Catholic Pic February 2018

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Issue 161 February 2018


Bishops hail courage of youth in Holy Land

INSIDE: A special place for our priests

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contents Welcome Our front cover this month shows Sunday Mass celebrated in the Church of the Holy Family in Gaza. The Mass was celebrated as part of the visit by Bishops from Europe, North America and South Africa for the annual meeting of the Holy Land Coordination. Each year the group expresses solidarity with the people of the region on behalf of us all. This year their emphasis was on young people and in their final statement they paid tribute saying, ‘throughout the West Bank, Gaza and Israel the youth are keeping hope alive through their resilience and courage’. The crucifix at the forefront of the cover serves as a timely reminder that we are about to begin the season of Lent. Our time of preparation for the great feast of Easter begins on Ash Wednesday, 14 February. Our reflections recall the life-giving events of Easter and serve as a reminder that we should remember the people of that Holy Land today. The main feature this month looks at the work of the recently established Vicariate for Clergy in the archdiocese, part of their mission statement reads, ‘We aim to encourage and inspire priests, so that they may continue to support, encourage and inspire others’. Let us remember our priests in prayer.

From the Archbishop’s Desk February is a dull month as it can be wintry and grey, and we can get miserable. This was not always so. In the ancient world, February was a time for ritual cleansing, for preparation. The word ‘February’ comes from a Latin word for purging or purification which meant more than bodily cleanliness. Outward purification for the Romans signified an inner cleansing in preparation for the rites of spring: thanksgiving for surviving the winter, for the birth of livestock, and an expression of hope for a good harvest after the new planting. Forty days after the birth of Jesus, Mary was purified in the Temple. This was a ritual washing following childbirth, and Jesus was presented in the temple with offerings of turtle doves to comply with Jewish law for the firstborn son, and Jesus was revealed as light for the nations, a beacon of hope for mankind. In our present culture, ritual cleansing doesn’t have much of a place. It is probably because it precedes prayer or a religious act, and people don’t seem to pray much these days. Muslims wash their hands and feet before prayer, but they are not the only ones. We Catholics have preserved the act of blessing ourselves with water as we enter church to remind us of our baptism. This is none other than ritual cleansing to prepare us for worship and prayer, and the good things to come. So, February is not such a dull month after all, it is full of hope.

Editor Peter Heneghan

Copy deadline March 2018 9 February 2018

Editorial Catholic Pictorial Magazine Liverpool Archdiocesan Centre for Evangelisation, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool L17 1AA Tel: 0151 522 1007 Email:

Publisher CPMM 36 Henry Street, Liverpool L1 5BS

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Main Feature A special place for our priests


News From around the Archdiocese

14 Sunday Reflections Liturgy and Life 15 Nugent News Living out the Gospel Message 16 What’s On Whats happening in the Archdiocese 19 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Unity through music 21 Animate Challenges for Lent 25 Cathedral Record From the archives 26 Pic Extras Mums the word News from the KSC 28 Pic Life How God helps us get out of the mire

Most Rev Malcolm McMahon OP Archbishop of Liverpool

Pictures Front cover: © Mazur/ Main feature: ©


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29 Join In Family Fun and More Mullarkey 30 Justice and Peace On the altar of the world 30 Letter from Rome Seminary Life

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A special place for our priests Father Andrew Unsworth explains the importance of the Archdiocese’s newly opened Vicariate for Clergy. uring the past few weeks several groups of priests from our deaneries have visited St Joseph’s, Wrightington to hear about the vision for the new Vicariate for Clergy in Active Ministry which has opened there, and to view the premises and facilities at their disposal.

about being a priest in Liverpool Archdiocese. We aim to encourage and inspire priests, so that they may continue to support, encourage and inspire others, enjoying their vocation and ministry. We wish to support and care for priests and to further enable priests to support one another as brothers in the sacred ministry.’

The first and most obvious question about this new facility is, just what is it for? The mission statement of the Vicariate explains that it exists for the following purposes: ‘To celebrate what is good and holy and joyful and positive

The Vicariate aims to provide pastoral care, on-going formation opportunities in the form of retreats and in-service training, and a place where priests can come if they wish to stay somewhere overnight, or for a few days’ rest, a


‘The Vicariate aims to provide pastoral care and on-going formation opportunities ’

week’s holiday, or time for reflection, study and prayer. Father Philip Gregory, as episcopal vicar for clergy in active ministry, is the man given responsibility for the overall pastoral support of the presbyterate in Liverpool Archdiocese. He exercises a ministry of care and advocacy for individual priests who may have a particular need. He is also parish priest of St Joseph’s, Wrightington. Another question is, what sort of pastoral needs might priests have? Well, the same needs as anyone else. Priests face personal challenges of various kinds. For example: a priest may be trying to balance looking after an elderly parent or other relative with his ministerial duties. A priest may be suffering bereavement due to the death of a loved one. A priest may be overworked, which may be causing an unacceptable level of stress. A priest may become ill and have to take some time off work. These are only some of the issues that priests may have to face. A familiar question these days is, who cares for the carers? As carers, priests themselves need to be cared for. Many parishioners, family members and friends give great support to their priests, but hopefully the newly established Vicariate for Clergy can provide a further level of structured support, so that our priests can continue their ministry of care for parishioners and others whom they serve.


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feature It is important to mention that there are other agencies in the Archdiocese involved in the care of clergy. Canon Steve Maloney is the episcopal vicar for sick and retired clergy. Canon Chris Fallon has responsibility for the permanent diaconate, including the formation of those candidates in training for this ministry. Father Colin Fealey supports those who have been ordained

less than ten years. Father James Preston, as vocations director, looks after our seminarians and those discerning a vocation. Discussing his new role, Father Philip said: ‘In July 2016, at the shrine of Our Lady in Lourdes, I was asked by Archbishop Malcolm if I’d be prepared to take on a new appointment, that of

episcopal vicar for clergy in active ministry. After some reflection and prayer, I felt able to say “Yes”.’ He was offered the role after several priests suggested his name to the Archbishop when asked who would be suitable. As for the choice of Wrightington, it was selected because it is a rural parish, which is not overlooked and offers the peace and space required. Its proximity to the M6 and other major roads means it has good communications with the rest of the Archdiocese also. It was in January 2017 that the decision was taken for this new ‘House for Clergy’ to be based at St Joseph’s Church in Wrightington. The location is near Wigan, not far from the site of Upholland Seminary, and incidentally, the Shrine of St John Rigby. After some modifications to the presbytery, Father Philip was able to move in last September. In addition to Father Philip, in October 2017, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon appointed Father Andrew Unsworth to the post of co-ordinator for on-going priestly formation. Father Andrew will be responsible for organising spiritual retreats and in-service opportunities for priests, and will be available as a catechetical resource for priests. This recognises that priests have spiritual and training needs like everybody else. The Vicariate aims to give every priest in active ministry chances for prayer, study and reflection. Some priests will be assisted in organising sabbaticals and the Vicariate can suggest spiritual directors and other professionals who can support the spiritual, intellectual and human development of our priests. Much of this builds on the good work done previously by Father John McLoughlin. The main parts of this year’s programme have already been put in place. There will be a retreat for priests in May led by John Wilson, Auxiliary Bishop of

Father Philip Gregory and Father Andrew Unsworth

‘A familiar question these days is, who cares for the carers? As carers, priests themselves need to be cared for’ Catholic Pictorial


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Westminster, and an in-service training conference in October led by Father John Armitage, rector of the shrine at Walsingham. On 6 July, at the invitation of Archbishop Malcolm, there will be a gathering of clergy at LACE in ‘Celebration of Priesthood’ to acknowledge those who will mark a significant jubilee of ordination during 2018. Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham will be our guest homilist at this event. Many other events are currently in preparation, some at the suggestion of the priests themselves.

‘Father, I put my trust in you.’ Let us actively support our priests through our prayers for them’ 6

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Although their roles are distinct from one another, both Father Philip and Father Andrew will be responsible for welcoming and looking after guest priests. They will be responsible for managing the ‘House for Clergy’ and the provision of accommodation, making available the guest rooms in the presbytery and the cottage adjacent to the presbytery, which can be used as a ‘let’ for Liverpool priests who want to use it for short-stay self-catering breaks. To carry out the work of the Vicariate and the parish, an administrator and a housekeeper have also been appointed to work at St Joseph’s. Ultimately, the team will work together in assisting

Archbishop Malcolm in his care and support of the clergy. Father Philip wants to dispel any idea that the work of the Vicariate is for priests with ‘problems’. The human and material resources available to priests through the work of the Vicariate are there to ensure as much as possible that ‘problems’ do not arise, and when an individual priest has a particular human or spiritual need, that this is met in a positive and supportive way. Father Philip and Father Andrew have been greatly encouraged by the response they have so far received from priests who have viewed the facilities at Wrightington, and by those who have already used the accommodation available in the house and the cottage. They are enthusiastic about the service to our priests that the Vicariate will make possible, and both are grateful to the Archbishop and the trustees for making this happen. Father Philip says: ‘It was wonderful to receive such positive feedback from the priests who have already visited us. We look forward to the future when, please God, more priests will take time to use the facilities at St Joseph’s’. The motto of the Vicariate for Clergy is: ‘Father, I put my trust in you.’ Let us actively support our priests through our prayers for them.

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News diary If you’ve got any news from your parish that you’d like featured e-mail us with the details at:

Bernadette’s Papal Award Our Lady, Help of Christians, Portico, Prescot, was the setting for parishioner Bernadette Anderson to receive the Papal Honour of Bene Merenti. Bishop John Rawsthorne made the presentation during Mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 8 December 2017. The award was given for Bernadette’s long-serving musical accompaniment at Masses and services in the church. By her side at the presentation was husband, Deacon Vincent Anderson, for many years they were both stalwarts of the archdiocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage. Pictured with Bishop John and the couple are: Deacon Tom Simms, Father John Gorman, Father Dave Melly (Parish Priest), Father Des Seddon and Deacon Jim Davies. Picture: Starflame Photography

New film on Mary Catholic Faith Exploration (CaFE) have been producing TV-quality film courses on all aspects of the Faith since being launched by Cardinal Hume in 1996 and many parishes have run CaFE courses over the years. A new course and book on Mary for parishes and individuals called ‘Let it be’ has recently been launched. Cardinal Vincent Nichols is one of the experts who powerfully share about Mary's vital role in our discipleship today. The inspiring travel journey through Mary's life past and present begins at the National Marian Shrine in Walsingham, where Monsignor John Armitage sets the scene, before the five-session series takes viewers to the wonders of the Holy Land filmed at all the key Marian sites. After that, the traditional place of Mary's older life in Ephesus is explored before visiting Rome, Montserrat near Barcelona, and Knock. A highlight is the beauty of Lourdes with filming of the Cardinal with his diocesan pilgrimage. ‘Let it be’ also features moving testimonies from Mary's Meals, ex-gangster John Pridmore and many others from around the country plus an interview with the Papal Preacher, Father Raniero Cantalamessa. Cardinal Nichols says; ‘Mary’s “Let it be” was a clear, deliberate and definitive act: powerful, strong, free and life-giving. It was Mary's commitment to the Word of God as the supreme value of her life which needs to be at the very core of our discipleship


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today.’ Director, David Payne, says; ‘The time is ripe for a fresh and inspiring film about Mary's life, her inspiring witness of faith and her powerful intercessory prayers.’ Full details of the film and book are available at or by calling CaFE on 0845 050 9428.

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news diary Thank you Mrs Carter

Sacrifice In preparation for Adoremus, the National Eucharistic Congress and Pilgrimage, Father Joe Kendall is offering a series of reflections on Eucharistic themes.

Mrs Patricia Carter, head teacher of St Oswald and St Edmund Arrowsmith RC Primary School, Ashton-in-Makerfield, marked the end of her long teaching career with a farewell Mass in the school hall, celebrated by Parish Priest of St Oswald’s church, Father Brian Newns, and assisted by Deacon Paul Blinston, RE governor at the school. They were joined at the Mass by pupils and staff to give thanks to God for the thirty-four years Pat has taught at St Oswald’s; fifteen of those years as head teacher. Pat has worked tirelessly for the school during all those years and will be fondly remembered by all who have known her during her many years in education.

Memorial forest funds donated to hospice A national memorial forest charity has donated £3,000 to St Joseph’s Hospice in Thornton, bringing its total donations to the hospice to £30,000 over the last 15 years. Life for a Life Memorial Forests, a not-for-profit charity based in Greater Manchester, helps bereaved families to remember their loved ones by planting native trees, such as English Oak, Silver Birch, Mountain Ash and Scots Pine, in woodlands in their memory. Almost 300 memorial trees surround St Joseph’s Hospice and families regularly visit to spend time there and remember family or friends. As part of its commitment to St Joseph’s Hospice and every family which buys a tree, Life for a Life guarantees the life of each tree and will manage and maintain each forest for a minimum of 25 years with some agreements stretching over 50 years. St Joseph’s Hospice chief executive Mike Parr received the first half of the donation in January and it is being used to part-fund two new, secure log cabins for the on-site storage of clinical equipment. Mike Parr said: ‘We’ve worked in partnership with Life for a Life Memorial Forests for over fifteen years now and we are very grateful for their ongoing support. They provide a wonderful and meaningful service to bereaved families, leaving them with a very special and long-term tribute to their loved ones as well as a special place to go and feel close to them. They also do a wonderful job of maintaining our forests, something which would otherwise be really costly to the hospice.’

Most times when we enter a church building we dip a hand into holy water and make the Sign of the Cross. Some of us might be able to remember the day when we were baptised but most we know will not. Yet we make this ritual act, perhaps even not thinking too much about it, in order to remember something we probably do not remember anyway: our baptism. It seems to me that this is good practice for while we are in church for Mass we will do some more remembering, but remembering in a way that is different than just calling to mind a historical event. In Mass we remember before God the self-sacrifice of God. The Eucharistic Prayer makes clear that the whole Eucharistic celebration is a celebration of Christ’s sacrifice. We remember that Jesus, in submission to his Father and out of love for all of us, did not try to evade death but rather let himself be crucified. In this act we see what it is to be faithful to God the Father’s will. In this act we see what love really looks like: a body broken and given. Remembering Jesus’ death cannot be done simply by thinking about it. If we are to remember as we are called to remember, then we need to live as Jesus lived, think as he thought and act as he acted. We celebrate the memory of Jesus in the Eucharistic sacrifice by offering our own lives together with Jesus for the life of the world. So, we see that while the Mass is a sacrificial act its purpose is not simply to celebrate and represent the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus. Rather we are drawn sacrificially into the pattern of his self-offering so that we may come to do the will of the Father too, obedient to God even unto death. The celebration of the Eucharist then becomes a mark of our conversion to a deeper life with God and to a more profound life of obedient listening to him. The celebration of this sacrifice then becomes not just a remembering but a challenge to us too. But we can meet this challenge for we remember that Jesus is alongside all that is broken in our own lives and in our world. He is broken for the healing of a broken world. That surely is worth remembering.

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news diary Deacon Carl ordained Carl Mugan was ordained to the Diaconate by Archbishop Malcolm on the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury, 29 December 2017, during Mass celebrated at St Charles Borromeo church, Liverpool. Carl is in his fourth year studying at the Pontifical Beda College in Rome and will be ordained to the priesthood later this year. He was presented for ordination by Canon Philip Gillespie, Rector of the Beda College. Reflecting on the day Deacon Carl said, ‘it was both exciting and overwhelming to get to this point in my formation. The day was extra special as it came within the Christmas season and was a lovely opportunity to get together with lots of family and friends to celebrate and enjoy the occasion. I am so grateful to everyone who has prayed for me and supported me, and I am especially grateful to my fellow students who had travelled from all over


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the UK to come along, as well as Canon Philip Gillespie. A great day…with thanks to God for the work he has begun in me.’

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Bishops hail courage of youth in Holy Land Young people in the Holy Land must endure unemployment, a scarcity of opportunities and daily violations of their dignity, and yet their example keeps hope alive in the face of the failings of their political leaders and the international community. This was the message from the visiting Bishops of the Holy Land Co-ordination at the end of their stay in Israel and the Palestinian Territories from 13-18 January. The bishops from Europe, North America and South Africa also declared President Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as ‘morally and legally unacceptable’. The bishops visited Gaza and met schoolchildren in the West Bank and in Israel, along with students from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and from Bethlehem University. They also visited the l’Arche community in Bethlehem and a home for the elderly in Beit Emmaus. They said: ‘Young people in Gaza continue to be robbed of their life chances by the enduring blockade, which indiscriminately denies them the opportunity to flourish. Young people in the West Bank continue to suffer violations of their dignity on a daily basis, which have become unacceptably normalised by occupation. Young lives throughout the Palestinian Territories are blighted by unemployment. ‘For a whole generation the prospect of peace has been made even more remote by morally and legally unacceptable decisions – in particular the recent affront to the internationally recognised status of Jerusalem, a city sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims. ‘The young people of the Holy Land have been consistently failed by both their own leaders and the international community. The anger that we witnessed is entirely justified – it is also a sign that they retain the conviction to strive for change. ‘Throughout the West Bank, Gaza and Israel the youth are keeping hope alive through their resilience and courage. The local Christian community, though small in number, is an integral part of this, not only through the contribution of its own youth, but also through its service to all young people. ‘It is young people who are daring to

pursue justice and challenge the divisions that have been forced upon them. It is schools and youth projects that are breaking down barriers and equipping people to build tolerance. It is young volunteers, such as those working with L’Arche in Bethlehem, Beit Emmaus in Qubeibeh, and religious orders in Gaza, who are demonstrating humanity in this wounded society.’ The bishops urged Catholics at home to support Christians in the Holy Land ‘through supporting organisations which help to create jobs, provide housing, and facilitate dialogue; through prayer and making pilgrimages which encounter and support local people; and through standing resolutely against all those who seek to create further division, especially among our own political leadership.’

St Francis of Assisi helps radio stars find their voice

Students from the Academy of St Francis of Assisi hit the airwaves to help celebrate 10 years of Liverpool Community Radio (LCR). Ten Year 8 pupils enjoyed slots as DJs between 11 and 15 December on Liverpool's only full-time community radio station, based on Holt Road in Kensington. They worked with the LCR team to write scripts, learn how to use equipment and practise their voiceovers and even paid a visit to the studios to record jingles for their shows. The pupils divided into pairs with each presenting a two-hour slot on the station, which has moved back to FM frequencies to mark its 10th anniversary. In May 2007 Kensington Vision CIC was set up and began to develop community radio in Liverpool. This eventually evolved into LCR, a not-for-profit station run primarily by volunteers. Year 8 students from the academy had presented a series of breakfast shows on the station on its launch and head of school, Tracey Greenough, was delighted by the school’s renewed involvement. ‘This has been a wonderful community project for our Year 8 students, who have thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the creative and technical aspects of radio broadcasting,’ she said. ‘We were honoured to be involved in the station’s launch 10 years ago, so to be invited back for its special anniversary is fantastic.’

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news diary St John Bosco Arts College welcomes Mother Yvonne for special visit St John Bosco Arts College in Croxteth has welcomed Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Superior General of the Salesian Sisters, the Congregation that founded the school more than 50 years ago. Opened in 1965 as Mary Help of Christians High School for girls, St John Bosco is now the UK’s only secondary school in which the Salesian Sisters are involved – making it an obvious choice of visit during Mother Yvonne’s week-long tour of the Sisters' Great Britain province. Headteacher Darren Gidman said: ‘It was an honour to welcome Mother Yvonne to St John Bosco and to introduce her to our Salesian school community. The staff, students and special guests relished the opportunity to meet her and were left feeling inspired after her speech. It was a fantastic experience that the whole school will remember.’ Mother Yvonne – the ninth successor to the Salesian Sisters’ foundress, St Mary Domenica Mazzarello – was greeted by the school’s samba band before receiving a warm welcome from Mr Gidman. Together with Sister Connie Cameron, the

Congregation’s Provincial in this country, deputy head girl Annie Edgar and Salesian ambassador Katie Frear, the two then undertook a tour of the school. There was also the opportunity for Mother Yvonne to speak to students during lesson time, and to deliver a speech during two special assemblies in which

talented St John Bosco students took part in readings and hymns. Mother Yvonne had begun her UK trip in Glasgow and visited each of the Sisters’ communities during a week-long stay in the country. The Salesian Sisters were founded in 1872 by St John Bosco and St Mary Mazzarello.

St Mary’s College marks an ‘excellent’ year St Mary’s College in Crosby paid tribute to the many achievements of its pupils over the past year at its annual prize day ceremony. Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral was the setting for the event on 11 December at which former head boy Tom Delamere appeared as guest speaker. He left the

school in 2007 and is now Cafod’s programme officer for Bangladesh, helping to co-ordinate the charity’s response to the Rohingya refugee crisis. Guests heard that St Mary’s had maintained its tradition of both academic excellence and achievement in sport, music and other extra-curricular activities.

St Mary’s College principal Mike Kennedy pictured at prize day with guest speaker Tom Delamere, head girl Sophie James and head boy Elliot Amadi.


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The success of this approach yielded an outstanding Independent Schools Inspectorate inspection report in 2017, which described the quality of pupils’ academic achievements and personal development as ‘excellent’. Principal Mike Kennedy highlighted another successful summer in terms of exam results with A Level candidates achieving a 99 per cent pass rate, more than half at the highest grades. Mr Kennedy also paid tribute to one of the school’s longest-serving teachers, Head of Sixth Form Carole Killen, who retired in the summer after 28 years’ service. Mr Kennedy concluded: ‘Prize day is a great opportunity to recognise the successes of our pupils who continue to maintain the high-achieving traditions of the school, academically and in many other fields. This is particularly true of our guest speaker, Tom Delamere, who each day, in the spirit of the founders of the school, places his many skills, attributes and commitment at the service of some of the most vulnerable people in the world.’

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sunday reflections On a liturgical note This month begins with a feast which our brothers and sisters in the Orthodox Church refer to as ‘The Encounter’ but which we know better as the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, or Candlemas as it later came to be called. This feast, kept on 2 February, marks the passage of 40 days from Christmas and recalls the event of the taking of the child Jesus to the Temple of Jerusalem where He, as a first-born male child, was according to the Law of Moses ‘consecrated’ to the Lord and to His Service. Mary and Joseph are there, as too are Simeon and Anna, and it is in the encounters, the conversations and meeting which take place on this occasion, that we learn more about the unfolding of God’s plan and His purpose for Jesus and for His people. Mary and Joseph are faithful to the requirements of the Law of Moses and they ‘present’ the child Jesus to God in the Temple – except of course that it is, in fact, Jesus who is being presented, made known, to the whole people of Israel in this moment, as Simeon recognises when he refers to Jesus as ‘the light to enlighten all peoples’ and says to Mary: ‘You see this child, He is destined for the fall

Sunday thoughts We are good at knowing who’s right and who’s wrong, who’s good and who’s bad. According to this model, an important function of priest, bishop and pope is to decide who’s in and who’s out – and to say who can receive Holy Communion and who can’t. This approach is not confined to Catholicism. There is a fundamentalist tendency in all religion. The litmus test of the fundamentalist is condemnation of those who break the laws of the tribe and a refusal to tolerate ‘weak’ leadership. And so we come to the readings for 11 February, the Sixth Sunday of the Year. Both Leviticus and Mark focus on lepers. They are forced to live outside the city walls. Lepers are unclean and untouchable. And who enforces their exclusion? It is the priest, of course. Jesus challenges this. In the gospel Jesus stretches out his hand and touches the leper. The very act of disregarding the taboo sees the leper

Canon Philip Gillespie

and for the rising of many in Israel.’ The richness of Simeon’s words is perhaps one reason why the Church uses his prayer, known often by the first words in Latin ‘Nunc Dimittis’ (Now you let your servant depart) as part of the Prayer of the Church every night at Compline. Simeon, guided by the Holy Spirit, is the one who recognises in Jesus the fulfilment and perfecting of God’s work; he gives thanks for that, and is happy that he has now held in his arms the one who is to be ‘the glory of your people, Israel’. We, in our own time, echo his thanksgiving. We pray for peaceful sleep and a renewal of the Holy Spirit in our lives that we may recognise and respond to the calling of the Lord our God each and every day of our lives: At last, all-powerful Master, you can let your servant depart in peace, according to your promise; For my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared for all the nations, A light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people, Israel.

Mgr John Devine OBE

healed and allowed back into the community. Contemporary parallels have been drawn with those suffering from AIDS but leprosy is a metaphor that can be applied to all our condemnations and exclusions. Did Jesus spend time with sinners out of a high-minded sense of his calling? Did he take a deep breath and force himself to override the prejudices he shared with other Jews? Maybe he actually preferred the company of those who didn’t ‘fit in’ – the tax collectors, prostitutes, Samaritans, Roman soldiers, the blind, the deaf and dumb, and the lame. There were consequences. ‘Jesus could no longer go openly into any town but had to stay outside in places where nobody lived.’ In curing the lepers, he had swapped places with them.

Weekly Reflections are on the Archdiocesan website at


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Shared responsibility Just recently I was visiting a man in a prison many miles from here. He is a teacher by profession who has ruined his life and hurt some people very badly. I asked him how he was surviving. He told me ‘Surprisingly well’ but only because the volunteers in the prison had helped him a great deal with their ministry and their kindness. As they took on the responsibility of being ‘Good News’ in that prison, where people have lost every vestige of their dignity, they brought life and meaning to the men who were there. It struck me, as it has done often before, that it is through our baptism we all have an equal responsibility to share the Good News. It is not the prerogative of the clergy. We are all called to collaborate with one another in this task. Through our baptism we are all called into ministry. We all have a vocation. Our ministries are distinct from one another but none are superior to the other. Why? Because we all have equal dignity in the eyes of God. Sadly, much of that invitation to live out our baptismal calling and to do it collaboratively with others – priests and people together – has fallen on deaf ears. The overemphasis on the ministerial priesthood has led to what Pope Francis has called ‘the scourge of clericalism’ and sometimes to the abuse of power. Many of us clergy have not understood the call of Vatican II to collaborative ministry and many of the laity have been content to pander to ‘Father’s whims’ and leave him on a pedestal, removed from humanity, which is not good for him or for the Church. So where do we go from here? What sort of Church do we want to be part of? I can’t answer for anyone reading this but I know that I want to be part of a Church led, and infused, by the Spirit of God. I want to be part of a Church where together priests and people share in the responsibility of proclaiming the Good News. I want to be part of a Church where we respect the dignity of one another and of our distinct but equal ministries. I want to be part of a Church that is always on the side of those who have no voice and I want to be part of a Church where the ‘scourge of clericalism’ is lost in the mists of time. A phrase that means a lot to the Emmaus community in Southport, of which I have been part for many years, is this: ‘None of us have it all together but all together we have it all.’ The Church is the body of Christ here on Earth and it is together that we can move forward and be a force for good as we allow the Gospel to permeate the world we live in. Father Chris Thomas

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Living out the Gospel Message The latter half of 2017 saw some amazing support for Nugent through our fundraising events and appeals. From our annual Strictly Nugent dance event, to Light up A life at the Cathedral, our faith communities have once again shown their generosity in helping us help people across Merseyside in need.

people helped us raise not only a fantastic sum, but also the roof of Liverpool’s Town Hall with their enthusiasm.

Each year Children from primary and secondary schools across the Archdiocese attend Advent carol services at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King and donate toys and food to our Christmas Grotto Hamper appeal.

We would like to say a very big ‘thank you’ on behalf of everyone at Nugent, our staff, and our service users, for your support.

All the donations are packed into hampers by volunteers and this year we had several students from high schools helping us. This Christmas, because of your generosity we were able to provide 340 toy and food hampers, with a value over £8,000 and supported over 1,000 people across the archdiocese. Our 2017 Christmas Appeal aimed to help those facing homelessness, and once again we were overwhelmed with the generosity of our supporters, who donated over £8 000 to help continue the work of Nugent’s New Beginnings project in providing support and accommodation to people either homeless or in danger of becoming homeless.

These events alone have raised over £40,000. And this doesn’t include the invaluable time that many supporters give to help us put on these events.

Please keep the work of Nugent in your prayers as we live out the gospel message of working together and responding to the call of the Lord with openhearted generosity and creative commitment. We continue the tradition of our inspirational founder Father Nugent of supporting each other to give generously and provide loving care, friendship and help to all those in need in the archdiocese. You can see more about our work and our fundraising events at

Pictured below: Barclays staff preparing hampers

In Your Name Normandie Wragg Chief Executive Nugent Nugent strives to show how the teachings of Christian love, faith and charity can shape the way we live together. We are excited to share with you the news that, with the support of Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, we are changing the name of our ‘Rosary’ appeal to the ‘Nugent Appeal’ and moving this date to March. This appeal enables us to take the caring church into the community in your name, by offering practical services and support to those who are vulnerable or isolated. A parish collection will take place on Sunday 11 March 2018. Donations will support our faith development work with children and adults with learning disabilities through our Caritas work and our Mother and Baby services managed by Sister Benedicte at one of our homes called Clumber Lodge. You may have noticed that we are increasing our presence and collaborative work within our parishes. The work that we do within the parishes does not attract statutory funding from local government and as such we rely on our fundraising efforts to support this good work. Thank you for your continued support of Nugent

Our annual Light up a Life remembrance service took place on Wednesday 13 December at the Cathedral and was again a moving and poignant celebration led by Bishop Tom Williams. With the support of Local schools and Lloyds Banking Group Contact Centre this year’s Light up a Life service raised over £2600. Our big event of the year, Strictly Nugent 2017, raised over £25,000 to support children and adults living in poverty. A big thank you to our event sponsors Lynbrook and Sefton Specialised Roofing, and our audience of over 200

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what’s on Saturday 3 February Symphonies and Concertantes Concert with the Metropolitan Cathedral Orchestra 7.30 pm in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. Tickets and details Tel: 0151 707 3525 or Email: Sunday 4 February Volunteer Open Day 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm at St Joseph’s Hospice, Ince Road, Thornton, Liverpool, L23 4UE. There are a number of volunteering roles available and visitors will have an opportunity to speak to other volunteers for an insider’s view about what’s its like being part of the hospice team. Details: Siobhan Clinton Tel: 0151 932 6046 Email: Wednesday 7 February ‘Songs we Remember.’ Singing and enjoyment for anyone who likes to sing but particularly geared towards those living with dementia and their carers. 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm at St Thomas of Canterbury Parish Hall, Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details: Irenaeus Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website:

Divorced and Separated The next series of meetings offered by the Marriage and Family Life Department starts in February. Meetings are in small groups and are free, confidential, informative and affirming. For details of times and venue for the Aintree course contact Maureen O’Brien 07967 753371 For details of times and venue for South Liverpool contact Frances Trotman 0151 727 2195 General enquiries may be directed to Maureen O’Brien, Marriage and Family Life Coordinator Tel: 0151 522 1044 Email: Ignatius of Loyola Pastoral Area Retreat - ‘Seeds for New Life’ This will be led by the Irenaeus Team from Monday 5 February to Friday 9 February 2018. A talk will take place each afternoon beginning at 2.30 pm until 3.30 pm and repeated in the evening from 7.00 pm until 8.30 pm at Holy Rosary, Altway, Aintree Village, Liverpool, L10 2LG. Retreat Masses will be celebrated as follows: Monday 5 February 10.00 am - Holy Rosary, Aintree. Theme: ‘God’s love for everyone’. Tuesday 6 February 12.00 noon - St Anne, Ormskirk. Theme: ‘Called to discipleship’. Wednesday 7 February 9.00 am - St John the Evangelist, Burscough. Theme: ‘Forgiveness is forgiving’. Thursday 8 February 9.10 am - St George, Maghull. Theme ‘Compassion and mercy’. Friday 9 February 9.00 am - St Gregory, Lydiate. Theme: ‘Widening our welcome’. Saturday 10 February Mass to honour Our Lady of Lourdes 12.00 noon at Christ the King, Queen’s Drive, Liverpool, L15 6YQ. Celebrant: Bishop Tom Williams. Sunday 11 February World Day of Prayer for the sick and those who care for them. Day of Prayer for the unemployed. Annual Civic Mass 11.00 am in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. Celebrant: Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP.

Thursday 8 February Memorial of St Josephine Bakhita Day of prayer for victims of trafficking. ‘The west coast: finding fresh ways for the Faith to flourish’ led by Father Tony Slingo 10.30 am - 3.30 pm at St Joseph’s Prayer Centre, Blundell Avenue, Freshfield, Formby, L37 1PH. Suggested donation: £20 (including lunch). Bookings: Tel: 01704 875850. Email:

Liverpool Bach Collective Johann Sebastian Bach Cantata 78: ‘Jesu, der du meine Seele.’ (‘Jesus, you have freed my spirit.’) 6.30 pm at Holy Family Church, Back o’th’ Town Lane, Ince Blundell, L38 1JJ. Singers and Players directed by Philip Duffy. Email: Tuesday 13 February Time Out on Tuesdays 10.00 am to 4.00 pm at the Cenacle, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, Liverpool L15 6TW. An opportunity for quiet time, away from the daily rush of life. Offering £10 per person (bring your own lunch). For further details contact: Sister Winifred. Tel: 0151 722 2271, Email:

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Wednesday 14 February Ash Wednesday (Day of fasting and abstinence) Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King Masses at 8.00 am, 12.15 pm, 5.15 pm. Service of the Word and distribution of Ashes 7.30 pm Saturday 17 February Training for leaders of Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10.00 am-12.30 pm at Liverpool Archdiocesan Centre for Evangelisation, Croxteth Drive, Liverpool, L17 1AA. The focus will be on different ways of opening up the Gospel and on exploring the different liturgical elements and ways of engaging the children. Bookings: Maureen Knight Tel: 0151 522 1046 Email: ‘Making Lent Special’ led by Sister Annie Lunney SMG 10.30 am - 3.30 pm (Mass 10.00 am) at St Joseph’s Prayer Centre, Blundell Avenue, Freshfield, Formby, L37 1PH. Donation: £20 (including lunch). Bookings: Tel: 01704 875850. Email: UCM Business Meeting 1.00-3.00 pm in the Gibberd Room of the Metropolitan Cathedral. Sunday 18 February First Sunday of Lent

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february Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion 3.00 pm at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. Wednesday 21 February ‘Songs we Remember.’ Singing and enjoyment for anyone who likes to sing but particularly geared towards those living with dementia and their carers. 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm at St Thomas of Canterbury Parish Hall, Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details: Irenaeus Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website: Thursday 22 February ‘How to be a Catholic in the 21st Century’ led by Father Chris Thomas 10.30 am - 3.30 pm at St Joseph’s Prayer Centre, Blundell Avenue, Freshfield, Formby, L37 1PH. Suggested donation: £20 (including lunch). Bookings: Tel: 01704 875850. Email: Friday 23 February Cafod Lent Fast Day. Saturday 24 February Quiet Day 10.30 am to 4.00 pm at the Cenacle, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, Liverpool L15 6TW. Time to be quiet, reflect and pray. Offering £10 per person (bring your own lunch). No booking required. For further details contact: Sister Winifred. Tel: 0151 722 2271, Email:

Looking ahead: March 2018 Thursday 1 March ‘As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so you are in mine.’ Reflections on the Book of Jeremiah. Scripture Morning led by Father Chris Thomas. 10.30 am at lrenaeus, 32 Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website: Friday 2 March Women’s World Day of Prayer. Wednesday 7 March UCM bi-monthly Mass 7.30 pm at St Aidan, Holmes House Avenue, Winstanley, Wigan, WN3 6EE. Thursday 8 March ‘As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so you are in mine.’ Reflections on the Book of Jeremiah. Scripture Morning led by Father Chris Thomas. 10.30 am at lrenaeus, 32 Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website: Saturday 10 March Liverpool Bach Collective Johann Sebastian Bach ‘St John Passion.’ 7.00 pm at the Church of Our Lady and St Nicholas (Liverpool Parish Church), Old Churchyard, Liverpool L2 8TZ. Singers and Players directed by Philip Duffy. Admission will be by ticket only (for which there is no charge). Tickets are available at Any unallocated tickets will be available at the door. Sunday 11 March Annual Marriage and Family Life Mass 11.00 am in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. Celebrant: Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP. The Mass will include a special blessing for those celebrating significant anniversaries. Tuesday 13 March Time Out on Tuesdays 10.00 am to 4.00 pm at the Cenacle, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, Liverpool L15 6TW. An opportunity for quiet time, away from the daily rush of life. Offering £10 per person (bring your own lunch). For further details contact: Sister Winifred. Tel: 0151 722 2271, Email: Thursday 15 March ‘As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so you are in mine.’ Reflections on the Book of Jeremiah. Scripture Morning led by Father Chris Thomas. 10.30 am at lrenaeus, 32 Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website: Thursday 22 March ‘As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so you are in mine.’ Reflections on the Book of Jeremiah. Scripture Morning led by Father Chris Thomas. 10.30 am at lrenaeus, 32 Great Georges Road, Waterloo, L22 1RD. Details Tel: 0151 949 1199. Email: Website: Saturday 24 March Quiet Day 10.30 am to 4.00 pm at the Cenacle, Tithebarn Grove, Lance Lane, Liverpool L15 6TW. Time to be quiet, reflect and pray. Offering £10 per person (bring your own lunch). No booking required. For further details contact: Sister Winifred. Tel: 0151 722 2271, Email:

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Friends Frien nds of:

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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Unity through music xtract from a sermon preached by Dr Christopher McElroy, at Choral Evensong in Liverpool Anglican Cathedral on Sunday 21 January to celebrate the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.


We know from recent surveys that Cathedral worship in this country is increasing in popularity. There are many reasons for this, but one I would highlight is the ministry of cathedral choirs and the singing of choral music in worship. The purpose of this choral music in the liturgy is primarily to give glory to God. The great composer J S Bach used to sign his manuscripts ‘Soli Deo Gloria’ - To the glory of God alone. By giving of our time and talent to offer such music in worship we glorify our creator in a similar way that the art and architecture of this great cathedral does. But there is also a human element to choral music in worship. As a Cathedral Director of Music, I am often stopped after a service by members of the congregation, or a choir parent, and told ‘the music today was beautiful,’ ‘the choir’s singing touched my soul,’ ‘that motet really moved me.’ These comments highlight that such music affects movement within us. Not merely a feeling or psychological response, but a ‘transport of the soul, a becoming drawn ‘under the spell’ of the incarnate Word which compellingly absorbs our senses, mind and imagination. Music can touch us in ways that words simply cannot. I’m sure you can recall a moment when a piece of music has struck you, stopped you in your steps, tugged at your heart. There will be pieces of music which are special to you because they represent an important occasion or memory. We are each called to journey into the Divine. The music that we hear in our cathedrals is an opening not a closing, a revealing rather than a concealing, depths that emerge gradually, not instantaneously. As the scriptures tell us, ‘No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them.’ (John 6: 44). Beautiful choral music is not something which simply pleases our senses, but is first and foremost a form of revelation, an encounter between

God and his Church through Jesus Christ. This beauty serves to illuminate God’s goodness and truth into our world. Music has a particularly privileged evangelical role in our modern society. Authority and facts are old news, relativism and the turn to self are all. Sacred music from the church's treasury is however arguably more popular today in the world than it has ever before been. Gregorian chant sells CDs in the millions, people flock to concert halls to hear religious works and Cathedral choirs perform the widest variety of repertoire of any point in their histories. One thing that the architecture of Cathedrals, the beautiful art contained within them, the majestic organ and the singing of the choir have in common is that they need to be experienced. I can only give you the smallest flavour when describing them. Experiencing such music and liturgy in a Cathedral tells its own story. The purpose of telling stories is to engage people, to move them, to touch them. Choral music in the liturgy is one element of the imaginative retelling of the Christian story and thus a gateway to revelation in itself. Each time we hear the choir in a

Cathedral, each time we take part in worship, we experience the story, the piece of music differently. Each experience draws new light on our relationship with God. Over time we enter deeper into that relationship and become immersed in our Godly encounter. Music allows us to ascend to God, a movement, a path to God (more than understanding, knowing, doing) but also a means by which God is able to relate to humanity. We read and hear the scriptures to encounter the reality of God and to be changed into a lover of God, not merely to become learned in words and phrases. Likewise with choral music in the liturgy. The liturgy that we celebrate today is but a rehearsal for the great heavenly banquet when we will join our voices together with the angels and saints in the song of the Lamb. As we now participate in this earthly liturgy, let us allow the music to engage us, to move us, to transform us, and lead us into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

‘Music can touch us in ways that words simply cannot’ Catholic Pictorial


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youth ministry

My challenges for Lent By Molly, Animate Youth Ministries member I am Molly, a gap-year volunteer from Widnes and in my work with the Animate team, I like to do things which are a little bit out of the box. I particularly love this time of year for the opportunity of finding creative ways of preparing for Lent. One thing I like to do, for instance, is that over each of the 40 days I will find a different thing around the house that I own which can be thrown away or donated to charity shops. I use this as a way of getting rid of things that I no longer need while giving to charity in the process. I really like photography and when it comes to Lent, this is one thing that I won’t give up, because that would be exceptionally hard for me. Instead, I take the Lenten photo challenge (see below) whereby you are given a word for each day – blessed, mercy and humble are three such examples – and need to take a photo of something which relates to this word. If you wish, you can then post the image on social media to help spread the word of Lent. When I am walking down the street during Lent, meanwhile, I will make a point of smiling at people and saying hello to them because that person could live on their own and not see many people and so with a smile and a greeting, you could be helping to

make their day that little bit better. Don’t get me wrong, I do try to do smile at people in the street outside of Lent! Sometimes, though, if in a rush to get somewhere, I will just put my headphones in and walk quickly to where I am going. However, by taking the time to slow down and smile and say hello to people, you never know the positive impact you might have. In short, I enjoy these extra activities at this time of year, on top of the usual giving up of bad habits such as takeaway food and too many Costa coffees. I do that too because I feel like it is a physical preparation for Easter. Maybe this Lent could be a time for Pic readers to try something different in addition to the traditional fasting and preparing spiritually for Easter time, so why not attempt something similar to the decluttering or photo-taking activities that I’ll be doing?

Dates for the Diary • Life and Soul, 6 February (78pm) The Animate team will lead an evening of praise and worship music, including Scripture and reflections before the Blessed Sacrament and ending with Benediction, at St Aidan’s, Holmes House Avenue, Wigan, WN3 6EE. Next month’s event will be at St Anne’s, Ormskirk on 20 March. • Youth Alive Mass, Palm Sunday Youth Sunday is celebrated globally on Palm Sunday, 25 March, and so to help us think about the gifts our young people bring to the Diocese we will hold a special Mass at St Gregory’s, Weldbank Lane, Chorley, PR7 3NW, starting at 6.30pm (time to be confirmed– please see website or call closer to the date).

‘I particularly love this time of year for the opportunity of finding creative ways of preparing for Lent’

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cathedral Flags of our Fathers by Neil Sayer, Archdiocesan Archivist The archives have turned up another contender in the popular priest stakes. This month’s entry is Father Thomas Bede McEvoy, whose parishioners took the time to decorate whole tenement blocks and streets in post-war Liverpool in his honour. We’ve discovered a photograph album recording the festivities that took place to celebrate Father McEvoy’s Jubilee as a priest at St Augustine’s on Great Howard Street just north of the city centre. Described in the early 20th Century as ‘one of the most Irish parishes in Liverpool’, St Augustine’s was served for most of its existence by priests of the Benedictine order. Father McEvoy was ordained into that order in France in 1899, and having returned to his native city in 1909 to serve at St Augustine’s, in 1949 he celebrated his Golden Jubilee, in the same year that his church was celebrating its centenary. He must have known what to expect. Even for his Silver Jubilee in 1924, his flock had pulled out all the stops despite his best efforts to play down the anniversary. When he’d returned from a quiet retreat it was to discover the streets

bedecked with bunting and a motorised cavalcade at his disposal to tour his parish. So in 1949 the locals weren’t about to allow continued rationing and post-war austerity to interfere with their efforts to honour their long-serving parish priest. The album of black and white photographs which was presumably presented to Father McEvoy and now survives among the Archdiocesan Archives shows how the streets in the area had been festooned with fairy lights and flags. The Union Jack, the Irish tricolour, even some Stars and Stripes that may have been recycled from VE Day hung from windows and street wires, and proud householders had decorated their front doors with tributes to their modest spiritual guide. Even the streetlights and drinking fountains were lovingly garlanded. Father McEvoy remained at St Augustine’s until his death in 1958 at the age of 86. By then slum clearances and population resettlement had already begun to denude his parish. The photographs in his album, superb in their black and white clarity, provide us with an incidental but valuable record of the buildings and community that have long since vanished.

Cathedral Record Canon Anthony O’Brien – Cathedral Dean

A major focus for the Diocese this year is Eucharistic Adoration as we prepare to welcome representatives from parishes across England and Wales to the National Eucharistic Congress in September. There will be special holy hours within all deaneries throughout Lent and beyond led by Archbishop Malcolm. Here at the Cathedral we have a period of silent exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday afternoon from 4.00-5.00 pm concluding with a short benediction leading into Mass and then Choral evening prayer. For those who may be working or shopping in Liverpool city centre it provides a wonderful opportunity for quiet prayer and reflection at the end of the working week. If you are visiting the city centre you would be most welcome to pay a visit to the Cathedral and join us during this time of prayer. The Annual Civic Mass takes place on Sunday 11 February, Archbishop Malcolm will preside and welcome Mayors and Civic Leaders from across the North West as we come together to pray for our local region and communities. We mark the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday,14 February, with the Blessing and distribution of Ashes. Our Mass times are as normal with an extra service of the word and reception of ashes at 7.30 pm. On the First Sunday of Lent at 3.00 pm all those who have been preparing for reception into full communion with the Catholic Church, will gather in the Cathedral with sponsors and family to be welcomed and enrolled as part of their final journey to receive the sacraments of Initiation at Easter.

Tenement blocks and streets in post-war Liverpool

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Pic extras Mums the Word Ladies, 6 February 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the Act of Parliament granting 8.4 million women over the age of 30 the right to vote. How much do we take this right for granted? Do we always use the vote which the Suffragettes – who endured imprisonment, forcefeeding and even, in Emily Davison's case, death – campaigned so fiercely to win on our behalf? Those brave women fought for our right to be involved in the government of our country. Let us use that power. Don't let our MPs off the hook, whether we voted for them or their opponents. Get involved, write to them or email them on topics that we feel strongly about. For example, the Catholic Education Service drew our attention recently to the fact that the government had promised to lift the current 50 per cent cap on admissions for new Catholic Schools. Unfortunately, the feedback from the former Secretary of State for Education, Justine Greening, was that she was thinking of not honouring this promise. How could we open new Catholic schools and agree that only half the number of pupils should be Catholic? Catholic ladies, let us do our bit, therefore, and write to Damian Hinds at Secretary of State for Education, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA – or via his email – and let him know what we think (in a very polite way, of course). You could also contact your own MP. While you have your pens out, you could perhaps give a thought to the following suggestion: why not jot down your own history – a record of what your childhood was like – to hand on to to your own grandchildren, or other young relatives? It could be small, seemingly insignificant, things. Did you wear hand-me-downs/have an outside toilet/share a bed/eat cocoa and sugar from a screwed-up piece of paper? So many of such things are disappearing into the remote past, and these thoughts come to me often when I hear eulogies at funerals, where distant relatives come up with nuggets of information that the deceased's family knew nothing about. We are now being told that emails, discs and even iCloud will fade away, so why not write it down? There's a challenge for 2018 for you. I look forward to seeing you at the Business Meeting on Saturday 17 February at 1pm at the Metropolitan Cathedral. By Madelaine McDonald, media officer


Catholic Pictorial

News from the Liverpool Province of the Knights of St Columba

Centenary preparations begin A busy year lies ahead for the Knights of St Columba as preparations begin to mark the centenary of our foundation on 5 October 1919. Set up in Glasgow, the Order soon spread throughout the country and in Liverpool the first English branch, Council 9, was established on 7 November 1920 and is still in existence. Special committees have been set up to plan commemorative events locally, which will include special centenary Masses and social occasions. The final celebrations will be in Glasgow, and will feature a pilgrimage to Iona where our patron, St Columba, established his community to spread Christianity across Britain and further afield. We will be providing updates during the course of the year as plans take shape. • Bernard Fitzsimons (pictured), a former grand knight of Council 9, marked the Silver Jubilee of his KSC membership at the branch’s Christmas party where the current grand knight, David Linford, presented him with his jubilee medal and certificate. • It is with great sadness that we report the deaths of two esteemed

World of Atherton

brothers. Bro Ted Evans was laid to rest following his Requiem Mass at St Patrick’s Church, Marshside, Southport on 5 January, while the Requiem Mass for Bro Ted Hughes took place at St Clare’s Church, Sefton Park on 15 January. KSC members provided a guard of honour for both men. Brother Ted first joined the Squires, then the youth section of the Order, in 1947 and became a Knight in November 1950, meaning he was a member for 67 years. We wish to convey our deepest sympathy to both brothers’ families and friends. May they rest in peace. Websites: and Email:

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PIC Life How God helps us get out of the mire By Moira Billinge In an attempt to save myself some time, I made a mistake recently that, in the end, wasted more than ‘just’ time. I have always renewed my car tax at the post office. On this occasion, however, life was hectic and not wanting to jeopardise the use of my car over Christmas, I decided instead to call the DVLA to renew it. I dialled the required number and a voice on the automated system itemised the services available and the numbers to press if I wanted to renew my tax or make a SORN. It all sounded so simple, and – to most people – it probably is. For some – still – unfathomable reason, however, I thought that the voice was offering an alternative word for tax and so I pressed a keypad number and subsequent variations, until I heard that I had successfully completed my SORN and would receive the notification in the post. My relief at finishing the task was shortlived. I quickly realised that, as I had not been asked for any money, something had gone awry. Determined to speak to a real person, I redialled the number, repeatedly, until eventually someone answered who confirmed my worst fears. Adding salt to the wound, she instructed me, while sounding as grim as a judge passing sentence, that she was ‘not able to pull things back’ – meaning she could not undo what I had triggered. I had actually made a Statutory Off Road Notification! She told me to find my V5C form and take it to the post office. As the car is 12 years old, I had no idea where the form was. I sensed things were going downhill rapidly when, in her best ‘sentencing’ voice, she bade me to get off the phone ‘now’ (I think she had had 28

Catholic Pictorial

enough of me) and try to find it. The woman stated that without it, I would have to apply for a replacement which would have caused unacceptable delays. I searched for hours, and kept bribing St Anthony to help me find it. When I eventually did, I remonstrated with him for having taken so long. Next morning a gentleman at the post office responded to my ‘It’s all very complicated’ announcement by saying, ‘There’s nothing we can’t sort out’ – which was exactly what I needed to hear. A nearby customer laughingly told him that he sounded like an advert! It is easy to make an error and organisations and authorities must be constantly on the receiving end of incorrectly completed forms and transactions, and so it is understandable that their patience can be tested. They do not see their clients’ efforts to get things right but are merely conscious of what they have to correct when we get things wrong owing to tiredness, misunderstanding, haste, distraction and other mitigating factors. Technology may be clever but its human users are fallible. Our understanding and forgiving God, however, never fails to recognise the effort (or lack of it) that we put into our lives, and the circumstances that landed us in the mire in the first place. While he is certainly not a ‘soft touch’ – because all actions have consequences – if we are willing and open to divine suggestions, God uses our mistakes, picking up all the disordered pieces from the muddle of our lives and helping us make the best of the situation. God never informs us that he is not able to ‘pull things back’ when we do something wrong. Instead, he shows us what we need to do correct our blunders. He is the God of second chances.

More Mullarkey From Johnny Kennedy ‘It’s funny isn’t it,’ said the young curate ‘but in the Old Testament, God’s speaking to people all the time but he doesn’t seem to do it today.’ ‘Well, he might do it now and again,’ said Father Mullarkey. ‘Why just now and again?’ said the YC. ‘The pastor from the mission up the road says God talks to him all the time.’ ‘I’m not sure I could cope with that,’ said the auld fella. ‘Well, hasn’t he ever spoken to you?’ asked the YC. ‘Oh aye,’ said Father Mullarkey. ‘He spoke to me last Tuesday in the Asda.’ ‘In the Asda?’ said an astonished YC. ‘What did he say?’ ‘He asked me where the marmalade was.’ ‘God asked you where the marmalade was?’ ‘No, not God … the pastor from the mission up the road.’

Audio copy of the Pic out now An audio version of the ‘Catholic Pictorial’ is available free of charge, compiled by students, technicians and Chaplain, Dan Antonio, at All Hallows RC High School, Penwortham Anyone interested in receiving the audio copy should contact Dan Antonio on 01772 746121

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join in Quote from Pope Francis From my point of view, God is the light that illuminates the darkness, even if it does not dissolve it, and a spark of divine light is within each of us.

Our Return to Holy Island (Lindisfarne) and surrounding area staying at Minsteracres Retreat Centre

Worth a visit

This month, plan a visit to the ‘peace capital’ and visit Geneva, writes Lucy Oliver. Switzerland is famous for its mountains, lakes and chocolate, though this Swiss city offers history and culture too. It was here, set against the backdrop of Lake Geneva and Mont Blanc, that the Geneva Convention was first established in the 1860s, regulating the conduct of armed conflict and protecting the sick and wounded. Today it attracts visitors with its lakeside setting and the beauty of the Parisian-style old quarter with its pavement cafes and boutiques. As you explore the ‘vieille ville’, you will find the house where the writer and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau lived, and a wonderful statue of Frankenstein’s monster in recognition of Mary Shelley’s famous gothic novel. The young writer was just 18 when she arrived in Geneva, and her writing was inspired jointly by the imposing Swiss landscape and advances in science which raised great questions about humanity and morality. Back near the main train station, Cornavin, the Basilica of Notre Dame awaits visitors for a moment of reflection while the Parish of St John XXIII on Rue de Montbrillant offers Mass in English. Don’t go home without sampling another local delicacy, fondue. Bon appetit – et bon voyage!

We are delighted Father Peter Morgan, Parish Priest of Saint Anne and Saint Bernard’s Church, Overbury Street, Liverpool 7, will lead our Retreat/Break staying at Minsteracres Retreat Centre and visiting, Holy Island (Lindisfarne), Whitley Bay and Durham Cathedral and shops from Tuesday 24th April - Friday 27th April 2018 We have planned an uplifting and relaxing few days in beautiful and peaceful surroundings. For further information and itinary please call

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Catholic Pictorial


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justice & peace Letter from Rome By Joshua Dixon After the hopeful, and undoubtedly busy, Advent and Christmas periods, we have begun 2018 back in the ordinary routine of life in Rome. The Church, too, has returned to ‘Ordinary Time’ in the Liturgical Calendar. Yet, in reality, a life lived in Christ is always extraordinary, new and in development. This is true not only for our personal faith journeys, but also for the whole Church. Jesus, born in a crib, and visited by wise men, continues to call us onwards to Himself as His plan for our lives unfolds. Let me return briefly to the Christmas season in Rome and give you a flavour of our celebrations at the Venerable English College. These included the annual Advent meditation in which the choir, known as the Schola, chanted Christmas hymns interspersed with thematic scripture readings. This gentle period of reflection allowed us all to meditate on the mystery of Christ’s becoming incarnate to save us from the power of sin and death. It was followed by a somewhat different side of college life – the Advent Show. After the light-hearted entertainment held in our impressive crypt, the community and friends from across Rome enjoyed some mulled wine and panettone together. If Christmas afforded us a time of hope, reflection and relaxation with family and friends – a celebration of the hope of all hopes, Christ the Lord, the Saviour of humankind – during the last couple of months, there have been developments which bring the gift of hope in a concrete way. Archbishop Paul Tighe of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications admitted two of our community as candidates for Holy Orders. This is when a seminarian receives the clerical collar, a sign of mutual discernment between him and the Church regarding their vocation to priesthood – an engagement proper, if you like. Another joyful occasion was the ordination of our seminarian Carl Mugan to the diaconate, which took place on the Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury, 29 December. It was a blessing to see Carl, with whom I have been in Rome these last three years, ordained deacon, as well as to spend time together with other seminarians, priests and people of the diocese. The Lord continues to work and give gifts to us all. We have thus entered 2018 with a new deacon to serve and to love after His own pattern in the diocese.


Catholic Pictorial

On the Altar of the World By Steve Atherton, Justice and Peace fieldworker If you are wondering what to do this Lent, then here’s a suggestion for you to consider. Once again, the Liverpool Archdiocesan Justice and Peace Commission and Cafod have written a resource that brings together the Gospels of each Sunday in Lent, stories to illustrate how the themes of the scripture relate to modern society, quotations from Laudato Si’, and suggestions for action. We think that this third Lenten resource is the best yet and as with the previous booklets, it is designed to enable participants to study and discuss Pope Francis’ encyclical letter ‘Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home’ in the hope that we will make changes to our lives in the face of the global emergency of climate change. There is material for each week of Lent, starting with the week after the first Sunday and finishing with the Sunday before Holy Week. The booklet is arranged in weekly sections with each section containing the Gospel for that Sunday, a story either from the UK or overseas, excerpts from Laudato Si’, and points for discussion and action. In this latest resource, we focus even more on action – on how we can put our increased understanding into practice. Over the last year we have seen many examples of the devastation caused by climate change – wildfires, hurricanes, flood, droughts, famines and the resulting increase of migration. The impact is greatest in the poorest countries but even the wealthy nations of the world are no longer safe, as shown, for example, by the wildfires in Spain and California in 2017. We are also increasingly aware of the damage caused by plastics to the abundant life of the oceans. There is so much to do.

Our title comes from #236 in Laudato Si’ where Pope Francis quotes his predecessor St John Paul II: ‘Even when it is celebrated on the humble altar of a country church, the Eucharist is always in some way celebrated on the altar of the world.’ It is a tool to help us reflect on how we behave in the presence of this altar. We hope that groups will find it helpful for discussion, prayer and action. Please let me know if you have used this resource and send me your comments. Everybody who gets in touch will be invited to an event after Easter to reflect on the booklet and support one another on our future journey together. • These materials can be downloaded free from the Liverpool Archdiocesan Justice and Peace commission: • Laudato Si’ can be found at the Vatican website: ncyclicals/documents/papafrancesco _20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html. • Parishes might also like to consider the Cafod Live Simply Award: To contact the J&P office, call 0151 522 1080 or email

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Noddfa means haven or refuge - a place of welcome and peace, a place where you can regain energy.

We hope that you will experience this in the comfort of the house and the beauty of the surrounding hills and sea. We welcome people to a safe place to connect with God, themselves and others on their spiritual journey. Carersʼ retreats are held at various times during the year. We also offer Private Retreats or the use of facilities for groups organising their own Retreats. MARCH 29-April 1 Easter Triduum - Led by Rev Joe Smith

JUNE 25-28 Retreat for Carers 29-July 1 Green Christian Retreat

APRIL 16-19 Celtic Retreat - In the footsteps of Celtic Holy women – Meditation, music and pilgrimage to sacred sites - Led by Julie Hopkins

JULY 10-17 IGR - Led by Tess Rynn, Michael McCarthy, Joe Smith 19-26 IGR - Led by Una Coogan, John McCluskey, Brian Noble

MAY 14-17 Capacitar Training – Healing ourselves, healing our world. Body – Mind – Spirit practices for self-care and work with others Led by Pat Cane 21-25 CARM Painting Retreat - Led by Kay Andrews and Mildred Butterworth

AUGUST 20-23 Hope for a Time in Transition - Led by Diarmuid OʼMurchu 27 – September 3 IGR – Led by Margaret Fielding, Mary Nono, Fergus OʼDonoghue

Noddfa Spirituality Centre, Conwy Old Road, Penmaenmawr, Conwy LL34 6YF Tel:01492 623473 | email: | Website:

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