that? CT: That’s going back to the two-tier system. We had that with GCSEs. There was foundation tier. My sister was told when she was 13 that she was doing foundation tier math so the best

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Educate’s roundtable

grade she could get was a D. So she had nothing to aspire to. That decision was really destructive in her life. JP: I think that system is still there. The league table is measured by A* – Cs, they don’t look at Ds and Es but it’s there. The A* to Cs is the equivalent of a GCE. If you were to raise standards of A* to C grades so the expectations are higher of children who would be getting those grades, you’ve recreated GCEs all over again. I don’t like two tier systems because there are children who are just on the edge. Does a two-tier system benefit anyone i.e. less academic children? CT: What does less academic mean? I’ve known of young people who have behavioural problems getting sent to a local provider to keep them quiet and out the way rather than working on their behaviour. Their behaviour doesn’t make them less academic but we change our aspirations for them. I think we need to understand that other pathways, such as vocational learning, are really valuable to young people however shouldn’t be used to mask other problems. LM: It seems to be taking a step backwards to go back to a two-tier system. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, if you say to someone you’ll never achieve something, they never will. JP: I don’t want to be controversial but we’re not entirely here to teach employability skills. There is a love of learning that overwrites employability. I would ask another question – how would you define an educated person? In the 17th century or 18th century it’d probably be someone who had done a European tour, they probably had a smattering of Greek or Latin, they were well read, they could ride etc. But how would you define an educated person in the 21st century? Mr Gove is coming from the traditional view of an educated person which is very familiar to people of a certain age, he’s asking for what used to be called entitlement curriculum back again in which everybody did English, maths and science, a language, humanities and PE. Then you could choose your options. That’s what he wants back again. All countries in the developed world are revisiting their education systems and redesigning them for the 21st Century. There are some very interesting patterns emerging. The skills and qualities associated with team working, research, innovative thinking, problem solving and resilience are becoming highly


valued alongside literacy and numeracy and communication skills. There is also a more “applied” approach to subject knowledge where students begin with a problem and develop their understanding of subjects as they try to resolve them. For example, learning how to solve environmental problems by developing engineering solutions that involve knowledge of applied mathematics. At the Academy we have begun to integrate innovation cells into the curriculum with subject faculties spending at least a week every term on a thematic problem solving activity incorporating the use of 21st Century skills. On a different level I really like the new Singapore curriculum that seeks to incorporate the respect and care of others as a required expectation on the part of schools.

All countries in the developed world are revisiting their education systems and redesigning them for the 21st Century.

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What about the issue of coursework? Is it an easier option? Does this depend on the type of student? CT: It’s all down to standards because a piece of coursework is only as good as the rigour with which it is being assessed. You can do your English through coursework and I can do mine through an exam but we both need to have the same competence at the end of it. LM: Research shows that males prefer exams whilst females prefer coursework. But we have a problem, as a result of the Internet, with plagiarism. When somebody sits down and does an exam, it’s probably the only time you can guarantee that work is their own. Some children don’t understand the different between using the Internet as a research tool and cutting and pasting whole paragraphs. They genuinely don’t understand. JP: Coursework is useful for independent learning or research skills. LM: It goes back to the value of coursework rather than the grade. What we are slightly moving away from is that the time when you could do GCSEs through modules and you could retake and retake them to improve your grade. That just reduced it all to a number. What do you think about children being entered into exams earlier than usual? CT: In some schools I’ve worked with they describe this concept as “stage not age”. Unfortunately what that sometimes means is “if we start putting students in for exams from the age of 15 we’ve got more chance of A-C’s”. I think stage not age is really a valuable concept that should be explored but it’s so easy to abuse,

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especially with pressures of performance measures. The worst damage I’ve seen done is when a young person passes a GCSE at age 15 and then they’re just left. They’ve got their C so they disengage from education completely. JP: It is a difficult one that. When you put a child in for early entry and they get a C. They’re capable of an A* but it’s difficult to get them motivated. CT: My question why put them in for an early entry when they can do better. If someone could achieve a C at 15 why enter them at all? Surely an extra year’s teaching would improve that grade. What I would advocate is a 14 year old being entered if they could achieve an A* then moving onto an AS level. LM: I agree. The other side though is when it comes down to that awful situation of just doing it again and again and again to improve your mark that little bit. JP: The education system sometimes, with this idea of nothing less than a C matters, creates a winners and losers scenario. Winning and losing and competition is often cited as something we need to get back too – it’s said we’ve dumbed things down too much so that everyone’s a winner. But where is education in there, where is the love of learning in there? If we go back to the system where the standards are raised and the bar is higher, that’s ok for people who get over that bar - but you can’t devalue the people who’ve not got there. Children with vocational courses, with engineering skills or woodwork skills or metal work skills, are they not as valuable as the pupils who are good at Latin or who are good at Spanish or fantastic at mathematics. Are the engineers not just as valuable? CT: It’s a real problem. I think that in the UK many people don’t aspire to traditional vocations. Many young people, and their parents, aspire to be Doctors and Accountants however not so many aspire to be Chef’s. I suppose it’s to do with financial rewards, a few years back when there were reports of the huge salaries earned by plumbers we saw a huge increase in demand for that subject. JP: The vocational curriculum at ESLA is very broad and it’s growing all the time. I’ve got a very special project going on in South Liverpool. We created a building, which is going to be iconic. It has eight and a half acres of land. It’s been designed as a learning park. You can go to the maths zone or the science zone. I’m going to make sure there’s something for every child to

get out of bed in the morning for. We’re going to have an apiary where the children will learn bee keeping. Some of them will love that. There’s going to a small farm there. Scientists will use that as well for soil analysis and GM crops so I’m just trying to use the space, which is here to create as many different learning opportunities. Everything is vocational in the end isn’t it? Everybody has got to earn their living at some stage. I’m not sure where vocational ends. CT: What Jack is describing is very vanguard. Kids in many inner city schools don’t have that. What’s being described here is education, somebody throwing off all of the shackles.

The education system sometimes, with this idea of nothing less than a C matters, creates a winners and losers scenario.

What one thing do you think needs to be the focus of change going forward? CT: The key change in the future is about setting a standard that we can stick to. Employers, universities, parents etc. all need to understand clearly the level that people are leaving education with, especially with subjects like maths and English which are the foundations for learning, work and life. LM: The focus of any change needs to be on improving the quality of assessments that our children take at all levels of formal education. Moreover, quality needs to be consistent across assessment types, which are considered to be ‘equivalents’ such as NVQs and GCSEs for example. Assessments at primary school level should always be to record the value added or the level of progress that children have made from a baseline. This will enable progress to be monitored effectively and it will give an accurate account of the impact of teaching and learning school by school. At secondary level we should not revert to a two-tiered system with all the implications this has for labelling and placing a glass ceiling over children’s opportunities to achieve. Very importantly the number of assessments that our children undertake should be very carefully reviewed. We tend to overassess for the sake of national and international league tables and this causes children, parents and teachers unnecessary stress and anxiety. JP: The closer involvement of key stakeholders in the education curriculum of secondary school. This means closer and practical links with employers, institutions of further and higher education and with the community. The development of clear learning pathways between existing “stages” of the education process and especially between KS2 and KS3 and between KS5 and beyond.

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Secondary News

Summer start for new building

Groundbreaking ceremony with cllr Jane Corbett, mayor Joe Anderson and headteacher Francis Harrison and students. Work has started on Notre Dame Catholic College - the first of 12 schools to be built in Liverpool as part of the City Deal struck with the government. The scheme is part of the newly elected mayor’s investment plan for secondary schools, devised as a rescue package following the scrapping of wave six of Liverpool’s Building Schools for the Future (BSF) project. Cabinet approval for the scheme has now been given subject to the formal awarding of the £15 million contract. The council has struck a deal that means at least 50% of the project budget must be spent with firms in Liverpool to ensure local people benefit, and at least 70% going to companies across Merseyside. Dozens of local apprentices will also be employed. The school is being built on a site adjacent to Everton Park Lifestyles centre on the edge of the Project Jennifer regeneration scheme, and the school will use the sports facilities at the site. Mayor Joe Anderson said: “This is a landmark moment for education in Liverpool as we see the spade going in the ground on the first of the schools to be built as part of the City Deal. “Improving education and giving our young people the best start in life is one of my priorities and I am determined that we also make sure the project benefits local firms and

their workforce as well. “Our proposals are built around delivering educational excellence and improving the city’s economic prosperity so that the schools truly help regenerate an area.” Over the last few months, officials have met with local businesses to explain how they can become part of the supply chain for the new school. Councillor Jane Corbett, cabinet member for education, said: “This is part of our ambition to make sure that new schools are closely tied to the city’s regeneration and help build stronger communities, so that they are literally made in Liverpool. “This is a hugely exciting time for north Liverpool and the scheme forms part of Project Jennifer around Great Homer Street and our plans to regenerate Everton Park.” The Notre Dame scheme will be home to a new health and wellbeing centre. “Our new school is built with the community in mind and will create a state of the art local facility for local people,” said Frances Harrison, headteacher at Notre Dame Catholic college. “The benefits of additional inclusions such as the new health and wellbeing centre or salon will stretch far beyond our students, providing residents with vital services on their doorstep while enabling direct links between industry and academic life at Notre Dame.” The school is set to be completed in summer 2013.

Future badminton ace - Lizzie Tolman

Badminton ace plays for England A pupil from Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School, Lizzie Tolman, recently achieved a major first in her badminton career after being selected to represent England (Under 13) at an international tournament in Belgium. The Year 8 pupil from Formby, who was ranked number one in her age group when she was just in Year 6 and is currently ranked third in the UK for Under 13s, played singles in the semi-finals and mixed in the quarter finals. Lizzie is a member of the Merseyside Performance Centre and is coached by Ian Palenthorpe. She trains at least four times a week balancing both a busy school life with other sporting interests such as athletics and hockey. Lizzie is very modest about her achievements but according to her mother is very proud to have been chosen to play for her country. Mrs Tolman said: “Lizzie always gives her very best no matter what is asked of her, she really does blow me away and makes me very proud to be her mum”. Lizzie is still working hard at developing her game. Her focus for next season will be to build on the successes of this season to consolidate a place within the England team Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils


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Secondary News

Soccer masterclass Football stars hold training sessions

Kirkby Sports College pupils meet footballers Rickie Lambert and Danny Coid Professional football stars Rickie Lambert and Danny Coid recently visited their former Kirkby school to hold a special football session with lucky students. Lambert, whose 27 goals fired Southampton FC into the Premier League, was joined by Blackpool FC and Accrington FC ace Coid. The childhood friends reunited at the Kirkby Sports College playground for a heart-warming event where they took their first steps on the football field. The pair, who played alongside each other as strikers in their school team, led a session with Year 8 students passing on

expert advice and encouragement to the next generation of sporting talent. “The session was fantastic,” said Rickie. “It was great to work with the students and see some of our former teachers who are now great friends. The kids had some real talent and their enthusiasm was infectious. “We held a session aimed at improving key football skills that went down really well. I have great memories from growing up in the area; my parents still live in Kirkby and my nephew Harvey now plays in the KSC football team. Both Danny and I are delighted to be able to show our support.”

KSC history teacher John Woods helped to arrange the visit, said: “We were delighted to welcome back two of the school’s greatest sporting successes, as their former football coach I am extremely proud of their achievements. They are both fantastic role models who have made it to the top of their sport. “There was great excitement when they arrived and the students were so happy to see them. Rickie and Danny were able to pass on great advice including the value of hard work and determination. They told the pupils they would receive knock-backs on the path to success, but to never give up.”

Working their way to Gold Seven Year 13 students from St John Bosco Arts College have been working towards their Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award. They have been away to North Wales on a three-day practice expedition, camping near Nefyn. They worked on map reading skills and camp craft in preparation for their independent four-day expedition in the Lake District. The girls will be undertaking a "North to south lakes challenge" walking from Pooley Bridge, Ullswater to Newby Bridge, Windermere. They have also been learning new skills, getting fit and volunteering their time for good causes. As part of the Gold Award, they have to take part in a residential stay where they meet new people and learn a new skill. The girls have shown great dedication to the Duke of Edinburgh Award, previously gaining their bronze and silver awards. They have shown great dedication and willpower to complete their expeditions. 36

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

A well earned break for St John Bosco students

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The blueprint for your child’s future New school building - Opening September 2013

Enrol now - Open Evening

Monday 24 September 2012 from 6.00pm





Everton Valley L4 4EZ Telephone: 0151 263 3104 Fax: 0151 260 1849 Headteacher: Mrs F Harrison BSc (Hons) NPQH

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Secondary News

A LESSON ON SOUND College in tune with celebrations The students and staff of Archbishop Beck’s music department were excited recently, when worldrenowned teacher and music expert Randy Navarre visited them. Dr Navarre is author of The Instrumental Music Teacher’s Survival Kit (2001), the muchrespected step-by-step guide for music teachers, which presents a series of exercises for teaching and learning band instruments, as well as providing a wealth of information for teachers. “It was a great event and a great opportunity for students and teachers to talk and to meet Dr. Navarre and share their ideas,” said Bruce Hicks, director of music for Archbishop Beck.” Dr Navarre began teaching in Philadelphia in 1973, and has published several compositions; as well as seeing his music performed throughout Europe, the USA, Asia and Australia.

Dr Navarre with Bruce Hicks, director of music and members of the Archbishop Beck orchestra

Basketball success at college

Headteacher Dewi Phillips with rising basketball stars Ashley KaluginUgo and Parris Kaye-Minto


Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

Childwall Sports and Science College has announced that two of its Year 13 students have been offered places at the prestigious Loughborough University with particular reference to basketball scholarships. Ashley Kalugin-Ugo and Parris KayeMinto are students in Childwall sixth form and members of the schools elite basketball squad. Childwall Sports and Science College are currently the holders of the under 17 national basketball trophy in which schools throughout England enter this elite competition. Parris and Ashley have been offered basketball scholarships at Loughborough University as part of their sports science studies leading to degree level. Headteacher Dewi Phillips, said: “I am thrilled at the sporting and academic success of both Ashley and Parris. Both have been outstanding students and I wish them good fortune in the future.”

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Secondary News

College commended Broadgreen receives recognition for improving results Broadgreen International School - a technology college has received national recognition for achieving some of the fastest improving GCSE results in the country. Broadgreen International School qualified as one of the top 10 per cent of schools in England by improving its GCSE results year-on-year from 2008 to 2011 by at least 19 percentage points overall. Every school in the country has been ranked according to how much progress they made in improving their GCSE results in 2011 in new rankings released by SSAT - the representative body for schools. Sue Williamson, chief executive of SSAT said: “Broadgreen International School should be congratulated for their stunning achievement in improving their GCSE results. “The college has proved itself to be one of the best schools in the country at improving GCSE outcomes for their students. There is plenty that other schools could learn from Broadgreen International school. “These results are testament to the commitment and hard work of the students, teachers and leadership team at Broadgreen International and a vindication of their belief in high expectations, good teaching and ambition for every young person.

Broadgreen International school continues to improve year-on-yesr "Successful schools like Broadgreen International understand the value of data, such as these progress, measures, in helping to ensure all young people perform to the very best of their ability. “The progress measures show how schools make a difference and raise achievement above expectations”. Mrs Beevers, headteacher at

Broadgreen International School, said: “Our success continues. We are delighted to be acknowledged nationally for the progress we have made and continue to make in improving our GCSE results. “This is due to the incredible hard work of our students and staff at Broadgreen International School. Well done to everyone”.

NEW PRINCIPAL FOR RAINFORD Ian Young has been appointed the new principal of Rainford High Technology College. He studied at Liverpool University and did his post graduate certificate in education at Newcastle University. Ian, aged 42, started teaching at Whitworth High School, Lancashire, and was promoted to curriculum leader at Bowring Comprehensive school in Huyton. He became an assistant headteacher at Shorefields Technology College later achieving deputy headteacher status. He enjoys all sports, particularly rugby union, which he used to play, and golf which he plays when he has the time.

Speaking of his appointment, Ian said: "I am delighted to have the opportunity to lead Rainford forward at this exciting point in the school's development. The school has a solid foundation of committed staff and amazing young people and I look forward to ensuring that the standards in the school reach the highest possible levels of attainment and achievement." "I am sure there will be a number of challenges in the coming months and years but I am confident the school will become an outstanding institution that will benefit the staff, students and community. I look forward to working with everyone to take Rainford High to outstanding and beyond".

Ian Young, Rainford High principal Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils


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Secondary News

Helen’s young scientist award Any bot for tennis?

Helen Sheehan recieves her award from the minister for universities and science David Willetts Helen Sheehan, a 17-year-old student from St Mary’s College, Crosby has won national recognition as one of the top young scientists in Great Britain. Helen was taking part in the National Science and Engineering Competition at ‘The Big Bang’ science fair in Birmingham, the largest event of its kind for science, technology and maths for young people in the United Kingdom. She finished in the top five from a field of 360 young scientists. Last year, Helen won a prestigious bursary award, which allowed her to spend four weeks working with professional scientists at Liverpool University during her summer holidays. She will now go forward to take part in the European Union Contest for Young Scientists in Bratislava. “I would like to congratulate Helen on her success,” said St Mary’s College principal, Mike Kennedy. “To have the very high standard of her research recognised at regional, national and now European level is a fantastic achievement”.

A robotic tennis tournament turned Year 9 students from Knowsley into engineers for a day of hands-on learning. The students from Halewood Centre for Learning were taking part in The MerseySTEM Vex challenge, designed to bring science, technology, engineering and maths to life. As part of the challenge the group of four students had to build their own robots capable of grabbing and releasing a tennis ball, following a highly complex series of instructions. Once completed, the robots were pitted against those created by teams from other schools, each competing to collect as many balls as possible in 90 seconds. Eventually the Halewood robot emerged victorious, having won six of its division games, coming top of the league and then progressing to the knock out stages and triumphing at the final. Science teacher, Mr. Blackham said: “It was a fantastic way to bring many elements of learning to life for the students who took part. Building the robots was really challenging and required a lot of concentration, delegation, great teamwork and the ability to put the science, technology, engineering and maths theories they learn at school into practice. “Of course, we were thrilled that our robot won – it was a great end to a really enjoyable and worthwhile day.”

Education scheme piloted with Litherland High Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust is celebrating the success of a new breastfeeding education scheme piloted with Litherland High. As part of the international awareness week, the Trust is now calling for other schools in the region to consider how they can educate students on breastfeeding, and encouraging them to adopt a similar, proactive approach. Alison Welsh, a public health development nurse from Liverpool Community Health said: “We partnered with Litherland High School and 40

BreastStart Peer Support Programme to deliver sessions to Year 10 students, as part of an innovative pilot initiative to help integrate breastfeeding messages into the school setting.” Alison added: “With a bottle feeding culture being the norm in this area, very few of the students had witnessed breastfeeding amongst family and friends, and we wanted to get across how breastfeeding is incredibly convenient, and offers a huge range of health benefits both to baby and mum. “Breast milk provides complete

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

nutrition for the first six months of a baby’s life. It contains substances which help to fight infection and sooth, and is closely associated with the reduced risk of a child developing health problems. “The majority of students said they would be ‘far more likely to consider breastfeeding themselves in the future’ after attending the sessions and understanding the benefits”. Following positive feedback from both teachers and students at Litherland High, the Trust is now hoping to partner with other schools across Sefton.

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Bröadgreén Íntêrnãtiønal Sçhòol A First Class Education Open Evening Thursday 27th September 2012

5.30pm – 8.00pm


Broadgreen International School A Technology College Queens Drive Liverpool L13 5UQ United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0) 151 228 6800 Fax: +44 (0) 151 220 9256

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Education News

Green bids welcome Community funding available to Mersey schools £10,000 of funding has been made available to schools in Merseyside and Halton. The Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority (MRWA) community fund (which is also supported by Veolia environmental services) is available and will accept applications from schools in the area for projects that will benefit the environment. Bids of between £50 and £500 can be made for each project. Councillor Joe DeAsha, chairperson of MRWA, said: “This is the first time we’ve made funding available just for schools. There are a lot of schools out there who are doing really good work in recycling and waste prevention and I hope we can help as many of them as possible, even if it’s just in a small way.” Schools can only receive one lot of funding, and cannot apply if they have already received money from either of this year’s previous MRWA funds. Carl Beer, chief executive of MRWA, said: “We’re interested in projects that are new and have innovative approaches to sustainable waste management and that meet two or more of the key fund priorities.” Fund priorities include: preventing the creation of waste; reducing the amount of waste generated and sent to landfill;

Pupils and staff at Holy Family Catholic primary school (Southport), who last year took part and won an art competition using recycled materials the reuse of materials; waste/community-fund or by calling increasing recycling; reducing carbon MRWA on 0151 255 1444. The final date emissions and demonstrating economic for applications is 30th March 2013 or and social benefits. before this if all of the funding has been Examples of projects supported in the apportioned – a first come first served past are: producing a waste prevention basis will apply to those bids which educational video game; art projects satisfy the key funding priorities, with using recycled materials and teaching decisions being made on a monthly children to sew and repair clothing basis. Application forms are available from


Liverpool Council launches new online service

Liverpool salon chain, Voodou, has launched a campaign to inspire and inform school children about the benefits of a career within hairdressing. Their new team of junior stylists, specialising in hairstyling for the under 15s of Liverpool, have been giving a number of talks to local schools across the city, informing pupils about their own career paths and why they chose to become hairdressers. Rob Webb, MD of Voodou, which has a training academy within the city centre, said: “With today’s economic climate and increasing university fees, we are all aware how hard pupils are finding it to get themselves onto the career ladder. The campaign is aimed to make students aware of the varied industry of hairdressing and how possible it is to get started. Linda Locke from St Julie’s whose pupils took part in the campaign, said: “We strive to ensure that our pupils leave as confident, proficient, well rounded young women who will achieve well in their chosen careers. “As such we have been delighted to work with Voodou in their initiative to share their insight into the hair industry with pupils opting for our courses in hair and beauty.” The campaign which started last term will be rolled out to more schools this month.

Liverpool City Council have launched a new online scheme which will help benefit parents applying for school places. The system, the council say, will be quick and simple and will cut out the need to wait for your application to get to them by post and there is no danger of it getting lost. You can apply online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week up to the closing date of 31st October 2012. You will receive an email confirming that your application has arrived. A council spokesperson, said: “Just go to the website and follow the instructions. There is no need to send a paper copy as your application will go straight to the admissions team. “There are also clear and simple instructions to guide you through the process. It also gives you the option of starting the application but if you wish to finish it later, you can save it and go back to it any time up to the closing date for applications. You can apply online at: You will receive your offer by email on 1st March 2013, a letter confirming your offer will also be sent out on 1st March 2013, this will contain information on how to appeal if you are not satisfied with your offer.


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Education News

Summer of music College showcases talent

The Blue Coat School enjoyed a fantastic evening of music at its summer concert at the prestigious Liverpool Philharmonic Hall in july. Parents, governors, trustees, friends, family and The Blue Coat community enjoyed a memorable evening with the choirs, orchestra and bands of The Blue Coat School joining forces to present a concert of music and celebration. The evening showcased the outstanding talents of students from the school and The Blue Coat School choral society.

THE CAPSTONE THEATRE WELCOMES SCHOOLS The Capstone Theatre, at Liverpool Hope University’s creative campus, is building links with secondary schools to help students experience live performances from the exciting and eclectic mix of international artists performing in its autumn season. The theatre can provide school groups and teachers with special discounts. In addition to this, there are opportunities for performancerelated workshops and question and answer sessions with the artists. This season’s programme includes concerts from jazz artists Lighthouse and Jah Wobble and The Modern Jazz Ensemble; Blue Note vocalist Stacey Kent; performances from folk and acoustic artists Jim Moray and pop songsmith Dean Friedman as well as internationally acclaimed pianist Joanna MacGregor’s Mozart piano concerto series. Heads of music and performing arts are invited to contact Neil Campbell at to discuss opportunities to develop relationships between your school and the theatre. For the full programme of events, visit

New name, new look school: "They make everything look so easy!" With 12 years experience working with schools in the To 'Upgrade Your Media', call 07794 442 082 or email north west, ‘Upgrade Your Media’ are changing the face of tired, uncared-for school websites, replacing them with or visit a modern, first class look and feel. Their experienced designers create great looking school websites that parents and students enjoy visiting again and again, in a fast, clear and effective way. And, regular updates come as standard, as Mr Hicks, the assistant head at Archbishop Beck Catholic College, said: "Over the years Upgrade Your Media have provided the school with an outstanding service and are always reliable." But their service is not just electronic. In print, their professional photography and striking graphics help them also create printed prospectuses that parents like. "The service is always excellent!" said Mr Wilson, the vice principal of University Academy Liverpool. In large print too, their stylish banners, posters and pull-ups display school events and achievements beautifully, clearly and concisely. "I would recommend Upgrade Your Media" said Mr The school website for Archbishop Beck Catholic College Bannon, the assistant head of Woodchurch High designed by Upgrade Your Media 44

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The Blue Coat School Not For Oneself but for All

Sixth Form Information Evening Thursday 24th January 2013 Tours to start at 4.30pm Presentations at 5pm & 6pm Do you want the opportunity to achieve excellent Advanced Level results in a stimulating academic atmosphere? Then join us at our Sixth Form Information Evening for external applicants where you can find out what we have to offer.

The Blue Coat School, Church Road, Wavertree, Liverpool L15 9EE Telephone: 0151 733 1407 Website:

Giving your child the best start in life is important St Hilda’s delivers an extensive, largely academic curriculum to the pupils within its care. Numerous extra-curricular activities and educational visits widen pupils’ horizons. St Hilda’s has a proud tradition of developing students to fulfill their potential and follow their dreams for the future – a tradition which has at its core Christian beliefs coupled with an ethos of respect and hard work. This summer our GCSE students reached a very high standard with 76% gaining at least 5 A*- C grades including English and Mathematics. At A-level, students obtained the grades needed for a wide range of courses. Our 2012 successful May Ofsted inspection rated the school as ‘Good’ overall with ‘Outstanding' behaviour and safety. In addition the 2012 Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools rated the school as Outstanding. If you have any questions at all about the school or admissions, you may like to talk to Mrs Benson, the Headteacher, at the following times – no appointment needed:

Monday 1st October 3.30 – 4.30 pm Monday 15th October 3.30 – 4.30 pm

Croxteth Drive, Sefton Park, Liverpool L17 3AL Telephone: 0151 733 2709 • Email: • Website: believe



excel Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils


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Education News

Sefton CU on the up University has great plans for the future Sefton Children’s University is going from strength to strength according to the chair of the trust and headteacher of Farnborough Road junior school, Birkdale, Adrian Antell. Adrian said: “The Sefton CU is at the forefront of this area of work in the UK as we are the first children’s university to establish as an independent charitable trust that is being driven by schools and other partners. “We are one of the strongest and biggest children’s universities, until recently we were working with Sefton council, but unfortunately, they had to implement spending cuts and the children’s university became under threat of closure. “It was then that a group of interested headteachers realised that there was huge potential for the university and we thought that we would take over the running

of it and do something with it ourselves. “We were well aware that children in our schools were collecting credits as they went through the scheme but the threat of closure meant that they weren’t going to graduate, so, we had to respond immediately on how we could help them and also carry on this scheme which we very much valued. “This year we have had over 800 Sefton children graduating at Edge Hill University and we have great plans for the future. “The Children's University is a national organisation offering children aged 7-14 an exciting and innovative programme of high quality learning opportunities outside school hours, with a focus on rewarding participation, raising aspirations and encouraging engagement with learning. “Children's University provision is delivered outside school hours, at weekends

Adrian Antell, chair of Sefton Children’s University

Chloe McTaggart, from Farnborough Road junior school

and in the holidays. “Children are encouraged to progress through the national certification scheme, based on their number of hours of attendance throughout their involvement with the children’s university. “Bronze, silver and gold certificates are awarded at CU undergraduate, CU postgraduate and CU

doctorate levels, rewarding participation in CU learning from 30 to 1000 hours. “Honorary certificates are also awarded for outstanding achievement and commitment and this year, has it happens it was Year 6 pupil, Chloe McTaggart, from Farnborough Road junior school that received this award”.

THE CHANGING FACE OF EDUCATION The role of teaching assistant is becoming increasingly vital to today’s classroom. They are involved in tasks that support not only the general work of the school, but also individual pupils.

Once you’ve started work as a teaching assistant in a nursery, infant or junior school, special school, secondary school or independent school, there are opportunities to develop your career by completing further

Tom McGarrigle with Jan McKean, student services manager at Holy Family School 46

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

qualifications, such as the Supporting Teaching and Learning (STL) qualification. Mercia Partnership is one of the training providers that deliver the STL course in schools throughout the northwest. Kristian Brown, from Mercia Partnership, interviewed learners who are at various stages of their teaching assistant (TA) career. Tom McGarrigle, who has just finished sixth form at Holy Family, said: “I’ve always been unsure of what route to go down. I applied for university and I did get quite a few offers back. “For me personally, it wasn’t the right option to go down. I’d rather go straight into working and getting involved.” With the summer holidays now over, he is very keen to get started. He continued:

“With this course with Mercia it sounds like I can get hands on. It’s going to be good to meet other people who also prefer this learning style.” Tom was not alone in his struggle to decide how to go about pursuing his chosen career. Tom said: “If you don’t want to go into further education it’s good to know that there are apprenticeships or other areas to go down. There’s not always the pressure of university, you can do something like this. Quite a few of my friends have been put off university because of the tuition fees. But this is something I’m looking forward to, I can’t wait to get involved”. If you’d like to find out more about the STL course, or Mercia Partnership, please visit

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Do you want to make a difference? If you enjoy working with children and would like to play a part in their education and wellbeing, a job as a teaching assistant could be ideal for you. With Mercia's Supporting Teaching and Learning qualification (STL) you could work as a teaching assistant in nursery, infant or junior schools, special schools, secondary schools or independent schools. Level 2 is suitable if you are new to the job or have limited responsibilities. Level 3 is for experienced teaching assistants with more responsibilities. At Mercia, support is there whenever or wherever you need it, as we strive to ensure learners have what they need to succeed.

Be part of something rewarding... No previous experience or qualifications are necessary for the STL course. All you need is to want to help others while helping yourself grow into the Teaching Assistant role. This nationally recognised qualification is provided FREE* For information on all the courses available to you and where they take place please contact 0151 289 0918 or visit *Price depends upon eligibility

Mercia Partnership UK (Ltd.), 10 Vicarage Place, Prescot, Merseyside, L34 1LA T: 0151 289 0918 E: W:

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Meet the headteacher Kay Askew, North Liverpool Academy

Kay Askew has been principal at the North Liverpool Academy for six years and with the North Liverpool Academy she is now setting up two new schools in the city, Liverpool Life Sciences UTC and The Studio.

Super Principal by Kate Hanratty North Liverpool Academy in Everton is one of the largest and best equipped schools in Liverpool if not the country. It has 1400 pupils and specialises in business, enterprise, maths and computing. The two new schools are set to open September 2013 in the former CUC Building on Greenland Street and will train 14-19 year olds to work in the bio sciences sector and in digital and gaming technology. Kay believes that schools need to identify emerging industries in their areas and prepare children for the ultimate prize at the end of education which is a job. We must remember that Liverpool was recently involved in the major scientific discovery of the Higgs Bosen particle as well as being a world leader in the development of vaccines and cancer cures. “We need continually to look at what we’re doing in education to meet the needs of the student and the city in which they live,” says Kay. Liverpool is also a centre for gaming development and gaming industries need 48

highly skilled people to go directly into employment in their studios. “If you look at where Liverpool economy sits in the world, we want our children to have the jobs in the city,” says Kay. “How are we going to help our children to get those jobs? We need to give them the right kind of skills, the right kind of education and make them the right kind of people.” The Studio is supported by industry partners Sony, Setgo Games, Onteca and Apposing. The Life Sciences UTC is partnered by Merseybio, Unilever, BristolMeyers Squibb and the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals. It is a new way of teaching 14-19 year olds, but Kay is no stranger to taking on new challenges. The North Liverpool Academy was only the second academy of its kind to be sponsored by a university in the UK when Kay headed it up from conception to birth. The academy is sponsored by Liverpool University, educational publishers Granada Learning and Stanley Fink, the chief executive of Man Group plc.

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

Critics questioned the influence of sponsors on the school’s curriculum and balance sheet yet Kay who has run the school since it first opened its doors in 2006 says that the academies sponsors have brought nothing but good things to the table for the academy. “Sponsors don’t have an undue influence on the academy they are amazing helpers,” says Kay. “Our sponsors have only a good impact on our curriculum. They can help with placements and places to source equipment.” Any North Liverpool Academy student who wants to study at Liverpool University will get a scholarship to attend the university, their fees will be paid and they will be granted bursaries. A selling point indeed for university sponsors when from September 2012 students are facing university fees of up to £9,000 per year. 100 percent of North Liverpool Academy pupils achieve five GCSE’s across the curriculum and 51 percent attain five GCSEs including English and maths. The schools latest OFSTED inspection in January saw it graded as a GOOD school overall.

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At an academy there is nobody clouding your horizon saying you can’t do this

Kay lives on the Wirral and started her teaching career in Birmingham before becoming the headteacher of Charlton School in Telford. She says the only difference with working at an academy school is that pupils will never be told that there is only one option of study available to them. North Liverpool Academy offers an array of qualifications from BTECS to the International Baccalaureate. “At an academy there is nobody clouding your horizon saying you can’t do this,” says Kay. “There is a lot of have you thought about this but there is nobody saying it has to be this way. It’s all about working to meet the needs of the pupils.” Another original worry with academy schools was that they might be elitist and exclude children who were most in need, but North Liverpool Academy is a flagship school noted for its inclusion policy. “Like all academies we have to take as many special needs children as possible,” says Kay. “We take 20 percent special needs children and children from the highest to lowest ability.”

Commenting on the cutting-edge facilities that all three schools enjoy, Kay is quick to remember what is really important. “It’s not buildings that make good schools it’s the children and the staff,” she says.

“It is great to have excellent facilities as it does make life easier but everything in life is about the people you gather around you. Roger McGough said Liverpool people are the best in the world and I have to agree as my staff and students are fabulous.”

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils


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For a tour of the centre or to enquire about availability, please contact the team on 0151 233 3901 or email 50

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E-volution: How To Stay App Happy As the recession puts more demands on household budgets, families across the country are making cutbacks wherever possible. In education however, new technologies are enabling savvy students to increase their understanding and explore their potential in all areas of learning without expensive tutoring, trips or purchases. As smartphones compete for customers, the development of apps to boost brain power, instruct and entertain are attracting attention from pupils, teachers and parents. We researched some of the most popular apps in use at the moment so that you can decide what is the future of learning mobile?

As more and more students opt for smartphones, the demand for apps is increasing and improvements are constantly being made to the look, layout and features of the technology and the devices. Whether they’re an Apple or an android user, students and learners across the globe are taking advantage of the apps available to them and sharing their opinions as reviews or on Twitter and social networking sites. For developers of the technology, feedback can be brutal – but it’s also crucial to a software company’s success. Now, more than ever before, consumers are influencing the future of technology; purchase power could be the vital link to coupling the virtual and the real.

Listen, Watch, Learn Multisensory experiences have long been an essential component of teaching in UK schools and the development of technologies to make such experiences possible in leisure time has exciting implications for future generations. As educators are told at the beginning of their

careers, learners retain 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear and 30% of what they see. When the senses are combined during a presentation, such as sight and hearing, up to 50% of the information is processed and easily recalled. The figures improve further when learners are actively involved in the process by creating, making, explaining or manipulating data; they then retain 90% of the information. This figure increases to 95% when they teach someone else, because by demonstrating their knowledge to another, their understanding is deepened. While this understanding of the way we learn has influenced modern teaching methods and brought multisensory learning experiences into the classroom for learners of all ages and abilities, the opportunity to take this sort of learning home is redefining possibilities and expectations. With improvements in mobile apps, for the first time students are able to access multi-dimensional and multi-sensory learning experiences. As a result, we have a

generation on the cusp of being able to develop their knowledge and understanding on their own terms, whether that’s in their bedrooms or on the bus home from school. Of course, sceptics who question swapping the slate for printable worksheets there is considerable ground to cover before they jump on board. There are other questions concerning affordability and accessibility of mobile devices for school pupils, cyber safety and how much screen time we should be encouraging. However, in schools across our region staff have been incorporating multisensory experiences and the concept of the pupil-as-teacher into lessons for a number of years. The new apps, we might argue, simply allow pupils to continue learning in this way at home, after the lesson has ended.

Success Stories For teachers, the apps have to be a welcome benefit in the technological age. An experienced teacher at a Sefton primary school commented

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that smartphones are starting to change the way ‘phones are perceived in schools. She said, “Previously, we’ve had to enforce the rules that mobiles aren’t turned on during the school day: they’ve always been viewed by staff and by parents as a potential distraction from learning and activities, especially in the past when pupils would spend hours in the evening texting or playing very basic and addictive games. Nowadays, however, the variety and quality of educational games has improved to the point where parents will engage with their children and the device and families seem to actually be spending more time together as a result, and that has to be a good thing.” While the jury is still out on the value of apps to achievement in education, the availability of revision tools direct to young people’s phones and computers with images, sound, colour and video, is making no small impact. Robert is a GCSE English literature student at a Liverpool boys’ school. He has been using his iPad, a gift for his birthday, to help him work towards a controlled assessment about Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. He said, “To be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to learning Shakespeare. The language was difficult to understand in the book and even though the teacher went through it all with us, it wasn’t something you could go and work on by yourself. When my teacher showed me the app, it was like opening a door and turning a light on. It all seemed to come together and I could imagine the actual play and get so much more out of the story and remember the characters better. The app has definitely helped me to improve my grades in the assessment.” Of course, finding the balance between using all-singing and all-dancing technology to absorb and revise material and practising traditional exam papers and timed questions must be found to achieve the optimum results, but pupils who are able to adapt to use the new technology as intended – to meet the demands and challenges of the modern world – may find themselves better prepared for university and the world of work than previous generations. Indeed, as younger and younger pupils explore, use and respond to apps, so they may become better able not only to develop their own skills and learning but to contribute to the ongoing evolution of technology.

Stimulating ‘Face Time’ For many younger children, the new generation of mobile devices is part of the fabric at home. Much has been written about the problems of parenting-by-proxy: communication, learning

and behavioural difficulties are believed to develop or increase essential parent and baby eye contact and interaction is replaced by a TV screen. However, the development of mobile interactive applications could actually be used by parents with their children; they can share their ideas and explore the world around them together. Janet, 35, has two pre-school children and a busy schedule. She was using her iPhone to juggle commitments at work and at home when she discovered the number of apps available to help younger children explore colours, shapes and words. She said, “My youngest has always been fascinated by ‘phones and is attracted to the colours and lights. I was expecting to have to always keep my iPhone out of reach, but sometimes on a longer bus or train journey I would let them watch a video or cartoon. Then I discovered the iTouchiLearn and the two boys are able to entertain themselves.” She added, “A few

devices, more traditional pursuits are being made possible once again in a world where everyone is always on the go. The bonus here is that apps no longer need to remain an independent or isolated pastime. Indeed, the availability of popular games to challenge and entertain could prove a valuable link between the virtual and the real world. While many games are enjoyable as escapist pastimes, traditional pursuits like chess are also proving popular with the Apple generation. Access to a wide range of games on mobile devices in leisure time is introducing young people to games and interests which may have otherwise remained outside of their reach. Ben, 13, is a member of his school’s lunchtime chess club but enjoys improving his strategies with an online game at home. “I like playing games on my iPad but my mum didn’t really approve until she realised I was playing chess and that I’m still playing chess at school. I think if I win the

years ago, if you saw a mum keeping the kids entertained with a mobile you’d think they were a lazy parent and hadn’t bothered to bring their child a toy to play with. Nowadays, it’s actually a preference; you can choose a learning game for them to explore and engage with the technology for themselves.” To help younger children develop, spending 10 minutes a day reading with them, talking about stories and pictures and pointing out signs and words in the world around them in crucial. On a mobile device, accessing ebooks and games can also assist in enabling babies and toddlers to recognise shapes, sounds and colours. For older children, reading together and encouraging independent reading is crucial to developing their concentration skills, vocabulary and thought processes. Encourage them to choose books which they’ll enjoy to read on their device and shorter magazine articles and websites to help expand their knowledge and interests further.

next competition then it will be because I’ve been able to practise in my spare time.”

A trivial pursuit? Of course, some parents remain sceptical about the benefits of using handheld devices for reading and learning, and parental monitoring, support and intervention is key to the success of learning in these areas. Indeed, for the iPod and Playstation generation, the advances in technology which has revolutionised the gaming and music industries have also been held responsible for an increasingly isolated generation of teenagers, occupied with games and music in their bedrooms. Now, with imaginative leaps made in apps for mobile

Pros and Cons For parents new to mobile devices, it’s important to weigh up the pros and cons before investing in expensive devices. The advantages of encouraging children to play independently, receive instant feedback, and boost their brain power have to be balanced against the temptation to play for too long stints and becoming addicted to online rewards and scoring. Take time to try out and test the apps and games yourself first, and decide a reasonable amount of time to allow the children to play. Furthermore, ensure that you draw children out of the virtual world with verbal praise and encouragement for their achievements. Visit iTunes and other parental sites to read the reviews before purchasing any apps, and ask other parents to find out what works for them. One ICT teacher at a Knowsley secondary school is optimistic about the future of apps and of education. “As the workplace is changing and new roles are being created, pupils are developing new and different skills at a faster rate than any previous generation. While today we are asking pupils to use apps at home to revise for an exam, tomorrow we could be asking them to create their own apps to teach each other. It’s an exciting time and, aside from initial investment in smartphones, we’re not asking parents or pupils to make a large outlay – we’re just asking them to explore what’s already available to them, and the possibilities are endless.”

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Top Tips for Cyber Safety Of course, with progress comes risks and parents who decide to allow their children to use mobile devices or go online need to be aware of the dangers and educate their children in staying safe. In addition, parents need to agree a limit with their children on how much

time can be spent using mobile devices, and ensure that all screens and applications are closed at least one hour before lights out to avoid interrupting sleep. Follow the link below for advice on staying safe: eAndJustice/KeepingSafe/DG_10027670

Useful Websites

Our Pick of the Best



Fish School

iLearn Solar System

All your notes taken can be stored and shared across your devices.

Create words by unscrambling the roost full of letters. This game is a great test of spelling and vocabulary.

This fun app is ideal for nursery age pupils with a focus on letters, numbers, shapes and colours.

This app explores a 3D model of the solar system to young scientists.

Math Bingo


This colourful and entertaining Save websites, documents and game helps students to practise news articles to your device to read mental arithmetic by encouraging later one – without being online. them to earn’ their own monsters. exams. spelling and vocabulary.



For young musicians learning the notes on the bass and treble clef, this fun app puts theory into practice by asking you to tap the correct position on the stave for each note. Every Good Boy Deserves Fun apps to learn music!

This free app offers brainscrambling puzzles for teens and adults.

ITouchiLearn Words for Preschool Kids: Letters, Spelling & Reading

Shakespeare in Bits: Macbeth/ Romeo and Juliet/ Hamlet

All your notes taken can be stored and shared across your devices.

This app includes scene summaries and videos to bring the text to life, with translations of difficult langauage into modern English. This app is ideal for literature students woking towards GCSE and A Level exams.

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Education News

Borough invests in schools Sefton council is continuing to support and invest in schools across the whole borough. As part of the Children’s Services capital new starts programme 2012/13, more than £2.66m has been allocated to invest in the borough's schools. Sefton council's cabinet approved the schemes early on in the year, which include a total of £1.4m for Birkdale primary school to build additional accommodation to meet an increase in form entry. A further £398,000 is earmarked for Crosby High school for building improvements and a total of £197,209 for Meols Cop High School, Southport. Lydiate primary school is also set to receive £57,000 for urgent works and a further £17,204 is earmarked for Linacre primary school, Bootle. Leader of Sefton council, councillor Peter Dowd, said: “It is vital that all our school buildings are as accessible and inclusive as possible for all our children. “The investment at all the schools involved in these projects will benefit pupils and staff and allow them to make the best of their school environment. “We are fully committed to investing in many different projects right across Sefton. This includes school schemes like these, the arts and retail projects and we will continue to do so”.

City college secures contract Liverpool City College has secured a three-year contract to provide management coaching skills and English language programmes for Chinese students. The programmes, are valued at £45,000 over a three year period and will commence in September 2012. This is expected to generate at least two new jobs in the UK. 58

Private business backs Gove The Forum of Private Business has welcomed the announcement by Michael Gove that GCSEs could be scrapped in favour of a system more akin to the former O-level. The new system, the first exams of which could be sat as soon as 2015 in English, maths and the sciences, should help to raise standards of education in the core subjects which have long been in decline, the not-for-profit employer support group has said. “We know businesses have long felt let down by Michael Gove the current GCSE system, which in far too many cases has failed to teach youngsters even the most basic of skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic,” said the forum’s senior policy adviser, Alex Jackman. “Only recently there were media reports of a major supermarket having to send recent school leavers back to the classroom to improve sub-standard levels of English and maths. That’s not right. “There’s also plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest exam boards are tempting schools to use their specific papers with the promise of higher pass rates, achieved by dumbing down questions just to win their business. This has created a ‘race to the bottom’ in effect, which has inevitably seen standards plummet. This too, is not right”. He added: “It sounds very much like the new exam being suggested by Mr Gove will focus much more on the core subjects

and fewer peripheral ones. This should mean pupils would leave school with a greater grasp and understanding of the ‘three Rs’. “Hopefully the days of pupils sitting 13 or 14 exams will soon be gone – being Jack of all trades but master of none is of little use to pupils entering the world of work. Most businesses don’t need staff with a GCSE in global citizenship or needlework, they need work-ready employees who can write a properly punctuated sentence free from spelling mistakes, and mentally able to work out a simple maths problem. “To service British business we need a well-rounded workforce with the necessary skills and crafts to help grease the wheels of the economy. Now more than ever with the economic threat from the developing nations we need the best pupils with the best education and the best skills to enter the workplace and hit the ground running.”

BCS WELCOMES DECISION BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, has welcomed the response from the Department for Education (DfE) which confirms that it will disapply ICT programme of study from September for secondary schools. Bill Mitchell, director of BCS Academy of Computing says: “We’re delighted that the Department for Education has confirmed what schools will be free to teach computer science from September. “We believe it is of paramount importance that every child has the chance to study computer science from primary school onwards; with this latest move this will be

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

true from September 2012.” The network aims to help schools partner with local universities to help them offer computer science. Already 500 schools and 15 universities have expressed an interest in joining the network which will be formally launched in the autumn. Bill added: “We’ve been delighted by the response to our network, we originally called for 250 schools and have seen this double over just a few short weeks. We’re also very pleased to have support from Microsoft, Google, the Royal Society, and Intellect who have helped to get the message out to every head teacher in a state maintained school.”

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School Improvement Liverpool A 4 star service*, in a city with no schools in an Ofsted category** - Our effectiveness speaks for itself‌ We offer a full range of School Improvement services, across all phases, subjects and whole school issues, including: s /FSTED PREPARATION s 3AFEGUARDING BEST PRACTICE AND TRAINING s ,ESSON OBSERVATIONS s $EPARTMENTAL REVIEWS s )NTERVENTION PROGRAMMES s 0ERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FOR (EADTEACHERS For further details visit You can also contact our dedicated customer services team at 3CHOOL )MPROVEMENT ,IVERPOOL TO DISCUSS YOUR REQUIREMENTS IN MORE DETAIL

tel: 0151 233 3901 email: Our services are delivered by teams who are highly skilled, knowledgeable and responsive to the changing priorities of your school. * Ofsted Children’s Services Inspection 2011 **Correct at March 2012, including Inspections carried out under the new framework.

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Anne Daniels A week in the life of Anne Daniels, headteacher at Carleton House f you’ve ever wondered what day-to-day life is like for the head of a primary school, here’s where you can find out. Anne Daniels, headteacher at Carleton House gave us a peek into her diary.


‘graduation’ day. They each wear a cap and gown and receive a certificate for graduating from nursery. It’s lovely to watch and provides parents with the chance to get another photo for the family album!

Monday Monday starts with an assembly for the whole school. This always gets the week off to a flying start. It’s a great opportunity to hear everyone's news and to look forward to the week ahead. We all sing happy birthday to those children celebrating and hear all about the parties they’ve had or are planning.

Tuesday This morning I attend a forum on developing partnerships between the manufacturing industries and schools. It is held at Jaguar Halewood and is a very interesting event. We discuss what benefits a mutual partnership could achieve even at primary school level. After school some of our pupils have Mandarin Chinese class. We’re very proud of the fact we have 28 junior pupils completing the 10-week programme, which is run in partnership with the Liverpool Confucius Institute (a collaboration between the University of Liverpool, Xi'an Jiaotong University and Hanban). Wednesday On Wednesday rehearsals are in full swing for our end of year production. This year the children will be performing ‘Hoodwinked’, which is based on the story of Robin Hood. The whole school is involved and all around you can see staff and pupils hard at work, busy painting scenery, singing, trying on costumes and practising with bows and arrows! Thursday This Thursday is a very important day for our youngest pupils who are leaving nursery and moving up to reception class. Today is their 62

Today is their ‘graduation’ day. They each wear a cap and gown and receive a certificate for graduating from nursery.

Friday Over the summer holidays the nursery and reception class playground is to be refurbished so today I’m visiting those classes to discuss what plans our little ones have. Requests for dragons and dinosaurs are duly noted. Those children that have displayed lovely table manners all week will have lunch with me. We’ll have our own special table with flowers and serviettes and the children will be served at the table by me!

Carleton House Carleton House was established on its original site in Mossley Hill in 1975. Anne Daniels was a teacher at the school before being appointed deputy headteacher at St Mary’s College Prep School, a position she held for three years before returning to Carleton House September 2011 as headteacher. Carleton House has 144 pupils in the main school plus 30 in the nursery.

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Education News

College shows commitment Up to £1,600 available for college students Knowsley Community College is showing commitment to student welfare through a new ‘College Pays’ financial support package which offers eligible 16 to 18 year olds up to £800 a year (or a total of £1600 for those on a two year course) to support their studies. A £15 weekly allowance, subsidised bus travel (worth up to £184 per year), help with the cost of equipment, trips and visits as well as hardship bursaries for

financial emergencies, are just some of the ways in which the support will be given. All courses for 16 to 18 year olds are free, so financial support will go directly to enhancing the learner experience. To ensure that as many students as possible benefit from the support package, the college has announced generous assessment criteria. Those aged 16 to 18 who received free school meals in Year 11, whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits or

whose household income is less than £16,000 a year will have access to the fund. An enhanced bursary of up to £1200 a year will be available for those who are in care or in receipt of Income Support, Employment Support Allowance or Disability Allowance. Adults over 19 years will also be able to access a bursary of up to £1,800 a year. This includes a £25 weekly allowance, subsidised bus travel (worth up to £275) and assistance with tuition fees.

Funding success for city music hub

Liverpool Music Support Service (LMSS), in association with Notre Dame Catholic College, has been successful in its bid to become a music education hub as of September 2012. The “Hub” will act as a gateway for Liverpool to create a music education provision for children and young people that will work with local communities and their individual needs, both in and out of school. Jonathan Dickson, head of service at Liverpool Music Support Service said: “This is truly great news for Liverpool’s young people. This fund will ensure that every child in Liverpool will get the chance to learn a musical instrument, meaning that learning an instrument becomes an entitlement rather than a benefit for a select few. .” In November 2011 the government published the first national plan for music 64

education, entitled ‘The Importance of Music’. Recognising the value and impact that a strong music education can have on a young person, the plan sets out ambitions for high quality music provision, enriched by strategically planned ensembles and singing opportunities, to be made available to all young people. Under new government targets for high quality music provision for young people, Arts Council England have reviewed LMSS’s proposal and allocated funding for the new hub between September 2012 and March 2015. Having functioned as a hive of activity for music education in Liverpool for some time and operated independently of the local authority for over three years, LMSS are the perfect candidate to deliver an ambitious and progressive provision strategy that will continue their legacy with the development of this new, collaborative hub.

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Those with a household income of under £16,000 a year will qualify for this support. Alongside the financial support packages, all students of Knowsley Community College will benefit from free breakfast tea and toast, attendance and performance rewards and discounts with participating local retailers. New free college bus routes from many areas have also been introduced for September 2012.

COMPETITIVE SPIRIT Competitive team sports will be made compulsory for all primary school children in England, Prime Minister David Cameron has said. A draft new curriculum this autumn would require participation in sports such as football, hockey and netball. Mr Cameron has been urged to set out how he intends to secure a sporting legacy from the London 2012 Olympics. Labour leader Ed Miliband has called on political parties to work together on a 10-year plan to boost sports activity. The prime minister has pointed to a £1bn fund for youth sport, but the government has been criticised for scrapping a target of two hours physical education a week for school children. Mr Cameron said: "The idea of an Olympics legacy has been built into the DNA of London 2012 from the very beginning. “Now the London Olympics has been a great success, we need to use the inspiration of the Games to get children playing sport more regularly.” The shadow education secretary, Stephen Twigg, MP for West Derby is not totally convinced that the proposals are well thought through, saying: “This announcement doesn’t look like a thought-through plan. There are no details of how this will be supported or funded and no plan for secondary schools”.

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School Ec News Sponsored by

Bin Bin marches into Merseyside Green elephant finds a new home An elephant made out of recyclable materials paraded into the Gillmoss Recycling Discovery Centre in Merseyside. Bin Bin the recycled elephant had her finishing touches made, with the help of pupils from Fazakerley primary school, before packing her trunk and finding her new home! Veolia Environmental Services and Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority (MRWA) commissioned local artist Faith Bebbington to design and bring to life the five foot elephant structure from recycled materials as part of their education and awareness programme. Bin Bin’s body is made from the recyclable materials which local residents left out for their kerbside collections. She contains: • Over 100 drinks cans • 200 plastic bottles • 100 kg of cardboard Faith Bebbington, the artist who designed and made the elephant said “It’s been a wonderful opportunity to work for Veolia at their new discovery centre. I'm a great believer in being ‘green’ when possible. Creating sculpture with recycled materials is very labour intensive, but hopefully the results are worth it!”

(Left to right): Amy (Year 4), Holly (Year 3) and Tayla (Year 4) from Fazakerley primary meet Bin Bin

Sculpture trail in Cronton


Gillmon & oss

Pupils from Holy Family primary school visit the Fairy Sculpture at The Pasture, Cronton. A £50,000 transformation of a local park has heralded the arrival of a new sculpture trail in Cronton. Improvements at The Pasture in Hall Lane, Cronton, have included a wooden sculpture trail featuring squirrels, foxes, owls, rabbits and even a fairy! Local schoolchildren from Cronton C of E primary, Holy Family RC primary as well as 1st Cronton Brownies and Cronton Art Group helped decide on the improvements at the park. The nine sculptures, created by chainsaw artist Andy Burgess, are the final element of an improvement programme, which has included improvements to the entrance area, new seating, tree planting and wildflower sowing. The programme was funded by the Big Lottery ‘Community Spaces Programme’ (managed by Groundwork UK) and also supported by grants from the Mersey Forest’s Big Tree Planting Fund and Big Lottery Fund ‘Awards for All’.

Come and learn about what happens to your recycling The Recycling Discovery Centres, with their interactive experience and latest technology aims to educate children of all ages, and the local community, on the importance of recycling and protecting the natural environment. The Centres, which are a joint partnership between Veolia Environmental Services and the Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority are now taking bookings for schools, colleges and community groups. To book call:

T: 0151 651 3200

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School goes outdoors New learning area aims to educate The staff and pupils of St Sebastian’s primary school, Liverpool were delighted, when their new outdoor learning areas were opened for the first time. It is the culmination of five years planning to utilise the inner city school’s four outdoor areas more fully. The new development will mean that pupils can enjoy the school’s garden and woodland, as well as a new Trim Trail on the back field: and it’s science and nature garden. “The outdoor areas have given the school a feeling of freedom and exploration,” said headteacher, Dennis Hardiman. “The school has invested a lot of money into the development, and will continue to develop and enhance them.” The school has also achieved a number of awards this year, including: the Eco School’s green flag (for the second time), an Inclusion Award (for the third time), Artsmark Gold (for the fourth time), and a Basic Skills award (for the fifth time).

Deputy headteacher, Jackie Davis opens the new outdoor learning area

St Sebastian’s pupils sign their welcome

ESLA receives Timberland Earthkeepers eco grant Enterprise South Liverpool Academy have been awarded a nationwide grant by Timberland Earthkeepers to kick start preparations for their 8.5 acres of ‘learning park’ in the grounds their new Academy, a learning space that will allow ESLA’s curriculum to be taken outdoors and delivered in new ways. ESLA will receive the £2,000 national grant from the Timberland Earthkeepers Grant run by Project Dirt ( a green social network which links environmental projects, following their successful application. The scheme aims to reach out and help a wide range of people and projects involved in greening their communities across the UK. Freya Grummitt, operations and community manager at Project Dirt said: “There were 81 applications this year so it was stiff competition to whittle them down to only five winners. Thanks to the great application submitted by the Academy, our independent panel of eight 'Green experts' chose Enterprise South Liverpool Academy as one of the five lucky winners. “The panel were really impressed with the enthusiasm and ideas ESLA demonstrated in their application and the huge social and environmental impact the 8.5 acre site will have on the 68

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local community.” Elements of the build include a forest school (classroom environment in a clearing under the trees), science and languages gardens (containing plants used in medicine and from around the world), a 30 seat amphitheatre for group work, a fitness trail as well as student and community allotments, including apiaries, which will be available to the whole south Liverpool community. Jack Pendlebury, principal at Enterprise South Liverpool Academy said: “The aim of our project ‘Our Environment, Our Community’ is to get anyone and everyone growing and eating well by experiencing the joy of the environment. Our final goal will be to have the 8.5 acres used by everyone in the area, to grow fruit and vegetables and learn how to prepare, cook and eat them as part of a healthy lifestyle." Enterprise South Liverpool Academy are due to move into their new building in February 2013.

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Bike scheme is a success Children sign up to agreement Ten-year-old Matthew Young’s on his bike with a whole host of others in a cycling success story at St Albert’s primary in Stockbridge Village. The number of pupils coming on bikes has soared since the school drafted a travel plan and installed safe storage space. Before they can come to school on a bike, children and their parents have to sign up to a cyclist agreement. This includes guidelines on how to stay safe and be sensible on a bike, how they can make sure they can be seen and how to keep their bikes secure. Nine and ten year olds at the school have also been given practical, on-road training through Merseyside’s Bikeability scheme. “The package of measures has really made a difference to the numbers coming on bikes,” said St Albert’s associate head, Lorraine McEvoy. “We want as many children as possible to walk or cycle rather than come in a car, but people worry about safety. “We make sure they know how to manage the roads so that pupils and their parents can have confidence to give it a go.”

Ten-year-old Matthew Young is part of a cycling success story at St Albert’s primary in Stockbridge Village.

Scarecrows go green in Knowsley The National Wildflower Centre recently announced the winners of their fourth annual scarecrow competition. The themes for this year’s competition were: Royal Recycling (The Queen’s Jubilee) and Going for Green Gold (The Olympic Games.) Jo Krasner and the A team from BBC Radio Merseyside had the difficult job of judging a fantastic selection of scarecrows created by Merseyside schools and community groups from across Merseyside. But after long deliberation the winners were announced as: Under 7s Chris, Olympic Cyclist – Roby Park school, Knowsley Under 12s Theo (Traditional Greek Olympian) – Longmoor primary school, Aintree. Best Effort Roy Al - St Brigids school, Stockbridge Village. Highly Commended Recycled St George - St Aidan’s CE primary school, Billinge

Under 7s: Roby Park school

Under 12s: Longmoor primary school

Best Effort: St Brigid’s school

Highly Commended: St Aidan’s CE primary

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Education News

Children hold court Working together to reduce speed

Liverpool Schools’ Parliament recently got to grips with The 20 Effect by taking part in the Big 20 Trial. The Big 20 Trial saw Liverpool Schools’ Parliament convene to oversee the mock trial of ‘Mr B D Gonzales’ who had been caught speeding in a residential area. Children from Liverpool School's Parliament acted on behalf of the crown by taking on the role of the prosecution. The children asked a multitude of hard hitting questions before the ‘jury’ made its final decision. This allowed them to fully understand The 20 Effect campaign

and arguments for the proposed changes, whilst at the same time understanding any objections it may receive. The activity is part of The 20 Effect, an initiative being delivered by Liverpool City Council and Liverpool Primary Care Trust (PCT) with the backing of Merseyside Police and other partners. The initiative aims to increase the number of residential roads with 20mph speed limits, as well as helping to raise awareness of the dangers that come with driving at high speeds and helping reduce the number of road traffic collisions in the city.

Chief Inspector John Hogan, head of Merseyside Police’s roads policing department said: “Following on from the debate among sixth formers earlier this year, young people in Liverpool are showing their commitment to changing attitudes and opinions around the 20mph zones. “Merseyside Police is committed to seeing a reduction of collisions on our roads but we can't do this alone - we need motorists to be on board to help make our roads safer for all by driving responsibly and adapting their speeds to suit the roads and conditions”.

Success for Hugh Baird students Construction trainees from Hugh Baird College have triumphed in the second of two north west regional heats of SkillBuild – the UK’s largest multi-trade competition. The event was held at Hugh Baird College and saw over 60 competitors from around the region taking part. Kellym Baugh won first place in the joinery competition, with Michael Gerrard claiming second place. Commenting on his win Kellym said: “I’m really proud to have won today at SkillBuild as it shows that I am one of the best trainee tradespeople in the north west, which is a huge achievement. “The competition was really tough but it was a great chance for me to show some of the skills that I use every day and to have these recognised. I 70

would definitely recommend taking part in SkillBuild as it’s great fun and you get to show off your skills to your peers, employers and the industry, which is good for your career.” Hugh Baird College won places in every trade, which their students were entered for, with Paul Foote, Enrico Dalle Mulle, and Andrew Kenny all achieving third place in their categories. Yana Williams, principal at Hugh Baird College said: “The competition has been a real success and we are proud to have welcomed so many talented competitors from around the region. It has been an inspirational day and a great opportunity to celebrate the skills of this new generation of tradespeople.” Pictured right: Michael Gerrard, Kellym Baugh and Yana Williams

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GCSE STARS Top marks for Merseyside students Liverpool students are celebrating after provisional figures show the number of students getting five good GCSE results including English and maths in Liverpool is above the national average for the first time ever. Knowsley schools have found significant improvements across the borough, particularly in maths, which has increased by 11% compared to last year. English results in Knowsley are down slightly on last year, in line with the national trend due to changes in the marking system. Sefton enjoyed excellent GCSE results with St Mary’s College in Crosby celebrating with 100 per cent of students achieving at least five A*-C grades.

Enterprise South Liverpool Academy principal Jack Pendlebury celebrates with pupils

Litherland High School headteacher, Mr Jim Donnelly and pupils celebrate their results

Aiming high pupils from Broadgreen International School

Congratulations to Rainford High pupils Megan Tyrer, Sally Shacklady, Eliza Kent, Kathryn Mosedale and left; Fergus Powell who gained 11A*, 1A, 1 AS level Below: Elizabeth Wallace celebrated 8 GCSEs

Smiles all around from Childwall School

Celebrations for pupils of St Michael’s High School, Crosby

Jumping for joy, Bellerive students: Elizabeth Wallace, Jessica Kearns, Beth Newby, Anna Dawson, Lauren Prior, Charlotte Chow, Catlin McDonald

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Pupils from Archbishop Beck Catholic College celebrated in style with Sophie and Katie Hartles (right), who were delighted to open their results revealing between them more than 20 A/A*'s

Celebration time for the pupils of Merchant Taylors Boys gaining a pass rate of 96.8% A*-C and Merchant Taylors Girls schools with an overall pass rate of 100%. Above and Below: Happy celebrations from St Julie’s High School pupils

Left: Lisa Ho, Notre Dame’s best performing student received 11 GCSEs – 10 As and 1 A* with headteacher Francis Harrison and Bethany Muldon, the girl on the right received 11 GCSEs – 9 As, 1 A* and 1 B. Above: Congratulations to students

Celebrations from Gateacre School and a high-five from Shaira and Clara

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College role model, Jade Draper from Hugh Baird College who has accepted a place at Hope University

A LEVEL STARS Top marks for Merseyside students MERSEYSIDE schools again toasted record results with provisional figures showing Alevel students in Liverpool have matched last year’s record success. The results show that the city is on course to achieve a pass rate of around 98 percent, with 70 percent of pupils getting grades A*-C. And more pupils than ever are getting the very top grade – with 5.5 percent achieving an A*. Students in Knowsley are also celebrating after provisional results again show an increase in Knowsley’s results for A-level and equivalent qualifications. At All Saints Centre for Learning in Kirkby, an incredible 100% of students sitting A-levels achieved a pass. Whilst in Sefton Crosby-based Merchant Taylors’ boys’ and girls’ schools smashed previous records. As well as a 100% overall pass rate, the boys’ school also managed a 100% A* to E pass rate and 86% of students received A*-B grades up from 83% last year. St Mary’s College in Crosby was blemish-free with students notching up a 100% pass rate.

Pupils from Rainford High celebrate after achieving 100% pass rate. Pictured right: Hayley Mars and below Kathryn Murphy, Ben Guile and Rebecca Rowbottom

Left: Amy McDonald and below: Jennifer Little and Stewart Allen of Archbishop Beck celebrate their success

Keeping up the standard pupils from Carmel College had a tremendous 99.2% pass rate with Jess Southward, right gaining 2 A*s and 3 A grades

Doing ‘The Bolt’: Jessica Smith, Rachael Crowder, Rachael Nnachi and Bibi Amadi, right: Catherine George students from Bellerive sixth form centre

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Ryan, Year 12 student, celebrates his AS level results with a smile looking forward to his next year at the Academy.

Year 13 A level students celebrate outstanding results with pricipal Jack Pendlebury

Roby sixth form (Knowsley Community College) are celebrating as the Class of 2012 collect their A level results. The highlights included a 97% overall pass rate with twenty A level subjects gaining a 100% pass rate.

Smiles all-round from Ronald Abbott, Stacey Armstrong, Danielle Delos Angeles and Vincent Carbo from Notre Dame Catholic College.

Jumping for joy: Pupils from Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School are celebrating quite outstanding results at A level with some 86% at A*-B grades and a 100% pass rate with Merchant Taylors’ Girls’ School outstripped all of its previous achievements at A level with a school personal best of 87% at the gold standard of A* - B grades, 4% up on last year’s results High praise for Gateacre School for the second year running it achieved a 99% pass rate at A level. Right is Jack Dodd who has been accepted for his first choice course, studying Law at Leeds University

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creating cr eating g learners, learners, ners exciting minds m



Tuesday T u uesday 25th September 4-7pm m Students and parents parents are are invited d to tour the school, hool, talk to staff staff sch and students and sample a wide wide range of activities. activvities.

Open mor m morning ning

Wednesday 26th Wednesday 2 September 9-12pm 9 An opportunityy for parents parents to informally infformally meett staff staf t ff and d students t d t and d tour t r the th school and see e us at our best: working wo orking with our stude ents. (Parents (Parents must students. pre-book pr e-book a tour tou ur time slot before before arrival).


Gateacre School, Hedgefield Gateacre He edgefield Road, Liverpool, Liverpool, L25 2RW 2RW Telephone: T elephone: e 0151 235 5 1400 gatea

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ART FOR ARTS SAKE Celebrating 2012 through the arts Schools throughout Merseyside have been celebrating 2012 through the medium of art. Amongst the events highlighted so far where the Queens Diamond Jubilee, the Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games and the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Amongst the many various mediums were a set of scarecrows in the guise of the Royal Family which were the creation of Cronton junior school, also exhibited were St Anne’s, Overbury Streets pop art version of the Queen by the artist Andy Warhol. St Timothy’s junior, West Derby held a fitting tribute to the sinking of the Titanic.

Sacred Heart, Crosby celebrate the Olympics with their own take of the Olympic Torch

Holy Rosary primary and their Jubilee banners

Cronton junior school and their Jubilee scarecrows

Lister Drive primary Jubilee mosaic

Bedford Road primary produced their own Jubilee stamps

Longmoor primary school held a Jubilee Colouring Competition

Stockbridge Village primary celebrate the Olympics

St Timothy’s, West Derby showcased their Titanic Exhibition

St Anne’s, Liverpool featured a Andy Warhol look at the Queen’s Jubilee

Springwood Heath primary took a green perspective on the Jubilee

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SPORTING SUPERSTARS Merseyside schools get Olympic fever As Olympic fever hit Britain schools from around Merseyside got into the Olympic and Paralympic spirit and showed their support for the Great Britain squad by holding a series of events, ranging from creating their own Olympic sports days to meeting some of their own Olympic heroes. Amongst the Olympic stars visiting the region where gymnast and bronze medallist, Beth Tweddle, Olympic footballer Sue Smith and Olympic Torch carrier Ben Osu. One of the highlights came from St Mary’s College, Crosby who held a day featuring Paralympic events.

Pupils from Calderstones School, Liverpool and visiting primary schools get behind the GB squad

Broughton Hall were paid a visit by Olympic football star Sue Smith

Gateacre High School staff and pupils celebrate the games with a torch relay

Sacred Heart primary, Crosby who took part in forming the record breaking Olympic rings

Cronton primary try out different sports activities

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Pupils from Enterprise South Liverpool Academy (ESLA) supported the Olympic Torch bearers

St Sebastian’s primary gave their own rendition of the opening ceremony

Springwood Heath primary school, Liverpool held events which included swimming and athletics

St Laurence’s primary, Kirkby designed their own Olympic Torches

St Patrick’s primary, Liverpool tried their hand at BMX

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Great Crosby primary school held their own Olympic opening ceremony complete with torch

Broadgreen International School warm up for their sports day activities

St Julie’s High get competitive

St Mary’s held a day showcasing Paralympic events

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Plantation School, Halewood welcomed Olympic torchbearer and athlete Ben Osu

Merchant Taylor infants and juniors take to the streets for their opening ceremony

Going for gold at Holy Rosary primary, Aintree

All nations together at St Oswald’s primary, Liverpool

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LAB IN A LORRY Science on the move at Holly Lodge Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue or why sunsets look so spectacular? Have you ever thought about how a surgeon carries out keyhole surgery? Or can people really use the pitch of their voice to try and smash a wine glass? Lucky students from Holly Lodge Girls’ College were given the opportunity to carry out experiments into these questions and phenomena, thanks to a visit from The Institute of Physics and their Lab in a Lorry. This allowed 220 students across key stage three the opportunity to work with real scientists and engineers to help them understand why the sky is blue, watch a wine glass resonate under strobe lights and even carry out keyhole surgery on Bob the mannequin who had managed to swallow some batteries!

Retrieving batteries using an endoscope

Exploring the properties of UV light

The lab spent three days at Holly Lodge

Using resonance to break a wine glass

Year 9 making a wine glass sing

Investigating the properties of light using polarizing filters

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BODIES REVEALED in Liverpool for the first time Over 250 leading figures in the city’s medical, business, culture and education sectors attended an exclusive VIP launch to mark the opening of the international exhibition BODIES REVEALED recently. The event was held in the specially adapted unit in Liverpool ONE where over 200 real human body exhibits are on display. Guests enjoyed champagne, canapés and live piano music before hearing speeches from medical director, Dr Roy Glover from Atlanta based Premier Exhibitions, Stephen Shaw of New York based S2BN who brought the exhibition to Liverpool and project director Dan Thomas. Kenyon Fraser’s corporate director Geraldine Turner the BODIES REVEALED marketing partner introduced the proceedings. Doctors, nurses, teachers, civic leaders and entrepreneurs were among those who marvelled at the incredible presentation of the bodies which have been specially preserved in a way that allows visitors to experience a truly remarkable anatomical journey.

Dr Roy Glover

There was much speculation before the opening but guests described the exhibition as fascinating and inspiring. The exhibition offers the public an opportunity to see inside carefully preserved real anatomical specimens and learn about the detailed structure and function of the human body. Dr Roy Glover is the chief medical director for BODIES REVEALED. He is associate professor emeritus of anatomy and cell biology and taught

anatomy for over 30 years at the University of Michigan medical school where he also developed and ran the university’s polymer preservation laboratory. Dr Glover said: “We are delighted BODIES REVEALED is coming to Liverpool. The collection of exhibits will allow visitors of all ages the chance to explore and discover the wonders of the human body in a completely new way. “BODIES REVEALED is all about education. It is a demonstration of the complexity, intricacy and sophistication of our organs and how they work. We want BODIES REVEALED to inspire people of all ages to think positively about their own body and promote healthy living choices.” Over seven million people worldwide have seen BODIES REVEALED and it's expected to attract large numbers of visitors to Liverpool. More information about the exhibition can be found at or follow the exhibition on Twitter; @BodiesLiverpool

Pippa Sargent, manager of Smoke Free Programme, Ben O’Brien, Geraldine Turner and Victoria Braham of Kenyon Fraser

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Everybody ‘Vogue’

St John Bosco Arts College recently celebrated their second fashion show with everyone agreeing it was a resounding success! Students from Years 7 through to 13 came together to showcase their amazing creations from their fashion and textiles classes. The show was a sell out, and featured the hotly anticipated appearance of celebrity guests Chris and Mark Johnson White from the hit TV show Desperate Scousewives. This fantastic evening raised a grand total of £370, to be divided between the charities chosen by the students: Shelter, Teenage Cancer Trust and Pencils of Promise. Students take to the catwalk

Special guests for the evening included Chris and Mark Johnson White from Desperate Scousewives


Pupils can’t wait to try out the new course

A new orienteering course has recently been unveiled at Victoria Park, Crosby with the help of students from Holy Family Catholic High school and St Michael’s Church of England High school who worked in partnership with Sefton Council, British Orienteering and Merseyside Police. Pupils from Ursuline Catholic primary school, Waterloo primary school and Waterloo Children’s Centre, Holy Family Catholic High school, St Michael’s Church of England High school and Valewood primary school became the first athletes to compete on it. Youngsters were given a set of directions and a compass and followed a course around the popular park. Christine Moore, from Sefton Park Ranger Service, said: “The school launch was a great success, as more than 180 students from six schools in Crosby came out and took part in a number of orienteering challenges”. And they’re off!

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Ratty, Mole and Otter safe in Badgers house

WOW! WHAT A PERFORMANCE Fantastic tales of adventure Year 6 pupils from Huyton with Roby CE primary recently showcased their dramatic, vocal, artistic and technical talents during a fantastic performance of ‘The Wind in the Willows’. Headteacher, Mrs Stratford said: “We have all been amazed by the wonderful job the children have done in creating the props and scenery, learning their parts, managing technology, singing the songs and acting their hearts out. “As headteacher, I can honestly say that we are all very proud of them and what they have achieved. “Not only have the staff been amazed but so too have their families and friends, well done”.

Preparing the hedgehogs

Toad being told off by Badger

The grand finale

Stoats on the prowl

Technicians at work

Waiting patiently in the wings

Ratty and Mole in their boat

The four friends happy together

Sensible Badger

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JAILHOUSE ROCK AT BANKS ROAD The King has entered the building Every year pupils from Years 4, 5 and 6 of Banks Road primary, Liverpool, perform a full-on stage show dedicated to the greatest musicians in rock and pop history. Thirty children attended choir club twice a week at lunchtimes to practice and rehearse for this stunning show performed in front of parents, governors and Liverpool dignitaries. Previous years have seen shows celebrating the music of the Beatles, Abba, Queen and Blondie and this year The Banks Road Rocka-Hulas performed a show dedicated to the undisputed King of Rock and Roll - Elvis Presely. Twenty children auditioned for five Elvises, each dressed in costume depicting a stage of The King's career.

Melanie Barlow and Jade Davies

Jailhouse Rock with Erin Cole

Army Elvis - Elie Owen with Hula Elvis - Kimberly Chatham-Hall Vegas Elvis Jade Davies

The Elvis Choir

Melanie Barlow

The school pupils enjoy the music on the dance floor

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PUPILS TAKE ART The Prep Hall at Sacred Heart College, Crosby was packed to the rafters when they held their annual Art & Design Technology Exhibition. As the pictures demonstrate, the exhibition displayed some truly amazing work from GCSE, A Level and Btec students. Among the event organisers was Mrs Campbell who commented: “Once again, our students have not disappointed. The standard of work is as high as ever and it has been a privilege to watch the students build up such impressive portfolios of work. We are very proud of them”

CONNEX STORM LIVERPOOL MEDIA Staff from Connex Education recently stormed the offices of Liverpool Post and Echo, Radio City, City Talk, Liverpool One and Radio Merseyside. Dressed in strange bizarre costumes, and with people tied together at the waist, the scene was surreal to staff and caught the attention of the media. Connex employees were out to raise awareness of the charity Whizz-Kidz and nobody was going to stop them! Rachel Beedles, who has organised the event said: “Whizz-Kidz is about giving disabled children the opportunity for a better life, with better wheel chairs that offer them the chance for an enhanced lifestyle. “With this in mind, all staff took part in an activity that involved a team of 5-6 people per group. Two people were disabled - tied back to back - to demonstrate the difficulties disabilities bring to everyday tasks. The Connex Teams darted around the Liverpool area collecting money as part of a task set by their MD, dressed as Sir Alan Sugar. The company raised a staggering £2,151.17 for the charity.

Pupils from Sacred Heart show off their work

The Wanna Be’s at The Liverpool Echo

The Lolita Lovelies outside BBC

Team Belly Fluff at Radio City

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CARING PUPILS Young people from North Liverpool Academy came together recently for an event called Pink and Powerful in support of Breast Cancer Care. The event that took place at North Liverpool Academy celebrated the achievements of young entrepreneurs from across Merseyside with an evening of girly fun, glitz and glamour! Radio City’s Clare Simonsen compered the event that wowed guests with a catwalk show from young local designers and North Liverpool Academy’s chamber choir and dance group. The event raised £1255.60 for Breast Cancer Care

Pupils on the catwalk

Clare Simonsen compere for the evening

Pretty in Pink

PASSION FOR MUSIC FESTIVAL Resonate Music Education Hub took the arts community by storm with their Passion for Music Festival, at St George’s Hall in July. The festival, which showcases the talent of Liverpool’s young people, featured live performances from singers and musicians as well as workshops where the young people learnt new songs and celebrated their favourite tunes. The main festivities started with iSing in the main hall of St George’s Hall which brought together 26 primary schools and over 700 pupils from schools across Liverpool, iSing celebrated the city’s talents with singing workshops, dance tuition and a grand finale performance, bringing all of the young people together in song. Jonathan Dickson, Head of Resonate Music Education Hub said: “We are incredibly proud of the pupils we work with and all of the effort they have put into becoming exceptionally talented young musicians. The event was a time for fun, further learning and it was the perfect opportunity to celebrate Liverpool’s future musicians.”

Megan Nugent who made cup cakes to raise funds

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Nugent Care is one of the oldest and largest charities in Liverpool providing support to over 7000 adults and children each year. To help us continue our work Donate Don’t Dump your old clothes and bric-a-bac to Nugent Care!

How to donate: Drop items off at the Nugent Care Charity Shop, 73 Allerton Road, Liverpool Drop items off at Nugent Care’s Head Office, 99 Edge Lane, Liverpool. Call us to arrange collection 0151 737 2951.

Nugent Care Charity Shop T: 0151 737 2951, 73 Allerton Road, Liverpool. L18 2DH Registered charity number: 222930

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Bruce Hicks, director of music, making a point

A TITANIC CONCERT World Music Premier for college The Liverpool Philharmonic Hall played host recently to Archbishop Beck College, Liverpool for the world premier of a new composition. The renowned composer Peter Meecham had been specially commissioned by the college to pen the work, which commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Titanic disaster. “The musicians on the ship were Liverpudlians. The Titanic’s bell was made in St Helens and many of the crew were from Liverpool,” said Peter. “The composition recreates the excitement of the Titanic’s maiden voyage, as well as remembering those who lost their lives in the Atlantic Ocean.” His works have been performed and recorded across the globe.

Renowned composer Peter Meecham

Tubas galore!

Sounding the horn

Clarinets working hard

Adam King watching the beat

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SEFTON’S RECORD Official confirmation has just been received from the Guinness Book of Records for the largest human Olympic rings attempt on Crosby beach on June 1st. This has been verified and accepted by Guinness with a total of 5,963 people taking part - a new world record. Pupils from more than 51 schools in Sefton took part in the world record attempt to celebrate the Olympic torch relay passing through the borough. They formed the Olympic rings logo on the beach wearing t-shirts matching the famous yellow, black, red, green and blue hoops in an event organised by Sefton council and watched by thousands and the national media. Sefton's world record attempt was registered with Guinness and convincingly beat the previous record of 2,234 people who formed the five Olympic rings in Royal Victoria Park, Bath in May.

HISTORIC VISIT FOR ST MARY’S Students from St Mary’s College in Crosby recently visited the CERN European Organisation for nuclear research in Switzerland at a historic time for the facility. The 14 pupils from years 10, 11 and 12 were at the complex in Geneva in the same week that its scientists announced the discovery of the Higgs boson particle, the subject of a 45-year hunt to explain how matter attains its mass. St Mary’s head of physics, Dr Matthew Leach, said the students were incredibly impressed with the world’s largest particle physics laboratory which is home to the famous Large Hadron Collider. Their visit included a lecture on the work of CERN and a guided tour of the ATLAS experiment which played an important role in the Higgs boson discovery. They also saw the organisations superconducting magnets facility - just over the border in nearby France - and even ate lunch in the CERN cafeteria.

A world record is achieved

St Mary’s pupils at the CERN facility

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Why not see what Knowsley’s Centres for Learning could offer your child? • All Saints Catholic Centre for Learning, Kirkby • Christ the King Catholic and Church of England Centre for Learning, Huyton • Halewood Centre for Learning, Halewood • Huyton Arts & Sports Centre for Learning, Huyton • Kirkby Sports College Centre for Learning, Kirkby • Knowsley Park Centre for Learning, Prescot • St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic Centre for Learning, Whiston Closing date for Year 7 applications for September 2013 entries is 31 October 2012. Find out more at, call into a centre, or telephone 0151 443 5142 for an admissions pack.



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Should competitive school sports be compulsory? All primary school children in England will be required to play competitive sports, the Prime Minister David Cameron has said. The announcement comes in the wake of the very successful London 2012 Olympic Games. Team GB’s sporting brilliance at the Olympics and Paralympics should be harnessed to inspire the next generation, most stakeholders agree. The Labour leader Ed Miliband and Shadow Olympics Secretary Tessa Jowell have called for a cross party 10 year plan to boost competitive sports in school.

Calum Donnelly

Dewi Phillips

Baljit Gandhi

Calum Donnelly, sports development manager for Merseyside Sports Partnership By being third in the medals table under the likes of China and USA, demonstrates that the system we have here is working. Sport is important to schools as is competition and it’s worth pointing out that our overall participation in sport in Merseyside has increased since 2005 from 19.6% to 22.4%, as it has increased nationally. National Lottery funding has brought £150 million of additional money into the Olympic legacy programme which has built new facilities, attracted new volunteers and provided additional sports opportunities for young people. If this continues, the London 2012 effect should last well into Rio 2016 and beyond Dewi Phillips, headteacher, Childwall Sports & Science College In 2005 London won the right to host the Olympic Games under the then Labour Government. This was an opportunity to put sport at the heart of health education and social policy. The Schools Sports Partnership Funding runs out in 2013 and the money to release Specialist P.E teachers to work in primary schools is also due to run out. Both competitive sport and exercise have their place in the school curriculum. Both need time money and expertise at both primary and secondary level. Many of Britain’s sports facilities are old, tired and underfunded and are at risk of being further damaged by significant cuts to local authority budgets, Sports minister Hugh Robertson has commented that driving up participation in sport will be “very difficult” and Robertson also commented that “I recognise that poverty and inequality affect participation”. As of April 2012 15.3million people i.e. 35.7% of the population participated in at least 30 minutes of moderately intensive sport once per week. This is the recommended minimum. Exercise is undoubtedly a requirement for youngsters and adults of all ages. The impact of adults and youngsters not exercising is hugely significant in terms of the budget for health. In terms of competitive sport, youngsters and adults like to win. Schools are constantly working to enhance youngsters’ skills in terms of key characteristics such as determination, enthusiasm and commitment. It is these traits which will give sports teams an advantage and these personal characteristics are ones that we would wish to develop in our school children across all their subjects and in their commitment to pursuing their careers and life chances. The huge reduction in the £162million funding for School Sport Partnerships imposed by the Education Secretary is a massive backward step. We run the risk of being unable to not only secure the legacy of the Olympic Games in London in 2012 but also of a significant reduction in our success in the 2016 Games at Rio. Baljit Gandhi, principal, Kirkby Sports College Being one of the best equipped sports schools in the country we understand the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle to a wellbalanced education. Competitive sport within schools can help to drive standards and prepare students for the challenges of the working world. However, one of our core aims at KSC is to provide equal opportunities for all. Inclusion lies at the heart of our ethos and above all we place greatest importance on inspiring each individual to achieve beyond their potential regardless of ability.

A recent Government survey of 10,000 schools revealed that less than 50% of students participate in competitive sports. To rectify this situation, the coalition government will unveil a new curriculum in the autumn, to make competitive sports participation a compulsory requirement. “Now the London Olympics and Paralympics have been a great success, we need to use the inspiration of the Games to get children playing sport more regularly,” Cameron said. “I want to use the example of competitive sport at the Olympics to lead a revival of competitive sport in primary schools.” Under the Government’s new curriculum, primary pupils will be required to participate in sports such as football, hockey, netball etc.

Have your say: To suggest or contribute to a topic for debate in Viewpoint email us at: or to view our on-line poll visit:

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chunky knit snood scarf £8, Marks & Spencer

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p99-115:covers 12/09/2012 21:19 Page 108

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Book Review

In association with

by Jennifer Dobson

5-8 Years A Boy and a Bear in a Boat by Dave Shelton - £10.99 This is a wonderful tale all about a boy and a bear who go to sea, equipped with only a suitcase, a comic book and a ukulele. This beautiful book maps the growth of a truly meaningful friendship and tells the story of how, when all seems lost there can also be a joy to be found. A touching and memorable read. The Hat Trick by Terry Deary - £5.99 It's up to Jud and her magic football boots to win the match... but will she be able to? Can Jud take centre stage and win the match with her magic shoes? A fun heart-warming football story suitable for boys and girls. The Tales of Olga Da Polga by Michael Bond - £5.99 Olga da Polga is the sort of guinea-pig who would go places. With a head full of stories and better a nose for adventure she can become quite a handful! Whether she's Olga the explorer, Olga the prize-winner, or Olga the storyteller, she is always Olga da Polga! Written by the fantastic Michael Bond this tale will entice all young readers.

9-12 Years Fiction Wolfie by Emma Barnes - £6.99 Lucie has always longed for a dog. But not a huge one, or with sharp teeth, or with such a hungry look in its eyes. Lucie realises that her new pet is not a dog, but a wolf. Not only that, but a wolf with magical powers. A truly delightful book one that stays with the reader for a longtime. The Odds by Adam Perrott - £4.99 The Odds are just that odd. Mrs Odd, Mr Odd and the twins, Edgar and Elsie are a family of professional pranksters. They delight in making mischief, and playing tricks on each other, or on the unsuspecting residents of the town of Trott. But do they meet their match? Read and find out… Shrinking Violet by Lou Kuenzler - £5.99 Violet is normal-sized one minute and pocket-sized the next! All she has ever wanted to do is ride Plunger, the scariest roller coaster around. And today she is finally tall enough. 1.4 meters to be exact. Then POP! She is as small as a fish finger again. A wonderful read.

Teenage Fiction Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner - £10.99 This is the stunning new novel from award-winning author Sally Gardner. When his best friend Hector is suddenly taken away, Standish Treadwell realises that it is up to him, his grandfather and a small band of rebels to confront and defeat the ever-present oppressive forces. A fantastic tale that will grip you from start to finish. Baby and Fly Pie by Melvin Burgess - £5.99 For Sham, Fly Pie and his sister Jane going to the tip to sort out rubbish is the grim reality of their lives. Then one day everything changes when they find a baby on the tip - a baby worth seventeen million pounds. This discovery takes them into a savage, lonely city and so begins an endless fight for survival. Viking Gold by V Campbell - £8.99 V. Campbell’s debut novel is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, of love and loss, and the power of an unlikely friendship. Join Redknee as he seeks out his destiny on the shores of the promised land. A compelling read.

Are you a librarian, teacher or purchasing manager? Do you buy books for your business or institution? Waterstones Liverpool offers a comprehensive account sales service. Contact Elaine Green, Children's Department, Liverpool ONE, 12 College Lane, Liverpool, Merseyside L1 3DL. Tel: 0151 709 9820

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Tuesday 29th November 2012, 6.00 - 8.00pm for students seeking a place in September 2013

Please enter via the Sixth Form block in Windermere Terrace


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Inspiring Success & Lifelong Achievement


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WHERE CAN WE GO? Your guide to what’s happening out & about in Merseyside

Not to be d misse

Bodies Revealed Now until to 2 January 2013 Paradise Street, Liverpool 1 Tel: 0844 8000 410

Shakespeare Schools Festival 12 - 13 November Floral Pavilion, New Brighton 0151 666 0000 Tickets: £8 standard £6 concession

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The UK’s largest youth drama festival is back at the Floral Pavilion. Shakespeare Schools Festival works in partnership with the National Theatre to help 700 schools from across the UK to stage abridged Shakespeare productions in their local professional theatre. Family and friends are invited to celebrate an evening’s professional entertainment with four youthful half-hour productions of different Shakespeare plays

Bodies Revealed lets visitors of all ages explore deep within the human body in a way that informs but doesn’t overwhelm. Since the earliest efforts of ancient Egyptians to distinguish individual organs, humankind has been fascinated with uncovering the secrets of the human body. The study of human anatomy remains a cornerstone of medical education. Bodies Revealed provides millions of visitors around the world with unprecedented access to anatomical detail historically only available to medical professionals. The exhibition offers an intimate and informative view into the human body. Using an innovative preservation process, the exhibition allows visitors to see the human body's inner beauty in educational and awe-inspiring ways. The exhibition has over 200 actual human bodies and specimens meticulously dissected and respectfully displayed, offering an unprecedented and wholly unique view into the amazing body.

Saturday 6 October

The exhibition gives you the chance to look deep inside the systems of the human body: Skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, endocrine, and circulatory ane lets you explore, experience, and celebrate the wonder of the human form at Bodies Revealed. Tickets: Weekday: adults £13.75 children £11.55 Weekend: adults £15.95 children £13.75 Family: (2 adults 2 children) weekday £40.80 weekends £49.60. School groups: £9.35 112

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils


Specimens in the exhibition are prepared through a revolutionary process called polymer preservation, in which human tissue is permanently preserved using liquid silicone rubber. This process creates a specimen that will not decay, offering thousands of unique teaching possibilities for educators at all levels. Preparation time varies: a small organ may take only a week, while a full-body specimen may take up to a year to prepare. After quality preservation, specimens can last for decades.

Bickerstaffe Food Festival 2012 Moss House Farm, Bickerstaffe, L39 0HL (Nr Ormskirk) 10.00am – 4.00pm

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A celebration of food and drink promoting local, seasonal and good quality food. Includes kids workshops, live music and cooking demos. Entry £2 adults and kids go free.

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20-27 October

Sunday 28 October

FILM and GAME REVIEW Premium Rush

GobbleDEEbook Festival St Mary’s Church, Chester 0845 241 7868

Zombie Infestation Speke Hall, Speke Adult £12, Child £10 (10-16) Over 10’s only. Booking Essential 0151 427 7231

GobbleDEEbook, a week long programme of 26 events for children and teens. Come along and meet the authors and celebrate Tarzan’s 100th birthday with an interactive jungle survival guide or discover brand new the Ninja-tastic Meerkat mayhem.

There's a pandemic you can't escape; we have spiraled into panic and descended into chaos as a slow infestation of the un-dead spreads menacingly across the globe, consuming every human being in its path. It's time to start your survival plan!

Monday 5 November

Saturday 10 November

The Real Story of the Gunpowder Plot with Frank Carlyle Croxteth Hall & Country Park, Croxteth Hall Lane, Liverpool L12 0HB 6.30pm start £12 Adults £8 Concessions Tel: 0151 510 3313

Egg Unity Theatre 1 Hope Place, Liverpool 1 0844 873 2888 £8 adults £6 children

Listen as Frank takes you back in time with the real story behind Guy Fawkes and the “Gun Powder Plot” in the fabulous setting of Croxteth Hall. Family friendly event.

Egg is all about magic and music and … an egg. Join the madcap birds on an adventure of a lifetime as they grapple with growing up and giving in to their natural instincts to take flight. And then of course they meet an egg!

30 November - 19 January 2013

7 December - 6 January

Jack and the Beanstalk Liverpool Playhouse, Williamson Square Liverpool 0151 709 4776

Cinderella The Epstein Theatre, Hanover Street, Liverpool 0844 8000 410

Climb on your platforms, scale the dizzy height, bouffant your bellbottoms and boogie all night! It’s contagious, outrageous, let it all hang out! ‘Cause this giant adventure’s gonna twist & sprout!!! Tickets: £10-£23 Family tickets: £38-£82

The greatest fairytale of them all, Cinderella. A festive treat for all the family in the newly refurbished Epstein Theatre. Liverpool’s princess of 80s and 90s pop, Sonia will take the role of Baroness Hardup, also includes Philip Olivier as Buttons

Directed by: David Koepp Starring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon, Dania Ramirez and Jamie Chung. PG-13 Verdict: ★★★★✩ By Andy Kelly Dodging speeding cars, crazed cabbies, open doors, and eight million cranky pedestrians is all in a day's work for Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), the best of New York's agile and aggressive bicycle messengers. It takes a special breed to ride the fixie - super lightweight, single-gear bikes with no brakes and riders who are equal part skilled cyclists and suicidal nutcases who risk becoming a smear on the pavement every time they head into traffic. But a guy who's used to putting his life on the line is about to get more than even he is used to when a routine delivery turns into a life or death chase through the streets of Manhattan. When Wilee picks up his last envelope of the day on a premium rush run, he discovers this package is different. This time, someone is actually trying to kill him. This is a film that is packed with high octane action and enjoyable performances.

FIFA 13 EA Sports Nintendo 3DS, PC, PC Download, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, Wii, Xbox 360 RRP: £34.95 Verdict: ★★★★★ By Andy Kelly FIFA 13 captures all the drama and unpredictability of real-world soccer, and is driven by five gamechanging innovations which revolutionize artificial intelligence, dribbling, ball control and physical play. It is the largest and deepest feature set in the history of the franchise. These innovations create a true battle for possession across the entire pitch, deliver freedom and creativity in attack, and capture all the drama and unpredictability of the real-world game. The game even has ‘Attacking Intelligence’ where players have the ability to analyse space, work harder and smarter to break down the defence, and think two plays ahead. Plus, players make runs that pull defenders out of position and open passing channels for teammates. The game includes many new extras such as a player impact engine, tactical free kicks and differences around stadiums. All in all the game just gets better and better

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A programme of inspirational singing Expert group vocal sessions Fun songs Big Sings with other schools Free trial of ten weeks


The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

Now available online. For more information please contact Stephen Mannings


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2012 •••••


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HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE Led by Father Peter Morgan, St Anne & St Bernards Parish, Liverpool Assisted by Father David Gamble, Our Lady of Victories Parish, Hightown Fr Peter Morgan

Departs 21st February 2013 for 8 days ÂŁ1150 per person

Sailing on the Sea of Gallilee

Includes return flights from Manchester 5 nights dinner, bed and breakfast in Jerusalem and 2 nights dinner bed and breakfast in Tiberias

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem

To book your place call Kim or Fiona on 0151 709 7567 116

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

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PRIMARY SCHOOLS LIVERPOOL AIGBURTH ST CHARLES’ CATHOLIC PRIMARY Tramway Road, Aigburth, L17 7JA 0151 727 5830 Headteacher: Mr Chris Davey Email: charles-ao@st-charles. Website: www.stcharlescatholic Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 163 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, after school provision ‘3 till tea’ Extra School Activities: Music clubs, choir, recorder group, dance Sports Activities: Athletics, football, rounders, cricket, netball, cross country, gymnastics, multiskills SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 74%, Level 5 21%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 79%, Level 5 21%, KS2 Science Level 4 42%, Level 5 0% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority with set criteria Associated Schools: Enterprise South Liverpool Academy Special facilities: Parental workshops ST MICHAEL IN THE HAMLET PRIMARY Neilson Road, Aigburth, L17 7BA 0151 727 3215 Headteacher: Mrs Ruth Town Email: Website: www.stmichealinthe Type of School: Primary Pupils: 454 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school club Extra School Activities: Orchestra, samba, drumming Sports Activities: Athletics, football, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 75%, Level 5 44%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 53%, KS2 Science Level 4 84%, Level 5 54% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: University Academy High, St Margaret CE, St Hilda CE, Archbishop Blanch Special Facilities: Nursery & parent toddler group SUDLEY INFANT Dundonald Road, Aigburth, L17 0AE 0151 727 1139 Parentline 0151 728 9639 Headteacher: Ms Ruth Thomas Email: sudleyi-ao@sudley-inf. Website: Type of School: Community Age Range: 3 - 7 Pre & After School Activities: Kid’s club after school Extra School Activities: Art & craft, sport, cooking, origami, multi skills etc Sports Activities: Varied SATS: N/A Admission: Local Authority SUDLEY JUNIOR Aigburth Road, Aigburth, L17 6BH 0151 427 2941 Headteacher: Mr Scott Connell Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 362 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Sports Activities: Football, cricket, cross country, tag rugby SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 87%, Level 5 56%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 48%, KS2 Science Level 4 93%, Level 5 46% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Calderstones

BELVEDERE PREPARATORY SCHOOL 23 Belvidere Road, Aigburth, L8 3TF 0151 471 1137 Headteacher: Ms Jane Humble Email: Website: Type of School: Co-educational Independent Preparatory School – with Nursery Pupils: 140 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 22 maximum Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, after school club and holiday clubs Extra School Activities: At least 20 offerings per term, these include: sports, ballet, dance, photography, Japanese, orchestra, choir, performing arts, chess, science, ICT, design technology, cookery, problem solving, gardening Sports Activities: Minimum 3 hours physical education per week. Activities include: judo, swimming, tennis, netball, football, hockey SATS: Contact school Languages: French Admission: Contact Mrs Helen Forrester Woods for a personally guided tour with the headmistress and to arrange an assessment or taster day Associated Schools: Bluecoat, Merchant Taylors’, The Belvedere Academy, Liverpool College Special Facilities: Specialist science laboratory, modern foreign languages centre, ICT/Technology suite, spacious art and design studio, music room, excellent sports facilities

AINTREE LONGMOOR COMMUNITY PRIMARY Hall Lane, Aintree, L9 0EU 0151 521 5511 Headteacher: Mrs Alison Johnson Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 419 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 27 Extra School Activities: Wide range of activities Sports Activities: Ju jitsu, tag rugby, dance, swimming etc SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 91%, Level 5 57%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 89%, Level 5 57%, KS2 Science Level 4 91%, Level 5 64% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Fazakerley High School and other local schools including church and independent RICE LANE INFANT & NURSERY Lynwood Road, Aintree, L9 3AE 0151 525 9776 Headteacher: Mrs C S Chatburn Email: c.chatburn@ricelane-inf. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 360 Age Range: 3 - 7 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, after school club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: N/A Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority Associates Schools: Rice Lane juniors Special Facilities: Nursery, parental workshops RICE LANE JUNIOR Brockenhurst Road, Aintree, L9 3BU 0151 525 3356 Headteacher: Mrs Margaret Rowlands Email: ricelanej-ao@ricelane-jun. Website: www.ricelanejunior Type of School: Community Pupils: 310

Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Run by infant school Extra School Activities: lots Sports Activities: Football, athletics, cheerleading, gymnastics, basketball, tennis SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 76%, Level 5 26%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 83%, Level 5 37%, KS2 Science Level 4 79%, Level 5 30% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Fazakerley High

ALLERTON BOOKER AVENUE INFANT Booker Avenue, Allerton, L18 9SB 0151 724 1997 Headteacher: Mrs Lynne Brown Email: bookeri-ao@bookeravenue-inf. liverpool, Website: www.bookeravenue Type of School: Community Pupils: 270 Age Range: 4 - 7 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs through kids club Extra School Activities: Spanish, chess, arts/crafts, cookery Sports Activities: Football, multi-skills SATS: N/A Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Booker Avenue junior BOOKER AVENUE JUNIOR Booker Avenue, Allerton, L18 9SB 0151 724 2941 Headteacher: Mr Jonathan McCausland Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 338 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Contact school Extra School Activities: Art, chess, ICT, adventure clubs, orchestra and choirs, Colomendy adventure sports Sports Activities: Hockey, football, climbing, basketball, netball, cross country SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 90%, Level 5 44%, KS2 Science Level 4 74%, Level 5 32% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various SPRINGWOOD HEATH PRIMARY Danefield Road, Allerton, L19 4TL 0151 427 7759 Headteacher: Mr Phillip Daniels Email: springwood-ao@springwood. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 277 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 29 Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 56%, Level 5 20%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 68%, Level 5 20%, KS2 Science Level 4 64%, Level 5 24% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Francisio Pino, Valladolid, Spain Special Facilities: Swimming pool, music room

ANFIELD ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC PRIMARY Oakfield Road, Anfield, L4 2QG 0151 263 9561 Headteacher: Mr J Barnes Email: allsaints-ao@allsaints. Website:

Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 443 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club and night owls Extra School Activities: Music plus various others Sports Activities: Cricket, netball, football and various others SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 82%, Level 5 21%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 75%, Level 5 26%, KS2 Science Level 4 77%, Level 5 23% Languages: French and Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Anfield Road School, Pinehurst Road School Special Facilities: Nursery provision ANFIELD INFANT Anfield Road, Anfield, L4 0TN 0151 263 1541 Headteacher: Mrs Claire Drew-Williams Email: anfieldi-ao@anfield-inf. Website: Type of School: Infant Pupils: 319 Age Range: 3 - 7 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club (FOC) Mon – Fri, after school clubs Mon - Thurs Extra School Activities: Art & craft, computer clubs, cheerleading, textiles, recorders Sports Activities: Mulitsports SATS: N/A Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Anfield junior Special Facilities: Nursery, Atelier (arts studio’s x 2) ANFIELD JUNIOR Anfield Road, Anfield, L4 0TN 0151 263 6418 Headteacher: Brian Norbury Email: anfieldj-ao@anfield-jun. Website: www.anfield-jun. Type of School: Primary Pupils: 255 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast Club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 73%, Level 5 29%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 73%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Science Level 4 86%, Level 5 50% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Anfield infant Special Facilities: IT suite PINEHURST PRIMARY Pinehurst Avenue, Anfield, L4 7UF 0151 263 1300 Headteacher: Mrs S Tasker Email: pinehurst-ao@pinehurst. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 250 Age Range: 4 -11 Average Class Size: 24 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, cricket, football, drama, dance, maths, computer, enterprise club, science, reading, singing, art Extra School Activities: Trips, residentials, visits to local places of interest, gardening, competitions, fayres, parents groups, sports coaching Sports Activities: Cricket, football, basketball, rugby, athletics, swimming SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 79%, Level 5 28%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 66%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 89%, Level 5 47% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Part of Anfield cluster of primary schools Special Facilities: Dedicated parents room, close links with Edge Hill university, outreach centre for Anfield childrens centre

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ST MARGARETS (ANFIELD) CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Lower Breck Road, Anfield, L6 4BX 0151 260 5522 Headteacher: Mrs J McCallum Email: admin@st-margaretsanfield. Website: www.liverpool.schooljotter. com/stmargarets Type of School: Voluntary Controlled Pupils: 425 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 80%, Level 5 34%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 81%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Science Level 4 83%, Level 5 27% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: Nursery

BROADGREEN BROADGREEN PRIMARY Oakhill Road, Broadgreen, L13 5UE 0151 228 6692 Headteacher: Mrs Ann-Marie Moore Email: headteacher@ broadgreen Website: www.broadgreen Type of School: Trust school with Foundation Status maintained by the Local Authority Pupils: 285 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Availability from 8.00 – 6.00pm through ‘Playdays’ playgroup on site Extra School Activities: Eco club, pupil council, music, art, tai chi, swimming Sports Activities: Judo, football, cricket, tennis, netball, dance SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 78%, Level 5 44%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Science Level 4 87%, Level 5 44% Languages: French, Mandarin Admission: Local Authority and application form Associated Schools: Broadgreen International School (Trust schools partner) Special Facilities: Foundation stage unit, IT suites, sensory room, breakfast and after school clubs awards: green flag eco schools award, basic skills award, financial management in schools award, enhanced healthy schools award, international baccalaureate candidate school, dyslexia friendly schools award, e-learning foundation affiliated school

CHILDWALL ST PASCHAL BAYLON CATHOLIC PRIMARY Chelwood Avenue, Childwall, L16 2LN 0151 722 0464 Headteacher: Ms Clair Knowles Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 373 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 85%, Level 5 48%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 85%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 85%, Level 5 30% Languages: Spanish Admission: Application to governors Associated Schools: Boys St Francis Xavier, Girls St Julies Special Facilities: Private nursery (doesn’t guarantee place in school) CHILDWALL VALLEY SCHOOL Craighurst Road, Childwall, L25 1NW 0151 722 2544 Headteacher: Mr Kevin Basnett Email: childwallvalley-ao@childwall Website: Type of School: Community


Pupils: 190 Age Range: 3 - 11 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Drama, digital photography Sports Activities: Netball, football, athletics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 80%, Level 5 20%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 85%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Science Level 4 90%, Level 5 55% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery CHILDWALL CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Woolton Road, Childwall, L16 0JD 0151 722 1553 Headteacher: Mrs Diane Shaw Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 398 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and After School clubs Extra School Activities: Cross stitch club, French and Spanish, drama as well as various others Sports Activities: Football, cricket, cross country, athletics, netball, multi sports SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 98%, Level 5 58%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 96%, Level 5 56%, KS2 Science Level 4 98%, Level 5 73% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Application to Governors Associated Schools: St Margaret’s High School, Archbishop Blanch High School, St Hildas High School, King David, Bluecoat, Gateacre Community Comprehensive School RUDSTON PRIMARY Rudston Road, Childwall, L16 4PQ 0151 722 2435 Headteacher: Mrs V Pierce Email: Website: www.rudstoninfants .com Type of School: Community Pupils: 170 Age Range: 4 - 7 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and After School clubs Extra School Activities: Board games club, African drumming, chess club, wake up and shake up Sports Activities: Ball Skills, gymnastics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 94%, Level 5 61%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 88%, Level 5 50%, KS2 Science Level 4 92%, Level 5 59% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority

CITY CENTRE HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC PRIMARY Fontenoy Street, Liverpool, L3 2DU 0151 236 9505 Headteacher: Mrs H Bannon Email: Website: holycross Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupil: 140 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 20 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast Club daily from 8am Extra School Activities: Wrap around lunchtime provision (nursery) Sports Activities: Tag rugby, basketball, athletics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 73%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Science Level 4 87%, Level 5 27% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery PLEASANT STREET PRIMARY Pleasant Street, Liverpool, L3 5TS 0151 709 3802 Headteacher: Mrs Margaret Cunningham Email: pleasant-ao@pleasant Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 230

Educate Mersey Schools Guide 2012

Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 67%, Level 5 7%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 60%, KS2 Science Level 4 73% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Speech and language unit ST NICHOLAS’ CATHOLIC PRIMARY Orthes Street, Liverpool, L3 5XF 0151 709 5532 Headteacher: Mrs Vanessa Nice Email: nicholas-ao@st-nicholas. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 172 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 23 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 37%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 100%, Level 5 42%, KS2 Science Level 4 89%, Level 5 5% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority and via the school Special Facilities: Nursery ST VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC PRIMARY Pitt Street, Liverpool, L1 5BY 0151 709 2572 Headteacher: Mr Philip Stewart Email: vincent-ao@st-vincent vincent-ht@st-vincentdepaul. Website: www.stvincentdepaul Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 215 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 22 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Sports Activities: Football, tag rugby SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 87%, Level 5 57%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 91%, Level 5 52%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 39% Languages: Spanish & French Admission: Part time nursery places aged 3 years Special Facilities: 2 computer suites, pupil support centre

CROXTETH CROXTETH COMMUNITY PRIMARY Moss Way, Croxteth, L11 0BP 0151 546 3140 Headteacher: Mrs K McBride Email: croxtethp-ao@croxteth-pri. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 250 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club and after school club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Gems - youth club, CDS youth child development SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 73%, Level 5 20%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 80%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Science Level 4 73%, Level 5 13% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Fazakerley High, De la Salle, St John Bosco Special Facilities: Nursery, Nurture Room, 4D Creative Image Room OUR LADY & ST SWITHINS CATHOLIC PRIMARY Parkstile Lane, Croxteth, L11 0BQ 0151 546 3868 Email: l.munro@ourlady-st-swithin Website: www.ourladyandst Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 264 Age Range: 3 - 11

Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Sports Activities: Football, multisports SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 80%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 70%, Level 5 10%, KS2 Science Level 4 80%, Level 5 30% Languages: French Admission: Application to governors Associated Schools: De la Salle, St John Bosco Special Facilities: Nursery

DOVECOT BLUEBERRY PARK PRIMARY Ackers Hall Avenue, Dovecot, L14 2DY 0151 233 2480 Headteacher: Mrs Kath Honey Email: blueberrypark-s2@blue Website: www.blueberrypark Type of School: Community Pupils: 240 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 24 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast Club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, netball, gymnastics, dance SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 52%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 89%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 93%, Level 5 37% Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: ICT suite, primary learning mentors, links with Yewtree Childrens Centre DOVECOT PRIMARY Grant Road, Dovecot, L14 0LH 0151 259 4065 Headteacher: Mrs Alison Whittaker Email: dovecot-ao@dovecot. Type of School: Community Pupils: 174 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast, wraparound, after school clubs and holiday clubs Extra School Activities: Youth club, ICT, sports and lets get cooking Sports Activities: Football, tae kwondo, netball, kwik cricket, wake up and shake up and much more SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 65%, Level 5 12%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 58%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Science Level 4 73%, Level 5 12% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Broadgreen High Special Facilities: Nursery

EDGE HILL SMITHDOWN PRIMARY Chatsworth Drive, Edge Hill, L7 6LJ 0151 709 6229 Headteacher: Mrs Robina Crowe Email: smithdown-s1@smithdown. Website: www.smithdown Type of School: Community Pupils: 209 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast Club (pupils only) Extra School Activities: Cookery, art & craft (pupils only) Sports Activities: Football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 67%, Level 5 6%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 83%, Level 5 22%, KS2 Science Level 4 83%, Level 5 39% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery ST HUGHS CATHOLIC PRIMARY Earle Road, Edge Hill, L7 6HE 0151 733 2899 Headteacher: Miss Andrea Connearn Email: hughs-ao@st-hughs. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 180 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, sports, art, children’s university, recorder club, drumming club

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Extra School Activities: Residential visits, half and full day trips, international links, eco-friendly activities, school council meetings Sports Activities: PE, swimming (Y2 Y6), athletics, football, basketball, multiskills, gymnastics, dance SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 48%, Level 5 4%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 65%, KS2 Science Level 4 52% Languages: Spanish is taught from Y4 - Y6 Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Girls Bellerive, Boys Enterprise South Liverpool Academy

EVERTON FAITH PRIMARY Prince Edwin Street, Everton, L5 5RW 0151 233 5092 Headteacher: Sister Moira Meeghan Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided - Joint Church School Pupils: 121 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 20 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: ICT club, film club, in harmony music clubs & orchestra, sports club including cross country & basketball, gardening club Sports Activities: Netball, indoor athletics, football, basketball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 58%, Level 5 16%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 58%, KS2 Science Level 4 74%, Level 5 5% Languages: Spanish Admission: Application to school Associated Schools: Notre Dame, St Francis of Assisi Academy, North Liverpool Academy, Archbishop Beck Special Facilities: Nursery FOUR OAKS PRIMARY 39 Davy Street, Everton L5 1XP 0151 263 4038 Headteacher: Ms Sara Howard Email: fouroaks-ht@fouroaks. Website: Type of School: Primary Pupils: 245 Age Range: 3 - 11 Pre & After School Activities: Contact school Extra School Activities: Contact school Sports Activities: Contact school SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 75%, Level 5 14%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 71%, Level 5 11%, KS2 Science Level 4 75%, Level 5 36% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery OUR LADY IMMACULATE CATHOLIC PRIMARY Northumberland Terrace, Everton, L5 3QF 0151 260 8957 Headteacher: Mrs Katherine Sergeant Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 294 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Dancing & music plus others Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 75%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 75%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Science Level 4 78%, Level 5 19% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority & governors Associated Schools: Notre Dame, De la Salle, Archbishop Beck Special Facilities: Nursery THE BEACON CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Heyworth Street, Everton, L5 3QG 0151 263 4206 Headteacher: Ms Sally Aspinwall Email: beacon-ao@beacon. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Controlled

Pupils: 225 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Chess, construction, arts & crafts, drama, music Sports Activities: Football, cricket, dance, basketball, rounders, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 83%, Level 5 31%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 72%, Level 5 34%, KS2 Science Level 4 93%, Level 5 34% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: North Liverpool Academy, Alsop, Archbishop Blanche, St Margaret’s CE High School, Notre Dame Special Facilities: ICT suite, zoneparc playground, foundation stage unit THE TRINITY CATHOLIC PRIMARY Titchfield Street, Everton/Vauxhall, L5 8UT 0151 298 2917 Headteacher: Mrs P Deus Email: trinity-ao@thetrinity. Website: Type of School: Community/Voluntary Aided Pupils: 345 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club (for own schoolchildren) Extra School Activities: Extended school (for any child) Sports Activities: all curricular sports activities SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 80%, Level 5 13%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 75%, Level 5 20%, KS2 Science Level 4 80%, Level 5 5%, Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority/Set criteria Associated Schools: Notre Dame, Archbishop Beck Special Facilities: Special needs support WHITEFIELD PRIMARY Boundary Lane, Everton, L6 2HZ 0151 263 5976 Headteacher: Miss N Carroll Email: whitefield-ao@whitefield. whitefield-ht@whitefield. Website: Type of School: Primary Pupils: 250 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Contact school Sports Activities: Football, athletics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 75%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 85%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Science Level 4 60%, Level 5 20% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: North Liverpool Academy, St Francis of Assisi Special Facilities: Nursery

FAIRFIELD PHOENIX PRIMARY Birchfield Road, Fairfield, L7 9LY 0151 228 3831 Headteacher: Mr Chris Muscatelli Email: Website: Type of School: Community with SEN Resourced provision Pupils: 200 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 22 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast Club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 53%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 47%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Science Level 4 47%, Level 5 12% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: SEN assessment area, SEN resourced provision Years 1 - 6 OFSTED Comment: This school is committed to an equal chance for every boy and girl (March 2011)

ST SEBASTIANS CATHOLIC PRIMARY & NURSERY Holly Road, Fairfield, L7 0LH 0151 260 9697 Headteacher: Mr Dennis Hardiman Email: Website: www.stsebastianscatholic Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 277 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Dance, art, gardening and others Sports Activities: Football, tag rugby, high fives and others SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 83%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 48%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 61% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Broughton Hall, Cardinal Heenan Special Facilities: Nursery

FAZAKERLEY BARLOWS PRIMARY Barlows Lane, Fazakerley, L9 9EH 0151 525 2751 Headteacher: Mrs Jan Taylor Email: barlows-ao@barlows. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 480 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & After school clubs including rise and shine, bike it breakfast and walking bus, cookery, top trumps, frisby, cheerleading, ski-fi, digital media Extra School Facilities: Wide range of after school activities on offer Sports Activities: Football, athletics, netball, tag rugby, cricket and others SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 91%, Level 5 56%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 96%, Level 5 69%, KS2 Science Level 4 98%, Level 5 71% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: Assessment centre, nursery FAZAKERLEY PRIMARY Formosa Drive, Fazakerley, L10 7LD 0151 474 3060 Headteacher: Mrs J Carter Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 322 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club open 7.45am everyday, faz kids after school club open 3pm until 5.45pm, 1:1 tuition Extra School Activities: Dance Classes, film club, gardening, news club, cookery club, art club, Faz Kids Holiday Club open 7.45am to 5.45pm every school holiday Sports Activities: Football, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 80%, Level 5 29%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 29%, KS2 Science Level 4 86%, Level 5 29% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Pupil and family development centre used for community groups/activities, wrap around nursery care (additional charge applies) HOLY NAME CATHOLIC PRIMARY Moss Pits Lane, Fazakerley, L10 9LG 0151 525 3545 Headteacher: Mrs Anne Radford Email: holyname-ao@holyname. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 342 Age Range: 3 - 11 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various

Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 85%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 33% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery OUR LADY AND ST PHILOMENA’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Sparrow Hall Road, Fazakerley, L9 6BU 0151 525 8552 Headteacher: Ms Maria Michniewski Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 233 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Variety of Clubs Sports Activities: Cricket, football, athletics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 88%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 75%, Level 5 29% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority & application to school Associated Schools: De la Salle, St John Bosco Special Facilities: Nursery, swimming pool

GARSTON BANKS ROAD PRIMARY Banks Road, Garston, L19 8JZ 0151 427 4360 Headteacher: Mr Glen Hartford Email: d.finnegan@banksroad. Website: www.banksroad.liverpool Type of School: Community Pupils: 247 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 28 Extra School Activities: Dance, art & craft, multi skills & ICT clubs ages 7 - 8 & 9 - 11, choir and recorder group, farm club, guitar club plus others Sports Activities: Badminton, football, cricket, fencing, judo, athletics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 80%, Level 5 47%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 73%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 67%, Level 5 33% Languages: French, Mandarin Chinese Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Enterprise South Liverpool Academy Special Facilities: Nursery CLARENDON COLLEGE Garston Old Road, Garston, L19 9AF 0151 494 2094 Headteacher: Karen Donnelly Email: clarendonmontessori Website: www.clarendoncollege montessoril Type of School: Independent Pupils: 20 Age Range: 3 - 16 Average Class Size: 14 max Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school club Extra School Activities: Booster lessons Sports Activities: Various SATS: Contact school Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Contact school GARSTON CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Holman Road, Garston, L19 5NS 0151 427 7517 Headteacher: Mr Rick Widdowson Email: garston-ao@garstoncofe. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 126 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Charity run after school club Extra School Activities: Trips to Paris, Colomendy and many others, nutrition club

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Sports Activities: Football, dance and cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 93%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 80%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Science Level 4 80%, Level 5 27% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC PRIMARY Banks Road, Garston, L19 8JY 0151 427 7466 Headteacher: Mr Liam Mulcahy Email: holytrinity-ao@holytrinity. Website: /holy%20tinity Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 240 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfastclub Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 83%, Level 5 17%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 83%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Science Level 4 83%, Level 5 22% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority

GRASSENDALE GILMOUR INFANT South Bank Road, Grassendale, L19 9AR 0151 427 6306 Headteacher: Mrs Hathaway Email: gilmours-ao@gilmour Website: Type of School: Infant Pupils: 232 Age Range: 3 - 7 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Children’s university Sports Activities: Varied SATS: N/A Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Gilmour junior GILMOUR JUNIORS Whitehedge Road, Grassendale, L19 1RD 0151 427 4682 Headteacher: Mr P J Gibbons Email: Website: Type of School: Junior Pupils: 240 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast (infants) & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 93%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 96%, Level 5 53%, KS2 Science Level 4 96%, Level 5 76% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: IT room ST AUSTINS CATHOLIC PRIMARY Riverbank Road, Grassendale, L19 9DH 0151 427 1800 Headship Team: Mr Noel Vincent O’Neil, Mr John Carney Email: austins-ao@st-austins. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 480 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Extra School Activities: Drumming, guitar lessons, samba band Sports Activities: Netball, rounders, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 92%, Level 5 61%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 90%, Level 5 59%, KS2 Science Level 4 92%, Level 5 56% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Enterprise South Liverpool Academy Special Facilities: Early Years centre


HUNTS CROSS HUNTS CROSS PRIMARY Kingsthorne Road, Hunts Cross, L25 0PJ 0151 486 1777 Headteacher: Mrs Helen Dallison Email: huntscross-ht@huntscross. Website: www.huntscrossprimary Type of School: Primary Pupils: 270 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Cricket, football, swimming SATS: KS2 English Level 4 95%, Level 5 24%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 93%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Science Level 4 86%, Level 5 26% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Parklands, Halewood College

KENSINGTON KENSINGTON PRIMARY Brae Street, Kensington, L7 2QG 0151 263 6429 Headteacher: Mrs Kitty Davies Email: Website: www.kensingtonjunior Type of School: Primary Pupils: 420 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Drama, band, pottery, healthy eating, IT, homework club etc Sports Activities: Football, netball, tag rugby SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 63%, Level 5 22%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 63%, Level 5 22%, KS2 Science Level 4 61%, Level 5 17% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Broadgreen, St Francis of Assisi Academy Special Facilities: Nursery NEW PARK PRIMARY Butler Street, Kensington, L6 9EU 0151 263 4447 Headteacher: Mrs Karen Hutchings Email: newpark-ao@newpark. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 362 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club and after school club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 46%, KS2 Science Level 4 92%, Level 5 48% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Francis of Assisi Special Facilities: Nursery, wrap around care SACRED HEART CATHOLIC PRIMARY Hall Lane, Kensington, L7 8TQ 0151 709 1782 Headteacher: Mr Charles Daniels Email: sacred-ao@sacredheart. Website: www.sacredheart Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 178 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Sports Activities: Netball, rugby, football, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 89%, Level 5 26%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 53% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Fitness suite, apple mac IT suite

Educate Mersey Schools Guide 2012

ST ANNE’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Overbury Street, Kensington, L7 3HJ 0151 709 1698 Headteacher: Mrs Janice Shields Email: annes-ao@st-annes.liverpool. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 240 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, basketball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 61%, Level 5 11%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 54%, Level 5 11%, KS2 Science Level 4 89%, Level 5 32% Languages: Centre for Excellence for Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Swimming pool – everyone welcome! For more details contact school ST MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Guion Street, Kensington, L6 9DU 0151 263 8460 / 0151 263 2995 Headteacher: Mrs M Buckley (Acting) Email: michaels-ao@st-michaels. Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 304 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Art club, healthy eating Sports Activities: Athletics, football, swimming SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 81%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 97%, Level 5 46%, KS2 Science Level 4 97%, Level 5 43% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Francis of Assisi Academy

KIRKDALE KIRKDALE, ST LAWRENCE CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Fonthill Road, Kirkdale, L4 1QD 0151 922 2775 Headteacher: Mrs Jenny Forshaw Email: kirkdale-ao@kirkdale. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 206 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Gardening, art, ITC Sports Activities: Football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 80%, Level 5 20%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 47%, KS2 Science Level 4 80%, Level 5 33% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Alsop High School Special Facilities: Nursery ST JOHN’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Sessions Road, Kirkdale, L4 1SR 0151 922 1924 Headteacher: Ms Denise Maudsley Email: johnsi-ht@st-johns-inf. Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 314 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 72%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 75%, Level 5 28%, KS2 Science Level 4 78%, Level 5 25% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: LEA Associated Schools: Notre Dame Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, library

KNOTTY ASH KNOTTY ASH PRIMARY Thomas Lane, Knotty Ash, L14 5NX 0151 228 4222 Headteacher: Mr Tim Byrne

Email: knottyash-ao@knottyash. Website: www.knottyashprimary Type of School: Community Pupils: 270 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Extra School Activities: Many! Sports/PE, photography, cookery, recorders, craft, judo, fencing Sports Activities: Football, athletics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 63%, Level 5 3%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 59%, Level 5 16%, KS2 Science Level 4 34% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: School is linked with many local Secondary High schools Special Facilities: School has resourced provision of deaf children on site

MOSSLEY HILL CARLTON HOUSE PREPARATORY Menlove Avenue, Mossley Hill, L18 3EE 0151 722 0756 Headteacher: Mrs Anne Daniels Email: info@carletonhouse. Website: Type of School: Independent Preparatory - Co-ed Pupils: 144 plus nursery Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 22 Pre & After School Activities: OFSTED registered after hours provision Extra School Activities: Spanish, art, eco club, chess, board games, Mandarin Chinese Sports Activities: Football, netball, cross country, athletics, cricket, rounders, swimming SATS: Contact school Languages: Spanish Admission: Entry at age and informal assessment, subsequent years, English, mathematics Special Facilities: Nursery DOVEDALE INFANT Herondale Road, Mossley Hill, L18 1JX 0151 733 4232 Headteacher: Mrs Jane Noble Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 260 Age Range: 5 - 7 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Chess, gardening, recorder, Let’s get cooking! heart start Sports Activities: Football SATS: N/A Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Dovedale juniors DOVEDALE JUNIOR Herondale Road, Mossley Hill, L18 1JX 0151 733 2713 Headteacher: Mr Nik Smith Email: Website: Type of School: Junior Pupils: 353 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Out of hours kid’s club (0151 724 1333) Extra School Activities: Chess, reading, sewing, tap dancing, earth club, art, mandarin, arabic club, the christian club, choir Sports Activities: Football, athletics, tag rugby, netball, cricket, tennis SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 43%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 45%, KS2 Science Level 4 87%, Level 5 47% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Calderstones Special Facilities: Smartboards, computer suite

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GREENBANK PRIMARY Mossley Avenue, Mossley Hill, L18 1JB 0151 522 5748 Headteacher: Mrs Debra Rigby Email: greenbank-ao@greenbank. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 412 Age Range: 3 -11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Dance, band, choir, yoga, art Sports Activities: Football, netball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 75%, Level 5 15%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 60%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Science Level 4 71%, Level 5 15% Languages: German Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various including Calderstones, Broadgreen Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suites x 2 LIVERPOOL COLLEGE HMC INDEPENDENT Queens Drive, Mossley Hill, L18 8BG 0151 724 4000 Principal: Mr H Van Mourik Broekman MA (Hons) Email: Website: Type of School: HMC Independent Pupils: 795 Age Range: 3 – 18 Average Class Size: 20 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: Contact school Languages: Italian, Spanish, French, Latin Admission: By entrance assessment Associated Schools: Local schools Special Facilities: Nursery, sports hall ST ANTHONY OF PADUA CATHOLIC PRIMARY Sands Road, Mossley Hill, L18 8BD 0151 724 3233 Headteacher: Mrs Paula Jacobs Email: pudua-ao@st-anthony Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 207 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 46%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 81%, Level 5 46%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 50% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various

NETHERLEY BELLE VALE COMMUNITY PRIMARY Besford Road, Netherley, L25 2QF 0151 487 8571 Headteacher: Mrs Janette Walker Email: bellevale-ao@bellevale. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 250 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Lunchtime multisport, football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 79%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 82%, Level 5 29% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: Nursery, running track NORMAN PANNELL PRIMARY Brownbill Bank, Netherley, L27 7AE 0151 487 7718 Headteacher: Mr Alan Price Email: norman-ao@norman Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 215 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 85%, Level 5 31%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 77%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Science Level 4 92%, Level 5 31% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Gateacre Community Comprehensive Special Facilities: Nursery, IT Suite, parental workshops, on site private nursery 0 – 3 (Bluebell) ST GREGORY’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Montreal Road, Netherley, L27 7AG 0151 498 4313 Headteacher: Mrs Roberts Email: gregory-ao@st-gregorys. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 227 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Chill back club, gardening, homework club, art club, magazine club, choir, hoop hop, eco club, dance club Sports Activities: Cricket, golf, rounders, netball, swimming, athletics, netball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 82%, Level 5 48%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 73%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 73%, Level 5 33% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Francis Xavier, St Julies Special Facilities: Free breakfast club 8 – 9am

NORRIS GREEN BROAD SQUARE PRIMARY Broad Square, Norris Green, L11 1BS 0151 226 1117 Headteacher: Mrs Elaine Spencer Email: Website: www.broadsquare Type of School: Community Pupils: 300 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Various Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Sport & dance SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 65%, Level 5 21%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 74%, Level 5 28%, KS2 Science Level 4 72%, Level 5 28% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Alsop High School, Fazakerley High Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suites LEAMINGTON COMMUNITY PRIMARY Leamington Road, Norris Green, L11 7BT 0151 284 7848 Headteacher: Miss Nicola Simcoe Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 450 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, hockey, basketball, swimming SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 85%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Science Level 4 83%, Level 5 35% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Alsop High School Special Facilities: Nursery, speech and language unit

MONKSDOWN PRIMARY Frinstead Road, Norris Green, L11 1HH 0151 226 1606 Headteacher: Mrs Stephanie Gough Email: monksdown-ao@monksdown. Website: www.monksdown Type of School: Community Pupils: 373 (including nursery) Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 84%, Level 5 12%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 88%, Level 5 16%, KS2 Science Level 4 92%, Level 5 32% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Local secondary’s Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental workshops RANWORTH SQUARE PRIMARY Ranworth Square, Norris Green, L11 3DQ 0151 226 1740 Headteacher: Mrs Padgett (acting) Email: ranworth-ao@ranworth Type of School: Community Primary Pupils: 125 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 23 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club/free magic breakfast club Extra School Activities: Music, brass, violins, woodwind and guitars, arts & crafts, computers and board games Sports Activities: Girls and boys football teams, other inter school competitions, netball, tag rugby SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 86%, Level 5 23%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 95%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 27% Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: IT suite ST TERESA’S OF LISIEUX CATHOLIC PRIMARY Utting Avenue East, Norris Green, L11 1DB 0151 226 5020/5018 Headteacher: Miss Helen Underwood Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 524 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Junior, 30 Infant Pre & After School Activities: Various Extra School Activities: Arts & craft, first aid, colour fun, maths club Sports Activities: Football, cricket SATS: Contact school Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St John Bosco, De la Salle Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suites x 2, swimming WELLESBOURNE PRIMARY Abbotsford Road, Norris Green, L11 5BA 0151 226 9765 Headteacher: Ms Marj Mallon Email: wellesbourne-ao@welles Website: www.wellesbourne Type of School: Primary Pupils: 324 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast Club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various throughout the year with partner schools SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 79%, Level 5 14%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 74%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Science Level 4 79%, Level 5 23% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suites

OLD SWAN ST ANNE’S (STANLEY) CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Prescot Road, Old Swan, L13 3BT 0151 228 1506 Headteacher: Mr Paul Bolger Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 360 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: After school care Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 92%, Level 5 37%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 88%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 55% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST CUTHBERT’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Aviemore Road, Old Swan, L13 3BB 0151 228 4137 Headteacher: Mr Dennis Hardiman Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 172 (including Nursery) Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 20 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Enterprise, choirs, art Sports Activities: Athletics, football, cross country, generic sports SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 82%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 73%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 45% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Broughton Hall, Cardinal Heenan Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental workshops ST OSWALD’S CATHOLIC INFANT St Oswald Street, Old Swan, L13 5SB 0151 228 8436 Headteacher: Mrs Rita O’Brien Email: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 350 Age Range: 3 - 7 Average Class Size: 30 Extra School Activities: Art, dance, jujitsu, cartoon club, film club Sports Activities: Multi sports/skills SATS: N/A Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Oswald’s Catholic junior Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST OSWALD’S CATHOLIC JUNIOR Montague Road, Old Swan, L13 5TE 0151 259 4580 Headteacher: Ms Mary Walsh Email: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 291 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 28 Extra School Activities: Contact school Sports Activities: Contact school SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 29%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 80%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Science Level 4 93%, Level 5 33% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority

SEFTON PARK AUCKLAND COLLEGE 65 Parkfield Road, Sefton Park, L17 4LE 0151 727 0083 Principal: Mr Kemp Email: Website: Type of School: Independent Pupils: 160 Age Range: 4 - 18

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Average Class Size: 16 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club and after school club Extra School Activities: Cinema club, art class, drama, science plus booster classes for all exams, homework club Sports Activities: In curriculum, football, gymnastics, swimming, cricket, fitness, rock climbing, rounders, volley ball, badminton, athletics, canoeing, kayaking, sailing and various fundraising walks, trampolining SATS: Contact school Languages: Spanish Admission: Tour, day visit, recent report, feedback meeting, appointment with Principal Associated Schools: Contact school Special Facilities: Lab, IT suite

SPEKE MIDDLEFIELD PRIMARY Alderwood Avenue, Speke, L24 2UE 0151 486 4106 Headteacher: Mrs Paula Judd Email: middlefield-ht@middlefield. Type of School: Community Primary Pupils: 323 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 61%, Level 5 11%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 55%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Science Level 4 58%, Level 5 5% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suites STOCKTON WOOD PRIMARY All Saints Road, Speke, L24 3TF 0151 486 1778/0151 486 2471 Headteacher: Mrs Suzy Stacey Email: s.stacey@stocktonwood. Website: www.stocktonwood.liverpool Type of School: Community Pupils: 300 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Space for sports and arts SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 81%, Level 5 22%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 76%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Science Level 4 81%, Level 5 27% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Parklands Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST AMBROSE CATHOLIC PRIMARY Alderfield Drive, Speke, L24 7SF 0151 425 2306 Headteacher: Mrs Tracy O’Neill Email: ambrose-ao@st-ambrose. Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 243 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 78%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 22%, KS2 Science Level 4 91%, Level 5 52% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST CHRISTOPHER’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Tarbock Road, Speke, L24 0SN 0151 486 2835 Headteacher: Mrs Collette Denby Email: Website: www.stchristophers.liverpool Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 371 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 24 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4


75%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Science Level 4 80%, Level 5 24% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, access to wireless laptops for each pupil

STONEYCROFT CORINTHIAN COMMUNITY PRIMARY Inigo Road, Stoneycroft, L13 6SH 0151 228 5806 Headteacher: Mr Gary Crockett Email: corinthian-ao@corinthian. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 430 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 90%, Level 5 43%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 96%, Level 5 59%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 57% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Holly Lodge, West Derby, Broadgreen, plus Church schools Special Facilities: Nursery, childrens centre, IT suite

TOXTETH KINGSLEY COMMUNITY PRIMARY Eversley Street, Toxteth, L8 2TU 0151 709 6727 Headteacher: Ms Elaine Rees Email: kingsley-ht@kingsley. Website: www.liverpool.schooljotter. com/kingsley Type of School: Community Pupils: 280 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 76%, Level 5 24%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Science Level 4 92%, Level 5 40% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, children’s centre, IT suite, library MATTHEW ARNOLD PRIMARY & DINGLE LANE CHILDRENS CENTRE Dingle Lane, Toxteth, L8 9UB 0151 233 4900 Headteacher: Mr Gary Mason Email: Website: Type of School: Foundation Pupils: 262 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 59%, Level 5 9%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 66%, Level 5 9%, KS2 Science Level 4 59%, Level 5 9% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Speech & language unit, nursery, assessment centre HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC PRIMARY Upper Essex Street, Toxteth, L8 6QB 0151 709 3672 Headteacher: Mr Joe Walsh Email: holyfamily-ao@holyfamily. Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 275 Age Range: 3 - 11 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, after school sports clubs Extra School Activities: Dancing, African drumming, outside agency run clubs Sports Activities: Football, running club and walking club (once a month) SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 67%, Level 5 5%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 73%, Level 5 11%, KS2 Science Level 4 84%, Level 5 27% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, parent centre, mother and toddler groups

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ST CLEOPAS’ CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Beresford Road, Toxteth, L8 4RP 0151 727 1725 Headteacher: Miss Ruth Frain Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Controlled Pupils: 234 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Cheerleading, dance, recorder Sports Activities: Football etc SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 82%, Level 5 21%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 86%, Level 5 25% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental workshops ST FINBAR’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY South Hill Road, Toxteth, L8 9RY 0151 727 3963 Headteacher: Mrs Jan Connelly (acting) Email: finbars-ht@st-finbars. Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 186 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 23 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 74%, Level 5 4%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 81%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Science Level 4 81%, Level 5 15% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Bellerive, Enterprise South Liverpool Academy Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST PATRICK’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Upper Hill Street, Toxteth, L8 5UX 0151 709 1062 Headteacher: Mr Terence Kirwan Email: t.kirwan@st-patricks. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 221 (Including nursery) Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Art club, craft club, cookery plus many others Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 85%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 93%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Science Level 4 96%, Level 5 30% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Bellerive, Enterprise South Liverpool Academy Special Facilities: Nursery ST SILAS’ CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Pengwern Street, Toxteth, L8 3TP 0151 727 6067 Headteacher: Mr Jonathan Nichols Email: Type of School: Voluntary Controlled Pupils: 204 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Dancing, film club Sports Activities: Football, basketball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 38%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 71%, Level 5 24% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: University Academy Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite WINDSOR COMMUNITY PRIMARY Upper Hill Street, Toxteth, L8 8JE 0151 709 6769 Headteacher: Ms Ann Elford Email: m.elford@windsor. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 205

Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, sports, drama, creativity, drumming, gardening, construction Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: KS2 English Level 4 40%, Level 5 15%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 50%, Level 5 10%, KS2 Science Level 4 35%, Level 5 10% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: University Academy Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental workshops

TUEBROOK LISTER INFANT Green Lane, Tuebrook, L13 7DT 0151 228 4069 Headteacher: Mrs Jean McEwan Email: Website: Type of School: infants/nursery Pupils: 225 Age Range: 3 - 7 Average Class Size: 29 Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: N/A Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Lister junior Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite LISTER JUNIOR Green Lane, Tuebrook, L13 7DT 0151 228 4196 Headteacher: Mr Simon King Email: admin@listerjuniors. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 215 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: After school activities Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 44%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 46%, KS2 Science Level 4 89%, Level 5 56% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: West Derby Comprehensive, Holly Lodge Special Facilities: IT suites ROSCOE PRIMARY Alison Road, Tuebrook, L13 9AD 0151 226 1536 Headteacher: Mrs Amanda Anders Email: roscoe-ao@roscoe.liverpool. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 265 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club and after school club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 100% Level 5 28%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 83%, Level 5 21%, KS2 Science Level 4 90% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: West Derby Comprehensive, Holly Lodge Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST CECILIA’S CATHOLIC INFANT Snaefell Avenue, Tuebrook, L13 7HB 0151 220 2153 Headteacher: Mrs Elizabeth van de Waal Email: Website: Type of School: Infant and Nursery Pupils: 220 Age Range: 3 - 7 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school club, children’s university clubs Extra School Activities: Multi-skills Sports Activities: Multi-skills, dance SATS: N/A Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Cecilia’s junior Special Facilities: Nursery

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ST CECILIA’S CATHOLIC JUNIOR Green Lane, Tuebrook, L13 7EA 0151 228 1760 Headteacher: Mrs Phillipa Agate Email: Website: www.stceciliasjunior Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 217 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 29 Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 84%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 41%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 38% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Broughton Hall, Cardinal Heenan Special Facilities: IT suite, parental workshops

WALTON ARNOT ST MARY C of E PRIMARY Arnot Street, Walton, L4 4ED 0151 286 1400 Headteacher: Mr Shaw Email: asm-ao@arnotstmary.liverpool. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 419 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 84%, Level 5 39%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 90%, Level 5 43%, KS2 Science Level 4 92%, Level 5 59% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Alsop, Hillside Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC INFANT Hunslet Road, Walton, L9 9JQ 0151 525 3528 Headteacher: Mrs Catherine Dolley Email: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 391 Age Range: 3 - 7 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs plus holiday club Extra School Activities: Lunchtime clubs - football, art, ICT, country dancing Sports Activities: Dance, coaches for tennis etc SATS: N/A Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Blessed Sacrament Catholic junior Special Facilities: Nursery BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC JUNIOR Cedar Road, Walton, L9 9AF 0151 525 9600 Headteacher: Mrs Dally Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 352 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Choir, orchestra, arts club, ICT, CC4G Sports Activities: Football, athletics, netball, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 75%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 77%, Level 5 29%, KS2 Science Level 4 64%, Level 5 12% Languages: Spanish Admission: Set criteria Associated Schools: Archbishop Beck, Maricourt Special Facilities: IT suite FLORENCE MELLY PRIMARY Bushey Road, Walton, L4 9UA 0151 226 9806 Headteacher: Mr Alan Reeves Email:

Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 435 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 29 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 37%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 42%, KS2 Science Level 4 90%, Level 5 27% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Disabled lift/showers GWLADYS STREET PRIMARY AND NURSERY Walton Lane, Walton, L4 5RW 0151 525 0843 Headteacher: Miss Booth Email: gwladys-ao@gwladysstreet. Website: www.gwladysstreet. Type of School: Community Pupils: 479 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Swimming, various PE activities SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 73%, Level 5 23%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 75%, Level 5 16%, KS2 Science Level 4 54%, Level 5 9% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite NORTHCOTE PRIMARY Cavendish Drive, Walton, L9 1HW 0151 284 1919 / 0151 233 4610 Headteacher: Mr Roy Morgan Email: northcote-ht@northcote. Website: Type of School: Community Primary Pupils: 336 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Reading, homework and computer clubs Sports Activities: Football, tag rugby, tennis, cricket, rounders, netball, swimming, watersports, athletics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 79%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 88%, Level 5 41%, KS2 Science Level 4 82%, Level 5 32% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority and set criteria Associated Schools: Alsop High School, Hillside High School Special Facilities: Nursery, sports hall, ICT suite ST FRANCIS DE SALES CATHOLIC INFANT AND NURSERY Margaret Road, Walton, L4 3RX 0151 525 8489 Headteacher: Miss Clare Suffield Email: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 379 Age Range: 3 - 7 Average Class Size: 24 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs SATS: N/A Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Francis de Sales Catholic junior mixed Special Facilities: Nursery, Computer Suite ST FRANCIS DE SALES CATHOLIC JUNIOR MIXED Hale Road, Walton, L4 3RL 0151 525 7602 Headteacher: Mrs Ellen Seymour Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 355 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Various Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various

SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 54%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 92%, Level 5 59%, KS2 Science Level 4 93%, Level 5 61% Languages: Spanish Admission: Set criteria Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: Special needs support

orchestra, high five, choir Sports Activities: Football, athletics, tag rugby SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 95%, Level 5 58%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 85%, Level 5 53%, KS2 Science Level 4 98%, Level 5 58% Admission: Application form with set criteria

ST MATTHEW’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Queens Drive, Walton, L4 8UA 0151 226 1871 Headteacher: Mrs Veronica McDonnell Email: Website: www.stmatthewsprimary Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 354 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club plus external after school club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Athletics, football, tag rugby, karate etc SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 84%, Level 5 34%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Science Level 4 80%, Level 5 24% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: De la Salle, St John Bosco

LAWRENCE COMMUNITY PRIMARY Lawrence Road, Wavertree, L15 0EE 0151 733 2556 / 0151 733 3558 Headteacher: Mr Mark Rigby Email: lawrence_school_uk Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 432 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, fencing, judo, athletics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 56%, Level 5 12%, KS2 mathematics Level 4 63%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Science Level 4 70%, Level 5 18% Languages: Spanish, French, Arabic, Bengali, Urdu, Polish, Lithuanian, Czech Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Childwall Comprehensive, Calderstones, Broadgreen, University Academy Special Facilities: Nursery, use of laptops

WAVERTREE CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC PRIMARY Meadway, Wavertree, L15 7LZ 0151 722 3462 Headteacher: Mrs J Hennigan Email: christ-ao@christtheking. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 339 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 83%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 83%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Science Level 4 81%, Level 5 33% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: VA governing body and LA procedures Associated Schools: St Julies, St Francis Xavier Special Facilities: IT suite HEY GREEN COMMUNITY PRIMARY Taunton Street, Wavertree, L15 4ND 0151 733 1719 Headteacher: Mrs Susan Doyle Email: heygreen-ao@heygreen. Website: Type of School: Community Primary Pupils: 220 (including Nursery) Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Varies throughout the year Sports Activities: Varies throughout the year SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 69%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 75%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Science Level 4 69%, Level 5 13% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Childwall Comprehensive Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, music room KING DAVID PRIMARY Beauclair Drive, Wavertree, L15 6XH 0151 235 1420 Headteacher: Ms Rachel Rick Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 420 Age Range: 5 - 11 Extra School Activities: Chess,

MOSSPITS LANE PRIMARY Mosspits Lane, Wavertree, L15 6UN 0151 722 1716 Headteacher: Miss Everitt Email: mosspitsi-ao@mosspits-inf. Website: Type of School: Community Infant Pupils: 180 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Spanish, ju jitsu Sports Activities: Dance, gym, games Languages: Spanish (Liverpool Language Academy holds a class) Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: IT suite, coffee mornings NORTHWAY PRIMARY & NURSERY Northway, Wavertree, L15 7JQ 0151 722 3540 / 0151 722 1024 Headteacher: Mr Paul Anderson Email: northway-ao@northway. Website: www.northway.liverpool. Type of School: Community Pupils: 240 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 39%, KS2 Science Level 4 96%, Level 5 39% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, immersive learning room OUR LADY OF GOOD HELP CATHOLIC PRIMARY South Drive, Wavertree, L15 3JL 0151 733 6937 Headteacher: Mrs Susan Horncastle Email: goodhelp-ao@ourladyofgood Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 158 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 20 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 73%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 73%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Science Level 4 64%, Level 5 23% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority

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Associated Schools: St Julies, St Francis Xavier Special Facilities: New sporting facility, garden area, adventure trail ST CLARES CATHOLIC PRIMARY Garmoyle Close, Wavertree, L15 0DW 0151 733 4318 Headteacher: Miss K. O’Sullivan Email: clares-ao@st-clares.liverpool. Type of School: Primary Pupils: 248 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Active kids club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Athletics, swimming SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 85%, Level 5 41%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 78%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Science Level 4 93%, Level 5 26% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Bellerive, St Francis Xavier Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite WAVERTREE CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Rose Villas, Wavertree, L15 8HJ 0151 733 1231 Headteacher: Mrs Anna Brooksbank Email: wavertree-ao@wavertree. Website: www.wavertree.liverpool. Type of School: Voluntary Controlled Pupils: 199 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 20 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 71%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 71%, Level 5 14%, KS2 Science Level 4 81%, Level 5 24% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Childwall Comprehensive, Broadgreen International High Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite

WEST DERBY BLACKMOOR PARK JUNIOR Leyfield Road, West Derby, L12 9HB 0151 228 3250 Headteacher: Mr Martin Davies Email: blackmoorparkj-ao@blackmoor Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 350 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: After School club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 86%, Level 5 24%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 80%, Level 5 26%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 26% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: West Derby, Holly Lodge Special Facilities: ITC suite EMMAUS CHURCH OF ENGLAND AND CATHOLIC PRIMARY Fir Tree Drive South, West Derby, L12 0JE 0151 233 1414 Headteacher: Mr Alan Williams Deputy Head: Andy Riedel Email: emmaus-ao@emmaus. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 481 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Choir, orchestra, art club, recorder, flute, chess, drama Sports Activities: Netball, athletics, football, fencing, judo, skiing SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 82%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 85%, Level 5 52%, KS2 Science Level 4 87%, Level 5 38%


Languages: French – centre of excellence Admission: Apply to school Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite MAB LANE PRIMARY Mab Lane, West Derby, L12 6QL 0151 259 4282 Headteacher: Mrs Lorraine Walwyn Deputy Head: Miss Laura Morgan Email: mablane-ao@mablane. Website: Type of School: Primary Pupils: 253 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 20 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 66%, Level 5 11%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 69%, Level 5 26%, KS2 Science Level 4 71%, Level 5 11% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: Early years speech and language, nursery RUNNYMEADE ST EDWARD’S North Drive, West Derby, L12 1LE 0151 281 2300 Headteacher: Mr Brad Slater Email: Website: Type of School: Catholic Independent Pupils: 260 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 15 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Orchestra, drama, drumming, musical theatre Sports Activities: Rugby, football, netball, cricket, hockey, cross country, swimming, PE, rounders SATS: Contact school Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Set criteria Associated Schools: Christian Brothers Special Facilities: Shared sports facilities with St Edwards College, nursery, swimming pool ST MARY’S (WEST DERBY) CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Meadow Lane, West Derby, L12 5EA 0151 226 2038 Headteacher: Ivor Johnston Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 215 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: School run breakfast club, after school club (outside provision) Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 91%, Level 5 29%, KS2 Science Level 4 91%, Level 5 32% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: IT suite ST PAUL’S CATHOLIC JUNIOR Spring Grove, West Derby, L12 8SJ 0151 228 1159 Headteacher: Mr E Flood Email: pauls-ht@st-pauls. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 504 Age Range: 7 - 11 Average Class Size: 32 Pre & After School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 87%, Level 5 34%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 89%, Level 5 41%, KS2 Science Level 4 84%, Level 5 41% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Broughton Hall, Cardinal Heenan

Educate Mersey Schools Guide 2012

ST PAUL’S AND ST TIMOTHY’S CATHOLIC INFANT South Parkside Drive, West Derby, L12 8RP 0151 228 2114 Headteacher: Mrs J Starkey Email: Website: www.stpaulandst Type of School: Primary Pupils: 359 Age Range: 4 - 7 Average Class Size: 30 Extra School Activities: Contact school Sports Activities: Contact school SATS: N/A Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority & set criteria

Headteacher: Mr Martin Burke Email: Website: www.ourladyofthe Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 218 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 82%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 79%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Science Level 4 86%, Level 5 21% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite


WOOLTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Out Lane, Woolton, L25 5NN 0151 428 3066 Headteacher: Mrs Jane Ngenda Email: Website: Type of School: Community Primary Pupils: 550 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & After School clubs Extra School Activities: Music, orchestra Sports Activities: Football, athletics Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, disabled facilities, IT suites x 2

BISHOP MARTIN CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Church Road, Woolton, L25 5JF 0151 428 6295 Headteacher: Mr D McBride Email: bishopmartin-ao@bishop Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 212 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, cross country, tennis, swimming, netball, fencing, judo, basketball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 79%, Level 5 43%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 71%, Level 5 21%, KS2 Science Level 4 82%, Level 5 21% Languages: French Admission: Set criteria Special Facilities: IT suite MUCH WOOLTON CATHOLIC PRIMARY Watergate Lane, Woolton, L25 8QH 0151 428 6114 Headteacher: Mr Matthew White Email: muchwoolton-ao@much Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 409 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Choir, recorder, ICT club Sports Activities: Boys & girls football, netball, athletics, cross country, judo, fencing SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 96%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 82%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 93%, Level 5 32% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Francis Xavier, St Julies Special Facilities: IT suite OUR LADY’S BISHOP ETON CATHOLIC PRIMARY Green Lane, Woolton, L18 2EP 0151 722 2982 Headteacher: Mrs Debbie Bostock Email: bishopeton-ao@ourladys Website: www.ourladysbishop Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 409 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 97%, Level 5 60%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 95%, Level 5 66%, KS2 Science Level 4 93%, Level 5 53% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Francis Xavier, St Julies Special Facilities: IT suite OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC PRIMARY Hedgefield Road, Woolton, L25 2RW 0151 487 9301

KNOWSLEY CRONTON CRONTON CHUCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Smithy Lane, Cronton, WA8 5DF 0151 424 3881 Headteacher: Sylvia Thomson Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 260 (including Nursery) Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 97%, Level 5 63%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 100% Level 5 63%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 63% Languages: German, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC PRIMARY Hall Lane, Cronton, WA8 5DW 0151 424 3926 Headteacher: Janette Cook-Hannah Email: holyfamilycronton@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 211 Age Range: 4 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Extra School Activities: Guitar lessons, Spanish, art, drama Sports Activities: Rounders, netball, football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 94%, Level 5 56%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 94%, Level 5 56%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 72% Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: SS Peter & Paul High School

HALEWOOD YEW TREE PRIMARY The Avenue, Halewood, L26 0151 288 8900 Headteacher: Mr Matthew Copping Email: Matthew.Copping@ Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 220 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 24 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Choir, cookery Sports Activities: Football, rounders

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SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 78%, Level 5 11%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 78%, Level 5 17%, KS2 Science Level 4 83%, Level 5 28% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Halewood Centre for Learning Special Facilities: Nursery, designated SEN provision HALEWOOD CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL Church Road, Halewood, L26 6LB 0151 487 5673 Headteacher: Mr David Smith Email: Website: www.halewoodcofe.knowsley. Type of School: Primary Pupils: 273 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, extended after school club Extra School Activities: Art, choir, mad science, piano Sports Activities: Sports club, football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 100%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 100%, Level 5 50%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 47% Languages: French, German and Spanish Admission: Application form through Knowsley Associated Schools: Halewood Centre for Learning Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC PRIMARY Arncliffe Road, Halewood, L25 9PA 0151 282 8971 Headteacher: Mrs C Hamilton Website: www.holyfamilyhalewood. com Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 304 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: After school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 86%, Level 5 43%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 46%, KS2 Science Level 4 96%, Level 5 54% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, newly refurbished PLANTATION PRIMARY Hollies Road, Halewood, L26 0TH 0151 487 5678 Headteacher: Lord Storey OBE Email: Website: Type of School: Primary School Pupils: 619 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Music/instruments Sports Activities: Football, tag rugby, netball, cricket, swimming, cross country SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 87%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 51%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 58% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various, mainly Halewood Centre for Learning Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST ANDREWS PRIMARY Higher Road, Halewood, L26 1TD 0151 288 8940 Headteacher: Mrs J Cunningham Email: Website: Type of School: Mixed Primary Pupils: 247 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club and after school club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 86%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 96%, Level 5 61%

Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Julies, St Francis Xavier Special Facilities: Nursery ST MARK’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Fir Avenue, Halewood, L26 0XR 0151 288 8910 Headteacher: Mr R Coakley Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 179 Age Range: 3 -11 Average Class Size: 22 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, externally run after school club, wrap around nursery care Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 71%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 38% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority and set criteria Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite

HUYTON BLACKLOW BROW PRIMARY Tarbock Road, Huyton, L36 5XW 0151 477 8010 Headteacher: Sheila Walmsley Email: Website: Type of School: Primary Pupils: 251 Age Range: 3 -11 Average Class Size: 30 Extra School Activities: Choir, French, craft club, instrumental lessons – violin, keyboard, samba, gardening, science, cookery Sports Activities: Football, netball, swimming, cross country, athletics, judo, multi sport, dance SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 83%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 90%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 43% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority or set criteria Associated Schools: Huyton Arts & Sports Centre for Learning Special Facilities: Nursery HUYTON WITH ROBY C OF E PRIMARY Rupert Road, Huyton, L36 9TF 0151 477 8460 Headteacher: Mrs Jillian Stratford Email: huytonwithroby@knowsley. Website: Type of School: Church of England Primary School Pupils: 476 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Dancing, choir, drama, recorder, Christian club, gardening club Sports Activities: Physical education, football, netball, rugby, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 73%, Level 5 7%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 44%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 55% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite KNOWSLEY CENTRAL PRIMARY SUPPORT CENTRE Mossbrow Road, Huyton, L36 7SY 0151 477 8450 Headteacher: Mrs Patricia Thomas Email: Website: Type of School: Special Needs Pupils: 70 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 8 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Drama, book club, origami, relaxed kids Sports Activities: PE, football, yoga, dance SATS: N/A Languages: Spanish

Admission: Local Authority LONGVIEW COUNTY PRIMARY Astley Road, Huyton, L36 8DB 0151 477 8240 Headteacher: Mrs Amanda Casey Email: Website: Type of School: Community Primary Pupils: 313 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club and after school club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Swimming, PE, football, cross country, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 65%, Level 5 14%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 70%, Level 5 16%, KS2 Science Level 4 72%, Level 5 19% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Knowsley Sports & Arts Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite MALVERN PRIMARY Willoughby Road, Huyton, L14 6XA 0151 477 8230 Headteacher: Mrs Julie Peach Email: Website: Type of School: Mixed primary school Pupils: 424 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club & after school club Extra School Activities: Drama, choir, chess, samba drumming, family curriculum workshops, eco warriors, book club Sports Activities: Physical education, cross country, netball, disco dancing, Boxercise, girls and boys football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 83%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Science Level 4 85%, Level 5 33% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority or set criteria MOSSCROFT PRIMARY Bedford Close, Huyton, L36 1XH 0151 477 8190 Headteacher: Mrs Penny France Email: Type of School: Community Pupils: 157 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 22 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, netball, cricket etc SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 83%, Level 5 8%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 67%, Level 5 17%, KS2 Science Level 4 75%, Level 5 17% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority or set criteria Associated Schools: Knowsley Sports & Arts, Knowsley Park Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite PARK VIEW PRIMARY Twig Lane, Huyton, L36 2LL 0151 477 8120 Headteacher: Miss Ruth Harrison Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 295 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Nursery run breakfast club Extra School Activities: Chess, art, cookery Sports Activities: Football, netball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 61%, Level 5 8%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 67%, Level 5 14%, KS2 Science Level 4 69%, Level 5 14% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Huyton Arts & Sports, Christ the King Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental workshops, swimming pool ROBY PARK PRIMARY Easton Road, Huyton, L36 4NY 0151 477 8340 Headteacher: Miss Ruth Harrison Email:

Type of School: Mixed Community Pupils: 214 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, after school club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Physical education, football, netball, cricket, athletics SATS: KS2 English Level 4 81%, Level 5 12%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 77%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Science Level 4 85%, Level 5 27% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority or set criteria Associated Schools: Huyton Arts & Sports Centre for Learning Special Facilities: Nursery, wireless classroom facilities ST AIDAN’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Adswood Road, Huyton, L36 7XR 0151 477 8370 Headteacher: Moira Kenneway Email: Website: www.staidanscatholic Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 220 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Musicals, board games, homework club, cookery, science, performance poetry, sewing, drama Sports Activities: Football, netball, athletics, cross country, judo, tag rugby, cricket, basketball, multiskills SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 76%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 88%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Science Level 4 76%, Level 5 12% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Edmund Arrowsmith Special Facilities: Nursery, wireless classrooms, IT suite, community room, outreach family learning ST ALOYSIUS CATHOLIC PRIMARY Twig Lane, Huyton, L36 2LF 0151 477 8110 Executive Headteacher: Ms B Basnett Email: Website: Type of School: Mixed Voluntary Aided RC Pupils: 300 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school club Extra School Activities: Drama, art club Sports Activities: Football, athletics, netball, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 84%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 91%, Level 5 16%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 16% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Edmund Arrowsmith Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parent mentor ST ANNES CATHOLIC PRIMARY Marina Crescent, Huyton, L36 5XL 0151 477 8260 Headteacher: Maggie Keating Email: Website: Type of School: Mixed Catholic voluntary aided Pupils: 251 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Dance Sports Activities: Multi sports SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 93%, Level 5 55%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 93%, Level 5 43%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 31% Languages: Spanish (private) Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: IT suite ST COLUMBAS CATHOLIC PRIMARY Hillside Road, Huyton, L36 8BL 0151 477 8360 Headteacher: Ronan Dunne Email:

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Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 242 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 32 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, some after school activities Sports Activities: Football, athletics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 79%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 21%, KS2 Science Level 4 96%, Level 5 32% Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Edmund Arrowsmith Special Facilities: Nursery, purpose built sports hall HOPE PRIMARY Lordens Road, Huyton, L14 8UD 0151 477 8280 Headteacher: Mrs B Basnett Email: hope.primaryschool@ Type of School: Primary Pupils: 335 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Fitbods, dancing Sports Activities: Football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 84%, Level 5 56%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 53%, KS2 Science Level 4 79%, Level 5 44% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Christ the King Special Facilities: Nursery, community room, parent courses ST GABRIELS CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Ellis Ashton Street, Huyton, L36 6BH 0151 477 8250 Headteacher: Kevin Brayshaw Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 240 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 pre & after school activities: after school clubs Extra School Activities: Music, art, choir Sports Activities: PE, football, netball, judo SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 72%, Level 5 17%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 72%, Level 5 39%, KS2 Science Level 4 72%, Level 5 28% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority & set criteria Associated Schools: Huyton Arts & Sports Centre for Learning, Christ the King Centre for Learning, St Hilda’s, Archbishop Blanch Special Facilities: Nursery, wireless facilities in classrooms ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Edenfield Crescent, Huyton, L36 6DS 0151 489 4072 Headteacher: Charlie Newstead Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 172 Age Range: 5 – 11 Extra School Activities: Art, maths, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, recorder, athletics, cross country, music club, football, dance, magazine club Sports Activities: Physical education, football, swimming, outdoor adventurous activities, judo SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 97%, Level 5 21%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 79%, Level 5 34%, KS2 Science Level 4 90%, Level 5 45% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Edmund Arrowsmith Centre for Learning, Christ the King Centre for Learning Special Facilities: Sports field with two running tracks, rounders, football, volleyball and cricket pitches


ST MARGARET MARY’S CATHOLIC INFANT Pilch Lane, Huyton, L14 0JG 0151 228 4024 Headteacher: Jayne Dunn Email: stmargaretmary. Website: www.stmargaretmarys Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 461 Age Range: 3 – 7 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, magpies after school club Extra School Activities: Various plus summer camp Sports Activities: Various SATS: N/A Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority and set criteria Associated Schools: St Margaret Mary’s Catholic junior Special Facilities: Nursery, IPC topic based ST MARGARET MARY’S CATHOLIC JUNIOR Pilch Lane, Huyton, L14 0JG 0151 477 8490 Headteacher: Mr Kevin Mahoney Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 462 Age Range: 7 – 11 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 84%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 91%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Science Level 4 87%, Level 5 23% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority and set criteria THE SYLVESTER PRIMARY St Johns Road, Huyton, L36 0UX 0151 477 8320 Headteacher: Juliet Brown Email: Website: www.sylvesterprimary Type of School: Community Pupils: 204 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 63%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 81%, Level 5 26%, KS2 Science Level 4 78%, Level 5 7% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Malvern, Mosscroft Special Facilities: IT Suite, parental workshops

KIRKBY EASTCROFT PARK Hollinghurst Road, Kirkby, L33 1EB 0151 477 8210 Headteacher: Julie Withey Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 227 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 68%, Level 5 20%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 68%, Level 5 4%, KS2 Science Level 4 80%, Level 5 16% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Kirkby Sports & Arts ST MICHAELS & ALL ANGELS PRIMARY Sidney Powell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 0TP 0151 477 8400 Headteacher: Miss Bowman Email: stmichealandallangels Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided

Educate Mersey Schools Guide 2012

Pupils: 349 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, some after school activities Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 74%, Level 5 17%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 81%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 81%, Level 5 38% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: All Saints, Maricourt Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite KIRKBY C OF E PRIMARY Hall Lane, Kirkby, L32 1TZ 0151 477 8510 Headteacher: Miss Mair Hindmarsh Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Controlled Pupils: 286 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Infants, 35 Juniors Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 85%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 85%, Level 5 41%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 38% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: Nursery, wireless classrooms MILLBROOK COMMUNITY PRIMARY Kirkby Row, Kirkby, L32 0TG 0151 477 8160 Headteacher: Mrs Jane Maloney Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 296 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Rainbow child care Extra School Activities: Youth club, dance club, Mayor’s award Sports Activities: Phil and Will multisports Club SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 81%, Level 5 31%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 92%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Science Level 4 83%, Level 5 22% Languages: German Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Kirkby Sports College Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, family learning mentor PARK BROW COMMUNITY PRIMARY Broad Lane, Kirkby, L32 6QH 0151 477 8540 Headteacher: Ms Valmai Roberts Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 420 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Chess, cookery Sports Activities: Football, keep fit SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 69%, Level 5 20%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 76%, Level 5 13%, KS2 Science Level 4 73%, Level 5 13% Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Kirkby Sports & Arts Centre for Learning, All Saints Centre for Learning Special Facilities: Nursery, wireless classrooms RAVENSCROFT COMMUNITY PRIMARY Ebony Way, Kirkby, L33 1XT 0151 477 8290 Headteacher: Jeanette Hegarty Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 244 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30

Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Computer, homework club Sports Activities: Sports SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 58%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 61%, Level 5 10%, KS2 Science Level 4 71%, Level 5 10% Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Kirkby Sports College, All Saints NORTHWOOD PRIMARY Roughwood Drive, Kirkby, L33 8XD 0151 477 8630 Headteacher: Miss Janet Smith Email: northwood.primary Website: www.northwoodcommunity Type of School: Community Pupils: 520 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 66%, Level 5 17%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 70%, Level 5 14%, KS2 Science Level 4 71%, Level 5 14% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Kirkby Sports College Special Facilities: On site private nursery ST JOSEPH THE WORKER CATHOLIC PRIMARY Bewley Drive, Kirkby, L32 9PF 0151 477 8170 Headteacher: Christine Gordon Email: stjosephtheworker Website: www.stjosephthe Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 230 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Choir, art, cookery, homework clubs Sports Activities: Physical education, football, basketball, netball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 70%, Level 5 26%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 67%, Level 5 26%, KS2 Science Level 4 70%, Level 5 30% Languages: Spanish Admission: Set criteria Associated Schools: All Saints Centre for Learning Special Facilities: Children’s centre, nursery ST LAURENCES CATHOLIC PRIMARY Leeside Avenue, Kirkby, L32 9QX 0151 546 4733 Headteacher: Paul Cronin Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 403 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 31 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Extensive range Sports Activities: Extensive range SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 76%, Level 5 10%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 88%, Level 5 24%, KS2 Science Level 4 90%, Level 5 14% Languages: Italian, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: All Saints Centre for Learning Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST MARIE’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Bigdale Drive, Kirkby, L33 6XL 0151 477 8480 Headteacher: Mrs Patricia Cooney Email: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 245 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club and after school activities Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 66%,

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Level 5 19%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 75%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Science Level 4 78%, Level 5 25% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority SAINTS PETER AND PAUL CATHOLIC PRIMARY Moorfield, Kirkby, L33 1DZ 0151 477 8205 Headteacher: Joanna Mousley Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 325 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, cross country, athletics, netball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 83%, Level 5 34%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 63%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 46% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: All Saints Centre for Learning Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental workshops WESTVALE PRIMARY Melverley Road, Kirkby, L32 0RQ 0151 477 8470 Headteacher: Mrs Gillian Holland Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 241 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 64%, Level 5 13%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 67%, Level 5 10%, KS2 Science Level 4 72%, Level 5 26% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite family learning

KNOWSLEY VILLAGE KNOWSLEY VILLAGE COMMUNITY PRIMARY Sugar Lane, Knowsley Village, L34 0ER 0151 289 5349 Headteacher: Mrs J A Barlow Email: knowsleyvillage@ Type of School: Community Pupils: 179 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Wrap around care available within school building Extra School Activities: Drama, citizenship, board games, homework, PTFA community day, bingo, BBQ, fashion show Sports Activities: Rugby, boys and girls football, cricket, rounder’s, swimming, high 5, multi sports cage, judo SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 12%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 82%, Level 5 24%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 24% Admission: Nursery – Sept/Jan Associated Schools: Knowsley Park Learning Centre Special Facilities: Nursery ST JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC PRIMARY Tithebarn Street, Knowsley Village, L34 0HA 0151 477 8590 Headteacher: Mrs Joanne Farrimond Email: Website: www.stjohnfisherrc Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 173 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, badminton, netball, tag rugby SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 81%, Level 5 24%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4

81%, Level 5 29%, KS2 Science Level 4 76%, Level 5 24% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Edmund Arrowsmith

PRESCOT EVELYN COMMUNITY PRIMARY Evelyn Avenue, Prescot, L34 2SP 0151 477 8570 Headteacher: Ms C Arnold Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 282 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 35 Extra School Activities: dancing, art, ICT, drama, choir, orchestra Sports Activities: Football, netball, cricket, judo SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 90%, Level 5 29%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 94%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Science Level 4 94%, Level 5 32% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Knowsley Park Centre of Learning Special Facilities: Nursery, wireless classrooms

Special Facilities: Nursery, childcare, wireless classrooms ST MARY & ST PAUL Bryer Road, Prescot, L35 5DN 0151 426 6869 Headteacher: Neil Dixon Email: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 210 (including Nursery) Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 24 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club and after school club, 0 – 3 daycare provision also on site Extra School Activities: Weekly clubs include dance, drama, choir, recorders, football and Spanish Sports Activities: School teams run in football, netball, gymnastics and crosscountry SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 75%, Level 5 20%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 80%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Science Level 4 80%, Level 5 25% Languages: Spanish & French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Edmund Arrowsmith, Knowsley Park, Rainhill, De la Salle, St Margaret’s, Archbishop Blanch, St Hilda’s, Christ the King Special Facilities: Co-located with Phoenix Sure Start children’s centre

OUR LADYS CATHOLIC PRIMARY Ward Street, Prescot, L34 6JJ 0151 477 8220 Headteacher: Haydn Boyle BSc PGCE NPQH Email: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 246 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Brass, woodwind, band, choir, art and craft, dance, games club, SHARE, Mayors award, keyboard, guitar, iPad club, chess, latin Sports Activities: PE, netball, football, basketball, cricket, tennis, athletics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 87%, Level 5 42%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 94%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 94%, Level 5 26% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Edmund Arrowsmith, De La Salle Special Facilities: Nursery


PRESCOT PRIMARY Maryville Road, Prescot, L34 2TA 0151 432 7100 Headteacher: Mrs Catherine Hayes Email: prescotprimary@knowsley. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 357 plus Nursery Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 and below Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Seasonal and varied Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 93%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 95%, Level 5 56%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 58% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Prescot School Special Facilities: Creche, nursery, IT suite, parental workshops

ST BRIGIDS CATHOLIC PRIMARY Waterpark Drive, Stockbridge Village, L28 7RE 0151 477 8150 Headteacher: Mrs Rachael Tyler Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 176 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Homework, drama Sports Activities: Football, ju-jitsu, cross country, athletics, multi skill SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 73%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 91%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 91%, Level 5 36% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority

ST LUKES CATHOLIC PRIMARY Shaw Lane, Prescot, L35 5AT 0151 426 6917 Headteacher: Mrs Maria Clarke Email: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 221 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: After school club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 85%, Level 5 22%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 81%, Level 5 26%, KS2 Science Level 4 85%, Level 5 30% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Edmund Arrowsmith

ST ALBERT’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Steers Croft, Stockbridge Village, L28 8AJ 0151 477 8560 Headteacher: Rachael Tyler Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 183 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 79%, Level 5 11%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 68%, Level 5 26%, KS2 Science Level 4 89% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Christ the King Centre for Learning, St John Bosco, De La Salle, Cardinal Heenan Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental workshops

STOCKBRIDGE VILLAGE PRIMARY The Withins, Stockbridge Village, L28 1SU 0151 477 8020 Headteacher: Jill Albertina Email: Admission: Local Authority

WHISTON HALSNEAD COMMUNITY PRIMARY Pennywood Drive, Whiston, L35 3TX 0151 477 8130 Headteacher: Mrs A Abdous Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 424 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs

Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 86%, Level 5 45%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 40% Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Knowsley Park Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parent classes ST LEO’S AND SOUTHMEAD CATHOLIC PRIMARY Lickers Lane, Whiston, L35 3SR 0151 477 8410 Headteacher: Jeanette Grundy Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 226 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Drama, reading, ICT, music, multi culture, gardening Sports Activities: Football, Rugby, athletics, netball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 73%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 77%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Science Level 4 77%, Level 5 5% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Edmund Arrowsmith, Knowsley Park Centre for Learning Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite WHISTON WILLIS COMMUNITY PRIMARY Milton Avenue, Whiston, L35 2XY 0151 477 8270 Headteacher: Mrs S Goulding Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 325 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Local solutions breakfast and after school clubs, holiday clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 63%, Level 5 13%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 81%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Science Level 4 84%, Level 5 31% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: Sherwood Children’s Centre including local solutions nursery, Sport England Space for sports and arts and multipurpose room

SEFTON AINSDALE AINSDALE ST JOHN’S CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY Sandbrook Road, Ainsdale, PR8 3JE 01704 578427 Headteacher: Paul Hooton Email: admin.ainsdalestjohns@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 213 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Fun4kidz after school care 3.30 – 5.30pm daily Extra School Activities: Range of over 20 clubs across school Sports Activities: Football, netball, cricket, swimming, multi-skills, athletics, dance and much more SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 97%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 97%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 67% Languages: Year 3 – 6, Spanish and French Admission: Criteria is obtainable from school Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: IT suite, parental workshops

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AINTREE AINTREE DAVENHILL Aintree Lane, Aintree, L10 8LE 0151 526 1162 Headteacher: Mrs G Kelly Email: admin.aintreedavenhill@ Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 472 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various e.g. football, netball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 81%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 91%, Level 5 57%, KS2 Science Level 4 91%, Level 5 49% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Maghull High Special Facilities: ICT suite, interactive whiteboards, 2 halls & dining hall, art room and extensive grounds HOLY ROSARY CATHOLIC PRIMARY Oriel Drive, Aintree, L10 6NJ 0151 288 6206 Headteacher: Mrs Dimeck Email: admin.holyrosary@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 466 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football etc SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 97%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 93%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 29% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority

BOOTLE ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC PRIMARY Chesnut Grove, Bootle, L20 4LX 0151 288 6420 Headteacher: Mrs A Holleran Email: admin.allsaints@schools. Website: www.allsaintcatholic Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 350 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 61%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 76%, Level 5 22%, KS2 Science Level 4 59% Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Savio High Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite BEDFORD PRIMARY Quarry Road, Bootle, L20 9LJ 0151 922 1467 Headteacher: Mrs Ruth Braithwaite Email: admin.bedford@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 385 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 29 Pre & After School Activities: Rise & Shine breakfast club 7.30 – 8.50am, pickups from local registered after-school childcare providers Extra School Activities: Cookery, reading club, cricket, guitar, art, basketball, yoga, football, netball, film club, dads club, cycling, drama Sports Activities: Cricket, tag rugby, swimming, football, hockey, athletics, tri golf SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 79%, Level 5 16%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 22%, KS2 Science Level 4 83%, Level 5 12% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Hillside Special Facilities: The Hub conference suite can be hired for training events


CHRIST CHURCH CE PRIMARY Brookhill Road, Bootle, L20 3JL 0151 922 2136 Headteacher: Mrs J Evans Email: admin.christchurch@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 365 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club (drop in) Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, athletics, tag rugby, rounders, basketball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 79%, Level 5 13%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 70%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 86%, Level 5 20% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Hillside Special Facilities: Nursery, nurture base, it suite GRANGE PRIMARY Stonyfield, Bootle, L30 0QS 0151 924 7917 Headteacher: Mr Daniel R G Hains Email: admin.grange@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 271 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 24 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Dance, languages, study support, art, cookery, drama Sports Activities: Football, Netball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 65%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 67%, Level 5 12%, KS2 Science Level 4 86%, Level 5 33% Languages: Mandarin, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Litherland High, Maghull High, St Ambrose Barlow Special Facilities: Special Education Need Provision (x 6 classes), 2 x Speech & Language, 2 x autistic spectrum, 1 x moderate learning difficulties (MLD), 1 x Emotional behavioural difficulties (EBD) HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC PRIMARY Poulson Drive, Bootle, L30 2NR 0151 525 7497 Headteacher: Mr Paul Davenport Email: admin.holyspirit@schools. Website: www.holyspiritcatholic Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 209 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 93%, Level 5 28%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 100%, Level 5 34%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 24% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Ambrose Special Facilities: Nursery with resourced provision LANDER ROAD Lander Road, Litherland, L21 8JD 0151 922 5760 Headteacher: Ms Barbara Billingsley Email: admin.landerroad@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 251 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, wrap around care Extra School Activities: Dance, drama, choir, zumba, street dance Sports Activities: Football, tag rugby, judo SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 79%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 79%, Level 5 28%, KS2 Science Level 4 87%, Level 5 46% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Litherland High Special Facilities: Nursery

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LINACRE PRIMARY Thornton Road, Bootle, L20 5ED 0151 922 1466 Headteacher: Miss Caroline Wheatley Email: admin.linacre@schools. Website: Type of School: Primary Pupils: 208 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Dance, sign language, cookery, ICT, science, stay & play, active kids Sports Activities: Basketball, netball, football, multi-skills, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 77%, Level 5 13%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 70%, Level 5 13%, KS2 Science Level 4 70%, Level 5 3% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority except for nursery (through school) Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, foundation stage unit OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM CATHOLIC PRIMARY Stand Park Avenue, Bootle, L30 3SA 0151 525 0395 Headteacher: Mrs B M Shiels Email: head.ourladyofwalsingham Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 349 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 22 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Homework, drama, gardening, guitar, ICT, cooking, knitting, chess, reading Sports Activities: Football, netball, judo, fencing, rugby, cross country, athletics, golf, dance, sport SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 54%, Level 5 22%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 76%, Level 5 17%, KS2 Science Level 4 66%, Level 5 22% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery SPRINGWELL PARK COMMUNITY PRIMARY Menai Road, Bootle, L20 6PG 0151 288 6054 Headteacher: Mr Des Stubbs Email: admin.springwellpark@ Website: www.springwellpark Type of School: Community Pupils: 340 including Nursery Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Infants, 30 Juniors Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs, holiday club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, basketball, hockey, tag rugby, cross country, multiskills SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 82%, Level 5 29%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 85%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 85%, Level 5 35% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: The Hawthornes, Hillside, Savio High Special Facilities: Brand new school, IT suite, children’s centre – Birth - 4 years old ST BENEDICT’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Copy Lane, Bootle, L30 7PG 0151 526 6423 Headteacher: Mr M Phillips Email: admin.stbenedicts@schools. Website: www.stbenedicts Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 230 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Clubs: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Children’s university Sports Activities: Football, netball, rounders SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 80%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Science Level 4

91%, Level 5 20% Admission: Local Authority or by appointment Associated Schools: St Ambrose Barlow Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, radio room, parental workshops ST MONICA’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Aintree Road, Bootle, L20 9EB 0151 525 1245 Headteacher: Mr Paul Kinsella Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 426 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 29 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 90%, Level 5 42%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 88%, Level 5 34%, KS2 Science Level 4 92%, Level 5 42% Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental workshops through families first ST OSWALD’S CE PRIMARY Ronald Ross Avenue, Bootle, L30 5RH 0151 525 4580 Headteacher: Miss E Murtagh Email: head.stoswalds@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 241 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Residential visits – Year 5 and 6 to London on study support trip, including West End Show, Y5 – weeklong Chinese Immersion course. Y6 weeks visit to China, Y6 – 3 day outdoor adventure trip to Hawkshead in Lake District. Sports Activities: Football, rugby, athletics, cricket, dance, tennis, golf SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 85%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 73%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 54% Languages: Spanish, Mandarin Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: On site specialist SEN teacher. Up to date ICT facilities, both Apple Mac computers and Windows based ST ROBERT BELLARMINE CATHOLIC PRIMARY Harris Drive, Bootle, L20 6ED 0151 922 1216 Headteacher: Mrs Mairead Dowell Email: admin.strobertbellarmine@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 235 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Nursery, wrap around care, breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 90%, Level 5 20%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 90%, Level 5 17%, KS2 Science Level 4 93%, Level 5 20% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority or by set criteria Associated Schools: Savio High Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental workshops THOMAS GRAY PRIMARY Chesnut Grove, Bootle, L20 4LX 0151 288 6530 Headteacher: Mrs R Rimmer Email: head.thomasgrayprimary@ admin.thomasgray Website: www.thomasgray Type of School: Primary Pupils: 240 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 24 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Drama, dance, cricket, golf, athletics Sports Activities: Football, basketball,

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netball, tag rugby, judo SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 74%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 78%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Science Level 4 78%, Level 5 30% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: The Hawthornes, Hillside High Special Facilities: Nursery, nurture group, IT suite, parental workshops

CROSBY ATHERTON HOUSE 6 Alexandra Road, Crosby, L23 7TF 0151 924 5578 Headteacher: Mrs Alice Apel Email: Website: Type of School: Independent Day Nursery Pupils: 60 Age Range: 0 – 5 Average Class Size: 8 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, holiday club, wraparound care SATS: N/A Languages: To support inclusivity Admission: Inclusive Associated Schools: Several independent plus state schools MERCHANT TAYLOR’S SCHOOLS – JUNIOR BOYS Liverpool Road, Crosby, L23 0QP 0151 928 3307 Headteacher: Mrs J Thomas Email: juniorboys@merchant Website: Type of School: Independent Day School Pupils: 165 Age Range: 7 – 11 Average Class Size: 22 Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: Not available Admission: Independent Associated Schools: Merchant Taylor’s Boys MERCHANT TAYLOR’S SCHOOL – STANFIELD MIXED INFANTS & JUNIOR GIRLS 134 Liverpool Road, Crosby, L23 5TH 0151 924 1506 Headteacher: Miss J E Yardley Email: infostanfield@merchant Website: Type of School: Independent Day School Pupils: 320 Age Range: Boys 4 – 7, Girls 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 22 Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: Not available Admission: Independent Associated Schools: Merchant Taylor’s Junior Boys, Merchant Taylor’s Girls FOREFIELD JUNIOR Forefield Lane, Crosby, L23 9TJ 0151 924 3971 Headteacher: Mr R F Naylor Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 355 Age Range: 7 – 11 Average Class Size: 35 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school club available Extra School Activities: Choir, recorders, guitars, woodwind, brass, percussion, dance, chess, young engineers, young animators, drum club, computer programming Sports Activities: Football, cricket, netball, judo, athletics, tag rugby, cross country SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 93%, Level 5 48%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 93%, Level 5 54%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 60% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Chesterfield, St Michaels C of E Special Facilities: IT suites x 2

GREAT CROSBY CATHOLIC PRIMARY The Northern Road, Crosby, L23 2RQ 0151 924 8661 Headteacher: Mrs Pat Speed Email: admin.greatcrosby@schools. Website: www.greatcrosbycatholic Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 700 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, rounders, netball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 93%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 97%, Level 5 44%, KS2 Science Level 4 94%, Level 5 44% Languages: Spanish, French, Chinese Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Sacred Heart Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST LUKE’S HALSALL CE PRIMARY Cooks Road, Crosby, L23 2TB 0151 924 5142 Headteacher: Mr Richard Miller Email: head.stlukeshalsall@schools. admin.stlukeshalsall@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 244 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & After School clubs and wraparound care for nursery pupils Extra School Activities: Various including chess and drama Sports Activities: Football, cricket, rugby, netball, Active Mark SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 97%, Level 5 46%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 91%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Science Level 4 94%, Level 5 43% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Michaels, Chesterfield Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental workshops ST MARY’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Back Lane, Little Crosby, L23 4UA 0151 924 4447 Headteacher: Mr P M Hennessy Email: admin.stmaryslittlecrosby@ Website: www.stmarysprimarylittle Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 101 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 24 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, basketball, swimming SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 85%, Level 5 46%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 92%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 46% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Holy Family Special Facilities: IT suite ST MARY’S COLLEGE PREPARATORY, THE MOUNT Blundellsands Road West, Crosby, L23 0151 924 6302 Headteacher: M Collins Email: office@stmarysprep. Website: www.stmarysprep. Type of School: Independent Age Range: 4 - 11 Extra School Activities: Ballet, piano, tennis, football, cricket, judo, fencing Sports Activities: Rugby, football, table tennis, swimming, netball, cricket, rounders SATS: Contact school Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Interview and informal assessment Associated Schools: St Mary’s College

ST NICHOLAS’ CE PRIMARY Nicholas Road, Crosby, L23 6TS 0151 924 1204 Headteacher: Mrs R Woods Email: admin.stnicholas@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 207 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Drama, art, choir, modern foreign languages group, gardening group, mad science, comic club, Glee club Sports Activities: Athletics, football, judo, multi-sports, netball, rugby, gymnastics, dance SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 90%, Level 5 57%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 95%, Level 5 48%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 62% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: IT suite, parental workshops

OUR LADY OF COMPASSION CATHOLIC PRIMARY Bull Cop, Formby, L37 8BZ 01704 877281 Headteacher: Mrs Margaret Lynn Email: head.ourladyofcompassion@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 268 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Choir, computer club Sports Activities: Netball, running club, football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 93%, Level 5 48%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 36% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Holy Family High School Special Facilities: Nursery, after school provision, IT suites x 2

URSULINE CATHOLIC PRIMARY Nicholas Road, Crosby, L23 6TT 0151 924 1704 Headteacher: Mr M McQueen Email: admin.ursuline@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 405 Age Range: 4 -11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 93%, Level 5 50%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 89%, Level 5 48%, KS2 Science Level 4 96%, Level 5 54% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Sacred Heart

REDGATE PRIMARY Redgate, Formby, L37 4EW 01704 385960 Headteacher: Mrs Wendy Grime Email: head.redgate@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 160 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 24 Pre & After School Activities: Out of school club 8am – 5.30pm Extra School Activities: ICT, dance, chess, needlecraft, recorders, cooking Sports Activities: Football, netball, cricket, hockey, tennis, multi-sport, tag rugby, Activemark award 2007 SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 87%, Level 5 37%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 80%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 87%, Level 5 37% Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Range High, Formby High Special Facilities: Interactive white board in each room, IT suite, parental workshops

VALEWOOD PRIMARY & CHILDRENS CENTRE Sherwood Avenue, Crosby, L23 7YG 0151 924 0483 Headteacher: Mrs H Kokkinos Email: head.valewood@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 211 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs and holiday club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 88%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 42% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority with certain criteria Associated Schools: St Michaels, Chesterfield, Sacred Heart Special Facilities: Children’s centre, ITC suite

FORMBY FRESHFIELD PRIMARY Watchyard Road, Formby, L37 3JT 01704 876567 Headteacher: Mr V Osbaldeston Email: admin.freshfield@schools. Website: www.freshfieldprimary Type of School: Community Pupils: 263 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Various Extra School Activities: Drama, performing arts Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 78%, Level 5 39%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 81%, Level 5 44%, KS2 Science Level 4 83%, Level 5 58% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority or apply to school Associated Schools: Formby High, Range High Special Facilities: Nursery, children’s centre, MLD class

ST JEROMES CATHOLIC PRIMARY Greenloons Drive, Formby, L37 2LX 0151 288 6003 Headteacher: Mrs K S Monaghan Email: admin.stjeromes@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 216 Age Range: 5 -11 Average Class Size: 30 Extra School Activities: Wake up club, family speed stacking, choir, golf, dragon boating, salsa club, film club, knitting club Sports Activities: Football, netball, judo, athletics, cricket, running, swimming, archery, golf SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 97%, Level 5 63%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 97%, Level 5 63%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 60% Languages: French, Italian Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Holy Family High ST LUKE’S CE PRIMARY Jubilee Road, Formby, L37 2HW 01704 872692 Headteacher: Mrs Sharon Cowey Email: admin.stlukesformby@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Controlled Pupils: 425 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 90%, Level 5 43%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 40%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 38% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Range High Special Facilities: Laptop Trollies, parental workshops

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TRINITY ST PETER’S CE PRIMARY Paradise Lane, Formby, L37 7EJ 01704 876391 Headteacher: Mrs Debbie Pringle Email: admin.trinitystpeters@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 250 including Nursery Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 56%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 94%, Level 5 56%, KS2 Science Level 4 91%, Level 5 56% Languages: Italian Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Purpose built foundation stage WOODLANDS PRIMARY Woodlands Road, Formby, L37 2JN 01704 876444 Headteacher: Mr Simon Grilli Email: admin.woodlands@schools. Website: www.woodlandschool Type of School: Community Pupils: 305 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 31 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Dance, various Sports Activities: Tag rugby, netball, gym, football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 100%, Level 5 48%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 98%, Level 5 60%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 32% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Range High, Formby High Special Facilities: IT suite, parents room, toddler group

LITHERLAND ENGLISH MARTYRS CATHOLIC PRIMARY School Lane, Litherland, L21 7LX 0151 928 5601 Headteacher: Mr L Dinsdale Email: admin.englishmartyrs@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 470 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & After School clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 93%, Level 5 45%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 93%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Science Level 4 98%, Level 5 43% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Holy Family High School HATTON HILL PRIMARY Alwyn Avenue, Litherland, L21 9NZ 0151 928 7012 Headteacher: Mrs H Lyall Email: admin.hattonhill@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 366 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various e.g. multisport SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 84%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 76%, Level 5 24%, KS2 Science Level 4 84%, Level 5 27% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Litherland High Special Facilities: Nursery, wireless classrooms, parental workshops LITHERLAND MOSS PRIMARY Moss Lane, Litherland, L21 7NW 0151 928 4544 Headteacher: Miss Sarah Greer


Email: admin.litherlandmoss@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 131 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 20 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & After School clubs Sports Activities: Football, netball, etc SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 92%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 92%, Level 5 42%, KS2 Science Level 4 92%, Level 5 50% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Litherland High Special Facilities: Children’s centre, accessible school, nursery, IT suite OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CATHOLIC PRIMARY Ford Close, Litherland, L21 0EP 0151 928 3676 Headteacher: Mrs J Travers Email: admin.ourladyqueenofpeace Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 128 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 24 Pre & After School Activities: Contact school Extra School Activities: Contact school Sports Activities: Contact school SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 85%, Level 5 15%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 85%, Level 5 23%, KS2 Science Level 4 77%, Level 5 23% Admission: Local Authority ST ELIZABETH’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Webster Street, Litherland, L21 8JH 0151 922 5752 Headteacher: Mrs K Sullivan Email: head.stelizabeths@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 340 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 29 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various crafts, choir Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 84%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 18%, KS2 Science Level 4 84%, Level 5 31% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Savio, Holy Family Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suites x 2, parents room ST PHILIP’S CE PRIMARY Church Road, Litherland, L21 8NZ 0151 928 1483 Headteacher: Mrs Marian Hodgson Email: admin.stphilipslitherland@ head.stphilipslitherland@schools Website: Type of School: Voluntary Controlled Pupils: 203 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Dance, music club, art club, gardening club, athletics club Sports Activities: Football, swimming, dance SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 92%, Level 5 44%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 88%, Level 5 44%, KS2 Science Level 4 96%, Level 5 60% Languages: Spanish, Italian, Chinese Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Litherland High

LYDIATE LYDIATE PRIMARY Lambshear Lane, Lydiate, L31 2JZ 0151 526 2657 Headteacher: Mr D Batchelor Email: admin.lydiate@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 332

Educate Mersey Schools Guide 2012

Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, judo, fencing SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 100%, Level 5 60%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 94%, Level 5 57%, KS2 Science Level 4 97%, Level 5 63% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST GREGORY’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Sandy Lane, Lydiate, L31 2LB 0151 526 5856 Headteacher: Mrs D Albon Email: admin.stgregorys@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 192 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & wraparound club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various throughout the year, seasonal SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 95%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 100% Level 5 70%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 40% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Maricourt ST THOMAS’S CE PRIMARY Kenyons Lane, Lydiate, L31 0BP 0151 531 9955 Headteacher: Mrs Ann Lock BA Hons, NPQH Email: admin.stthomas@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Church of England Pupils: 183 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast, after school and holiday clubs Extra School Activities: Dance, art, guitar, football Sports Activities: Football, rugby, basketball, judo, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 39%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 94%, Level 5 78%, KS2 Science Level 4 94%, Level 5 44% Languages: French Admission: Contact school Associated Schools: Deyes High, Maghull High Special Facilities: Nursery 8.00am – 6.00pm “First Class”

MAGHULL GREEN PARK PRIMARY Green Lane, Maghull, L31 8BW 0151 526 2755 Headteacher: Mrs Hains Email: admin.greenpark@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 264 including Nursery Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 91%, Level 5 39%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 39% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite HUDSON PRIMARY Moorhey Road, Maghull, L31 5LE 0151 526 1568 Headteacher: Mrs Niki Craddock Email: head.hudson@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 160 including Nursery Age Range: 3- 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, swimming

SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 93%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 93%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 93%, Level 5 33% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: MADCOS group Special Facilities: Surestart children’s centre, nursery NORTHWAY PRIMARY Dodds Lane, Maghull, L31 9AA 0151 526 2565 Headteacher: Mrs R Gill Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 300 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 17%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 93%, Level 5 37%, KS2 Science Level 4 96%, Level 5 28% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority and application to the school Special Facilities: Nursery, dyslexic base, IT suite ST ANDREW’S MAGHULL CE PRIMARY Deyes Lane, Maghull, L31 6DE 0151 526 1378 Headteacher: Mrs S Kerwin Email: admin.standrewsmaghull Website: Type of School: Voluntary Controlled Pupils: 359 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Drama, chess, Bible club, dancing, choir, gardening, craft, magazine, lego, cookery Sports Activities: Netball, football, running SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 83%, Level 5 44%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 85%, Level 5 46%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 44% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority ST GEORGE’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Dennett Close, Maghull, L31 5PD 0151 526 1624 Headteacher: Mr L McKay Email: admin.stgeorgesprimary@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 206 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 88%, Level 5 38%, KS2 Science Level 4 92%, Level 5 42% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Maricourt Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST JOHN BOSCO CATHOLIC PRIMARY Green Lane, Maghull, L31 8BW 0151 520 2628 Headteacher: Daniel MacAreavy Email: Website: www.stjohnboscoprimary. Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 200 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, full after school provision until 5.45pm Extra School Activities: After school lessons, computer club, drama, recorder, guitar Sports Activities: Swimming, football, netball, tag rugby, tennis, gymnastics SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 100%, Level 5 55%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 90%, Level 5 59%, KS2 Science Level 4 97%, Level 5 48% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Maricourt Special Facilities: IT suite

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SUMMERHILL PRIMARY Poverty Lane, Maghull, L31 3DT 0151 526 1343 Headteacher: Mrs Laura Nelson Email: admin.summerhill@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 204 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Art club, IT club, singing club, dance, recorder Sports Activities: Football, netball, dance, basketball, golf, gymnastics, running SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 100%, Level 5 52%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 93%, Level 5 45%, KS2 Science Level 4 97%, Level 5 59% Languages: Italian Admission: Local Authority

MELLING MELLING PRIMARY Wheeler Drive, Melling, L31 1DA 0151 547 3349 Headteacher: Mr C Mitchell Email: admin.melling@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 205 Age Range: 4 -11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 90%, Level 5 39%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 94%, Level 5 61%, KS2 Science Level 4 94%, Level 5 52% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: MADCOS, Maghull High, Deyes, Maricourt Special Facilities: IT suite

NETHERTON NETHERTON MOSS PRIMARY Swifts Lane, Netherton, L30 3RU 0151 525 5026 Headteacher: Mrs F Wood Email: admin.nethertonmoss@ Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 150 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Drama club, football, film club Sports Activities: Swimming, football, tag rugby, multiskill, Sefton Sports Primary School of the Year 2010 SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 90%, Level 5 29%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 81%, Level 5 33%, KS2 Science Level 4 95%, Level 5 48% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Litherland High Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental courses

SEAFORTH OUR LADY STAR OF THE SEA CATHOLIC PRIMARY Kepler Street, Seaforth, L21 3TE 0151 928 3158 Headteacher: Mrs Joan Jenkins Email: admin.ourladystarofthesea@ Website: www.ourlady-starofthe Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 127 Age Range: 3 – 11 Pre & After School Activities: After school club Extra School Activities: Fun & kids summer school, drama, homework, computer clubs Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 78%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 65%, Level 5 4%, KS2 Science Level 4 78%, Level 5 13% Languages: Admission: Application form with set criteria Associated Schools: Savio High School

Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parents courses RIMROSE HOPE C OF E PRIMARY Sandy Road, Seaforth, L21 1AD 0151 288 6508 Headteacher: Mr Lawrence Crilly Email: admin.rimrosehope@schools. Type of School: Voluntary Controlled CE Pupils: 330 Age Range: 3 -11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, fun for kids after school (both payable) Extra School Activities: Contact school Sports Activities: Contact school SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 69%, Level 5 13%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 77%, Level 5 21%, KS2 Science Level 4 75%, Level 5 8% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Chesterfield High Special Facilities: 20 place CLD unit, nursery, IT suite, newly built

SOUTHPORT BIRKDALE PRIMARY Matlock Road, Southport, PR8 4EL 01704 567516 Headteacher: Mr N Sheeran Email: admin.birkdaleprimary@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 368 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 39%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 85%, Level 5 48%, KS2 Science Level 4 91%, Level 5 33% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority BISHOP DAVID SHEPPARD CE PRIMARY Devonshire Road, Southport, PR9 7BZ 01704 227987 Headteacher: Mrs Karen Murphy Email: admin.bishopdavidsheppard Website: www.bishopdavid Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 149 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school, wrap around care Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, netball, cricket SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 91%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Science Level 4 91%, Level 5 30% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Meols Comprehensive CHURCHTOWN PRIMARY St Cuthbert’s Road, Southport, PR9 7NN 01704 508500 Headteacher: Mr D Walker Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 888 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 86%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 90%, Level 5 42%, KS2 Science Level 4 98%, Level 5 47% Languages: French, Spanish, Italian Admission: Local Authority or by contact with school Associated Schools: Stanley High Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parental courses

FARNBOROUGH ROAD JUNIOR Farnborough Road, Southport, PR8 3DF 01704 577625 Headteacher: Mr A Antell Email: Website: www.farnboroughroad Type of School: Primary Pupils: 480 Age Range: 7 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 89%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 83%, Level 5 28%, KS2 Science Level 4 92%, Level 5 35% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Greenbank High, Birkdale High Special Facilities: IT suites HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC PRIMARY Norwood Crescent, Southport, PR9 7DU 01704 213084 Headteacher: Mrs L Morton Email: admin.holyfamilyprimary@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 218 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs, holiday club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 81%, Level 5 28%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 78%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Science Level 4 84%, Level 5 31% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Christ the King Special Facilities: IT suite HOLY TRINITY CE PRIMARY Manchester Road, Southport, PR9 9AZ 01704 538366 Headteacher: Mrs Sue Mawdsley Email: head.holytrinitysouthport@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 203 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Children’s University, various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 80%, Level 5 13%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 83%, Level 5 23%, KS2 Science Level 4 53%, Level 5 10% Languages: French Admission: Appointment with set criteria Special Facilities: Computer suite KEW WOODS PRIMARY Ovington Road, Southport, PR8 6JW 01704 533478 Headteacher: Mr Des Stubbs Email: admin.kewwoods@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 348 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 95%, Level 5 46%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 95%, Level 5 37%, KS2 Science Level 4 90%, Level 5 37% Admission: Local Authority KINGS MEADOW PRIMARY Meadow Lane, Ainsdale, PR8 3RS 01704 578512 Headteacher: Mrs Alison Watson Email: admin.kingsmeadow@schools. Website: www.kingsmeadow Type of School: Community Pupils: 166

Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 20 Pre & After School Activities: Wrap around care for nursery children, full offer for extended nursery provision, holiday club, breakfast & after school care Extra School Activities: Various – changes every half term SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 100%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 100%, Level 5 47%, KS2 Science Level 4 87% Languages: French (KS1), Spanish (KS2) Admission: Local Authority LARKFIELD PRIMARY Preston New Road, Southport, PR9 8PA 01704 224720 Headteacher: Mr J D Ward Email: admin.larkfield@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 292 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, netball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 100%, Level 5 35%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Science Level 4 97%, Level 5 32% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Stanley High Special Facilities: IT suite LINAKER PRIMARY Sefton Street, Southport, PR8 5DB 01704 532343 Headteacher: Mr Colin Coleman Email: Website: Type of School: Primary & Children’s Centre Pupils: 463 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Drama, language, dance, multi skills Sports Activities: Judo, football, cricket, netball SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 83%, Level 5 32%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 77%, Level 5 23%, KS2 Science Level 4 82%, Level 5 47% Languages: Spanish, Mandarin Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Greenbank, Birkdale High, Stanley High, Meols Cop Special Facilities: Nursery, 0 – 5 childcare, children’s centre MARSHSIDE PRIMARY Elswick Road, Southport, PR9 9XA 01704 211177 Headteacher: Mrs K L Hall Email: admin.marshside@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 193 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various but lots of! Sports Activities: Football, netball, judo, street dance, cheerleading, fencing, skateboarding, speed stacking, multi skills SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 90%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 77%, Level 5 30%, KS2 Science Level 4 97%, Level 5 43% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Local high schools Special Facilities: Toddler group – pre school, fully equipped medical room for disabled children NORWOOD PRIMARY Norwood Crescent, Southport, PR9 7DU 01704 211960 Headteacher: Mr L Dumbell Email: admin.norwood@schools. Website: www.norwoodprimary Type of School: Community Pupils: 416 Age Range: 5 – 11

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Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Let’s get cooking, film club, dance, art, wind band, singing, science, chess, camera, skating Sports Activities: Football, netball, athletics, rugby, cross country, cricket, judo, tennis SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 25%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 84%, Level 5 23%, KS2 Science Level 4 86%, Level 5 39% Admission: Local Authority OUR LADY OF LOURDES CATHOLIC NURSERY & PRIMARY Grantham Road, Southport, PR8 4LT 01704 568375 Headteacher: Mrs M C Hillsdon Email: admin.ourladyoflourdes@ head.ourladyoflourdes@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 585 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Activemark Award SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 83%, Level 5 51%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 86%, Level 5 53%, KS2 Science Level 4 89%, Level 5 49% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Teresa’s infant School Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite, parent support advisor SHORESIDE PRIMARY Westminster Drive, Southport, PR8 2QZ 01704 576040 Headteacher: Mr D Thomas Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 256 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 54%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 78%, Level 5 41%, KS2 Science Level 4 85%, Level 5 22%

Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Greenbank Girls, Birkdale Boys, Formby High Special Facilities: Nursery ST JOHN’S CE PRIMARY Rufford Road, Southport, PR9 8JH 01704 227441 Headteacher: Mr Daniel R G Hains Email: head.stjohnscrossens@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Controlled Pupils: 209 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Extensive range Sports Activities: Extensive range SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 76%, Level 5 21%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 79%, Level 5 24%, KS2 Science Level 4 88%, Level 5 30% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Stanley High ST PATRICK’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY Radnor Drive, Southport, PR9 9RR 01704 225906 Headteacher: Mr Bevin Email: admin.stpatricks@schools. Website: www.stpatricks-southport. Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 319 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 98%, Level 5 59%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 98%, Level 5 68%, KS2 Science Level 4 93%, Level 5 48% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Christ the King Special Facilities: IT suite ST PHILIP’S CE PRIMARY SOUTHPORT Hampton Road, Southport, PR8 6SS 01704 535737 Headteacher: Mr Brian Johnson

Email: head.stphilipssouthport@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 214 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs Extra School Activities: Computer club, drama clubs (infant and junior), recorder group, choir Sports Activities: Tag rugby, cricket, netball, girls football, boys football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 97%, Level 5 45%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 97%, Level 5 45%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 41% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: IT suite, parental workshops ST TERESA’S CATHOLIC INFANT & NURSERY Everton Road, Southport, PR8 4BT 01704 567528 Headteacher: Miss Anna Gavin Email: admin.stteresas@schools. Website: Type of School: Infant Pupils: 123 Age Range: 3 – 7 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: After school clubs (occasional) SATS: N/A Languages: English, Polish spoken by TA, French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Electronic whiteboards, nursery. Top up sessions may be available please contact school for further details (payable)

THORNTON ST WILLIAM OF YORK CATHOLIC PRIMARY St William Road, Thornton, L23 9XH 0151 924 7280 Headteacher: Mr Martin Murphy Email: admin.stwilliamofyork@schools. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 245 Age Range: 3 – 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Extensive Sports Activities: Extensive SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 81%, Level 5 19%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 77%, Level 5 26%, KS2 Science Level 4 45% Admission: Contact school Associated Schools: Holy Family Special Facilities: Physio room for physically disabled children, Ofsted 2009 graded the school as ‘good with outstanding features’

WATERLOO ST EDMUND & ST THOMAS CATHOLIC PRIMARY Oxford Road, Waterloo, L22 8QF 0151 928 5586 Headteacher: Mr Kieran Loftus Email: admin.StEdmundsand


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Educate Mersey Schools Guide 2012 Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 369 Age Range: 3 - 11 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: After school club Extra School Activities: Contact school Sports Activities: Contact school SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 88%, Level 5 36%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 95%, Level 5 60%, KS2 Science Level 4 98%, Level 5 45% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Nursery, IT suite ST JOHN’S CE PRIMARY Denmark Street, Waterloo, L22 9RG 0151 928 5685 Headteacher: Mr Ian Price (Acting) Email: admin.stjohnswaterloo@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 143 Age Range: 5 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Arts club, cookery, basic sign language, guitar, choir, prayer zone, wayfinders, xylophone, newspaper, podcast, wii dance Sports Activities: Football, tennis, badminton, cricket, gym, baseball, netball, keep fit SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 87%, Level 5 47%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 87%, Level 5 47%, KS2 Science Level 4 100%, Level 5 67% Languages: English, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated School: St Michael’s CE High, Chesterfield High WATERLOO PRIMARY Crosby Road North, Waterloo, L22 0LD 0151 928 4274 Headteacher: Mrs Ruth Baldwin Email: admin.waterloo@schools. Website: www.waterlooprimary Type of School: Community Pupils: 358 Age Range: 4 – 11 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club from 7.45am, after school club until 6pm Extra School Activities: Homework club, chess club, art club, knitting, film club, zoom club, computer club Sports Activities: Judo, fencing, dancing, ballet, tennis, athletics, tag rugby, dance club, double dutch skipping, cheer-leading, football SATS: 2011 KS2 English Level 4 76%, Level 5 24%, KS2 Mathematics Level 4 59%, Level 5 27%, KS2 Science Level 4 65%, Level 5 27% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Next Steps nursery (private), ASD base, IT suite, disabled access including lift

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SECONDARY SCHOOLS LIVERPOOL AIGBURTH ST MARGARET’S CHURCH OF ENGLAND HIGH Aigburth Road, Aigburth, L17 6AB 0151 427 1825 Headteacher: Dr D F Dennison PhD Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided, Technology and Language College Pupils: 1000 (231 in the co-educational sixth form) Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 22 – 30 Extra School Activities: Large range of clubs, educational visits/holidays Sports Activities: Large range of sporting activities Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 66%, English Baccalaureate subjects 28%, A Level (3 or more) 90% Languages: French, German and Spanish Admission: 150 boys 85% Church commitment, 15% Entrance exam, Co-ed Sixth Form contact school directly for prospectus and application form Associated Area: Liverpool Diocese Special Facilities: £2m cricket and sports centre AUCKLAND COLLEGE 65 Parkfield Road, Aigburth, L17 4LE 0151 727 0083 Principal: Mr Anthony Akaraonye Email: Website: Type of School: Independent Pupils: 147 Age Range: 3 – 19 Average Class Size: 16 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Cinema club, art class, drama, science plus booster classes for all exams, homework club Sports Activities: In curriculum, football, gymnastics, swimming, cricket, fitness, rock climbing, rounders, volley ball, badminton, athletics, canoeing, kayaking, sailing and various fundraising walks Exam Results: Contact school Languages: Spanish Admission: Tour, visit day, recent report, feedback meeting, appointment with Principal Associated Schools: Contact Auckland Special Facilities: Lab, IT suite

AINTREE ARCHBISHOP BECK CATHOLIC SPORTS COLLEGE Cedar Road, Aintree, L9 9AF 0151 525 6326 Headteacher: Mr Paul Dickinson Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 1256 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 29 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, cricket, tennis, swimming Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 47%, English Baccalaureate subjects 5%, A Level (3 or more) 74% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Blessed Sacrament, St Francis de Sales, Holy Name Special Facilities: Cater for disabled pupils

ALLERTON ENTERPRISE SOUTH LIVERPOOL ACADEMY Horrox Avenue Campus, Garston, L19 5PF, Heath Road, Allerton, L19 4TN 0151 294 3150

Principal: Mr Jack Pendlebury Email: Website: Type of School: Joint Faith Academy Pupils: 1150 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Drama, choir, art club, GCSE revision club,dance Sports Activities: Football, cricket, athletics, rounders, netball, rugby Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 53%, English Baccalaureate subjects 1%, A Level (3 or more) 62% Languages: French, Spanish, Mandarin Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Banks Road, Booker Avenue, Garston C of E, Gilmour, Holy Trinity, Springwood, St Ambrose, St Anthony of Padua, St Austin, St Christopher, St Charles Special Facilities: IT suites, Transformation learning centre, visual arts suite, sports centre, technology suite, dove centre, enterprise centre,

ANFIELD NORTH LIVERPOOL ACADEMY Heyworth Street, Anfield, L5 0SQ 0151 260 4044 Headteacher: Mrs K Askew Email: admin@northliverpool Website: www.northliverpool Type of School: Academy Pupils: 1149 Sixth Form: 220 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Music, dance, art and drama, ICT, languages, Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, community service, business and enterprise activities Sports Activities: Sport and fitness activities Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 44%, English Baccalaureate subjects 8%, A Level (3 or more) 74% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Alsop, Notre Dame Special Facilities: Gaming rooms

BROADGREEN BROADGREEN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Queens Drive, Broadgreen, L13 5UQ 0151 228 6800 Headteacher: Mrs S J Beevers BA (Hons) MSc Email: enquiries@broadgreen Website: www.broadgreeninter Type of School: Foundation School, Technology College Pupils: 1300 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. Also a range of after school clubs including homework, art, sport, science and technology many of which are externally accredited by children’s university. In addition we offer a summer camp, Easter school and many international visits Sports Activities: Swimming, fitness, canoeing, football, basketball, badminton, netball, table tennis Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 41%, English Baccalaureate subjects 1%, A Level (3 or more) 33% Languages: French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Chinese Admission: Governing body Associated Schools: Blueberry Park, Broadgreen primary, Corinthian primary, Dovecot primary, Kensington primary, Knotty Ash primary, Northway primary, Phoenix primary, St Anne’s (Stanley)

Special Facilities: Swimming pool, hair salon. We are a resourced school for children who are deaf and for those children who are physically disabled. Our onsite physiotherapy facility provides support for our physically disabled children when required

CALDERSTONES CALDERSTONES Harthill Road, Calderstones, L18 3HS 0151 724 2087 Headteacher: Elizabeth Ruseel Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 1529 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 26/27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Art, drama Sports Activities: PE, football Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 60%, English Baccalaureate subjects 15%, A Level (3 or more) 97% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: PFI grouping Special Facilities: Swimming pool, extensive grounds

CHILDWALL CHILDWALL SPORTS & SCIENCE ACADEMY Queens Drive, Childwall, L15 6XZ 0151 722 1561 Headteacher: Mr Dewi Phillips Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 1196 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 20 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Music, drama, arts, maths club, science club, news group, international visits, GCSE dance, Comenius project, robodance, ski trip, christian union Sports Activities: Football, netball, rugby union, gymnastics, dance, fitness (aerobics, circuits, fartlek, interval and weight training), athletics, cricket, hockey, rounders, softball, badminton, tennis, judo, karate, rock climbing, orienteering, water sports, trampolining Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 30%, English Baccalaureate subjects 2%, A Level 43% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: SEN Co-ordinator, disabled access

CITY CENTRE ARCHBISHOP BLANCH CHURCH OF ENGLAND HIGH Mount Vernon Road, Liverpool, L7 3EA 0151 709 1452 Headteacher: Miss J Griffiths Email: Website: Type of School: Technology College & Training School with Applied Learning Status, Voluntary aided CE Pupils: 930 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, homework club Extra School Activities: World Challenge, Duke of Edinburgh award, ski trips, residential and educational trips to theatres etc, work experience, drama, computer clubs, youth alpha, christian union, choirs, orchestra, jazz/rock groups Sports Activities: Hockey, netball, badminton, dance, athletics, cross country, swimming, table tennis, gym & fitness club, cheerleading, zumba Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 71%, English Baccalaureate subjects 26%, A Level (3 or more) 97%

Languages: French, German, Spanish, Latin Admission: Application form with set criteria Associated Schools: Primary schools throughout the Diocese of Liverpool Special Facilities: Sixth form centre, sports hall, gymnasium, fitness suite, all weather sports pitch

CROXTETH DE LA SALLE HUMANITIES COLLEGE Carr Lane East, Croxteth, L11 4SG 0151 546 3134 Headteacher: Mr Patrick Ferguson Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 426 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: Contact school Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Application to academy Associated Schools: St Theresa’s, St Matthews, Our Lady & St Philomena, St Swithin’s, All Saints, Croxteth primary, Mab Lane, Monksdown, Our Lady Immaculate, Ranworth Square, St Albert’s, St Brigid’s, St Cecilia’s, St John Fisher, St Margaret Mary’s, St Michael’s, St Nicholas, St Sebastian’s, Wellesbourne, Barlows primary, Blackmoor Park, Blessed Sacrament, Broad Square, Emmaus, Gwladys Street, Holy Name, Huyton with Roby, Leamington primary, Lister juniors, New Park, Nine Tree, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Roscoe juniors, St Patrick’s, St Francis de Sales, St John’s, St Michael’s, St Paul’s, The Trinity ST JOHN BOSCO ARTS COLLEGE Stonedale Crescent, Croxteth, L11 9DQ 0151 546 6360 Headteacher: Mrs Anne Pontifex Email: Website: www.stjohnbosco. Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 932 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, after school club, holiday sports provision Extra School Activities: Homework club, languages, science, dance, drama, music, CAFOD, young enterprise, art, ICT Sports Activities: Trampolining, football, athletics, netball, rounders Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 58%, English Baccalaureate subjects 7%, A Level (3 or more) 73% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Emmaus CE & Cath primary, Our Lady & St Philomenas, Our Lady & St Swithins, St Alberts, St Bridget, St Matthew, St Teresa of Lisieux Catholic primary Special Facilities: Apple Mac suites x 3, theatre space

EDGE HILL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP SCHOOL Overbury Street, Edge Hill, L7 3HL 0151 709 1642 Headteacher: Miss Barbara Lord Email: Website: Type of School: Independent Pupils: 182 Age Range: 4 – 16 Extra School Activities: Chess, vocal group, art and craft Sports Activities: Football Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 68%, English Baccalaureate subjects 11% Languages: French Admission: Set criteria Special Facilities: IT suites

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FAZAKERLEY FAZAKERLEY HIGH SCHOOL Sherwoods Lane, Fazakerley, L10 1LB 0151 524 4530 / 0151 524 4531 Headteacher: Mrs Christine Rourke (acting) Email: fazakerleyh-ao@fazakerley Website: Type of School: Community, Specialist Engineering College Pupils: 834 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Homework club Sports Activities: Trampolining, football, netball, tag rugby, athletics, climbing wall Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 53%, English Baccalaureate subjects 0%, A Level (3 or more) 41% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Rice Lane juniors, Longmoor primary, Fazakerley primary, Barlows primary, Leamington primary Special Facilities: New school building, sports centre with gym and climbing wall

GARSTON ENTERPRISE SOUTH LIVERPOOL ACADEMY Horrocks Avenue, Garston, L19 5PF 0151 294 3150 Headteacher: Mr Jeff Pendlebury Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 758 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 22 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Drama, choir, brass band, art club, SATS revision club, GCSE revision club Sports Activities: Football, cricket, athletics, rounders, basketball, netball, martial arts Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 39%, English Baccalaureate subjects 1%, A Level (3 or more) 52% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Holy Trinity, St Ambrose, St Anthony of Padua, St Austin, St Christopher, St Francis of Assisi, St Charles, St Finbar, St Vincent, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Special Facilities: ICT suites, transformation learning centre

GATEACRE GATEACRE COMMUNITY COMPREHENSIVE Hedgefield Road, Gateacre, L25 2RW 0151 235 1400 Headteacher: Mr Gerard Lonergan Email: gateacre-ao@gateacre. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 1432 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 28 Extra School Activities: Drama and music Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 40%, English Baccalaureate subjects 2%, A Level (3 or more) 80% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority

KENSINGTON THE ACADEMY OF ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI Gardners Drive, Kensington, L6 7UR 0151 260 7600 Headteacher: Mr D McNiffe Email: Website:


Type of School: Academy Pupils: 850 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 28 Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 37%, English Baccalaureate subjects 1% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Gifted and talented department

MOSSLEY HILL LIVERPOOL COLLEGE HMC INDEPENDENT Queens Drive, Mossley Hill, L18 8BG 0151 724 4000 Principal: Mr H Van Mourik Broekman MA (Hons) Email: Website: Type of School: HMC Independent Pupils: 795 Age Range: 2 – 18 Average Class Size: 17 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Combined cadet force plus various extra curricular activities Sports Activities: Rugby, football, cricket, netball, hockey, athletics Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 90%, English Baccalaureate subjects 22%, A Levels (3 or more) 91% Languages: Italian, Spanish, French, Latin Admission: By entrance assessment Associated Schools: Local schools

SEFTON PARK BELLERIVE FCJ CATHOLIC COLLEGE Windermere Terrace, Sefton Park, L8 3SB 0151 727 2064 Headteacher: Sister Brigid Halligan Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Academy Pupils: 899 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various subject clubs, Duke of Edinburgh award Sports Activities: Netball, hockey, badminton, football, dance, gymnastics, athletics, health & fitness, rounders, cross country Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* – C grades including, Maths & English) 61%, English Baccalaureate subjects 7%, A Level (3 or more) 66% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Religious admissions policy Associated Schools: Citywide Special Facilities: Three specialism’s awarded: sciences, maths & computing, applied learning ST HILDA’S CHURCH OF ENGLAND HIGH Croxteth Drive, Sefton Park, L17 3AL 0151 733 2709 Headteacher: Mrs E Benson Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 862 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 26 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, homework club Extra School Activities: Sign language, soap/candle making, cheerleading, dance, aerobics Sports Activities: Athletics, netball, rounders, trampolining Exam Results: 2011 CGSE (5A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 68%, English Baccalaureate subjects 45%, A Level (3 or more) 94% Languages: French, Spanish, German Admission: Religious route/academic route Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: Drama studio, refurbished laboratories

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SPEKE PARKLANDS HIGH SCHOOL Ganworth Road, Speke, L24 2RZ 0151 486 2612 Headteacher: Mrs Yvonne Sharples Email: st-smithk@parklands. Website: www.parklands. Type of School: Community Pupils: 568 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Study support sessions, revision classes, performing arts Sports Activities: Football, hockey, netball, rounders, trampolining Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 29%, English Baccalaureate subjects 0%, A Level (3 or more) 48% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Local primaries Special Facilities: ICT Suites. Full disabled access, 4D Emersion learning suite

TOXTETH THE BELVEDERE ACADEMY 17 Belvedere Road, Toxteth, L8 3TF 0151 727 1284 Principal: Mr P M Kennedy Email: Website: Pupils: 596 Age Range: 11 – 19 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Enrichment clubs Sports Activities: Badminton, basketball, unihoc, netball, lacrosse, gymnastics, dance, cross country, trampolining, volleyball Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 96%, English Baccalaureate subjects 49%, A Level (3 or more) 94%

WALTON ALSOP HIGH SCHOOL Queens Drive, Walton, L4 6SH 0151 235 1200 Headteacher: Mr Joe Mangan Email: Website: Type of School: Community, Specialist Applied Learning and Technology College Pupils: 1787 Age Range: 11 – 18 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 46%, English Baccalaureate subjects 2%, A Level (3 or more) 61% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: New £21.6 million BSF build completed in May 2011 NOTRE DAME CATHOLIC COLLEGE Everton Valley, Liverpool, L4 4EZ 0151 263 3104 Headteacher: Mrs F Harrison BSc (Hons) NPQH Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided, Specialist School for the Arts Pupils: 900 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 22 Pre & After School Activities: Early morning music club, breakfast club Extra School Activities: Homework club, primary arts, college choirs, chamber choir, steel band, samba band, gamelan, orchestra, African drumming, drama club, dance club, contemporary dance group, extra music tuition, young arts, more able and talented performing arts group, Latin, Chinese, book club Sports Activities: Football, trampolining, climbing, badminton, basketball

Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 54%, English Baccalaureate subjects 12%, A Level (3 or more) 83% Languages: Spanish, French, Chinese, Latin Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Local schools Special Features: ArtsBus, drama studio, dance studio, performing arts auditorium (500 tiered seats), music technology suite, dedicated sixth form resource and leisure area

WAVERTREE THE BLUE COAT SCHOOL Church Road, Wavertree, L15 9EE 0151 733 1407 Headteacher: Mrs Debbie Silcock Email: Website: www.bluecoatschool Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 930, Sixth Form 350 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 24 Sports Activities: Athletics, basketball, netball, hockey Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 99%, English Baccalaureate subjects 82%, A Level (3 or more) 100% Languages: French, Spanish, Latin Admission: Application form with set criteria KING DAVID HIGH Childwall Road, Wavertree, L15 6UZ 0151 235 1420 Headteacher: Mrs Brigid Smith Email: kingdavid-ao@kingdavidhigh. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 634 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 30 Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 88%, English Baccalaureate subjects 48%, A Level (3 or more) 96% Languages: French, German, Hebrew Admission: Application form with set criteria Associated Schools: King David primary

WEST DERBY BROUGHTON HALL CATHOLIC HIGH Yew Tree Lane, West Derby, L12 9HJ 0151 235 1500 Headteacher: Mr Gerard Murphy Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 1282 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: After school club Extra School Activities: Art, banking services, choir, drama, information technology, library, literacy, music (brass, woodwind, strings, drums, keyboards and guitar), school magazine, theatre trips Sports Activities: Football, hockey, tennis, netball, athletics Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 71%, English Baccalaureate subjects 16%, A Level (3 or more) 82% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Feeder primary schools meeting criteria Special Facilities: Disabled access, part new build, new sixth form CARDINAL HEENAN CATHOLIC HIGH Honeysgreen Lane, West Derby, L12 9HZ 0151 235 1430 Headteacher: Mr Dave Forshaw Email: cardinalheenan.liverpool@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided, Specialist Sports College Pupils: 1375 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 25

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Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Art, music, computer, LRC, war hammer clubs Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 60%, English Baccalaureate subjects 1%, A Level (3 or more) 64% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Cecilia, St Cuthbert, St Dominic, St Margaret Mary, St Oswald, St Paul, St Sebastian HOLLY LODGE GIRLS COLLEGE Queens Drive, West Derby, L13 0AE 0151 228 3772 Headteacher: Ms J E Tinsley BA (Hons) NPQH Email: hollylodge@hollylodge. Website: www.hollylodge.liverpool. Type of School: Girls Comprehensive Pupils: 1216 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 23 Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 63%, English Baccalaureate subjects 4%, A Level (3 or more) 67% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority ST EDWARDS COLLEGE Sandfield Park, West Derby, L12 1LF 0151 281 1999 Headteacher: Mr J E Waszek Email: principal@st-edwards. Website: Type of School: Academy Pupils: 1200 Age Range: 11 – 18 Extra School Activities: Chess club, choirs and orchestras, creative writing club, college council, da vinci club, duke of edinburgh, greenpower club, public speaking and debating, reading club, service through faith and sunday club, website club and many more Sports Activities: Athletics, basketball, cheerleading, climbing, cricket, cross country, dance, hockey, netball, rounders, rugby, shotokan karate, softball, step aerobics, swimming, tennis, volleyball, waterpolo and many more Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 88%, English Baccalaureate subjects 56%, A Level (3 or more) 99% Languages: French, Spanish and Modern Languages for All (including Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, Italian, Russian and Portugese) Admission: Set criteria WEST DERBY SCHOOL 364 West Derby Road, West Derby, L13 7HQ 0151 235 1333 Headteacher: Margaret Rannard Email: westderby-ao@westderby. Website: Type of School: Pupils: 1050 Age Range: 11 – 18 Extra School Activities: Chess, science, technology, music, drama, computer Sports Activities: Athletics, badminton, volleyball, football, hockey, cricket, golf, baseball, table tennis, Gifted & Talented Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 58%, English Baccalaureate subjects 4%, A Level (3 or more) 66% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority

WOOLTON ST FRANCIS XAVIER’S COLLEGE Beaconsfield Road, Woolton, L25 6EG 0151 288 1000 Headteacher: Mr Leslie Rippon Email: Website: Type of School: Academy, Centre of Excellence for Maths and Computing Pupils: 1234 Age Range: 11 – 18

Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, after school activities Extra School Activities: Debating, music, art, drama, boys choir Sports Activities: Football, cricket, athletics, swimming, squash Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 68%, English Baccalaureate subjects 12%, A Level (3 or more) 98% Languages: Spanish, French, Greek, Latin Admission: Local Authority and school form Associated Schools: St Julies Special Facilities: Disabled access (lifts and toilets) ST JULIE’S CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Speke Road, Woolton, L25 7TN 0151 428 6421 Headteacher: Tim Alderman Email: reception@stjulies. Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided, Specialist Language College Pupils: 1200 Age Range: 11 – 18 Pre & After School Activities: Extra School Activities: Dance & drama. There are five dance companies who have participated in regional and national competitions. Outside links – RADA, Liverpool Playhouse, Everyman Theatre. Arts Mark Gold Award Sports Activities: Regional & national competitions – gymnastics, netball, football, athletics, badminton, hockey, cross country Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 65%, English Baccalaureate subjects 20%, A Level (3 or more) 83% Languages: Spanish, German, French Admission: Local Authority UNIVERSITY ACADEMY Dingle Vale, Dingle, L8 9SJ 0151 727 1387 Principal: Ms Alison Dearden Email: Website: Type of School: Academy Pupils: 719 Age Range: 11 – 18 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, after school activities, holiday provision Sports Activities: Netball, football, basketball, table tennis, badminton, fitness, dance, cheerleading Boxercise, aerobics, cricket, handball, hockey, tennis, athletics Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 29%, English Baccalaureate subjects 0% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Part of the University of Chester Academy Trust Special Facilities: Disabled access, lifts, IT suite, summer school for new Year 7 pupils

KNOWSLEY HALEWOOD HIGHFIELD SCHOOL Baileys Drive, Halewood, L26 0TY 0151 288 8930 Headteacher: Mrs J Starkey (Acting) Email: Type of School: Community Special Pupils: 38 Age Range: 6 – 16 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: N/A Languages: French, Spanish Admission: By appointment HALEWOOD CENTRE FOR LEARNING The Avenue, Halewood, L26 1UU 0151 477 8830 Principal: Mrs Ann Behan Email: Website: www.halewoodcfl. Type of School: Centre for Learning Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 54%, English Baccalaureate subjects 7%, A Level (3 or more) 46% Admission: Local Authority

HUYTON ALT BRIDGE SECONDARY SUPPORT CENTRE Wellcroft Road, Huyton, L36 7TA 0151 477 8310 Headteacher: Mr Barry Kerwin Email: Website: Type of School: Community Special Pupils: 97 Age Range: 11 – 19 Average Class Size: 8 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Trampolining, netball, football, boccia Exam Results: N/A Languages: French Admission: Through SEN office Associated Schools: All local primary and secondary schools Special Facilities: ASD unit CHRIST THE KING CENTRE FOR LEARNING Stockbridge Lane, Huyton, L36 3SD 0151 477 8800 Principal: Mr Peter Bradley Email: admin@christthekingcfl. Website: www.christthekingcfl. Type of School: Centre for Learning Pupils: 480 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Lunch time activities Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 22%, English Baccalaureate subjects 2% Languages: French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Purpose built school HUYTON ARTS AND SPORTS CENTRE FOR LEARNING Seel Road, Huyton, L36 6DG 0151 477 8860 Principal: Mr Stuart Jamieson Email: admin@huytonartsandsports Website: www.huytonartsandsports Type of School: Community Pupils: 1308 Age Range: 11 – 16 Extra School Activities: An extensive range of study support, enrichment and sports and arts activities Sports Activities: A wide range of on and off site activities Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 40%, English Baccalaureate subjects 2% Admission: Local Authority KNOWSLEY PARK CENTRE FOR LEARNING Knowsley Park Lane, Huyton, L34 3NB 0151 477 8680 Principal: Mrs J Walker Email: admin@knowsleypark Website: www.knowsleyparkcfl. Type of School: Centre for Learning Pupils: 1000 Age Range: 11 - 16 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 43%, English Baccalaureate subjects 2% Languages: German, French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: SEN provision

KIRKBY ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CENTRE FOR LEARNING Roughwood Drive, Kirkby, L33 8XF 0151 477 8740 Principal: Mr P Bradley MSc Email: admin@allsaintscatholic Website: Type of School: Centre for Learning

Pupils: 1221 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 27 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast activities Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 44%, English Baccalaureate subjects 3%, A Level (3 or more) 79% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Feeder primary’s Special Facilities: SEN provision, good sports and drama provision KIRKBY SPORTS COLLEGE – A CENTRE FOR LEARNING Bracknell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 9PP 0151 477 8710 Principal: Baljit Gandhi Email: admin@kirkbysportscollege Website: Type of School: Centre for Learning Pupils: 1236 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 34%, English Baccalaureate subjects 0% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: SEN provision NEWSTEAD CENTRE Bracknell Avenue, Kirkby, L32 9PW 0151 477 8382 Headteacher: Mr Mike Marshall Email: Type of School: Pupil Referral Unit Pupils: 95 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 9 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast Club Sports Activities: Football team Exam Results: N/A Admission: By referral only SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL Cawthorne Close, Kirkby, L32 3XQ 0151 549 1425 Headteacher: John Parkes Email: Website: Type of School: Community Special Pupils: 76 Age Range: 3 – 19 Average Class Size: 7 Sports Activities: Sports club Exam Results: N/A Admission: Special criteria

PRESCOT TOWER COLLEGE Mill Lane, Prescot, L35 6NE 0151 426 4333 Principal: Miss R J Oxley Email: Website: Type of School: Independent Pupils: 480 Age Range: 3 – 16 Average Class Size: 20 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs Extra School Activities: music, drama Sports Activities: ISA Member Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 91%, English Baccalaureate subjects 17% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Set criteria Special Facilities: Tower Tots from 3 months

STOCKBRIDGE VILLAGE THE ELMS SCHOOL Whitethorne Drive, Stockbridge Village, L28 1RX 0151 477 8350 Headteacher: Mrs Linda Lowe Email: Website: Type of School: Community Special Pupils: 111 Age Range: 2 – 19 Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: N/A Admission: By referral

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WHISTON ST EDMUND ARROWSMITH CATHOLIC CENTRE FOR LEARNING Cumber Lane, Whiston, L35 7DG 0151 477 8770 Principal: Mr Martyn Campbell Email: StEdarrow-sca@stedmund Website: stedmundarrow Type of School: Centre for Learning (Secondary) Pupils: 1003 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Dance, drama, music, technology clubs (textiles club, lego club), aim higher, gardening club, enterprise club Sports Activities: Football, basketball, netball, rounders, skipping class, trampolining, table tennis, badminton, fitness club, fit for life club Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 51%, English Baccalaureate subjects 9% Languages: English. MFL taught French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Lukes’ Prescot, St Leo’s Whiston, Our Lady’s Prescot, St John Fisher Knowsley, St Anne Huyton, St Aidan’s Huyton, St Aloysius Huyton, St Joseph’s Huyton Special Facilities: Disabled access to all areas., Outdoor facilities: All weather pitch, astro turf pitch, extensive field for sports, indoor and outdoor cricket nets, sports hall, athletic facilities, 21st century technology, computer aided design and manufacture facilities in Technology, dance and drama studios

SEFTON BOOTLE HILLSIDE HIGH Breeze Hill, Bootle, L20 9NU 0151 525 2630 Headteacher: Mrs L Shemilt Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 910 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Drama club, literacy club, Polish club Sports Activities: Football, basketball, athletics, cricket, fitness, cross country, dance, netball, rugby, weight training, badminton, table tennis, cheerleading Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 47%, English Baccalaureate subjects 18% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Bedford and Christ Church SAVIO SALESIAN COLLEGE Netherton Way, Bootle, L30 2NA 0151 521 3088 Headteacher: Father G Briody Email: admin.saviohigh@schools. Website: www.saviosalesian Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 719 Age Range: 11 – 16 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Homework club, computer club, cookery club Sports Activities: Football, netball, basketball, cricket Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 43%, English Baccalaureate subjects 8% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority ST AMBROSE BARLOW CATHOLIC HIGH Copy Lane, Bootle, L30 7PQ 0151 526 7044 Headteacher: Mr Steve Hall Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided


Pupils: 434 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 22 Extra School Activities: Sports, arts, drama, dance, holiday and after school revision clubs Sports Activities: Football, netball, dance, rugby, table tennis, mountain biking, badminton, fitness Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 58%, English Baccalaureate subjects 0% Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority and application form Associated Schools: St Benedicts, Holy Spirit, Our Lady of Walsingham Special Facilities: State of the art ICT facilities with conference room THE HAWTHORNES FREE SCHOOL Fernhill Road, Bootle, L20 6AQ 0151 922 3798 Headteacher: Mrs L Wise Email: Website: Type of School: Free Pupils: 430 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 25 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, homework club, activities club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 54%, English Baccalaureate subjects 1% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: IT suites x4, SEN provision, disabled access

CROSBY CHESTERFIELD HIGH SCHOOL Chesterfield Road, Crosby, L23 9YB 0151 924 6454 Headteacher: Mr S Penney Email: head@chesterfieldhigh. Website: Type of School: Specialist Sports Academy Pupils: 1291 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 30 Extra School Activities: Dance, tennis, basketball, media, IT, Duke of Edinburgh award Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 48%, English Baccalaureate subjects 15%, A Level (3 or more) 95% Languages: French, German, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Dance studio, outdoor tennis courts, 2 sports media CROSBY HIGH De Villiers Avenue, Crosby, L23 2TH 0151 924 3671 Headteacher: Toni Oxton Grant Email: admin.crosbyhigh@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Special Pupils: 146 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 13 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: N/A Languages: French Admission: Statemented Associated Schools: Co-operative trust schools ST MARY’S COLLEGE Everest Road, Crosby, L23 5TW 0151 924 3926 Headteacher: Mr M Kennedy Email: Website: Type of School: Independent Pupils: 766 Age Range: 0 – 18 Average Class Size: 15 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast and after school clubs at The Mount Extra School Activities: IT, Amnesty International, debating, young enterprise, art club, chess club, SPUC, design club, French circle, maths club, SVP, school council, justice and peace, D

Educate Mersey Schools Guide 2012

of E award scheme, stage band, orchestra, choirs, concert band, young writers, Lourdes group, drama club, puzzle club, science club, CCF, Spanish club, young LIFE, ECO council Sports Activities: Athletics, cross country, netball, football, rugby, tennis, table tennis, angling, cricket, badminton, basketball, dance, fitness, gymnastics, hockey, multi gym, rounders, swimming, triathlon, volleyball Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 76%, English Baccalaureate subjects 51%, A Level (3 or more) 94% Languages: French, German, Spanish, Greek & Latin Admission: Interview, reference and examination Associated Schools: The Mount, St Mary’s College Preparatory School, Blundellsands Road West, Blundellsands, Liverpool, L23 6TF, Bright Sparks & Early Years, Claremont House, Liverpool Road, Crosby, Liverpool, L23 3AB Special Facilities: St Mary’s is a pioneer school on Merseyside in the inclusion of orchestral music as a normal feature of the school curriculum. All pupils are given the opportunity to play an orchestral instrument. The school also has its own Sports Centre and Games Field MERCHANT TAYLORS’ BOYS’ SCHOOL Liverpool Road, Crosby, L23 0QP 0151 928 3308 Headteacher: Mr D H Cook Email: Website: Type of School: Independent Day School Pupils: 797 Age Range: 7 – 19 Average Class Size: 22 Extra School Activities: Drama, music, choral, band, combined cadet force Sports Activities: Rugby, hockey, cross country, athletics, tennis, rowing Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 93%, English Baccalaureate subjects 51%, A Level (3 or more) 99% Languages: Admission: By appointment MERCHANT TAYLORS’ GIRLS’ SCHOOL Liverpool Road, Crosby, L23 5SP 0151 924 3140 Headteacher: Mrs L A Robinson Email: Website: Type of School: Independent Day School Pupils: 890 Age Range: 4 -19 Average Class Size: 22 Extra School Activities: Drama, music, choral, band, combined cadet force Sports Activities: Hockey, cross country, cricket, athletics, tennis, rowing, netball, badminton Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 99%, English Baccalaureate subjects 83%, A Level (3 or more) 100% Languages: French, Spanish, German, Latin Admission: By appointment Associated Schools: Merchant Taylors’ Boys’ School Special Facilities: Academic with focus on university entrance, with wide range of extra curricular provision SACRED HEART CATHOLIC COLLEGE Liverpool Road, Crosby, L23 5TF 0151 931 2971 Headteacher: Mr Ian Walker Email: admin.sacredhearthigh@ Website: www.sacredheart.sefton. Type of School: Voluntary Aided, Specialist Mathematics and Computing Pupils: 1468 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 24 Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 69%, English Baccalaureate subjects 20%, A Level (3 or more) 94%

Languages: French, Spanish, Latin Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: New sports hall ST MICHAEL’S CE HIGH St Michael’s Road, Crosby, L23 7UL 0151 924 6778 Headteacher: Dr Simon Hulme Email: admin.stmichaelshigh@schools. Website: Type of School: C of E Voluntary Aided, designated specialist music with English college Pupils: 495 Age Range: 11 – 18 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, fun learning clubs Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 55%, English Baccalaureate subjects 1%, A Level (3 or more) 53% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St Luke’s Halsall CE primary, Valewood primary, St Nicholas CE primary, St John’s CE primary, Waterloo primary Special Facilities: 3D learning centre (ICT)

FORMBY FORMBY HIGH SCHOOL Freshfield Road, Formby, L37 3HW 01704 873100 Headteacher: Mr Brian Rourke Email: Website: Type of School: Specialist school for Performing Arts and Science Pupils: 1014 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 29 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Homework club, course work and revision workshops, vast range of performing arts, sports and outdoor pursuit activities Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 83%, English Baccalaureate subjects 31%, A Level (3 or more) 95% Languages: French, Spanish, Latin Admission: Local Authority RANGE HIGH Stapleton Road, Formby, L37 2YN 01704 879315 Headteacher: Mr Graham Aldridge Email: admin.rangehigh@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 1187 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 26 Extra School Activities: African music group, soul group, orchestra, Russian, rockatom, foreign exchange and work experience visits, dance, Duke of Edinburgh award, ski trips to Austria, watersports trips to France, theatre trips, Kielder challenge Sports Activities: Football, netball, hockey, basketball, rugby, cricket, cross country, athletics, tennis Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 72%, English Baccalaureate subjects 17%, A Level (3 or more) 89% Languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Woodlands primary, St Luke’s primary Special Facilities: Specialist school for Maths & ICT

LITHERLAND LITHERLAND HIGH Sterrix Lane, Litherland, L21 0DB 0151 288 6750 Headteacher: Mr Jim Donnelly Email: admin.litherlandhigh@schools. Website: www.litherland-high. Type of School: Trust School Pupils: 752 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast & after school clubs

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Extra School Activities: Dance Company, exchange and study visits Sports Activities: Football, netball Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 48%, English Baccalaureate subjects 6% Languages: Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Litherland Partnership Special Facilities: Disabled access (Lift), SEN provision ROWAN PARK Sterrix Lane, Litherland, L21 0DB 0151 222 4894 Headteacher: Mrs Jane Kelly Email: head.rowanpark@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Special Pupils: 118 Age Range: 2 – 19 Average Class Size: 8 Pre & After School Activities: After school club Sports Activities: Cricket, football, swimming, boccia Exam Results: N/A Admission: Local Authority Special Facilities: Autism classes, MDVI classes DEYES HIGH Deyes Lane, Maghull, L31 6DE 0151 526 3814 Headteacher: Mrs Ann Stahler Email: Website: Type of School: Specialist Science Academy Pupils: 1433 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 30 Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 70%, English Baccalaureate subjects 22%, A Level (3 or more) 92% Languages: Spanish, German, French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various local schools Special Facilities: SEN provision, some disabled access

MAGHULL MAGHULL HIGH Ormonde Drive, Maghull, L31 7AW 0844 4773438 Headteacher: Mr Mark Anderson Email: Website: Type of School: Community Pupils: 1284 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 26 Extra School Activities: Dance, drama, music Sports Activities: Hockey, netball, football, basketball, badminton, tennis, rounders Exam Results: 2011 CGSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 43%, English Baccalaureate subjects 6%, A Level (3 or more) 76% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various local schools MARICOURT CATHOLIC HIGH Hall Lane, Maghull, L31 3DZ 0151 330 3366 Headteacher: Mr Brendan McLoughlin Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 1493 Age Range: 11 – 18 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Music, drama, dance Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 70%, English Baccalaureate subjects 16%, A Level (3 or more) 94% Languages: Spanish, French Admission: By set criteria Associated Schools: St George, Holy Rosary, St Gregory, St John Bosco Special Facilities: Fitness studio, drama & dance studio

SOUTHPORT BIRKDALE HIGH Windy Harbour Road, Southport, PR8 3DT 01704 577253 Executive Headteacher: Mr Philip Fitzpatrick Email: Website: Type of School: Academy Pupils: 918 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 29 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Football, cricket, table tennis, basketball, rugby Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English 68%, English Baccalaureate subjects 20% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: Various Special Facilities: ICT study rooms, new art provision being built CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC HIGH & SIXTH FORM CENTRE Stamford Road, Southport, PR8 4EX 01704 565121 Headteacher: Mr James Lancaster Email: Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 1192 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club Extra School Activities: Contact school for details Sports Activities: Football, netball, badminton, tennis Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 59%, English Baccalaureate subjects 8%, A Level (3 or more) 85% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority and set criteria Associated Schools: Various GREENBANK HIGH Hastings Road, Southport, PR8 2LT 01704 567591 Headteacher: Mrs P McQuade Email: headteacher@greenbank. Website: Type of School: Language College Pupils: 860 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 28 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club, homework club Extra School Activities: Sports clubs, school newspaper, musical activities of every kind, interact group, dance Sports Activities: Football, netball, tennis, hockey, badminton, athletics, gymnastics, dance, basketball etc Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 68%, English Baccalaureate subjects 14% Languages: French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese Admission: SEA Associated Schools: Various local MEREFIELD SCHOOL Westminster Drive, Southport, PR8 2QZ 01704 577163 Headteacher: Sue Clare Email: admin.merefield@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Special Pupils: 65 Age Range: 2 – 19 Pre & After School Activities: After school club Exam Results: N/A Admission: SEA and other criteria MEOLS COP HIGH SCHOOL Meols Cop Road, Southport, PR8 6JS 01704 531180 Headteacher: Miss A Heaton Email: enquiries@meolscophigh Website: www.meolscophigh Type of School: Community Pupils: 702


The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

Now available online. Visit Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 22 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast club plus various after school activities Extra School Activities: Various Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 60%, English Baccalaureate subjects 1% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: SEA Special Facilities: SEN provision PETERHOUSE SCHOOL Preston New Road, Southport, PR9 8PA 01704 506682 Headteacher: Janet Allen Email: peterhouse.admin@autis Website: Type of School: Autism Special School Pupils: 51 Age Range: 5 – 19 Average Class Size: 8 Exam Results: N/A Admission: SEA and set criteria STANLEY HIGH Fleetwood Road, Southport, PR9 9TF 01704 228940 Headteacher: Mr E Fitzpatrick Email: admin.stanleyhigh@schools. Website: Type of School: Community, Specialist Sports College Pupils: 840 Age Range: 11 – 16 Average Class Size: 30 Pre & After School Activities: Breakfast activities, after school activities Extra School Activities: School band, history interviews, charity work Sports Activities: Football, netball Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 62%, English Baccalaureate subjects 7% Languages: German, French, Spanish Admission: SEA Associated Schools: Various

THORNTON HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC HIGH Virgins Lane, Thornton, L23 4UL 0151 924 6451 Headteacher: Mrs Seddon Email: admin.holyfamilyhigh@ Website: Type of School: Voluntary Aided Pupils: 767 Age Range: 11 – 18 Average Class Size: 27 Extra School Activities: Drama, web club, cheerleading Sports Activities: Football, cricket, netball Exam Results: 2011 GCSE (5 A* - C grades including, Maths & English) 61%, English Baccalaureate subjects 17%, A Level (3 or more) 83% Languages: French, Spanish Admission: Local Authority Associated Schools: St William of York, St Jerome’s, St Mary, Little Crosby, Our Lady of Compassion, Formby NEWFIELD SCHOOL & SPECIALIST COLLEGE Edge Lane, Thornton, L23 4TG 0151 934 2991 Headteacher: Mrs S Evans Email: admin.newfield@schools. Website: Type of School: Community Special Pupils: 77 Age Range: 5 – 16 Average Class Size: 8 Sports Activities: Various Exam Results: N/A Languages: Spanish Admission: Local Authority and set criteria

Examination results sourced from schools or performancetables 5 September 2012 2012 SATS, GCSE and A level results unavailable at time of going to press See the next issue where full results wil be pubished or go to

Educate Mersey Schools Guide 2012


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My School Days Jamie Burdekin – Tennis Paralympian

My School: I went to St George of England High School, Bootle, which is now a Specialist Engineering College My Favourite Teacher: That definitely would have to be Mr Wilson, he taught history but I liked him because he always talked about sport. Favourite Subject at School: I really enjoyed art and design, plus of course, PE. Were you streetwise or a bit of a geek? I was definitely streetwise.

Do you remember your first school crush? To be perfectly honesty I can’t really remember any, and that’s the truth. My Favourite Book: I was and still am really interested in any biographies on any sports stars. School Dinners: Surprisingly I loved them, but I had to look for a clean plate though! My Ambitions at School: I always wanted to be a sports star, but if that didn’t work out I had a back-up plan of being an architect

My Favourite Childhood Band: Without a doubt that has to be Oasis and they still are one of my favourites now. My Favourite Extra-Curricular Activity: Mostly socialising with my mates and the obligatory playing football. 138

Educate The Magazine for Parents and Pupils

Crosby born and Paralympics GB squad member Jamie Burdekin took up wheelchair tennis after a car accident in 2000. Shortly after coming out of his spinal unit, Jamie was introduced to the sport through a wheelchair tennis session taking place in the Wirral and has played the sport seriously since 2005. He is a two-time quad singles national champion and has become a crucial member of Britain’s quad team in the Invacare World Team Cup, the Davis and Fed Cups of wheelchair tennis. Jamie won his first major international quad singles title at the Queensland Open in Australia in 2008 and later that year he was competing for Great Britain in his third World Team Cup when he found out he had been selected to make his Paralympic Games debut in Beijing, where he went on to partner Peter Norfolk to the quad doubles bronze medal. He was also a member of Great Britain’s World Team Cup team that won the quad title in 2009 before winning bronze in the same event in 2011 and silver this year. Jamie achieved his career high quad singles ranking of No. 5 in May 2009 and has firmly established himself inside the world’s top 10 since then.

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